PAGE PMV '1T T1mpOTAV . MAY 2rd,1934 1 FOLLOW A FAMOUS FATHER I follow a f amous father, His honor is mine to wear; He gave me a namne that was f ree from shame, A naine he was Prouci to bear. He hived in the morning sunlight, And marched in the ranks of rlght. He was always true to the best he knew, And the shleld that he wore was bright. I follow a famous father, And neyer a day goes by But I feel that he looks cown to me To carry his standard high. He stood to the sternest trials As only a brave man can; Though the way be long, I must neyer wrong The naine of se good a man. I follow a famous f ather Not known to the printed page, Nor written down in the world's renown As a prince of his littie age. But neyer a stain attached hima And neyer he stooped to shame; He was bold and brave and tte me he gave The pride of an honest naine. I follow a f amous father, And him I must keep in mind; Though his forin is gene, I must carry on The naine that he lef t behind. It was mine on the day he gave it, It shone as a monarch's crown, And as fair to see as it came te me It must be when 1 pass it cown. -Edgar A. Guest :Ses+ /2rYou and Baby Too EaLby s Iý fragrant laher 1, dividual dbôd{hes & cleanses cartons THET SPEAKC FOIR THEMSELVES POUR on milk or creani. Then listen ta Kellogg's Rice Kîîspies. Their "Snapl Crackle 1 Pop 1" tells a story of dlicious crispaes. You'll love their flavor. Great for breakfast or lunch. Ideal for the chil- dien's supper. Light and easy to digest. Ready-ta-eat. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Listen!- hua ' KLEBIRI ILIQWIB lcr PASTI STOVIE POILISI TH-E CANADIAN STATESMftf, BOM". vn.V .L&M. iukjj. ,M.M - - -vi INFLUENCE 0F BOOKS IS DISCUSSED AT WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Mrs. Wm. Adams Leads in Interest- ing Program-May Day Customs Related in Roil Cail Answers A good turnout of members at- tcnded the April meeting of Bow -_____________ manville Women's InstituteonF'i-V day af ter;oon at the home of MFrs. M tMAs a Fred Baker, Scugog Street, thie pro- M te' a grain being in charge of Mrs. Baker o and her group. Meeting opened g wth Mrs. F. C. Coniner, President, It is "mate and proper" that chil- piý in the chair, and the singing o! O drcn-who have been the object of th Canada and the Institute Ode, led years of devotion and solicîtude onst by Mrs. Ross Grant at the pianlo. the part of their mothers-sheuld c< Minutes an.d letters were read by turni for one day and lay tribute at fr Mrs. J. Thickson, secretary. Annual the f eet of those loving heroines Ou meeting will be held ai Blackstock who have been their best. friends th on Tuesday, June 5th. from the days before they were bora It Mrs. Grant's group will hold an Bni-ohrs nter eprr afternoon tea at Mrs. G. H. Bick- pedestal, should realize that they se ell's on Wednecday, May 9th. $5.00 have had a lot of f un and enrich- S was voted te Music Festival, and ment of 11e eut of theïr mother- $3.15 towards scholarshiîp <2 weeks' hood. What woman wouldn't be a course at Giuelph) for girl wininlg mother if she could? The moniths of highest standing in Domestic inconven.ieflce, the heurs of pain, the gr Science in West Durham. May Day n.ights devoid of case, the yeais cc legends was subject of roll eall, con- of anxiety and industry and sacri- m ducted by Mrs. W. Hall. f ice are ail amply compensated for a; Mrs. Baker then took charge, the in, the joy of mother-hocd.b first number being the Institute Thn ftednigbb i Rally Song sung heartily by the gers, the warmn little bundle snug- st members; Mrs. M. W. Tamblyn sang gîcd ia your arns, the sof t cheek s a sole very nicely, accompanied bY te kiss, the years of childiieod's nr Mrs. C. W. Hackney; Mis. W. Hall mother-worship, the palship of a bl gave a humorous recitation; and the growing chiîd, the mind te direct t]' selection "Flow Gently Sweet Af and heart te, love. Oh, the glery h, ton" was rendered by the quartet, of motherhood! Mrs. Geo. Pritchard, Mrs. M. H. Mother's Day should lie a two-way f Wigit, Miss Maxpon Hamley and day: the chiild/s thoughts should m Mrs. Ross Grant. accempanied by turn towards mother and be thank- m Mr. F. Sutten. In response te the f ul; the mother sheuld look upon di applause a second number was the child and offer Up a prayer of rendered that was also much en- gratitude. joyed. Mrs. W. Adams took