Cy-W VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1934 NUMBER 26 Holstein Breeders Outing Attracts Record Numbers Judging Contest, B a s k e t Lunch, and Sports Pro- gram Are Features of Fine Program HeId at Orono Saturday The annual Field Day o! Durham County Holstein Breeders' Club held at Orono on Saturday attracted an unusually large nuinber of men, wo- men andi children f rom al parts of the County, who thoroughly enjoyed the outmng whch was featured with a judging comnpetition in the morn- ing. followed by a basket lunch and addresses, and then in the afternoon ail settied down te a program of sports of interest to bth young and old. The judging contest took place at the home of Mr. A. J. Tamblyn, whose herd provided a large numiber of exceptionaliy good type animais in bth maies and females f or the contestants to work on. Through the use of good sires and Record of Per- formance work. Mr. Tamblyn has succeeded in building up one of the best herds o! Holstein cattie in the province, and as the different classe- es of young buils, mature cows and hefers paraded the yard, they were the admiration of everybody. R. B. Faith of Brantford, director of Extension for the Hostein-Fries- ian Association of Canada, stressed in his talk te the assembled crowd, the importance o! having a definite constructive breeding prograni, broad enough in its make-up to take care' o! the essential requirements in herd improvement which he referred ta as type, production and health. 'Mll three," said the speaker, "are sa important today, tliat unless we are prepared to give theni first place in aur promotion and development activities, individually as breeders, and col]ectively under club leader- ship, there can be no hope of gain- ing reward through the expansion of markets and raising the standard of prices to higher levels." In this connection he nientioned the great need existing for more careful thought in the selection o! sires. biood testing for the control of Bang's Disease, and keeping records, j;ather than estimating the value o! (a cow through guessing at her year-, ly production. Mr. Faith let it be understood that through the wor of the Extension Department, an e,- port market for more than 22,000ý head of pure-bred Holstein cattiel had been opened up during the past three of four years, and the predict- ion was made that if Central Canada could produce Hostein cattie o! the type and quality wanted by buyers in foreign counitries, that an even larger and more profitable mnarket awaited the breeders of this country. Mr. A. E Summers. agricultural representative, who !ollowed, ex- pressedi it as his view that the tisse had came when breeders of live stock particularly dairy cattie, would have to, put an end to the conmon prac- tise of selling their best f emales, wth a view te retaining suitable foundation stock for herd building. He asked for dloser co-operation in helpinig bis office te rid the country of poor type undesirable herd sires claliing that such a move was go- ing ta be !ound necessary, if im- proved breeding was to niake the headway desired. Mr. R. M. Hltby, veteran f ield- mani, told of some of the experien- ces he had met with on bis recent trip to England. At the conclusion o! the day's pro- ceedings, the breeders in con! erexice wth Messrs. Faith, Sumamers, and Holtby asked for a herd sire demon- stration which was agreed upon to take place about July 29th. MR. BENNETT RECEIVES ANOTHER LL.D. Froni the looks o! things here, does Palmer C. Ricketts. director, Prime Minister R.B. Bennett is flot look. particularly happy about con- f erring it. 0f course, bath were too happy about having just receiv- quite elated about the whole a!ffair ed an honorary degree of doctor () really and the long faces here may laws f rom Rensselaer Poiytechnic be caused by talking about economic Institute of Troy, New York. Nor, systeins or politicai changes. Converts Together 49 Years Ago Salvationist Colonels at Re-Union ELLIOTT MEMORIAL PARK WAS SCENE 0OF PASCOE FAMILY MEET Descendante a! Edward and Mary Pascoe Prom Oshawa, Whitby, Pickering, Brookin and Boy- manville Gather at Hampton The. descexidents of tIre late Id- ward and Mary PaLscoe celebrated their annual f amily plcnic ati-Hamp- ton park on Friday aflernoon lest. There vere 115 presexit froni OsIr- awa, Whitby. Pickering, Braoklin and Bawmanviile and f rom the local vill- ages. The Sparts commnittee staged a vaiety of races for younger and older ones, that provided much a- musement. Exciting games o! base- bail were induiged in during the a!