PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. MAY 3rd, 1934 Toronto Conservatory of Music announces that the Midsummer Local Examinations for 1934, will be held throughout Canada in June and July next. Applications and f ees from Ontario Candidates east of Sault Ste. Marie should reach the Conservaiory not later than May 15, 1934. SHARPENED Just have your lawn mower sharpened once on our new modern equmpent, just install- ed, and you will agree that it là; the best sharpening it bas ever bai. Phone Osborne Bras. when your mower is in need of a keener cutting edge. We will cail for and deliver it. MMKE HOSPITAL Wbatever goes wrong wth your bicycle we can fix it. Fun Uine of repairs always in stock. C.C.M. Better Bicycles, the klnd Torchy Peden rides, are sold by us. Oshorne Bros. Bowmnanville Kng Street W. Phone 297 CLEMENS' MOTOR SALES Chrysler-Plymouth Dealers Opposite A. & P. Store Bommanvmle IT'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL S0 WRETCHEO Wake Up Your Liver Bile and Get A New Lease of Life. No Calomel Is Necessary. For you tb féal haltnd hap Y. your fiva muatipour two Pounda of iq b e iuto yow bowelà, every day of yourlie Wflthout thatebil e,, end. =11 bweaarealuggiah. Food d.eyilima and nournen. You are Prey 10 hbeaachenaRve StoogýUe ie otton-wool, a nnty tate in 'oF motbdbreath and ul sl.You havent anything le. the p.p greibypuonao hae i act you are gencrailyweted Htow cao .youpOte=t to'eear u odtion khIe calta, miera wate,oi . laxative candy or elei gno oghoaLt They can't wake UP eAvoid calomel (mer. ur >.tBUy yourvlt a box etadreMibie carte?. Mltte laver Pilla. AUl ,eeablcr, gente, stfe, Te'lwake u your liver wthout upeetting you Byro back ab & feeling, once more. 13.n it= youýrmoney oo eubettutea B. definite kfor Cztr.8a»by nam d e t teo. i.oo fr the name. Carters, on the e labeL 25e ai ail druggita. 47 Great for SORE THROAT AND CHEST COLDS lint Minard'à. Rub into affect- d parm. NEW METAL CAP hred-ally seak in erengt of liniment. Prevcnts pm-i. Log, yet ils eaaly iresnoved. Rub in Mnad' zreyto retieve amy mujactflar pain or etiffes, noe fiefterheu.. Mt aches, etc.. THE SPOTLIGHT ON SPORT IMPORTANT BASEBALL JUNIOR BASEBALL MEETING SCHEDtJLED LEAGUE IS FORMED FOR FRIDAY NIGHT Fred R. O'Neill of Port Hope Chosen Ail Players and Others Interested ini President of New Group - Lakeshore intermediate, Junior Bowrnanvilie LIkely to or Town Leagues Asked to Enter Teamn AttendFor the purpose of forming a Everyone interested in basebail, be Lakeshore junior Baseball League, it Lakeshore Intermediate, Lake- a meeting was held at Bowmanville shore Junior, or Townl League, are on Thursday night, which was at- requested to turn oui Friday night tended by representatives f rom Osh- in the -oiincil Roomn at 8 o'c!ock awa, Bowmanville and Port. Hope. sharp to discuss the season's aetiv- Hales Barker of Oshawa, 0. B. A. A. ities. on this meeting will depend represeniative presided. the future of the town league and the entry of a junior team in the Fred R. O'Neil, Port Hope, was Lakeshore Junior Loop, formed last elected president of the League and week.William Corbeit of Oshawa as Vice- A canvass is already under way President. The appointment o! a by the Lakeshore Intermiediate secretary-tresurer ha.s fot been group for funds and very encourag- made yet but it will be a Port Hope ing success has attended their ef- man, as it is advafltageous o have forts. Several business and profes- the Presidlent and siecretary-trea- sional men have yet to subscribe surer in the same town. At the.ismeigi shpdta Entries for the league close on At hismetin itishopd tatMay th, and another meeting will the Lakeshore teain or teas 5Wn be held at Newcastle on May th at get organized, eleci their officers 8 O'clock D. S. T. t0 draw Up plans and get startecb For the past six or and f orm a schedule. seven years sporting activities in this town have gotten under way when W. J. Bagnell irepresented Bow- the daylight saving season of long manville ai the meeting and Bill is evenings is hall over. To make a confident thai Bowmanville can en- success o! any league an early start ter a team in this league which will is absolutely necessary. be a credit to the town. Entry musst Those sponsorlng