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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Jun 1934, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. THURSDAY. JUNE 2lst. 1934 brewer. The Lord is sitting flot only they will reside in Newt.anville. The I over against the treasury, but against W'EDDINGS I uests includied Mr. and Mrs. Roy the ballot box. 1 r.MBîeo The proposed. .beerrandMwinedpar- S ummer Satisfaction :ohs proisedtobeern e aren Barrie; Mrs. Errol R. Trew,ofOh acetaourseyoungpeoreothanmthe Hilderley-Moynes awa; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Randali. ace o ou Youg poplethantheof Oshawa. and Mr. W. Andrews, af by aid bar rooîn, as these are being On Saturday, June 16th, 1934, the Newtonvilie. made respectable. She begged that niarriage was solemn.zed at King___ - BRBAA B BROKSwe ork to get temperance on the Street United Church parsonage, curriculum of the schools, and em- 'Oshawa, by Rev. Dr. R. Lorne Me- King-Colvillc McCtchon a isiorfrot TrotoL. ilerly, onof r. ndMrs iJune l6th in St. John's Anglican wha is a very interested W. C. T. U. ý Luke Hilderley af Bowmanville. The Church, Bowmanvilie. When Mar- It seems as though summner meals in egg whites beaten with rest of worker. ýatnat eeMs ae hr ae na agtro r n are the most palatable and attract- sugar. Spread into a corn f lake During the afternoon Mrs. R.o)ssirand Mr. Themas Lyle. of Bowman- Mrs. Alex Coivilie became the bride ive and can be planned and prepar- crust. Pearce af Courtice. gave a very spien- ville. Later Mr. and Mrs. Hiiderley 'o0f Harold Leslie King, sonl of Mr. ed more easiiy than at any ather Co1Flk pi id reading f rom Nellie Mcçlung's rwill reside in Bowm,-ranville. and Mrs. Char:es King, al of Bow- seaon Ye, aw an tieshav ~ C oplutrns u ur lake rumbs book. -The Second Chance." A salao __~ manvile. Rev. C. R. Spencer, rector you heard housewives lamnent about 1ý cul) sugar Ke orFc ateSnhn"rHowitt-GreeJXm of the church afficiated. The bride cooking during the hot weather? Ri rgid4cp anfae was beaubifully rendered by Mrs.___ lookezi harigi ht rad With an abundance of fruits andyiell ocup ine b Micon laetoh IHoney of Port Perry. Two very fine fr ca it rîin a flu eorgndth vegetables f romt which ta, choose and. buer in a -finec pimpa. MAdd the1 choruses were sung. unaccampanied r St. Crispin's Anglican Church, skirt and f riiled cape. She ware a with the many ready-to-eat foods butri -nhpepn d h by 35 Port Perry public schoal girlsI Scarbaro, wus the scene af a very wiehtadacsoisadacr available, meal preparatian should corn f lake crumbs and sugar. Mix 1in charge a their teacher. Pretty wedding on Saturday after- bouqueh t a sweet eas and cr neot be dilficuit. wl n pesteconfae aty Fur prizes for the Temperance flooZ, Jufle l6th, when Ellen Mary maidenhair fern. Evn n hesumrpln eî-f irmly araund the sides and in the Study Course in Sunday Sehools Frances Greenham, youngest daugh- Miss Mary Wallace was brides- Evert utivni the usier la elai bottom of the pan. Chili for a few were presented to: First Junior, Mer- ter of Mrs. C. Young and the latej maid and was attired in a smart suit balanced meals, btaodteueo minutes before pouring in the f ii- le Jones, Brooklin, 98 per cent. Chas. Greenham aof Southampton, af pink crepe. with leghorn hat and too man concetratedand rih ing.i second junior, Berta Armour, Hamp- ESlnwsuitdi arae white accessories. Mr. William Os- foods. Nature provides the ideal ton, 100 per cent.; first senior, Jim. with William E. Howitt, Sonfia Mrs. mond supported the groom. sumxner faads in fruits. vegetables, Adaruson. Hampton, 100 per cent.; H. Howitt and the late Mr. Hawitt. Following the ceremony a recept- milk, eggs