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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1934, p. 6

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kPAGE! six Sana to th e.BOwman-vill-1e Legion Band Ih bas Many Qualiti -~Sh e orie musc which they furnislled who possesses a bottle IStatesa for the publicity given many ills. ht wilI ne: t o r e the event, and to rnany othens w ho break a cold, prevent e p d m k th c l br io a su - w l r d c he w l 0 hone 1201 Miss Mararet Swain had charge sores and wlll speedilY KIl X o ibl tud Lagincontusions. thma n Blàkstck nJtýChrchon We-in Itself. jL'i visited Mr. and Mrs. S. Page.e. nesday evening, Ju * I ENNISKILLEN Our new pastor, Rev. Wm. Parker ENFIELD ject was -surrende * 0~~~~~f Stella, Ontario, is expected to ar- _______________ kle presided during y rive on Wednesday, July 4th. Rev. topic on "The Evil, * Mrs. Wrn. Griffmn spent Monday J. M. Wbyte will be leaving the same No service n churcb next Sunday. delivered by Hecto: Miss Alice Ashton visited Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. D, Ferguson, En- this locality this year. "Ivory Palaces," ar Mrs. Eugene Beeeh, Oshawa. field, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Henry Mrs. G. Bowman and Mrs. L. C. read "Little Baie Glad to see Mr. James Stainton and family. Oshawa, Mr. Melville Pascoe visited at Mr. W. Smitb's charge of the Ne: out to the Sunday evening service. Henry, Blackstock, visited at Mr. near Whitby last year.tegru pan Mr. . Val, Troto Harry Ferguson's. A larger congregation than usual June 23. are holidaying at Mr, Albert Oke's.1 Mr. Edgar Wright, Fred Wright, attended church on Sunday to hear Mrs. Robert Har Mr. W. M. Wotten, Peterboro, w8.5 Norman Carrington, Cifokrd Peth- Rev. J. M. Whyte preacb bis fare- borne on Tbursday bere Sunday calling on old friends. ick and Howard Oke bad a very en- well sermon after six years of faitb- for the Wornen's Mrs. S. Hadley spent a few days joyable motor trip Into, the United fuI service. John's Cburch. RE witb her mother, Mrs. Welsb, Belle- States over the weekend. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. Scully read tbe scipture ville. Ev ffi n Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin, Mrs. Wm. and Billy, Mount Dennis, Mr. and er. During the busi MissElvaGrifin nd r. G. Griffin and Marlon attended tbe Mrs. Everett Ornùston and Julia, "Sunshùne Bags", Bradley, Toronto, visited at Mrs. funeral on Tuesday, June 19th, of Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall the f unds taken fr Wma. Griff in's. Frances Audrey, youngest child of and children, Brooklin. and Mr. ed to $32.00. Plans, Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Moorey visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Griffin, Black- Thos. Hall, Columbus, at Mr. W. J. Anniversany tea. Rt Mr. and Mrs. Clare Niddery, Tren- stock. Onmiston's; Mr. and Mrs. Pencye nMsWbta to, nSuda.The service Sunday evening was Morrnson and Roland, Oshawa, at. cerming ýMrs. Cý Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Staples, Hainp- well attended, our pastor, Rev. J. M. Mr. L. C. Paseoe's; Mr. Gordon Slî- Blackstock. Thoset ton, spent Sunday with Mr. and Whyte, preaching a splendid f are- er, Haydon, at Mr. E. Oriston's; program were:-Mr Mrs. Jas. Bradley. well sermon f rom the text, "A Glon- Mr. L. Niddery, Toronto, at Mr. G. ing. "The Mission Mr. and Mrs. Silversides, Mt. A-- bus Cburcb." A reception service Ormiston's; Mr. Abert Niddery, To- Artbur Bailey, reac bert, spent a few days with Dr. anfd was beld and sacrarnent was ad- ronto, with friends here.lin"adMr.r Mrs. H. Ferguson. ministered. _______liread a sudyi Mr Js.Webe, renwyMa.. Mrs. Ray Babcock and Betty, Pro- IOIN "Freely Ye Have Mrs. W.. C. Lake, Newcastle, visited