THE CANADLI.N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JU-LY 5th, 1934 PAGE TEN Mrs. John Robinson is visiting in Hamilton with ber daughter, Mrs. Fred Lewis. Dr. Horace Wallon-Bahl. Toronto, spent the weekenti with bis parents. Dr. W. H. Waton-Ball, Harris Lotige. Mrs. Stella Anderson, Toronto, anti son Dick, are baîîdaying aI Mr. Fred Wood'.s cottage, "Woodholmne." .Mr. anti Mrs. Holbeck anti famlily, Taronto, wboataIonc limne sujmer- cd in Glen. are baîitiayiflg at Mr. Mark Matthews' cottage. Mr. anti Mrs. Oea. Fenning anti her maîber, Mrs. Jno. Tufi, Toronto, were weekend guests ai Mr. anti Mrs. T. F. Brantan. Mr. anti Mrs. Brooks anti littie daugbîer Patsy were halitiaY guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Farncamb at their sumimer cottage. Mr. Murray Eilbeck Ici I on Wed- nestiay for Byng Ielta ake a gav- ernment position in connectian with some public works being carrieti an there. Mrs. Mac Naunara anti taughter. Toronto, are summneriflg in Mr. Fred Waad's cottage. "Tuckabae." Mrs. MacNamnara is a sister of Mr. Arhur B. C. Harris af Ibis village. Mrs. Harry Smih, wha bas fin- isheti a course in nursing, accoinp- anieti by Mrs. Arthur Jahnston. Hamilton, is balitiaying with ber parents. Mr. anti Mrs. John Robin- son2. Mrs. P. O'Neil anti grantison Jimn- my Keech. were with relatives at Napanee aver bbc weekend. Mms. O'Neil bas taken a lease of the north sicle ai the Bonathan duplex bouse on Mili SI. mrs. F. H. Joli, Glititen, Sask., accompanieti by son Billie on his f irst visit ta Ontaria, arrived here this miweek on a visilta b er mo- ther, Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard. anti ber father-in-îaW, Mr. Oea. H. Joli. Miss Alîbea Henning anti Gardon Laking spent their holidays in Tor- onto anti Parry Sounti. While in Parry Saundt tey were the guests ai Vern Rabinson, a former boy af Newcastle. Vera is hale anti hearly. Mr. and Mrs. Frusclo anti chiltiren have mavet i nto the village from; Newtonville anti are occupying bal of the H. C. Bonathan bouse, cor- ner Church anti Emily Sts. Mr. Fruscia is the local C.P.R. section faremnan. Mrs. Bond. Winnipeg, bas been visiîing ber father, Mr. T. W. Jack- son, anti sister. Mrs. P. Brawn, anti an Thurstiay ot last week Mrs. Brown anti Mrs. Bond took the ferry trüm. Cobourg ta visit frientsisnl Rochester. Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Lancaster, Vancouver, B. C., who visiteti ber aunt, Mrs. John Douglas. also Mr. anti Mr. Roy Douglas. Cobalt, anti Mr. Walter Douglas, New York, caîl- cd on Sunday an Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Brown on tbc farm anti alsa Mms. W. H. Pearce anti sans, "The Map- les."1 Miss Pearl Abar anti Mr. Philipps. Toronto, wba accampanieti Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Walton here on their way tram Tillsonburg. are staying wibh lier xnother, Mrs. Eti. Thackray. Mr. anti Mrs. Walton, Miss Abar anti Mr. Pbillips also visiteti frientis at Campbellfard, Mms. Thuckray' ot home. - One ai the up anti coming garti- ens aI Newcastle-on-the-Lake is Mr. W. J. Eilbeck's, west sitie of Mill St. It is young but shows quaity anti character. Two years aga anti for long before that Ibis tract was an uncultivateti anti uncareti for area ai long grass anti weetis. Naw it is fast becomng througb Mr. EiI>eck's gealus another ai the lake frant's beauty spots. His former school mates in New- castle wili be interestedt t learn that Lyall Moare, younger san af Mrs. (Dr.) Ernest AllUn, Las Angeles, Calif., graduatedt Iis year as anc ai a class oi 360 studenîs aI Roosevelt Schooh wbere