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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1934, p. 6

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PAGE SALEM Rev. A. M. Wootton's splendid ser- mon on Sunday was based on the text, "I have overcome the world." Glad to see Miss A. Buttery among us again af ter an extended term of nursing in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. Moffat and f arn ily, Orono, were Sunday guests with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair, and attended the afternoon service. Y. P. L. meeting on Thursday ev- ening, April 26th. took the form of a social evening with the Social Vice Mr. K. Werry, in charge, when about 45 persons gathered in the school house to enjoy an evening of pro- gressive crokinole. Ten tables were Inx contest and a jolly Urne ensued and resulted in Miss E. Sykes and Mr. J. Hall winning the prizes. Can- dy was served at the close when the meeting broke Up at about 10.30. CADMUS_ J Mr. Frank Walter spent the week-' end at Mr. C. H. Fals's. Miss Muriel Fallis spent Monday evening at Mr. W. D. F'erguson's. Mr. Leonard Mils visited Miss Dorothy Brown Saturday evenlng. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Ferguson and Collette, Bowmanville vistled f riends here on Sunday. Miss Helen Fowler vlslted Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Chapman, Port Perry, over the weekend. Messrs. Larm. Hyland and Albert Brown visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hyland on Sunday. Mrs. C. H. Fallis bas gone to a hospital in Toronto. We hope for a speedy improvement. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Fallis and W ork or Play Wallpaper - Paints Sumworthy anid Sun Tested Papers Plain and Patterned - A paper for every room - Attractive Colors - Attractice Pruces. Special Boom Lots Flo-Glaze and Old Colony Paints Enameis - Varnish and Stains Sheiiac - Floor Wax Furniture Polish and Oil Soap. Basebal Official Rails and Bats at standard prices. Kiddies' Balis, Bats and Tennis PRacquets. J. W. Jewell PHONE 30 - "BIG 20" Sunshine Timei ie 'f le Miss Anne Fallis visited Mr. Everard Sanderson Saturday evening. Mr. Herbert Axworthy, Mrs. Cruise, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bea- cock, called on Mr. W. B. Ferguson on Sunday. Mr. and~ Mrs. Oscar McQuade, Leah and Warren, Mrs. Norman Ed- gerton and Mrs. W. D. Ferguson, motored to Toronto, on SaturdaY. Mr. C. H. Fallis, Mr. Edgar Gib- son, Mr. Frank Walter and Miss Birdie Fallis, visited at Mr. Wm. Robinson's, Janetville Sta., Satur- day evening. I HAMPTON A Mn. and Mis. John WiIlis, Toronto, >visited ber father, Mi. John Col- ýe will recently. d Mis. J. Clatwoîtby and daughter, d Ruby visited relatives aI Fenelon L-Falls îecently. Mis. Milton Slemon, Haydon, visited ber moîber. Mis. Elmnina Johns for a few days. Mn. and Mis. E. Snilhwaile and daughten, Jean, Toronto, wtie Sun- day visitons at Mn. E. L. William- son's. Mns. Clana Jtffeny, and son, Wal- ylace, and Mrs. Kilpatrick, Toronto, jwene Sunday guests of tht Misses sHorn. Dr. and Mis. R. Davies and family Oshawa, Mrs. G. Edger and d-aughten, sRosena, visited aI H. Wilcox's on Sunday. 1 Mn. and Mrs. Alred Challener, and son. Dr. Reginald Challenen, Toronto, visiled aI Mrs. J. col- twill's on Sunday. Mn. and Mis. Lovick, Hamilton, wene iccenl visitons aI A. Tren- oulh's, also îenewed acquaintances with other friends. Mis. W. Smalc. and son, Wilred, motoned to Rochester, Mis. Smale îemained for a visil with heu dau- ghters, Mus. J. Barrie and Mrs. Goulding. Mn. Wallace Horn, Queens Un- iversity, Kingston, arrived home on Monday, having f inished bis term's work. Dr. Munirot, a college assoc- iate accompanied hini. Tht attendance was 146, at thet Sunday School on Sunday af ternoon. Tht tvening service wus also well3 attended wben twenty-one girls