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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1934, p. 1

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f -~ - With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 2lst, 1934 NTJMBER 2 'WiliamJohn Braggas Re-Elece in DurIumCut Hundrecls Gatiier at Blackstoclc to Pay Tribute to Pioneers oF Cartwrighut as Granite Memorial Unveiled Saturday Lieut. Gôvernor Herbert A. ?RNSN0 IS Bruc Retrna On CARTWRIGHT COUPLE ahip of His Birth to oin UVISMNMN with Muiinnlitv in Ho- ,. NELSMNMN oring Pioneera - Geo. W. Hall Unveila Handaome Memorial Cartwrighst, past and present, turned out en masse on Saturday afflernoon te pay a glowing tribute 10 tise township's hardy pioneers, visen tise municipality, sponsored by tise Municipal Council, observed thse centenary off tise Tovnisip's settle- ment. A crowd, exceeding I0W0 people, wtnessed an impressive unvciling off the granite monument to the pion- eers' memory, by William Hall, grandson off tise first settler off Cart-1 wright. The village off Blackstock was fit- tingly decorated for the occasion and huge banners extended a iscarty velcome te all who joined in the celebration. Scores off former citi- zens, who have not visited their na- tive township for years, were present and had an enjoyable lime renewing old accuaintanceships. And proudest among ail these de- scendents off the pioneers was His Honor, Col. Herbent A. Bruce, Lieu- tenant Governor off Ontanio, Cart- wright born, and ever a Cartwrighst citizen, iff fot by abode, at least by iseart. His Honor was accompanied by his charming wiffe. and 14 year old son, Herbert Maxwell Bruce. Every scisool in the townshsip was( represented in thse parade Ibrougis tise village to tise park, headed by the Port Perry Band and Chie! off Police Henry Tisompson. At tise park isad gathcned a dstinguisised coin- pany off officiais, former nesidents and men nov prommnent i Carl- wrighl's communily if e. As His Honor entened the park, accompanied by Rceve Norman Green and Townshitp Clerk William Beacock, Cartwrigist's citizenry rose fromi ts seats, and men dofffed their isats as their most illustrious citizen took his place on the terrace above thse memorial. On tise terrace with Tise Vice-Regal Party were Reeve N. Green, William Beacock, Rev. R. J. Fallis, Rev. H. T. Ferguson. Rev. Walter Creigiston. W. J. Bragg M. P. P., Fred W. Bowen M. P., JAohn Henry Devitt, Ex-M. P. P.. Andrevi Malcolm, oldest man in the towin- siip; M. J. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. James Hall, William Steele and Wil- liam Porteous. Unveil Meinenial Reeve Green. viso made a capable' chairman, extended thse municipal- ity's vielcome to thse assembled (Contlnued on page 31 Section Foreman at Newcastle is KiIledby Train Patrick O'Ncil, Meets Dcath Whcn He Accidentally l Stcpa in Path of Faat Freight Train - Deceaa- cd Due for Pension Next1 Year This coxununlty was suddenly plunged mbt glooni mingled viths sympatisy for the bereaved wheni early Monday affiernoon it was learn-1 cd tisaI Mn. P. O'Neil, C.N.R. sectionj foreman, had been isurled to his death by a lisrough f ast f reigist train. The fatality occurred about 12.05 standard time about opposite Mr!. Wellington Adams' bouse, Lake Shore East. Mn. Tises. Yerrow, road- master in company wth Mr. Logie, another offcial, had been inspect- ing thse roadbcd and Mr. O'Neill iad been in consultation with tbem. The othen section men, Parnaby Martin. Wilson McManus, Douglas Price and Arthur Dale were wonking some dis- tance te the east. When Mn. O'Neii and Mr. Yerrow and his companlon parted, tise two latter by motort westward, Mr. O'Neil started east, walking on the south track to join his men. Then for some reason he crossed over to the north track in front of tise oncomtng frelght, drawn by engine No. 6120 whlch ise appar-s ently dld flot sec. Coroner Dr. Neil Colvilie who viewed the remnains !ound tisat deatis had been Instantaneous. Tise neck was broken but the body vas flot mangled. Ordlnarlly thse train whlch sent hlm to his death, being east bound, would have been runnlng on tise rigist hand or soutis track