- Y. -w !r,'~. 'W ý *-1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIE, THURSDAY, JUNE 21st, 1934 PAGE TEN SECOND SCHEDULE LAKESHORE BASEBALI LEAGUE IS DRAW1N Bowmianville Game at Cobourg "on Saturday Will Be Postponed Ouing to Goodyear Pjcnic An executive meeting of the Lake Shore Basebail League officiais was beld ai Newcastle on Friday night with Dr. J. A. Butler, the vice pres- ident in the chair. The second ha]f of the schedule was drawn Up and another meeting will be conducted at Newcastle on July 9th to arrange the third section of the sea.son'. schedule. Regarding the Port Hope at Co- bourg game on May 24th, the latter team registered a protest again.st the local win basing the dlaim on the ineligibi]ity of Lloyd Hussey. who turned in a fine relief effort on that occasion. The Leagues decision was lef t over to the next meeting until more information is received f rom the O.B.A.A. A short lime ago Hussey was transferred to Preston by bis company, and W. J. Snyder, O.B.A.A. Secretary, yesterday refus- ed his application for change of res- idence and the matter was deferred until the next meeting. The Newcastle at Port Hope en- gagement which ended in a 7-7 drawc will be re-played at the end of the season if the standing of the league is affected. Second Haif Thl-e second half of the schedule was drawn Up as follows: June 20-6.45-Newcastle at Bowmanville 23-6.45--Port Hope at Newcastle 23-3.15-Bowmanville ai Cobourg 27-6.45-Bowmanville at Pt. Hope 27-6.45--Newcast]e at Cobourg 30-6.45--Cobourg at Newcastle July 2-10.00-Pt. Hope at Bowmanville 2-3.15--Cobourg at Port Hope 2-3.15-Bowmanvfqle ai Newcastle 7-3.15--Newcaslle at Port Hope 7-3.15---Cobourg at Bowmanville 11-6.45-Port Hope at Cobourg. Front Street Trinimed In a scheduled town league f ix- ture on Tbursday night, Front Street was trimmned to the tune of 10 to 2 by Hately's Cubs, with Dave Osborne hurling. The game was f airly even until the seventb when tbe Cuba ran away witb the gaine, batted ten meni and brought in six runs. Front Street scored in the f irst and fourth innings. The teams were: Cuba - D. Osborne, p; Tordiff, c; Werry, lb; Cole, 2b; Collacoît, 3b; Jacknan. as; Moore, If; Hunt, cf; McKnight, rf. Front Street - G. Piper. p: Hoop- er, c; Culley and Naylor, lb; Little, 2b; I. Piper, 3b: Bates, ss; Naylor, If; Brough, cf; Dunlop, rf. Game Potponed Last Saturday's Lakesbore League fixture between Port Hope and Co- bourg was indefinitely post.poned as a mark of respect to Bill Willoughby of Coîborne, a member of the Co- bourg team. Bill was dxowned last Thursday aflernoon when bis sail- boat capsized on Lake Ontario. His grandmother is a former Bowman- ville girl, being Lizzle Philp before ber marriage. Monday night's Front Street - High School Town League clash failed to materialize due to tbe welcome downpour of ramn during the entire aflernoon and evening. Game will be played later. Town league doings get under way again lonight wben, weatber permitting, Cubs will try to down Cliff Samis' rubber men. Relieves Asîbina at Little Expense. Tbousands of dollars bave been vainly apent upon remedies for as- thnha and seldom, if ever. with any relief. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, despite ils assurance of benef il, coats so litile that il is with- in reach of all. It is the national remedy for asthma, far removed froos the class of doubtful and ex- perimental preparations. Your deal- er can supply il. THEVIRE TELLING Troul Kellogg's Rice Krispies actually snap and crackle in rnilk or crearn. No other rice cereal can equal their tempt- ing crispness. And what delicious fia- vor I A treat for breakfast or lunch. So easy to digest, they're ideal for children'a supper. In the red-and- green package. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. ,n ýe If d ýe s r l Lis ten!