and1 six boys wene received inte tht mem- meîship of the chuîch. "Watch y* stand fast in tht faitb, quit you like e men be strong;" baken f rom Cor-a inthians 16-13, andi "I press to- ward tht mark fou tht prize of tht high calling of God in Christ Jesus,"e taken f rom Phillilpians 3-14, wasv bbe text used by Rev. W. Rackham. Hampton Horticultural Society t met on Wednesday night in tht Sun- 3 day School room. Miss Vera Baker, I Solina. President. took charge. A1 nuniber of business items were dealt0 witb, wherx an interesting progîam. t was given by membens f nom Solina, consisting o! neadings. by Mn. Sam9 Dewclî andi Mrs. R. J. McKessock,1 andi a splendid talk on bouse plantst by Mrs. John Kiveli who conducted 1 a questionaire. which proved veny educational tor ail present . Other troublesome items of tht members reganding garden pests were dis- cussecl. Mis. Isaac Hardy favored Iwith piano music. Next meeting on IMay 9th. at Hampton. NOTICE YO FARMERS AND OTH-ERS W I1%.1Mddleton, harness maker. la ilocate'd l)fqIlfd AlIdread'a Blacksmith Shop, Bowmanvllle, where ho la pre par- ed to do ail kindsofu harness malclng and repairirîr. 14-4t is Picture Time Kodak and Verichrome Films wth 8 Exposures to, fit your camera. MASTER PHOTO DEVELOPING AND) PRINTING IDeveloping 10c a Roll - Printing 4c Plin or Art Border BUY YOUR FORMALIN NOW, 16 oz. - 20c FOR ABSOLUTE PROTECTION- Against Moths use LARVEX or DICHLORICIIDE 1 Lb. PARADICHLOR 39e LARVEX, 16 oz. bott. $1.00 KERSLAKE'S DRUG STORE Phone 49 P. R. Cowiing, Phm.B. Bowmanville We Deilver kEsix SOLINA Mrs. S. E. Werry recently visited Toronto f riends. Mr. H. L. Pascoe, Columbus, visit- ed Miss Mary Hogarth. Miss Nora Werry, Kedron, spent Sunday with friends here. Miss Alice Thom1ýson, Tyrone, visited Miss Gladys Yellowlees. Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe at Mrs. Jas. Jebson's, Hamp- ton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White, visited their son, Mr. Charles White, Osh- awa. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Tor- onto, spent Sunday at Mr Jack Rey- nolds'. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy were recent guests of Mr. Morley Gllroy's, Enfield. Mr. Wesley Werry spent the week- end in Bowmanville with his cou- sin, William James. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, Col- unibus, spent Sunday with bis mo- ther, Mrs. S. Bush. Miss Vera Baker and littie Miss M'ary Howsam vlsited Mrs. O. Wil- liamson at Bailiebore on Friday. Several from bere attended the choir aonort at Zion en. Fridayi evening, which was a very enjoy- able af fair. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Webber and Grant, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Tink and famlly, Maple Grove, visited at Mr. H. E. Tink's. Remember the Women's Insti- ute meeting on Tuesday afternoon, Mfay 8th. when the speaker f rom Dept., Miss Robson, will be present. Az good program is being prepared and all ladies are cordially invited to attend. There was a good crowd at Lea- gue meeting on Monday evening when we entertained inembers of the Ebenezer League. An interesting program was given by the visitors. Recreational period was in charge of Miss Muriel Baker. Lunch was scr- ved and a social time enioyed. Mes.srs Livingstone Miller, Perey Dewell Tom and Frank Westlake visited Mr. Percy Westlake in Tor- onto General Hospital on Sunday. His father and mother who werc with hej last week have returned home. Plea.sed to report that Percy is improving and we hope he will soon be home again. There was a good attendance at the Division meeting last Thursday evcning with another new member joining. After the business a short program was given: piano solo, Miss Doris Millson; Temperance talk, Mr. A. L. Pascoe; vocal solo, Miss Mur- el Baker, and a temperanoe skit by Misses, Gladys, Isobel and Norma Yellowlees. Next meeting in hall on Ihursday, May lUth. BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Wm. Barton visited Mr. and bfrs. T. Smith, recenty. Miss Eva Parr, Toronto, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. R. Parr. Mr. L. Cole and Miss Cole, Orono, pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Galbraith. Miss Mari orie Marlow, Toronto, pent the weekend with her mother, Vrs. J. