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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1934, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Sess ions of United Coun ÊOUNTIES ROAD PROGRAM $58,000 FOR COMING YEAR Cost to United Counties Estimated at $22,000, Equivalent of This May Be Expended in Labor A program of county road im- provement involving an expenditurei of $58,000, o! which $22,000 wouldi be provided by the United Counties1 o! Northumberland and Durham. and the nest by the Ontario and Do- mtinion governmcents, was approved i pinciple by the Roads Commit- tee o! the Counties Council Thurs- day afternoon, with the likelibood that il would be adopted by the council as an unemployment relie! measure. The Governmnent's proposai o! co- operaling witb the County Councils o! the province last faîl in financing local road construction as a means of creating new work for unexnploy- ed men was considered by the Coun- tics Council at a special session lest year, and it was decided then not 10 take any action for bhc reason Ibat il was believed many o! the town- ships and villages would accept the provincial governincnt's plan. In ils general outline, it was designed as a winter relie! project and some o! the minor municipalities did take ad- vantage o! il. At -rhursday's meeting of the Roads and Bridge Cornitlee. o! wich Reeve K. Denyes o! Brighton township is chairman, Reeve C. H. Curtis o! Percy townsbip recalled the council's decision, followed dur- ing the January sessions by a resol- uion that no noad prograin would be planned or undertaken until the June sessions when the reeves would confer wilh George Greer, county road supeintendent, as t0 the de- tails of Ibis season's work. 'Whcn we could gel $58,000 o! road work donc ai a cosl o! $22.000 to these counties. the commission considered that we should at least be prepaneci b, go on with the work if the council backed us up," Mn. Denyes informed the commillee. "A program had 10 be planned in orden thal the Dominion Grovern- ment could be shown bow many man-days o! labor would be provid- ed. but il was undenstood that we were not compelled to carry out the aclual work on the noadas designat- ed by Mn. Greer. If wc wisbed lu make any changes as 10 roads to be ipoewe could do so, Mn. R. lMprovepu, Minister o! Highways, tld us." Council spent appnoxim-ately $20,- 000 last year !nom ils own f unds in county road work. and the contem- plated expenddture for Ibis year was at the same figure, but Mr. Denyes pointed out that for an additional $2,000 the counties could obtain about $18,000 more by co-operating with the Government in Ibis sea- son's noad improvement. Last year's prognam had cost $40.000. o! whicb the Department of Highways bad pald fifly per cent, but the plan pre- pared by Mr. Greer for this year esllmated an expenditure o! $58,000 o! which the counties would pay $22.000. The bulk o! the county road work last yean had been done in Durbam County, and for this season the mna- ion part o! the appropriation wuld be needed in Northumberland. CaUIng for Tenders The committee decided for the fIrst lime to caîl for tenders for sup- plying the counties witb gasoline, oil abd grease equined by the county road department. Wonk contemplated in Durhamn County is as follows: Darlington - Lengthening con- crete bridge, $3.000; number o! men, 64; man-days, 870; labor cosi, $1.400. Bridges and culvents on other roads, $3,200; numben o! men, 16: man- days. 870: labon, $1.500. Counties Totals - Estimate o! cosi o! ail work, $58.000: number o! men, 454; man-days, 12,467: labor involved in Ibis expenditune, $22,- 000. t SLIGHT INCREASE IN COUNTY RATE Finance Comm.tte of United Counties Gîves Report There will only be a slight increase amounting to . 