and whole-grain cereals. ONTARIO - DURHAM second senior, Gladys Yellawlees, El- Rev. A. W. Dawner. rector af the io was held at the home of the Dng t a gcl o o, heutrebeasofe it I WC. .BR N H S dad, 100 per cent.; The Caunty Life church officiating with Mr. D. Sykes bride, after which the happy couple hn i odfodjs eaw warms WCTHOL RAN HE Membership was presented ta Mrs.!at thel organ.letonatpaMusmnLk, ht day. No matter hwwr, H L CONVENTION Allun, a valued member of the Port The bride wha was given in mar- eteobridetraving iMssln a e ,n the weather, a meal with at least ___ Perry Union. 'nage by lier brother, Mr. S. Green- white and pink crepe suit with mat- Tons dis tue even for breas. Ms .E ees fBwavle An educational questionnaire wasliamt, wore a lavely f rock af eggsheillcigacsois r n r.Kn Thi istru evn fr reafas. Mss . E Pter ofBowanvlleIsably conducted by Mrs. Jackson af satin made on long fitted ltnes. Her, cinglaessories. omr.and Ms .K g Fresli fruit served with read.y-to-eat Elected Treasurer of Two County Part Perry. assisted by Mrs. John 'long embraidered veil af silk net was,________ __ oereals and cold rich milk or cream Unions - Hampton and Eldad Wright. The invitation for next prettiiy arranged in cap shape heldi and ho bevrag mae a efrsh- Girls Win Study Course year's convention was given by the in lc îh rah0foag ing and satisfying morning meal. Hampton Union. biossomts. Her shower bouquet was aof Luncheon or supper may be sim-Pie Mrs. John Wright taok charge aofbtefyrssan iya h aly Facts plifieci by planning the meal around the election af ofi'icers, 'and the Miss Laura Varley as maid of hanor one hot dish, such as creamed vege- The Annual Wom2n's Christian olwn we lctdwr afokofpigenognyAbu tale, ihegsorlet-ve cokdTemperance Union Convention for f oin eeelce:whire asfrcuf ale reenthe ngand,Abu tals iý,eg r etoercoe.Hon. Presidents. Mrs. Salter, Mrs wihwsrufe o tekest meats. Serve on toast or toasted the Counties of Ontario and Durham Robertson; Past President, Mrs. Oea. the floor and a large cape collar halves oi whole-wheat biscuit. Vary was held in the United Church, Part Jackson, Port Ferry: President, Mrs. made af ruffles, white chip straw Ee by pouring the creamed mixuert Perry, on June l5th, morning and J. R. Booth, Oshawa; Vice-President, hat. Her bouquet was ai pink car- ahot casserole. Top with buttee aitronDegasfrmUxide Mrs. S. Farmer, Port Perry; Cor- nations. Misses Hilda and Ay And corn flakes and serve at once The B manville, Hmtn atHprsadn ertrMs ainMoore as bridesmaids were dressed corn flakes are taasted and crisp so Oshawa and the Stalter Y were pre-1 Burns. Oshawa: Recording Secre- alike in long full dresses af argandy,; Vision that the mixture need nat be brawn- sent. tay'r.R .WihOhw~ one in lifk and the ather in yellow. ed in the aven. A green salad or Af ter the devotionai 5ervicé ini i Treasurer, Miss E. A. Peters, Bow:__ They wvore white mohair hats and fruit dessert, bran muffils or whole- charge of the Part Ferry Union, the1 manville: Y. and L. T. L. Secretary, carrieci bouquets af pink carnations. By C. H. Tuck, Opt. wheat bread, and a beverage will president with three raps of lier Miss Marion Rogers. Whitby. Litte Mis Audrey Greenhani of Eyesight Specialist complete this meal. gavel declared the convention open. -____rBow&manville, nicce af the , b rider Dinner specials which we ail like During the marning, reports were made a charnnng littie filower girl PA17 FOR VISION NOT BUINDNESS have been chasen in making Up the received iramn the secretary and trea-'PRESENTATION MADE in her dainty f rock af itte organdy I recently read a little verse that following menu: surer and the Supermntendent af De- r and swiss