THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO'WMANVILLE. THUR.SDAY, JUNE 2811. 1934 I ~ month's pay cheque. As the man chatted and .ioked about the addit- i Thne Newcastle Indepefluefli heir lives for their familles, ltl i did they think that in three short days one of their number would have r.Y1ç m Mastrs arod, ran an Te beau eof hîstheyel 0fvicorypassed on. His thoughtful act three MasersHarldFrnk nd ediecu.ée o ths te ellof ictrydays before would help to make 1 Hoar are visiting their uncle and1Iswelled into mighty volume. smoother the pathway of his bereav- aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Taylor, Weekend visitors with Mr. and ed widow along the rest of the jour- z Solina. Mrs. Norman Allun were Mrm. (Rev.) ney of 11e. Ail her f riends in this Mr. Ed. Argaîl, employed wth Mr. Samuel Tmnk, New Jersey, Mrs. Ar- neighborhood are pleased to know ______________ Frank Batty, Brookiin, visited Mr. thur Grass, Columbus, and Miss that Mrs. O'Neil and her younger____ and Mrs. Merkley Clark and other Lummîflg. Toronto. grandson, Jimmy Keech, plan to <- old frnends in this section last Sun- Major Douglas. formerly of the take a house Up in the village and BIRTHS day week: R.N.M.P., now retired, and Mrs. continue to reside here. St. George's Church - Rev. F. H. Douglas, Ottawa, are visitlng Mrs. Mason, M. A., Rector. Sunday, July Geo. H. Carveth at her home, New- Frances Audrey Griffin BROOKS - At lo10iill o..pîtal. on Moriday, Jurie 25th, lu Mi% andi Mr.: lst, Dominion Day: il a. m.-Ho1y castle-on-the -Lake. Hre .Boki or Communion; 7 p. M.-Everisong; Newcastle residents were deeply The death occurred on Sunday. VAN NEST-IO îîîîîîîmtîîrî lHospital. Preacher, Rev. J. Scott Howard, M.A. shocked to hear of the sudden and June 7th, of Frances Audrey, young- l'hiliflelîîhia Pa., on TuJuuy. nfe 19. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. O'Neil, Lake- unexpected death early Wednesday est daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Lorne 19:34, to0 Mu i. onil 2%Irs. lt,rlnrt A %';tir- field, Mr. Frank O'Neil. Philadelphia, morning of Mrs. Stacey. wife of Dr. Griffin, Cartwright. aged 5 months staor and Mrs. Keech, Belleville, have been S. E. Stacey, dentist. and 3 days. The funeral took place ~ taying with Mrs. P. O'Neil since the Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Walton. Till- on Tuesday, June l9th, the service MARRIAGES tragic death of her husband iast sonburg, are here on Mr. Walton's being conducted by Rev. F. W. New- Monday week. hllida3'5 and are visiting his par- ell of Blackstock. and wau largely Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Noden receiv- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Ailson Walton, attended by f riends, neighbors and FOSTEFR-PEARDON -ltii f'.teruio. ed the congratulations of relatives his brother. Councillor Earl Walton relatives. The paîl bearers were ail îp. %I . % 2sil it. 1914lonani lin- and friends and many expressions of and wife, and other relatives,. ouinof deceased, Francis Wotten, lwit iB. Fonr, hot of Itou ouuîîi'.jI goodwill and esteem on the occasion Rev. W. P. Rogers preached lUs 1Gerald and Louis Stinson, and Don- NEEDHAM-HILL-,At tire Fir.stM- of their golden wedding which they farewell sermon to the congreagtion ald Stinson. Flower bearers were thlist Clîur-cl, S3,r;tties., N. Y., on unetuu clbaeonon yo! this week, of the United Church last Sunday Janet Swain, Isabelle RamCelia lt-..92, y o.'Ir. zîîil.I.Msr June 25th. eveninig and on Monday he and