but be- cause a rail detector witis crevi was operatlng on the seuIls tnack aItishe time al Iraflc botis veat and easî bound vas uslng thse nortis track. Thse funcral service was held aI St. George's Chuncis on Wednesdayà (Contlnued on page 12) The honor off unveiling the gran- ite monument to commemorate the services rendered Cartwright by its pioneer settlers feil to the lot off Geo. W. Hall off Lindsay, a grandson of the first settier. Beffore withdraw- ing the large Union Jack which cov- ered the monument Mr. Hall deliver- ed an address in which the hard- ships off his forefathers viere recal. ed and much off historiaI interesi vas *related. The complete tcxt of Mr. Hail's address follows: Your Honour, Mr. Reeve, Members off the Cartwright Township Coun- cil, Ladies and Gentlemen: I deeply appreciate the honour you have done me in inviting me to officiate at the unveiling off this memorial to the pioneers off thus town.ship. It has always been a matter of pride that I am a native son of Cartwright and a grandson off its first settlers. This is indeed a proud day in t.he history off this community vihen vie have gathered together to do hon- our to the memory off those who have gone on before: to those vise came here to a virgin fforest and wilderness and viho. by the grace off God were permitted to see their ef- forts make that widerness bloom like a rose. A birthday party is a happy event and a centenary is surely a cause f or much rejoicing. This is there- fore, truly a great day in thse history (off this townshsip. One hundred and one years ago a snall group off three Young men 'tarted out from Cobourg on a loca- tion trip with tise object off making homes for themselves and no doubt they alisad someone in view wvho would share that home iltis them. Their objective was, tise tisen re- (Cortlnued on page 3) Q - Dr. Herbert Bruce Recails Hardsmips OF Early Settiers Lieutenant G o v e r n o r in Splendid Addresa Honora Cartwright'a Pioncersa a Centennial Celebra. t i o n on Saturday His Honor, Col. Herbert A. Bruce. Lieutenant Governor off Ontario, displaycd a commendabie pride in his hardy ancestors. on Saturday, vihen togetiser vith mxany otiser des- cendants off Cartwright pioneers, he joined in paying trîbute to the Townmship's early settlers at Black- stock. Col. Bruce recalied in his ad- dress tise hardships tisrougis which thse pioneers passed, and made a strong plea to this and succeeding generations to ciserish thse heritage they had passcd on. His Honor was introduced by Reeve Norman Green. chairman at tise unveiiing ceremony, and in his introductory rensarks Dr. Bruce ex- pressed his keen appreciation off the opportunity off being present to hon- or the pioneers. He was pleased to see present many off his old school chums at Port Perry. including Lou Parrisis and Mrs. Walker, and he re- caiied sonse off thse experiences through wiich isis ffamily had passed in tise early days off thse township. The ffull text off the main portion off the Lieutenant Governor's ad- dress ffolos:-"I have offten heard the lives off the ploneers whose mem- ory we honor loday descrlbed as lives off grlndlng toil. That is cer- talnly an appropriate and exact des- cription. But their lives viere grlnd- ing ln.more senises than one. One off the most important tasks was, for exampie, tise grinding off corn. Maxi must have bread, even though. in scriptural phrase "he shall ot live by bread alone." How did the hardy pioneers off ours off Cartwrighst and the county off Durham get bread. once they isarvested the grain. Because I know off no better way te illustrate how strenuous and dif- ficuit were the lives they led and how gratefful we, their descendants should be ffor the gigantlc labors they undcrtook so hcrolcally. I viant to read you description off how brcad was made, or at least hovi grain vas ground by tihe earllest off settiers of Durisam County. This is how Capt. James Dttrlck describes the laborlous process of grlnding grain. "Thse mlls off rude workmanshlp" he virites "were scattered thinly a- bout the country, so that vie had to content ourselves withs a hollovi stump to Pound our grain li. vhicis