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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 May 1934, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l7th, 1934 PAGE SEVEN F. S. Coulter SUPERIOR STORE Corner King and Ontario Streets SPECIALS FOR MAY 17th, l8th and l9th aKellogg's Rice Krispies, 2 pkgs. 23e Kellogg's Pep .. ..... 2 pkgs. 23e Kellogg's Corn Flakes, 2 pkgs. 17c (Oue Indian anti Cowboy Cut-out Free) Reckiti's Blue, per pkg.. 7e Nugg'et Shoe Polish, per lin, lic Fairy Soap. 5 cakes 25c Fountain Tomatoes, Choice, No. 2 squat tin... 2 tins 15e Prairie Maid Bread, full 24 oz. loaf, per loaf . 7c Laing's C. C. Sauce, small bot. loc Peauut Butter, faucy jar. .. 15e Classic Cleanser, per tin .... 5c Si. Williams Flurn Jam, jan 25c Royal York Orange Marmalae 40 oz. jar........27e Superior Baking Powder, 8 oz. 15c Superior Baking Powd'r, 16 oz. 25e Hawes' Floor Wax, 1 lb. tin. ,43e Australian Seedless Raisins, f 2 Ibs. 25e Aylner Ponk & Beans, ige. tin 10e Tiger Catsup, quart botile. 17e Lily Chicken Haddie .. 2 tins 25e j , Habitant Fea Soup, 28 o Z. lin c.0 Ready Cut Macaroni, per lb 5c Sweet Adeline Molasses, 11/2 tin, per lin .10e .. o Carnation Milk, taU lin., 1...eo McCormick's Fancy Biscuits, per lb. . . . . .. . . ._ 15e De Luxe Sodas, 1 lb. bag 2 Ibs. 25C Aylmer Tomato Juice, No. 1 tin per lin . - . .... . . . 5 F. S. Coulter Phone 354 - We Deliver Keys found. Enquire at The States- man Office. A meeting of Trmnit.y Mission Circle was held at the home of Miss Marion Wagar, Ontario Street, on Tuesday evening, May 8th with an attendance of ten. Miss Spargo had charge of the worship period. Miss Mary Jewell took charge of -the study. book and Miss Sargent gave a very interesting readdng. A very profit- able evening was spent by ail. Next meeting is to, be in the form of a picnie. Don't Worry Larvex Your Wooîens and Be Sure KODAK AND GEVAERT FILMS Ail Sizes - 8 Exposures Master Photo Flnlsblng makes prints that are different. Developing 10c Roll HAVE YOU AN EYESTRAIN? Consut Our Opticl&u. Kerslake's Drug Store P. R. COWING, Phm. Phone 49 We Deliver The Smartest HATS in Towèn Suimmer Hats that are du fer- ent, that are distinctive, that give evidence of good faste. Attractively pricéil. DINGMAN EDMONDSTONE Phone 21 Bowmanville Mms. Oco. Ingham, Miss Margaret Kitit, Mms. Meredith anti Mr. Ken- neth Meredih, Peterboro, anti Miss Bertha Fox, Toronto, were Saiurday guesîs o! Mr. anti Mrs. B. E. Ingham, Westmount. Mr. F. W. Bowen, M. F., Mr. W. J. Bragg, M~,. P. P., Mr. DM. J. Ellioti andi Lt Col. W. J. Hoar, attendedtheUi funeral o! the laie Lt. Col. H. A. Ward K. C., in Port Hope on Sun- day afierneon. Rev. John Baies MeLaurin o! Iu- dia, brother o! Mis. J. H. H. Jury, Bowrnanville, was conferreti with the honorary degree o! Doctor e! Divin- iiy, ai the Convocation o! McMas- ter Unlvcnsiiy on Monday even.iug. Mn. anti Mm. Jury attendeticiiis cv- eut. Hon. Vincent Masscy was lion- oreti with the LL.D. dcgrec ai the saine convocation. On Mondlay, Bowmanvilie and Courtice football teains playeti their f irst gamne o! the season lu Mn. A. Muir's f ieldtia Courtice. The f irsi bal! o! the bail was kepi wel Up te the Bowmanvillc goal, anti ail play- Ing was fast, The second bai! was more evenly balanceti but neither teami was able te score. Mr. Elmner Wilbur, Hampton, refereeti the gamne. Scores o! Barnardo Home Boys In ibis district will joîn wth mauy other !riends 'in extending congratulations te Mr. anti Mrs. John Stanners. 