he specializeti in com- mnercial studies anti aw for the past two years. He is now in the cmploy af The Eastsitie Mtar Ca. as con- tact man for a large disrict round about Las Angeles. He is a grand- son ai Mrs. Jas. Stapletan ai Ibis village. The nieces who sa nicehy planneti tbe surprise birthday party for their aunt, Mrs. R. B. Alun, on June 2lsb. anti presenteti ber with a ovely birbbday cake, ,matie especially for the afernaan's receptian, together wibb a beautiful bouquet aif flowers were: Mrs. Mcbaggart. Oshawa, who madetiec cake whicb aIl sa mucb admireti. Mrs. Narman Dawns. Mrs. Sidney Venton. Mrs. Rabbins, Mrs. Oea. Allin. Mrs. Clarence Alun, Mrs. Wm. Hanna, Mrs. J. L. Cryderman, Mrs. E. G. Clemence. Mrs. Irwin Col- will anti Miss Marion Allin. Potatoes promniýe ta, be a bumnper crop in tbis Iacality. thal is if blight or samething tiaesn't overtake thers. Many peaple have not seen a potato bug this ycar but mail carrier W. J. Hockin wbo covers a lot ai terri- tory every day reports having seen 3 <hrec). Wmn. Pinncgars polato vines give anc aI a distance all bbc appearance af being a gooseberry or currant Patch, the tops are so enor- mous. Pretty nearly everytbing cisc In Ibis to)-o-tbe-knoll, carly anti richhy ferlilizeti garden la of simlar lion tagether with a w hile golti ncck- lace anti diamanti cenîreti pendant. Mrs. Percy Ransan. Belleville, was a holiday guest ai ber aunb. Mms. Chas. Coulter. On Thurstiay, July 5_tble W.M.S. ai bbc Unitedi Churcb ineets -in thc S. S. Hall wben Mrs. J. C. Hancock wll take thc sludy book topue. Mrs. A.rD. Whccler anti chiltiren. Diana anti Altien, Bowmanvillc, anti Mrs. Rex Wynn anti chiltiren, Brant- fard, visiteti Mr. anti Mr. D. J. Gal- braith. Among tbc many visitars here for St. George's gartien party anti sum- mer festival were Mr. anti Mrs. D. A. Valleau anti chiltiren, anti ber mother, Mrs. Thos. M. Gibson, Osh- a wa. Unitedi Cburch-Rev. Samuel Mac- Lean. B. A.. Paslar. Sunday. July 8th: 10.45 a. m.--Sunclay Scbool; 11.30 a. m.-Marning Worsbip; 8 p. m .-Evening Service. Rev. anti Mrs. J. Scott Howard. Rev. anti Mrs. F. H. Masan anti Mrs. Alfredi Farncamb anti daughtcr, Mms. A. N. McEvay, altentiet the clasing exercises at Triniby Callege Scba-ol, Port Hope. Mr. Fred breleaven ai the Globe, Toronto, is enjaying a fortnighb's vacation ab bis summer home, New- casîle-an-the-Lake. Mrs. Treheavea anti sons anti frientis were alsotiown for the weekend St. George's Cburch - Rcv. F. H. Mason, M. A.. Rector. Suntiay, Juiy 8Ib. 6bb Suntiay ailer Trinity: 8 a. m.-Hohy Communion; 9.45 a. m.- Suntiay Scbool: Il a. m.-Marning Prayer; 7 P. m.-Evensang anti Ser- mon. Mrs. Chas. Gamme anti Mm. H. Ashîce, Bowm-ranville, allendeti St. George's strawberry festival Thurs- 7day anti remamneti over the balitiay wibb Mr. anti Mrs. Walter Crawîber. iMiss Annie Gamme, Toronto, was alsa, a weekcnd guest of ber brother- in-law anti sister, Mr. anti Mrs. Crowther. Mr. anti Mrs. Herbert LilîlefielcI have taken Up their permanent resi- dence at Belmont wbich Mr. Little- fieldi bas modernizeti anti renovabeti, adding many improvements anti con- veniences. Mrs. LitîlefielId, accamp- anieti by Mrs. Osborne, atbeadeti St. George's Church gartien party on Thurstiay evening anti met many new frientis. Weeti Inspector John Garroti is 1again waging bis carly summer war against aIl naxiaus weetis along street anti roatiside anti asks for the co-operatian ai every citizen in riti- ding the village af aIl undesî.rable weeds wbîcb are castly. troublesome ranti unsightly. Sandy Moffaîl witb fthe municipal mawer anti Art Toms witb