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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 May 1934, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVIILE. THURSDAY, MAY 3rti, 1934 PAGEAE THEMAN LEGAL M. G. ýV. GOULD, B.A., ILL. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phione 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvile W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notar Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money o Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanviile, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail is branches. Office lmmediatcly east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental Coilege, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilce Bldg. Bowmanville. Office bours 9 a. m to 6 P. m. daily except Sunday Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any bour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance andi Invalld Car Caîl Pbone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWJMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Fanerai Service Modern Equipment -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smth Phone Days 58 Nlghts, Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276 O. A. C. Lay BARRED ROCK CHICKS AND HATCHING EGGS from Durhlam County's Largest Exclusi ve Barred Rock ."Ontarlo Breeding Station." Write, or phone, for our free Circular and Price List. Read about our 100% cian lood Test, a nd the tact that ait our c hicks are produced u nder the Dominion Government Hatchery Ap. provai Pol icy. DONAL D E. GIBSON Bowmanv ille. Ontario Phone: Clarke 3811; Bowmanville 30r3 C.R. Tuclk Opt. Eyesight Specialist Author of: Optometry Feature Service The Child and ]ILS Development Specializing cxcluslvely in muscle anomalies, eyeslght andi glasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Disney BIdg. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, Ont. No1l1nger do.. a.y .erer of taise teeth neýed to be uncomfortable. Pasteeth, a new. greatly lmproved powder, sprlnkled on upper or lower plates, hoids them firm and comfort- able. No gummy, gooey. pasty taste or feeling. Deod ories 'breath. Get P'ASTEETH, 35c. or 60c. size to-day at anu good drug store. Send for free tra, .9ze to Fanteeth. Ltd., 64 Wellington le, Toronto. FASTEETH- MADE IN4 CANADA OBITUARY Mrs. Robt. Beggs, Pontyp)ool On Friday. April 20th. 1934, Mrs. Robert Beggs, Pontypool. passeti to rest, ageci 67 years. The late Mrs. Beggs was Mary Jane Chambers, daughter of the late James Chamb- ers of Manvers Township. She was the oldest daughter of twelve child- ren wbo were ail born andi raiseti on the Chambers bomestead two miles1 west of Pontypool. Her first bus-1 band, John McCrea of Clarke Town- ship, died fourteen years ago ai er returning freim resîclence in the west sevenjicen years. She marrieti Mr. Robert Beggs eleven years ago andi bas resided in Pontypool and enjoy- ed gooti heulth until tbree ycars ago, but was only con! ined, to bcd snce baving a stroke at Easter. The funeral service was helt f rom ber residence on Montiay, April 23. to Pontypool Cemetery. Rev. Mr. Acamson, pastor of the Unitedi Clurch in the village, conducteti the service wicb was largely attended. The paîl bearers were her f ive sur- viving brothers, James. John, Sam. Albert andi Norton, andi C. J. Mount- joy, brother-in-15w. She leaves to mourn her loss lier husband, andi two step-daugh.tcrs, Mrs. Rolandi Hart andi Mrs. Lamb of Lindsay. and two step-sons, Stanley and Hector Beggs, on farmns near Ponitypool. The floral offerings were from lier step-daughter, Mrs. Hart. andi her four surviving sisters and, brothers. also beautiful spray f rom her nieces. Misses Margery and Lulu Hart. andi bier nephew, Jack Hart of Toronto. Isaac Winter, Orono In f ailing hcalth for a nuniber o! years, Isaac Winter passeti peace- f ully away Tuesday afternoon, Aprili l7th, at bis residence, Main Street1 south, Orono. Boru on the Eligth Line, o! Clarke Township, in 1862, son o! tbe late Isaac andi Dorcas Winter. be spent bis early childhood days on the f arrn now occupied byi Mr. George Henderson. Coming to1 Orono, lie madie bis borne wth bis1 uncle, the laVe Robert Winter, f romj wbence bie