muslin made with ruffles A-ill lose not.hing by being asd FroenToat JuceCoktil partmnents. showing an increase in OM S W! .RO E Srand bitue taffeta bow in her hair.ctoyu Brole Srin Cicenmembership and active work being She carried a colonial nose-gay aof."If you talk about your troubles, New Potatot,s andlPoias undertaken. It was interesting ta Y E C SL .o. ikrss npraisadbb' And tell them ao'er and o'er, M Curly Endive. Frenchi Dressing note that every department report- Pure breath.1 The world will think you like them Stawery 'hffn ie ed. Bse fFoesadPieo Mr. Alex Stevenson af Toronto as-i And proceed to give you more." St>eateinatdChiffne MBasikwl a xrig ld e tMofy P rs nd oif f isisted the groom, while Mr. James 1Let us try and put our troublesi DLcafeint,ýt CofeeNoon tielye io a er spridel t-e Poula res tlUnted teW f Greenham, Part Huron. Mich.,andbetnd us and if possible forget! Bran Raisin Bread Nonl maer Lnch e y n sseirvt o ewateUied Mr. Chas. Greenham af Bowmanville themt. The mare we think or ex-' 1 egg 1 cuil)ran by the Port erry lunhoadis folowng Church Pastor brathers ai the bride, acted as ush- press ourselves the mare we will rad- j 1 cup sugar 2 cups flour wy hhPgrtinsere reive fromn ers. Durtng the signing of the re- iate this atmosphere of gloom. We Y.~ clipmolasses i'.t, whoon sou t inswr eevd froiIn cannection with the June meet- igister the organist played sfl. ne o ail naiopeeo ~tr mîk i 3~Oflsat the Reeve, the ministers af the An- ing ai W. M. S., Newcastle, a very Af ter the ceremony a soi t137, nceunrla te af ng t.msheai 'ld 2u talson mlted2it'sî,oîai glican and United Churches and re-plea.ig event took place. Just at was h'eld at the home of the bride's 1sang says -There are smiles that shortening î,owder pAniativPesbaitelads niftetecoea h îet r.N brother, Mr. S. Greenham. when make us happy." So let us radiate Scup raisins Anlcn1rsyeinadUie man Rickard came iorward and aiter1 Mrs. Greenham, sister-in-law af the happiness and cantentment and a Exi Bet ggslghi. ddsuar m-Churches. Mrs. Frank Staples, Pres- asking the ladies ta remain just a bride, and Mrs. Howitt, mother aif emile generally brmngs a smile in re- Good. lasses, mllk, melted shortening and idegentinWibg norsoddt mnt ogr ralaMs. Ro- the groom, received the many guests. turn. When things are nat just go- brisk bra. Sf flur soa, ai an bk- he retins.ers genuine surprise. the followiiig Later the happy couple lef t for a1 ing right it may be hard ta do but Ou o0 irn. f powder. Msoda snaithni îour A very oeautiful memoriai service address was read: short honeymoon. the bride traveil- ryçu will iind it worth while trying. the ti and aodtafrst Beawt weîî. pened the ai ternoon session, in the Dear Mrs. Rogers: It is with great. ing in a powder bitue crepe dress How are your eyes? Do you have troubl an ell-gofrsmxed B ea t forll/ charge ai Mrs. Rackham and Mrs. regret that we learn af your depart-:1 with beige hat. coat and matching headaches? Trouble at reading and relief. Bake inll-rae oftnfr1/ Barron. ai Hampton Union. Three uire f rom our midst. We have found accessories. On their return they will close work? Haw much mare coin- will s, hours in a moderate aven (3500F.). of aur beloved workers passed onl in you a real leader for aur W. M. S.reside an Preston St., Birchclifie fortable it wauld be for Yeu if you whict Yield: 1 large boai, for higher ser-vice during the past We have even f eit the helpful 'in'- Hel lis. were not mindful that you had eyes. lieve Frozen Tomiate Juice Cocktail year. Mrs. F. Jones ai Whitby, Mrs. fluence ai your strong spiritual urge g jD___________e. tbe t large bouîle tornate juice cocktail M. F. Armstrong and Mrs. A. A. ta a deeper sense ai higher