scythe have been busy the past week laying law bbc weeds Up anti dawn the lengtb anti the brcattboa the village higbways anti byways. » Mrs. Fred Mitchell. Saxmundbam, Eng.. anti Miss Nellie Claver, Tipper- ary. Irehanti, who have been visiting their bratber-in-law anti sister. Mr. anti Mrs. John Garrati. anti making their first acquainlance witb Can- adian people, customs anti scenery, lef b for borne earhy June 301h. Mr. anti Mrs. Garroti anti famiiy, Mr. anti Mrs. Malt. Brown anti Mr. anti Mrs. Thas. Brown accompanicdti lem ta the C.N.R. station wbcre the train was stoppeti cspecially for thcm anti wished them bon vayage. Evangel Hall. Toronto, bas again 1apeneti Camp Capper Beecb as a 7frcsh air camp. A party af workers 1came clown Thursday to make al tnecessary preliminary arrangements. Mr. Jabnstan wha, is ta supply far a month for Rev. Rabt. Kaifenti aI bbch Evangel Hall services was here for the weekend anti he anti a graup ai lady warkems attentiet service aI tbc Unitedi Churcb on Sunday marn- ing. The first Party of women anti chiltiren arrivet f rom Toronto by C.N.R. train Tuestiay aiternoon. Il was learnet i wth general regret that the hiale chair ai SI. Siman's éCburch, Toronto, which was expect- cd ta sing at St. George's on thc evening ai JuIy 8bh. faunti il impas- sible ta carry out their intentions. The chair members an a recent Sat- urday hati a practice at the churcb anti then wenbtiaown la "Half-a-Hi.ll" Newcastle -on- the-Lake, wbere bbey were entertaineti by the choir ina- ther, Mrs. Cecii Horracks, anti daugbters. Tbcy hati came up f rom Port Hope wherc a number ai the boy members hati been playing in a crickeb match at tbc T. C. S. A famuly galbering af bbc second magnitudie btik place at Mrs. John Douglas' lasI weekenti when relatives frain aIl parts ai thbcocmpass met under ber haspitable roof. Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Lancaster bati motareti f rom Vancouver, B. C., antibati now returnet f rom a further trip ta Belleville anti Montreal. Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Douglas anti ber mother, Mrs. Hylanti, hati molaret f ram Co- balt. Mr. anti Mm. H. J. Ragen anti tiaugbters Dorathy anti Autixey, were there f rom Toronto, anti Mr. Walter Douglas irom New Yark. Mrs. Eti. Brittain is ai course sîaying witb ber sister. Mrs. Douglas, andti t complete thc number af fourteen present over night there were their brother, Mr. Robt. Brown anti bis daugbîer, Miss Mabel Brown, Toronto. wba an Sun- day returnedti l the cily follawing a Senior IV Pupils admitbed to H-igb Scboal by bbc Entrance Boardi on ycar's stand- ing, naines in arcler of menit-Pal- ridia Pearce. Margaret Pearce, H-ar- olti Hoakin, Sam Cawan, Helen Rab- inson, Ethel Spencer. Autirey Brown, Frances Brerclan. Pupils trying Deparîmental ior High Scbaal Enîrance-Lillian Bur- ley, Gaordon Barrabali. Jr. IV to Sr. IV Pupils promateti wbo abtaineti 75 % or over on year's wrk-Rciba Cooke 81, Jimmie Lovekin 78, Vivian Duck 74 plus. Pupils wha passeti on Promation Examinations-Gordon Calter 74, Bruce VanDusen 73, Patricia Quan- trill 73, Charlie Floodi 69, Noa Meredith 68, Mary Painter 67, Ross Alin 65, Dick Anderson 64, Alfreti Gray 63. John Coller 50 (faileti due la continueti absence, but recom- mentiet). Sr. 111 te, Jr. IV Pupils promoteti wha obtaineti 75% ar over an ycar's work-Carl Fisher 89, HIaralti Hoar 80, Chantie Bonathan 78. Charlotte Gray 76. Pupils who passed on Promotion Examinatians-Vera Culler 76. Hel- en McKellar 66, Grace Powell 66, John Arycb 64. Jinirie Kcech 63. Geralti Henning 62, Harry Brown 