280 Montrose Ave. Toronto, wbo celc- braieti the 501h annivcrsary o! Uieir wedcllng, lasi Saiurday. Mr. Sianners has for 17 years been an inspecter wlth Dr. Barnartio's Homes lu Tor- ente, anti bas !requenily visiteti boys in Ibis district. Motber's Day was f iitingly ob- serveti in Triniiy Uniteti Church on Sunday wben Rev. E. F. Armstrong gave a splendid sermon f rominthe wonds, "The Mother o! Jesus Wa6 There,"'. John 2:1. Ater rccalling tbe many times Christ's mothen ap- pearcd as an influecclg factor lu bis life, he empbaslzed tbre icati ing peints negarding moihers, viz: a mothcn's unscl!ish devotion, cour- ageous faitb, anti compassîng char- ity. The choir sang "My Mother's Frayer," anti Miss Bennice BeUlman sang the solo '"Mother Machnee." A basket o! beautiful snaptiragons pre- senieti by Capt. anti Mrs. C. W. E. Meaih lu mexnory o! Uic laie W. B. Coucb. formedth ie floral deconation. The Motheg's Day pnognam was car- rieti oui in the Suuday School. The evenlng discourse by Pasier Armn- strong was in aid o! Hosipital Day, the subjeci being '"Carry Your Cor- ner." The choir nendeneti two an- thems. mmmýý The Prlze ILit Recitaion, girls untier 15-Adele Morton, Kendall, 82; Oliver Brown, Orono, 81; Mary Dunbar, Pont Hope, 80. Recitation, boys under 15 - Jim Powcrs, Onono, 14, Bill Buckley, Orono, 83; Clair Kellogg, Port Hope, 82. Rural School Chorus, 1 room, unison-Sarkvill, Mrs. D. Robb. 85; Providence School, Mrs. Robb, 83. Rural School Part Song, two room --Orono Public Scbool, Mms. Robb, 85. only one euiry. Harmonica Baud-Boys' Training Sehool, A. R. Vinglu, 80; Newcastle Schools, Miss Hattie Mason, 75. Boys Chorus, open-no f irsi; Boys' Training Sehool, A. R. Virgin, anti Clarke Union School, Mns. Robb, lied for second, 78. Rural School Part Song--Sark- ville Scbool, Mis. Robb, 87; Ycl- verton Sebool, Mn. Francis Suiton. 86. Open Class Chorus.-Port Hope, Public Scbool. Mr. T. W. Stanley, 83; Bownianville Public Scbool, Miss Helen Morris, 82. Ladies Duel-no firsi; Mns. Geo.. Pritchard anti Mrs. Wm. Roberts, second. 78. Unban Chorus, iwo pari song- Beys' Training School. A. R. Virgin, 84; Font Hope Public Sebool, T. W. Stanley, 83. Bnass Quartette-No f irst; Charlie Cawken's Quartette 2nd, 78. Piano Sole-Clair Morgan, Ida, 82; Canolyn E. Hanna, Camnpbell- crofi, 80; Evelyn Sandenson, Nestlc- ton, 70. Soprano Solo - Elsie Wallace, Clarke, 83; June Shields, Ida, 72; Olive Jones, Bo'wmanvllle, 71. Mixeti Quartette-Mis. Ross Grant, O. Osbone, Mns. Milton Wight andi Howard Wight, 81; Newtonvilic Un- lied Church Quartette, 80. Vbolin Solo, open-Oscar Jamie- son, Bowmanville, 84; Robent Wilson, Bowmanviile, 70. Tenon Solo--James A. Hancock, Ebenezer, 81; Alex MeGregor, Bow- manville, 80; Don W. Jamieson, Port Hope. 78. Maie Duet-Alex MeGregor anti Wil!ned Carruthers, Bowmanvlle, 82; James A. Hancock, Ebenezer, and Çkeo. L. Davldgc, Bowman-vIllc, 81. Bass Solo-Orvilie Osborne, Bow- manville, 80. Band-Canadian Leglon, Bowman- ville, 83, Durham Regimental, Or- ono, 82. 1 TYRONE On Satunday the C.G.I.T. girls en- Joyeci a bike. Gladti t report that Mn. T. Pooley is improving niccly. Mns. H. Wicke spent Uic weekend with Toronto !nicnds. Messrs Harny anti Frnk Hathcrly, Dîxie, speni Sunday ai home. Mrs. A. W. Clemens is vislting ber sisten, Mrs. Dcroche, Belleville. Mn. Elgin Joncs, Toronte, is with bis cousin, Mi. Gussie Rosevean. Misa Dorothy Walker, Toronto, spent the wcekcnti ai Mns. James Storey's. Mms. Clara Byam anti Mr. BarI Byam, Bonmauville, Sundayeti ai Mn. anti Mrs. F. L. Byarn's. Congratulations te Mn. T. Savage on winning the Congolcum rug wblch was given away ai Mn. F. L. Byam's store. Miss Marion Staples, nurse-lu- tralnaing. ai BowxnanVille Hospital Sundayeti with ber uncle, Mn. Wm. Staples. Mn. anti Mrs. Floyd Dudiey anti f amily spent the wcckend wltb ber parents, Mn. anti Mis. W. J. Turner. Green