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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 May 1934, p. 11

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 1934 PAGE ELEVEN WE DELI VER Pure .... Clean PASTEURIZED Fresh MiIk - TO - Bowinanville Bowmanville Beach Hampton Enniskillen Burketon Blackstock Caesarea Newcastle Newcastle Beach Newtonville In ail these centres Bowman- viUe Dairy MUlk is recognlzed as the cleanest, purest, and rlchest mil available. If yen bavent trled It yet Phone 446 and we will eall Bowmanville Dairy W. H. Betties, Prop. Phone 446 C.H. Tuck1 Opte Eyesight Specialist Author oe! Optometry Feature Service The ChfId and Its Development Specializlng excluslvely in muscle anomalies, eyeslght and glasses. Phone -for appointmnt 1516 Dimney BIdg. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, Ont. Hampton I Has received a la Goverment CORN & Increase your produi guaranteed seed, tes ment and approved poses. We also FUL-O-PEP AND MASI And have plenty of o your eveî Ask your grocer for X) We know yo Hampton I Hampton C. Edgar Hor ahwaysberare wihssion Most ef the communicable dIseases whlch accur in this country are spread by the germs that are found L) ~ in decret.ions f rom the nose and Questions concerning Health, ad- dressed te the Cargadlan Medical Association, 184 College Street, Tor- onto, willI be answered personafly by letter. IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST1 TWE'.TY-FIVE YEARS AGO FIFTI YEARS AGO1 From The Statesman, May 27, 1909. Prom The Statêsman,-May303th, 18841 The Victoria Day celebration here The annual meeting of the Reform on Monday was a huge suîcesbg Association of West Durham was crowds. fast games and godrces. held on Friday last. F. F. McArthur, The football game in the morning Esq.. presiding. Election of officers between Hampton and the High resulted as follows: President-F. F. School resulted in a 1-0 victory for McArthur; Vice-Presldents---L. Van- the former. Balmy Beach. Toronto, camp. Darlington; J. G. Renwick. defeated the Victors basebali teamn Clarke; S. T. Ferguson. Cartwright; 10-7. The races and winners were: W. T. Lockhart,. Newcastle; T. Yel- 100 yards. 'D:r. Elmo Sisson, Russell lowlees, Bowmanville; Secretary, W. Copeland; 220. V. Walker. E. Black- R. Climie, Treasurer, John McMur- burn; 5 mile marathon, J. M. Wad- try. It was decided to hold a grand deli. Orono, D. Tucker, Town, Alex picnic and political demonstration BagneiL. Town. Carl Maynard,, Tor- here on June 17th. and to tender onto; Boys race, ErnIest Bottrell*, Hon. Edward Blake a public recep-1 Girls race. Maggie Connors, Greta tion to his political home on the Belîman. The musical part of the occasion.4 program was provided by the D. O. A runaway horse attached to a1 & P. Co., Band. covered buggy containing two small Their many friends deeply sym- boys caused semne excitement on pathize with Mr. J. A. McClellan, King Street on Monday. A labourer manager of the Bank o! Montreal succeeded n stopping the infuriated and Mrs. McClellan. in the death of animal. averting what mjght have their youngest daughter. Beatrice resulted in a serious accident. Sophia (Trixie> who died Sunday, in Mrchibald Galbraith, who for near-t her third year. Rev. Hugh Munroe ly twenty years nas been employedt officiated at the funeral. in the Upper Canada Furniture Fac- Mr. and Mrs. C. Rehder have re- tory here, leaves on Monday for turned f rom a trip to Cincinatti Berlin. to take the post of foreman where Mr. Rehder attended the con- in the cabinet factory of Simpson vention of the Amnerican Found.ry- & Co. His numerous friends here men's Association. wish him success in his new sphere John Orchard bougiht the Bar- o! labour. clay property, Enniskillen, 20 acres D. 0. & P. Ce., band have the nic- -with barn and house, for $780. Dr'. est littIe hall in town: the walls arec iC. W. Slenion bought the village nicely papered an hung wth pic- rSienat or $2bt. Bihwnsvrltures, f loor painted. and everythlxîg valuable prize tthe ontvreal spic and span. The opening on Tues- valuble rizs attheMontealday night was attended by an im-r Horse Show with his string of hac- mense crowd, the boys looked gay inIn kneys f romn Bowmanville. their new hat.s and plumes, and the Daniel Gilbert, brother of Mrs. W. music was charming. R. Cawker