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. A. Rahm and fani- ly spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Wright. Mrs. F W. Newell, and fanùly are pending a week with Mrs. Newell's ister in Toronto. Miss Jean Gain and Miss Emnma Cain, Pontypool, visited their aunt, drs John Forder, recently. A number f rom the village attend- ýd the dance at Lotus on Friday vening and report a good Uie. Mrs. Frank Stinson bas been with ier mother. Mrs. Win. Nixon, Clarke Union, who bas been seriously ill. Mrs. Frank Stinson gave the ad- ress at the annual W. M. S. Sunday ervice at Maple Grove on Sunday, ýpri1 29th. Mr. and Mrs. Poster Ferguson are ;pending the surmmer months wlth ýheir son-in-law and daughter. Mr. .nd Mrs. Perçy Pbllp. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Uarry VanCamp on the arrivai of a îaby boy. aiso to Mr. and Mrs. Ar- ,hur Rea4cl on the arrival of a baby 30Y. The many friends in Cartwright tnd Bowmainville of Rev. Merrill Fer- ,uson will be sorry Vo learn that he ad to undergo an appendàx opera- Âon in Cadomin Hospital, Alla. United Church Young People's rieeting on Wednesday evenng was n charge of Mr. Erie Cutting. Bible tudy was given by Mr. E. Eckel. 4iss Brown gave a reading and Mrs. addler favored with a solo. A splen- fid address on the Eskimo was given y Dr. C. E. Whittaken. W. A. of St. John's Church was eld at the home of Mrs. John Mc- irthur on Thursday aflernoon. libie reading was given by Mrs. H.' fcLaughlin foilowed by prayer by ,he President, Mrs. Leslie Graham. Mhe study book chapter was given )y Dr. Whittaker. Readings wjere aven by Mrs. Howard Balley, Mrs. p. THURSDAY, MAY 3rd, 1934 J,_4> HAYDON î Church services next Sunday at 3 P.m. Miss Lorna Thompson spent lust wcek aI Mr. B. MacDonald's, Bow- manvilit. Mr. and Mns. E. Bradley and fam- ily visited aI Mr. W. McLean's andI Mrs. Ed.gerton's. Pontypool, on Sun- day. A large number attended tht lau- tern slides last Tutsday evening shown by Mn. F. Storey, ietuined missionary. Mn. and Mis. Walter Bridgett and babe and Mis. W. Thompson visit- ed the latten's moîher, Mis. J. Mac- Donald, Bowmanville. Mr. Eugene Beecb, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. Austin Laimen and lamlly, Buiketon, MissAMice Ashton and Mr'. Gordon Betch visited aI Mi. A. Beecb's. Mns. C. Montgomery, Mr. and Mis. tanley Woollings, Misses Violette and Beatrice Woollings and Norman Wooilings, 'Poronto, spent Sna aI Mr. H. Ashton's. guests of Blackstock Auxiliary for Ibis meeting. Tht puesident, Mrs. F. W. Newell, was in tbe chair. Tht devotional talk given by Mus. Newell was excellent. Tht group leader, Mrs. Jabez Wright took charge of the pro- grami, which consisted of a fine solo by Mus. Saddler, a talk on "Peace" by Mrs. E. Larmer, a solo by Miss Mabel Elford, a talk on, temperance bYMrs. F. Stinson and a reading by Mis. Jabez Wright. Mrs. StinSKon closed tht meeting witb prayer. Lun- ch was served and a social hall bour spent. Miss Elva Griffin and Mr. George Bradley, Toronto, Miss Marion Gril- f in and Mr. Kerrington, Enniskill- en, Mu. andi Mus. Frank Stinson were visitons of Mr. and Mis. borne Griffin. A rather unique f amrily gaîbering was held on Satuîday, April 28th, on the Marlow Homestead, tast of Blackstock. In mexnory of the late James G. Maîlow. a six acre mixed woodlot is being planted by the pies- ent owners, Mis. J. G. Marlow, Miss Ruth Marlow, Dr. F. C. Marlow.. Tht fIrst tree, a walnut, was