THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY Srd, 1934 PAGE NINE I MAINTENANCE NV Er (roves, Bowmanville A S ~of o the year the lan ~~ cda ttention. The ha ofth past wlnter Y oea littie more this al. The sooner ':4frsît ting te do o',er 1,» te iawn la raked cleaned t n 1C' £ýd gass wil be WÏherei-, . rec laces expeseti. a d~W 2. reasonably thick drew 1 agooti fertilizer la LIS t e~rc reason for this lthat evE«n na. nnot ho expect- soint o~ :tr year witbout i.Oa~tllPîe~ ~vay of food. The lawn whOf lie grass on the iS ereclyflOWY~in the sununer there is Very ?i2ý:ý foodavalue il t If the rof ý . lit boe e ,-a b grass appear te o W a 110'l'dessing o! dlean this ' . B ut unless tiisthe ea',e ar wiil be just as h ei t. f r z r reasonably inifnhrogen ýrpbably the best for the gras.thoU4i we do not acte vise using fitra',e g oda pure. A garden fertilizer a.Juyzing 5-10-4 or 4-12-4 is quite s'%table, or one with a little large" brcentage o! nitrogen might - .. 1 ît sheuld be reinembredh' -er that the stronger the ntro-,. content la, the mor th' ly maýt be applieti. For this renson a £e ral purpose mixture like the ar.aYiol nameti la adVIsed. The applicatîbn. shoulti be made when the graiss ldry, or dur- ing an actual showe' If the grass is &rY it is wise te ýabetbe fertil- iser in as soon as conwVenient. To maintain a gooti laz.S ondition a further aPplication soUId be matie about the endi o! Jut nd nSstjlI an- other in August. The bare and mogy,. patches la the lawn shoulti be weil raked over, dragging eut as much o! the moss as possible. Seeti sbeuld bc sown ev- eniy. There are no de! laite rules as te bow mucb te use per square yard. Half an ounce woulti ho a generous sewing, but Ibis la just one e! the many gardon operations in which individual jutigment is necessary. The seeti van be rakoti in, using the rake gentiy. A ligt covering o! f inoly silteti sou la anothor way te cover il. A relling with a net tee, heavy rollor wili also belp Wo settle in the seoti. Ini making a new iawn the grounti shoulti be wcll dug anti unless the soul is very ricb, some sncb fertiliser as ativiseti abovo shoulti be applieti. This coulti ho used aI the rate o! 18 te 20 lbs. te 1000 square tedt. There is ne neoti 10 dig this deeply int the grounti as il la easily rakoti in after the digging is doue. The chief aim in proparing tbe greunti sbould be te provide an evon surface, anti with the top inch et seil in such a condition Ibat the seed will bave ne difficulty in germinating. Seeti migbt ho sown at~ the rate o! 1 lb. te 350 square tedt. This lsaa generous sowing andti t apply the seeti evenly It la wise to measuro out suffcient secti for a given are.a then take bal! o! it anti sow la, one dir- ection, anti sow the reinaintier la the other direction. The same methoti1 shoulti be tolloweti in raking the seoti se tbat the rakte la first useti la one direction andi thon across the groundthIe other way. A liglit rol- ing wili tend te, fix the seeti. If grass Is sown reasounably early there la usuaily ain ennougb te, supply al the inoisture neetiet. If however the sou bocomes really dry, liglit waterlngs are weil wrth wbile. A gooti lawn is an important asset la any garden. Its value Is much la- creaseti wben. it is kept la fIrst class condition. West End Machine Shop and Garage Under Nýew Management Machinery of every description repaired properly and promptly hv, a skilled machinist of over 20 yeal's' expeîience', For Motor Mechanie and prompt ser vice phône 81. NOW OÙ N FOR BUSINESS Jamp F. Murray Modernize -Your Home Y0111 Bathroom, Kitcleý, import ant parts of YOur moaý modeoo te delUlPiiient withb brut, Let shning chrfoUn um At siialexetse, YOu If Ou are building Or r glve y<ju anestinate 0on Smit hing. W. LFiN.e PHONE 18 d Laundry are the most Why net make tbern the replace the old&fashloned îniing porcelain fixtures ! ace your present fttings. iave a batbroorn like new. delllfg, we wll be glad to nbng, Heatlng and TIn- ~LLIOTT BOMNIL w wA/vd tta ProtO4:tive w%ý - stion indicates toe much ltoniach.... The resultant vanish speedily if you Biaurated Magnesia (Bis- gnesia) atter cating, te, over-acid condition o! the .This js etcter than rely- M-orring Laxativest.