o! this town. who lived for many years where Mr. Thos. Marriect: Henry-Codd. On June 1 Bottrell now lives on Liberty Street, 29th. 1883. in Toronto by Rer. J. H. died suddenly of r'heumatismn, at Mcçolluin, Geo. W. Henry, to Edlth1 Woodstock on Victoria Day. Grace. only daughter of J. A. Codd. Miss Nellie B. Hall of Bowman- al of Bowmanville.t ville is one of the government lec- Married: At thet turers at Women's Institutes in West- B. C. Parsonage. Oreno., on May 24thN ern Ontario. by Rev. A. 1lchard, Mr. Samuelt Born: James in Bowmanville on Candler o! Bowmianville to Miss Lou-1 May 2th, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman isa Hoar. o! Darlington.I S. B. James. a daughter, Dorothy ___________ May. Lodge Wellington No. 19, Sons o! ALYPAE England. paraded to the Disciples ADXYPAE Church on Sunday morning nearly a hundred strong under the comn- If I can do seme good to-day, Imand o! Chier R. Jarvis and looked If I can serve along life's way, r attractive In bright blue regalia If I ran something helpful say. d withredandwhit roes.Lord, show me how. wit rd ndwhie oss.If I can right a human wrrong. If I can help to make one strong. t If I can cheer with smnile or seng. Lord, show me how. sIf I can aid one in distress, 'i u lllsIIf I can spread more happiness. b Flour M illsLord, show me how. t If I can do a kindly deed.n ýarge shipment of If I can help someone in need. If I can sow a fruitful seed. n Lord, show me hw Tes ect See ifIfc feed a hungry heart, A IfeIted *Oivea bte trt If I can fl nobler part. i Lord, show me how.T 'MILLET K___r t -Grevill Klese a iction by the use of sted by the govern- i for seeding pur-W? >handie A I4EALTFN SERvICCtop *ER CHICK STARTERS THE CAOWA0I.%N &EolcAL -- abher feeds to supply IUANcCMA A* ýry want. BE CLE'N ,XX PASTRY FLOUR __at ~u'I lik it.At the tîme when John Wesley said ou'Il lke it. Cleanliness is next to Godliness" ' one ci his audience remarked in el is next to impossible." The good old f days may have been romantic and ah truthfulness. '"and sometimes- h Flour ivillS ditions were very dlrty and foui- t picturesque but on the whole. con- J rn, rop Phoe 19r6 smelling and uncomfortable. because As the standards o! living improve. vi so the standards of cleanliness are raised. One of the strlking contrasts it' between the clvllized and the unciv- CI ilized is the di! ferent attitude whlch M exists regarding the cleanliness of person and in the handllng of f oeds- nr E N A great deal of cleanliness has neo'm direct bearing upon health; most of m * it is a matter of what we caîl de- the ob y u'vecency. its practice grows out o! a H th jb OUVOsense of comfort and self-respect T and thigs wratd ity leb oy isofnsiveante a and thin s clthes andconsideration for others o liter . . . and slght and:smell. fcenlns a *a very direct bearing upen health. de r nappy a * Dirty hands are dangerous enemies. Dirty hands are almost sure to be vý soiled with body secretions whlch 80 w often contain disease germs. These sa genms on the hands gain entrance <-i she cao depcnd on. That's -hy 0 nay ae Lydia E. Pînkham' Vegetable Coin- Eound.98 out of 100 Say, "*I: lps mc!j Letitheip youboo. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND COURTICE (Crowded out hast week) Mr. and Mrs. Homner J. Sibbitt and ions. Torcnto, were Sunday visiters at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Reynocs. Messrs. Norman, William and Joshua Gay, Detroit. metored te Oshawa to visit their brother. Thos. Gay, who is very ill. Before return- ing to their homes they spent a few heurs at the home o! Mr. and Mms. Cecil Adams. The last silver chamn tea was held on the 9th. at the home of Mrs. G. Reynolds, with Mrs. J. Aldworth as hostess. The Maple Lea! cauilt was f inshed, and the Dutch Girl got welh under way. Owing te most o! the ladies being very busy now. it was decided te leave this quilt te those who live neanest who f eel they have the time te spare. Arbor Day was held at No. 8 school on the llth. In the mornung. thi boys took command of the outaide cleaning up. whlle the girls attend- ed te the inside. Af ter lunch a game o! sef ibaîl was played by Base Une Ne. 4 and Courtice. resulting in 31- 21 in favor o! the latter team. The Base Line team deserve praise as there are se few pupils f rom which to draft a