River. Mn. anti Mns. Stantley Becket Sask., arriveti home here lasi week anti are taking Up resicleuce near Bewmanvilie. Mr. anti Mrs. F. L. BYmn anti Yvonne, Mms. C. Byam anti Mn. Eanl Bvam called. on Mrs. Thoruton ai Lekarti on Sunday. Sympatby la extendet te Mms. c. W. Woodlcy, Miss Eva Coilacoti anti teir uncle, Mr. Bilas Trewin, Hay., don. Mn. anti liS. Wilbcnt Dudley, Mr. and lira, Ceci! Dudley ad littie son,î It's Satisfaction You Want When Vour Liver la Not Functioni ng Properiy Parke's PARKE.S LIVER UVER TONE TOME inl guaranteed to i ae satisfaction. jIt tories Up those iazy livers and ma kes themn per. form naturally. I it also a areat S id tathe som. ,__ ch. Per a $1.00 Trial Size 50 Cts. ALEX MeGREGOR, Drugs PHONE 92 WE DELIVER West-End machine Shop and Garage Bring your work now and help us maake Bowmanvie a Boeming-ville. Expert Machinist la attendance. For Repalr Work and ail types of nmhine work - Phono 81. James F. Murray LOCAL & PERSONAL 1 Mr. Fred McClung, New Toronto, visited olti friends here ibis week. Mrs. J. H-. Johnston speni tbe weekend in Hanùlton witb ber auni, Mrs. Oco. Webster. Mr. Bill Ingram, Toronto, spent Sunday with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ingram. Mr. Bradley Honcyman, Toronte, spent Sunday witb his parents, Mr. andi Mrs. A. A. Honeyrnan. Dr. Doris Foster, Toronto. with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Foster, '"Norwood, Place" on Sunday. Dr. anti Mm. Geo. Pattersn, Miss Harrieît Bartîcit, Toronto, spent Suntiay ai Mr. John Hellyar's. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hamley anti Jean, Peterboro, spent Sunday witb ber mother, Mrs. F. C. Trebibcock. Miss Marguerite Joness, Toronto, spent Suntiay witb ber parents, Mr. andi Mrs. F. H. Joness, Carlisle Ave. Miss F. Chisleit, organisi for thc pasi fourteen years o! Port Hope Baplisi Chuncb bas resigneti owing te ill-healtb. Rev. anti Mm. C. C. Washington, Joyce anti Anna, Toronte, visiteti bis mother, Mms. W. C. Washington, on Mother's Day. Mr. anti Mrs. J. F. George, Fhy- Ilis, Jean, Sbirley anti Haroldi, Smith-, field, visiteti her mother. Mms. B. M. Warnica. on Sunday. Mrs. F. B. Hanford, Glen Ridge, N. J., spent the weekend with ber par- ents, Mr. anti Mm. Mark Munday, Sr., anti other relatives bene. Mr. anti Mrs. Ewart Bunner anti daugbters, Helen anti Margaret. Wes- ton, recently visiieti their parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Bunnen. Mrs. Alan Williams announces the engagement o! ber daughter ,Gwen- dolyn, te Mr. AdolPh Koldo!sky, the marriage te take place on May 26th. Mayor W. R. Strike is enjoying bis annual fishing trip in the Lauren- tian Mourrtains lu Quebec. Reeve R. O. Jones is acting as Mayon dur- ing bis absence. Messrs John anti Chester Jury, anti Gordon New, ail o! McMaster Un- iversity, Hamnilton, are staying with their grantiparents, Mr. anti Mrs. J. H. H. Jury for the summer. Rev. E. F. Armstrong attendeti the funeral on Wcdncsday o! Mr. P. F. Hoadley. Listowel, who was organisi o! tbe Unitedi Church lu that town when he was the pastor thene. The Fire Depanîment receiveti a midnight call on Sunday te a smail fire ai the Higb School wbeu a heap o! deati leaves lu some way be- came ignited. There was ne damage. Mn. anti Mr. Wilbur Oke anti Gloria o! Montreal, Que., have been visiting relative , ere. They also visiteti ber father, Mr. Jas. Freeman, wbo is ll in Toronto General Hos- pital. Salvation Army annual Self Denial Tag Day, May l9tb. