TUHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. JUNE 21st. 1934 PAGE TWO My Un-aauxn 5tait#niun Establishêd '1854 A We ekly Ncwspaper devoted to the interest8 of the towfl of Bowmanville and surrounding country, issued at King Street, Bowmanville, every Thursday, by M. A. James & aona, owners and publishers. The Canadian Statesman ls a member of the Canadian Weekly Newpapera Association, alec the Clasa "A" Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywvhere in Canada, $2.00 a year; In the United States, $2.50 a year, payable in advance. Single copies, 5 cents. 'rTURSDAY. JUNE 21st. 1934 Lieutenant Governor Born In Cartwright A report in a Taronto paper last week stated that His Honar, Dr. Herbert A. Bruce. Lieutenant Gov- ernar af Ontario, was welcomed ta the Diainond Jub- ilee celebration ait the Wbitby Ladies Callege as a native af South Ontaria, returning to bis old home county. We in Durham resent the ierence that Dr. Bruce is a South Ontaria boy. He is a Durham Caunty boy, and one af whamn the Caunty is proud. He was born in Cartwright Township and was happy to rernem- ber this fact by returning on Saturday ta take part in the Tawnship's Centenary Celebration at Black- stock. Dr. Bruce may have attended schoal at Part Perry, but he was barn in Durhamn and stated in bis addresa on Satuýday, he lived in Cartwright until 5 years af age. He was a son af pianeer Cartwright stack, and it was na doubt the parental influence and in- spiration that bas aided hiru in his steady advance to the highest affice in the gif t of the pravince. We in Durham Caunty have ambitions foar Dr. Bruce. We believe birn ta be an outstaniding man. wha bas muade a worthwhile cantributian ta bis country in his chasen prafessian, and we further believe that he is uphold.ing the best traditians af the Empire in the capable manner in whicb be is fulfilling the office ai the King's representative in this province. There bas been samne agitatian for the appoint- ment af a Canadian as the next Q-overnar General of Canada, and we in Durham are hopeful that the Prime Minister will recormxend ta His Majesty, that Dr. Herbert A. Bruce, Lieutenant Governor af On- taria, and ane ai this dominian's outstanding citiz- ens, be the iirst Canadian bora Gavernor General of the Dominion. In suggesting this we retain the right to claim Dr. Bruce as a Durham Old Bay and a native of Cart- wright Tawnship. Lack of Ethics in Big Business The Bawmanville Branch ai the Retail Merchants Assciation af Canada has wircd Premier R. B. Ben- nett, Hon. H. H. Stevens, andi Fred W. Bawen, M. P., urging gavernolental corrective action at this session to avercame same af the evils of mass buying and price spread.s. The evidence before the Stevens Cam- mittee bas braught ta light tbe general lack of ethies in big business. These must be curbed if the public iseif and the small merchant.s are to have any mess- ure af security at ail. By leaving the matter over until next session the Gaverninent wauld be doing a grave injustice to those whom the needed reformas wMl affect. Conditions bave been sbown ta be in such a deplarable state, as regards buying and selling methods, that they must be rectified inimediately. Next session will corne just before a general electian, wben the campaign will be uppermast in the minds ai both governhnent and opposition members. To give the matter the neces- sary thought it deserves legisiation sbould be drafted at ibis session. It will nat burt the legisiatars af the country to attend a long sessian. Af ter all tbey are drawing fairly gaod salaries, and tbey are anly re- quired to be in attendance at Ottawa for a small part ai the year. The governiment has s-a-- a- sire to correct these evident wrrongs and it can nat do better than correct them at this session wbile the subject ia fresh in the minds af the public, and while public opinion is sa strongly bebind the cleaning up af industry and big business, in sucb a% manner that the maîpractices wbich have existed will neyer re- turn. Bullets Waste Dollars P. E. D. McDowell, a native of Boççmianville wha was bora in the house now accupied by Mr. W. Claude Ives, Centre Street, and who is now Publicity Repre-i sentative ai the