- stores-in powder form, ifor handy carrying. viller- OBITUARY Wlliam Carter Blackburn Newcastle The funerai rites for the late Wil- liam Carter Blackburn, Newcastle, on Tbursday. April 19, brought te- getber a very iargé concourse of friends and relatives ail of wbom bad learned te thlnk of him and look upon bun witb warm regard during bis long and honorable 1f e and were now anxious to honor hlm in deatb. Newcastle. Clarke, Darlington, and Bowmanville citizens were present in large numbers while there were in attendance rnany krnsfolk from Osh- awa, Port Perry, Port Hope, and otber centres. Rev. W. P. Rogers deceaseds Pastor, Oonducted the fun- eral service in the crowded bouse and took as a fitting text: "Thou shait corne te tby grave in a full age, like a sbock of corn cometb la bis season" Job 5:26. Tbe late Mr. Blackburn was in bis 92nd year and pbysically and spirit- ually was ripened into the barvest. In the course of the service, Mrs. E. M. H. Ward and Mrs. W. D. Bragg sang, *'A city Foursquare,"1 Tbe paîl bearers were tbree nepbews on deceased's side of the farnily, Normani Allmn, Arthur M. Hardy, Chas. Knigbt andt tree on the late Mrs. Blackburn's side, Herbert Coi- lacot.t,- Hubert Smale and Arthur Dowson. AU wbo bave known tbe late Mr. W. C. Blackburn can testif y te Uhs truc Cbristianity wbicb was a real and vital thing wtbh hm and wbicb be practised in his contact with ed bis bible and pondered deeply its ail Urnes. He patterned bis 1f e after Jesus of Nazaretb, the sinless inter- preter of God's love, bonor and good- ness. He was devoted te the churcb and notbing but physical inability te attend ever prevented him from attending tbe services o! worsh.Ip. To tbis and to bis early religious trainng and te the f set that he 1ev- Uis bible and pondered deeply its truths and precepts we can doubt- less attribute bis klndliness integ- rity and square deallng and a char- acter f ashioned by the golden rule. It was lus dally practice te bold fam- ily worsblp In bis borne as be bad always maintained the family atar as the first unit in the maklng of and as the besis of a christian com'- rnunlty andi nation. On -the Saturday mornlng before Uis fatal stroke, Apr. 14 he concluded reading the psas, having read witb bis daugbter the l5Otb*, ending with "Let everythlng that bath breath p1raise tbe e Lr& Praise ye the Lord.,, Then on Sun- day be read the Sunday School les- son -Jesus 'ileadhes Flivenel&," Matt. 18:21-35, purposlng te, be- gin again the New Testament, the book of tbe generation ot Jesus Christ, on the Monday morning. But tbe hand of death was now eqaimngn hlm aild be ln'tead of reading more f rom the sacred pae s of the 11e and character and virtues o! bis Lord andi Savior be was cali- ed to meet Hlm personally la the city foursquare in the malms ce eternal light and glory. The late William Carter Blackburn was born on the farm now owned and occupied by Mr. W. A. Gibson, east of Trlckey's corner. While yet a small boy bis Parents rnoved to the tewn line between Clarke and Darlington, inte a bouse near where his son, Fred now lives. His fqather dieing wben be was but 10 years