receiveti bis scbooling. He a! terwards clerked in bis f atb- er's grocery store at Orono, and laVer worked as a mason. At seven- teen years of age bie lef V Orono with Alex McNeil andi otbers for the Landi of Promise-the We-t. He worltcd for Mr. McNeil for a short time, andth ten took up a bomesteati at Mountainside, Man. His healtb forceti bim laVer o go o Brtisb Columbia wbcre be spent a year in tbe employ o! tbe Leigb Bros. (brothers of the late Albert Ligb of Orono> in a logging miii. In the winter of 1896 lie came east tW Orono and took back Vo Manitoba as a bride Emma Farrow. f rom wtich union leven children were born, six boys and five girls: Clifford. of New Toronto; Ettie. of Mimico; Harvey andi Ethel, of Tor- onto; Norman, of Oshawa; andi Vina, Amie, Hazeli Roy, Gordorn and Perey, of Orono. In 1907 le retireci from farming and setileti witl bis family in the McCullough residence on Main St. south, Orono. From that time until bis lealth intervenied,,lhe clerked for the late C. G. Armstronlg, and for over flfteen ycars for J. R. Cooper. His chief inspiration in life was bis family by wbom be will be sorely misseti. The tribute paid at bis de- parture by botb fricnds and rela- tivem testi!ied to bis standing in tbe commirnity. Funcral services were conducteti by Rev. A. K. Edmison, Trenton, and Rev. J. H. Osterbout of Orono. Services werc leld at tbe borne, and interment took place at Orolio Cern- etery on Thursday, April l9tb. Besides Uis wife and family. lie 1leaves o mourn one sister, Mary, of Toronto. Pall bearers were Messrs. J. R. .Cooper, W. H. Barreit, J. Morris, O. W. Rolph, J. E. Richards andi W. E. Davey. One o! the commonest complainis. o! infants is worms, anti the most effective application for Vlem is iMother Graves' Worm Exterminator. fie use o! Millers Worm Powti- crs insures lealthy chiltiren so f ar as île ailments attributable o worms arc concerneti. A higl moait among chiltiren is traceable Vom wormis. fiese sap the strengtl o! infants soi that tbey are unable Voi rantain the battle for 1f e at succumb bo weakness. Tfis prr ation gives promise o! healtb ant I leeps it. Take C. C. & B. Toulc Tablets For Bealth--Streflgth--VIgor HAVE YOD STOMACH TROUBLE? 'Baweziuetf . SttncMuci'>. ntg, VtFeeli, oLump ln i Soshod Isle PainB 0. M ter srB tini < ot ue, .ôoe Mouth, IndigestionWhncsa bya ru-don odiin u eed C. C. & B. Tankc Tabies, and et onl .Thrwf bud u i. £t m dtus relieve yau qulckiy and peamenntiy, improve appetits, ftPln leslskhesiis. Sares,,fliotches. a.EemMlr. DIlf~~ChIly.I~ve lh u onDebitated, Wa.Eicss You surely need C. C. &B.lanlc Tablets. e. yteonc THE .uuC. &B.Tonic Tablet. d Bxm«ofC Lve-Nre res ous llane . JerkIngJpng .ctbl.e TH N R Es Tlredu-D- Worn Out'e, Feel Like Flin h.gesClIo. n< Feet ih ether, Retiess et NIght, P oaf em i anchol Thq, y tsr n ! telrtonlc effecta, iielp ta restare ner.etiessu ono lcondition et.s theanets, anlh0 blues, make yau feel ful af lite, vîgar. ambition, and msiyeeryounger. ..mmJLId'I~ tHoliaw.Cheeka. Flat Chest Scrswny Nb- Ds Tnrnn ~ W ehnlto1 C. C. & B. Tonlc Tabiets help ta bulidyoD; up ln every way. WIII îhercby lmprove your appearance. REGAN LO T P P AN VIAIITY act dlrectlY througb the stomach, enriching tihe bl-O ulding up the nervous system. generate vitallty, Create nette force, restore hal engt . pep and vigr-Ba yoU can enjoy If es& pleasiites ta theyfullest. re ltsale et al »rug Stores. Go ta C.C. & B. TONIC TABLETS or druglil0.0f ::eW lite for yvou-O:pefiflhithe door to a hrighter world and happler existence.Th jabetS are 1nepenIve.The prices are SOc aniSI Three $lOU aoi,t; for $2,50. For Sale in BOWMANVIlLLE at MCeGREGOR'S DRUG STORE PHONE 92 ences. necessary as these arcbut through the living o! bbc Christiaxi 1religion'by Cliristians. *Except iný metaphor, far removeti anti well un- derstood, Jesus is neyer representeti as Warrior. No artist s50 presents hlm. Against sudh a representation the Churchini alI ages would lave matie uniteti protest. He is the Great Teaclier. the Great Hlealer, the Good Shepherd, tle Chiltrens Frienti. Neyer las the Churcl been without a deep sense o! the antagonism o! the spirit o! War. anti the spirit o! Jesus. fihe triumpbal entrance was a deliberately planneti peace pag- Ieant. Praise, 