was donc vitis a cannon bail, f ast- encd to a cord or bark off a trec and a! Ixed to a long pole whlch served (Contlnucd on page 3) ONTARIO'S NEW PREMIER Mitchell Frederick Hepburn Leader off the victoricus Liberal Party in Ontario and viho as a re- suit off Tuesday's election will become Prune Minister off Ontario. LIBERALS HAVE 65 SEAT S 1PLANS COMPLETE FOR IX ONTAIO GOVERNMENT ANNUAL DECORATION When the smcke off battie had SERVICE ON SUNDAY cleared away, af ter one off the most hectic political campaýgns in the Parade WiI Com!pence at Publie present century. and af 1er a record Schooi - MinWstIàAMoa.cion vote on Tuesday, the political par- i to Conduet Service at, Cerne- tes ini the new Ontario government tery on Sunday Afternoon are lined up as follovis: Liberals 65 , Memorial and Decoration Day will Conservatives 17 be observed in Bowinanville on Sun- Liberal-Progreissive 4 day xiext, June 24th, vihen citizens C. C. F. . j iii join in paying tribute to those Independent relatives and ffriends viho have pass- U. P. 0.ed away and viho lie buried in Bow- Lib. Labor manville Cemetery. The ceremoniesý ! ini connection with this annual event Total 90 viii be much the same as in other Standing aI Disslution Conservatives Liberals 1.. .. Progressives . Libenai-Progressives Labor United Farmen Vacant .... Total 84 15 .4 .1 .1 .1 .6 112 years. Under tise command off Major A. H. Bounsali, a parade wiii fors at tise Public ScisoD> grounds at 21: p. m.. Dayligist Saving Time, andii he-aded by tise Candian Legioxi Band under tise direction off Baxidmaster R. Fountain, will marcis to tihe ceme- tcry. Florence Nightingale Lodge I.j 0. O. F. and practically ail otiser 4 (Continued on page 12) WINS IN DURHAM William J1. Bragg, M.P.P. For the past 15 years member off the Legislature for Durham County vho vas rc-clected by a majority off 265 in the Provincial Eleclions on Tuesday. This wili be the f irst time that Mr. Bragg has sat on thse Grovernment benches in isis long years as member for Ibis county. Date For Rotary Club Carnival is Set for August 1 Plana Now Under Way for Big Event-Club to Make Annual Plea for Support of Ita Crippled Children'a Work Bovimanville Rotary Club vill make its annual appeal 10 tthe people off West Durisam, tisrough tise med- iunm of its Annual Carnaval in Ro- tary Park on Wednesday, August 151, it was decided at Friday~s meet- ing off tise Club. Once again arrange- ments are being made to offer an automobile as tise grand prise for tise Solder off tise iucky Memben- ship Ticket in thse Cippied Chul- diren's Club off tise Rotary Club. Oniy members off tisis club vii be eligible te min this grand prise and to become a member one subscribes 25c as a membersisip ff e. As many membersis in tise club may be pur- cisased as tise purcisaser desires. With eacis membersisip a ticket wil be issued and tisese yull be placed in a buge barrel on the nigist off tise Carnivai anid tise f irst ticket dravin will vin tise car. Tise Cripplcd Cbildren's Club is formed 10 raise funds for tise carry- ing on off tise vork among cnlpplcd cisildrex ini this section off Durisam (Continued on page 12) DESCENDANTS 0F CARTWRIGHT'S FIRST SETTLERS Gathered Around the Ploneer' Monument Pictured above are descendants off George and Jane Hall. Catwnlgist's final settlers, gathered arouxid tise monument unvelled ut Biackstock on Saturday by Ueo. W. Hall off Lind- aay, a grandsein. In tise picture are: Back revi, leftt o nlgisl-Mrs. E. Mld-1 d.eton, Coldwalen; Mrs. D. J. Card,1 Winnipeg; Mrs. Ida Zelîveger, Hil-, ton, N. Y.; Mrs. L. G. BHl, Port1 Penny; Mn. James Hall, Lindsay; Mna. James Hall, Mrs. Grace Meade, Rocisesten, N. Y. Middle now-Mns. M. M. Stewart, Rocanville, Sask.; Mns. Jeanette Percy, Sodua. N. Y.; Miss Vivienne Meisi, Rochster, N.Y.; Miss Ethel Fulloxi, Rochster, N. Y.; Mn. L. G. Hall, Port Penny;, Miss Aice Hall, Lindsay-, Misa Loulse Hall, Port PerrY; Mn. Ueo. W. Hall, Lindsay, vise unveiled tise monu- ment; Misa Coryl Hall, Ponoka, Alla.; Mrs. H. H. Hall, Ponoka; Misa Ruth Hall, Port Penny. Front nov-Mn. E. Mlddieton, Coldwalen; Mrs. Mary Ratisiab, and Miss Marie Ratisiab, Lindsay; Mn. Frank