up the subjet: Resoived that books yield a greater influence than newspapers t and magazines. WMile given in the Inexpensive Meats S forin of an essay the speaker gave s an opportunity to the miembers toit approve or disagree with the argu- Buibalut fbe adco nients put forth. The inembers en- them with akill and you wll serve t tered into the discussion f reely and as neurlshing and quite as deliciousn a n interestin g half -heur was the re- a viand as the most costly kinda. k suIt. For example, there 15 f lank steak,b Next meeting will lie beld at the almost ail meat and wth little bonie, b, home of Mrs. G. H. Bickeil on May but aIse, without much flavor of its 25th. when electien of officers wil own. Then you must add a weil sea- take place. Noiinating committee soedsmehigte go with it. This appeinted are Mrs. F. Jackmnan, Mis. time, jet it be stuffing.I - W. Culley and Mis. Fred Baker. Malte a regular stuffing with z bread crumbs, saît, pepper, sage, cel- ery sait, enion and butter or ineat Base Line Hon)e and drippings, plus het water te, soften. Schol lubla old Lay the f lank steak flat, spread the tic se that it wiil stay that way.a of Convention Sessions' Bake it for an hour in a covered. ioasting pan. Just before il is donc, i Base Line Three Home and School its f laver will lic improved b p'C- Club held itis meeting on Tuesday ing two or three strips cf bacon on t evening. April 24th. Meeting opened the top and lettinig thern brown1 with a hymn f ollowed by the Lord's there.1 Prayer in unison. Miss Florence A ple-asing stew can be m.ade by. Bennet favored with two piano solos f rymng minccd onion in hot fat,ý fellowed by Miss Hazel Trull givlng browning an ilexpensive cut of meat twe very humerous recitals. Miss in this, adding a little boiling water Phyllis Hoît. gave a reading after and letting it simmer, covered, un- which a vocal duet was given liv tIl it is cooked so tender it will f ah Misses Ruliy Bragg and Annie Kusb. te pieces. Season it well while it is Wc are very pleaseci te have wth uis cooking. using Worcestershirc sauce, Mrs. Bill Wade who favored with a pepper corrus, or bay leaf. For a cold piano solo f ollowed by music by meatt bal, pick the meat into smal Frank Shand on the guitar. Mrs. jleces, remove aIl the bone, put it Grant Benne tt gave a report on into, a crock and pour over it the Wednesday night's section of O. E. liciuid in which it was coeked. On A. Conference in Toronto followed top put a plate small enough to go liy Wednesday merning's and a! ter- inside the crock. Wei:ght this down, noons section being very capably and leave the meat te cool and jelly. givea liy Mrs. Feather. Misa- Ellen Slice and serve with chili sauce, cat- Gimblett o! Maple Grove gave thee sup or horse radish. very humoreu.s readingsa a!ter which Miss Bragg gave a report on the O. ih a in E. A. Conference and alse a aum- With modern conven.lenccs. there ber of suggestions te help our club. is ne need f Or ruining the hands Meeting closed with National An with this after-meal operation or o! thein. Lunch was served by tic ladlies spoling your manbcure by using your under the leadership of Mrs. Price fingernails as a plate scraper. and Mis. Gibson. To-day's soap flakes dissolve --------quickly. If yeu have the other kind, next time try those which dissolve Contestants Are Urged the moment hot water is poured over theni. Use a string nioppet, oi To Enter in C. N. E. rinaturm mop, and you can use Music Competitions Wash the cleanest dishes f lrst,let- tingthe more difficult ones soak in Friends of music throughout Can- pan of hot suds while you wlpe and F ada, whose generous vohiftaIy con- put away the f irat washlng. Soaking ýo tributiens have supported the Can- meamis much lalior savlng in dish- adian Bureau of the Advancemcnt washing. Mhen prepaiing thcenical o! Music have learaed with keca put the pots and pans to, soak as satisfaction that the muic competi- soon as yen have einptied thern. tiens at the Canadian National EX- Be supplled wit.h helpful tools hibition this ycar are attractilig more such as a rublier plate-scaper and favorable comment than ever and mnagie bails and scrapers o! var- promise te create a record in the Ions shapes and dereesof f inenes, matter 0f IzeiTpetiton. . te, suit youî varled need. To have classes in thc f ollowing cemPeti- these bang on a h.ook