THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMUNVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 28thi, 1934 PAGE TmffE Ly g Lr. a in ýy r De st El LS Le SENIOR BOYS BASKETBALL TEAJU AT B. H. S. Back row--S. AlIin, H. Jackman, A. Colville. Mr. Dovitt, J. Allun, F. Mcllveen, E. ]Bagnell. Front row-W. Bagneil, Mr. Dippel. H. Colmer, N. Osborne, D. Wiiams. Absenit-B. Honeymian, H. Hoopor. W. E. Groves KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP Phone 72 Day or Night TUBY SPEAR FOR THEmrtSELVEs POUR on milk or crearn. Thea liaten te Kellogg's Rice Krispies. Their "Snapf Crackle!1 Pop 1" toels a story cf dlcious crispnoss. Y ou'll love their f laver. Great for breakfast or lunch. Ideal for the chiu- dren's supper. Light and easy te digest. Ready-to-eat. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Liste !- iti"/l Il fNewcastle Surprises Locals In Lakeshore Came Last Wednesda3 Newcastle's Lakeshore league tean seenis to have the knack of handi out the longue surprises this yenr A few weeks ago they confoundoï the Port Hope fans by tying upE game with the boys of Ontarlo's i-t puted most beautiful town, and the3 actually held the Bowmanvllle boy, through most of the fixturo playod hore last Wodnesday. Bill BrurI was back on the mound for Newcas. tle and was no doubt the means ci popping up the whoio team. New. castle went ahoad with one i-un ir the f irst innings, the only i-un they secured in the gamo, but it was nci until the third fraine that Pipel camne home after reaching first baBE via the Hit by Pitcheti Bail route In the f if tii, Osborne reached f irst in the same mannor. and a stolen base, another base on the overthrow ho came home while Newcastle wa striving ta get Bort ColwelI betwe tii-st and second. lI the sixtb and final innings for the homo teamr Bagnoîl and Bates roached home safoly to bring the final score to 4-1. The teams wero: Newcastle - Bi-unt, p: Rlckard, c: Lane, lb; Moyse, 2b; Lycett, 3b; Savery. ss; Thackei-y and Glover, 1f; Walton, cf; A. Grahami,if. Bowmanviile - Bownian, p; Bates c: Cordon, lb; Colwolî, 2b; Piper, 3b; Osborne, s; Large, If; Camer- on. cf; Bagnell, if. Umpires - Kenefick. Newcastle, and H. Osborne, Bowmanviile. Score by Innings R HE Newcastle 100 000 0 - 1 3 1 Bowmanville 001 012 x-4 7 1 Front Street Takes 7 to 2 Beating From Samis' Goodyears Seven must be Goodyear'& lucky number. On Thui-sday they def eatec, the Cubs 7-2. and on Monday they treated Front Street ta a free for ali onding in oxactly the sanie score. The only difference was it took sev- en innings on Monday and only six on Thursday. Thl'e gaine was f ast and interest- ing throughout and was featureti by some mighty clover work li hoUx in- field and outfield. Goodyear opon-ý cd up in the second f rame wlth two runs adingone in the 3rd, two in in the 7th. The gaine resulted in a regular pitchers' battie. Osborne for Good- year was as near te perfect as ho can evor hope ta be, and compîeted the seven innlngs with a record of no less than 17 striko outs, out of 21 put outs. George piper, wbilé not Pitch.xng such a spectacular gaine, ran Up a record of 10 strike outs, which isn't sa bad for any Man. In fact If wouîd have looked real good had Osborne not gone out f0 boat Uis own aIl tlxne record, whstever that may be. Front Street got two hUts li the sevon innings, wlfh Bob Bates andi meantime Goodyear turned lin il 'Dub' Piper gettlng honors. lI the bits off Piper. Twice Front Street mon reached thi-d base and were MRIifùN~P1 i Every Form of INSURANCE Do you ueed soute f orm of insurance? If you do, we can help you. We arc agents for the f mest fire, theft, automobile, accident, and lif e insurance conipanles in Canada. Thzî, f ront our office you cMn solve ail Yoor lemuance problems. Stop by andl let us advise yoo. J. J. MIASON C& SON Phone 50 Insurance Agents Bowmanville JUNIOR GIRLS' B. H. S. BASKETBALL TEAM Back row-H. G lanville I. Hately, Miss Vanstone, M. Birks, M. Jones. Front row- J. Caverly, J, Morris, H. Pritchgrd. Absent-M. Scott, A