privileges' . on toeg e ct. tundb Seasonings te taste1 Crawle. ai Oshawa. As a member ai and greater consecra'Lion ai aur idsAe Seasan tomata juice cocktail mix- her union spoke a few words in hier powers ta Ris service. We feel that. i:sAe T ecniud n ture with lemton juice ta taste and miemory, a white ilower was placed you have labored under a deep sense! One ai the season's most charming if desired add a smali amaunt ai in a vase. ai respansibility as aur President te local weddings was solmnized on Sat-_______________ pepper sauce. Pour into refrigeratar Mrs. John Wright ai Brantford, ever lead the Society ta higher and' urday at the home ai Mr. and Mrs. tray or pack in ice te freeze. Trhis treasurer of the Provincial W. C. better pastures for aur sauls and to, Raiph Aines, Carlisle Avenue, wheni mixture should be stirred every hall T. U., was the guest speaker. In her a broader outioak for aur minds their only daughter. Marie, became her.Whn eay o erebet trngan apalngtimpracetht e aymoe ntllgnty ee 1thlbidio Hres aweneii with a fork and place in cocktail address shte toucheci on many points. Ithe needs af the warld especially dis, second son ai Mrs. J. Widdis, V a l ài L glasses. Garnish with a sprig ai Rer emphasis was on the fact that part represented by womanhood 66 'Hambly Ave., Tarante,. 1 mint or parsîey. so many women were indifferent ta everywhere. yo 1u The ceremony was performed byl are certainly Ch Strawberry Chiffon Pie the priviiege of using their vote, Alsa we wish ta express teyu u Rev. E .F. Armstrong, pastor of Trin- With Corn Flake Pastrv which was given them ta safeguard best wishes that you may enjOY ity United Church before an arch ao. 1 tab>ispoon gýLttin 1 ah i-spen .on their homes. We shauld vote for the health and comfort and be blessed ai lemion lilies, spirea anîd yellow and % cip ate who wauld most likely stand for God in yaur new sphere af wark and white snapdragons. Miss Dorothy H 3cgs epate j'-»ip ilga temperance. We should vote as we may the "Peace wh.tch passeth al Edgar played the wedding music. as os hl 1,4 teaspoon s pî ray. The question ai getting rid of understanding abide with yau." the bride was escarted ta the livingI 1 pint strawberri,.s, rsit 1 the liquor traffic cannot be done by Because ai all this and more we ront by her father who gave hier in . Soak elatn in ruithe wal praying the Lard and voting for the felt it incumbent upon us te express marriaige. Soa geati inhal th waer.~our deep apprciation of your warkI She was gownled in a lovely f rock Cook in a double baller the egg;ith oitb evn ihyuotuqosbitchfnwt hteCOS &BL K yolks, lemon juice. rest of water, Recagnized as a leacting specifl omintkensoetyubyregavidg.Thryou acceturuise anuecriffon writhwhteCRSSo&BLC haîf the sugar, and sait until cutrd for the destruction ai worms. Mo- ma oe iarrgrs hrfr cesre n are rdibu conisenc. ddsoaedgelti athe Gave' or Exerintor as myuwe take the liberty af asking iquet ai Johanna Hill rozes and LlyITOMATO minute before removing irom f ire.! praved a boan ta sufiering children with flta dacce fro sthisfbaketa h1ale.Seaowaealre Cool. Beat. Add strawberries. Fold everywhere. be trateated y you ite a pesanal B fiowernslad a guif toa monawte ctu a. hr wr treasure for your home by which ta Fallawilng the ceremany guests C t u 4 rememtber each and everY memtber numbering 25 attended the recep- SCOT'SSC APB OK y . J sc ul of the W. M. S. of Mill St. United 1 tion when Mrs. Aines, mather ofth ______NecasleOnari. bride received in an attractive gown sc ir C A B O yXJ cgSigned on behal ai the members af itte tulip lace, with a corsage bou- CH] and Executive ai W. M. S. quet ai butterfly roses. She was as-! Mrs. N. Rickard ist. Vice-Pres. sisted by Mrs. J., mother aiof!