the meeting on be made by Saturday and a schedule Friday night are pariicularly anx- will be drawn nexi Tuesday. ious that members o! the former ____________ Business Men's Association turn out to discuss the activities with the players and other interested sports- NEW SCHEDULE IS men. It will be recalled that the D A NU NGR S business men f inished up lest year D A NU NGR S with a deficit of $140 and it loS SOFTBALL LEAGUE been suggested that they handie the league th15 year to overcomne that - debt. This would seema only fair to Entry of Second Oshawa Team Nec- the business men themnselves, as ail essitates Revamping of Schedule the hardest work of securing and Published Last Week-Gregory laying out proper f eciities for base-1 ball was done by them lest year. Tavernettes thse New Entry 1 This year the work will be very little as compared with a year ago, and With the entry of Gregory Tav- it seems only f air that the losses ernettes of Oshawa into the Lake- incurred by the Business Men should shore Girls' Softball League, a meet- be made up this year. There is ev- ing held at Newcastle revamped the ery indication that a real season. schedule published last week, and both f rom the sporting angle and the foilowing Winl be the schedule of f rom the financiel angle. is in the games for the season. offmng. May 24-Port Hope vs Cobourg Unfortunately at the past two 25-Coo sOshawa G. T.vsOhM.I meetings, onl1y Tommy Rosa, Bill. 8-oshaw M.vI.OsPortGHope Bagneli and Bill Bettles have turnedOsaaMI.vPotHp out to the meetings, and if the iest June 1-Port Hope vs Newcastle of te buines me aregoin toOshawa G. T. vs Cobourg continue their laclc o! interest, it NwCestle vs Para G.oT. will not be the fault o! an.yone else 8Cbuv NewcastlehwG.T if their losses are not provlded for. Port Hope vs NecstaweM.. Throughout the season there is or HevsOshawa M. I. oor usually plenty of kicking and cit- Oshawa G. T. vs Port Hope icizing, so that if due care ls taken 1-ecsl sOhw .I by ail interested on Firiday these 13-eCourg vs Oshawa M. I.j little things may be overcomne end 1-Cbuv Oshawa .T.vsNeca.l undrstod efoethe seeson gets 18-Port Hope vs Oshawa G T1 under Way. Those who fail to turn Oshawa M. I. vs Newcastle"1 oui and help make the regulations 22-Newcastle vs Cobourg will have no room for comment or Oshawa M. I. vs Osh. G. T. critlcism leVer on. Second Hall DARLINGTON-CLARKE FOOTBALL SCHEDULE DRAWN AT HAMPTON Seven Teams To Compete In League - Oshawa Team's Application Is Turned Down Every teani in the DarUington- ClerRe Football League wes wel e- presented et the annuel meeting ai the home o! the Secretary. Elmer Wilbur, ai Hampton on April 25th. when officers were elected and schedules drawn up for the seeson. Pif ty attended the meeting which set into the early hours of the morn- ing before the achedule wes flnelhy whipped into shape for publication. Seven teams are entered in the lea- gue. Soîini, Clarke, Bowmanville, Courtice. Zion. 'Ennlskillen and Ty- rone. The application o! the On-1 tario Regiment ai Oshawa Vo enteri the league wes thrown oui by e 4 [to 3 vote a! ter considerable discus- sion. The oflcers lected ere: Hon. Presidens-D)r. J. C. Deviti. Dr. C. W. Siemon. Bowmanvilhe. Jack K,"iv- ehl, Soina.. Donald Robb. Orone. Theo Siemon. Enniskilien: President -AI!. Ayre. Hampton; Vice Presi- dent-Loi-ne Robblns. Clarke; Sec- retary-Treasurer - Elmer WUlbur. Hampton. The complete scheduhe is as fol- lows. Those lnteresieLd shouhd cut this eut for future reference: Football Scheduie May 12-Sollna at Clarke 14-Bowmanvllle et Courtice 19-Zion et Enniskillen 21-Tyrone at Soina 24-Clarke ai Ennflskllen 26--Zlon at Bowmenvihle 28--Courtice ai Soina 30ý-Enniskillen ai Tyrone June 2-ClarRe ai Bowmanville 4--Courtice at Zion 6-Ennlskillen et Solina 9-Clarke ai Tyrone i1-Solina et Courice 13-Bowmanvihle ai Zion 16-Tyrone et Courtice 16-Enniskillen ait Clarke 18--Solina et Zion 20ý-Bowmanville et Tyrone 23-Zion et Clar-ke 23--Courtlce ai Enniskillen 27-SoUina et Tyrone 30-Enniskillen et Bowmanvllle 30-Clarke et Solina July 2-Tyrone ai Enilkillen 7-Bowrmanvlle ai Solina 7-Courtice ai Clarke lO--Enniakillen ai Cous-lice i 1-Zion at Tyrone 14-Solltla et Bowmanville 16-Courtlce et Tyrone 18-Clai-ke t Zion 21--Courtice ai Zion 23-Enniskillen et Zion 25-Tyrone at Clarke 28-Solina ai Ennlskillen 30--ClarRe et Courtice Aug. h-Bowmanville ai Enniskillen 1-Tyrone ai Zion 4-Bowmanville et Clarke 6-Zion ai Soline lO-Zion et Courtice i1 -Tyrone et Bowmanvllle Ail gamnes to tari et 6.30 P. M. standard time. Gratitude is a fruit of greai cultil- vation; you do not findIti amongJ grass people.