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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jun 1934, p. 8

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PAG EIHTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 7th, 1934 POUR milk or crearn on a bowlful of Keliogg's Rice Krispies. Then listen as they snap and crackle their story of delicious crispness. You've neyer tasted any- thing so good. Serve for breakfast or lunch. An ideal food for chiIdren. Light and easy to digest. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. L isten!- M ko re Laundry' DONE FOR Less Money THRIFT SERVICE 9 Ibs. for 75cj lOver 9 lbs. 7c per lb.) DRY WASH 12 Ibs. for 75c (Over 12 lbs. 6c per lb.) -4- A trial order will convince you this is an ecanomical and satisfactory way of do- ing your laundry. WE CALL AND DELIVER W. Marjoraun Phone 478 King St. E. - Bowmanville (A N'T SLEEP IT'S YOUR NEVES Relief cornes soon with use of Dr. CHASE'S Jumpy Nerves Yield ta the sohing action of this medicine. You wilI eat beter . .. sleep beuter . .. feel better ... look better. Life will seem worth living again. Don't delay any longer. Begin taking ià îoday. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND NOW- Minard' s! Keepml inard'm handy in the houee. You neyer know whaa you'P zieed hti NEW METAL CAP hermetically semis in srensth of linimeat. Prevents "M~Iing. Esitoy re- moved for use. Rub la MLaud'a hosly for mur mm& cular pain@ or odjfnog4 Sre f«4e soinAmu LA&i .R~ Sunday Les 3s JESUS ON TH, Sunday, lun Golden Text: -Loo us the author and fait.h; xvho for the j( before himn enciured pising the shamie. anc the right hanci af G od."-Hebrews 12:2 Lessor. Passage: M 50. sade" The cross of Christ has stili s, , ite acient power. an etinsfor Discussion 1. Was physîcal pain a necessary 'onl part of Christ's sacrifice ? 2. Why cioes go>odness sometimes provoke resentment ? [ECRSS3. Have religiaus cantroversies -IE CROSS ane more good than harm? -4. Why did Jesus upon the cross rie lOthquote f rom a Psalm? z. AuIgustine said that Christ aking unta Jes- gave ýup his life becau-selie willed it, finisher ofau when he willed it andi as he willed jo y tha t- was set.~ Discuss this. the cross, des- ci is set clown at the throne of 2. Iatthewv 27 :33- Symbol My iaith is ail a doubtiul thing, Wove on a doubtful loom, UnJml there cames, ecd showery spring, A cherry tree in lolom. Anci Christ, wlio died upon a tree That death had stricken bare, Cames beautiully back tc me, In blossoms everywherc. -David Morton. Tasting Death, 33, 34 An alId saint ofi[en gave tis adi- vice ta lis fren".: *"Tnrnk mudli ai your ieat.nbeo. k'erhaps trie coun- !sei was neitner sa wise nor samnliy alter ail. Ta t.linit overmuci ai aur c.atnoLtd(s is ta pave Luse wawso mioroicaity. It is much helîthier ta tniink ai ta-dýay wmtn nis apporiuni- ies anci make the miost af tne eter- na! now. Yet triere are few oi us wro have flot wondered wnaLt tic ena w.ll be - a mator accucient, a lingering disease, a peaceful passing in extremne olci age. Sometimes we wonder, if we had aur choice, whati wauld be aur preference for depart- îng fromn this warld. Christ met deatli at the age af thirty-three up- on a cruel cross. It was the customn ai a society ai gaad women ta give1 a stupefying drink to criminals con-i cemned ta crucifixion. Wlien this drink was oficreci ta Jesus lie re- fuseci it. He wisied ta taste death with full consciousness. Anasthet- ics are a merci.ful relief f rom suf fer- ing in modern surgery but Christ lai suci a thouglit ai the signifi- cance aiflits dcath that he wasf ready ta bear any pain. An Old Testament character expressed a wish that uis death mîgit lie likef, ,kat ai an honored fricnd, but few Christians would dhoose ta die the death af Christ. IIndignities, 35-40 As thougi the pain ai crucifixior were not cmiough, aciditionai mental tortures were lieapcd upon tic "suf- fering servant.' The Roman sald- îcrs gambled for lis garments at the foot ai the cross. An inscription chat was ntendeci ta be an mnsuit was set up over lis heaci. He was crucifiecl between twa thieves. Those who passeci by taunceci him, waggîng :heir heacis and j.estmng at his suf- fermngs, andi ail tis happeneci ta the best man wlio ever lived, ta aonc whc haci spent lis ciys teaching trudli, helping the sick and sharîng lis noble spiri- with friends and strangers. Whatcver else may lie conta:ned in the msanîng ai the cross. :t is an evidence ai the starlt sin af mankind. There is something diabflically evil in human