9 A current world wide religious mnovement is criticized for not sing- mng bymns in its meetings. Former revivalistic meetings bave matie great use of singing o warm up tbe audience anti create a spiritual at- mosphere. Hymns have great emo- tional power. Tbe nove) thougbts, expresýseti in beautiful language andi sung o rbytlmic tunes, unif y pur- pose anti create a group mind. Ev- ery army bas its war songs. Many people go o churcli to bear the mu- sic rather Vlan the sermon. The disciples of Jesus sang a hyxnn after the Last Supper, andi wlen Jesus heard the chiltrcn singing in the Temple lie saiti that Vbey bati per- fccted praise. Music is the hanti- maiden of religion, ycl it bas subtle dangers andi temptations. There may be acstbetic appreciation- without moral courage, andti tere may be bearty singing without surrender Vo the kingship of Christ. Wlen Jesus entereti Jerusalem tbe crowds who went in front o! hm anti wh.o fol1- lowcd behinti shouteti. "Hosanna to tbe Son of David," but Christ en- tiured Uis agony, stooci bis trial anti carrieti bis cross alone. The crowti sang but it would flot suffer. Prophet, 10. il Wben Jesus entered Jerusalem, the wbhole city was in excitement over i. In former years military conquerors bati ridden througb the streets witb great display. but for the flrst time tbe Prince of Peace lad coma witl palm branches in- steati o! swords, anti songs o! praise insteati o! battle songs. The citizens o! Jerusalcm askct who hs was, andtihte crowds replicti' that their leader was tle prophet, Jesus from Nazaretb in Galilce. The word "pro- phet'" meant more Vo, themn perhaps Vlan it doe-s to us. To rank tle GaI- ilean teacher in the line o! thc bis- tcric Hebrew prophets was bigl pralse. Ye, thiis noble word wiVh Its sacreti personal associations told only part of the trutb. Christ was a teaher, but le was more. HIe was at once Son o! Man anti Son of God. one who could brlng men tb Goti and one who was ready to lay tiown "Bluie" Spelis Reduce some wornen to the pendlant shadow of their own amiling selves. Others take the Vegetable Compound when they feel the "blues"' coming on. It steadies quiver- ing nerves ... heips bo tone up the general heahh... gives them more pep . . . more charm. LYDIA E. PINKHAMS VEGETABLE COMPOUND Who spoils the most o! your op- portunities - if tbey are spoileti. Who chooses the habits that malte or unmake you. Wlo alienates most of the f rientis you lose. Who will bring Vo pas& the most wortlwhile things you ever enjoy. Wbo bas the power Vo cdose the kinti of Vo-m orrows you will have. Who must tiecide wbat kinti o! citizen you will lie. Wbo will malte the cboioes that will make your JMfe. Douglas' Egyptian'Liniment la un- rivalleti for speedy relief i n uscu- lar rbeumatism, lame back, inflam- mation, burns anti felons. I THE COUNTRY CHURCH Su nd ay Sehool He could noV separate the thouglit .- essonin blinding thousanis by a roati. LessonOr danticlion tisks that glowcti 0 Like little sunis upon the grounti. __________________Holiness was like the sound y JESUS ACCLAIMED AS KING O! thousands o! tumultuous becs In f ull-blossometi apple trees,% Sunday, Ma.y 6th Or it was smnell o! standing grain, Or robins singing up a raink Golden TexV: 'Whcref are G o r h hrl e ett le bath also higbly exalteti bimantiFr he aseiglt ati ne nti Vwen given him a name whicb la above H Ant ei gd rind itbe trdes anti every namne. -Phlippiaris 2.9. Ad suo fn, swt h tsadV Lesson Passage: Mattbew 21:1-14. Was a smail white country one. Lord, come away; The caraway's lace parasols Why dost Thou stay? Brusheti the clapboartis o! its walls, r Tly roati is reatiy anti Thy pailis The grass flowed round it east ant i matie straigît, West,Ir xithlîonging expectation wait Anti one blinti lad a robin's nest. The consecration o! Thy beauteous Be! ore the sermon was hlai over, f eet. IV turnedt o f ragrance of reti clover. Ride on triumplantly; bebold! wc a niJn nt te cte Ou usan ru linTy Anti farmers' wives came in together, Ou usant rut ilsm" At every wintiow swiing a bougb; Hosannah ! welcomn c,1 our bearts: Always. far off, some one's cow Lord, bere Loweti anti lowed at cvery pause. Tbou hast a temple, oo. anti full as The rhythms o! Vhe migbty laws dear Thiat