02974 o! a mill, in the county rate. acconding to the com- putations o! the finance committee o! Northumberland and Durhams counties council in session aI Ca- bourg. The rate will be confirmed by by-law and for 1934 year amounts 10 10,029,74 mills. made up of a county road rate o! 61174; school rate, .09734; debentune rate, 2.533,- 13 and a general rate of 6.78753. LasI year's tax rate was 10 milîs. County roads estimates for Ibis year are: $22.000 as compared with $21,577,85 in 1933; schools, $3,500.- 53, in 1934: $4,135.76. in 1933; de- benures, $91,099.15. The general rate is to produce $244.100 in 1934, lest year's figure being $243.515.C - panisons o! estimates of 193à4Cand 1933 respectively are as follows: High and Continuation scboos-. $116,000. $105.000; inlerest on boans, $10.400, $15.000: administr ation o justice, $17.000. $12,000; coun ty goa, $6.600, $7,M00 House o! Refuge. $5,- 000, $4.500: mothers allowance 1. 000, $15.000: grants. $7,500,3850 municipal expenditures. $8.400. $5.- 800: registry offices. $2,600, $3,- 000: printing. stationery. etc.. $2.200. $2.000: insurance. $900, $1.400: in- digent patients, 310,000, $9.000; en- trance exams, $1,100, $1,000; rents, $2,750, $2.750; sund.ies, $6.236.60; $21.315; old-age pensions. $21.00 16.,500; apply on deficit, $10.000 310,000: total, $244,100, $243.515. - a- NO CHANGE MADE IN ASSESSMENT IN UNITED COUNTIES Equalization Comrnittee Makes Report At Counties Coun- cil Session No'change was made in the equal- [ized ass.,essinEnts o! the various municipalities o! Northumberland and Durham Counties, ac- cording 10 the report of the Equal- ization Committee pnesented ai the session o! the counties council ai Cobourg. The !ollovving figures af- fect the. larger towns and villages o! the counties: Cobourg, raIl as returned. 32,822,- 425: ecjualized assessinent. $3.027.- 754,25. Bowmanville. roll as return- ed, $2.792.600: equal asst., $711,423,- 42. CampboU]fordý. $1,709,820; $1,- 314.289.93. Coîborne, $371.927; $483.-1 797.27?. Port Hope. $3.037.877, $2, 446,173,91. Real news lips will be appreciabed by 'ne Statesman editonial staff1 Phone 53. TEACHING STAFF 0F BOWVMANVILLE HIGH S TE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 2MU-. 1934 itie Cou cilHistoric Cartwright Familles tie C u cilareaciThe McLaughlin Fml PENSION SYSTEM IS CRITCIZE ATAmonz the families of Cartwright 'n CartwrIgtbt, March 11'ith. 1858, CRITCIZE ATwhich have ere the Dioneer titie died suddenly on June 29th, 1874. COUNTIES COUNCIL is the McLaughlin f amilY, members JaeesnMLuhn oni ____of whichar tl prominent in the Cartwright March 29th,6, mar- lie of the community. ried in 1883 to Alice Matilda Per- Number of United Counties Pen- In 1907,Wila McLaughlin, 1 kins. George Henry, bonArl 8th, sioners in April Was 960 - wthin six weeks of his death pre-' 1862. A pair of girls. Sarah Anr Pension Is $17.29 pared a record of the family. BIank McLaughlin, Catherine Elizabeth spaces which he had Ici t awaiting McLaughlin. both born April 5th, Criticism of the practise of grant- receipt of furtber informatio wr 1864. f irst named died July 20th, ing full pensions of twenty dollars a f illed in by R. J. McLaughlil u 1864, second died May 31st, 1874. month to iniates of the House of care was taken flot to change in any Samuel McLaughlin. born in Cart- Refuge, wbile other applicants re- way the manuscript lef t by the de- wright, May 5th, 1867. Married in ceive only ten dollars, twelve or ceased. Additional notes were added 1893 to Elizabeth Jane Pollon. Died fifteen a month. was expressed by t0 the record to make it more con- September 9th, 1933. Margaret Ida Reeve N. A. McColl of Campbell- plete. McLaugbîin, born in Cartwright, ford at Friday morning's session of The obituary of William McLaugh- December 26th, 1870. Married Ro- the Counties Council. lin in the Lindsay Post on June 21. bert Dickey of Nestleton. 