vidence, R. I., Mr. and Mrs. Carl JIA.iI Give" Stand Up their sister, Mrs. Wxn. Herrîng. Williamson and Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Wht A Friend Wi Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGill, Tor- D. B. Kay, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Mc- N evcsbr nSna na-Ms .Nsit onto, spent the weekend wîth hier Lean and family. Toronto, Mr5. C. cosetvio! Hampton Annra n sn. Ns S. MiL parents, Mr. and Mns. Levi Brunt. Sanderson, Burketon, were recent cuMas mter oedMcaughlm sa a, so.mith and M. Miss Laverne Orchard. visitons at Mr. A. Sharpe's. is ting tedMr. arolPOaas' S mithd lndh to theo ville, spent the weekend with lber i Mstn ter r.HDond aldQ cBowman- lucht te parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Orchard. SL MJ il, ssitiDngatMr. ck Bwae's Miss Grace Werny, Bowmanville. SALEM1_vile,_____________M._Jak______s is holidaying witb ber parents, Mr . - -4 Mr. and Mrs. John Naylon spent1 MAPLE and Mrs. J. A. Werry, and other re-J Mr. and Mrs. A. Richards visited the weekend with friends at Sarn- *ý>- latives. friends in Oshawa on Sunday. ia. Mr. Farewell Bi Countice and our borne team play- Mr. and Mrs. W. Pool, Toronto, Mr. Fred Wright spent the week- visited bis uncle, Mi ed a good gaine of football bere on spent Sunday at Mrs. G. Cornisb's. end witb relatives in Philadelphia, Miss Lillian Nay] Saturday night which ended in a Miss E. Bigelow, Tyrone. spent the Pa. the weekend witb ZI tie 1-1. weekend at Mr. and Mrs. L. Rich- Mn. and Mrs. Chas Howsan and Master Douglas Mrs. S. W. Rýoach and Mrn. M. a nd Mary.vWs ted Stou.ffville f niends onawa, is visiting hi! Mrs. Fred Robbins, Rochester, N.Y M.adMs .FteJntlSna. Bobby Stevens. wer reen gust o!Mn an 'spent Sunday witb bier mothen, Mrs. Mrs. Chas Langmaid, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mrs. Jaes ore y.tguet f r n Mrs. G. Cornish. bas been visiting at ber son's, Mr. WhitbY, visited Mi Dr.esC. We. Seo ndHrl, Cburch service was withdrawn Roy Langmaid's. Hockin on Sunday. levisit dHoldner here last Sunday in favor of Long Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hogarth, Miss Betty Sarger fowather. M. Johnsit e oadr.' Sault anniversary. Oshawva, visited witb Miss Mary Ho- Cowling, Town, viý fahr r nSeoand Mr..Hg Miss M. Honey took in the excurs- gartb and Mrs. R. Pascoe. Stevens on Friday. and rs.Hugl Anis.ion to Niagara on Saturday, report- Our Young People are planning to Congratulations t. Mr. and Mrs. S. Rodmian. Mrs. ing a splendid outing. hold an ice cream social in the sehool Harvey Brooks on Isaac Rodman, Port Perry, Mrs. 0. Mr. and Mrs. L. Saveny and f ar- yard on Satunday, July 7th.yonsnadhe Rodman and daughter, Buffalo, vis- ily, Newtonvilie, visited her parents, Mrs. Arthur Gibbons and Miss Yorn sorandFoey, ited at Mr. E. C. Aston's. Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsb, on Saturday. Vena, Mr. Ted and Miss Margaret visited bis cousin,i Mrs. Frank Bradley, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Cann and Hughes, Toronto, visited at Mr. on Sunday and Moi C. Parkinson, Mrs. C. Clapperton, bbeenioyed a motor trip to Wood- Harry Tayior's. A number from1 Toronto, Mrs. C. Branton, Oshawa, ville and Lindsay on Sunday and Remember the Division meeting Goodyear picnic tc ________________________visited friends in route. in the Son's Hall this Thursday and report a very e. Some o! our Salem people attend- evening. It will be election o! of Rv H .Wo.r dDeoainDyservice at the f icers so alI members please attend. aeel emns cerneteny on Sunday, while others Mrs. Amios McMullen, Mr. and are weIl sd ermon S Il~journeyed to the Long Sault attend- Mrs. Cecil Glass and sons, Lloyd and ly service. ing the anniaiiuii ry services there. Ray, Kendal, Mr. and Mrs. Ji Mr. and Mrs. We