- ternoon and in the evening a gaie o! football by the young men. The slides and teeters amused the chli- dren and the aider members dis- cussed thre recent eections and other things. Supper was senved by the lad- ies and a! tcr ahi had partaken Mr. Harvey Pascoe. tIre president, caîl- ed the meeting ta order and request- cd one minute's silence in memnony o! thre depanted dead after whicb Mn. Alan McKessock nead tIre Sec- Treas. report and the followlng of- ficers were elected:- President-in. Chas. L. Mackay, Brooklin; Vîce-President-lir. W. L. Pienson, Oshawa; Sec-Tras-Mr. Percy Pascoe, Pickering; The Ex- ecutive to appoint thein sports com- mittee. The Statesman was pleased ta ne- ceive a caîl on Monday f nom Rev. L. S. Wil'kt, Kingston, a fanmer papular pastor of Tyrane circuit. Hle and Mrs. Wight were motoning 10 Toronto for a f ew holidays. Prominent Goodyear Executive Gives nspirational Address at Rotary Club Geo. L. McCrea Speaks of Importance of Personal Decisions As They Affect Others - Lauds Local Executives in Providing Work That large Rotarian Arthur Hardy, superinten- organizati o n s1 dent of the local Goodyear Plant. lik th od. Mr. MeCrea spoke on "The Re- like the sponsibility of Decisions" and de- year Tire & livered a thoughtful and thorough Rubber Comp- provoking talk. Although we seldom any were not realize it," he said, "ail decisions heartlIess i n have influence on those about us as thçir dealings onl ourselves. The question we face with their eni- today is, How shaîl we approach- our ployees, w as problenis? How shall we help others sIhown in a to approach their's? In this we have splendid i n- a de! mite responsibility. spirational ad- The responsibility of 111e may be Geo. L. MeCrea dress b ef or e ivlded Into three distinct parts, re- the Rtotary Club by Mr. Oeo. L. Mc- sponslbility to self, to f ellow men, Crea, Qeneral Sales Manager o! the and to God. Mechanical Goods Departmient< of 0f our responsibility to Qod Mr. the company. Mr. McCrea together McCrea ponted out that it cannot wth Mr. R. P.' D. Grahani, export be escaped. It can be dodged but nev- manager, Mr. C. W. Harsbman. Heel er escaped. and Soles sales department and Joe The responslbillty ta one's f ellow 0'l<elll o!f the Statatitoal <epart- man dates back ta bible times when mnent, New Toronto, were guests o! Cain asked if he Wus his brother t1ue club. Another guest was Col. Abel's keeper. Today that question 1$ ]gdwy Whte, Coral Glables, lorida, belng asked more and more, $=t a Bowmfafvllle old boy, who had a more and more the answer ls caa-' dstingulshed career in the Salvation ing back that we are our brothers' Army. Frank Willilams, who celebrat- keeper, and neyer more forclbly Is ed his brthday on June 2lst re- this presented than at the present ceved a bouquet o! flowers and gave Unie. ra brie! 111e history o! hiniself. The responsibillty to ourselves is Mayor Ros5 Strike and Dr. Ain i mportant. We have been in the ha- Devtt were penalized for thelr elect- bit of emphaszing the success o! ion efforts by having ta, slng Tom people by the amount of wealth they Holgate's f avourite song "Happy amnass but It is a wrong way to Judge Days are Here Agaîn,"1 as a duet. success, even as It is wrong to Judge Mfr. 1(0Ceawa ntrodloed, by 1 (omtinuoa aM Dms ') 1Many Citizens Join ini WeI- 1 coming Col. Levi Taylor, 1 p<eto !sho Col. Edwy White, Briga- pupils rai aaIr visit. The election o! officersi dier Easton and Major as follows:-President-A. W. Hollnde a Bo nianiîleTyrone; Vice-Presldent-O. Hollnde o Bo manvllePort Hope; Secy-Treas.