1907. At Other members mltimated that 1907, gives much of the early bis- present in charge of Nestieton Post some feeling of dissalisfaction and tory of the family. It reads: William Office. Mary Maud MeLaughlin, bor complaint had recently arisen f rom McLaughlin, the elder. of Nesîleton, in Cartwright Auut2st. 173 the fact that most of the first pen- in the township of Cartwright, died Married January ist, 1895, to Frd sions issued three years ago were for ai the age o! 81 years on June 141h. erick A. Bailey. William Ernesl Mc- $20 a month, whereas persons in and was buried in the Church o! Laughlin, born in Cartwright, Fb comparative circumstances were England Cemetery ai Blackstock on 27th, 1877. Married in Torontoi granled smaller pensions during the sunday, the l6th. He was one o! the 1905 to Alice Martin. last year or more. pioneers of the township of Cart- e The discussion followed tbe read- wright and one o! the best known One trial of Kipp's Unequalled ing of the report of the Old Age men in the township . He was born Herb Tablets will convince you of Pensions Commiltee by uts secretary, in the township of Cavan in 1826, his their merit. Sold by Alex McGregor. Reeve P. Stinson, Millbrook.' father. William McLaugblin. having Telephone 92. Reeve MacColl poinled out that the been one of the original settlers of________________ average pension recommended by the thal township, having settled there committee this year was $1350, but Ir' 1818. pensioners who are inimales of the In the early part of 1833, 'In sugar MSS ORAHOYT House of Refuge were granteci $20 a making time. when bie was six years MISEPRSENT STATA montb of which 90 per cent was as- olWlla on- signed 10 the Counlies Treasury. er, was test in the woods, then an IN CARTWRIGHT DIST. "I don't think it is just," Mr. Mac- alniost unbroken forest. For two Coîl said, "that there sbould be this whole days and a night. the whole Owing to the increasxng de- difference." township w515 huntlflg for biri, and mand by our growxng list of Reeve Stinson repoxtted for the he was finally !ound by an old w0- Cartwright subscribers for a. Pensions Board as follows:- man ofnnety years of age-a Mrs. more fully covered News and 54 Pensions Granted Nonon-baving come to the litîle Sutseription service in that He reported that 54 new applica- cleaning in the woods where she had Twsiw aepesr i tions for pensions have been gatdhrctae.adtmldither announcing the appointmnent this year up to June 1. do in a complete exhausted state. of Miss Norma Hooey, da.ugh- Sixty-six applications were re- Th.Is, was quile an iincident in the tro r n js eb ceived by the board and tweîve were early history of Cartwright, and it Hooey, as The Statesman re- refused. is supposed to be the origin o! the presentative in Cartwright. Three pensions were for $750; ten story in the old scbool books. for $10 each; three were for $12.50 In 1852 hie married Hannah Mar- We besPeak for Miss Hooey and tbirly-eigbt for $15. 10w. a member of the welî kow- the co-operation of Cartwright The average pension recommend- family of Marlows o! South Mon- citizens in her search for news. ed wa $1350. aghan and Cartwright and a f irst Miss Hooey wili be glad to re- Average age of applicants, 75. cousin of Mr. Chartes FairbairnEx- ceive any news that citizens There are 23 pensioners in tbe M. P. He and bis young wife settied care to phone her f rom any House of Refuge, each of wbom re- on Lot 17, in the 6th concession of part of the Township, and wilI ceives $20 a month of which $18 is Cartwright, whrele. ai