Mrs. Griffin and Dorothy Hoskin. Floral .1. IL Nvedharut, B'owîiaiille, and I ILnýl. Newcastle Girls' Sof tball team Rogers lef t for their cottage at Ston- offerings included: Wreath f romt îi.ughter of Ni. %v. Ilit andi ti,- lite won their third league game last ey Lake to enjoy a month's vacation. Father, Mother and Sister; Sprays., Mrs. .Il il of Fuolkestone, EîiglaiuuiI Friday evening when they defeated A biographical sketch of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stinson, Mr. î-- the Cobourg teamn at the Counties Dr. Geo. H. Carveth, founder of the and Mrs. Russell Spinks, Mr. and DEATHS capital by il to 8, coming from be- Western Hospital, Toronto, will ap- Mrs. Russell Griffin and family, hind to near the end of the game to pear in a history of the hospital Mrs. Wm. Griffin. Elva and Mr. finish in the lead. which is now being prepared andi Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Melville Grif- STACEY-LutN îtloui Wedii,- On unaywek isss ar ad hich will be published in book 1'fin o -ria S ~ ttiicy, AOnittle Iamb toMisseetMany pure iii lier 2th19;1,IvaRr. Frances Brereton, Mr. Chas. Brere- form.A itelm oswtanpue iler26hy.i. ton, Miss Florence Spencer,' Mr. AI.. Newcastle and Port Hope hardball; Upon thUs earth to roam; l-iiiirait viii or 'lait, rsileico, Kingt Qarrod and Mr. William Wasel mot- teams played a close game with no IlAiln angel came otn vIir;; iitT lt rtîntît .î ored out 10 Hartley and visited the runs on either side at the bail park An ok u ea urey home. îîhv, l*o- ,IV former's aunt, Mrs. Lovett, Mrs. H. here last Saturday evening. Then1 TOM- Su.htl> ' it Col nirw Brereton's sister. and f amily. Port Hope claimed a winning run at CARD 0F THANKS ziiturliy. Ion. 22ri1, 9.11.iorg,- Henry Young men who will shoulder their the finish. Newcastle dlaims that ____ loin. soit of Mi-r 1.1 nIMrs. W.. A To. muskes an knapacksfrom this on an overthrovwn baîl the runneri Mr. and Mr. Lorne Griffin, Cart- LORD-A5t l'.19:11,larofizt. F liiliiy. village and neighborhood and go in-~ should not have passed third and wright, wish to thank their many willoiw of tîl. lit- TliointoLord,. tri- to camp with Durham regimenit for will protest the game. f riends and neighbors for the kmnd- tuti v,.tir. six days at Port Hope are: ac Mr. H. J. Toms of the J. Anidersoni ness shown to them during the iii.. SOWDEN-.lI.îtî1o1townishiii, o V, Hare, Norton Cowan, Murray Butler, Smith Co. is taking a week's vaca- ness and death o!f herdagte9::1, .Johnisiiti îir utr Kenneth Stephenson, and also Dave tion and on Thursday o! thisweek iAudre. n!Tii t i t a eleon iuut Law o! Newtonville. he and Mrs. Toms and- daughters, GRIFFIN-In D itrcittniîIT. 1 ~ . . asn f t j~rg'sMary atsd Marjorie. motored toi-4'SU1 in.iî. th, 18.Fuco Xîi Church will be the special preacher Moteladars h t a-L~LfA ~ ~ l:i,,zi,f *fiîî. î.5 îuiiîtls. t3îiays. next Sunday evening, July lst, at st. rence to St. Lambert to visit hi TACEY - In îl..hîiw,in Satiuurl.y, John's, Blackstock, which is cele- brother, Mr. Harold Toms and f am rTe~ye lisîîe 2:tîl. 1:1:14.Ibi ,tJohnuustaiey. lu.- brating its 84th anniversary in con- ily . Mr. and Mrs. J. Aniderson o uedyeenîng, June 26th. ,',il husli:iii of Steillat J..uuîî%IcNltrtry, nection with the Cartwright Centen- Smith had previously been enjoying about forty !riends gathered at the nu i hs 29th ynîuiit inionîuîu ary. Rev. J. Scott Howard wiîî vacation. home o! Mrs. J. Gearing in honour! iemnetiry ,uiluo preach a t Georges. i!o! Miss Hilda Barrett, Bovimanvile, DUNHAM.Xt Toironuito G3ei,rl Ilos- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Gibson, Mr. Roy OBITUARY bride-elect, whose marriage to Mr. Ilu,uruî n. daugli*;nr of thi, lati* Mr. andt an isRoîls, Toronto, were Sun- î T. Webb is to take place in Bow- Nirs. i'.'rirck liuntuanî tof Iownianillln, dyguests 0f Mr. and Mrs. T. FP.Nil ecate manville on Friday the 29th. and .belovond sstînr or !Nrs. Johnu .1. 