plant- ed by Joan Marlow, eldest grand- child, and the daughter of Dr. Fred C. Maîlow of Toronto. Mrs. James G. Maîlow was unable to be present because of lllness. She had Iurned tht flrst sod, on Trafalgar Day, Oc- lober 21, 1933. In ber absence Mis. Sophia Mahood declared thet lie well and truly planted and Colonel Fred'k Wm. Mailow fired- a salute. Those piesent were Mis. Robert Ma- hood, Mn. Nelson H. Manlow who puepared thteIfield for planting, Mr. Clarence Maîlow, Mn. and Mis. Wal- lace Maîlow and their ch.ildren, Gwenyth, Jlm, Jack and Clara, ail of Blackstock; Mr. F. W. Manlow, F.R.C.S., and Mis. F. W. Maîlow, Miss Ruth Marlow, Dr. F. C. Mai- 10w and bis children, Joan, Nancy and Paticia, ail of Toronto. Thetrlies are being supplltd by tht Provincial Forest Station at Or- ono, and include walnut, butternut, asb, elm, maple, spruce, ied oak, Scotch pine, Norway pine. MAPLE GROVE Miss Jean Stevens Is vlsiing ber sister, Mis. Chaulie White, Oshawa. Miss lIent Mai'tlu, Toronto, spent Sunday with bei sisten, Miss Jean ECoyne. Mis. Mark Blackburn, Orono, vis- ited ber mother, Mis. Walter Foley, on Monday. Tht service on Sunday was in charge Of tht W.M.S. Music was Nelson'yS Lower Priced store i fIG a Saturday Farmers' Specials NELSON - Tht Farmers' Frlend, offers duning these THBEE BIG DAYS txcept- ionai and tempting bargaîns for farmers and their failles. Tried and tested mer- chandse tht wM tad jun uucr saruh- wear and give entire satisfaction at prices that wil astound you. Come ln, look, and compare. BIG WORK BOOT SPECIAL Every pair la tht store, values te $4.50, per pair $10,9 MEN'S FINE SHOES A Reai Bargain-A $3.98 value for, pair .. .. $2e97 LADIES' HOUSE SHOES lu strap canvas shoe, regular 81.39 for, pair 1970 MEN'S OVERALLS 8 oz. weight, regular SI.98 value for, pair 1 $1059 DAYS a Mondlay New Spring Merchandise Selected from tht finest and best ùm in Canada. Styitd rlght and priced rlght. For Our THREE BIG DAYS Seiiing we offer you exceptional bargains. 3 BIG LADIES' HOSE SPECIALS NO. 1 - Dultex Finish, new Sprlng shades aul sizes, regular 59e, per pair. 39e NO. 2 - A betten grade, ail new shades and sizes, a 79c value for A ) NO. 3 - Coinfort Top, Chiffon and Ser- vice weight, full fashioned, pure thread sllk host, Ist quality, $1.00 value, per pair67 HOUSE DRESSES Tht better klnd, reguaaz vahie $1.39 for, each . 97., e tf FANCy VOILES Twtnty new designa and colors te select froni, rtguia.r 39c,2 c XXX Speelal, per yard . 3 NEW SPRING PRINTS Hlgh grade quaHIty, fast to sun and water. Regular 25e yard, 7 3 Days OnIy, per yard17 SAMPLE MILLINERy 6 Dozexi OnJy - Purchase frous one of Canada.s leadlng makers, at a big saving. We pas. this on to you at baif original coat. Regular values to $3.98. Come early forM best cholce, Each. ......98C X X X SPECIAL for this week-end'. selllng Babette Crepe In blue, rtd, yeloiv, mauve, peach; for dresse, walsts, lingerie, drapes, etc. Recular Fuite 39c, i9 fer Ver yard .......... Lq MEN'S WORK PANTS 2 Grades Regular $1.79 for, pair 999- Regular $1.98 for, pair ivatf" $i.e77 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Tht botter kind that retails for S$1.00 - Speclal, each.. SIC MEN'S CAPS Values te $1.50 -- -77e MEN'S FINE SHIRTS Regular $1.00, $1.29, $1.39 uines, al ut, tach ..... ...7 7 MEN'S WORK SOX Reg-ular 39e pair for .. ..24e Men's Fine WooI DRESS SOCKS Regular 39o pair for. 240 BOYS' PANTS' shorts or Lonm gsvlue. 