Dem o stra ioli Mrs.A. Wilkins, who has been Spicer, Helen and Kleitb, Mns. Leslie Mrs. Wm. McLean, vr ll for some time past, is now Harris and R.ay, Toronto, visited at Mr. Bruce McLean. covlescent at the home o! bier Mr. Thos. Baker's. the former's broth dauger, Mrs. Leonard Richards. ______________on_________ IHer many f riends are glad to know. *iMbsses. e Sund Y. P. L. meeting Wednesday even- BLACKSTOCK : issEek n M_____________e___ I, Mr. Alan Clari i0eing. June 2th. was opened by thei Munday, spent Sund Vice President. witb. hymn and pray- issVoe ee iie ihM.mers sister. Miss V ENAMEL MissnVioletnDeverL.visited witbaMr. en inunson. Mn. Lor.heSquai wasnap-and Mrs. N. S. McNally. jMn. and Mrs. Gordo ntedbseceoftr fo r eemgn Miss S. A. Shortridge. Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. Edj theabsnceo! be eguar ecrtar. ille, is visiting friends in the com- son, Mr. and Mrs. Minutes were read and adopted. The r Citzenhi Vie tentoo cange o!f Mrs. W. S. Wreekie. Qu'appelle,:ttn, Oshawa, Mr.a heloing ronam: Be ilerad Sask., is guest o! Mr. and Mrs. J. Westlake, Mr. Wm. ins ndcometswee ivnbyi Strong. ina, visited with Mn. FLO-GLAZE ENAMEL Miss L. Welsb; Topic and discussion Mn. Alvin Bell, B. A.. Ottawa, is Collacott on Sunday taken by Miss W. Lancaster; violin visiting bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Annivensany Vislto Visit our store Thursday, Fr- selections, Mn. W. Taylor; vocal solo, entBs dayor atuday Juy Sh, th Mrs. F. Cator; reading, Miss A. But- -Mn. and Mrs. Ray Taylor and f arn- Mrs. Fred Blackbî. or 7th, and see demnonstra.ted tery. A spelling contest f illed in the ily visited friends at Lake Simcoe Mn. and Mrs. Mark the many uses and easy appli- social boun, aften wbich the presi-onatda.Bsi. r.Wbu cation o! Flo-Glaze 4 Hour dent closed the meeting. Attend- Mn. and Mrs. N. J. Woodiey, Ty-j ono, at H-. R. Foley's Enamel by Mr. F. B. Jones, ance 27. none, spent Sunday witb Mn. and IEwart Everson and direct front Flo-Glaze factory. Mrs. W. A. VanCamp. awa. Mn. and Mns. i Learn why Flo-Glaze h10as Orono News: "In the dirn and Mn. and Mns. Cecil Ferguson, Syd- familY, Ebenezer,3 earned the reputation of being distant past of the news in Cart- ney Fenguson. Burton, visited Mn. Shaw's. Mn. Norgr Canada's outstanding Enainel, wrigbt 50 yeans ago as we notice in'adMs .Mutoy hty r n Pantan Vrnsh.The Statesman, "wbo stole Band- Miss Pemie Hooey, Mn. and Mrs. Master John and Try our ýmaster Atkins' boots," Old timers Russel1 Lansing, Toronto, visited Mn. Baker, Solina, at Mi LENDING LIBRAILY in the 45th will remnember the old and Mms. George Hooey. don's; Mn. and M New Fiction - 3c per day. j soldier, Sengt. Atkins, as he went Mrs. J. Sanderson, Mrs. R. Werry, Misses Jessie and PoPular Music - 25e per copy. the rounds o! the battalion wben Mrs. Hf. Hooey and Mn. S. Sander- Hampton. at R. L.1 under canvas in this town oven 50 son visited friends in Cavan on Sun- Vera Tnimble, Otena Je W . Jewrel lyears ago. Those were the lively day. ence Staples, Lifford BOOKS &. STATIONERY trict unden Col. Cubitt, Col. Deacon meet at the home of Mrs. Norman Triinble's. PAINTS & WALLPAPER o! Lindsay, major McLeod, Capt. Mountjoy on Wednesday afternoon, CHINA & GLASS . cott and a numben of old officers, July 4th. "'Big 20" Bowînanville not !orgetting Sergeant Rainey on Miss Edna Boyd. Toronto, and HAYD( Conp. Hobbs, the hero o!frnany bat- Miss Dorothy Wills, Toronto, were ý*- - tle scans." weekend guests o! Rev. and Mrs. F. Mran s.RM - W. Newell. trip to Niagaîa FaIls ___________________________________________________ Mrs. M. Oster, Miss Marion Oster Mn. Egbert Wright and Miss Mary Stoms, Oshawa spent cd on bis father, Mr. te weekend witb Mn. and Mns. Robt week. A nnual Plants 75c a doz. thMr.tndc Mrs. Arthur Pritchard, Brown, Toronto, are or hre f r 2 c.Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bailey and A. MeNeil's. Miss Florence McLaughlin, B. A. spent the weekend at T 13 A K Sand Miss Ross, Toronto, visited the Mrs. Harold Gay a' RMcLaughlin.wibbrsteMs We twish to thank the public for the largeit sale o! Spring Miss Phemie Hooey will saii the wihhR . and Mrs. E nursery stock we have had since our nurseries were stant- last of June for England and the awa, visited Mn. A.1 ed. We appreciate tbis mark o! confidence and are dlean- j continent wbere she wil spend a their leaving for Fln ing out the balance o! our stock of Tomatoes, Celeny, and two months vacation. dy a large range o! Annual Flowers in boxes at above pnices. Mn. and Mns. Edward Cain and d .ay.Mr A wbile they last. We oniy have very few o! a kind and family, Pontypool, Mn. and Mrs. R. Bernice. Zion; Mis those wanting them should secune them at once at oun Rutherford and daugbter. Toronto, Ohwvstda nus1is visited Mrs. John Fonder. ie VISITORS ALWAYS WELCOM 1 The subject o! Rev. F. W. Newell's Mrad s.EI Peonies, Sweet Peas, etc., are now in fuli bloomn. i farewell sermon on Sunday morning at Mr. E. Dean's, Onc Couic and see themn. in the United Chuncb was "Tlie and attended Decor Souls Confidence in God.'" there. NureresMn. anc3i Mrs; W. C. Ferguson. Mn. and Mrs. T. Bn( K ingswayNu s re Nothport, Mn. Oakley Carley, Mn. Mr. GEo. Creepen Phone 144 Bowmanville, Ont.. and Mns. C. Marlow spent Sunday Grant, Toronto, visil witb Mn. and Mrs. S. Swain. McNeils. Miss Olive Van Camp wiIl accom- Mn. and Mrs. Thi pany Rev. and Mrs. F. W. Newell visited at Mns J. Rut ta Hastings. and wiII remain as their Sund,,ayad ttend:. A Iarpç arnuen eci unei,. erai ýo! the late Mn. J. Walter Cor- nisb o! Toronto. brother o! Messrs. Fred. 6th Line, and Wm. Connisb, tLeskard, at Orono Cemetery. Our sympathy is extended to aIl who mourn bis loss. 1 HAMPTON 1 Mns. C. W. Soucb visited Oshawa relatives. Mrs. Sykes. Warkwonth, is visit- ing ber son, Mr. L. D. Sykes. L Mn. Hambly, Raglan. is making some necessany nepairs at the milI. Mn. K. Cavenley, Toronto, spent the weekend witb bis wife and farn- ily. Mns. J. Clatwonthy and daugbter, Ruby, are visiting relatives at Cam- eron. A numben f nom here attended De- coration Day ai Bowmanville on Sunday. Mrs. Smalé and son, Wilfned vis- ited the formen's mothen and sister, at Toronto, necently. Mns. W. Watcborn returned on Sunday f nom visiting ber sisten, Mns. McGibbon, Toronto, wbo was ill. Mns. MacLeay and son, Gla.sgow, Scotland, wbo are visiting Canada and the United States visited at Mn. George Gilbert's. Congratulations ta Master Ross Taylor on passing with honours bis necent First Yean Exams at Oshawa Collegiate Institute. Miss Nora Werny, Kedron. is as- sisting Mrs. J. Colwill in the cane o! Miss Laura Wickett who bas been iIl at the Mrs. Colwill's home. Mn. and Mrs. Herbert Smale and daugbter, Detroit, Mns. Holdaway and daugbter. Wesleyville visited the formner's mothen, Mms. Ida Smale. Sunday SchooI Anniversany ser- Vices will be held on Sunday and Monday, JuIy lst and 2nd. on Sun- day. Rev. Dr. James Semple, Belle- ville, will pneach at 10.30 arn. and The Sunday services were fairly well attended. Rev. W. Rackbarn occupied the Pulpit at the evening service basing bis sermon on Mark 12:17. Miss Lillian Jebson assisted in the choir music by singing "The Lord is My Shepherd." Holiday Specials On Sale Thurs., Fr., Sat., June 28-30 RED & WHITE COFFEE lb. tin 20c; 1 lb. tin 40a RED & WHITE TEA . 1 lb. pkg. 28c WHIZ TOILET FLUSH. per tin . ... .19e SUNLIGHT soAoe 4 for 25e Gold Medal TOMATOES ......... 