et age be was early M 111e forced to assume the management of tbe farrn and continued here untUl he bougbt and moved to trie farrn in south Darlingten in 1901. In 1865 on the third o! January he had been uxted 'in marriage te, Miss Elzabeth Johns by Rev. Arcblbald. Clark of the Bible Christian Cburcb. About 18 years ago Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn retireti f rom farmlng andi moved i mb New- castle, their son, Mark, moving on te the Darlingten farrn. A little over nine years ago la January Mr. and Mrs. Blackburn happlly celebrated their diamonti weddlag andi were tbe reiplents of many congratulatory messages and tokens of esteem. A progressive f armer, Mr. Black- burn teok a speclal interest la the breeding of Leicester sbeep and bis work In Ibis line was of inestimable value in improving tbe quality and size of tbe sheep in a large section of the country and for a great many years be. was a successful exhibitor in the show ring. Andi af ter retir- ing f romn the t ami he contizuedt t take a keen nterest in ail agricuit- ural matters anti especlally tbe sbeep business. Ever slave the la- stitution of an agriculturai f air at ®rono anti during the Urne wben the fair was helti alternately In New- -castle be coulti proudly say tbat lie only misseti one show In ail those years and that was the very firsI one. He was there lust year, la his 9lst year, as usual. The late Mr. Blackburn la survlv- eti by flve sons, Byron et Plerson, Iowa; Mark, TP. of Clarke; Frank of Denver, Col.; Fred, Providence; and Ernest. Cillgary, Ata.; and tbree daullters, Mm. One C ni-"eron Mr. andi Mrs. John Stone, Orone, visiteti at bis f atbers, Mr. Frank Stone. Mr. W. C. Rutbven, Durisford, at- tendeti the funerai ef Mr. Johnsten on Sunday. Mr. anti Mms. Làockhart ef New- tonville, Mr. anti Mr. Oea. Morton. SixIh Llae, were guestsata Arthur McKay's on Sunday. Sorry te report the death of a one tlmne olti anti much esteernet nelgb- bor, Mm. Thos. Lord, who died at the home o! bis son at Campbelcroft. Mr. anti Mrs. Thos. Falls attendeti Uis funeral. A deep shadow ot gloom was cast over our nelghborbood when eamiy Friday moming, April 27tb, it was learnedt hat our esteemeti nelgbbom, Mr. Andmew Johnston, was fatally klcketi by one of his herses he wua cleaning anti gottlng meady te go te work. The herse klcket iirnlmil the head knocklug hlm te, the cernent floor, renderlng hlm unconscious frorn WhIch he neyer alleti. He passeti away Saturday atternoon. Medical aid, traineti nurses ant i knd t miends titi everything possible te restere hlm but nothing could ble done. A fractureti akuil la thought te ho the cause. He ba& ilved In111 r 3 Months On Biscuits and Milk Woman's Digestive Troubles Everyone wbe is sublect te any f orm o! indigestion should know o! this woman's experience. Advice frorn one wbo bas hati sucb severe attacks la advice worth havlug. Sbe writes: 'II suffereti trom indigestion, gas- tritis and constipation, anti was so very il, I had (on med.lcal ativice) te live on soda biscuits and rnilk for tbree montbs. Well, a f rieuLl advls- cd me to take Kcruscben, and now I arn pleasedti t say my troubles are entied. I van eat and enJoy a good meal witbeut any paifl af aer-e!