61. Recammenceti - Stanley Cauch, wbo matie 64",e an year's wark anti 57% o n promotions. Sr. Room Prizes Now Known Senior III Praficicncy Prize, don- ateti by Teacher--CarI Fisher 89%. Masonic Prize for Newcastle Pu- pil with tbc highest Entrance marks -Patricia Peaxce. Wamnen's Canadian Club Histary Prize-Patricia Pearce. Inlermediate Boom Jr. 111 ta Sr. MI Pramoted on year's work. 75% and na failures requiredti lapass- Dorathy Gibsan 83, Camnilia Brown 81.4, Charlie Ragerson 80.2, Norma VanDusen 76.4, Jean Bonathan 76.4, Rager Meatiows 75, Evelyn Barra- ball 75. Passeti an Final Examinains- Donald Jase 83, Emma Jean Harris 73, Reggie Meadows 71, Dora Mar- tin 69. Sr. IH ta Jr. 111 Promateti an year's wark, 75% anti no f ailures requiredti t pass- Dally Ptîrdy 90.3, Clauti Floodi 84, Myrtle Poster 82. Pauline Deline 80.3. Rdta Altireati 80.3, Prank Hoar 80. Passeti an Final Examninains- Grace Cobler 76. Jean Robinson 75, Ted Quantrill 71, Ruby Gibson 65. Jr. Il bo Sr. Il Mable Gray 64; Douglas Wallon, faileti in S9pelling, recommentict be- cause oi age. Inter. Prize Winners Winnen ai S. Jase Memorial Prize -Dorathy Gibsan. Winner ai Note Book Prizes don- ateti by Teacher: Jr. tII-Camilla Brown, Reggie Meadaws: Sr. Il- Paulîne Deline. Clauti Floodi. Winner ai Wm. Hoaper Memorial Prize for best original meody- Reita Cooke. Haltie A. Ma.son, teacher. Junior Boom Sr. I ta jr. Il Pramobeti on Ycar's Wrk-Farn- comb LeGreshcy 90, Violet MacKell- ar 89, Grace MacKeilar 87, Betty VanDusen 87, Lamna Floodi 87, Cyril Meatiaws 86, Jiane Aluin 85, George Painter 84. Olive McManus 81, Douglas VanDusen 78, Sammy Bre- retan 78. Jean Gray 77, Babby Gray 76, Bobby Barrabaîl 75. Pramoteti on Examimat ions-Roy Foster 79, Ruth Bonathan 76. Jr. I to, Sr. 1 Promoteti on Years Work-Yvonne Altireati 75. Promoteti by Examina tioli-Lorna Harris 85. Elray Gibson 78, Haroldi Rogersan 74, Aima Gibson 70, Eileen Aidreati 68. Sr. Pr. to Jr. 1 Promateti by Examination-June Gray 92, Rosa Henning 88, Yvonne Megît 82, Wallace Barrabahi 82. Jacqueline Smith 75, Arthur Clark 74, John Altineati 73, Doralby Poster 65, Etina Kirkpalrick 64, Irene Painter 60. Glenn Alun (recom- mendeti, absent for exains on ac- count af ilîness). Junior Primer bci Hoar. Mary Pundy, Haraldi Smith, Buddy Wbitican, Francis Joýe, Billy Kiîrkpatrick, Jack Perrin, Thelma Curtis, Reggie Henning. Junior Room Writingý Prize-OGrace MacKellar. Sr. I Efficiency Prize-Farncomb LeGresley. Mis,7s Marion Quinn. boronta, visil- cd ber cousin, Miss Carnie Lath- rap. bo winners. This feature was an idea af the men's associatian as was a]so i the iced cake macle by Baker Oea. Meadaws andtheUicjudging ofitis weight. by all w'ham he coulti in- terest. Through these ca-operative enterprises the Men's Club was en- abledto ta urn ini $18.00 to the Wa- men's Committee under whose aus- pices the event 100k place. Rev. L. Thamas won the cake. judging its weight at 711)s. 14 azs; the act- ual weight being 7 lbs. 12!,àa0S. Other guesses were all the way f ram 4 ta 18 lbs. The ladies had also planneti other ways af adalng ta the sum total of the festival revenue andi aIl found papular favar. Mesdames J. Scaott Howard,. Allan Spencer and Miss Beatrice Mclntosh presided aver a refreshment boatl'i and sald ice cream. cones andi sundaes and sold completely out. Misses Isabel Steph- enson and Nara Gibsan arrayed like twin sisters managed a candy booth and attracted custamers aplenty, Iwhile Miss D. Wheeler sold pretty inasegays sa that each and all night adarn himself andi lady. The flawers were pretty andi Miss Diana's sales' talk v>as in-esistible. Rev. F. H. and Mrs. Masan were everywhere shaking hands and ex- changing greetings with thase in attendance. Among tl'ose present enjaying every feature af the event as much as anyane there was Miss Elizabeth Wilmat. wha this year will celebrate ber 901h birthday .while by way of contest in years there was little Mar- garet Mason af the rectary, now in her second year and for whom beti timne cornes quite early.