1.91., Branton. They came down to at-rc -alwreasmldSr t t.7 onuii Fieltiy, iotr. îrrî'înguliont tedyheDecoration Day srieaI Tefserviceeric o helaeMajor Aldworth f5ok charge and 1 tei..0 1B5 Ini.. tendefnra evieo the ae afte~r the opcning hymn Master ________________ Bowmanville and lay f lowers on the Patick O'Neil, C. N. R. Section! John Walter read the following ad- I E O IN graves o! Mrs. Gibson's parents, the Foreman, who was struck and kill-: dress:INM ORA late Mr .and Mrs. Andrew Dickson ed by an eastbound f reight on Mon- o! this village. day. June l8th, was held in St. Geo- Dear Miss Barrett, Mrs. R. B. Alun, assisted by h Cuc n ensayatr We have gathered together this EDGER-li lu'.ing rii..uiory of Wuîlttunt daughter, Mrs. J. E. Rinch, andnoan. June 20th. The church was;i e'ening te, extend 10 you oursin-tLgv. i, adîiuo. in uiluie :1 1928 grand-daughters. Misses Irene and f illed nearly 10 capacity with !riends1 cerest wishes for a very happy f u- tpright and uîîsu to the l nu of lus thuys: Marion Rinch, held a birthday re- Iand relatives. Anong thosei presentdI tUn. and elaive. Amng hos prIint iht ai lcti tfuti ni..nor9 lie luftI heu uuî t.. ception aI her home on Thursday having !ol!-wed the remarns in ai As a teacher of the Boy's Bible hy vr%îuîlnî t vif,» anti i,:uitutl. aflernoon last when many ladies o! body were many members o! the Class your faithfulness in attend- - the village came 10 enjoy tea and Belleville Brotherhood o! Mainten- ence, your interest in the boys, and, STRONG-ýuu ltîvîîtcnienory of ilai-a congratulate her on having reached an,.e o! Way Eniploytes wlarin your influence over them, have been lîosla tri,]îîî ftuWiIliaint strontut.whîo the 77th milestone of her*11e. their membership badges. Rev. F. H.i deeply aprcatd l.1.-uit-ltis 1I;fi JUv>i'i 2,. 19313. Mr. altr Sldo, Trono, ameappecited il"! itt,ý h,)ýh henlntviîtg honte Mr.WaIe Sedo, oroto cmeMason, rector assisted by Rev. Lorne We trust that your interest in our He l;i n iiîoiv,. r,tiurn, down last Saturday to celebrate on Thionias. with thse choir leading in Sunday School will continue a! er Tîtt t ndetiîtso soon woulîi sIv.îî, Sunday, June 24th, the lst anniver-1Ithe singing o! th funerai hyirjsisIyour marriage as before. A\iui i rutu i,; t oourir. 1 Wv, il, fot kilt%%- tlî,o paini Ilu. bol,. sary o! the wedding of his daughter, coniducted the solemn service for the! We ask you 10 accept these sm.all w%,, 'Il]I lit-e hit .die, Miss Adele and Mr. A. O. Parker.1dt i tokens as expressions o! our grati- w, offty kîiow ]w îî.ssel uWaYL> On Tuesday evening o! this wieek1 At St. Georges Cemetery, the place' tude and best wishes. A[Il 1Il u. ver sîttl gli-I'ye'. Mr. Seldon was the special speaker o! interment, a! er Rev. Mr. Mason1 Signed on behal.! of the Courtice S.:iTII9 nt-sîll Vf. and lFaiîuîly. at the 4th degree meeting f1ur had performed the burial rites o! the 1 Sunday School. Messrs. Fred Adams,\iiig iiiln.riry ofrlits- hani Lodge A. F. & A. M. in thie'e hurch tthe members of the flrother- Ray Barber, Elmer Huggins and Er- .,UU l<.