- CLEVER STAFF PRODUCES FINE ISSUE 0F HIGH SCHOOL SCREECH OWL Above are picturecl the members Bo-%.manville's fine High School mag-1 week. The 1934 edition is one of the to0 tUs staff of enthusiastic workers. of the Staff of The S.reech 0wl. azine, which came off the press last best ever produced and is a credit Names of staff appear elsewbere on 1 tbis page. 1934 SCREECH OWL Hardsicone. The Valedictory address, MOST COMMENDABLE a number of students; Fon. News by the formn representatives, and ISSUE IN YEARS Chuckles, the section for humor and alleged huinor. Fine Staff of Judges Selected lu Other features include pboiograpbs Literary Section - Chronicle of and cartoons much too numerous to Studnt ctivtie Durngthe comment on separat-ely, but ail well Studnt ctiitie Duingthe in keeping with tbe high standard Past Year Maltes Interest- l of the Screech Owl. An Auiograph img Readlng deparîment and a generous patron- age by adveriisers, who make it pos- A litIle different from anything sible each year to publiab ihe Screech produced in previous years, "The Owl. Screech Owl," Bowinanville Higb The whoIe book is well produced Schcols annual chronicle of the and well printed, and the editorial year's events is off the press. On tbe staff is to be beartily congratulated whole it 15 moat commendable from on producing what seems to us the cover to cover. besi Sereech Owl Met, despite ils Fîrsi impressions are oflen wrong, unlucky issue No. 13. but our firat impression was not so The staff responsible for ils pro- good. The cover 15 gold casiallian duction is as follows:- grained and the general stock is a The "Screeeh Owl" Staff pale yellow which gives the magazine Editor-in-Chief - - Leonard Wilson a distinction f rom other years that Associate Editor - - Elsie Carruthers is not quite favorable. Business Manager - Donald Williams On the other band ils contents Assistant Business Manager - NeLson are above the average. and ibis may Osborne be said especially of the Literary De- Advertising Staff-- Jean Morris partment, conducted by Miss Eve- Helen Mason1 lyn MacKinnon. Perhaps il 15 the Byron Vanstone manner in which the department is Howard Wight laid out that makes il attractive, but Secretaries - - - Marion Glanville ihen again the tonies are exception- Violet McFeeters ally good, and 'include a greai deal Literary Arts - - Evelyn McKinnon more humor and a little lesa ideal- Poetry Editor - - c- - Selina Barilet Lkm tban usual. Drama Editor - - - - Verona Worden This depariment is to be congrat- Student Activities - - -- Elford Cox ulated on the judges it selected. Miss Alumni- -- ----Donald Hardatone Mazo de la Roche, distinguished nov- Graduating Classes - - Roy Colville chast. Dr. E. J. Pratt, the poei. and Roy Lunney Dr. C. J. linck, Professor of Eng- Exchange Editor- ---Betty Rowe 115h at Western University, are ce r- Girls' Atbletica s Mary Tbompson tainhy an exceptionally capable Boys' Athietica s George Tordif f group. Misa Roche in particular is Chuckles----------- Jack Alin f ree and frank wiih her criticisma French and Latin- - Ted Johns and in ber message 10 the students in Consulting Editor - - Mr. E. H. Deviti general she comment.s on the prom- ise sbown in the manuscripts she IA -or- e-r-sntaOwensaa examined. OenPaa Dr. linc in is essae pontsJoey Caverly Dr.Klnckinbismesag p int B ----------Marie Whitet oui that to write successful poetry, I-------Manjonie Coucli one must concentrate themselves 0 ihAli tbe nobleat arts. Bl li A hady tbleof cntets a Ib ------Doris Dudley A hndytale f cntntsat heIV -- -------rank Mcllveen beginning of the book is a decided V -- -- ---Margaret Wigbtman improvement. It 15 well laid oui and Sr. Comm. -- Marion Glanville one bas litile trouble in finding any Jr. Comm.--- Gertrude Hooper department they may need. _________ Principal L. W. Dippell bas bis - usual fine inspirational message near LOCAL BOY TO MAKE the front of the book, and is followed by the Editor, Leonard Wilson, who RADIO DEBUT FRIDAY under the capiion 'Rejoice we Con- CaleCwesno r n quer"gives bis readers jusi a taste CaleCwe.sn0 r n of his clever witing., Mrs. T. Wesley Cawker, will make bis The school song, composed ydeu n the air waves on Friday Bety RweMr.FracisSuton nînght, when witb Hub>eri Hinkson, Brety Row e, r Frcspon, andforblind pianist, and grandson of Mrs. thM r. Ed. dcviiswer ronhsble forRobi Holmes, he will be the ther fete, wod1n ui fii e rnember of a two piano team which The Literary section. wiih ils short will be heard over station C. F. R. B. tonies and poems takes up the major at, 9.30 p.m. On