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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1934, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1934 PAGE PIVE -.7ôr- the Their First Home It ais rue there are certain fur- and carefuily trimmeti nails wil nisbings wicb the bride and groom make the average woman f eel ai mnust have-pots and pans, a cook ease. stove, a table, a bed anti a few For Use womnn who wishes ta give chairs. But ibere are many things ber banda more care tban tii is wbîcb tbey can do witboui or can a gooti plan to bave n few manicures, make oui o! st ore boxes, paint, a few using tbem as lessons to learn bow yards of cheeseclotb, wire, nails andtiat do it for onescîf. Manicures, kept ingenuiiy. up te date, do not consume as much Most marrieti people stock up with time as one migbt suppose. and ihey a loi of cheap f urniture wben tbey certainly give a womnn a sense of begin bousekeeping. In inter life fitness and confidence. tbey can afford beiter. but since ibey have this, it seems extrava- gance ta replace ih wiib somethingHushl Hnt in f ner taste. And then. it would oshlHit be such a job, because ail the furni- Foot beaitb tiependa upon mucb ture in the bouse is of tbe cbeap waiking, cieanliness, the proper type type, and ail of it wouid bave te be of sboe andi well fitiing stockings, discnrdcd, ta bave things barmon- chanigeti daily. ions. Wasb Use keys of the piano and It is wise for the bride andi groom o! the is'pewriter occasionaliy. as an 10 buy only good. furniture--simple aid te keeping Use banda dlean. and good, wbich they can use and The bouscwife wbo wishes a sheif love anti delight In as long as tbey bere, a picture bung there, and a keep bouse. i may not be useti in hook somewhere else. will find Hub- the besi room always, but wili be by wiling but ever "'busy."' it appropriate in some other room. helps, ta get Use board, Use saw andi andi will neyer be too shodtiy to use. the bammer ahl ready at the place of Temporary book cases may be operation and ta suggest it 10 the matie of boxes, as aise the dresser, gooti man ai some moment when the settee, and Use cupboard. The vou know he lsata leisure - perbaps dining table may be rcally a kitchen a! 1er n pleasing meal. table, to be ticmoted when the fam- Wben you plan ta paint, let the ilY purse grows faiter. Carefully can stand upside down for a day or study eacb furnishing. and make il two before opening IL. This helps ta a rule tci purchase today only what mix it grndually. Before opening, la gooti enough te use for years, anti shake i up andi down vigorousiy. ta do witbont or devise some makesbift mix IL. for what you cannot afford ta buy To rub tbe 5kin witb olive ai1 or in refined taste. linseet il wiil remove paint stains from Use banda. Finger Nails Strawberries Use part graham fleur in your strnwbcrry shortcake. A lady may be known by the f in- Srawberries may be matie mbo an ger naiis she keexss. If these are omelet. Add lemon juice ta your ragged anti bitten off and "in mixture for plain omelet. When the xorning." one tbinks o! ber as not omelet is cooketi, spread a layer o! a dainty. cultureti woman. The wo- sugareti bernies over one bai! of it. man of totiay la very particuiar Fold the other baif over anti cover about her appearance and this in- with anoiher layeT o! sugarcd ber- cludes attention ta every feainre of ries. ber being, net merely ber gown, but Serve sliceti oranges and straw- ber bair, complexion. shoca, bat, bernies together in a fruit cup. They gloves-and finger nails. s bould be well sugareti and set int If the finger nails are Inclinedta 1 the refigerator 10 chili thorougbly, be short and stubby, miladcy elong- several heurs before serving. Straw- aies themn by letting ibem grow long bernies anti sliceti fresh pineapple is anti cuiting the tip pointeti. This another combination; aiseo 51mw- gives benuty and character te the bernies and canned penches, or hanti. tabrisadrur. Of cursethehand mus be Serve powdered sugar with f resh scrupulousiy cdean, scrubbed inl bernies. Leave the stems on the ber- warm soap anti water witb a nail ries anti ici tbe enter use the stem brush, dricdti toroughly. and per- 'as a hantile teatip