PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 17thf1934'a SOLNAvice next Sunday will be in the $~EnnfiskM1en Srl.; Dialogue, "Little were privileged to hear Miss Robin- SOLIN morning. Annîversary practice will BLACKSTOCK 1 Pitchers" bY Enfield; Two part chor- son, the summer speaker. at SolinaD be at 10 arn. and church service at ~ us "Hark! the Lark" by Haydon Srs,; on Tuesday afternoon. This wuas Mr.Ls Topoildduhtr 1 15 arn. SOng "When Polly put the Pepper much enjoyed pleasure, the Hamp- L . Myrs. LtMr . eloes. Thopo n agtrj'he first delivery of beef fromn the Mrs. J. T. Byers, Ottawa, spent in the Tea", by Burketoni girls; Two tor. branch. l'aving had no promisea U TMrr.elsatoM. J. elowl setSun Solina beef ring will be this Fni- the weekend visiting Cartwright part chorus "Lullaby" by En! ield; 0faseaean h apeiainf daayoratg.fMr. Frank Westr, nd heake's.aionenfsl o y da Mr. elsnk ic ae, Zspet u- atmrnn.M ins. Reitation, oroto,"The Millionairess" by Of this visit was gratefully acknow- Mr.Bi Ncol Mpl Grve wth Miss Margaret McKessock snt MsMaore aroT rotae Haydon Jr.; Action song P'ish- ledged at which place a very social Mr ilaioM aPe r ewell the weekend with fniends at Fern spent the weekend with her mother, ing"be uktnby;Topr îewsset Messrs SmadPryDwl. Glen, Muskoka. Mrs. J. Marlow. chorubie th M"boy; H arnthtm wseon ep etigo Mr. ani Mrs. Chas. Howsam and Rernember Eldad Anniversary on Sorry to report that Mrs. J. G*~.;Tre at chorus 'NiewihM" yHo Th rdyevenung Peoas mcharg on issa Mar wee i Toont onSatrdaY. May 27th, and tea, Orchestra and MroSssii ne h ot rs. hePatcou NwheFiyevngwsinhreofMs Mary were sin Torontthedon Satu Day is Over" by En! ield; At the close Florence Burns, Missionary Vice- Messrs Elgin Brummel and Ho- play on Monday. May 28th. cae in Toronto.waap of the prograrn Miss Marion Orch- President. The meeting opened with wardl Day. Columbus, at Mr. Walter Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smith and Miss Mrs. Clarence Marlow a ap ard was Presnted with a bouquet a hym-n after which the Lord's Pray- Parrancler's. Hazel. Thamesford, spent the week- pointed President of the Victorian Of fjowers f rom the four schools. er was repeated in unison. The min- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White spent end with Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mc- IWomnen's Institute at their annual Sunday at Mr. Clarence Tink's, Kessock. meeting. utes were read and approved. It was Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hogarth and The sympathy of the coinmunity MAdecidecL tofwltheraMunextFetingl on Mr.Nra utn isRuth Miss Jessie, Hampton, Mms. L. C. is extended to Mr. S. A. Ferguson in M PEG O E Iacut9 h ul etvla Mutton and friend, Oshawa, at Mr. Snowden and Bob, Maple Grove, at the ceath of his wif e, whose funeral Bwavle twsdcddt ih W. H. Westlake's. Mr. Thos. Baker's. took place on Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Snowden spent a f ew draw the meetings for the summer Miss Helen Baker, Bowmanville, The first football game o! the sea- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. days with her son Ray in Toronto. months. The bible lesson was read spent the weekend with her parents, son was playeci last Saturday even- James Byers on reachlng their gol- Mr. and Mrs. James Darch. Town by Miss Bessie Simpson and Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker. ing at Leskard when the Solina boys den weclding. A large celebration visiteci with Mr. and Mrs. . .V. Wil-- Rackhaxn presented the devotional. There were about one hundred tied with Leskard. was held on Monday, May 14th, at son on Sunday. The meeting was then f avored with present at our Inrititute meeting Mr. and Mrs. Russel Reynoids and the home of their son, Mr. Rupert Mr. and Mrs. Geo. White, Solina a vocal solo by Miss Helen Knox. last Tuesday afternooin whefl the Leone, Toronto, Miss Lulu Reynolds. Byers. visited their daughter, Mrs. Clarence The topic "The Evangelization of Men's Black Calf Oxford, Goodyear welt soles membem 0of the junior Institute and Hampton, with Miss Mary Hogarth Mrs. C. E. Whittaker addiressed1 Tink, on Sunday. Japan" was abhy taken by Miss Ruth$5 , of Hampton Institute were our and Mrs. R. Pascoe. the United Church Sunclay School Glad to see Mr. Robt. Jarvie home Johns. A hymn was Sung ani t.he rubber top lift, at ...........