King, Winni- peg. Former Member Returns to Legisiature With lncreased Majority in One of Heaviest Votes Ever Polled in Durham Milton J. Elliott Caught in Landalide Which Engulfed Provincial Conaervative Party - Bath Candidates Poil Larger Votes Than in 1929 - Bragg'a Majority Ia 265 - C. C. F. Candidate Poila 1433 - Port Hope Swing Givea Bragg Victory - West Durham In- creasea Elliott Majoritiea By a dlean majority off 265 votes. william J. Bragg, Liberai Candidate, vas re-elected for tise f iftis consecutive lime as Dunisam Countys representative litise Provincial Legisiatune over Milton J. El- liaIt, Conservative, and Dr. Lorna Cotton, C. C.PF. Mn. Bragg vas final clected i 1919 visen he deffeated J. H. DevitI o! Cartwrighst, re-elected in 1923 defeating I. T. Cisapsan and A. A. VanCamp, re-elecled i 1926 defeating Mayor T. B. Cisalk off Port Hope, and re-electod again li 1929 visen he defeated tise tisen Mayor M. J. Elliott by only 10 votes. The inlensely waged campaign Ibrougisout Ontario in visich tise Likbanais vene svept into victony vas reflecled in Ihis riding by tise fact tisaI nearly 2000 more electors cxencised tisein franchise tisan in 1929. Both Mn. Bragg and Mn. Elliott polled more votes tisan i tise former election. despite tise facî tisaI litise tbree-cornered contest Miss Lorna H. Cotton, Ph.D., C. C. F. candidate, polled 1433 votes. Tise Towin off Port Hope refiected tise Provincial Liberal land- siide visen il turned Elliott's 1929 majorily off 251 int a Bragg majorlty off 406, a total off 657 voles being svitcised in one municipalty. Accord- ing to Ihose viso have folloved politics for many years Port Hope la essentially a Liberai tovn, and its Conservative majority li 1929 repre- sented tise tovn's choice on tise liquon question only. The release o! tise liquor topie li a campaign issue retunned Port Hope te tise Libenai !eld by a bandsome majority. The recapitulation off tise voting reveals some intentostlng i- cidents. I tise various municipalities tise changes vere as follova: lI Bovimanville. Ellott's majority was incneased by 90 fnom 298 10 388; in Darlinglon, Bragg's majonity vas reduced fros 594 te 562; in Newicastle Bnagg's majority vas increased f nom 70 to 89; in Clarke Bnagg's majorlty vas reduced f nom 214 10 181; ins CartwrightI, EliiotI's majenity vas li- cneased ffrom 76 10 262; in Millbrook, ElliotI's majority vas reduced from 86 te 79: in Manvers, Elliott's majority vas ixicreased from. 367 te, 504-, in Cavan, Elliott's majonity vas ixicreased from 16 10 81; li Hope Town- ship, Bragg gained oven 100 votes te, 341 majority as cempanod vith 230 in 1929: and li Port Hope, visicb decided tise eleclion li ne un- certain mariner, Mn. Bragg secuned more than tise amount off his final majôrity, viscn he lurned a 251 un! avorable majorlty ito n 4S6 favor- able majority. Miss Cotton poiled votes in every subdivision in telisendilng. Her largest vole came in Port Hope visene she recelved 364 votes, and ber nexî langeaI li Darlington isene ase polled 206. The langest single poU oulside off Port Hope vas aI Maple Grove visene Miss Cotton secured 70 votes, trailing behlid Mn. ElliotI by onýy 18 afid Mn. Bragg by 34. The'campaign in Durhsam vas quiet and dlean. The candidates held numerous meetings, and il vas a pleasure te iscan none off the muclinging visicis featured most o! tise camipaigns Ibrougisout tise province. Mr. Bragg was in Port Hope vison tise resuit becamue knovn, wile Mn. Elliott vas atia home lin Bovmanville. Tise victer receivcd a hearty weIcome from tise assembied Liberals off Port Hope and again visexi ie retus-ned to Bovimanvilie visere ise expnessed isis tisanka te local electors viso aided him in his campaign. A isuge and entisuslastic par- ade, stretchsing severai miles, iseaded by lise Orono Reginsental Band, passed Ibreugi tise business section off thse towns, stopped aI Nevicastle visene Mr. Bragg expressed his tisaxika totise electors for thici support and made kindly reffenence bo W. T. Lockbart and Williamn Rickand, bols off Newicastle. vho isad nepnesented tise Liberals in tise legisialure, and thexitise panade coxtinued 10 Orone viscre