- NEWCASTLEi i SCHOOL REPORT SOLINA Mr. anti Mm. S. Chas. Werry. Osh- awa at Mr S. E. Werry's. Mr. anti Mrs. Cecil Bush, Cal- umbus wlth his mother, Mrs. S. Bush. Miss Mary Grooms, Toronto, is visiting at her lincle's. Mr. S. E. Werry's. Mr. anti Mrs. Leslie Cllacoît anti f amily, Maple Grave, at Mr. W. H. Westlake'q. Misses Etina Reynolds anti Mar- garet Pascae, Hampton, witb Miss Vera Baker. Miss Ada Allin. Providence, spent the weekenti with Misses Helen anti Muriel Baker. Miss Margaret McKessack spent the weekend with frientis aI Fern Glen. Muskoka. Mrs. Alex Pbillips. Yarkton. Sask., bas been visiting Mrs. J. A. Balson anti aîber cousins bere. Mrs. Oea. Howsain. Mr. anti Mm. Chas. Howsamn anti Mary visiteti aI Mr. Walter Howsam's, Epsom. A number f rom bere attentied1 Hampton Anniversary services on Suntiay anti visiteti witb f rientis. Mr. anti Mrs. Charleton McBride anti Burton. Pelerbora, are visiting her parents, Mr. anti Mrs.Geo. White. Services will be helti bere nexî Sunday marning as usual at 10 anti 1'.15 o'clock. It wihl be Quarterly Communion service. Mr. George H. Hogarth, B. A., Re- gina. Sask., Mr. anti Mrs. 'A. J. Rey- nolds.Toronta, wilh Miss Mary Ho- garth anti Mrs. R. Pearce. Miss Larmne Thompson ai the Knickerbocker Hospital, New York City is holidaying with her parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Frank Thaompsan. Miss Vera Baker was in Toronto Friday attending the meetings ai the Canadian' Association wbicb wcrc belti in the Royal York Hotel. Mr. anti Mm. Reg. Somcrville anti fbLmily, Cherrywooti. Mr. anti Mrs. Jae Reynolds anti Ronald. Mr. andi Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Toronto. a Mr. Jack Reynolds. Regular meeting af bbe Institute w'.ill >4V li ti i r .qciÂt ot taj a l n-I.s, .Iuly 121h at Mrs. Chas. Howsam's.1 A goati pragram is being prepareti _______________ Roll cal "A current event bearing ENNISKILLEN on Canada." Remember the Horticultural picnic an Tuesday. July lth. The cars are Miss Verna Pethick spent Sunday leaving Hampton at 3 o'clock for a r .D oat',Hmtn Orano where they will visit some ofali r .D oat',Hmtn tthe gardens there anti have a picnic Mrs. S. Adams anti family, Guelph, 1supper in the Park. visted Mr. andi Mrs. Fred Adams. Our 'Yaung People are hav'ing an Miss Lena Moore, Waodstock. is 1ice cream social in the camxnunity visiting ber brother, Mr. W. H. groundis on Saturday evening when Moore. a league game of football is being Miss Eva Souch spent the holiday played between B-7wýmanvýille anti at Hampton and attended the anni- sSalina. A gooti program is being versary. 1prepareci. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Avery, Woad- Mr. and Mrs. Haroldi Jebson and stock, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. family, Taronto, Mr. and Mrs. Geo Wm. Oke. Gibson and Marion. Oshawa, Mr. Dr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson, Allan andi Mrs. Donald Yellowlees and andi Donald. spent Sunday with family. Columbus, Mr. andi Mrs. H. iriends in Uxbridge. Tin. ad fmil. Eeneeral r. Miss AIma Page, Toronto, spent Wik a miyie'. Eeee, tM.the weekend with her grandparents. June Division meeting was helti Mr. and Mrs. S. Page. Thursday everiing in the Sons Hall Mr. andi Mrs. E. Boyd, Toranto, witha saliattndace.Several and Mrs. E. Stevens, Hampton, vis- items of business were discussed and Mr. and Mrs. LSevienIs' plans Were macle for aur picnic. Mr. Fank McG.Lei, mot re. anRd Election of officers resulteti as fol- chsteroFran the hl, otray. Ro Ia)ws:- W. P.