E.liott. RUBBER MEN HAVE EASY WIN FROM CUBS THURSDAY Goodyear took an easy win f ron Hately's Cubs on Thursdiay night in a regular town league fixture whox they finished at the long end ofa 7-2 score wlth an innlngs to spare. The Hately crew had littie trouble in hitting AJlan Osborne, but thei biggest trouble seemod to be li bit- ting him from the small confines of the infield, where they met defeat. Goodyear took a throe run lead in the f lrst inn.ings and increased it to four in the third, and Cubs camet ahoad with two runs in the f irst haif of the fourth lnnlngs. Two more in the fourth, and one in the f if th completed Goodyoar's scoring. Cubs with two walks and a hit in the last f rame were unable to even up mattors at aIl. IT score by mnn- inga was: RH E Cuba ON000 20 0-2 3 3 Goodyear 301 210 x -7 9 2 Cube - D. Osborne, p; Tordlff, c; H. Osborne, lb; Cole, 2b, Werry, 3b; F. Jackman, ss; Moore, If; Hunt, cf; McKnight, i-f. Goodyear - A. Osborne, p; Mc- Murter, c; N., lb; Colwell, 2b; Hobbs, 3b; Cameron, ss; Roach, If; Moorcraft, cf; Murphy, i-f. Umpires - Bob Kent, R. Naylor. I SPORT NOTES <î>a Girls' Softball Maplo Grove, Enniskillen, Court- ice and Hamxpton meet Monday in Darlington Grirls' Softball League. These games are attractimg large crowcls. The full schedule is pub- lished in this issue. Football Saturday Bowmanvjlle and Ennisgklilen wiUl clash in a scheduled soccer football gaine On the Bligh Sabool camnpus on SaturdaY night at 7.30 dayllght sav- ing time. These two teams have ai- ways made a good gaine, and tUis shouid prove one of the hlghlights o! the holiday weokend. WHOu aJ.A.LTEI) BASEBAIL? r Sport fans of the district are ta 1 Who orlginnted Amorica's Nation- have a busy holiday weelcond. On y ai Sport? And where? The answer, Saturday, Cobourg la playlng lu the 1 according ta, George H. Carley, wiit- Lakeshore group at Newcasfle, but ing li the Rotai-ian Magazine, la Bowmanville will have a rest pro- General Abner Doubleday; the place paratory ta their double bonder on la Coopei-sfowxi, N. Y., aiso fanious Monday. At 10 a. m. on Monday, as the home o! James Fenimore Poi-t Hope wilU play on the school Cooper whose Leathei-stockmng Tales campus here. TUis la an Important stili thi-ili young Americans. 'gaine and thoi-e should be a real Doubleday was a student li a crowd on baud. on Monday after- seml-miitai-y school back in 1839 noon the locals go to Newcastle for *when ho got hla inspiration for the another schedule<i gaine. gane. During the Civil War ho, "Pi-omotod" If as recreation for Un-CO N L ion soldiers. The original dlamond, 1 TOWNSHIP C U rl -once a cow pasture, la now a publice park and playing field. DABLUNGTON COUNCIL -- -- - --e Conquers Asthnia. To be relleved Dailington Coundil mot on June from the terrible suffocating due ta 7t.h, wlth members alilpi-sent. asthnxa la a gi-est thing, but te be Minutes o! the îast meeting were safeguardd for the future la even read and on motion adopted. giester. Nof only does Dr-. j. 1). On motion $75.00 was granfed to KellOgg's ASthmna Remedy bring Durhamn Central Fair, also 25.'00 ta prompt relief, but it introduces a South Ontario Agricultural$ Society new era of life for the afflicted. Ptair. Systematic lnlxaling of smoke or Bis were roati snd on motion fumes from the iemedy prevents re-1 ordered tio be pald. attacks sud often effects, a perman- Rslto was passed te the ef - ont relief. fect fliat any advance would not be Pald on foachers' salaries for 1934. T. Hl. Richards presenfod hUs re- Port for May which was on motion Facts accepteci andi vouchers ordered ta be About ' olwngodr were drawxi ou EysBell Telephone, service chgs. $ 2.31 Canant & Annis, chg. ro taxes 5.00 And M. Cryderman, workminpark 4.87 - Countios Vision W. J. S. Rickard, relief . 3.10 Hai-ry Alun, relief.. . 8.15 T. M. Slemon & Son, ielie! 6.50 ByC.H.TukOp, W. W. Horn, relief . 3.97 ByeC. H.t ck, Ot. W. C. Caverly, relief ..10.00 Eyelgt pecaiatMrs. A. F. Runidie, relief .. 