n.ature and :his evîl is sometimes most re- sentful ta the good. More Reproaches, 41-44 We migit excuse the Roman solci- icrs for their heartlessness anci the two chieves for their misunclerscand- ing af Christ, but the chief priests came mocking him. accompanieci by thse scribes andi eiders saying, "He saveci others; imseif lie cannot save.' The revenge ai the religiaus leaders was most spiteful ai aIl. The lii e and teaching ai Jesus diaileng- eci their consciences and wincing ini- wardly, they enjoyeci a brutal phy- sical revenge. It is aiten said that church rows are mare bitter than ayohrkind oi striie. Sectarian hatred is often more intense than political an:agaonism or commercial rivalry. Jesus liveci amidst this sec- tartan spirit-Saiducees and Phari- sees in controversy, and the Jews chai ing uncler the Roman yaks. Yet he clareci ta tcach the law ai love as a cure for the world's ilis. Taunteci by autstanding religiaus leaders af lis day lie caulci pray for forgive- ness for those wlio put hlm ta death. One answer 10 cie question, -Is tie Christian way ai lufe practical?" is that Christ himseii hived il. Forsaken, 45, 46 By reason cf thirsi andI losa ai bbooci che physical strength ai Jesus wa.s ebbing fast away. Darkncss feil over thc landi. In tic Garden oi Getisgemane. tirougliaut lis trials on ths cross, Jesus was cleserteci by his disciples andi now lie fici: for- saken even aioacio. At ieast, tiat is tic usual interpretation aiflits cr3', -My GOc. my GOac, wiy hast thou farsaken me?" FHowsver. ticre is some reason ta think that this was a cry af faith ratier than cloulit. The psalmist's question in tie forty- second Psalm icada up ta a positive answcr: -Wliy art thoti cast. cown. 0 my soul? andi wiy art thau dis- cîuieted within me? hope thou in God: for 1 shahl yet praise iim. wio 's the healti ai my countenance, and my* od,' just as we might say, Our Father which art, in heaven" nwaning tic whole Lord's Frayer, or The Lord ta; my shepherd' mean- ing tie whaîc faiti af tic twenty- third Psalm. Even taking tic sur- face msaning ai tic words as the cry oi a de.spairing heart. it yet re- mains that in Iliat darkest haur Christ's thauglit -as of lis Father GoI The Death of Christ, 47-50 Tiheceadli ai Christ was more than a martyrdom. noble as martyr- c'ois have been anci are. Christ's drcati was a iree. voluntary sacri- f içe ta ifree men from their ains and Io wîn tiem ta tic goodncss ai God. Tliere have been dozens ai theories 'oi tie Aonement but no anc ai I îif.< adecjuately expresses ail the ri#-trin:ng af tie cross. 'Mis mucli, idlt"it siould mean ta us every c:yh'aIl ioîlowers ai Christ i hould strive ta live sacrifiiaîly and rî ~mpivev.putting awity evcryl kmow.In. ever trusting thc guid-1 an(:(- of mieSpi i oocl. Christl a.ks us to take up aur cross daily and ta fo110w him. Dr. Jawctt saicl: 'Whemî I visit Calvary lufe is trans- formeci from a picnic inta a cru- ORONO lFrom The News, May 31) Miss M. Adams of the public school staff spent the past weekend with hier mother in Omexnee. Miss Margaret Dickson is home. having finished hler faurth year ex- aminations at the University of Toronto. Mr. Albert Rose. who rented his f armn for a term. of years and moved ta Toronto, underwent an operation recent]y for double liernia. Congratulations ta Miss Agnes Waddell. student at the Ontario College of Art, Toronto. wlio has successfully campieted iher second year examinations. Rev. J. H. Osterliaut. B.A., B.D.. is representing the Orano circuit at the annual meeting of the Bay of Quinte Conference in Brockville. Mrs. Ostexhout is visiting hier sons in Ottawa. Mr. Fred Honey writes f rom Red- lands. Cal., tliat lielias been pleaseci ta receive caîls irom old Oro f riends: Misses Ecina and Lena Ren- wick. Mr. Frank Stutt. and Mr. andi Mrs. Robert Leitli. His sisters. Fan-1 ny and Evelyn, are spending a short time with him. Mr. Russell Wilson, fcrmerly of Oshiawa andi now on the Scott home- stead farm, lot 20, con. 3. Clarke. has taken clown the alci out build- ings at the rear ai the Hallett lot andi intends converting tliem into poultry houses. Mrs. Wilson is a daugliter ai Eldyn and Mrs. Mididle- tan. Mr. R. H. Armstrong was home over the weekend at lis motlier*s. Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. heeliaving finisheci examinations; of the second year at Qsgoode Hall. Toronto. Mr.i Armst.rong intends remaining in Toronto for the summer. cantinuing work in the law office ai Jenner & Brunt. Mr. andi Mrs. Henry Junker andi son Freddy spent a f ew hours Sun- day with relatives and friends here. Henry reports business iairly gooci at the Lakefieîd Crsamery. although handicappedi samewhat by a short- age af cream owing ta scarcity oi iodder on many af the stock farms ai that district. Believe It or Not Heading Writing Is Not An Easy Task The Midanci Free Press has been ' above an article on a mectinq helci Crecently in that town. Ater giving reasons why it beliEved thc heaci- lins was quite fair considering al circumistances. The Free Press com- ments tiat headiines oiten prove ta lie bugbears for newspapers anci ex- plains: "Few people realize that tic task ai compressing the salient fea- turcs ai a calurnn or two-calumnn article into hall a dozen worls. presents a certain amount ai dii - 7f icuity. particitlarly since a good' headline muist attraot attention. Headlines in newspapers corne in for critîcism fairly irequently sinmply because af their natural limitations." There are few things mare dii- fîcuit in newspaper work than writ- ing good hleadings and 1%eadliires. The job re-quire-s the abluity ai a' crossword puzzle expert andi a man with a nase for ncws. To look rigit, a lieading lias ta contain a certain number ai letters, contain a ertain number ai letters. nat %vithin two cr three ai it, but a certain number. Not only tuis, but al the letters are not the same widtli Provision lias ta be macle for Ms, W's, I's, andi a few others. Spaces and punctuation marks aiso have ta lie couiteci. A re.t1ly good heading writer may write out a cozen heaci- ings before lie gets ans ta suit him. In addition ta tua ciffictîlty oi writing headings that fit, the job caîls for the ablity ta describe the mast important or most nterestîng angle ir. a f wards. If a woman is leit a million dollars thc hcading shauld saY this. not that she ta lucky, or tiat she intencla do gîve up schcoil teaciing. or that in the future she wiil break dishes insteaci ai washing tliem aithougli this datter angle mght be good for ths sub-hcading that cames immediately beiow 'the main lieadng in a fir-sizcd story. There is not sufficient space here ta give a complets explanation on the art ai heading writing. One newspapcr liandbook gives 77 rules on this ans subject. Probably the mosc important tiing is tlie realiz- ation tic hsaclings are not simply labels, but complets statements. ssci containing a verli and a subject or predicate, or bath. statcd or implieci. A heading is a grammatical sen- tence althougli same parts may be suppressed. Symmstry in lisadings. by liaving tic lines ai an equal lengti. is an- other necessary thing since hýeadings are primarily a cecorative typogra- phica] display.. The easicst way ta write lieadings ta ta decide what sliould be said in tliem and tien select wor&, ta ex- press the ides in dis amaunt ai space availabie.-Lindsay Post. Fteta new, pleaiant powder, keep.,,teeth fIrmly net. Deodor zen brea.t . Na gummny, tgkoey. peaty tante or feellng. .a 1ai. eat ana laugh ln eomfort, and without em- i.arrassment, just sprinkle a. little Fanteeth on your plate&. Gel FASTEETH 35c. or goc. »Inn, to-day at any gooâ drug @tore. FASTEETH- U IR E I CA1A A NEALTH SERVICE Or TH E CANAOIAN MOEOICAL. ASSOCIATION ANDO LJ E »NSURANCE CobMPANI.. OCANADA t MEASLES A red spotteci rash appearing on top af what lias been thought ta be a common caid, lasting for a week or sa, is likely nieï)isies. This. haw- ever. is not always thie case because a red spotted rash may andi does 1occur in other diseases, such as sinallpox, for example. Measles was known ta the anc- ient world; we f mcl it describeci in the earliest ofi nedical writings. Today. It is known th.roughout the civilizeci worlcl as a chuldren's dis- ease. Ail are susceptible ta measles, andi as exposure likely occurs early in if e. particularly amang residents af congesteci areas, the disease is seen most frequently in chilciren. ai- thaugli it is by noa means uncammon among adults. During the warld war. it wvas flot- eci that men braught inta military camps f rom rural areas frequently contracteci measles. neyer having had the disease previausly. The men in battalions recruiteci from the cit- is. living in the sanie camps. es- caped the disease: these latter had practically ail had measles as child- ren. Second attacks afi measies do occur, but they are comparatively rare. The sPecific cause ai measles has not been discovereci. Measies is ane of the most readily spread of the communicable cliseases, and it is dufficult ta contraI because it is in- fectiaus befare