8 te $1,95, peu pair........98 House Furnishings At iess than city prices. Tht most com- prehensive and best assortedl stock in town to seet f rom, at piot you cannot duplicate in town or clty. BORDERLESS Size 6 f t. x 9 ft. Suze 9 ft. x 9 ft. Size 9 ft. x 12 ft. BORDERED RUGS Size 6 ft. x 9 ft. $3.98 up Suze 7 V ft. x 9 ft. $4.98 up Size 9 ft. x 9 ft. $5.98 up Size 9 ft. x 12 ft. $7.98 up Cretonne Covered CUSHIONS Regular 39e for, tach , ..19 CURTAIN NETS Regular vaues 19e te 69c a yard, prlced speelal per yard at 10e to 490 CURTAINS by the PAIR Pniced Per Pair fromn 59C to $2.59 WINDOW SH-ADES superlor quality, recular 7 Whlte, Creasu, Green Cretonnes - Sateens Pnlnted Engllsb Taffetas - Sbadow CieUx. for Drapes. etc. 24e to 490 yd.e BORDERED TABLE CLOTHS 52 luches square 1 1.59e 54" x 70790 and $i.i9 TOWELS A mâanufacturer's clearance i three putce groupe, eauh 24e 39e 490 TABLE OILCLOTHS Specly prleed for this bit sale: 45 hIche., per* yard -- -- 29c 54 iches, per yard ..... 39C RUGS .. $2.39 $3.29 $3.98 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, f urnished by the ladies, when two anthems were rendered. A splendid address on "The Missionary Work"' 1was delivered by Mis. Frank Stinson, Blackstock. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Wilkins, IOshawa, visiled Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Foley on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens are visilîng their daughter, Mrs. Ray Snowden. Toronto. Glad te, sec Mr. Wm. Laird and Mr. Jack Brown, Jr., home again af- ter their visit wilh relatives in the Old Land. Master Bobby Stevens entertained his two little cousins, Masters Doug- las and Jack Langmnalcl, and Master Jack Fuller, Oshawa, on Satuîday. iSCHOOL REPORT DARLINGTON Report of S. S. No. 3, Darllngton, f or Apnil: Sr. IV-*Margaret Hen.ry 83, *Ha- zel Truil 76, Louise Foley 73, Sam Van Camp 68, tMaurice Moîphy 59. Jr. IV-Art.hur Foîsythe 64, f Ed- die Forsythe 56, f Vera Gibson 50. Sr. III-*Jean Metcalf 80, *BlIiy Henry 78, Norma Sexsmith 71, Peg- gy Finnigan 67, Harry Feather 64, Joe Wojnakoskl 55, Betty Henry 33. Jr. III-Madeline Melcalf 63, John Noble 61, f Eveline Gibson 59, tGor- don Truil 58, tOordon Metcalf 54, tGlenn Metcalf 54, fLouise For- sythe 45. Jr. II-*Kenneth Power 76, Alvin Metcalf 73, Donald Metcalf 69, Mike Bonk 51, Sammy Bonk 41. Prs. - *Daisy Gibson, *Mldred Metcalf, *Afred Feather, Joyce Power, Wmnnie Power. *....Honours; t-Failure; Figures denote per cent. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. nhe Toronto Conservatory of Music Mid- surnimer Local Examinations for 1934 will be held throughout the Domninion in june and Julynet Applications and fers from Ontario Can'dida.tea eastcaof Sault Ste. Marie, mont reacli the Conservatory flot later than MAY 15TH, 1934 Application farms and Annual Syllabus con- .iaining full particulars will be mailed on requeat. TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUI COLLEUN »T. AND SJIVERBITTAvoi. T roN 2O Friday .-l Prompt Service For Luinber Users Qtick service on ail lumI>er and building needs la Our motto! We carry big stocks to serve yen promptly and efficiently no matter what your needs. Oui delivery service assures prompt fulfilllng of youi orders. Let us quote prices on lumber and building supplies. We invite you to visit our yards and miake your own seleetion. You'Ii like oui court- tous, prompt service. No order too bg-no order too smaUl. Cali on us when you "ant service and comnpiete satisfaction. Sheppard & (ii Lumber Co. Ltdà- BOWMANV ILLE Stop Wasteful Depreciation With Guaranteed PAINTS Theî'e is only one way to keep the value of youî home up to par-keep it painted. It not only increases its value but protects your home. Our paints are guaranteed to be of highest quality. We have every wanted color. See us before you buy. Three Grades Good Paint 70C $1900 $1.25 per qt. GUARANTEED PURE HOUSE PAINT $3.35 per $3.25 per gai. gai. tin in 5 gai. tins Good News to Farmers We have particularly high quality Mangel and Turnip Seed, sold in pack- ages only. Further on in the season we would like you.r order for Fly Spray at $1.00 gal- lon. Why not book your order now ? Fullline of Garden Seeds. DUSTAN'S cash HARDWARE 407

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