19.21 I rond an article recently entîtieci Gea. A. Bai-ion, roe!f. . 12.79 "A Smile is Gooti Publiclty." If we Dominion Stores, relief...... 6.00 are luferested in expriments it F. Rogers, cai-tage relief fuel 4.00 miglit be good actrice te fi We W. 0. White, relief. .. ... 4.65 have of ton seen a happy smuling 'J.D.Hogarth, excise, postage and supplies ý ....... 3.25 baby radlatlng bappinessan su - T. H. Richards, salary sud shine ln ifs amie, If it had noe m sppie 9.7 we mlght look for slckness sud TuHpichs, o91.brdgs 4285 would feel auxious. Ita smile drwsT. I.Rcar-dsadune idpsloy- 5 grown-ups f0 If and if you wUS meut HRiefards, .. 286.73 they wUI laugb lu return. This la entdukrelie! rk. . ...2675 the law o! 11e: "Laugh sud the E.Pdr CW. rleo...m.d 7.a 0 woild laugh wfh you, weep and yo r .au 21.30nmeicl Of oure t i had o sieorW. E. Stevens, sheep damages 22.00 O!lt h cusme f l brthe i e OlN. J.Woodley, sbeep lnsp. .. 3.60 breget the si ble.o! The if you eYs Chas. Stephenson, rebate on the windows o! the soul", and apt t taxs .......... M betray your lnnermost feelings if Council adjournecl te meef Juli' not cori-ecfed or if not properly iest- 6th, at one o'cîock. ed. Nature will warn you by certain J. D. Hogartb, Clerk. feelings o! dlscomfort. Dont nr«-_ lect these warninga. (To be contlnue<n Foriaan BaIn la the one truc fan- 1Wy aid for skin health and beauty. Aida the mother lI additional love- liess. Protecta the tender akisi o! CA NTSLEEP ftho child. Dellghfs the fatlxer as a fiTs YOUR NERVES hair fixative or ooollng shavlng lo- Rih u» ofnPu, t, ilaalways benefîclal f0 fhe wilf ~isskis. Every woman sbould use if. Dr. CHASE'S Persian Bain oWolsansd Ca-emSeesfi 1A1 skln and creates ooeions o! mir- THE SPOTLIGHT ON SPORT Phone Your viettors andi porsonal1 When more newa la pubiahed., t n ews each week to The Statesman. Stateaman wfil publish It. ~--rSUPPLIES FOR YOUR SPECIALS THURS. - FR1. - BAT. Seidlitz Powders. 2 boxes 25c W eek End H oldayPnkhams Vegetable Co. -Mo le! t there and fwice more mon wero le! t at second. The score by innings was: R H11E Goodyear 021 021 1- 7 il 3 Front Street 000 020 0 -2 2 4 1 Goodyear - A. Osborne, P; A. Cameron, c; N. Jackman, lb; Col- weil, 2b; H-obbs, 3b; E. Colwoll, as; LRoach, if; Moorci-af t. cf; Murphy if. Front Street - G. Piper, p; Hoop- or, c; Cordon, lb; C. Osborne, 2b; I. Piper ,3b; Bates, ss; Naylor, if; Brought and Little, cf; Cuiley. i-f. Umpires - Kent and Large. DARLINGTON GIRLS' SOFTBALL SCHEDULE June 25-Courtice at Maplo Grove Enniskillon at Bowmanvile 29-Eruiaklllen at Hamipton July 2-Maplo Gi-ove at En.nlskillen Courtice at Hampton 5--Bowmanvilo at Court ice 6-HIampton at Maple Gi-ove Zion at E-niîlakilleni 9-MaPle Gi-ove at ZMon Enniskillen at Courtice Hampton at Bowmanville 13-Zion at Hainpton Courtice at Bownianviile Enniskiloen at Maple Gi-ove 16-Hampton at Enniskillen Bowmanville at M. Grove 19-Hampton at Courtice Enniskillen at Zmon M. Gi-ove at Bowmanville 25-Courtice at Zion Bowmanville at Ennisklllen 31-Bowmanville at Hampton Courtico at Enniskillen Zion at Maple Gi-ove Aug. 3-BowmanviUle at Zion Mapie Gi-ove at Court ice 7-Zion at Courtice Maple Gi-ove at Hampton il-Hanipton at ZMon 14-Zion at Bowmaxîville. Ail gaines s ai-f sharp at 6.30 Standard Time. Visiting team te supplY the urnpi-e at the plate. GET AWAY Prom That Languld Tired Feel. ing Cais by a Lazy Liver Parke's PAMES LIVER un TONE TOUE 1 quickiy tonoi Up a Iazy liver and » son restores you to normal.i tla lo a great ad l n stomach dis. o r. rode s.A m onths ..r. trestment for $1.0 IMEkI I IE S 4 4 4 4 Here la a troUw of exeeptionaliY flné dresses at a very Iow pa!tce. TheY couse ln pastel crepes anal Shlrtniaker stripes. There are cape sleeve, no aleeve, short sleeve andl tennis styles, andl ln a wld& range of patteras. Prominent colora ia- clude bIne, greer4 real anal mauve. Every dresla guaranteed washable, eveiy drees. la branal new thi. week, andl Usure am e two alUbe. We bourht them la a specil manufacturer's clearance