--S. E. Hampton. Directors: Cartwnl There was rather a unique meet- R. Johnson; Manvers, Miii. ig at the Salvation Army On Juste Bethany; Cavan, L. H. Wixis< 2iat, the occasion being the meeting Clarke, Robt. Martin. rNei of four ý'ormer citizens o! Hope, M. Blckle, Caniton; ai ville: Colonel Levi Taylor, Colonel specially appuinted lady di Edwy White, who le! t hene f onty- Mrs. H. F. Fergusan, Nestletc rime years ago ta enter Salvation j. R. Cooper. Orono; Mrs. Arnmy work, Brigadier Florence Eas- Wenny, Hampton, and Mms.1 ton, and Major Gertrude Hollande. kle, Canton. The thnee f inst mentioned are now 'rue next meeting o! the1 On the retired lisi and Major Ger- tion will be beld in Tyrnxie trude Hollande is the Supenunten- ember. dent o! the Bloor Street Hospital, __________ Toronto . Thre Army Hall was well f illed and BROOKS - LANGMA] a very intenesting meeting held. The F I I S E J Oshawa Songster Brigade was pre- A I ES NJ sent and nendered sanie very fine ANNUAL RE-UI miusic and singing. Other vocal sel- ections were nendened by Mns. Gea. E. Pritchard and Mrs, Carew. Cream of Barley Camp Wa Colonel Levi Taylor conducted the of Annual Family Picnic . preluninanies and intnoduced the Enjoy Sports Program a speakers. Spe Major Hollande talked intereslt- SPe ingly o! ber careen, ber love for Bow- The Creaxin a! Barley Pari manville and claimed that Use Can- mianville, was the scexie of adian Statesman was the greatesappy amlly gathenlng an Si smalltown paper li Canada. The happyf wenth Boos Major was converted when quite a Junefalles whe teBrooks young girl and bas rendered. valuable niead rmi Ireodthe75am service ta the Anny. SIre is a credit inte an reuxiln. Aout 7 o ta Bowmanville. liThe lntrtigtprograbouai Brigadier F. Easton Irad hap- adatheran gthe ind au py emoiesof er atie twz ndsocial chit chat bounteous was happy ta, be back again. Miss asevdbthldi.Ai Easion is an accomplished. musician wsperPedebytMhelSaf and always of!lclated at the piano Terono adethe meeaing 1 at the great gathengs In Tarant.o- n rtoA.Ldthemeingf Colonel Levi Taylor, woi secnetary, read the minutes Hamptan boy bas served the Arniy pei picnic. The electior as an executive inany yeams. At th ierri teousin ya tume o! bis retirement he was the ficers:for Ueesuing yr. Chie! Secnetary a! the Army work Sue Secretary-Treasuu li New Zealand and the second inn s PacBwavle Comnmand. Cammisttee-Miss Marlon Ail Colonel Edwy White Who was bomn castie, Miss Sybil Langni in Bowmanvllle and vIra neyer miss- awa. It was decided ta boid es an opportunity ta Visit bis native nenx ero h hr town. was principal speaker at the mn June at tIre Creani o! reunion and relaied sanie very strik-Cap ing incidents in bis long careen as Camp. ine o hea at was a ofcrnakbethn htand evcning was spent li sp( it as rearkblethig tatraces for bath young and Colonels White and Taylor wha were whîch aultable prizes were a converted aide by aide on a Sunday, A saftbali game brought thi Manch 23, 1885, ta Use aid Bowman-abeutn oacswi ville Town Hall, shauld be bere to- able outn eta a osef vlI gether a!ter a lapseofityeas the prospects o! next year'i hale and hearty anid stlll enthus- gaîhiering. iastic in their chosen profession. ________ They have a deep regard for their a - aid home town and consîder it a Foot Specialist la pnivilege ta be back again. Colonels White and Taylor were accompanled Coming to, Towni by their wives, and other visitonsFr ayJu were Mrs. Major Highxnone o! Osh- FiaJn awa and rd s. Major Riches o! Tar- onto. Naborhood Shoe Store an Adjutant Mynthe Tueker and Lieut. tbis week the securing o! Goodlng entertaxxed for the vlsltlng cluaive agency lin Bownuan, party during tIre evenlng when the the M. W. Locke Shoes,1 centre o! attraction was the huge and appraved by Dr. M. W~ cake, made especilily for the occas- operatar o! the fanious fa< ion, ai Willlamsburg, Ont. Ti] shoes are not manufacture< Locke, non bas Ire any lint Homling Pigeon Club thre company, but they are bis specificatians and areî Bowmanville Honing Pigeon Club by hlm. flew their 8th old- bird race on One a! Dr. Locke's exper Satiday, June 23rd, f rom. Belle ants, Mn. Frank P. Jopson, River, Ont., 230 miles air Uine. This at the Nabonhaod Store or is the second tume thre birds have June 29th, ta introduce tIrei flawn froin Belle River this year and to give advlce on foot and they made gaod urne wlth the Mr. Jopson. through bis !oliowlng result:- under Dr. Locke Iras lear E. Hunt 5 bra. 47 mins, 26 secs. wlU shaw that a great ir F. Bottrell 5 brs, 48 mins, 6 