-O $5e guests. Miss Robinson, the govern- We are pleassed to see Mr. Percy on Sunday morning, May 13, speak- again after a pleasant visit wvit. re- meeting closed with the League ben-$3 u 0 ment delegate was present and Westîake home again after his stay ing of the work which she and Dr. latives in Scothanci. ediction. M nsSotOfrsi htbakadwi spoke on "The Instîtute, a liberal in the Toronto General Hospital. We Whittaker had carried on among Misses Vera Trinible, Peterboro, Sunday services were well attendedMensSotOfrsiwhtbak nd ht, education" Miss Lena Taylor gave hope he will continue to Mrs. F. W.nNewelEskMrs.-F an th eeLndat hird, homeAlers. t the Sunrd gainhol esigfon nte ndto-oe rwn a vocal solo and Mrs. Isaac Hardy health. MpoveF. Wthe EskimoMs. F an th e Lndat ird riceAmer. spen the prepad proamsesiing thloe a$dtw-toe o n.. $*i5*5 a piano solo. A dainty lunch was Congratulations to Miss Kathleen Stinson. Miss Violet Dever and Mrs. Mrs. L. C. Snowden and Master afeno.M.11ltnPtrtl h served by our Institute and a social Baker on winning a prize at the H. A. Galbraith attended the meet-. Bob visited her parents. Mr. and story of "Jesus the Man o! Great Men's Football Boots, made in England, of bet time enjoyed. Music Festival in Orono ast week. îng of. the Eastern Section of the Mrs. T. Baker, Solina, on Sunday. IJoY'.- A number of juniors and adults Our church was beautifully de- Kathleen is inging in the Music Oshawa Presbyterial which was hehd Mr. ami Mrs. Sidney Greenham of the school represented the Home. mateîrial, strong toe boxing corateci with cut fhowers and plants Festival in sBowmanville this week. in Newtonville on Friday, May llth. Miss Nellie Qreenham, Birchchiffe' Church, and Nation and World in and saddle strap)....................$. 2 for our Mother's Day service on Sun- The closing League meeting of the Shirley, Nestieton and Blackstock spent Sunday wîth their brother, Mr' the pageant "A Procession of Joy-$ o2 day afternoon. There was a large season was held on Monday even- Institutes unitech for their summer Chas. Greenham. ous People.- which was !olhowed byB attendance at the service and our ing with the Pres., Mr. Alan Mc- meeting which was held in the Com- Mr. and Mrs. Mark. Miss Bessie an Acrostie. "The Meaning of Joy. oys' Oxfords, black caif, wide toe, rubber pastor, Rev. W. Rackham, was in Kessock presiding. Mr. Wesley Yel- munity Hall. Blackstock, on Mon- and Mr. Waler Blackburn, New- by four little girls. Mr. F. J. Groat.j o...............~ charge. Miss Verna Millson told the owlees. Misses Mae Westlake andI day. May 7th. MisRbeto wstasopistdMr n Msl.ifHt.oLveJyusy'a~.~ ~ eyncl, aen a gv le ason were appointed as the guest speaker. The prograin Fohey on Sunday. H tLieJyul-Rv.W en y Fancs Wttn, onad Yl-committee to have charge 0f the jcnsisted of a paper by Mrs. Allan Judge Mott, Juvenile Court. Tor- Rchm pi oigtiuet howlees. Le-onard Vivian and Gordon booth at the Anniversary. It was de- Moore on "The Vaue of Education": onto. has accepted the invitation to Mothierhood. The choir sang two ý;cott. Master Clifford Miller gave cided to hold one meeting a month a vocal solo by Mms. Harry Philp; a conduct anniversary services on appropriate numbers, Douglas Rack- a recitation and Misses Ella Millsoii for the sumimer with the June meet- reading by Mrs. Percy Philp; a piano Sunday, June 17th. ham taking the leading part in one Shoq and Grace Yellowhees sang a duet