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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jun 1934, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1934 Back row-D. Dudley. B. Knox, A. Barron, H. Depew, C. Cawker, L. Wilson, M. Wightman, M. Glanville. Front row-J. Morris. V. McFeeters. E. MacKinnon, E. Carruthers. Absent-P. Wagar. J. Walters, A. Culley, W. Brown, W. Bagnell, T. Baker, K. Waddington, V. Bradley, E. Hancock. SOCIETY EXECUTIVE £w ?Â! Back row-N. Hayward, M. Jones, V. Bradley, D. Cameron, R. Lunney, C. Cawker, A. Culley, J. ThompEon, B. Vanstone, C. Spencer. Front row--B. Rowe, Mr. Wagar, W. Bagneli, H. Mason, Mr.Dippell, I. Hallman. Absent-J. Smith, R. Mcflveen, D. Wright. N ew York City Sun Comments on SPrind usi Fetill Spectacular and Rousing Welcome 'Bow~manviIIe The Pioneer Village' Before Large Audienice Given W. J. Bragg at Port Hope IMýusic Supervisor Francis Sutton_____________ The ew orkSunof une9,h foth ntothewilernss.Provides Entertaining Frogram Converging- upon Port I-ope lined the streets, and as bis car pas- carried an interesting story onl its After many weeks of arduous trav- onl June 14th last Wenesay niglit, in one of the sed the fire hall the siren on the top radio page entitled 'Bowmanville- el by foot and canoe they came to a Jntil orsodnei id most stupendous and demonstrative of the building added its quota of Pioneer Village" in which a brief I ptwj emd laatadfr a Potisaycrs:On TursdaynLigbt, parades ever witnessed in Durham welcome. Congratulations, bravo, bistory of the town was given. The jtule. Their journey was at an end, June 14th a spring musical festival Crounty ,tbepLintrlso the coudi n d wlarge wer heartonthe rad sub headmng reads "Site o! VE9GW, and they proceeded to build log sban- was held in the Forester's Hall, when frm eeypito h iigadlrebneswt b ad Canada's Premier Short Wave Stat- ties, which they lined with mud and a xrodnr ag rw !pr gathered ta pay bornage to the vie- "Bragg-Durham~s Choice," "Hip, Ion One alonly ut;ost" brk.The eanedther lvin nby etreatries adfrencods of gathrdtoriaus candidate W. J. Bragg. The Hip, Ontarios Salute ta Hepburn," in tbe frtpga ph i O ts poited aising soecrn. hnt inba nd yetrltvan redgtee.parade started at Bowmanville witb "Durham Did Her Duty," and a iut that litteisawn o! Bt s owmn- deer. n oco ripi nge, ter and Mr. Francis Sutton arganist and over 200 cars. headed by the Pur- larger one on whicb were the words vutlle t in te iU ned Soteswhich mir, ndk. Whengey anete o ave choir* Director of Trinity United i-arn Regimental Band in full dress "I Thank Yau All," greeted the eye vledinaurhewcaitecorrespondent, k. he theircongrun antto br vtey Church, Bowmanville, is the in- 'uniform. and as the parade wended as the procession moved along. Mr. HaorryNeartctorresondetthis adtacr r it sit mils b cane tructor and his efforts as well as its way to Port Hope cars from Or- As the Hon. Vincent Massey. who Mr.PY 0fyTheSu arc snt, ta om - i to hcnaryetstmiles two wes hat of the te-achers. of the various ono, Newcastle, Newtonville, and the is well known throughout the riding, men ofTthsTh e unwriseters, orn-y .o trene s il- wowe schcols, are greatly appreciated. Six points ta the nortb, jomned in at arose to his feet and attempted to mentugsitl: s nwno "wa-The Indians who lived in that are schools, Yelverton, Bethel, Fleetwood, practically every side road along the speak. bis words were drowned with veogh inte U.S. noddlnof ugh an Tere baveand weoll ared.thougb e Lifford, Janetville North and Janet- route, and by the time the long line the enthusiastic cheers, claps and filotinthe igbt.expressin Th wrt prticulardly hostied.Tou ville South were represented with a of cars had reached the autskirts of honking of horns. Finally gaining massthof Amtexrica n Th great opatclryhsieo settlers, total of about 150 pupils. Choruses Port Hope, the line stretched Out a bearmng le said "a stranger con- massof Aerians nownothing they were not especially friendly. compased of!