secs. ments may be cuned thr< E. Hunt 5 lirs. 48 mains, 25 secs. weaning o! correct shoes. Th I. Hobbs 5 hns, 52 mins, 44 secs. boad Store invites ail wbo at Wm. Woolner5 lirs, 53 mins, 8 secs. cd li any way wîth their fi L. Richards 5 brs, 56 mina, 32 secs. Mn. Jopson and secure bis el Win. Woolner 5 hra, 56 mina, 47 secs, vice f ree. Sanie simple pIec rL. Richards 5 lir, 68ina, 50 secs. vice may be tIre means0 P. Bottrell 5 brs, 57 mins, 8 secs. not amly foot troubles, b I. Piper 5 lins, 57 mina, 2 4secsa. other troubles whlch haver 1. Robbs' 60lirs, 8 mina, 2»sem. put been oonsldered kindre With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News M r. Annis,Tyrc Re-Elected He OF County Ai Annual Summer Meetii Trustees and Ratepi HeId at Newcastle-ý Durham Teachers Pr Fine Papers Durhami County Trustee. Ratepayers Association held it ual meeting li the Communit at Newcastle on Saturday, Jun when a large number availed selves o! the opportunJW oa part in an exceptonW' fin gram. President A. W. Annis of was in the chair and alter t] inal openmng o! the meeting ident Annis, as officiaI deleî th ) .A. Convention in 'T presented a most interestin comprehensive report of ti ceedings. Two outstanding Meatures Newcastle meeting were theP ation o! papers by Miss Ruby Bowmianviile, on Domestic Sei Public Sehools, li which sh lined be-r experlence vith scho ches, and by Mn. Douglas1 Ennisakillen, who spake on1 Training li Puollo Schxooh,) papers were of such a high ord it is expected that they wllt lished in thein entlrety li th ainShio Journal where aediaandoowiio were uns atted te covenionwilll hi o>ppotunlty o! readlig them. Mr. M. A. Campbell led inj thy discussion of variaus scho blenis and numerous questiou answered by Mn. Campbell ai E. E. Sniden, I. P. S. for E County. Some discussion was cent round the Medical inspection( lic schools, it being recomr that the~ medical officer wh< )neTORI GCANADA Citizens Pay Tribute to the Dead in ead Impressive Memnorial Service Sunday m .OPEN VERDICT IS Hundreds Join in Decorat- ing ofRETURNED BY JURY nig Graves of Departed- ng o ~ - N NWCASLE DATH Mayor Strike Delivers Brilliant Oration -WestCoroner's Jury Finds Patrick O'Neil, reen Newcastle, C.N.R. Fareman, Came To honor those relatives and fr1- resenl.ends who have finlshed their course I , To Ris Death Accidentally and wha lie buried in BowmaflvMfl Cemetery, two thousand people turn- A coroner's jury, sitting under Dr. ed out On Sunday afternoan ta the es andNeil Colville, County Coroner o! Or- aninual decoration and menioril ser- its ann-ono, enquîning into the circum- vice. .ne16hstances o! the death o! Patrick A parade, somewhat smnaller than 1e th, O'NeiIl. section foreman on the Can- in ather years formed Up at Central adian National Railways at New- Public Schaol under t.he command of takngcastie, returned an open verdict on Major A. H. Bounsàll and headed ne pro- Monday night. by Mayor Rosa Strike and the town Tyrone The inquest, held in Bowmanville, c-ouncil, with Messrs L. C. Mason and the for-revealed that O'Neil was walking on W. J. Martyn the only absentees, g P ires- the westbound track when a f ast and the Canadian Legfion Band par- egate at Sir Frederick O'Connor !neight passed through. Hearmng the aded ta the Cenietery. lI the parade roranto. oe whistle, and believlng that the train alsa was a contingent of thie Can- m ng *Noe Anglo-Indian public ser- was on its own track, he remained adian Legion, the orange Drui and he pro- vant, Sir prede'ick O'Connlor, who in its path and was struck. FUoe BneNîghtmge Ladge I. 0..-an hasretredfrm hs oficalduties, Evidence was given that the whis- Foec ihigl og .0 . of thie is making a leisurely journey across tle was blown. but the f act that be- FI.. present- Canada on his way ta England. Hie cause o! the presence o! a bad rail A brie! stop was made at thbe y Bragg, is seen here on bis anrival in Van- detectar, the trains were ne-rauted Cenotaph in Memorlal Park where ience ini couver. He previously spent a few on the other track, escaped the nlot- MaYOr Strike on behalf of the mun- lie out- years in Nepal as British envoy, ne- ice o! Mn. 0'Neil and while it was i'iPaâity Placed a wreath an the Looî lun tiring in 