îi ,lV,vîlwfî fWli community hall hood gathered around the grave and nesî Gearing, stood grouped around stott. lto î.îSîl.wayJolunillu)h, United Church - Rev. Samuel joined in their beautiful and im-. the table, and as the address ended ~tt t î uWthii9u ohr MacLean, B. A.. Pastor. Sunday, i lesvesric o hebralo i f ted the cover 10 disclose a beauti- liv ..s t attit liaNt,ý1 July lst, Dominion Day: 11.30 a. M. departed brother, Roy Workmanj ful china tea-set placed upon a lin- Wl,,i.unn ear 9tui foot.stnî.,s -Morning Worship; 3 p. m-Sun- conducting and Eric Toms and Mr ' en cover with matching colour' In*.. vsn u ltil,::.~. day School; Celebration o! the 400th1 Griffin standing at the head, read- i cheme. luIn our niuiî at' ouio u. anniversary o! Jacques Cartier's ing in turn from the ritual. Then in: Mîss Barrett's reply showed how Lsîl viuil.. U dliîgi,'ifuir tIi landîr.g in Canada, very special pro- tribute t0 the memory of the de- deeply she feit the expression o! es- rnnu atnuî;iy a iitt,nt tmauxr granm; 8 p. m.-Evening Service; Mr. ceased and as a token that they teem, and stated Ihat she hoped 10 -Ii truuul,.ltI iu:i.î' Uuîîî1 Robert Corbett, Bowmanville, 2nd would keep him in fond remembran- continue her work ,here. Mr. Webban nil year student at Emmanuel College, ce the brethren escli in turn took! also answered with' an appropriate, Toronto, will preach aI both church f rom the lapel o! his coat a sprig o! i speech. :-___ sei-vicles. evergreen and dropped il upon the i Instead o! outside amusement.: Not in a great many years hmas casket in the grave. l as planned. a small program had TYRONE there been such a run o! mullet as Among the relatives and friends been compiled, during which Adju-' 1 swarmed Up our creeks last week. present f romt a distance were: Mr.I tant Tucker, Bowmanville, gave her:i Mr. Ross Bigelow, Oshawa, spent They were taken ouI with nets, and Mrs. T. Young, Mr. and Mrs.lfarewell words 10 those with whom'Sunday aI home. f orks, spears and bare hands and Ray Richmond, Mrs. Geo. Grass, Mr.: she had been a!! iliateci during thei Mr. Elgin Jones visited friends in taken away in bags!ul, democrat and Mrs. Arthur Grass, Mr. Jos. past sixteen monîlis. Little Fay Tool- Toronto, recently. loads, in cars and buggies, on foot Deshane. Misses Alice and Hellen De- ey presented a small gift toi the Ad-: Mrs. H. Wicke spent the weekend and on horseback. Everybody !east- shane. Napanee: Mr. Frank ONeil, Jutant fromn the mothers o! the chl-, with friends in Toronto. ed on mullet; for those who couldn't Mrs. A. F. Widemere. Philadelphia, dren who attended the Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Garnet McCoy and catch Ihese fish o! excellent eatmng U.S.A.; Mr. and Mrs. Percy O'Neil, School, as no officiai presentation babe, Cobourg, spent Sunday at Mr. quality Ihemselves were able 10, buy Mrs. M. Keech, Master Kenneth is allowed according 10 Army rules. J. H. MutIons. themn cheaply f rom the boys. Keech, Belleville; Mr. and Mrs A. Sandwiches and caIXe, lemonade Mrs. George Arnold, Masters Ar- Mrs. Allen accompanried her hus- T. Curie, Frederlcksburg; Mr. and and tea were served and a very en- nold and Billy Hughson, Toronto, band, Rev. Robert Wallbridge Allen, Mrs. Chas. Noriand, West Hunting- joyable evening thus brought 10 a visîted at Mr. R. McCullough's. M. A., Rural Dean. Brampton, to don; Mrs. AI!. Southwell and son,1 close. ___ _ _ _è hurch Service Sunday aI 10.30 Newaslelas Sndy wenheJack, Greenburn: Mr. and Mca. Thos. a.m. Sunday School withdrawn on Nrewcas tle lasISu and wenihe