tbem, one by baps a hanti lotion rubbed in ta one, int the powdered sugar on tbe soften ihem anti keep ibem f rom side o! bis plate. It's more like the chapping. Then madame beginsen chiltihooci way. h er nails. She uses a long, flexible Can the surplus jiîf rom your steel file to give tbemn the' Pi'opex cooked strawberrles. forlruit drinks. shape - pointed. round or oval - It is tielicios or% it eo witb even strokes f rom the- aide o! an other fruit juices. the nail taettbe hp. ___ The pointed tup on the nail la semewhat o! a fati. The oval,'which The Incinertor foilows the natural shape or tbe nail, is the style preferreti by most . Have Yeou a wire trasb basket or' conservative women. The pointeti incinerater in which ta burn papers tip looks a bit artificial, lîke bird wbicb accumulate se rapidly in ev- claws. Ila inconvenient for Use ery bouseboldti iese tinys? This busnes woanandImpossible for u-seful tievice may be bad in the bh usis omantitmarkets for a smaîl price. Empty For the splih cuticie or hang-nail your waste baskets into il every !ew use an antisepthc salve. Wtb an dnys and set it in the ailey or back orange stick, pnsh ib ctiiebak ard ta bnrn, taking care Uatiti is i of Ie 1 d taw et too near sbrubbery or trees gently o nastan cuiay whicb may be injured by the beat. There are many processes the f as- The incinerator eliminates the dan- titiious womnan-witb pienty o! lime ger Usai the papers biow about anti -may perform te keep ber banda set fire te a building or Use lawn. beautiful: but a dlean, healtby 5kin __________________Graham Muff ins Mix a cup anti a bal! o! unsifteti W est-Endgrabam flour. a bal! teapeon of sait., a tablespoon o! sugar and two M ac in S OP teaspoon of baking powder. Toaa ligie line sh np o! milk. atit a slightiy benten egg anti a tablespoon o! meiied fat. and Garage Combine tetomxuesi lghtly anti bake for hall an hour in Bring yeur work now and muf!fin tins, in a mederate aven. heip us make Bowmanvlfle a Boomlng-vfle. Buying Pineapple Expert Machlnlst In The besi pineapples are ripe anti attendance. bave a ycllow tint. The spines o! For Repar Work and aR tyes sncb pineapples pull out easiiy. One cf machine work and Gasoline o! tihe best tests for pineappie is the Engines - Phone 81. fragrant odor. Examine the stem end o! Uhe pineapple. If il la dis- Jams . uraycoloreti or sof i the pineapple i vr H Mrs. Solomon Says: Be S+ i'rYou and Baby Too . To enrich !amiiy life-this is Use S reat nimm o! tbe truc mother anti E c.L y ise homekeeper. To achieve Ibis sewlll discriminate between essen- tais anti non-essentials; wiil plan more activities wblicb the !amiiy en- oy tegeiher; will draw into the hoefine music, pictures, books, 04/ frienda anti recreations; wiil provide f or each member o! the family a place wbere be may deveiop bis bob- S t lOt a joily. geniai spirit o! comratieshlp it<s fragrarst latherM Individuel whicb wiii miake the hours spent - cartons Uere thc bappiest anti mosi prec- gô&4 cleanses ions o! the whole day. MRS. ED. DEAN IS P RES IDENT 0F ORONO WOMEN'S INSTITUTE District President, Mrs. F. Ferguson, Blackstock, Paid Officiai Visit to Branch The annual meeting of tbe Orono Women's Institute was held on Fni- day, May l8tb. the president pre- siding. Tbe secretary reported al expenses paid and a smnil balance on bnnd after a very successful year. A splendid piece of commun- ity work bad been carried oui in the renovation of tbe stage ai the town bail. The district president, Mrs. F. Ferguson. Blackstock, made ber of- ficiai visit at ibis meeting andi gave a splendid address on Vocational Guidance, giving many helpful sug- gestions. Misses Valet-a Allin and Mary Tamblyn deligbted wiih two weil rendered vocal duets, and also acted as scrutineers during the el- eciion of oflicers. Mrs. Foster Fer- guson, afier compiimenting tbe président, Mrs. Dean, on her manner of conducting the meeting, and the society on spending the money on communiiy work, presided during election of officers, which resulted as follows: President,-Mrs. Ed. Dean; ist Vice Pres.-Mrs. O. W. Holph; 2nd Vice Pres.-Mrs. F. Tamblyn; Sec'y. -Mrs. Lou Buckley; Treas.