1925. likely he heard the wblstle he had monument, and President W. P. Bartonfongotten the special movement o! Ward carrled out this same oeremony Barton, the trains, for the Canadian Legion wbile the T.Bt Dr. R. T. Rutherford of Newcastle colon Party composed of o d der Btht gave evidence that death was due ta George Humpage, George Cramble, oupb-B a ckstock nhugs a fractured skull and a broken neck. and L. A. Parker dipped the colora e pub- Membens o! the jury were, A. J. a.s Bafldnaster R. Fountain sounded ý al in-t Admsforenan. Roger Bird, R. M. athe n stPoceead e ta e.The etear- iabe an- Evade P lieNet misoJames Grant. Fank Cal- ade tLet Post adeveille.the paetr- iavethever, Alfred Bickell, Walter Hackney, Hene, under the linge pine trees ave he ____Herschel Hoopen. Richard Sudds. a teniporary platfarm had been e- anheal- Countrywide Search Fails Col. F. D. Boggs, K. C., o! Cobourg, ected froni which the service was ýoolpro-ducted the investigation. Wit- conducted by members of thie Minis- pswro- to Bring in Two Men who nesses included Chie! S. Ventan, Dr. terial Association. Rev. C. R. Spen- âns were R.T Rutherford, Percy Hare who cer, M. A., President of the Assoc- DurCha. Robbed Bank of Com- identified the deceased, Wilson me- iation, acted as chainman and open- merce of $4,OOO Last Manus and Joe Woodward, eye wit- ed the service with the hynin "0 itred a- nesses. Andrew Gay, engineer, and God Our Help in Ages Past"l after o! Pub- Thursday Jack Noakes. f ireman o! the train. which Rev. Oeo. Mason delivered unendedthe prayer o invocation and led lI 0meed esietecmb defrthe Lond's Prayer. 1makes picDepitete comîned efforts o! Cnadian Lego adRev. A. S. Kerr, M. A., conducted buid plcedearmnt wthna axis C go aa ithe reSPansive readina from the 39th o! ail o! 30 miles. the daring Pair o!f oPeetCnetA Pamadudrtedrcino bandits who help up and robbed the oPeetCnetA sm aduerheieconf nesultedCaain ano!CmecBrnRoryP k Mr. Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., a Anich at Blackstock o! $4000 last Thurs-atra chio!mevoesenedabeu CarrI, dayh aenitsbeenteaught. an The Canadian Legion Band will The scipture readings were given Wery, e bndis, ho nteed he ankpresent a promenade concert In uRa- by Adjutant Myrtle Tucker and Bey. .ght, M. eaniy In the afternoon on the lire- t.ary Park, at 8 o'ciock, weather per- E. F. Armstrong, B. A., B. D., and the Wright,, text o! cashing a traveller's check mitîmg. The band will start a series hymn "Abide Wlth Me" was aung. ow, Ida;1 returned just befone closixig tume, af such uptown concerts, whlch Mayor Strlke's Aidres ýwcastle; and aften holding up Manager L. H. should attract considerable attent- Mayor Ross Strike delivered the Md four Corner, and Teller Harry Major, tled ion froni the music loving public of following brie! but inipressive and Iretors, themn up and took ail cash withln the town. 1insplring address:- on, Mrs. neach. While one man kept watch mhe band presented its finat open Ladies and Gentlemen:- We are ;S. E. oven the bank the other went across air concert on Sunday a! ternoan at met here this afternoon uxider these M. Bic- the street and purchased gasoline the Creani o! Barley Camp, followlng trees whose ever green follage lsaa f rom Miss Gertrude Henry, in the the decoration day cenemanies. The constant reminder of the ever pre- Associa- store of Norman McNaUly. It is quite lange cnowd wh.ich listened ta the sent and surrounding love o! aur in Nov- probable that the money used inl band was generous in its applause, Heaveniy Father that neyer falieth. payment o! the gasoline was sanie and the fine prograni. mostly man- We hrold lihis annual ceremony - o! that stolen f nonm the bank. tial miusic was well wothy of a good that we may brnxg aur love, bornage ID Speeding soth tey robbes were rcpto.Bn aAe R. Faim- andl respect to those o! our dear )Y citizen. Police o! the entire district dition and each and every prograxn fellow citizens Who have passed on. were natllied and within a f ew min- shows improvement. On such an occasion we cannot but INION utes a! the robbery were on the trail The program pnesented on Sun- recali their badily presence, their but no tnace o! the robbers could be day aftennoon was as follaws :- kindly deeds, their steady peuWls.