O'Neil, Lakefield; Mrs. Taubman, M& AND r«S CLEMENCE account o! Haydon Annivecsary. aI SI. George's Church. They dined Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarke, CLBAESLE EDN r n r.EgrRsva n at noon with Miss Beatrix McIntosh Miss Victoria Vincent and Mrs. Rus- ELBAESL RWDIN Miss Helen Rosevear, Cobourg, spent and had tea with Rev. and Mrs. J. sell Grass, Napanee; aiso Mr. Thos. PRESENTED WITH SUNVER Monday wiîh their son, Mr. Gussie Scott Howard. Rev. Mc. Allen aiso Yerrow, C. N. R. Roadmaster, Belle- oear visited his relatives, Miss Thompson ville and Mr. Percy Ransom o! Mr. (Contlnued î rom page 1) Mrs. G. Phare has reîurned home and Miss Swimm. Many old New- Yerrow's Office Staff. a! 1er spending a number o! weeks castle !riends o! himself and his fa- Lovely and very numerous werei Rogers, Little Brilain; Mr. Norman with her sister, Mrs. C. Phillips aI ther and family were pleased tome I he floral tributes, a pillow o! rosesI Aluin, Buffalo; M r. J. A. B. Wilson, Maidstone. and have a chat wiîh him during the f rom the !amily, baskets from Mr. Cobourg. Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Mrs. Clara Byam, Bowmanville, day. Rev. Mr. Allen went to Bramp- and Mrs. Percy Hare and Jack, from, Rev. W. P. Rogers, H. R. Peacce. has been visiting lier son. Mr. F. L. ton fi! teen years ago, succeeding the neiglibors, Mr. Isaac Selby, Mr. Other entertaining numbers were Byam, and her daughter, Mrs. Lu- Rev. Canon Walsh o! the well known and Mrs. Carl Selby. Mr. and Mrs.1 recitations by Norman L. Rickard ther Hooper. Walsh family o! Cowanville section H. W. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. H. R.'i and Helen Cox, vocal selections by Miss Eva Collacutt had her ton- and a cousin o! Mr. Fred Graham o! Pearce. Mrs W. H. Pearce, Mr and Miss Winnifrecl Rickard, Louise Cox ils removed in Bowmanville Hos- this village. Mrs. W. J. Bagneil, Bowmanville;i and Donald Cox, and music by the pntal (;ri Saturday. We wish lier a W haeo ocainWreaths f romn the Newcastle C. N. Shaw's Orchestra. speedy recovery. Wehae n ccsinmentioned R. Section men, the Belleville Bro' Many Chinese lanterns had been Rev. F. M. Wootton, Peterboco the several large and well kept gar- therhood o! Maintenance o! Way hung in advance f romt the over und Master Siflon. Montreal. called dens aI Newcastle-on-the-1ae r Empioyees, Mens Club o! St. GeorgeI shadowing branches of the trees on on the formers son. Rev. A. M. Wo- W. . altn-allsMc.Ge. BllsChurch, Brothers and Sisters, Nap- the lawn and as twîlîght deepened olton, on Monday. caîl tam wa pa --gundraUin man Allan and daugliters Shirley handicap. A short time befoce An- JA agent selllng accident Insur- andJoan. Buffalo, U.S.A.; Mc. and nabelle Hendry, catcher, had knock- ance policies to cailway men exclu- Mca .A. Rogers.,1Litt1e Britain; Mca. Rev. Harold B. Neal will be in- ed a finger out o! Joint whlle pick- sively, came to the C. N. R. Station, V. Barthwick, Toronto. ducted as pastor o! St. John's Unit- Ing up a plîched baIl and lad to be Newcastle, on Friday. June 151h. He A number o! those who were not ed Churcdl, Campbellford, on Frlday tn outperoence ybehand Ihe bat wsol10 Mc. 'Nei and lr.e othersoneagesoatnd kentdregrds wha h loevn unday Juco ymence His s toak re ouI. Doco th e uantliwisth oda00 oMr 'elicyd 10 Mc. heonesaesatnd k s entacongratlator en g ndaii comencels is s brouglit ln from the field by Man- his visit here. The Inittial premluins Chairman W. P. Rlckard "ead in the many old Bowmanville !rlends wlsh ager Ccowlher to succeed her. Sa were 10 come out o! the end o! the course o! the progcam. hlm succesln hgs new pastorate. Èd' AdsF Wanted1 WANTED-A mi(lhii' îgntîwornati for guuui ion usoswork, Inu. tutilts ini Itni- ti y. Aiylîr Ms. Atn\ Taiylor. Phone .6. 