-Margaret Scott; W. chMtr Floyth e hikdarat, r A.-Muriel Baker; R. 5 -Evel>n Mr.loy Pethick eTieospnttMe Tink; A. R. S.-Jim Smales: Treas- OwaldkeathiMr. NS ehick's.e h Mr. B. G. Stevense F. S-Bruce wMr. datiMr. . eti'. Trno Tink; Con.-Bil Chadwick; A. C.- Ma.adMiss Ruby Wotte, Puroetio, Ruth McKes4ock; Chap.-Fanny adMs uYWtePrl il Smales; O. S.-Roscae Baker: I. S.- visileti at Mrs. Wm. Griffin's. Gladys Yellowlees: D. G. W. P.- Mr. and Mrs. E. Rahm and fani- Mr. A. L. Pascoe; Organis-Ileen ily. Oshawa, visited the former's sis- Balsn. ext eetng ili e hld er, Mr. and Mrs. J. Shackleton. BalhUsa. Next eetinh il e ed Mr. A. Wearn; Toronto, spent the Tbrdy0Jl 2h holiday here wilh his famîily, Mrs. 1 HAYDONWearn going back ta Toronto for a HAYDONviit. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. WerrY and Miss Annme Trewin, Toronta is at Miss Grace Werry. andi Mr. F. W. home. Werry spent the holiday wltb f riends Miss Myrtle Cowling, Oshawa, at aI St. Thomas. Mr. T. Cowling's. Mr. and Mrs. O. Metealf and Miss Mrs. Henry Werry is visiting at Elsie Oke, Toronto, Misses Gertie Mr. Jim Brown's, Bowmanville. and Winnie Oke, Bawmanvtlle, at Mr. Rolandi Thounpsan, Oshawa, Mr. Wesley Oke's. Messrs Perey, Kenneth anti Walter Mr. andi Mrs. H. Johnson, Mr. Greer, Brooklin at Mr. W. Thomp- Ciford Statnton. Toronto, accom- son's. panieti Mrs. Pye home after spenti- Mr. Egbert Wright, Calgary, Mrs. ing twa weeks in Toronto. W. Ridge,, Miss Margaret Ridige, Mr. Sorry ta lase our pastor, Rev. J. Wm. Dobsan, Toronto, at Mr. J. M. Whyte. who left Wetinesday for Wrigbt's. his new charge aI Amherst Island. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs andi Rev. Mr. Parker f rom the same place sons, Toronto, Mr anti Mrs. Loren- wiii be the minister for this circuit. zo Mounljoy, Nestleton. at Mr. T. Presentations to Pastor Whyte Slemon's. League meeting was helti Wednes- Mrs. S. Way Kent and family, day, June 27th, and after the meet- Paris. Mr. andi Mrs. Adam Sharpe, ing tbey alI atijourned to the church and f amily Enniskillen. at Mr. E. sheti where a goodly number hati Mountjay's. gathereti as a surprise ta, pay Iribute Mr. an.d Mrs. Austin Larmer and ta their pastor. Rev. J. M. Wbyte. family .Burketon, Miss Alice Ashton Mr. F. Ellis acted as chairman. andi anti Mr. Gardon Beech, Enniskillen, Mr. J. A. Werry reati the following at Mr. A. Beech's. ades Mr. nd rs.LeslieGerardand Dear Mr. Whyte-Af 1er six years family, Camp Borden, Mr. anti Mrs. of happy pastoral relalionship we Harold Gay andi Bobbie, Oshawa, deem il a privilege at this lime to al Mr C. errad' ta, you aur appreciation af Mrs.J. Geenood.Bowanviîeyour faith.fulness in the conduct af has returneti home to Mr. E. Brati- all aur churcis activities. Il seems ley's ta care for Mr. Greenwood, wha but a short lime since you came int lias been ailing for same time. aur midât, but has been a very dii- Mr. andi Mrs. C. Woalings, New 0iutpraiî hc adrc h Taronto, Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Reati work ai the church and to keep and babe, Blackstock, Rev. G. R. C. ýteadfast 1the faith of her peaple. McQuade, Oshawa, at Mr. H. Ash- We are grateful ta you for your wise tan's. guidance during Ihese years, you Mrs. Silas Trewin