ing to be a picnic at Hampton. The Solo bY Mrs. Gordon Strong; and a Master Douglas Langmaid. O-sl- of these numbers. House plants very sweetly. Rev. Rackham gave a devotional P-eriod was taken by Mr. reading by Mrs. W. Archer. Lunch awa. Masters Donald and Jerry*Moir chiefly geraniums and Eastei- lihies I very interesting sermon on "Living Alan McKessock, reading by Miss was served. ris. Tovwn, spent Saturday with theiir thc- latter being a git f rorn Jack-. jStole faoredly and Miss Lena Taylor Margaret &cOtt, vocal solo, Miss R. cuiPhone 120evn.mais usry lae herpati faoe wt vclsolo which was Parker. Impromptu speeches given 1 Mrs. Frank Han! ord, Glen Ridge,.h evcso hedy NXhn withnjyd.A asigfavocalyMsssFedWiht il hd SALEMj N. J., spent the weekend with her Hampton Wornen's Institute fleloi __________________of__________ tuchenjyer.v Apcesinwfetuiehe byMesrs redWrihtofill Cad-hwiervce asnhe aptsle!ybby ickandWesey ellwMes ssissss parentts.Mr.andr.s M.Munay he ay eetng ii he aseentef May___meeting_____in___the________________of_ Elma Marie, daughter of Mr. and Gladys Yelowle and Ileen sn Sr., and called on other relatives. the church. on Thursday a! ternoon, Mrs.A. . MKessck.DonArtur fvord wth avocl det Asons1 Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pollard were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wilkins, Misses 'May 3rd. with the president, mrs. Reynolds, Treas-Mrs. J. Cowling, chair. Mrs. L. Truil gave a pape o Mrs A. P. cKesoc D n At.h r avoewthe voa l d umetinA cones ud ayT visiorh sewt hs p re t. Helen, Doris and Greta. Courtice, C. Johns in the chair. The meeting Press Reporter-M rs. R. Perrett, "~Miracles o! Spring." A hym f w soend Mr.anRd rs.Hr ofMA. s-wathen ph enjoed ad.eting d h h rsevice here will be visited their sister and brother-mn-j opened with a hyxn followed by District Director-Mrs. Adamson; Sung and Miss Lottie Horn gav coand .EmaRutthduer o! . wtMzahBneitin withdrawn next Sunday in favor o! law, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wordien on Lord's Prayer in unison. As this was Delegates to Distxict Convention,- reading "Early Wild Flowers," ' s -4 <~>Tyrone Anniversary services. Monday. the annual meeting, reports were Mrs. C. Johns, Miss Lulu Reynolds, J. Clatworthy read a poeino EBENEZER j s. F. Cator was a weekend vis- Mother's Day was observed on given and the election of officers Miss Ruby Clatworthy, Mms. Smith- '-Housecleaning and MissNrh ioinToronto, spending Mother's Sunday and a full church greeted was as foliows: President-Mrs.c. son and Mrs. Adamson. Alternatives, Horn played a piano Solo. n. rî SDay with her daughter and family. Rev. Dr. McTavish o! Oshawa who A. Johns lst. Vice -President-Miss Mrs. TrulI and Miss Marjorie Pascoe. was calleci and respondiedtob MsAne Wilkins and girl friend, Mr.and Mrs. W. Moffat and fain- gave a splendid talk on "Mother." Marjorie Pascoe. 2nd Vice-President The Prograni was in charge of the "Spring Thoughts" a! ter a shorton Peterboro Normal, spent the wveek- iîly. Orono, visited her parents. and Dr. McTavish wlll be welcome again. -Mrs. L. Truli, Secretary-Mîss Lulu group wlth Miss Norah Horne in the test, a social haîf hour ws enioed ~aroeningiim C en at the foxne's home. at ted service here ast Sunday. Mrs. Albert Bellmnan and Miss _____________________ Gard nin fi mr"andMs. A E.Runle wre.Mr.and Mrs. G. Richards and Marion. Town; and Miss Dorothy vistors wîth Mr. ami Mrs. EmrJoan, Toronto, spent the weekend Belîman. Consecon. spent Sunday RundIe, Toronto, on Sunday. wîth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. with the formner's mother. Mrs. J. B. The first league game of the sea- Richards.Wodnwh on ensayti Youwil nedso plye atCortce y hefoot- .YP.LmetnWdesay even- week celebratech her 87th birthday. GARDEN SEEDS ball boys on Monday night resulted îng May 9th, was opened by the This comrnunity extends congratu- PA ELDBC