Ibis broadcast will portion of the magazine, and as wve probably resi Charlie's future as a pointed out before is the besi we radio entertainer, the local citizens have read in several years. may do much to belp him, by writ- ing their approval of bis broadcast, Elford Cox bas ably handled the to the Radio Station. You are in- subject of Student Activities in its vîted 10 listen 10 this broadcast, and many depariments, including the if you enjoy il, pass the word along Literary programs, the school calen-c to the radio station so that ibis dar, and a feature article. team will become a regular feature Under the editorial direction of of the station's broadcast. Mary Thompacn and George Tordif f___ "'Sport Slants" provide a compre- hensive rcview of the sporting ac- IIOMING PIGEON' CLUB tivities at tbe achool during the past year. Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club A brief review of some of the mcmi- fIew their seventb old bird club race bers of the graduating classes out- on Saturday, June l6th, from Belle lines some of the strong and weak River, Ont., 230 miles air line. Fol- points of the students thus review- lowving are the resulis: cd. F. Bottrell 6 hrs, 48 minLs, 16 sec. The "Wbo's Who" sectiont cm- F. Botircîl 6 bra. 49 mina, 52 sec. braces as usual much of the fun of I. Piper 6 bra, 51 mina, 57 sec. the magazine outlining nicknames, 1. Hobbs 6 hra, 54 mina, 15 sec. chief occupations. characteristics, 1. Piper 6 brs, 57 mina, 23 sec. ikes, dislikes, ambitions and ulti- L. Richards 6 hra, 58 mina, 21 sec. mate fates. Roy Colville and Roy lWm. Wcolner 7 hrs, 16 mina, 32 sec. Lunney bandled ibis section. 1 E. Hunt 7 bra, 46 mina, 29 sec. Other interesting departmcnts are E. Hunt 7 bra. 47 mina, 9 sec. Wth ie Graduates" by Donald P. Bathgate no dlock report. DURHAM COUNTY ham, Cavan; 2nd, K. Smitb, Cavan; JUNIOR FARMERS 50 Yard Dash-lst, Mary Burn- 1 ham, Cavan; 2nd, Muriel Wbitting- L HOLD FIELD DAY ton, South Monaghan; 3rd, K. Smitb Cavan. Seven Hund.red Attend Important Standing Broad Jump-lst, Wilxna Event at Bethany - Ebenezer Beer, Manvers; 2nd, B. McDowell, and ewcatle irlsWin Cavan; 3rd, I. Sisson, Manvers. B3oysanNecslGilWn Running Broad Juxp-lst, B. Me- Bail Tournaments Dowell, Cavan; 2nd, I. Sisson, Man- vers; 3rd, B. Wood, South Mona- SaLurday, June 16th, was an ln- ghan. portant event at Bethany wben more Running Higb Jump-lst, Muriel than seven bundred peujple attended Whiitingdon, South Monagban; 2nd, the annual Junior Farmers' Field M. Hanna; 3rd, I. Sisson, Manvers. Day. Relay Race - lst, Cavan; 2nd, The Boys' Softball Tournament Manvers. attracted the following ten entries: Mary Burnham, Millbrook, captur- Brown's; Starkville; Mount Pleas- ed the Silver Tropby for the bigbest ant; Cavan Ebenezer; Darlington points scored by a girl; wbile H. Ebenezer; Providence; Hampton; Brunt, Newcastle, won a similar Millbrook Continuation School; New-. prize in the boys' events. The prise castle; and Pontypool; while the for each event was an attractive Girls' Tournament had entries fromibronze medal. Bailieboro, Millbrook, Newcastle and A large Cup was awarded to Clarke Bethany. Township for piling Up the largeat Newcastle won the girls' final number of points. Tbis must be won sofibaîl game by 8-4. Bailieboro and two years to become the permanent Millbrook played for the consolation propert.y of any township. prises with Bailiebore the winners The final items of the day was ry a close score. The Millbrook the Hard BaIl game between Nortb ;eam consisling of Collegiate girls1 and South Durham. Orm Gamsby made an excellent showing in al'collected a team f rom the South ibat their gamnes. In size they looked like' turned the tables on North Durham juniors, but their playing compared 10 the lune of 8-1. The high light favorably wiih tbe older girls. The of the game was the steady pitcb- line-up of the finalists was as fol- ing of H. Bruni wbo limited tbe lows: norihern stars 10 tbree bits. The Newcastle - Violet Henning, f;1 Soutb Teamn collected nine safeties Doroiby Bonaîhan, rf; Evelyn Rick-1 off the piiching of the Staples bro- ard, lb; Ann Hendry. c: Florence 1 ibers. Spencer, ss; Dorothy Quantrill, cf; Nortb Durham - Marlow, rf; Merle Shaw, 2b; Ruby Shaw, P; Woods, c; Riley. f; Pbilip, 2nd; R. Bunnie Dudley, 3b; Trudy Bonathan, Staples, as; Davis, 3rd; Jackson, If; (spare). Marlow, cf; G. Staples, p. Bethany - Isabel Sisson, 3b; Mat- Soutb Durham - Savery. 