keep men going o Vîcir graves As that o! Sion. Were no bolier than the waves --Jeemy aylo.Tle winti matie in the tasselleti grass -Jermy aylo.The small boy saw tîrougli window Property, 1-3 glass. The triumpbal entrance o! Jesus -Robert P. Trîstram, into tle Temple is cominemorateti in Harper's Magazine. on Palm Suntiay at the beginnlng o! Passion Weck. It was a prelutie Vobis life as a sacrifice for the sins o! the upper room, Getlisemane anti nankinti. Calvary. One fact scldom noticed la Lordshlp, 12-14 that in Ibis strange pageant Jesus This lesson begins with a repre- matie use o! borroweti property. HIe sentation of Jesus as Prince o! titi fot own a sadtile-beast, but an Peace, ritiing on no war charger but unnameti disciple loaned one to Jes- on a peaceful tionkey, witb followers, us for the occasion. Il la a mistake in holiday moodl rather Vlan in bat- to picture Jesus as an ascetie comn- VIe array. The lesson. ere it endis, plctely indepenti&it o!fniaterial pictures Jesus cleansing the Temple hlngs. He asked for a dink O! anti triving the huclcsters bef ore bixa water at Samaria's well, f ounti shel- like sheep. Hlow are we Vo reconcile ter in a Betbany home, partook o! tbese two pictures? One suggestion meals in the borne o! Peter, Mattbew i htJsslveii a bf anti Zaccbaeus, bati a tresurer who there was xnucb jlngoistic talk about carrieti a purse for the disciple bandi Jewisl revoît against the Roman anti rode int Jerusaleni upon a colt. Empire. To ail these Jesus counsel- Our social trobules arise fromn the led non-resistance. He knew that misuse o! wealth anti property ra- tose wbo take the sword arcelikely ther Vlan f rom tîcir use. Poses-o perisit by the sworti. In tic ions are gooti gif s o! Goti, intentiet Temple. howevcr, lie was in bis to minister Vo, ou.r lives. but noV Vo Fatber's bouse and hle asserteti lord- become idols o! our ambition anti slùp there. Was injustice anti dis- causes o! strif e between fellow cti- bonesty in the namne o! religion zens. Christ coulti use tbings as worsc than tyranny in the state? practical means Vo liigher ends. For Wbat woulti Christ say o the revel- all 100 many oday, "tbings are ini aions of sweated labor anti mass the satitle anti ride mankind.'" buying conditions beard under oath Peace, 4-8 at the Ottawa investigation? Woulti A ditinuisled nivrsit lederlie drive oui any tratiers anti upset An Cndanguseti nesit ladernany tables o! the money cdangers? in Cnad lia co.! eset h t l Amiitsud conditions woulti Christ youtb lie became a Pacifist, but again tac majestic i.n rebuke? whlen the Boer War broke out lie back-slid. Again. when le thouglit Questions for Discussion le was re-instateti as a Pacifist, la 1. What is the difference be- 1914 bis pacifism vanisîcti anti was tweefl pacifisir anti passivism? replaceti by the notion that it was a 2. "f'Te Christian Churci must war to enti war. He boltis 1V possible malte up is mni about war."' WîY? that far down the years the hist- 3. Is it possible that sacreti songs orian reviewilig centuries o! world anti solos may soothe conscience 10 peace will see in the Great War tbe sleep? destruction o! War anti the begin- 4. Which single word best de- ning o! lumanitys îew Warlcss scribes Christ.? ,Era.» This.wfll noV corne about~ by Iii - 1~T BEE HIVE GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD more thon 209000 m.p.te* Of QIYl-SWN&X« SAFETY -that's the rnileage bonus you can get when you equip with Dominion Royals. Because they're the only tires built of TEMPERED RUBBER-the toughcst, longest-wearing tread rubber ever discovered. *miles per tire À ý DOMINION TIRES ARE SAFER TIRES 11%I GUARANTEED one year againsb tire injuries caused by biow-outs, cuta, bruises, rim-cuts, under-inflation and many other roati lazards. DT-164 DOMINION TIRE DEALER TEI ES .: Jaini eson TIRE DEPOT Phone 193 Statesmnan Block Bowmanville COAST TO COAS... whemeer sbown, Anww1FOe Sofa bas cauaed a sensation. Vou have seen eo-cafled "Otreamlining"' in cther cm -. .. bre"s the real thlng. AIRFLObV DESOTOJ6SENSATION 0F THÉ MOTOR SHOWS..ON DISPLAYTODAY!1 DISTRIBUTOR KINGST. AST illim 'PHONE 209J KIN ST EST illamJe 8al5sBOWMANVILLE .;tt - I M= imarlip vTrý-TzIr LO

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