-Johnson. Oshewa G. T. vs Osh. M. I. 29-Cobourg vs Oshawa G. T. Oshawa M. I. vs Port Hope July 2-Newcastle vs Port Hope Cobourg vs Port Hope 8--Port Hope vs Newcastle Oshawa G. T. vs Cobourg 9-Newcasthe vs Oshawa G. T. 13--Cobourg vs Newcastle Port Hope vs Oshawa M. I. 16-Oshawa M. I. vs Cobourg Oshawa G. T. vs Port Hope 20--Cobourg vs Oshawa M. I. Oshawa G. T. vs Newcastle 23-Port Hope vs Oshawa G. T. Oshawa M. I. vs Newcastle 27-Newceatle vs Cobourg ,Oshawa M. I. vs Osh. G. T. 30-Newcestle vs Port Hope Aug. l-Newcastle vs Oshawa M. I. Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club f lew their second bird training race on Saturdey, April 28th, f rom Lea- side, Ont., 38 miles air line with the following results: F. Bo>ttrehl, 44 mins. il sec. E. Huni,. 44 mins. 13 sec. Wm. Woolner, 45 mina. 0 seS. T. Hobbs, 46 mina. 0 sec. R. Dlllng, 49 mins. 57 sec. P. Bathgate. no dlock report. REPORT 0F OTTAWA LEGION CONVENTION GIVEN BY M. M. HOOD Former Provincial vice President Tells of iimportant Legion Gath- ering - Survey of Returned Unemployed To Be Made Through District Regular meeting of the local branch of the Canadian Legion was held in the Council Roomn on Friday night, wýith a good attendance, and wiih President W. F. Ward ini the chair. Regular business was trans- acted in the usuel way. Comi-ade M. Mclntyre Hood of the Oshawa Branch gave a complete report of ihe Dominion Convention of the Cenadian Legion which was recently held at Ottawa. His report wes ex- ceedingly interesting and which was evident by the comment of the members present. It was decided ihai ai the next meeting which will be held on May 18th that Comrede Hood and bis In- stallation Team f rom the Oshawa Branch would visit the Bowmanville Branch and formelly instail the newly-elected officers of the Bow- manville Branch and also instaîl a number of new members. On occasion the meeting wiil be in the f orm of a social evening. A committee conslsting of Com- rades Cotton, Hamilton and Hump- age were eppoinied by President Ward Vo make a survey o! the mem- bers of the legion and alI ex-service men of Bowmanville in regard Vo unernployment of ex-service men, and elso a committee consisting o! Comi-ades Hoar, Rev. Frank Mason and F. Manning Vo aci under sintlar cepacity for Newcastle and Orono. This will ail be under survey gen- erally being taken ahl over Canada by the branches of the Canedian Legion. B. H. S. News By Y. Duzzy Wright The public is invited o attend B. H-. S. Night ai the local High School on Fridey of ihis week. This is an innovation in the school's programn for the purpose of giving parents and friends an idea of some of the type cf activiiy and work sponsored at the school. Because of the long prograrn, the f irst item. the Gymnasium Display will stari at 7.30 sharp instead of at 8 o'clock as announced last week. The firsi number on the Displey pro- gram will be a volleyball exhibition beiween the Third Forni Boys, Inter- f orm champs, and the Mll-Stars, captained by F. McIlveen. This ex- hibition should becof speciel inter- est Vo local followers of the pastime. The p7rogram will elso include Gym- nasiics by boys' and girls' classes, ap- paratus work and tumbling and sev- eral dances by girls' classes. At 8.30 the program continues in the Hall with a demonstration o! tylp-wrliting by the Commercial foims. At 8.45 a Musical prograni will be presented under the direction o! Frencis Sutton.The program will include a selection of the songs which have been sung in the weekly music periods throughout the year. At 9.30 dancing will begin in the Assembly Hall. A nominal charge of 25 cents will be made Vo help de- f ray the expenses of this part of the progrem. The f irai part o! the pro- gi-arn is entirely f ree Vo thepulc and only ihose who wlsh o remain to dance will be asked for the con- tribution. At eleven o'clock ihere wiil be a short