-Mrs. W. M. Stutt; Directors-Mrs. Hon- eyweil, Mrs. Winter. Mrs. W. Cow- an. Mrs. Fred Cowan; Dist. Director -Mrs. Honeywel: Hep. 10 Annual Meeting-President. Disi. Director. Mrs. J. R. Cooper, Mrs. Carleton; Auditors-Mrs. M. H. Staples, Mrs. Cutteli. St. Paul's Evening Auxiiiary (Crowded oui week) The regular meeting of the St. Paul's Evening Auxiliary was beld ai the home of the Misses Allen, Beecb Ave., on Monday evening witb a splendid attendance. The devo- tional period was in cbarge of our president, Miss Hutchison. The us- ual bymns were sung, followed witb the Lordls Frayer in unison. The scripture reading followed by a por- tion of the first chapter o! "The Wonder of the Book" by Dr. Dyson Hague rend by Miss Hutchison and Miss Jewell was much enjoyed. Moat interesting minutes were read by tbe secretary, Miss Jewell, f ollow- ed by the business penioti. The Watcb Tower f ollowed. Mrs. Kerr reading a most delightful leiter from Miss Luella Rorke f rom. China. Mrs. F. Williams read a mosi inter- esting article on Dr. Charlotte Ross. the first Manitoba lady doctor. Miss Hutchison's letter from Dr. Flem- ing. Nassick. Induia, was indeeti a real treat. The closing hymn "At even. wben the sun bas set." was foilowed by the Mizpah benediction. Delicious refresbments were served by Miss Martin and Miss Allen and the usual social bour enjoyed. Have We A Higher, Selfhood Than Others Recognize In Us ? Do we ail accept ourselves as oUi- ers see us? Do we not sometimes ai least recognize a bý'.jer selfbod tban others may see - a nobler self, which bas bigh aspirations and sees itsel! capable of! doing great and noble things ? The Bible tells us ihat is made in the image and likeness of Goci and is given dominion over all. The Bible aiso tells us that Qed la Spirit; tisat Qed la Love; that Qod is all-wise andi omnipotent. The material senses do not tell one of the spiritual. perfect man. Tbey tell of a material sense co! man which is far from perfect-a mortal wbo la often fearful, dishonesi, self- isb, and nnloving. The acceptance o! ibis faise sense of man la the cause o! siciasess andi lack. The earnesi endeavor te f 0110w thse Apos- tie Paul's decision, '"Henceforth know we no man a! er the flesb," unfolda to us tihe true idea of heaith anti supply. That the Master saw as real only the spiritual man. who la thse per- fect expression of Life, Goti. is clearly shown in wbat be said andi diti. If he bad seen "la!ter the flesh" the one who came 10 hlm. with a witbered hanti, be would no doubt bave pitied him, but because Jesus saw the man o! God's creation, wbo is forever perfect andi complete, he said 10 the afiicted one. "Siretch f orth thine hand." The proof that ibis methoti o! treatment is In ac- cordance with law and order is shown by the resuli: the man's band was restoreti wbole as the other. The one in business who sees man as the perfect reflection of God. ex- pressing Intelligence and goodness, will find blmself expressing more wisdom and ability. His relation The Rotary Club (Conttnued Irom Page 1 1 but on orders f romn Paris was re- leased and tle cargo prrmitted to continue t0 Germany wbere it was usýed in the manufacture of arms to f ight the French. Later a ban was placed on the shipment of nickel but not until Germany had secured ail the nickel it needed for some years. it seema cjuite apparent that wbule French and Germans were fighting in the front lines. the French and Germian bankers were on friendly terms, controlling a business which benefitted both alike. Swîtzeriand, a neutral country, did a land office business tbrougb- out the war in aluminum selling both toi the allies and the enemy. The speaker went on to show that the armament companies are inter- locked by directors and stock and thai stories that get abroad that Germany bas inventeci some high explosive wLich it is keeping very secret is without foundation. for al the armament companies in these combines bave access to the inven- tions of the otbers. To give some idea of the ramifica- tions of the armament trust, Mr. Shane showed a chart with the Vic- ers Company of England as the cen- tre of the armament business. It was connected through director- ships and stock holdings with other Vickers subsidiaries in Italy, Rou- mania, France, Holland, Japan, Canada, Oiermany. Ireiand, Spain, New