THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVM~LE, THURSlDAY, MAY l7th, 1934 PG HE Special Trip,% TO OSHAWA 1 to 5 persons ....$1.00 TO WIUTBY 1 to 5 persons.. .. $1.50 KNIGHT'S TAXI Phones 173 or 98 SOURED ON THE WORLD?-THAT'S LIVER Wakc up your Liver Bile -No Calomel necessary Many peeho teel sour. lugah ansd 1,er v rtched rnke the miatake of takins caita. oà, minerai wter, laxative candy or chawing Uum. or roughae which only moe the bowel and ignore the liver. What you need in to Irke nu your i bie .tatyar poprng the daily two pondat&oftiqOuid ile ino your bowela. Get your etomach and intestine working an they ehould. once more. Carter% Lttle Liver Pille will eoon fix vou p.Purely v"gtable. Safe. Sure. Qwck.i A.kfor themb= name. Rdfus subtitut.& su. et ailuggta. S ÀYÀA CKA C fiE F Uiver and Kidneys ai rU$cd by H s Mye' i've trled several kînfis of powders to holdn!n3 taise te eth. When 1 trled FASTF T 1 I ound the one powder that does flot tIm out or wash away, l)ut 'stays put" ail day. It gîvesaa most picasant feelIng, a rosi sense ot security, and holds andi holds and holds. -Breath Is always pleasant. If anynne with loose-fittlng taIse leet-It wants ail-day comtort and a real stav there ft, .Inslst. upon FAST ^ETH,3ic. or 60c.sîze. at any good drug store. MRS. WM. CLARKE IS ELECTED PRESIDENT HOME - SCHOOL CLUB Public Health Nurse, Miss E. R. Graham, Speaks on Health at Annual Meeting at Central School The Home and School Club held tte annual meeting on Wednesday, May 9tb, ai Central Public School. Mrs. F. Jackman preslded for tbe following election of officers for en- suing year: President-Mrs. Wm. Clarke; lst Vice Pres.-Mrs. J. Tbickson; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs. N. Taylor; Sec.-Treas.-Mrs. M. Gib- son; Reporter-Mrs. F. Spry; Pian- it-Mms. E. Wood; Assistant Planist -Mrs. Ross Grant; Roll Caîl Sec'y. -Mrs. Thos. Gould. Mrs. M. Clark, convener, occupied tbe chair for the prograre. Reading was given by Mrs. Wm. Hall. The guest speaker was Miss E. R. Gra- hamn, Public H-ealth Nurse, who gave an interesting address on Healtt, es- pecially pertaining to tte pre-sehool ctild. National Antbema was sung and caudy was then passed arouud wbich all enjoyed. - te - HON[ING PIGEON CLUB Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club flew their second old bird club race on Saturday, May 12, f rom Guelph Jet., 75 miles air line, with the fol- lowng results: Wm. Woolner 1 br, 43 reins, 51 sec. E. Hunt 1 br, 43 reins, 52 sec. F. Bottreli 1 br, 44 reins, 15 sec. Wm. Woolner 1 hr, 44 reins, 18 sec. F. Bottrell 1 hr, 46 relus, 1 sec. 1. Piper 1 br, 46 mins, 12 sec. I. Hobbs 1 hr, 46 reins, 13 sec. I. Piper 1 br, 48 reins, 26 sec. P. Bathgate 1 hi, 56 reins, 58 sec. L. Richards 1 br. 56 auns, 59 sec. R. Dilling 1 br. 58 reins, 35 sec. I. Hobbs 1 hr, 59 reins, 36 sec. P. Lambros 2 hr. 3 relus, 57 sec. L. Richards 2 tr, 4 reins, 32 sec. R. Dilling 2 br, 14 relus. 50 sec. Victoria Day - Bargain Excursion COBOURG to ROCHESTER, N.Y. THURSDAY, MAY 24th RETURN FARE .cH.D . ;C. $j .25 Steamer Schedule-Standard Time Lâeave Cobourg.....8:00 a.m.1 Leave Rochester. 5:45 p.m. Arrive Rochester . .. . 1:45 p.m.1 Arrive Cobourg . 