the rash appears. when the running nase, inflamed eyes., the cougli ancd the fever are believed to be an ord.inary colcl. The Younger the chilci. the more serous is the attack of meses. The Younger the chilci. the greater like- lihood is cliere that the attack will lie fatal or that it, wîll be f ollowed by seriaus complications, It is fori thes-e reasons thai Parents should exercise eVery reasarabie precaution to Protect their vaunzer chilciren. TIhe comman belief tha- every chilci must have meas-Ies. and :he sooner the better. is irauch1- -t .h grave danger and leads 'o much r.eedless suffering and wastage of vounc :ives. Ta postpone the occurrence of mea.sles until the ckd s at least five years aId shoud bo -re aim aof aIl who are respcr.z:býe ffor sais- g-.iarding the heat'r. of children. Practically. this tnear.s that *he ýchild who lias wha-,appears ta lis a caid or who is i~esd hudb zepL away, from o-*-Er children. The bezt place for such-.a cnîd is in beci. this lia-h in lis owr. irterests andi for the welfare aiof ' ers. Neglecteci colds lead t.o serious -ro~uble. Meas- 1 les an.d other ctuai' beg:n as ordinary colcis. During the passt Ex ears. we have learneci tha- -±s blooci of pa- tient-s who have recovere-d irom mesIes - humari cor.vatscen' ser- umi - will. when injected. canifrr a temDorary itnmuntity or resistance ta rneasles in the person ir.jectsd. In the absence ai convalscent serum. the whoîe blooci af the parents is used. for they. as chiid-ren. vrill like- IY have baci the dissase. Bath me- thods are safe and valuable in pro- Every Member of the Family ought to have a SAVINGS ACCOUNT -As a reserve for emnergencies arnd opportunities, or as a safe, coriservative, profitable investmnent. -As a safe place to lay aside a.mounts she saves by care- fui management of the home, and to build up a fund for special things she wants to get. -That he may learn the true value of money and how interest makes it grow, that he may start ea.rly along that path of thrift which leads to financial independence. -So that she, too, may learn the value of money andi begin laying it aside for future needs. There is a Savings Department in every offce of the Bankc of Monitreal -Canada's oldest Bank-a Bank where small accounts are welcome. BANK 0OF MONTREAL M&L Established 1817 H-,d Oflîce: Monrre, I MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARIMENT 0F HIGHWAYS Loopold Macaulay, Minuster TOTAL AS SETS IN EXCESS 0F $700, 00 0,000 Bowmanville Branch: F. 0. McILVEEN, Manager every accident isas caîased bi' hunian negligeîice! Issit it limne for us btl o a littie thinking? Do yoit drive carefully ...alwmtys? You shioîld, if only for your oivnr pro- tection. Remeiber tliat over 50 per cent of the 'ictims of fatal accidents Iast year wcre occupants of rnotor vehicles. * DON T BE S5R Y- E ARE U CREMEMBER -CHILDREN ARE CAREFREE AND IMPULSIVE - PARENTS AND MOTORISIS MUST ACCEPT THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR SAFETY -4f- I4 1 tecting teinporarily the young or sickly chilci who lias been exposed ta the disease. Becauise measies so often leaves a f rail of damage, the child who has recovered slioud be examineci sev- eral nionths after recovery. ta en- sure that any damage may be iound and treated. Questions concerniing Health. ad- dressed ta the Canadian Medical As- sociation. 184 Callege Street. Tor- onto. will be answered personally by let ter. ýIPower ta drudge at cistastefuli tasks is the test of facult.y, the price1 af knowledge, and the matter aof ciuty. -James Martineau. Persian Balm is alluringly frag- rant. Adds a charming refinement to the most f inislied appearance. Creates and preserves complexions af surpassing laveliriess and texture. Softens and whitens the liands. Cools and dispels ail irritation caus- eci by weather conditions. Swiftly absarbed by the tissues leaving nev- er a vestige af stickiness. A peer- less toilet requisite., Invaluable ta ail women wha care for elegance and distinction. a PAGE EIGHT $&y$ MRS. CLARRY HUNT, Chief Dietitiau for Gillett Producte, Toronto M AAGIC costs so little' Just think-it actually VItakes Iess than lit uorth of '%Iagic ta make a delicious layer cake. lVhy take chances wjth doubt- fut baking powder? Bake with Magie and be sure! "CONTAINSNO'iLUM.Ti IVIL~E ME statement on every tin i. y=u MAGIC "uarantee tliat Magic Baking Power s fee romalum or MADE IN CANADA any harmful Ingredient. .V' fO Ïj'e q for JI(other for eSon for Daughter W77

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