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Aines recently visited Mr. anti Mrs. Russell MeIl ville, Campbellford. Miss Stella Struit, Tyrone bas returncd home af 1er spending two wecks witb relatives ai Scugog. Miss Ruth Tuerk, who bas been visiting ber sister, Mms. Lindblad in Ottawa, returneti home Saturday. Mrs. W. J. Hall, -Mimico, anti Mr. Jim Dcviii, Toronto, spent SundaY with their parents, Dr. and Mms. J. C. Deviii. Mrs. W. G. Giffler and ber moiher, Mrs. John Ruiletige, Salem, recently visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Histeti, Cam- den, East. Consuli an expert about your eyes. J. W. Worrall, Bye Specialisi, ai Mc- Gregor's Drug Store Montiay 10 am. to 1 p. m. M'ss Ethel Brennan o! the Bel: Telephone Exchange here was guesi o! ber sister, Mrs. F. Leonard White, Milieu, on Sunday. Mrs. (Dr.) Edward Shirley, Osh- awa, died on Friday, May llth, in ber 751h year. Mrs. Percy E. Gilbank, Hamiilton, is a daughter. Mms. B. M. Warnica, Mrs. L. A. Tole andi Miss Peters aitendeti a W. C. T. U. Executive meeting ini Oshawa on Friday a! ternoon. Mrs. W. B. Pinch and daugbter, Mrs. Geo. Bray anti Allin, Toronto, were guests o! Mr. aud Mrs. Geo. B. Bickle. Liberty St on Thursday. Mrs. (Rev.) J. E. Beckel, Nap- anee, who underwent a serlous op- eration lu the Kingston Gencral Hospital is reported as having corne through successf ully. Mr. A. Prentice, Frank and Hugh, andi Mm. A. Martyn, Port Ferry, and Mr. and Mms. Charlie Stainten and Ray, Oshawa, spent Sunday ai Mms. Elias Strutts, Tyrone. Dr. J. F. Thompson has resigucti after 12 years' service as teacher in Port Hope High Scbool. Dr. Thomp- son was a former teacher o! Bow- manville High School. Rev. D. N. Morden o! Chalmers United Churcb, Walkervillc, and Rev. M. C. MacRinnon o! Perth are cx- pected te exohangle pastorates ai the ceti o! the church year. Mr. F. J. Spry representing the Metropolitan Lif e Insurance Com- pany !rorn tbis town attendedtheUi lOth anniversary o! *the company's establishmecnt in Canada, in Toron- to, on Saturday. Mrs. Maria Cýemens. Nestleton, was in town, Monday visiting ber nepbcw, Col. Levi Taylor, wbo recent- ly returned f rom. New Zealand anti conducteti services in the Salvation Army Hall, ou Sunday. Mr. andi Mrs. H. C. Osborne an- ounce the engagement o! their dau- ghter, Helen Gertrude te William Leslie Eagleson, son o! Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Eaglesou o! Oshawa, Uiceinar- niage te take place the mitddie o! June. Durharn County Branch qf the Ontario Temperance Federation,, formerly the Prohibition Union, is holding its annual meeting ai Oronio on Wednesday evening nexi ai 8 oMcock standard time. Liberal aud Conservative candidates for the Leg- lslature bave been invlted te ad- dres5 the meeting. Among ibese attending the Dis- trict Con! erence o! Rotary Inter- national ai St. Catharines ibis wcek were: Mr. anti Mirs. C. T. Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cryderman, Dr. anti Mrs. C. W. Slemon, Mr. anti Mm. J. R. Stuit, Mr. andi Mrs. C. E. Reh- der, Mr. and Mms. Frank Wlliams, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W. James. Agreeable advice is seldom useful advice.-Massillon. LARGE AUDIENCE SEES OPENING 0F MUSIC FESTIVAL (Continued f rom page 1) vents follow: The figures following thc name is the percentage, and whene a nine follows the prize win- ner it represcuts the traîner or con- ductor. iCommittee Prepares Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bradd and family., Oshawa, spent y For Cartwright To wnship Mother's Day with their parents,- Mr. . ad Mrs. James Dudley. Centenary Celebration "Mr. and Mrs. Win. Virtue, Mr. and s andi Mrs. Russell Virtue and Mrs. (Continued f rom page 1) Theodore Down, attended the f un- eral in Port Hope on Saturday after- concerts will be staged in the Com- noon of Mr. Jack McKlbbon, nephew " munity Hall f ollowed by dances te of Mrs. W. Virtue, wbo was instantly "wbich it is expected hundreds will killed in an accident on Tbursday turn out fromn the township and sur- evening. rounciing municipailties. A parade Tyrone Sunday School anniver- y f school children wth a band is an- sary services will be held on Sunday, other feataire ýthat is unider dis- May 20th. Rev. F. M. Wooiton, M.A., cussion. eebrwl raha103am Sunday will be given over te aandet7erboro sipec bte10.30 ,asmn quiet day of reminiscence wben itad7p..Mscb eshola- y i hoed hathunres o Catwrghtsisedai the morning service by Mr. is hped hatbundeds ! Crtwrgbt an Knlght, Bowmanville, and by old boys and girls will visit their the King Street. Oshawa, Mixed relatives in the district, and. attend Quartet ai the evcning service. Sun- the special services in the churches. day School will be withdrawn. It is hoped te arrange for former ministers, and ministers who were born in the township, to speak ai rtr Iservices in Blackstock, Nstleton, MICHIPICOTEN GOL tCadmus and the other rural charges MINES TO COMPLEE of the township. The celebration is shaping Up to GOLDEN TRIANGLE be one of the outstanding events in___ the County this year, and Cartwright NwMno hc r .CakBl people are ai the present urne urg- NwMno hc r .CakBl kig their friends f romn near and far Is President, Locateil Next te te, return te their native heath to Two Good Producing Mines *join wth present residents in hon- oring the hardy pioneers who chis- Michipicoten Gold Mines, Ltd., has elled f romn the wilderness the happy been formed witb a capitalization farmlng community whicb is now o! .2,500,000 shares $1. par value, te Cartwright. Furtber details o! the develop two groups of cdainis iu the plans for the Centenary will be an- heari o! the Michipicoten gold f ield. *nounced as they are completcd. Oue group consisis of- 1ildaims in - a township 29, and the second, under option, comprises ten clains directly Fore Cartwright adjoiniug Pa rkhi]l Gold Mines, Ltd., eeveand if eAre Both properties have already bad Honored By Friends tion o! W. A. Hesse, who is Vice- President and general manager o! the new company. Very favorable (Continued f rom page 1) results have been enjoyed, a portion bride were establisbing their home. o! the properties sharing the geol- Short and ln sorne instances hum- ogy o! the Parkhill Gold orous messages were spoken by the Mines Ltd., where depth develop- following: Mr. Arthur VanCamp, ment has brought the latter operat- Mr. Stanford Swain, Mr. Hiram Ion forward as the hlghest grade Wannamnaker, Mr. Jos. Forder. The gold producer in Ontario. sons, Leith andi Rupert. paid higb The original group o! Michipicoten tribute te the beautiful home 1f e Gold Mines. Ltd., adjoins Parkhill, their parents had provided for tbei and like Parkbill the formation and made reference to the nmany shows gold-bearing 'quartz viens virtues that made the character o! closely assocated with intrsie each a benediction te themn. rocks and contained ln a Keewatin Several numbers of a very enter- roof pendant. The latter condition taining character were provided by was particularly remarkeci upon as the !ollowing artisis: Miss Muriel a favorable structure iu a report on Riddell, Toronto; Mrs. Wilbur Arch- the gold possibilities of the area by er, Blacksteck; Messrs. Bert and Dr. T. L. Gledhlll, for the Depari- Glen Wannamaker, Scagrave; Mr. ment o! Mines. Grant Jackson. Blackstock. VsbeGl The daugbters-in-law made a net-Vibl od able contribution te the pleasure of As unusual amouni of visible gold idisplayecl in the viens on the pro- the day lu having s0 tastily arrang- perty, particularly in