11:30 p.m. Excellent Orchestra on Board for Dancing Low prices for meals on steamer-breakfast 50c, lunch and dinner 75e each. Also Lunch Counter service. Ample free motor parking space at steamer dock at Cobourg. Purchase Tickets from Local CANADIAN NATIONAL Agent or at Steamer ONTARIO CAR FERRY COMPANY (Cobourg-Rocheser steamahlp Route> Phone DAY OR NIGHT 58 - 523 - 276 DIGNITY To be assured that an efficient service May be had : conducted with dignlty and in fitting manner; wlth a high regard for thse responsibility of the costs incurred; these yen May expeet ln your hour of need when our organization is called. NORTHCUTT & SMITH FUNERAL DIRECTORS BOWMANVILLE Hampton Flour Milis Has received a large shipment of Goveranent Tested Seed CORN U MILLET Increase your production by the use of guaranteed seed, tested by the govern- ment and approved for seeding pur- poses. We also handie FUL-0-PEP AND MASTER CHICK STARTERS And have plenty of other feeds to supply your every want. Asic your grocer for XXX PASTRY FLOUR We know you'1l like it. Hampton Flour Milsa Hampton C. Ed gar Horn, Prop. Phone 129r6 INORTH NESTLETON_' Mr. and Mrs. S. Cawker, Port Perry, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. Are- strong on Sunday. Miss Grace Crawford and Mr.j Hugt Heuderson visited Mr. S. Crawford on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Porteous spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wilson, Drenole Sta. Mrs. P. Wright bas returned home after a pleasant visit with friends in St. Catharines and Toronto. Mrs. John Burns, Tomanto, visited Mr. Richard Suggtt and attended the funeral of the late Mr. Jos. Campbell. Glad te report Mrs. Dan Black Is1 progressing favorably after ber re- cent operation for appendicitis in Port Perry tespital. Mr. and Mrs. Wiltca Cread, Bar- rie. spent a few days with Mrs. Cread's brother and famnily. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolmn Emerson. Congratulations to Miss Jean Mal- colm on winning fimit prize on ber vocal solo at the Musical Festival teld in Blackstock on Wednesday evening. also ta our school who won f îrst prize on one chorus and second on tte other. Our pastor, Rev. F. W. Newell, de- livered a fine sermon on Suuday af- ternoon, Mother's Day. and a solo was also sweetly rendered by Mms. S. Cawker. Port Perry. No service in aur churcit next Sunday ou ac- counit of Blackstock anniversary. The regular montbly meeting of the W. A. and M. S. was beld in tbe basereent o! the church on Thurs- day evening, May lth. Aller the business part of ttc meeting a pro- grame was given consistlng of violin music by Mr. Will Armstrong and Norma; readlng. Mrs. K. Samells; instrumental, Marion Taylor. A dalnty lunch was servedi by Mrs. K. Samelîs' group and a social baUf tour spent. Gloore again was cast over our locality when ibere was laid to resi in ttc Nestîcton Cemetery on Friday afternoon another one cf cour grand old reen la the person of Mr. Joseph Campbell. Mr. Campbell was la us- ual good tealth until a week ago, wheu te suffered a severe stroke, deatb f ollowtng la a few dsys. He was Young and active for bis age andi will be greatly mlssed lu the home and by bis grandctlldren. also lu the churet where tie was an ei- der. and attended whcnever he was able. He leaves to mourn"bis loss, oue son Wesley, with wtom he bas lived since the deatis of bis wlfe f ive years ago; also two daughters, Mrs. Stanley Gray who is out west, and Mrs. Talbert Davidson. Fleetwood, Ont.; also a number of - grandchlld- rea. The f uneral service, wblct was largely attended, was beld In thc cturch on Frlday aftemnoon and was conducted by tià paster. Rev. F. W. Newell, assisteti by Rev. R. l?. Bow- les, and R.ev. Mr. Patterson of Sun- derland. The 'world is a looting-glass, and gives back te every man the reflec- tion of bis own face. Frown at It, and It lu tumu will look sourly upon you; laugh at It and. wtb lt, andi Il la a JoUly, kinti conpanion.