LAW.N GRASS SEED in a tie. Boy manville vs Courtice. president, Mr. F. Blackburn, with haions. Miss Stella Penfound, Toronto, hymn and prayer by Mr. Cator, after CG.lT. meeting wilh he held on FERTILIZERMrs. S. Penfound. Mr. and Mswhc MiseaWeh, issionary Saturday In the hall aý 2 p. ni. INECICDEMelville Staples and family. Orono. Vice-President. presided over the pro (standard ime). The W..M.S. memn- were Sunday guests with Mr. and gram: Bible Reading, Miss v. Fran- tes nÀouglaiso!te on Wehae he al n he Mrs. Clarence Penfound. cess; TOPic. Mrs. A. Welsh; read- munity are invited to attend. Miss ings by Miss B. Cator, Mr. L. Scuair Betty Sargeant, Town. will be pres- best braads only. C.G.I.T. helcL the last meeting for and Mrs. E. Doidge, recitation byent and give a talk on "Girls rela-GLTE E-RA inthe seaon .onfaturdicayMy.lot- Master Ronald Hall. Mr. K. Cain tionship with boys." in he orm0f pcni atMr.0sand Mr. Woods of Orono gave sev- --s------ j Choice Flowers and bornes Woods. Each responded with eral musical numbers which were 2 Distinctive Floral Designîng their favorite flower to the rol catimc noyd aeytovoi You cannot run away f rom a weak- Ran all re ieatd he Dri saWlm. duets. a vocal duet and a vocal solo ness; you must sometime fight it out; Reains er gve b Dri W1-by Mr. Cain, Miss M. Collacott was or Perish; and if that be so. why not -i kins nd o ro r h y o. M rs.Cei their accompanist. Miss Collaott inow, ani where you stand? s cudtokth Suy ok.Aùtr 'also gave a piano solo. A color con- EL BR N K rngsway livehy sing-song lunch was servedl test was held for the social hour c and a social imne spent together. after which the meeting closed withH MP O F'lower Shop Sunday services were attended by League beniediction, Attendance HAMPTON__________ -________ audince am wer vey fne. Rev. A. M. Wootton brought a fine W. E. GROVES Rev. H. C. Wolfratm took for his Mother's Day message to us last Ms ar iktOhwi Bouxject, BHonor ThyeFatherran Sunday, his text being, "Behold Thy visiting Mrs. J. COhwill. Bei 63,BowanvlleOntrto Mother," at the morning service. Mother"; these were Christ's last Ms ced hty pn e Phoe 7 Da orNlht iththechor ontibuinggod words before the Crucifixion. The days with her daughter, Mrs. F. Rog- _____________________muLSic. As a special feature Mr. Sunday School held their Mother's ers. FAM 31LkL _______________2Melville Staples, Orono, sang in his Day program at the beginning of the Miss Edna Reynolds bas been vis- A*C'MK-E usual good style which was much service, under the leadership o! the iting frienda1 in Toronto and Scar- enjoyed. The pastor told the story superintendent, Mr. L. Coombes, boro. to the Juniors on "Tell Mother il when the M. D. Leaflet service was Mr. and Mrs. C. W. SRouch, wereV E¶ B nBa gBe There." Baby Tink. little daugh- carried out, the short stories being r evst'sVt eltvsa ichistned Te S S.sesio wa te Rnal Hal.The o!fering was Reserve May 22nd. forthply MN attended by 179 and the Mother's donated Lo the Ontario Religious Ed- "Depend on Me," Further announ- RALF I Bang ! Dayerogran, csar a d ot.Mr. Fos-ucition Couri:il. Beautiful f lowers Icements ltr terSnoden, ad M. M adorneci the pulpit for this specia] Mr. and Mrs. J. Verney and familyI Staples, Orono. each contributed service some being the gift o! Dr. Toronto, spent the weekend with RUMP Everthin foryour fine solos and all the older mothems and Mrs. Willard of Toronto, who Mr. Elmer Wilbur. iu 1 * Everthin foryour were presented with carnations were present at the Service. The1 Symnpathy is extendeoi Mm. L.ewisý FILLETS lb. Ct e t b- l which were fastened on their coats flowers were in remembrance o! her Alun in the death o! her brother, Mr. May 24th Celebration by the Berean class teachers, ns me- mothe r. the late Mrs. R. Collacott. Rowe. Owen Sound. IPSFTDBE la rce rankundl Te n Ms.f___________Mrs. E. Wilbur ami Misses Mar-! Clarece Pnfoun. Th yo