- se Scene f ound. The car, a Buick, nuxnber March. Colonel Bogey; March, Bon- tence li stniving far tbe thlngs tba.t - 75 B 713, stolen f rom a parking lot in nie Bârian Bush; Waltz, 'Danube always lay ahead. We have forgotten mil Toranto that morning was recover- Waves; Overture, 'rhe Waxderer; their fnallities. ed on Friday in Weston. Oveturer, Sons o! Erin; Descrip- lI such a place as this as we One roblien was descnibed as short tive, Southern Melodies: March, N. quietly conteniplate the resting place -k o-and stout and wearing a grey suit, C. 4; March, Navy Patrol; Hynin, of departed generations we cannat kBw-and the other man, as thinner and Nearer My Ood to Thee; axid the escape the thought that here are the a very in a brawn suit. National Antheni. source o! many heartaches and the >--Lang- The holdup was not carried out ________ utter lonelinesa! bereaved ones, ual Pic- without a tauch o! humor. The Officers and nien o! 'B' Çompany, that bere lie the bodies o! those wha jondyounger bandit is said te, have told Duham Regiment, leave today f or i their Uifetime, same more some rone evhtis victizns that this job would not the annual camp li the Town Park~ less but who ail were builders o! a t4 Pm. have been necessary had the Lib- at Port Hope. Major C. R. Spencer, better day and for a 'better time nes andi erals not swept the province on the Major G. C. Bonnycastle, Major A. Many o! whom-were qulte preparedà Ssupper preceeding Tuesday. H. Bounsail, anid Major E. Sniitb ta serve faithfully and wel li the ter sup- *4----- Ferguson, together wlth Lt. Col. W. shlnrked nof gre ltatresponsblltl îules o! Bey. A. S. Kerr will conduct an- J. Hoar. cammanding officer, are whent pretnity wasiiten ta, order niversany services at Kinby on Sun- among those attending f rom Bow-ah fwhm avmaeonec- Brooklin, day aftennoon and evening. manville. tribuon tmae benefisod ie cod- o! the ___________________the_______________and___the__ad-_ of of- vaXtages which we enjay today. May , wa asOod always renilnd us ta i humillty ashasl remember and reverence aur beloved er-Ms Mr. and Mrs.- W. J. Clemence are departed. ;sports May this occasion always remind in, New- iv, * us that we toa have a part of play nd sh on ored on w eaaiflg n iesr in the world about us that we must thre pic- fiiI ~~I be even ready for the common round Baturday and the daily task. our hand out- Barleystretched in brotherhaad ta thase Baly Prominent Shaw'& Family Greeted by Frienda and who need help. That lUfe wltb ail is tternoon adsrosadaheeet arts and Relatives on 25th Wedding Day - Presented with J'y' n orw ndaheeet ta be complete and worthy must be [old inxileran Purse ofMoe shared wlth others. That respansibil- awarded. ~ îe n uszf~ ites must be borne and contribut- ýe enjoy- h - ions made ta thre general goad and thf are- lI h book o! the beglnxilng O! hoid and they had lost their f irst developmexit o! humnanity. -asure at thlngs we read that the Lord God two bonny boys, but as yeans pse May our Heavenly Fathen give ta 's happy planted a garden and then took the by they had been blessed with the us the courage anid thre faith ta so man which he bad fonned and put gl!ts o! tbree more boys and four live amlongst aur brother mien tbat hini inta the garden ta dresit anid girls, the joy and pride o! their par- we may bnlng ta aur time His Kng- ta keep it and then thre great Creatar ents as they weil might be, a noble dom upon this earth in the fullness o! all things made a womnan and famlly o! manly, stalwart sons and o! universal peace and brothenraaod on bnougbt ber unto thre maxi that theY loveiy, gi!ted daughters. so that wltb these aur dean departed t 9hshould be one. The record ia ta thre As Gardon concluded tire address, (Continued on page 7) ~ 9heffect that they f ailed li thein trust Mrs. Henb. Babcock anid Mrs. A. W. and had ta leave their beautiful and Glenney came fanward and Present- » nounced fruit! ul estate. ed the bonored pair witb a cabinet C MIG<E ENS' the ex- on Saturday evenlng, June I6tl, o! flatware. a silver relish dlsh, and 1 - i VE T kville- for relatives and f nlends a! Mn. and Mrs. a punse o! money. Mn. Clemence in1ta--- ýi . - . . . V .-I ý ý -- ', ýý