-the above number of over a mile with the cars practically ing here tonight wauld tbink that at alI o! Canada. Lots af them don't and while only one white man was voices, accompanîed by the pianos bumper ta bumper., sometbing had happened, and sa it even know they are in Canada when shGt by an Indian, the fist fights and violin were rernarkable for the Tevcoiu cniaeocpe a n h apnn a envr they are travelling alang aur bigb- between the two races were numer- quality of tone and rendition. Each Tevitroscnddeocuedhaadtehpeighsbeney ways and through cur towns. I've ous. Whene;,er an Indian comport- schoaî provided special numbers and a seat in the car of Thomas Hol- good1 for Durham County, for On- beard tbem. They dan't seem to ed himself in a way distressful ta a ooisb. gate, former maYor af Bow,.manville, taria, and for the Dominion of Can- stud orlea anthig aout an-setier th hady poner wuîd O b thttîî near the head of the parade, and as ada, and it gives me very great plea- atd inrtheirnsanhos inaot "Candly prm nkthe he redpion f or a - ne numner tat was paricuarly they entered the town of Port Hope sure ta welcorne on your behaîf the adenh tal their hos tignoranceo! y romp0flag ncb teis. nfo aoutstanding was "Santa Lucia'," sung they were met by the bugle band a! Liberal nmember elect. W. J. Bragg, Bnowmhaill, their igorane f othe wgca ies adc lrnbyth e everton School. being the the Durham Reffiment wbicb ac- and I feel that every time Mr. Brag'g Bowanill, her lckofknowledge Grdalyth ivsansaidenng which won the second prize at opiedteHnV>ctMasyseltdlelokfv er oug about anything here is pretty gen- cf the settlers moved in, as did other the reent cantest in Bowmanville. c«an e torhe iHtran. Vncen thse eected kow h osf ieears ayeung- eral. You ought to send the writer pioneers huh slt a 76Mss Wit.teacher. was the accom- an aftrheixchpadn iet rom ter." nad thatfoyourat restind o! this article a few copies o! The wcîvez madle it unsaf e ta travel ex- panist. then.memer eexchangingagrea etings stng and sound for yoanr treandz Statesman to show him there is cfpt in well arrned partirs or by Mr. Sutton gave a number o! de- thedme r. eletoksante trustt e rprsentative and I rea some literature more available than water. 'monstraticrns o! the methods em- prdesioede Hon Mr. thsey an thetw hat heas mte any moef inds ha that of 50 years ago." Finally John Burk drew another ployed in teacbing Music ini the pAades proeee om toinpark orteHoad in the ast electin." ob The article, which will prove o! tract cf land and set up saW and schools which were very interest- anondw1t thewecmin com 'Pot Hoe di a agnfc n o general interest and which is writt- g:ist m:îîs on t. 'Thius property was ing. The prograrn was concluded by mittee were the president of the i tind foarthe emriyalie than en by Robert Eichberg is reproduced later sold several time5, one of its a full chorus singing God Save the Twentieth Century Club, Keitb Lncevei a you fo te plnd maority he re here:- osnrm the town'.S first King." the president o! the Durham Countyc.e t orhnsfrIko Bowmanville. where station. VE9- store in 1820.' u er ae.- - . Liberal Association, S. B. Hathaway, that it has meant weeks of volun- GW is located, is an old pionc~er Charles BDawmran, a!ter whom the Sweet a-id palatable, Mother and members o! bath groums. tary effort on your part. and now town. now turned into a thriving town cf Bowmanville was named, Graves' Worm Exterminator 15sac- 1 Cheers, born-b.,3nking. and flag t-ictory." Just at that moment the manufacturing and f arming centre. bought the property. ceptable ta children. and it does its5 waving greeted Mr. Bragg on every boys. witb the torch lights started Yet. oddly enough. little 15 kIiowf of The reason why it"was narned work surely and promptly. hand from