one o! a group ed the decoration e! the room and o! seven whicb is believed to be a in s0 abundantly providing of the continuation of the Parkhfll main choicesi foods for the large comp- break. On the nortb part o! the Anmmrbe aya.rogt1 property a series of five parallel A mmorbledaywasbroghttoa vins occurs withiu a zone 300 feet close by the singing o! "God be with wlde. and ahl are traceable for 600 you till we meet again," and prayer fe nlnt for the continued blessings of ÇCod to eeti eg with the mosi south- follow the way of the happy cou~ple. erly exposed for over one tbousand _________________-Cbahnel sampling o! the last- named velu bas demonstrated an Public and High ore shoot on surface o! approxi- mately 200 feet lu length returning School Cadets Are gold values of $25.35 preseni val- uation, over width of 2 feet 8 luches. Highîy Commended On the nexi vein a shaf t was put donte 100 feet in the eld days, (Continued f rthdipage 1) and a durnp fromn this work shows verY rich ore, some sampîca belng the signaUling corps gave an excep- sPectacularly sPotted wltb gold o! tionally fine exhibition of their work nugget-like form, and randomn samn- botb ln plateon work and in separate pIes f rom ibis dtunp assayed int groups. the hundreds of dollars. The faci ibat the company was Michipicoien Gold Mines, Ltd. will .smnaller lu no way affected lt.s cf- embark on a complete developruent ficiency andi boih the big crowd thai programn as soon as the ground is aiteuded the function and the in- clear of snow, and the eperaions of spccting officer werc more thari the new company are expecie t t pleaseti wit~h the dexuone~ration. complete a "golden triangle" lu ibis Principal L. W. Dippeil, who tralued 1 section of the Algoma golti fields, boih cadets aud signallers, was lgh- witb Parkhlll and Minte Gold, both ly commendeti by Lt. Col. W. J. anProduction, comPletlug the trio. O. C. Durham Regiment; Dr. G. C. Bonnycasile, Chairman of the Hlgh It wili be o! special interesite School Board, and by the Inspccting our readers te, note that Miebipicoten Officer, Capi. Churchill-Mann. Gold Mines, Ltd., bas a strong Board At the close o! the inspection thc o! Directors beader by Dr. J. Clark corps was lined up before thc in- Bell o! Bowmanville as President. specting off icer when Col. Hoar pre- Dr. Bell is a highly respccted ci- sented the following boys with med- lzeli of Bowmauville, and well-known ais for shooting: R. Canciler, j.In ibis district as a pbysiclan, witb Roach, W. Bagnell, H. Hooper H. a wide-spread practice. His many Colmer, A. Colville, John Cowle, L: friends kuow that for a number o! Rebder, J. Thompson, A. Lamubros, years lie bas made a speclal study, o! G. Spencer, L. Brown, P. Pattrick, Canadian gold mining conditions M. Murray, H. Brooking, whlle Dr. and develeximent. and bis extensive Bonnycasile, presented' the special knowledge and, entbusiasm have re- scbool prizes for sbooting, gold incd- ceived filtilng recognition lu bis al-Alex Coîville, silver mcdal-W. election as bead e! the company. Bagnell; bronze medal-J. Roaeb. Tis aseociation luvests ibis min- Capt. Manni elected Lcroy Brown o! Ing venture with definIte local ln- Newcastle as tbe outstandiug andi teresi andi gives au assurance o! the smartesi dresseti cadet on parade and lInegrity of thc enterprise as a ser- awarded hlm the special cash prize tous effort ai mine maklng. for tbl.s distinction. We will watehf wih interesi Uic In view o! thc smart turnout Dr. progress o! Michipicoten Golti Mines Bonnycastle granted the cadets a LUI., and trust ibat under thc guid- holiday on May 25tb. providing a ance o! Dr. Bell the efforts o! ibis two day holiday witb