2 for 19C CALAY SOAP, per bar . ... e. 5 BENSON'S CORN STARCH per pkg. Ilc Crosse & Blackwell 8 O'CLOCK MARMALADE, per jar.. 25c Crosse & Blackwell CATSUP per bottle 19c MUFFETS ........................1Oc pkg. MIRACLE WHIP SALAI) DRESSING per jar 21c PINK SALMON, tail tin . per tin lie HAWES LEMON QIL ..... per bottle 23c WELCH S GRAPE JUICE. medium. per bottle 29e FALCON SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 26 oz. bottle . . 25c POST'S BRAN, per pkg ...................i1c GRAPENUT FLAKE per pkg. lic FALCON CATSUP. 12 oz. bottle . .9c GOLD MEDAL HEALTH SALTS per tin 14e WATER GLASS. 1's.. per tin 14e RtYBBER JAR RINGS 2 doz. 13o CHOCOLATE PEANUTS ... 112 lb. for 13e FANCY ASSOR.TED BISCUITS per lb. 17c Singapore PINEAPPLE, per tin............ lOc GOLD MEDAL LOBSTERS, i2ý . per tin 23e WHIZ INSECTICEDE per bottle 33e FLUFFO 2 lbs. for 21e BRASSO Small 14c; Mediumn 23c FALCON SWEET MIXED PICKLES, 6 oz. bot tle ......ef F. W. Nelles Phone 599 MR DELIVER Bowmanville PORT CENTENNIAL June 29- HOP]E CELEBRATION Jl Pavilion, Friday, June 29th, 9.00 D.S.T. Night Club Frolic ADMISSION -25c, DANCES 10e PER COUPLE MAMMOTH EDDIE STROUD FLOOR SHOWI AND HIS BAND Ten High-Class Acts1 Best in the District Town Park - Saturday, June 3Oth D.S.Te HORSE RACESJ BASEBALL' 2.15, 2.25 & 2.30 CLASSESI AND SOErBftJj WXalton Street'. Monday, July 2 130D.S.T. Calithumpian Parade A1 MILE 0F SURPRISES - DONT MISS IT! Town Park, Ail Afternoon, Admission 25c Darnards Outdoor Circus ANIMALS, CLOWNS AND3 ACROBATS, FEATURJNG WORL'S MST VERA INHER 250 PT. DARING WOMAN SLIDE FOIR LFE DASEDALL - COBOURG vs PORT hIOPE Q4een Street, Ail Evening Rotary Club Street Fai 5 Baudls - Music Every Day 5 Bancds THE CANADIAN' STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, JUNE 28th, 1934 KENDAL Road work is bemng done in thîsFo Th H li a disti ict. eetyMY W UGS TH FOL I Mr. Robert Alexander re etyM Y W U G S H O L WNG NEEDS found a large turtie. Miss Ethel Boyd, Newcastle, wa Kodak Flms, fresh stock, plain and verichrome home Thursday evening. Developing 10e roll by specialists. Mr. Alfred Elliott, Toronto. visit- ed bis parents during the weekend. Sunburri Remedies - 15e to 50eOc O Citronella 15e and 25c The annual field day of the Har- IBoth for 35eomb vey Jackson Memorial Park will be Fly Fume for moffluitoes, tlnBamCmb held on Wednesday, July 25th. 33c - 57c6c t $.2 Miss Annme Thompson, wbo has Vacuum Bottles, 39c, 43c, 49ce lsiihs 6ct 22 been teaching at King, has been en- New1.9 G lee Blaes ... 4 gaged as tacher for Mcm' ns Outing J51si39 $.9 N e G le ........or, sellool. mrecKi89 h- ik...25 Miss Mary Mellor of Crooked EmrecKt89 Sh-Mik.5 Creek is horne fromn college and at- BANDAGES, CO'ITON, GAUZE AND AUHESIVE tended the cburch service here on at New Low Prices. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Abbercromby and son GeraId. Toronto, visited bier sis- Kerslake's Drug Store Mrsen.Weeyoete Phone 49 P. R. COWLING, Phm.B. We Deilver League meeting on Tbursclay nigbt was in charge of Miss K. Stewart ____________________ ___________ who gave a sPlendid topic on "The League of Nations." During the ev- 7 Pm Special mnusic by scbool. On A draina "Depend on Me" wUi be ening Miss Jean Stemart sang a solo. Monday, at 2.30 p.m. Ladies 50f t- presented by Hampton Dramatie Sonie of the farmers have com- bail game. Courtice vs Hampton; Club. Selections by Legion Band be- menced haying. There seemns to be 4.30 Men's league softball gamne, tween acts. Admission: Tea and Con- a poor showing for the bay crop this Maple Grove vs Salem; 6.30 league cert. 50c, Tea only 35c, Concert only, year. but we're glad to report that football garne, Solina vs Clarke Un- 25c; Childrefl, Tea and Concert, 35c, there's a splendid showing for the ion. Bowmanvile Legion Band in Tea or concert, 20c. Ail services on ara cro atnddte in attendance. Tea served from 4 pin. Standard Tinie. ý 1

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