Zealand, and niany other coun- tries. From tbis interlocking of company interests it would seemn that wbatever country is ai war the Vickers concern is, bound to, profit, and each Vickers subsidiary profits ai the expense of the lives of its own countrymen. The speaker did not attempt to show that ibis was tbe extent of the armament trusts in tbe Old World, but jusi one of many. With tbese fadas Mr. Shane lef t matters for the members of the club 10 think out for themselves but none couil do other than realize that Ro- tary International bas a tremendous task if il is gomng 10 overcome ibis great trust, wbose prosperity is war, and promote world peace. President Tommy Ross expressed appreciation to Mr. Shane for bis well ibougbt out and informative address. Rotarians Fred Hoar and Arthur Hardy were weicomed back 10 tbe clubs who have been on tbe sick list. SCHOOL REPORT BASE LLNE, DARLINGTON Report of S. S. 3, Darlington. for May: Sr. IV-~*Margaret Henry 88. *Ha- zel Truil 82,.*Louise Foley 82, Sam VanCamp 74, Maurice Morphy 65. Jr. IV-*Arthur Forsytbe 76, Ed- die Forsytbe 66, Vera Gibson 65. Sr. II-*Billy Henry 86. *Jeani Metcaîf 77, *Peggy Finnigan and Norma Sexsmith 75 (equal), Harry Feather 67, Betty Henry 65, Joe Wojnakoski 61. Jr. hII-Madeline Metcalf 70, Gien Metcalf 64, Eveline Gibson 60, tGor- Meicaîf 70. John Noble 66. Gordon don Truli 51, tou For e 51. Jr. II-Kennelr'lower7'l, Alvini Metcaîf 73, Donald Metcalf 71, tMike Bonk 59, tSam Bonk 44. Pr.-Daisy Gibson 65, Mildred Metcali 63, Alfred Feather 51, tJoyce Power 44. tWinnie Power 23. Figures stand for per cent;* hon- ours; t Failure. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. Good-bye Asthma. Persons suf- fering from that extremeiy trying trouble known as asthrna know wbat it is to long with all their hearts for escape as f rom a tyrant. Neyer do they know wben an attack rnay come and they know that to struggle unaided is vain. With Dr. J. D. Kel- logg's Asibma Remedly at hand, however, tbey can say good-bye to tbeir enemy and enjoy life again. It helps at once. Beach Slacks In plain white or navy denin .Ip so at per pair........ In white with red, mren or blue stripes down legs, at ...$1e'1"7 Beach Shorts Ladies' and Children's Shorts, a mcml attractive somemer garment, in plain white or navy denlm wlth S pleated legs, at....... Same materlal, In white, $ 2 withcolredstripes, at....5 Kiddles' Seersueker Shorts, in bitte, green and brewn, at 1 5 per pair .......... 1 2 Ladies Bathing Suits New 1934 styles - Smartest colora We purchased these bef ore wool prices I- creased. Today they are worth $3.95. The choice is extremely varled, showlng thic new interestlng strap backs, opera tope, as' weil as the regular smntan style. Col- ors Include marine bitte, yellow, scarlet,, ocean green and brown; sites 32 te 40.....$ 09 Sunback styles ln Botay wcol; Inlu d green, bIne and black, sites 32 te 44, at ...... $ L19; Aise a good qualty ai weel suit with suntan backs,hI bloc, yod, green andi black, at.....s 05 Walker Stores, ide PHONE 164 TOUR BEACH AND EWM U 7L HEADQUARTERS tMr. R. J. Graham, Belleville, dlied the firm of Graham & Pinkile who May 24th, foilowlng a ten days' 111- ran the Evaporater business previous ness. Older citizena willi rememnber to J. A. Holgate & Son. <c., _________________________________'ait________ a m' HOUSE PLANTS IN SUMR By W. E. Groves, Bowmaniville Even tbongh winter appears tu be the time wben plants in Use homel are mosi enjoyeti, ibose same plants1 bave to be careti for during tihe summer season if tilsappointruent la to be avoideti. To turn Use plants oui into Use garden for a lime isa ai very weli, provideti some came ila given turing tbis open air ireat- nient. One o! bwo methotsis l quite frequeniiy folioweti, cuber to plunge the plant pot anti aIl in thse grounti, or 10, plant it in the garden feeling1 ibat noibing more is requireti untili the autumn. The plants now in mind are tbose usuaily grown in the home, fers, begonias, rubber plants,i aspidistra, etc. Plants sucis as ger-j aniums thai are suitabie for sum-1 mer bedtiing couiti be useti for Uis purpose during the season anti- Young plants siartet f rom cuttlngs in