Uic Legal bol- company to esiabllsh a new gold lday preceding it. After thc inspec- producer lu a well choscu and attrac- tion the cadets paradeti througb tive fileld will be crowncd by suc- the tewn. cess. New Holiday Clotiies for May 24th De in the swim - Dress Up 'for May 24th. We are propareil as we bave neyer beem to fil! your roquire- mente for smart new nierchandise at vory reasonablo cost. A new selection of Pastel Shade Dresses bas just arrived, and words fail to adoquately ilescribe them. Tou must see them te appreclato them and yeu'l be aurpriseil how 10rw they are pricoil, NEW MARTRA WASHINGTON DRESSES - Sizes 14 te 51 The finest ail purpose dress on the market. New Sprint Coats ln a Speclal Dlsplay. KIDDIES... like to dress up too Kidiles appreciate fine clothes, ad If you would bave them appear their best, druss them I Eclipso Dresses, the foremost ciiildreu's drs la Canada. Beautiful prints ln fast colors. Priceil frees 98o up. Crepe de chine Kiddiles' Dresses, daintily amookeil, and wlth panties te match - $2.95. In the. Men's Shop HAND PAINTED TIES - Yen, it's somethlng new, but most attractive. These Ties are a regular 79o value, but we offer them at 55oeaech or 2 for $1.00. Cadillac Sports Shoes Manufactureil especiaily te f it your foot from your own measurements. Cheasp hoes do »etpsy. They do not look or wear gocil. Try a botter pair of shoes al notice the difference. These sport shoes come i white and white ad black at $6.50 andl $6.75 pair. A score of New Spirnt Suite mest arriveil. Ses themu. Couch, Jolinston & Cryderman Phono 104 LIMITED Bowmpffjle S..--.-..~. - - .~,,à. .j .~. LÀ. WHITE and PASTELS FOR MAY 24th. Not at any tinie since our openlng have we been able te present such a stunning selection of fine clothlng for women. Just la time, too, for May 24th. Whites and Pastel pbades are featureil in Linen Suite f rom $7.95 up. White and Pastel Sports Frocks from $4.95. The New Cotton Waffle Coats, a feature value at $11.95, lu white, natural and plaids. ACCESSORJES IN TIIE MODE .... Accessorles, too, are I white and pastels - Purges, Kid Gloves, Fabrie and Mesh Gioves, ad White Milliinery. Sec our complete stock. The Evlyn LADIES' Shop SPECIALTY phono 594 Klnt 5troot BcwmaRue Grocery Shoppers FILL YOUR NEEDS FROM THESE SPECIALS Tiger Brand Salmon, lb. tin ........... 21c Pink Salmon, tali tin ................ 10c Brown Rice, package............... 13c ,Crosse and Blackwell's Catsup, bottie ... 17c Chateau Cheese, plain only.......1/2 IL.1lc Prince Edward Island Irish Cobblers, per bag ....................... $2.00 New Brunswick Green Mountain Potatoes, per bag...... ......... $1.60 Vip, the new health drink...... 59c and 98c Kraft Miracle Whip Salad Dressing, bot. 19c Maple Syrup, 1 gallon tin ........... $1 .85 Robin Hood F jour, 24 lb. bag.......... 73c Zenoleum Disinfectant and Sheep Dip, regular $1.50 for ............. $1.00 can Ail kinds of Silo and Hill Corn. Ful-O-Pep Growing Mash and Poultry Feeds Harry Allia, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville i t - m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, MAY 17th, 1934 PAGE SEVEN We're Ready for Crowds COME EARLY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Speilals 100 Men's $2.50 Feit Hats. .$1.95 100 Men's $1.50 Caps....I..$1.00 50 Prs. $1.95 Work Pants... $1.50 200 Men's 95e Broadcloth Shixts................. '.75c. 100 Men's $1 . 50 Broadcloth Shirts ...............$1.00 50 Prs. $1 .50 Khaki Pants. .$1.25 100 Men's 75e Ties ......... 50e 50 Prs. $3.50 Grey Flannel Pants................$2.95 S. G. Chartran Phone 26 Bowmanville t 1 f if c lý v v ýp

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