who has under- have indccc been a good shepherd gone an operation for goitre in the af your flock. We arc convinceti Toronto General Hospital is now that your influence for gooti in Ibis staying al Mr. Herb Sleman's. Tor- commnuniîy wiîî continue la manifest anto. ulself in the years ta came. As a Mis.s Velma Bradley, Courtice, congregation we wiîî encieavour la Misses Mî Bradley anti Susie exemplif y the Iruths so aptly pre- Thompson. Tyrone, Mr. andi Mrs. aentediun your partîng message. Our Sidney Trewin anti family, al Mr. earnest prayer is that you may long E. Bradley's. be sparedti t continue in the Mas- Miss Larmne Thampsan, R. N.. New ter's service and Ihat God's richest' York, Mrs. W. Kilîburn, Mr. anti Mrs. blessing may accompany you te, your Thompsan. Taunton, Mms. Elmer new fieldi of labor. We wisb you 10 Yeo anti frxienti, Oshawa, Mrs . tcep this slighl loken of the es- Wilbur. Hampton, al Mr. C. Cross- îeem and affection in whicb you are man's. held anti we hope that yau may have Miss Annie Mountjoy. Mr. anti mucb pleasure in using il. Mrs. Cephas Mountjoy, Toranta, Mr. Signeci an behaîf af Enniskillen anti Mrs. Cecil Molcy anti famîly, congregalian: Jas'. A. Werry. W. H. Orona, Mr. anti Mrs. H. Bird anti Moore, F. H. Ellis. W. J. Staintan, Margaret. Hamilton, at Mr. Theron Thomas McGill. Dr. H. Ferguson. Mountjoy's. Mr. Whyte, thaugb taken by sur- Mr. anti Mrs. Herb Scott anti Dor- prise, matie a fitiîing repîy thanking othy. Orano, Mr. anti Mrs. .Wm everyane for the way they havel Smith. Miss Ruby anti Wilma Smith, worketi in ca-operatian with bim in Whitby. Mr. Frank Smith, Enfielti. his wark. Mrs. E. C. Ashton, Miss Hargaret Te r li alt nMs n Virtue, Enniskilien at Mr. Wm. Tre- nien eMhr.eli a tedfonloMingsaAn- win's. neOewora h olwn d Mr. and Mrs. Sherwooti Rundie tiress: anti tiaughters, Mr. Norman Runtile, Dear Mr. Whyte- We, the mem- Bowmanville, Mrs. A. Grant anti bers of aur Yaung People's League, sans, Bill ant i Jm, Mr. Jack Spar- have for the mast part came int row, Mrs. Thos. Creeper, miss Alice active ser'vice tiuring your six years anti Mr. Bert Creeper, Toronto, at pastorale bere. anti we f eei we shahl Mr. A. MeNeil's. miss very greatly your sincere i- Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Messrs teresl in aur welf are. Nat only aur Kenneth anti Milton Graham, Miss spiritual life but aur social lite anti Wiison, Mr. andi Mm. Norman Hall, well being bave been enrlched by Mr. anti Mrs. Earl Kennedy. Osb- your example anti precept. Perbaps awa, M,, anti Mrs. Norman Callacott. altlimes aur exuberant spirits bave Tyrone, Miss Tabb, Gaderlch, Mr. trieti your patience and you have felt anti Mrs. J. Balson anti famlly, Mion, canstrainedti o use f lrmness, but we at Mr. D. Graham's. now realize the sanie to be In aur BIRTHS P ETE RS J ni tando Hii. osp itali on 'lune 29h1h.I97,t(>NIr.anid Mrs. Hilton 1 >,ters, liamn,î a son. ACýLUN--lii]1o:. rîî.nv!lli,' lispitî>i, on . !iwslîîy, Juiy Pli, t> Mlr. and Mrs. Norma n .iiiMar ivers lload, rason>. MARRIAGES BARRaWCLOUGH-McKAY- In Port Il1op " 0o SaturîIliy, Jutis 30th, 1934î. by ;" v ir K. Il. 'alm-r. lleatrice M. E. MeKay. 3 oungast >augit.r of NIrs. Joint MieKay, and fIlarolil lJarrowelcoti , soit of NIr. and Mirs. Sîurti i rrac>ui >?' i.3vi'.Ontario. DEATHS M A CK-I o Iiooni viii,'. ouiSattiirdity, .lutte 3th. 1934, Jaimes Il. black, agel 42 years. Iiterreu l.u Treniton. SHACKLETON-[îi Leskarîl, Juin' 27, Margaret AniluShacîkieioii, ta'iove.di if,' of Robert Shaickletoni. lnternu,îit Orono. STON E-A t Port Hiope, Juiri. 