intermnission in the dance pro- gram o allow for the presentation 0f cups and cresis Vo the winning teams. These teams include the In- termediate champions in Rugby and the group wlnners in hockey and junior basket baIl. A Floor Show wll also be presented under the direction o! Cherles Caw- Rer, whose orchestra wlll providie the music for the dancing. hi is expected that the public wihl show real interest in this novel event. COBOURG BASEBALL OFFICERS The Cobourg iniermediate base- bell team, which will be Cobourg's enV-yini the Lakeshore League, has swung into lie by electing the fol- lowing officers for the season: Presi-, dent, E. McFayden; Secretery, J. Muiheil; Treasurer, J. Hutton. Repairs R. PAWSON BOOT AND SHOE REPAIRINO Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitchîng Machine. Prîces reasonable. Kin g Street East - Bowmanvllle Opposite Gartons Eus Station 9-tf Royal Theatre Friday and Saturday May 4th and 5th CEDR~E RAFT portrayi ng the life sta-yr> f a public id9AI Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Ue"dmNe. 948S-Li.iw Ovu., Tabia Top Range Fbdeahadta hIy 7percea n andblack haked @memL Ra.r eeai. deneoaifuel bait. eu. 94-T"maeTop am"ea e ila-eau geatneporeelala. Cenotaled 1uel Tank SPECIAL NEXT WEEK Curtaifls WASHED AND FINISHED TO SIZE 400 Per Pair 2 Pair for 60e Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagne1!, Agent. -Phonie 152 m Bowmnanville Wednesday - Thursday May 9th and lUth s&YOU AIN'T ;SO ýTOUGHIl1 "Some' people are scqreiof you. . but Yadoure a giieat guy." Matinee Wednesday, 4 p. m. 940 SERUES Instanl-MâGiâ Râng THEY MAKE AND BURN TiIEIR OWN GAS Mo RE ICCCvMICA Thun Ever Be fore They're ready ... the new Coleman Instant- Gas Ranges for 1934! And wliat stoves! More beautiful, casier to operate-. .. better in every way! Be sure to see them!I You'U fînd new beauty for your kitchen, and a wealth of new lnlprovements designed'to shiTplify and irn- prove your cooking. AUl range models have fuel tanks fully concealed. Tanks are made of new patented Everdur mnetS.l that is rust, acid and corrosion-proof. The amazing new B3and-A-Blu Burner. the new Dial Type Safety Cairburetor Valve. new finishes and new model ... YOU'll want to see them al! These new ranges provide modern gag cooking tervce.. -no malter where you live. You're sure to find one for your particular need. In beauty, Convenience and performance they are the delight of evcry womnan who secs themn. Examine thern; compare thcmn with others; sec why we say: .6le AU the World No Stoves làke Thesel1" Model Ne. 949-Flua fer umm«r hîtehena orembi a. 3hurmea.Gr&u b=k eaialwth white perealain spLah bLXk IU EaI"-A-Bla Burner là the preatoot liprovement ever MUadeina goine p r esaau re etovesl Provides 20 per cett greaer htingefficiency, coti fuelcostonefftb. Gives 50 ~grcent wider range of cooir- heat. DIÂL TYPE SAFETY cARBIJREToR VALVrg aiffl YOu, at polir fingor tii>., Poative, visible fuel control. Prociuces ga in.a S=talY from a ny goo 0d Krde of Ultreated motOf f.L Ins-.res sale md mail operm.doii. I 5 Monday and Tuesday May 7th and Sth Aller a bard winter's driving your brakes mst likely need tlghtening or relining. For safety's sake bave them flxed now. Prieff are 10w and work la of finest quality. Drive in. Twenty-four hour service. GOOD USED CARS FOR SALE We have some exceptional bargains in re-condiltioned cars Be sure to see tisem bef ore buylng or trading in your old car. SEE THE AMAZUNG NEW Week-End Specials 10 doz. Men's Fine Shirts, c ollar attached or with 2 separate collars, $1.50 value, A ~ Sale Pî'ice....... $100 'J~ '. 5 dozen Men's Ail Wool Sleeveless Sweaters, in al shades, $1.50 value, Sale Price....... $1000 -, 5 doz. Men's Khaki Pants, <. sizes 32 to 42, $1.50 value, Sale Price....... $125 10 only Men's Spring Oveî- coats, Fashion Craft make, ~ alI the newest shades and styles, $19.50 value, Sale Price ... $14.95 20 only Men's Suits, 2 pairs /1 of pants, sizes 35 to 42; these suits are $2250 value, Sale Price..$16,050 S. Go CHAIRTRAN One Door We.t Bell Telephone Phone 26 Bowmanville '-'-s. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER THE COLEMAN LAMP & STOVE CO., Ltd., TORONTO, 8, ONTARIO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1934 PAGE TEN