Canadian National Railways, writes an interesting article intecretise of The Canadian National Railways Magazine. Its title is "Bullets Waste Dollars" and it de .cribes tbe anLnual toîl o am trage wraught by irresponsible youths with rif les. There is no daubt the yaung people af taday have 1 many admirable traits. that their parents and grand- 1 parents laclced, but they also have a number af dis- agreeable traits which are badly in need af correct- ion. Amang tbem is this violation of praperty rigbts. Mr. McDowell points out that it costs the Canadian National Telegrapbs no less than $23,000 for young people ta use their insulators for target practice. Trhe Maiil and Empnire carmmeýntîng rece(ntly on the work for many bours each day and devote a great deal af recreational tinte to, the study af subjecis in wb.lcb they wibl be examined. Yet witbrbI, we are perbaps Just a litile more sympathetic to the parents tban the students. Education bas becorr e such a ccmplex subject that the aid folks are lei t bopeless- ly out in the cold wben it cornes ta present day problerus. It is pretty bard for Ma and Pa, bavever well they were educated years aga. ta grapple with the examination questions tbat their cbildren are required te answer. Bath Ma and Ps f eel just a ittle bit behind the t'mes when their affspring ask questions they are unable ta answer. But the stu- dent must remember tbat in a few years he wili be in the same position, and tbat ai the three great virtues. faith, hope and cbarity, the greatest ai th(-se ia cbarity. More Interesting Things to Write About Than Crime The editarial staff af tbe Screecb Owl, Bovruan- ville High Schaols popular annual magazine. vere certainiy not backward wben they secured tbe ser- vices ai Miss de la Roche, tbe famaus Canadian nove- list,. as one af the judges in the Literary competitions at the schoal. Miss de la Roche made an admirable judge and ber remarks wbll prove ai inestimable value te the young writers wbose efforts were judged by ber. Ia a message ta the students ai the scbool in gen- eral Miss de la Roche expresses surprise that out af eight s taries judged, tbree were concerned wiih crime. Miss Rocbe's comment says furtber "Now I tbink ibis is a pîty. Yau can find sa many interesting thiags ta think about and ta write ai, especially witb sucb promise as is shawn ia these maauscripts." At first one mighi be inclined ta agree with Miss Roche regsrding ibis matter, but we are ai tbe opin- ion, ai ter giving careful tbought to the wbole subject. tbat the crime angle is nat the sîl important part ai the plat ai the stories submitted. Young people ai ta - day pride themnselves ai the possession ai analytical mincis. Tbey like ta delve intoanad think tbings out for tbemselves. Tbere is notbing that gives'one aucb opparunity ta use bis or ber deductive abilities as a crime and its solution. As far as the young people are cancer ned wba wrote the staries we believe ihai tbe crime itself was anly secondary in their minds ta its solution. After ahl, crime is a fact that bas ta be faced, and the fact that crime and detective staries usually end witb the criminal getting bis desserts. and rigbt triumpbing over çwrong, there migbt be a very good moral ta crime stories. One thing weIl known is that same ai this world's greatest men and women are addicted ta tbe habit ai reading detective stories and detective stories con- cern the solutian af crimes. We are not ai raid that the writing or reading ai detective tales will barmn tbe youth of taday. They will aid ta serve as a warn- ing that "Murder will Out." Winter Ravages Wreck Beauty Spots In the Overture ta tbe William Tell Opera tbere is a charming- passage called "The Calm Af ter The Storm." It is contemplative in nature and rather tsuggests thbe period tbrough wbich we are now pass- îng, as we stop ta contemplate the damage wrougbt ta *nurnerous flower gardens in the tawa by the severe *winter af 1933-34. Practically aIt the larger and most beautiful gardens in town have suffered beavily, but fane mare than ihat beautiful spot ovrn- ed by Charles Bagnell on King Street east. Prom iaIl over the province people bave came each surmer ta see ibis deligbtful spot. In tact it