team. A enie-time resident of these parts was visiting the scenes o! bis chld- hood last week, in the person o! Mr. W. Lott, Winghaxn, Ont. Up te the age o!f five Mr. Lott lived on the south west corner o! the north farm owned at that time by the late Wil- liam Courtice. Mr. Lott was en- quiring fox' William. George, and Jennie Reynolds, the latter being Mrs. James Sulley whose critical state o! health did not permit o! a re-union. and Pelly Courtice, the late Mms. Chemens o! Bowmanrille. The services o! the Salvation Ax'my Sunday School-wene along the line o! Mother's Day. Sergt. Major Aldworth introduced Mm. (Col) Levi Taylor in her usual efficient manner, after which Col. Taylor conducted the services. The epernng song, te the tune of "While Shepherds Watched" had as its theme -Happy the home when Ged is there." Col. Taylor led in prayer. "Tell Mether III Be There" was ably sung by Fred Adamis, whth the cengregatien joinîng in the chorus. Nos. 4 and 5 of the program sheet were sung by aîl. A vocal sole. "My Name ini Mother's Frayer" was sung by Adj. Tucker in an earnest, touching mnan- ner. Col. Taylor's interesting ad- dress hehd aIl at close attention. Much credit is due Mm. Gearing. teacher o! the primary class, who taught them theix' little song fox' Mether's Day. and Col. Taylor was 2e pheased with them that they were requested to, sing four times in aIl before the meeting closed. Recita- tiens were giren by Mss G. Rey- nolds. Bowmanvilhe. and Frances Reynolds. Miss HIlda Barnett, Bow- manville. gave a menologue, wlth (Ms. T. Adams as accompanist. Mrs. Aldworth requested boys and girls to act as Taggers on Saturday next in Oshawa and Bowm-ranrille. Col. Taylor dhosed by prayer. It is heped that Mrs. Taylor will faver us with a visit again as she was vry much .iked. ORONO (Fnom the News May l7th.) Mr. Dave Elliott o! St. Petersburg. Fla.. visited his sisten, Mm. James G. E'amblyn. Mr'. and Mns. Irwin and Mrs. Max'- shall. Torento, spent Mether's Day with their people here. Mn. James Gilfihlan. London and Mtiss Viola, Toronto., spent Sunday .t their fathen's, Mn. J. J. Gilfillan. Mrs. William Cochrane. Kirby. was taken te Toronto f qr x-x'ay and 'xamination and possible eperation for appendiditis. Mn. ana Mrs. J. R. Chapman and Mr. and Mns. Ed. Ellerby e! Hamil- ton were weekend guests with Rer. JH. and Mrs. Osterhout. Mms. Austin T. Gamsby and hen brothen. Mr'. T. Henr'y, and Mrs. len Henry, Oshawa, were Sunday 'isiters at Mn. L. Gamsby's. Mn. and Mx's. Fred Cewan vis- ted thein daughter, Mm. Chas. Crease, Toronto. over the weekend Mrs. Cowan remalnlng for a visit. The Ladies' String Qurz'ette fur- ished the music at the Athol Street T'abernacle. Sunday n.ight, at Osh- awa, and were much appreclated. Mr'. and Mms. J. W. Rlckaby and Helen. Hamilton, Miss M. Rickaby. Toronto. and Miss M. Jewelh, Bow- inanrille, visited at Mr'. H. J. Seuch's over the weekend. Mx'. and Mrs. A. Tounley and family o!f enelon Falls. and Mn. Lloyd Walken, Toronte. spent Sun- lay at Mr'. A. A. Relph's. Mn. Gamnet Gamsby. Kingston, was home at his father's fer the reekend. Gamnet has opened eut a sausage fac tory in the Limestone Éity.- and A-eprt - din aoo hen aunt. Mms. T. Kinsman, at Mill- 1 brook, Tuesday, at which a1 number o! relatives and ohd tue f iends participated. Mrs. Kinsman is a daughten o! the hate John Farrow.I IManveis Township. i LeRoy Brown, who ta attending Bowmanville High School. had the honor o! being chosen by Inspecter Churchill-Mann as the. best cadet on >parade in the higix school cadet corps. He aiso won bronze and sil- ver medals for shooting in cennec- tionwlth. the cadet training. Mr. t*irman Davis was warmly greeted on his arrivaI in tewn Mon- day f nom Kelstern. Sask., fer a few weeks' visit. Some three years bas ehapsed since he hast saw the home town. He reporta the outlook none toc) bright fer the farmers e! that province owlng to dreught and many old settiers are taking up land fax'- then north. Orone people, residents o! the Kelstern district. he neported cheenful and enjoying good health. Mr'. George Hall, who left the home tWun some thi'ty yeams ago, is now a resident o! Edmends. Wash. A gnoup photo e! George with his wife and fanîily, taken in the at-1 tractive giarden o! theix' home, was receired by his brother. M.r. Frank Hall, a few