er f ifty-five takte care of any subseriptions assigned to the United Counties and years of married lie, bis wif e dieci paid to her for new or renewal $2 to the pensioner. on the third of May, 1907. Mr. Mc- subscrptions to The State-- Number o! pensioners on the April Lauglilin was assessor of tbe tum man. Miss Hooey's Phone num- list. 960. ship for some 40 years. He was an ber s oiceadressR.3r3, o Average pension, $17,29. active member o! the Church o f Eng- Botofc drs .p.3 Total pensions in April $1.682.75. land ai Blackstock and always 100k Burketon. Number of meetings of the board, a great interest in cburcb matters five. and was representative of the Cart- Number of applications under in- wright church ai the synod, many vestigation, 25. IYears. until he wa unable to attend Of the sixîy-six applications one owing to his age. He was a man of was from South Monaghan, one f rom retiring disposition, given to books, Percy, one f rom Cavan. AIso Mill- and was possessed of a marvelous broolk, one, Manvers, crne; Camnpbell- inemory. His accuaintence with the ford. four; Cramabe, eight: Coîboun- early bistory o! Cavan and Cart- ne, four; Haldimand. f ive; Murray, wright was very great. He could give seven; Port Hope, seven. the history oi the settlement o! ev- ___________________- ery lot in Cartwright townsbip, and had a general knowledge o! every- COUNTY ROAD WAGES body who lived in tbe township f rom ît.s f irst settiement until a few years The scaie o! county road wages for bef ore his deatb. bis acting as ass- this season was aclopted as f ollows essor for the township for so many by County Counicil on Friday:- years baving given him'special op- laborers, 25 cents an bour, lasi year, portunity t0o ort8.itlkiowledge o! 20 cents; patrol men, 30c, last year, that kind, and bis memory was so 23 cents; man and team. 45 cents; etentive that ie r.ever seemed t< last year, 35 cents; foreman andi forget an.ytbing tbat came under bis In elebration of the Sixty.Se, team, 48 cents: lasi year, 38 cents, 'notice. He retained bis mental vigor are happy to-day Io live withii for eight hour day. until a !ew days before bis death support to the astute staicsmt and was ai church ihree limes tbat desî;inv of ibis grent nation. Sunday before his demise. He was' The Great Atlantic & Pacifie Repairs a man of fine physique. standing nation's business. A grea't1 R pairs 6 feet 2 inches. Four sons and tbree steadilv forginv nhend. R. PA W O Ndaugblers. a large number o! grand- E3001 AND SHOE REPAIRING sons and one brother, James Mc- MAPLE LEAF Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitching Laugblin of Nesîlelon survived. ,Machine. Prices rêasonable. M.adMs caglncl-P R 1 King Street East - Bowmanvillle Mran s. eLuhicle Oî,î,osite Gartns Bus station 9-tf brated their golden wedding in 1902. OK S Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin's !am- NIAPLE LEAF ily consisied of Sophia McLaugblin, 3CHOL bornJun 19h, 854,andwhomar IR 14 S SMOKI ried William Parr, a native o! Ire- H land: Jane McLaughlin. born in il IPLE LEAF- CatrihJune 25th, 1856. Mar- RIE ried in 1874toJohn Josephb ab 10 L I ley: John William McLaughlin., box-n READY TO SERVE-S..PRING 1933 SCHEDULE 0F SALARIES ADOPTED BY UNITED COUNTIES Exception Is Made When Counties Clerk E. L. MacNaehtan Is Raised to $2400 The County Council's oversigbt in January to renew the 1933 schedule of salaries on the besîs o! a ten Per cent cut was recti!ied by Reeve C. H. Curtis' motion, seconded by Dep- uty-Reeve Leslie Campbell o! Cra- mnahe, that the salaries be the same as in 1933. Xarden Davey told the coxn-Littee that when bis attention was called subsequent to the January sessions to the fact that the tenin and effect o! the