26-1 HEIMSTITCHING andi PICOT EDGING -OitItof ton 'i orders promitly atten(dd to îslutlîliî. i-erre St. Iîow- ni.irvillt. boine 561. 23-4w. WANTED-t .traet t ýrt'îuttz.u tîuof its kuuutin 'autila viiiuii iti yiitig nu,îî irvi u t;.ruut Or toitrun oto îute te ils coun - ty ovtt.îitzti iît. ut iue un.- ssar.î.iy oasturganiut touttrainsuts uo.wii ni -n. lo îî,ruuîauuîuut ith ex- uul'îtutilortiuuît ns foî iu v.iunui'utt.i rv. it tlarge I. l,li.iî r ît.atsu.asily. MmI, c. eitt-Iit $18-00S vuekît first tni... i . 1itly i f si usui.iomît taatt il .Aut.vetis bît A ut ut ey, 71 Rticît uuouîîî For Sale FOR SALE -Stottl iuuuiîtty of seetl t.u.ýk ti hîutî, silve r luul. (lau Iet Symons. Iibiiiui 475r6l. 26-1 FOR SALE - Quanlitv of Dooîey-olui ptu toio. A utuly 10 (Green Itros, R. R.3 I uwuiul t . pltoutu 13Sr1l . 6- TENT FOR SALE-Lavge size miarqueý tut gooui c'îuultioi; barutuhu for quick stil,. Frank Williams, Silver St., Bow-1 ma:uî ible 25-4 FOR RENT-urnuuier cottage at 'il-1 tains Poitt, tik- Si-ugopt, for month of! il.iv. A, W. l'b ku rtl, hujroauuhli.. liuu1, .26-tf FOR SALE Iii) fuut Iiillivsueelt ub- iuig, 18 hiettus wi., vutuuoui:uhlu. Appiy i i tius Srs e. titis Sttiob n .. lafflut roveî. I lowmanvill .. 26-1- FOR SALE - vlil. tuc'ohorn bay uIttekis,'i ttountua luu ifuir wbn -r tayevs .« pier hîunîtreuu. o"uers iuuuer 155, $698 ant i ililsix nu, ks ONIîî le ,as sutm o..ekereI- aI 3'):îandî10c e..AI- bin l'I-niens, nowîmtuî' ile. Phono 2?37r3. 22-5 To Let AUCTION SALE TO RENT-hueul Strî,ot, formriry or- iJ iii %ih l I r. L.W. D1 i l ll a vl on- Bviivi...AîîtY.t.. îsoiSo. Saturday, June 30--The furniture OFFICE - i and househld effects o! Miss Mary of routot. fov busincesS or professioun of- Westlake will be sold by auction on fie. "o-ti ovî,r Mttson's Insurance the corner o! Churdli and Scugog Olhbe,.. Aptly J. J. Masout & Son. 24-3 ISta., Bowýmanvi1le. Sale aI 2 p. m. * (D.S.T.) Ternms cash. W. J. Challis, CADMUS j Auctioneer 25-2 Twenty-five f riends visited Mr. and! Dr. J. F. Thonipson, Principal o! Mcs. R. T. Brown on Sunday. 1 th High School. Port Hope, who lias Mr. William Prortor, Toronto, was c esigned aller many years o! sec- a recent visitor witli Mc. G. Brown,i vice, was pcesented wilh an address Many f rom tIs vicinity attended and'a handsome gold watdh. by the the Ginn reunion in Hampton Park staff and students. Dr. Thompson on SaturdaY. I was a former member o! Bowman- Mc. Willîs Hutchison, Lakefield, ville High School staff. was a weekend guesî o! Mc. and Mca., H. Galbraith. Mca. J. Coates, Winnipeg and________________ daugliter, Mca. Richie, Sas-k..visited ,At h Mca. R. Brown. K W R H Miss Kathleen Ferguson hms ce-'K W R A turned 10 Toronto aller visiting hec brother, Mc. Cecil Ferguson. B OY S' C A MP Service in the United Churcli was $.))prwe withdcawn on Sunday for the An- $.0prwe niversacy services o! Nortli Nestieton 21 mniles norîli of Peterborough Churcli. tSoeLa. Mc. and Mca. Clarence ,Jeffrey,aISoeLae Milfort. Sask., and Mca. R. J. Wil- Under supervision o! D. A. liamson, Peterboco, have been visit- Loomis, Physical Director. ing Mc. and Mrs. L.. MeGili. Mc. and Mca. E. Smith Fecguson Y.M.C.A. Foc folder. C. P. and Colette, Bowmanville. visited Borland, Bank o! Toronto, Mc. and Mca. A. McGill's during the