anoîhen nousing velcome wus given tise popular candidate. Prom Orono the long panade off cana vilS thecm happy occupantà continued lisein vicIerious celebi-aîlox by going te tise home off Mn. Bragg aI Providence visere Mn. and Mrs. Irvin Bragg and a score off ladies served refresisisexts latiste jubilant lisnong, Mn. Bragg vas dniven triumpisanily Ilinougi tise streets i a Smart sports model car, driven by MisI Sybil Bunk, a grand-daugister off William Han- vey Burk viso represenled West Duisam lIlise House off Commons from 1879 to 1883. Misa Jessie MacDougall off Toronto and fonmeniy off Bow- manvilie aiso accompanled lises. on Wednesday nigbt anotisen panade te celebrate tise vlctony vas organized by the Libenals and leavlng tise ieadquarters i Boy- manvilie pnoceeded te Port Hope visere a monster noception greeled tise veteran legisiator on isis election and a suitable celebration iseld in hon- oun offtise LiberaI iandslide lisrougisouî lise province. Thene vas 11111e isard feelings displaYed Ihrougisout thc electiogi i Durisam. Bols Liberals and Conservativea viere vieil organlze<j and tise C. C. F. vitislilmited membershlp verkod isard and vere apparent- iy satisfied viti tise impression miade. On Tuesday nigisl viex tise resuit became knovx tisaI Mr. Bragg isad von by an increased majority even last election, about 150 Consen- vaîlve supporters vislted tise home off Mn. EllotIvisene several promnient supporters spoko brieffiy and nef resismexts vene served by Mrs. Eliott anid o15cr ladies. The figures presented babyw, isile net guananleed to be authen- tic, are as accunate as vi; can secure at present. Tisey have been cisecked by botis Conservatîve and Libarai comnsittee nooma lin Bow- manvilie and aiso tise Liberai cOmmittee nooma i Port Hope. Pracllcaliy ail figures for rural polilsbave beexi double cisecked for accuracy and tise officiai nelurns viii be made by tise County Returnixig OMfcor vilisin thre next ton days. Complote Summary on page 12 JDEH. S. M017 1S SPEAKER AT MAPLE GROVE Two iBamndits 1 ~S. S. ANNWER[SARY I %d IM MMUdmm Beautiful weatiser, large crowds, excellent singlng and appropniate ad- dresses were featurea off Maple Grove Sunday Scisool Annlvensary on Sun- day. Tise services as usuai vere iscld inx tise large enclosed sised. Thse plat- formn was brlgistened wlth liseisappy faces off cildrcn and spring fflowers vitis a suilabie background Mollo. "Maple Grove S. S." li Mapie lea- ves. His Honor Judgc Mott off the Juv- enlie Court, Toronto, viso made sucis a favourable impression on isis visil isere lest year, vas Uic speaker. lI tise afternoon ise addressed isis ne- marks especlaliy 10 tise Young folks speakig on "Camp Lif e." Taking tise lent as a central figure for isis aub- ject and comparig ilte a boy's 111e. Tise f irst necesslly vas a good At- mospiscre and tise four ground posts indicaled vere Trutis, Honesty, Good Habits and Faithin x God. Tise ad- dreas theugis partlcularly to tise Young People vas enjoyed by ail. Tise singig by members off tise acisool vith Miss Edisa Swaliov at the Piano vas greatiy te be com- mended and reflects mucis credit on Mn. A. Laird. tise leader and istructor. Maple Grove la most for- tunale in havlng a man luxe Mr'. Laird, viso gives hia talent, so free- <Oontinued on page 9) At Blackstock By Cartwright Correspondent Miss Norma Hooey Just befone ciosing lime today tvo robbers iseld up and robbed tise Cars- adian Bank of Commerce at Biack- stock, succeedlng lni escaplng vIls $4000 in cash. Accondlng te, a report secuned Just as vie went 10 press tvo men enlened tise bank and ievelng revolvers aI Manager L. H. Corner and isis assistant, Mn. Harry Major, lied 15cm up and tisen raneacked, the offce. Police vene given tise de- scription of onc of tise mcen as a taîl stout maxi, vcanlng a gney suit. Thse bandits were drlvlng a Bulck auto-. mobile bearlng tise nuniben B713. Provincial Constable W. E. Smiths e! Bovimanville, County Constable Henry Tisompson o! Blackstock, and Cisief o! Police Sydney Venton o! Bowmanvlle are coxiductlng tise isunt fer tise robbera. ,,-. 's,- an man L- ie

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