-Wllllam Makepeace Thackeray. SHAW'S eONTARIO COUNCIL ______ _____ _ Di_ OF AGRICULTURE IS The regular monthly meeting of DOING FINE WORK Shaw's Home and School Club was held in the sehool on Wednesday Darlington Reeve Is Executive Mem- evening, May 2nd. The president, ber of Body That Makes Special Mrs. W. J. S. Riekard. presided and conducted the opening exercises. Study of Farm Problems Miss Dorothy Hoar acted as secre- tary in the absence of Mrs. J. Brown. Formed at the suggestion of the Minutes were read and approved. Honorable T. L. Kennedy, Minister 1The president then called on the of Agriculture in the Ontario 00v- speaker for the evening, Mr. G. L. ernment, the Ontario Agricultural Wagar of Bowmanville, who gave an CoutiCil is carrYing on a splendid interesting talk on "Education." Worlc ln the Provmnce. Thornton Anderson f avoured witb a The courleil was f ornied to contin- mouth organ solo. A reading was uously bring before the Minister the given by Mrs. N. Rickard on "pe." foriner's vewpoint in the province Mr. Walter Rickard expressed the anid by thus means Col. Kennedy club's appreciation to Mr. Wagar for bas been kept lu close touch wlth bis fine talk; this was seconded by the farming situation throughout the Mrs. N. Rickard. Two contests were province. In titis way the Minister conducted by mm.Epps, which wa is able to make a close study of ru- enjoyed by al present. Hot dogs ral problems in bis endeavour te look and coffee were served and an en- after the farmlng lndustry. Joyable time spent. The meeting Members of the council are electeci closed with singing the National by the Counties Councils of the pro- Anthere. vince to represent the Counties on the Board. The United Counties 0ounil were wise lu their choice iKENDAL when they selected a practical f armer oand keen business man, Reeve Geo. F. Annis of Darlington township. Miss Helen Stone, Newtonville, is The council does not seek te ad- visiting wth Mrs. Cecil Glass. vance the interests of the rural dis- Miss Dorotby Crossley, spent the tricts at the expense of the urban weekend at ber home at Welcome. centres. It merely is an effort te do Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hall, Toron- for the f armers what urban residents to, visited withbher brother, Mr. Wmn. and manufàcturers have for a long RZobitison. time doue for themselves througb Mrs. Jas. Tamblyn, Orono, and Boards of Trade and Retail Mer- f riends visited at Mr. Wes. Elliott's chant.s Association. A healtby con- on Mond.ay. dition of agriculture is necessary re- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Plunkeit and cjuisite for a properous urban cen- sons, Toronto speni the weekend tre and when agriculture feels the witb ber mother, Mrs. George Quan- pinch of world wide depression, as trîl. adMs hs Tmln Oi bas in tbe past four years, it is Mr. nd Ms. Cas. arnbyn, ont long until cities and towns like-, odbridge. spent the weekend with wise experieuce severe contraction of ber mother. Mrs. Chas. Thomp- their varied industrial enterprises. son. The relationship between agriculture Reserve Sunday, June lth, for and industrY is quite apparent, and Kendal Sunday School Anniversary. there are few Who do flot realize that Rev. Manson Doyle, Toronto, is the the prosperity of tbe urban centres speaker, depends on the rural centres and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Honey, Milli- vice-versa. gan, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pea- Tecuclhscoemc