Peterborough, Ontario. weekend. Mc. McGiil is under tihe doctor's cane. Mc. and Mca. M. Mountjoy at- - tended tle Annivecaary services o! the Long Sault Chucl and were' Sunday guesîs o! Mc. and Mrs. Wm. Hooey. Mc. Arthur Stapleton also' accompanied them. Mca. Galbraithi presided aI Young; People's League in the United1 Churcli on Thucsday evening, June 21. The devotional peciod was in charge o! Mca. E. Sanderson andr the pcogram was prepared by Glen Gibson. In place o! the topic. tw readinga were given by Marjocie Galbraithi and Mc. Stuart Thomp- i son. League will discontinue aller Thucsday niglit, June 28th. but will be resumed in September. On Wedtnesday afternioon, June ~ 201h, the Quactecly Tea o! the U- nited Chucch W. A.. was held in Bowmanville. aI the home o! Mca. Smith Fergunon; wMil a splendid attendance. The interesting pro- MR. FRANI gramn consisted o! a piano duet by Miss Pauline Wagar and Mca. Smith Ferguson, a ceading on prayer by Mr. Jopson, lte Mcs. C. Ferguson, a piano duel by Rev. and Mca. F. W. Newell, a solo is a specialist on by Misa Helen Argue, a reading by Mca. M. McKee. and a solo by 11111e Miss Colette Ferguson. Mca. A. Mc-Am04 Gilî's goup provided the lunch and j4 TÀ I C tle hosteas servedi ice cream. 1 M e C.,H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Author of: Optometry Feature Service The ChIld and Its Development Speciallzing excluslvely in muscle anomalies, eyeslght and glasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Disney Bldg. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, Ont. Music FRANCIS SUTTON. Mus. Bac. F.C.C.0. A.T.C.M. etc. Pulils preparc for aIl examlnations. Prt'.ate and ciass tessons at moderate rai es. Bowma nville, Ont. 40-lyr Garbage Removed 1 a-n prepared to cart away ai garbage from anywliere ln town and at the lake. GEORGE CLAYTrON - Phone 135 i 25-2* Wanted-A Man! Who knows the people and the varieties o! fruit trees best suited to this section, to take over established trade. SeUing experience net es- sential, but will help. Write giving fui! particulars to E.D.Smith&Sons LIMTED Nurserymen and Orchardiste Winona, (600 acres) Ontario XB. JOPSON of Williamsburg, fitting the famous Pke6f>4o e and a direct representative of The Lockwedge Shoe Co. Ltd. Mr. Jopson will be here for free' consultation Friday, June 29t1i and you are cordially invited to take advantage of the opportunity whether or flot an immediate purchase is your intention. Dit. M.W. LUC KR W1WAMSOUJPGONT ,CANADA The only shoes designed and approved by DR. M. W. LOCKE o lliVLLI.1IAISBURG, ONTIRIO FACTORY TO FEET SAVE YOU MONET NABO0RHOO0 N SHOE STORE COWAN BLOCK KING STREET 1' ~>0' ~ê' Il Attention ! Our Herd bas Just passed the Clean T. B. Test and we are prepared to serve our custom- ers wlth M 1L K aI 8 Cents per Quart Good Service Phone 476r22 for a trial order. Maple Grove Dairy BOWMANVILLE ' xllm-_zrà IrUN ]Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN Friday and Saturday - June 29th and 3Mt GEO. BRENT - MARGARET LINDSAY From Headquarters Serl - - Comedy Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. mi. Monday and Tuesday - JuIy 2nd and 3rd A. galaxy o! great stars in a great picture Night Flight wtli John Barrymore, Helen Hayes, Clark Gable, Lionel Darm-more, Robert Montgomery and Myrna Loy. Matinee Dominion Day, July 2nd, at 3 p. m. Wednesday and Thursday - July 4th and Sth Lanny Ross, the Showboat star, in Melody in Spring With Charles Ruggles, Mary Boland, and Ann Sothern. Matinee Wednesday at 4 p. m. Mab P 'g PAGE TEN 11