2nd; jory Page, f; Evelyn McKinnon, lb; Lyceti, If; Graham, rf; Lane, lai; Edna Jackett, c; Vera Strachan, 2b; Brunt. p; Ellioti, cf; Rickard, c; G. Wilma Beer, rf; Clara Beer, ss; Mur- Graham, 3rd; Muldrew, ss. iel Pallerson, cf; Muriel Hannah, p. E. A. Summers, Agricultural Re- Two boys' teams thai didn'i make preseniative for Durham, wbo acied the semi-finaLs last year showed as general manager, was delighted much improvemeni, in thai.tl-iey with the fine co-operation received met in the finals. Ebenezer (Dar- f rom aIl the Junior Boys, Girls and lington Township) were the ultim- others who were responsible for tbis ate winners f rom Pontypool by 8-4. successful sports day. The Pontypool team deserve much credit as they played four games compared to their opponent's three; BURKETON SCHOOL Ebenezer baving drawn a "by" in the ei-f inals. Report for Burketon School. June Ebenezer-H. Osborne, W. Brown, examinations: G. Osborne, J. Gay, L. Rundie, G. Jr. !-IV-Orland Bailey 62.9, Bill Piekell, A. Down, W. Pickell, S. Slingerland 38.8. Nicholls. Sr. In-*Harold Wilson 84, 5Har- Ponlypool-V. Pisk, J. Payne, L. old Worth 83.8. Alden Hubbard 64.3. McNeill, A. Higgs, Hamilton, J. Fisk, Jr. III-*Jeanne Abboti 83.2, *Vi.- Heaslip. Hannah, Bradburn. ola Adams 79.7, *Doroihy Adams The other semi-finalists in the 76.2, Hazel Gatchell 73.5, Howard boys' sof ibaîl were: Hampton, Pro- Gatchell 65.6, Norman Glennie 52.7. vidence and Mount Pleasant, witb Jr. II - *Audrey Worth 88.14, the ieams finishing in ibis order. *Mary Adarns 88, *Pearl Wbite 80, The Township Tug-of-War was *Ernest Anderson 79.84, *Murel limnited 10 Manvers and Cavan. Hubbard 79, *Ruby Bailey 77, *Rus- Many are of tbe opinion ihat it was sell White 76.18,.*Ray McLaugblin the extra vocal support of the Man- 76, Lawrence Adams (absent). vers' fans that eventually turned the Jr. I-*Harold Gatchell 86.1, *Ross tide in their f avor. Aldred 85,. ltoss Hubbard 80. The standard events drew a large Pr-Billie Galchell. entry in both tbe boys' and girls' Honor-*. classes: Muriel Henderson, teacher. Boys' Events 100 Yard Dasb-lst, H. Brunt, Clarke; 2nd, 0. McCariby, Cavan; * * 3rd, K. Werry, Darlingion. 220 Yard Dash-lst, H. BrunI, Clarke; 2nd, G. Rickard. Darlington; 3rd. 0. McCariby, Cavan. et Standing Broad Jump-lst, A. Then, more iban ever, Nature Higgs, Manvers; 2nd, R. Lewis, nedteasiac, ou Clarke; 3rd, E. Snyder, Cavan. twice each week, of a Purifying, Running Broad Jump-lst, H. Energizing,Effervescing gass of Bruni, Clarke; 2nd, R. Lewis, Cavan: 3rd. Graham, Clarke. Running High Jump - laI, H. Bruni, Clarke; 2nd, Williams, Cav an; 3rd, Quanirili, Clarke. Relay Race-lst, Clarke; 2nd, Manvers; 3rd, Cavan. InTINS-3sc and e U Girls' Events NW LARGE BOULE, 75c 30 100 Yard Dah-lst, Mary Burn- MUGGS McGINNIS Ile Usual If your plumbing fixtures are out of date, here's your opportunity to inodernize-f or health, com- fort and convenience-at Iow cost ! This special set will add just the proper touch to your bath- rooni. Gleaniing white, modem in every detail, perfect action pluxnbing that will repay its smail original cost with years of perfect service. W. LEN ELLIOTT PHONE 348 BOWhMANVILE Do You The French grape grower learned years ago that the way to keep grapes fresh in storage was to put the stem of each bunch in a vial of water. Today's Fact On insurance of ail kinds you can get full protection in the strongest companies at Iow rates, when you phone J. J. MASON (& SON Phone 50 Bowmanville M95c ý -By WALLY BISHOP <4 ~ Copyrght~1984* by Central rm aAfSU . lU. % IL /'~-- I Hard summer play uses up a lot of energy which must be replaced If those youngsters are to be healthy. That*s where pure milk does such a big health Job. Il encourages wholesome energy and activity ivhile keeping bodies cool and comfort- able. With meals, and between meals, miIk will prove enjoyable and refreshing-no matter wlsat your age. Glen' Rae Dafry PHONE 408J R. R. STEVENS & SON, Proprietor.