September. Similar ireaiment mighî be given Use begonias. But1 it reaily la not wise to, plant out bhe f erns anti other varieties named. That Usey wouldt ibive well pianteti in a shadeti location la concedeti, but the severe check o! repoting neariy always resuita in a iowered vltality anti t is some time before Use usuai vigor shows itself. This la easlly untierstot if we realile that the plant makes many new roota when planteti out anti at Usetilme o! pot- ting. some at ieast, ofthUese bave to be taken off. Then tisere ha Use other methoti termeti "piunging," wblch means sinklng the plant in the pot In the ground at leat te the level o s rlm o! the pot. The trealmntl probabiy better than Use piantlng out, but even here a gooti deal of1 attention la necessary. The plantsa are hable te suffer f rom lack ofi inoisture. The pot ia usuaily ful 0f1 roots, and though Use surrounding soil Ia molst, Use mnilture dees not always !ind its way Usrougb tihe pot. Appearances are frequeniiy tieceiv- ing and tdamage la tione before ilus realized. Wth Ibis in mind there cornes Use question as te wbether lb is net whse te use Use verantiah as thse chie! summer home for Use house plants. They can be protect- eti without much trouble f rom scorchlng sun anti strong wintia. Wben Use flau cornes a luttle repot- ing or top diressing la al ibat la neceasary, and thse plants wiii face the wlnter in good condition. Some plants demant resthng dur- hng Use summer months. Calla 111- les anti cyclamen are types o! bhe plants Usat needto1 be d.rhed off anti Usen startet i nte growth about Use enti o! Juiy or eariy in August. No water ehould be given during ibis restlng perioti and to keep the nain away front the plants tihe pots mlght be laid on their sides. Jusi as soon as cool nlghts make Usemaelves feit, wblchla snally the case in Seplember, preparations couit be matie te gel al Use plants back te their wlnter quartera. A general clean np shouiti be given- tead wood or leaves conit be e- moveti. anti ail the pots given a good scrub. This la aise a gooti lime to give al Use plants a spray wih sorne insecticide se Usat they wilU go indcors In a clean condition. At Use saine lime also an applica.- tion of fertilizer Ia worth whlle. Misa Usta Kaif e bat bîcet-pols- oning. Now se uses bolh Cress Cern anti Bunlon Salves. At Jury& Loveli's. Rub it In for Laine Back.-A brlsk rnbblng wlt<b Dr. Thom"s' Eclectnie 011 will relleve lame back. The skin wii lmmedlately absorb tihe oUl and Il will penelrate the tissues anti brnn speedy relief. Try Il and be cenvinei. As thse liniment slnks in, tbe pain cornes out and Ihere are ample grountis for saylng tbat it la ans eocellent article. WHEN you îe up to your eurs in work aaaand you haven't written home for days... and you know they're probably worried ..a. Cali themn on Long D.stance's on. sure waY to make things better. if you're 'pressed for time or arc lonesame or bave nmre good newm te teU, just pick Up your telephone. Long Distance takes you anywhere, eamily, quickly, inexpensively-100 miles or no for 30c. Sec rat»s ln the front cf your directory. FFI w~ - - ~w - 0 Distinctive T EFresh from Qualiy theGardens 1 1 ---.i THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUMDAY, JUNE 7th, 1934 PAGE IPM Polo Shiirts To wear with Beach Slacks, in cotton mesh, in white, bloc, maize and green. Ladies' at..........7190 Kidd.ies' at. ....519e Kiddies Bathing Suits Mickey Mouse or Tiny Tot Soits 2.fl in fine cotton, sizes 2 te 6, at.. p Ail WooI Suite of fine botany, slashed with contrastig colors or i plain one celer styles, per suit..8 & PLAY ýSAFE IN A BUOY-O-BOY Summer Floats Filled with waterproof substance four limes more buoyant than cork and se softt it will flot chafe the skiof a ch.tld. WilI not wateriog la 100 heurs. A punctore does not affect il. These preservers andi swim alds corne in three sizes ia standard quality. The Kiddie - te support 70 lbs., safe i deep water 9S TeJunior - will support S14 110 lbs.... ......... TeAdult - wiiI support $19 200 ibs. - Price ...... The JTumbo - to support 300 lb.. at ........$5.00 Buy a Buey-O-Boy andi be sure you and your kitdiles are sale ln mater.

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