days ago. and the major- lty o! bis eld Onono f niends who were prirlleged te take a glance at the picture are te be excused if at ,first glance they mistook hlm for bis father, the late Daniel Hall. CENT A MILE EXCURSION Thousands e! Canadians wishlng te visit relatives or f niends eithex' in eastern on western Canada will great- ly benefit frnen the announcement Just made by both the Canadian Pac.fic and Canadian National Rail-, ways at headquax'tem., Toronte, that f rom June 10 te 30th inclusive a round trip fane on both Canadian raihwa>s o! one cent per mile wll be effective te Western Canada f nom all peints east of. and including Windsor, Sault Ste Marie, Sudbury, Capreol. and Cochrane, Ont., and f nom ail stations in Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. The cent a mile coach excursion tickets will be goed te aIl pointa in Ontario west o! and indluding Pont Ar'thur and Ax'mstrong, and te aIl Stations In Manitioba. Saskcatchewan, Aiberta, and British Columbia. On the other hand an equal op- pox'tunity ta pnesented nesidenta in Western Canada by the anneunce- ment that cent a mile rates te all pointa in Eastern Canada will be phaced on sale June 8lth te 30th. A veny genenous return limit o! 45 days is granted on the excursion tickets, which howerer. prerides that the getag and x'eturnlng joux'neys mnust be made over the same nallway ex- cept where the interchangeability o! tickoets is permitted in the existing Pool zones. Tickets wiIl be good in coaches but will be honored- in Tour- ist sleeping- cars on payment o! a slight additional passage fare charge for each passengen in addition te teurist car bex'th rates. The usual baggage allowance wll be made as on regular tickets. The impressive savtag in these excur- sion rat-es wtll give many a chance te visit such f amous beauty spots as Banff. Lake Louise. Jasper and Minaki. SEE THE AMAZINO NEW 940 SERIES THEY MAKE AN4D BURN THEIR OWN GAS MoRHE IEAIJTCIJL Titan Ever liefore They're ready ... the new Coleman Instant- Gan Ranges for 19341I And what stoves 1 More eutifui, easier to operate . . .better in every wayl Be sure to set theml You'il find new, beauty for your kitchen, and a wealth of new improvements designed. to simplify and im- prove your cooking. AUl range modela have fuel tanks fuily concealed.- Tanks are made of new patented Everdur motal that is ruât, acid and corrosion-proof. The amazing new Band-A-Blu Burner . . the new Dial Type Safety Carburetor Valve ... new finishes and new modea... you'Ul want to aSc them al! Tiieze new ranges provide modemn gas cooking mg-vice.. no matter where you live. You're sure to find one for your particular need. In beauty, convemience and performance they are the. deight of every woman who sees them. Examine them; compare them with others; see why wesamy: "In AUl the World No Stovuc Like These 1" Moad lNe. 148 -".w ovtl% T"leTep R*uee& Vli.Aebd lua ""perclau ad bleui beked e»mk*L. fteyaveu. fuel*.-a-. Modei No..949-Fb. fter .uwer tjý hitchaor cabla. 3 burmau.,G b" enamal wtth white porcelalaepLeah L The Dand-A-Blu Burinela the greateet lmprovn «t ve ade lu a paelaspressure etovesi Providu 20 per cem reater héatinglefoklncy, ents Scent wkder rougs ai cook- boat DIÂL TYPE SAFETY C4.RBURETOR VALVE 01v.. you, et your finger tiM. postive, vle fuel controL Produces ga inl- stantly frein a ny good0 gradeof uW.atad motar hieL In sle ufead ml Opea" Leaves NO Brush Ma rks" FLO-GLAZE 1.S Soi» EXCLUSIVElr Y Je W. JEWELL .1201Store Phone 30 DowmanvilIe Do You At a festival in honor of Alexander the Great, in Egypt, one thousand guests were served, each having a change of gold plate and cup for each course of the dinner. Today's Fact On insurance of ail kinds you Ca get f ull protection in the strongest companies at Iow rates, when you phone J. J. MASON & SON. Phone 50 Bowmaavle- t' WHI you finally land been after .. look much brigI you're feeling 'roli vour family b - it will Maitet *Spread geod news, getb ness-by telephone. Loni where yau u'nt to go, economnicaily --100 nile 30c. Sec rates in the Iri SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER THE COLEMAN LAMP & STOVE CO., Ltd., TORONTO, 8, ONTARIO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE. THURSDAY, MAY 24th, 1934 PAGE ELEVEN

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