strip over Uic tiens will be ofcered ai the Exhibition siik is a convenience. this year and it is cxpressly stipulat- When you bave f inished the dish- ed that f irst prize wmners are ers, wasli the mop in very hot suds, eligible to cempete ln their resPec- rnse and shake it out te dry quickly. tive classes: Wash pour handis wth a good soap - Solos and duets for male and f e- and massage thein wlth a fcw drops -male voices; a special solo clasa for ef band lotion te keep thein sof t and cheir beys only and fer mcn's choira; white. violixi and viola solos; piano solos and duets * cornet, trombone, 5kin Beauty euphoniufl, clariniet, f lute, bassoon, The burning question o! Uic heur saxaphone and French hein solos; is how te play tennis. er golf, te f ish, ha.rmonica solos; bagpipe and 01&i hike, and motor without bccoxing I Itsclf alive gnd alsE> a deilghtfu '~- 'i place in wbiohte live. The living garden is made pri O -~ vate by means ef a f ence olten paint cd white te match the white pergo and gardera seta. Over this dalat ornamental feoce romes may climat or shrubbery mey bmnk agsmint1 ':ý?-rthe W# Radkr me Riddick Boys ýving it an air of seclusion. The gate .ay be hung in a graceful arch. Bird bath, suri dial, stone bench > wîclcer furniture help te make the ,rden inyviting and a coinfortable ace in which te, lounge. If Dad and he boys wil craw in soene large ones and build a fireplace in one rner, Mother andi the girls can requently serve breakfast or supper )t there, and the kids can entertamn jeir frlends with weiner roasts, or cast niashmallows on a moonllght lght. If our econoiny persists, the ielghborhood women xight even as- ;mble there te make the community ap or apple butter. Fashions, Fads, Foibles Year af ter year, bathing suits are yrowing less and less, and beautiful mats of tan are corvering more and Lore. Knitted garmnerts. crisp frills ind ruffles, bold colora and wide- brixnmed, cartwheel hats are four prnounced features of this season's ýyles. Swagger suits of tweed with sventh-eights coats, taffeta trim- mingki floral printed sýlks, navy- blue for business, big bows under Le chin. and flowers on hats and ead bands are other fashions and fads. The redingote is a revival of a gar- ment worn by oui grandmothers. Irebser describes ht as "«a long, plain, ouble-breasted coat." The Home Laboratory Make your home a research cen- tre for home and family problenis. Study thein, experinent, learn and so make your home more satisfac- tory and happy. There is nothlng like stud.y of one's work te elevate it out of the plane of drudgery into he mn-spring fileld of science. Wliat more worthy study for the house- :eePer than the shaping of her own home life into the f inest and imost beautiful thing of which it is cap- abe of becorning? Mrs. Solomon Says: Enîich your 111e by a wide diver- sity of interestp. Take Up new actlv- Mtes frosn Urne te time-reading, art, music, dancing, golf, sewing, philanthropy, politics. It is the per- son of a "one track mind" who, be- comes inentally unbalanced or wan'ts to commit suicide. The possesser of many baskets *'should worry" if he fails and breaks aIl the eggs in one basket. In that case he simply turns to another basket. A MEALTI4 SERVICE OF Ah THE CANADIAN MEDICAI. ASSOCIAIOUN^NU LE~~ INSURANCE COMPANIES lu "ANAD& SPRJNG Spring more than any of Uic other four scasons caîls forth a klndiy feeling, if we are te judgc by the many familiar quotations whlch de- scribe sprlag as geat1l" or "-sweet" and associatlng this particular sea- son wth "thoughts Of love." The housewlle's feelings mnay tl be rornantic but necesslty has given te her a practical view of ile. Sping time te the housewife is a time for cleaning but spring cleanîng la not wbat it was in the eld days-thaak geod.ncss for that! Wben flbers weîe cntirely cover- ed with carpets, well tacked dewa, wben heavy drapes adarned thc windows and furnlt.rc and when vacuum cleaners were unknewa'. the "-storin troopa"' were called in when roins were te be given a real clean- lng. New that homes are different- ly f unnished, and wc have f acilities for reglar cleanlng, the home oaa lie kcpt dlean at ail tinies, and spring cléaning is Just an extra pollsh in keeping with the spirit o! the sea- son. Just as houses used te be smnoth- cred ia heavy, carpets and hanglags, so the hunian biody was laden wtb