e and Edith Pascoe visited fri- Fireworks - Flags men's class provided the f îowers. ENNISKILLEN end's in Toronto, Frlday. jRAT The floral decorations for the e Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy, at- Picale Supplies church were carnations and snap- MrH.CwigHapovstdendth urlofr.Sa T- dragons. At the morning service MrO.CwigHmtn istdtrddthTueaS! r usTe Weddings and Showers Rev. Wolfraim announced our ser- with Mrs. Wm. Oke. wîn, at Huydon on Tuesday. vics t strtat 10 o'clock S. T. for Miss Margaret Dalton visited in Mr. and Mrs. Milton Slemon and New Crystal and Rose Gls the summer. he aiso announced our Toronto on Saturday. sons, Haydon, visited hier mother,S n u a r l.x ca elb 2 in sparte iece orset fo coming pastor as Rev. Smith o! Miss Cora Parrott, Ashburn, spent Mrs. Elimina Johns, on Sunday. S i u t e b l c B tc eM .2 tnh e r a i e -e s rst o Janetville. Sunday at Mrs. A. W earns. Misses Nora Kerslake and Ruby "(l ~ 'n t the brid--t---e Miss Muriel Wearn spent a few Dewehl, Oshawa, visited Mr. and__I days with friends in Blackstock. Mrs. C. J. Kershlake on Mother's Day. Ne hn usadSues COUNTY TEMPERANCE Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wotten, Leslie Misses Ruth and Ruby Colwill. Corned B eef lb. I 5elPotato Salad lb. I 9c New hinaCupsand auces , ADHERENTS TO MEET and Blanche visited Mrs. Wm. Her- vi.Sîted their grandrnother, Mm.rj RsII1SIOF Creams and Sugars and AT ORONO NEXT WEEK ring. Braund, OCsýhawa, over the week-E RSV*S10F CakPltes Mr. and Mrs. E. Rundie and Mr. end. T o tl.2 c l e s2 îs 5 The nnua meeing f th DurC. Rundle, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bran- Misses Elva, Ada and Irene Pascoe r ulb 2 , Fle s 2 b .2 -e ha nnual meetiang o! the Dutr- ton, Oshawa, at Mr. S. Page's. Mr. Luther Pascoe, Zion, spent Sun-5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a n Co u n t y B r a t nc h o ! t h e lt a î M o t h e r s D a y w a s o b s e r v e d i n O u r d a y wr i t h M i s s e s M a r j o r i e a n d E d i t h_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in- eTemerne alFederi o Wil ehed church on SundaY, Mr. Whyte Pascoe. Wedy a 2ra p .sad- Preaching an excellent sermon. Mr. ami Mrs. B. Ferguson visited Cal TOMIATO 15 J. W Jlad tIe.nesdyMa D2r. 8W. . rsad radMs .Cons n r lcstock relatives, over the week- .111 ' C h inFANCY Tn fl ar îe e.D.W .Pecott M.adPs u.Crisedaloatecig h unrlo BOOKS & TATIONERY 1o! Toronto will be the chie! speaker. adMr.Mconel aTrnto, Mre.enlaso attenalng t2 funeral o Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mr. Fergu.son's sister-in-la. VDR o AI PAINTS& WALLPAPER 1 Both candidates have been invited Bradley, The annual Music FestivalunerNDaS ' .RY rN 2 9e 'WDEI4 lK(, CHINA & GLASS to be present and give their views on Dr. nd Mr. H.Ferguon. Aaniteodirctiono! Mss Malon Ochar initdtoe e4~mCont relerpaetsDr. and Mrs Prn-. Nelinthechrchion Wedesd ay, May 3rd,-ii 2 jI I 5 LCRITE' b. t".' v 111116-- Av Advance showing with greatiy " y isuriceton srs., -Drili "Com-e-Pa-y Hapo girls were the winners IHADFLýO1 £windows. "The ld SPinning WTheel" which niskillen and HIampton. on Arbor O C O KQ -r reduced pries. See ourwas quaintly dramatized in old-fas- Day and not the vlsltlng teamn, as8 IDADMLO31B se TlM. provn botter reoeedy for Corn, > j hioned costume by Enfleld, Action previousîy announced. the score be-LEA CaU..... I-grown To. N4110 Wana. M e M Ge go song "The Train" by Haydon Jr.; îI ng 24-22. Trhe return game was -eE Ujlm gcommendc.Gti*,@nlhDR S Two part chorus "The Clacker" by played aEnskle rThrsday, I AI IPHONE92_______________ Burketon Srs; Recitation, "Family night wlien the gane resulted in an- c O. P NE9 WEDLVR iTraits" by an Ennlskillen Jr.: Song other win for Hampton. --- ----& ________________ My Daddy Says" by three Haydon A nuniber o! our ladies, on ivi- j rs.; Two part chorus, "Echo" by tation to the Women's Institute.I m