i cockaudfamly lizaeibill, sentready te warrant its appointreent and Sunday wîth their mother, Mrs. A. it bas brougbt together mucb valu- Jackson. able information which bas aided Messrs. Neil and Clarence Mc- the Stevens enQuiry and also the de- Mullen and friends. Toronto, and Mr. partments of Agriculture of both Frank McMullen. Orono, visited with the province andi dominion. The tbeir sister. Miss Dorothy McMul- Couricil bas sponsored an inquiry in- len Sunday. to farm prices and the results of Miss Vivian Mercer, Eljzabethville, these investigations is bound te lben- bas been spending a f ew days with efit the farmers througbout tbe pro- ber graudmotber. Mrs. George Mer- vince in addition to the urban dwel- cer. wbo bas been laid up with an 1er who must prosper on agricultural i ured aukle. prosperity. We congratulate Miss Bernice The Council urges preferential Laugstaff on being one of the six treatreent in British markets anti chosen singers at Orono on Friday through its efforts hog prices bave night to cornpete at the Music Fes- risen materially lu tbe past several tival at Bowmanvîlle. montbs. Export of vegetables, eggs, Mother's Day wa observed by the and packing plant. products bave Sunday Scbool as usual. About twen- also increaseci largely tbrough, ef- ty reembers made up the choir. TwoI forts of the council. of the seholars read compositions, Mr. H. D. Glover of Fruitland, which were prepared by themnselves Ontario, is president of tbe Council, and a story was read by Miss Kate whiîe Mr. Annis bas been selected Stewart. Mr. Mellor gave a splendid f rom a large group of members as address. one of f ive directers of the Council. League on Thursday night was in charge of the Missionary Convener Miss A. Bell. The topic was taken hi is a good and safe rule to se- by Miss Nellie Hill; Readings were .lourn lu cvery place as if you meant given by Miss Dorothy MeMullen and te speiid Your 111e tbere, neyer omit- Mr. Harry Hill; Mr. Jas Taylor gave tiflg an opportuinty of coing a kind- a mouth-organ selection; and Mr. nesa, or sPeaking a true word, or Nol-man Bruton sang a solo.j maklng a friend.-3obn Ruskin. For Light, Flaky Pastry Cr isc o 1-lb. Tin 3-lb. Tin 123c 69 Borden's Chocolate Large Tin MALTED MILK --39 Fleishmann 's YEAST - - - Cake 4*t Aylmer CATSUP - 8-oz. Bottie 10t Baker's COCOA . SmlaIl Tin 79 WHITE BEANS - bs. 10q* COCOANUT- - lb. 19* JUNKET POWDER Pkg. 12* E Vour reioeer says:0 o IIfe's ready te serve F KUUU. you from his new KFiMKR 9UPPLYi PLENTY 0F CRISP, fresh Kellogg'& Corn Flakes at your grocer's ..taîl stacks of red-aisd-green packages... ready for your table. It's time to break the monotony of heavy foods, and change to cris pneas. Serve Kellogg's îomorrow morning, with milk or cream and a bit of fruit. Hear the family clîcer! Kellogg'& are today's big bargain. Many servings for a few pennies. And so nourishig-,so deliclous in flavor. Always oven-fresh in the sealed WAXTITE bag, inside the Easy.Open package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Speciel Values " week-end .tmi, GOOD QUALITY With Added Pectin JA M Raspberry, 4trawberry, Black Currant Jar 2 9 h BYIDE CHOICE QLJALITY T;atolest Corn *3 Tn 7 No. 2¼/ Tins No. 2 Tins Libby's No. 1 Tin TOMATO JUICE - - 5* Small Large VI-TONE --33é5é Heinz1 VINEGARS- 16-oz. Bottle le* BLOATER PASTE - Tin 9*t LUX FLAKES Sinali Pkg. 9*t SILVO - Small Tin 2 for 25t OLD DUTCH - Tin 20t -Y-f5 à'm *i-à i ' Outstanding -Values '"in QUALITY FOODS 1 PAGE THPJM