resolution in 1933 bad expined on December 3lst, he signed the cheques for that monlh on tbe basis o! the salaries paid in 1932. He was reluctant 10 caîl a special meeting o! the council for bbe sole punpose o! dealing with this question, and not- i!ied tbe counties' staff thal be would sign the following monthly cheques only for amounts corres- pondmng with the council's reduction in 1933. The oficials a!fected werc the counties' clerk and treesurer. road superintendent, matran. surgeon and caretaker o! the House o! Refuge. In prescnting bis motion Reeve Curtis said that the f armers were no better off than last year, and bbc staff sbould not expecl to have their former salaries reslored. Il was aI- 50 decided that the excess paymenl in January sbould be deducted f rom salaries coming due. Salary Revsed The Council, bowever. on Friday, set the salany o! E. L. MacNacbtan. counties clerk and treasurer, ai $2,.400. Reeve Curtis moved an amend- ment, seconded by his Depuly-Reeve A. R. Mallory, that the clenks sal- ary remain the same as lasi year. but they were supporled only by Reeve A. R. Mackenzie o! Haldi- miand. The salary of Miss L. McMahon, secretary to Mr. Greer, which had been cul froin $900 ta $800 lest year was mncreased ta $850. but the other salaries including Mr. Greer wbo volunteered 10 accept tbe saine as lest year and the staff o! the House o! Refuge were le!b at the slashed figures o! 1933. DROILERq POTATO i SALAD NVEi LOINS o L: Something New Chintella Ensembles FIRST TIME EVER SHOWN J~) ~ IN BOWMANILLE <'~ Entirely new, tbese sma.rt ensembles of a new prlnted materiai. as iight as voile, as wearable as print, and as washable as cotton. Colors are guar- anteed. In three sizes oniy, 16, 18 ~ and 29. C ~' Dress and Hat Ensemble regular $10.50 SPECIAL FOR Foster' Ladies' Wear Fostr Sand Furriers PHONE 106 OPPOSITE BALMORAL HOTEL BOWMANVILLE $8.50 RETURN CHICAGO BARGAI N JuIy 13 from BOWMANVILLE See the WORLD'S FAIR during CANADIAN WEEK 48th Highlanders of Toronto in attendance Tickets and Information (rom Agents CANADIAN CANADIAN NATIONAL PACIFUC Over tiwenty correspondenbs chro- You can buy and sell anything nicle the news of their districts for througb mhe Statesman classi.fied Statesman readers. Ads. eventh annmiversary of Confederation, many thousanda of Caniadians ân thse hotnds of titis great Dominion. and are ready 10 plcge their ien, whose nood fortune it in ta bave a iguiding hand in shaping the Tea Company Limiteci feel prond tavpaay such a large part in the Canadian Conmpany âervingc a great Canadian public--day by day [OULDERS lb. 1'7e ,ED Whole lb. 29) -SLICED D HAM 'b. 49o ,S ROASTED EACH 5 5c IVGW COOKED 'e19 ICORNED Ibo 5 :W EASO V SOFT-,IIEA TED SPRING LAMB l25e 1FRONTS R""edib. 190 desired PEGS lb._29e lb. 25e lb. 100 >AST lb. I4e I*5 BRUNSWICK TIN 4eC 8 2oz. Jar sa%0-21c Plain 16,e SPinor I4 No. tý, e PieNt. Pkg. flac Granulaîed LGE. 1l Seau, PKC,. 19 l' . TmmATO 70 zEACH 65o ' bu- 210e À i .1 A & P QUALITY BEEF PORTERHOUSE RoAST BLADE or CHUCK toý LAKE .NIPI<;ON WHITEFISH HAPPY VALE-SIVEET MIXED9oz a « i Pickles 2 Bots. 19e Cornd BeOf LIBBY'S 22IeOliyeu CHRISTIE'S-SINCE J1853 CH.4TFAI BiscuitsFVOUTES P lll 23e Cheest Soa P MANYFLOWERS 6 CAKES 2eRn SOUPS C(iWken ad TIN FAMOUIS OlJ'L(. WATER MELONS1"fl BANANAS (1) Miss Agnes L. Vanstone, B. A.*ý (2) G. L. Wagar, M. A:; (3) Miss Dorothy K. Bonnycasile, B. A.: (4) E. H. Devtt, B. A.: (5) L. W. Dippel, B. A., Principal: (6) B. E. Ingham, MA., LL.B.: (7> Miss Mai-ion A. Wagar, B.A.; 0) A. Sheaner, B.A.; i9) miss E. M. Stedman, B. A. TIIE. BEST INSECTICIDE YOti CAN HULY IS NO. 1 PVIRGINA 16 oz. P T T E WHIZ Tin, 57- POATOE a oz. TiIb33e25,0 i 1 1 , ,

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