- fects, niy skin la clearer-in fact, quite clear-anti there is ne sign e! constipation. I wouiti advise any- one sufferlng tbe same to take Kru- scben "- (Mrs.) M. R. L. Tbe immediate effect e! the six saîts la Kruscben la te prornote a naturai fl1ow o! tbe digestive and other vital jices e! tbe body. Soon after you start on Kruscheni you will f lad that you are able te enjoy your food witbout any distressing a! ter- effects. Anti as you persevere witb tbe "llittle daily dose", yen will see Ibat the relief wbicb Kruschen brlags is lasting relief. nelghborbood about five years anti was a gooti neiglibour e! cheerful disposition. Some o! bis sisters and onc brother were able te cerne te bis bedsitie. He bas aise brothers liv- ing in Western Canada. A very large crowd o! peeple attentied Uis funeral on Sundiay. Service was conducteti by Mr. Meleor, assisted by Rev. Lewis o! Toronto. Mr. Mellor spoke very comfortlugly f rom the words "The Lord knowetb," II Pet- er 2:9. He kneweth our tempta- lions; He knoweth our trials; He knoweth our f sults andi why we bave them; He kneweth our burdens; He knoweth our sorrows; teachlng us -te knew and believe tbat Qed la grac- ious andi kinti and always willng te heip us te, bear ail our burdens anti sorrows. He aIse, remindeti us et the uncetalaty ef' lite. Scripture tells us "We know net what a day or an heur wili brlng forth." The body wstaken te Port Elgin wblch la the oid borneetfMm. Johnston and i lU remain at the borne of his sisteTs until Tuesday, May 151, when the funeral wilh beitil. Harness Repairs Wingold is Next Door to Manitoba's Most Successful Gold Mine The sensatienal succesa of San Antonio Gold Mines strongly suggests that Rice Lake, Manitoba, is destined to give birth to other succesafu gold mines and become one of Oanada's major gold areas. Hollinger started the bail rolling in Percupine, and Tough Oakes heralded Kirkland Lake-it is significant that in both camps the following successes came on properties adjacent or nearby. This bcing so, WINGOLD MINES, San Antonio's next door neighbor, may be the next big gold mine in Manitoba, the next company to repeat the extraordinary profits that have corne te stockholders of San Antonio, 1,500% in three years. If you missed San Antonio-here's anether chance. We recommtwud the immediate purchase at the market of WINGOLD MINES shares as a gold mining speculation of outstanding menit. Pull information on request. <,drr.%l&iabcPluc. I,- ,-,.-or I tour1.le,,0-, a., e H. C, HIGGINBOTHAM Telephone 2110 STOCK BROKER 51 Simcoe Street South Oshawa, ont. Hand-made harness at factory prices.I Harness and boots repairs given prmt Prsetylntwihu ray Thlngs that have a common quai- Wbat a heàvy burden làa onias se re ornforth's rono Prflbefas nidsats andi adversltv la îty ever qulckly seek their kind.- Ithsb as becornes too aven Wn--- prices. Work guaranteed. 18-2* not witbout coeforts anti hopes. Marcus Aurelius. -voltaire. Coulchû Believe 0*I a Few Extra DofLm Could Buy So Much More Car Untfi 1 Saw the NewDodgi SAY THOUSANDS 0F IMOTORISTS EVERYWHERE .... Get Am.azing Facto ln "Show-Down" PlanI There'. only one way to find out whlch of the new 1934 cars givea the moat for your money. That le tu compare. Dodge offée you an easy, simple way to do th.. It'scalled the "Show-Down" Plan. Ittakes the guess-work out of car buying. Oive you facta-not claims. Ask any Dodge dealer &bout it-and gsi a copy otftthe FRRE "Show-Down" ucore card. Advertiseamwit edorsdeby Department ofEngsieeind, ChtyarMot. KING STREET EAST DELIVERED TO YOU -Ae AW1IN OWMANVILLI eweDODGE119- The new, bigger Dodge on 117-inch wheelbase: Coupe with rumble seat; Four- door Sedan; Convertible Coupe. On the 114-inch whee)base: Coupe; Two-door Sedan; Rumble seat Coupe; Four-door Sedan; Convertible Coupe. DISTRIBUTOR WilIauiJ. Chantis f PHONE 209J BOWMANVILLE (à) LOOK WT FOR WMULIC MAKES -MEY TINeA7TPIMIRP! W514, SMP ON A DIME! 114EYRE 0 e e OUTXý '80W ON EARTfflH SAFE! AND 1141S DM MS ID Yot) STOP SAFETY ALL-STEEL w QUICK? TOO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANMM, TE[UP.SDAY, MAY Srd, 1934 PAGE NINE :J -J