andl pam the benefît on to you. Iftey woula bave beem exceptional values at their regulas, Price of $4,95, but at $3.49 they present a mial- season opportunity that we positlvely wil net be able te duplicate. THINKI1 Agfa Film Offer Take % dozen films with you. We take back unused films. Let Us Develop Your Filai Prompt service Kodaks and Brownies Vest Pooket Kodak - $&0 Jffy Kodaba - $806- $9.00 $16 Browues - $3,00 $3.75 620 Browale - - - - $2.75 SCIATIBARNGCOaPetsoc I syatem0f ri LÀAcl. rei90,190, 25c, 35e, 390, ego eGutne FOR SUNBURN cm à oo**ajn UM A CAPS Nomuom - 15o - 27o 5 4.0eai m________ ALEX MCGFGEOR, Drugs I *AT OUR STORE' Mondays . 10 à. M. tc i P. M. Lm ednesdays on Ca 1. sE M IPTIMONS A SPECULTy WR DELIVE MODESS l5for FM= - 3 extra25 p -~ ~. ,, n. A14NEALTH SEftVICIC O1 T. E CANADIAN bEDICAI. ASSOCIATION AND LJPE- e NSURANCE COMiPANIES r IN CANADA DIABETES By means of masulin, life bas been made over fr the diabetc patient, Diabetes cannot be cured, but, tthrough the proper use of diet and isulin, it is usually possible for the diabetic to enJoy a normal active and useful lif. D The pancreas (sweotbread> la one ) f the organs found in the abdomen Insulin is produced by the pancroas, and it la insulin whch changea car- bohydrate f oods, starches and sug- ars into glycogen, or animal starch, i whlch fori-t can be uaed at once, or stored up, until required, as an energy f ood. For some unknown reason, chang- es do occur in the Islands o! Langer- hans, the part of the pacreas which Produtes inSulin. When the pan- creas fails ta produoe sufficent in- sulin., diabetes resuits. Carbohydrate foods cannot be used by the body, sugar accumulates lI the blood an&i later, is present in the urine. The amo0unt of sugar passed li the urine varies f rom a mere trace to as much as a Poundi or two a day. Uiabetes occurs at ail agies. A number of Young childi-en dovelop the disease, but the mai orlty of cas- es occur after forty. Diabetes la founti chlefly among those who. af- ter reaching mniddle 11f e, overeat andi, as a result, bocome overwelght. Dia- betes is the penalty these indvid- uais pay for their overindulgence in food. Diet was the only treatment avail- abe bof ore the discovery o! insulin. Diet la just as important as lt ever was, but, linrany cases, diet alone la not a satisfactory treatment. In such cases, insulin alows tbhe dia- betlc to eat an.d use su!! icient star- chles and sugars to maintain heaith and strength. It as moat important that the dia- betic give careful attention ta bis general health. Ho sbould be scrup- ulously dlean about bis body. Any abnoraia conditlil, such as intecteti teeth or other local infection, ahould receive proPer treatmenlt wtout delay. Exorcise la i essential as exor- cise helps to use up the sugars andl starches. SUCCeSs In treatmnent rest with the Patient. Ho requires regular med-J ical supervision te instruct and guideI hlm along the way, but bis fate lies ln is own and. The dabetc Who uses insulin and diet Properly may hope for years of health andi happi- ness. To avoid diabetes. those o! middle age or Inter years ahoulti keop their average welght at or a little below the average. This la another way o! saylng that diabetes doos fot us- ually occur among those who main- tain a normal welght by comblnlng moderation li oatlng witb reason- able exerciso. Liftr and Kidneys PHONE 164 DoWMdANVILI Dominion Day Ex~cursion Cobourg te Rochester N. Y* MONDAY, JULY 2nd ONLY $1.25 RETURN (Children 65 Cents) (Scheduie - Standard Time) GOING RETURNING Leave Cobourg .0 M. Leave Rochester - 5.48 p. m. Ari eRochester - .8 .m. Arrive Cobourg - . 11.30 p. m. EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA ON BOARD FOR DANCING Low pricea for meals on steamer: Ample free motor parking Breakfast lg pae a se mrcok a Lunch and Dinner, 7c eao*1. 5Cbao sea errog.a Aiso Lunch Counter Service. C1oua Purchase Tickets from Local Canadian National Agents or at Steamer Ontario Car Ferry Company Whose Birthday Is This Month ?