the massed crowds wich a demon'tration 'ith cheers and it ti the United States. Neither the Bawmanville instead o! Burkville is1 guide books nor the encyclopedias readily Eeen when one talks to, the v_______________________ _____ ells and the speaker was f orced to mention it, and the only literature littie city's aid families. Bowman stop for a moment. When Mr. Mas- available on it is a pamphlet o! less established a liberal credit policy; he Il DuIce and Hitler Trying To Mold Europe seY rezumed his address he said, than flfey Pages, Publish4ed there neyer sueci a delinquent account. -. ..s. the bo stn Ilieve otheyarce o- more than bal! a century ago. 'and "carried' the almost penn.iless, th-osadIbleete r r But Bowmanviile. where the first bonest and ambitiaus, farmers as k) > G-" '-gningfrteexvcoyrgt gnw." 'Aol age a! bat sexes hv whites fought the Indians with their long as they needed ta become es- tae an civprtnthsa- bare fists, now includes 4080 people., tablishecl. Many o! Bawmanville's -IpinadIwn etakte. it is situated on a fine barbor on' richest families that they owe pinad1wn otakte. the hor a!Lak Onari, foty-wo hei prspeity a te pbli spritI want to say that the people o! On- miles east o! Toronto in the province: cf Charles Bowman and bis descend- taria would not have voted as they of Ontario. It is reached by a tbrougb nsj ýi#1 did unless they had realtzed the cap- higbway. or by main lines o! the; - .~ - abilities o! their leader Mitchell Hep- Canadian Pacific and Canadian Nat- burn, who bas won the hearts and ional Railways. Vacationers go there, CANADLA.N DOCTOR0LA N imaginations of Canadians ti bis for it is i carming surraundings, GIVEN KNMGHTHOOD Oxrse etmntýjwn omk in the midst a! apple archards, truck Canada just a littîle better place ta. and dairy farms. Near it are many Prominent in medical circles, hav- livce in." streams where fish abound and it ing obtained bis medical degree at "We have taken one f ortress at bas an altitude o! 369 feet above sea Trin'ty Medical Ccllege, Taroixta,. Queen's Park and the next one will level, accarding ta information furu- Ambra..e Thomas Stantan. C. M. G., be at Ottawa, and tbe date is not isbed by the Canadian National. M. D., F. R. C. P.. at prescrnt the chief far distant. wben the federal elec- Il is, bowever. mare than. a mere medical adviser ta the Secretary a! tiait May be held," were Mr. Massey's rural centre. Ten busy factories, pro- State for the Colonies. had conferred closing words. ducing such varied articles as auto- upon bim a knigbthood on the oc- Ach r.ersargfo the va st cof mobile tires, canned goods, hosiery, casian o! the King's birthday. a ýndrtherbsandistructkupathertune scales. slicing machines, pianos, or- Sir Thomas is a Canadian, having 'For He's a Jolly Good Flo. gans and cereals have located there. bcen barn in Kendal, Ont. Follow- adtecer undt h og There is a publisbing plant. tbree ing bis graduation here, bie continued H and tcersued taWthe. song hoelthe bnsgad nd higb his studies at University College and Hu-twayoinr oucordbypW. J r scoo, hsptamotion picture London Hospital, England. He had huvrstMaoreo!hartoe.wtns theaties, and a ten-acre park. The served as bouse surgeon in the To- * j. ~"ee eoehv inse streets are well paved. Cool, clear ionto General Hospital and the Hos- such an enthusiastie gathering, and;assure ar. adetquate drinking pital for Sick Children. Ii feel about forty years younger, and 10 no kidding. for after sîl age is a supp y. n 1 08 h w a ap oint 'd act ri-q u ality o f th e m in d an d n o t o ! Thats Bowmanville to-day. A ologist for medical research at Kuala years," said the newy elected Lib- thriving little business centre filled Lumpu. Malay States. He was the erl c ni ae I srIe ra witb comfortable homes and happy Bissett Hawkins medalist, Royal Cal- ~ rlcniae Isr e ra people. le'e o! Physicans, in 1926 and alo 1gý k:ck ou seo!thuse