* Mrs. Will Beaman. Treas. the groom, wha wore a becoming E D Mrs. F. Butler, Sec. navy bitue and white ensemble, and At the fitting tîme a beautiful wore a corsage bouquet ai talisman i basket containing a lavely selection roses. Tn ai Iris and TuliPs was presented ta The dining room, where a buffet 'ts burn and the gif t ai maney by Mrs. ated with yeîîow and wite stream-Laî rcse-[ Bat..ers, whlle bud vases on the table car-- - - - -- As a mother ai one ai the girls, ried bright yellow roses. on behalf ai ail thegil and aIl the Later the bride and groom left onGLCE Z.mothers wha had benefitted there- amater trip ta Kitchener, Hamilton, LCE ~ .r~-...-~by Mrs. Batty spake a few earneSt Loa o and points in the Unite<dS In Pure wordsDIaiS Olive Oi wod fheartfelt gratitude ta ,.rs. Statevs. the bride travelling in a smart w -Ole LED CAR-rRiDd4E 590-r FROm AN14M POwEREP Rogers for her work in leadership bro,,n and white plaid. linen finish- PirL WIL 40-MPOUÇF 'IE WE OF 80 PUNDand training af teen-age girls in con-1 ed crepe suit, with finger tipped caat FkIIZA>P.%,èiRASA .1- _nection with the C .G. I. T. and accessories te, match. On their CAMPBELL'S sutabe reply though almost over- Apartmentj. Kingston Road, Toropi- o f TOMATO whelmed by the unexpectedness ai t5. it ail. Spring Coats GREATLY REDUCED We have a number of choice 1934 Spring Coats, w'hich we are clearing this week-end at greatly reduc- Ied pî'ices. Corne in while the size r'ange is complete. Wondeîrful values. Ladies' Printed Con férence Crepe SUITS and Jacket Complete $40,95 Shirting Stripe Crepes - Very Special $4.95 Ea. Hosiery Special Londlon Knit Ladies' Pure Silk Hose Special this week-end - 49c Pair HATS, good selection, exceptional value, $1.45 Eouck, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville :ernally or Internally. it is tian- are usually enough. .-When applied externally by iller's Worma Powders are a rubbing. Dr. Thamas' Eciectric ramt relief irom. the attacks af opens the pares and penetrates worins in children. They are pow- issue. touching the scat af the1 erful in their action and, while leav- le and imniediateiy affording1 îng nothing te be desired as a worm E.Administered internaly. it expeilant, have an invigarating ef- stîli the irritation in the throat fect upon the youthiul system, rem- i induces coughing and will re- edying fever, boiliousness, lass of ap- affections ai the branchial petitc. sieeplessness, and Cther ail- sand respiratory organs. Try it ment that f 0110w disorders caused by be convinced. w orms in the stomach and bowels. ke TheseoT heering to any 1 Budget 17.1. -_ ___AOL il 3Tis19C 3 Tin 2 3c 2 Pkg. 15 c în lb Pkg. 31 t39c 3Pkgs. 5C Clir iqties Preni. Sodas - Fs Naptlia SOap - Red Label Lipton's Tea Pkg. Bar 7é 1/2-1b.Pkg. - 29< ilu.r a [irilliant Slîize Large i r. Brassa - - - 23é S li ir i fs Sweet Myste (j i a ker Muffets- Fatcl lis Spaghetti (lîîb) flouse,~ Stuffed Olivi ery - 8 Pkg. 16-oz. Tin ,es Peaches -lb. Ift Doio1 -lb.Tin Baking Powder - 19< Crosse & fllackwi l 3-oz. Bot. Cup Drinks - 2u< \Veilh's -i Bottie Girape Juice - 25t i.îibly,. Large 2M-size Tin Sauerkraut - Vu3 11(111Z l'tire ltî -oz. Bottie Vinegar --144t PurfetionI-lb. Tin Floor Wax -2U< Mlle Lec,îl Large Boxes Matches - 3 Boxes 25t Tid. WaI.r 011omp.nyofcanada.LtL,.>A.T.4. f4 oo ili......O led n C I Toronto fReg" matousL'.- .1AheaeL ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ r HEADACHE Buy VEEDOL at Bartlett's Garage ____________d b Lu____________a_____M NION TO. . a K\VELI 'S 4-0z. f 9 PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVUýLE. THURSDAY. JUNE 21st. 1934 1

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