heavy woollens. the Women encasing thernscîves la corsts under stuffed dresses. The bouse was kcpt tlghtlY sealed against thecocld and se the people o! those "gaod old daYs" f cit half-dead when sprlng came andl quite natuially they thougit that they aeedcd suiphur and molasses to firee thein o! the wlatcr's evils andl saisaparilla te purif y their SMARTER TOGGERY FOR LITTLE PEOPLE Waiker Stores make a speclaltY of Children's (Jiothes, and we have7 a wide selection at all Urne.. Our -feature line Is the Eclipse Dresses, acknowledged Canada's best make. They may coot a littie rmore but tlaeY give twlce the wear and are more attractive. For littie Women For littie Men ECLIPSE DRESSES . PLAY SUITS Eclipse Dresses to fit age 40- 14; daintily smeked, trLmed Long leg 59C & 90 with pique collars, or with broadcloth or organdie trlm. Short legged ....... e Prices- 980 t 51.5 ~ 'BLOUSES SMART COATS Fine range in plain pastel Kide'Cas- for the smaàl- 13 69o0sries er cblld in erepe, for the older sIZOs 10%2 to 1 ... 9 child in flannels or tweed; al sues to 14x. Kiddies' Cots at HOSIERY $1095 and $2095 Sockanm Golf Bose and Growlng Klddles, as 10w as Long Stocklnjs: $4.,;of oeat..... 9 for Coat and Beret. .GlRoea29 __ _ _ _ _Sceksfroua.......150 ,HOSIERY special iinrk saad Long Stocklngs, ail wool and Complete range: wool and cotton, sole1 5c to 39C -.~ ~ .LU e Up Silk 718 Biose ..... 49c UNDERWEAR Long Rose, in silk, silk and wool, and cashmere, per pair, from 'FdU New stitch balbriggali. leglems ______________2 te 6, each, only 50.. UNDERWEAR Grad Shorts fer boys, 8 t. 14, Dainty Uittle 511k Sets- quafity broacicloth. 9 Bloomers and Vests at, eacli check desi~M.....39 290.39 - 500 Cotton Vesta, each. 290 Cotto at.SHIRTS, ETC. MORE Penman't Polo Shirfs, In green, SMART TOGGERY blue, white and 9 Wlde selection of Summner maroon, each......59 sports wear, including Shorts, -Broadcloth Striped Slacks, Polo Shirts wth polo * - Siairts, fine quality or turtle neck, Gloves, Sweat- ers, Beach PYJanm, Bereta, New Sweters - New Caps and Handkerchiefs. New Tweed Shorts Phone Phone 6W aiker Stores, Ltd.16 I HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL THAT'S BEST IN KIDDIES' WEAR bloed. Sprng WOuld ]mot have been complete fer tiier without soniedcI cootion. which could be ca11Lc sprnig tenic.I Many people stili live ln the past. They cling te the idea that health caa be found la a bottle Of mcdi- orne, that a "tenlo" taltes the Place Of f res air, susishixie, exercise andl proper f oods. Sunlight and f resh air are the real spring tonics and they ceat aothng.a With the coning O! spriag, a much timne as possible shouldlie spent in the Open air and sunshine. Stait -to wallc an or part o! the way'7ePA N to work; take a stroll outside at lunch trne and ia this way get cx- mrise, f resh air and suashine. Whcn resumig regular exercise, t a go at it sbowly. Stop lie! ore you are exhausted. Regulste your excrcise according te your age. For the child and youiig adult, vîgorous games are good; alter thirty, niod- are desirable. The secret o! good health lies la a balanced diet, f îcsh air, sufficient exercise and rcst. Use water frcely inside andl outslde. Secure regular things. Nights o! Agoaiy corne ia the train a! astluna. The icvctin cannot lie L G AZ IS O D X L S VC B clown, andl sleep is duiven' f rom hie L-LZ 881 XLSVL hala. What grateful relief Is Uic Iminediate effeot e! Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Asthmaa Rcmcdy. It bani*ies passages, andl enables the affllcted 1 one te gain sleep assondy Ig 2011 Store phone 30 Bowamuivil irestfully as a child. Insit on the __________________________ Tempting breads for every menu easy to make witk ~ ROYALYEAST CAKES R OYAL Yeast Cakes always A.give you full leavening power -sure resuits. That's because thcy are individually wrapped in air- tight waxed paper. They reach you in perfect condition-and will stay fresh for months. No chance for deterioration. For more than 50 years the standard of fine quality- today Royal Yeast Cakes are used in 7 out of every 8 Canadian homes where dry yeast is proferred for home'baking. 11211 lUn.Royal YVeut Bah. Book tawouse u 700~ baSa. nt home. 23 ted secipeat AddrosS Standard UradaLtd., Frouer Av. & Libety St., Toronto, Ont. AktorlêI.,"liOR YBI OndOUtoeH ithU iME-INAN Â OOD 1 r genuine at your nearby dmggist.