am oai n ase But the townr's past was not ai- wan further hanors in the medical g rmhuet osfro h ways s0 placid. Back in 1875, when field in 1929. He is a recognized au-and on t'led I ar geetd with smiles. the sons o! some o! the !irst settiers îhority on trop-ic4l disçeases. asndutco treothesprs meand ,'th ron- were still alive, a resident inter- year the University a! Toronta con- bulitanysus eo, e told viewed themr and publisbed a pam- !erred upon him the degree o! dac- ' h rw.H etae h n phlet in whicbh le included many an!sine raig aoxyb a eevd extremel y interesting rerniniscences.______ in the suqceFsive campaigns ai In 1794. hie says, the Canadian "'"'prmsed loyal representation ta, the Gavernrnent, eager ta have ils land MIAKE WILD FLOWERS A 11OBBY riding and sympathetic, consider- color.îzed. offered 200-acre tracts atnfom ilures.H sade ta any white man aver eigbteen years ...he best way 1 know ta get ac- i-ad just be'n told that the Boy's ald who would settle and start te quainted with a wild flower," say Training School had ordered a car- farmn. John Burk, John Trull and Rabert Sparks Walker. naturalist, in load o! supplies. and promised that Roger Canant taok advantage o! this ti-e Rotarian Magazine, "is ta speak ti re ol ecneld n offer. Leaving word for their fam- ta it, caîl il by its first name-Rot- that expnite In tah ine.theoldc ilies to follow after tbey bad time to ary style-and shake hands with it toscfrtieInerhankin ot heec established hamnesteads, they fared everytirne it is met just as you dotosfrthi eru uprte with a man or woman you wish ta paid tribute ta their intelligence for k'now better. Make friendship-with- ting terte stainadte flowers your hobby. You will find A huge Eurapean bloc cainposed o!f two Fa cisi. nations, sbould be te- casigtervts MA U I-ATR IY aîtess expensive than golf-ancl a Germaný, îîaly, Poland, Hungary IcGgnized as an independent nation, Before the singing o! the National MATURIY-MATRNITY source o! whalesome and lasting de- and Austria, according t sortie ob- but could. if she So chose, elect a Anthemn Hon. Vincent Massey of fered M DE GElg h ts." . erv~ers. will be a i'esult a! the dra- Nazi chancellur. Austria's prescrit blz. best wse for many mare years MIDLE rn atic Hitler-Mussolini conversation chanrellor*, Engelbert Dollfuss, so active Lbrl!r and the At these dîree critical periods at Venice. That was tlhe construc- pictured at rîght, above. with Hitler, of the candidates. awomnan needs a medicine List your carning events in The tion placed aon agreements o! the left. shaking hands with Mussolini, --__ she can depcnd on. Thar's Statesman. I'.s the way ta attract German and Italian <ictators that right. The map shows the pos.sible You haven't. rcad The Statesman, wby so onany cake Lydia E. a crowd. troubled Austria, lying between the'1 union in central Europe. until ycu have read the advts. Pinkhamn's Vegerable Com. B. H.S. LITERARY Here's a Modern Bathroom Set If your pluxnbing fixtures are out of date, here's your opportunity to modernize-for health, com- fort and convenence-at low cost ! This special set wil! add just the proper touch to your bath- room. Gleaming white, modern in every detail, perfect action plumbing that will repay its small original cnst with years of perfect service. W. LEN ELLIOTT PHONE 348 BOWMANVILLE A Home Remed) Have you Tried ? DURNAN CORN STARCH Product of the St Lawrence Stmrb Co. Lirnited, Port Credit, Ont flard sunimer play uses up a lot of energy which must be replaced if those youngsters are to be healthy. That's where pure nillk does such a big health job. Il encourages wholesome energy and activit), vhule keeping bodies cool and comfort- able. With ineals, and between meals, milk will prove enjoyable and refreslng-no matter what your age. Glen Rtae Dalry PIIONE 408J1 R. R. STEVENS & SON, Propiretors

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