was better known elsewhere than among aur towa citizena. We are particularly sad tbat th.is garden bas been a prey ta winters ravages, for it was our intention ta f ully idescribe the beauty ai this spot ta our readers and te gîve Mr. Bagnell the credit that is due bis skil. bis energy and bis devotion ta the beautification of bis home surraundings. Damage that cannot be es- timated in dollars and cents bas been done, but it is ta be boped that Mr. Bagnell wilb not rest or be dis- Icouraged, because bis labors bave been se badby c becked. but wilI go forward witb the determinatian ta make it an even greater centre af attraction than it bas been. Many other fine gardens were dam- aged ta the extent ai bundreds ai dollars among tbem '"The RZosery', A. H. Fletcber's widely known rase garden on Queen Street. It is ta be boped that tbe adversity af tbe past winter will be but an in- spiration ta these skilled gardEners to attain evea greater beauty in their gardens than ever bei are. A Splendid Anniversary Issue The Owen Sound Daily Sun-Times produced a most comnîendable 68 page Special Edition on June 14tb, ta commemorate the Bth anniversary af the insti- tution af the County ai Grey and aiso the 8tb anni- versary of the faunding ai the Owen Sound Times, predece.,sor af the Sun-Times. It is coincident that Bovruanville last year observed its 80th anniversary and The Statesman ibis year observes its 8th anni- versary. We bad haped and expressed in aur cal- umns the desîre te commemaorate this event in a pro- per rnanner but the merchants ai the tawn sbowed no desire ta co-aperate in any way. In Owen Sound the proprietors ai the newspaper have praduced an outýtanding edition af great historical value. Sixty- cight pages .iust filled with interesting data cancern- ing the Caunty. its pioneers, its municipal legislatars, THE LION IN THE DANIEL'S DEN -Strube in the the1 Daily Ex:3ress. London. IN THE DIM and DISTANT PAST1 FIIFTY VEARS AGO cabbage and onions. bis ducks and geese, and the little tune ta bis ai - From The St.atesman, June 20, 1884 Ifîcial duties. The year is about bal aver; let us 1 - - calmly review the council'a ;ork. TWENTY-FIV'E VEARS AGO Their firat actsafater taking office were (1) ta raise tbe salaries ai From The Statesman, June 17, 1909 tbeir friends in office; (2) ta reject tbe majority vote ai tbe tawn an We congratulate Mr. R . Lutheri tbe separatian question. (3) ta lawer Werry af the Montreal Witness ed- tbe rent ai ibeir f riends, tbereby itarial staff, son ai Mr. and Mrs. causing a loss of revenue te the tava; Wm. Werry. Solina, on being ap- (4) te lower the licenses $20 and painted secretary protem af Quebec saddle the ratepayers with that a- Brancb af the Dominion Alliance. mount; (5)ta encourage idieness Married: Oke-Summers. At the and vice, and paying the bills ai one residence af Mr. D. Davis, Beach af their chief members. contrary te Avenue, on June 9tb, by Rev. W. E. thse statutes; andi (6) at tbeir May Carroll B. A., rector oi St. John's meeting passing a grant net to ex- Cburcb. Mr. Walter William Oke ta ceed $25 for tbe erectian ai a bandi Miss Elizabeth Sununers, botb ai stand for whlcb ne plans were sub- Bowmanvilbe. mited or endrs ske fo, iat Married: Pattinson-Murdoif. At aur butbders mîgbt tender for public the residence ai the bride's mother, -and natbing ai the kind. June l6th, by Rev. H. F. Weir, Mr. Enfield: A seriaus accident oc- Fred Pattinsan. Taranto and Misé curred nartbwest af Enfiebd on the Hazel Marguerite, second daigbter Ontario and Quebec Railway last ai Mrs. C. Murdof. Bavruanville. week. Twa trains colllded, one man We congratubate Mr. Clarence C. ktlled. several inaured and about Washington, son ai Rev. W. C. Wash- $9000 damage done. Misa Aggie ington M. A.. on passing bis third Scott wbo bas been dsngerously ill year exams at Victoria Unveaty is convalescing. wihb first cass hanors in Hebrew Mr. W. E. Tilley bas received the and Greek. appointment as Inspectar ai Schools MaoW.CKngLiusL.TMc f or Durbam. He entera on hsdte ao .C ig ius .T c at the beginning ai tbe mnth.His aughlin, Frank H. Marris and Wil- many f riends wibI be pleased ta bear bur Hoar in company witb serge- ai bis gaod fortune. Mr. Tilley basi ants Lawrie and McMillan, Port been tescbing for many yeaýrs and Hoewere in Rocbester, Saturday. ta well qualified for the positon =sooi ng. Bora: Scoelol, in Bowmanville on The marriage of Miss Gertrude May 26tb. ta the vif e ai Mr. R. W. Lyle. ebdest daugbter of Mr. and Mrs.! Scabell, a son. John Lyle ta Mr, Robert H. Elîsott. Born: Stone - In Cartwright. on Toronto,. yul take place quietl; on tbe l5tb inst. ta tbe vil e ai Mr. C.! June 3th. Stane, a daugbter. Another weIl known and bigbly. Mrs. Grace Wbite, wiie ai Mr ie-pected citizen in tbe persan af Mr. William White, masc-n, ai this tova, I Tbcmas Tapson psssed sway anI died samewbat suddenby on Sunday iTbursday in bis 65tb year. Paîl bear- last. She bas suffered for somte yeara crs at the f uneral were, C. M. Caw- f rom beart disease and ibis vas the! ker. N. E. Gauld, James Marrow, WiI- cause af ber sudden death.1hbim Edger. Richard Allen and N. We are in receipt ai a lengtby; Horne. coniunicattoii f ram "The Cbap vitb Tyrone: Mr. O. Stock is baving bisi a Glass Eye" wberein he complains1 residence newly paintied outsid)e-I bitterly ai tbe familiarity ai aur Mrs. James Pye and Mrs. Jamesp Chief Constable witb some ai ibe Curtis recentby visited vitb friends E rougbs ai tbe town, the partial man- ir. Port Perry. ner mn wbich be discbarges bis duties. ISalins. Mr. R. C. Scott is recave-- the mucb time be devates ta bis ing f rom baving tbe gravel pit fal v --\ Are you satisAed to do witmout Bathroom conveniences? And without up-to-date kitchen facilities or other modern requirements that running water in your home will iastantly make available ta you? Prices have neyer been lowver for Canadian-made Eruco quality bathrooin equipment and Duro Automatic Pumping Systems. Thre. pieces -Bath, Skow.r, Lavatory and Toilai, as illustrated, with &Il fittings - - $144.00 Other comploe Bathroom equipme ni as Ofll 10w as---------------------- $- 90.00 The Duro-Special Pumping Systeni, ail Canadian-made, having a capacity af 250 gaIs. per hour, complete with 30 gai. Galvanized Tank, 25 or 60 cycle, 110 volt matar, casts anly $85.00. Write for free illustrated booklets an - ~Bathroom Equipmnent or Plumbing Supplies. 11:1. Easy time paymnents bath on Pumps Qand Bathroom Fixtures may be arranged. FOR SALE BY Re E. Logan Plumbing Cý HEATING - TINSIMITHING Phbone 264 King St. E. Bowmanvle DuRo-Spgcîsx. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LIMITED London Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver 32 in on bim.--Congratulatios lta Miss C Adams of Bethany succeeds Rev. :rene Argue on winning the f irt J. W. Bunner, wbo goes ta Adol- prize for penmanship at the Ebliott phustown. Business College. Newtonville, Mr. W. H. Densem List your coming events in The 3nd the Misses Scott, Bowmanville, Statesman. Its the way ta attract vi.-it.ed Mr. J. Peth:ck. Sunday.-Rev. a crowd. Editorial Notes The clectors have spoken And nov te business Happy Days are here again. The mo--t tîmey advertisement. in tbe Toronto papers an clection morning vas one advi'ing the use ai "Brama Seltzer for Headaches." Any vba listen- cd ta the four or f ive baurs ai political speeches tbe previaus evenîng must bave needed sometbing ai ibis nature ta clear their befoggled beads. This is an annual editarial note ta sebool cbildren: Please remember that sidewalks and nat people's avns are made to valk on, or in other yards keep off the grass. Bowmanville lavns xwere sarely tried in the pa.st vinter and onby by care this sumimer witi they be brougbt back ta the beauty ai other years. Despite the fact that aid timers say tbat elections today are not so hectîc as they used ta be. there was too much nmud slinging in the campaign juat closed ta be considered elevating or instructive. It vas not confined ta any anc party eitber. It rather proved that party politics are degrading te the level ai thse uncivilized, and smatter tooa mucb af the ulsu to te taken seriously. MOTOR VEHICLES BRA NCH ~ ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAVS Loopld Maculy, Minister *?LJ LJA* U *h~%* t, -.*.. - - .- --.--- - -ir, rl~iII bI'ID LYE~~JI J1IUI<N AE MRE PECIUS HANY4) TIME OR CONVENIENCE. LET TI-EIR SAFETY BE VOUR FIRSI CONSIDERATION