29, Jauie An» iDouglas, 1b.iovedi vife of Williain .J ohno Ston e. Interm.iît Nw toni> iii i2,,,,et,ry. Mci NDOO-Ii ii Bownianuvib-, ou Tii ors- da3'. Juine 21st, 1934, Eliza (îorîiIoui, w- dow of .Jo.,eph MIcinuioo. lit h,r 76th Yeair. Jo trre'î at >'ott,îin, itiar Winidsor. IN MEMORIAM SMITH - li loîîig meînory of Wm. fl>'orge Smnith w}io (lied Jîîiy -711, 1931. Joiy riiigs sai inories. Of1 a loi i'1on,- geo.'te; 'rlougli le sl>' ms ini leacefo t sleel>. Ibis oi..iriory we ".iii iihays keep. -SadI y ilsel i M othler. "t r Sistî,r and Brother. TO LET - Apartmneîîr 6 rooms, refit neisonabie. Appiy Mrs. R. E. Dhnniwell, silver Street, Bowmaîîville.. 27-1 TO RENT-Queen Striet, formerly oc- cuîîhod hy Mr. L. W. Dippeli, al con- venh,'nci-s Apîii> J. J. Maso» & Son, Bowmanviilo. 2-tf best inlerezts. Thc memory ai your -iatural gif Is, perseverance, anti ai- able disposition, will ever remain wth us> anti we trust will be a stim- ulus ta aur besî endeavour as Christ- ians anti cibizens. May beaven's chaicest blessing attend you in your ncw fileldi ai labar. Wc i ccl that aur Ioss will be their gain. As a sligbb token of appreciatian we ask you ta accept Ibis purse. Miss Muriel Wearn matie tbe pre- senlatian. Signeti an bebaîf ai the League: Edigar Wright anti Gladys Page. Mr. Wh>te again replieti in bis usual pleasing manner. A number ai speeches iollowed anti lunch was serveti anti a social lime spent. Ail Nigbî witb Asbbnia. Everyone knows baw altacks of astbna 0f ten keep Ibeir victims awake bbc wbole nigbt long. Morning finds bim wbolly uni itteti for a day ai business, anti yel, business must still be car- rieti through. AUI Ibis nigbt suffer- ing anti lack ai resî can be avoideti by the prompt use ai Dr. J. D. Kel- lagg's Astbma Rcmedy. wbich posi- tively does drive away the attacks. Wanted WANTEo-.l;le eciîri'. expmiraco' foti neco.ssa>ry. ouust 1lii. wîlinmg to l.'artî. Api- 1îly 'Arcade Storens. Bownianville. 27-1P 000 JOBS WANTED- Carpenutering. t..> inuî l îu. g.>rîen iiig, ttc. Sa tisfactiloi> Puu>ii i . t Wala.'r, 158 Kinig Street, cîîrîu'r iOnta rie st.. towmin i iiii. :17 -1. WANTED-Exorieuceul fruit anduigt- ,,-ral ro. u c,' mii.>>>lSi>ther, grade andi paick li classes farni rodIuc,' rnaiy' for retai Iil un tribIu tous. Johin Fisnher, Box 1511,.Wlil.y. >Ontario. 27-1. HEMSTITCHING and PICOT EDGING Ordiîrs taîken for Plt'ating. Prices riuoiii.Work goaranteoul. Otnt of tîiîvmuo> rers romnpti9 attenided to. MrÊS. Rz. tiollîs. Liberty St r-e t. omnile Phuoune'561. 23-4 WANTED-Largest oruanizatioiî of its kn ni n I'a îîî îa rqi>ires two 300 g me'nm frîmi tarin or tewn te eomîîlete its coun- 13' orgaizio (i. Sales ex l>rieticeuin- un.iir a, orgaization trais itu> owf mi,-mu J>,,s ilion s arepeîrmoanen'it w> t hex- u.'l,iit î.îîîurtmuii's fuir uîiaiiconmit. l'r,'smut ilarge.blit>se .ss no;iî'ats o asily. .lust i1w conenot $180)weokiy fîrst nit h. A lly in fi rst honstance Consol- iL> t ilA i ert isimu Agomu cy, 71 R ici>mond! W.. Toreonito.26-2w Lost LOST-Ouu iiroaiifroue Bowmnî ileto i onsaa,îî Sutiday :ftoriieon, girls bimuilt-bizr wutii crest W. S., aiso motor ruug. 1h' îur,. Ke'mosha I bouse., Cites - are> 27-t- STRAYED-(in Sunîiay. Juiy 1, on to L.ot 6, i onu.',ssiom 4, liarlington, 3 two- yi'.r-oli cattle. Owner May have sanie )îy pîrov intgliriperty and liaying exuens- N ,'elson W~ilkinsî, Phonie 146rll, Bow- n anviln .27-1w CATTLE 5TRAYED--Came on prem- ises. Lot 11, ('on. 3, Cartwritrlî, on or aboeut dune 26thu. four yearling cattle. Owîiier niay have saine by proving pro- îîerly andh payinq expenses. Lutherl aloutitjey. R. R, i, Burketomî. 21-3 For Sale TENT FOR SALE-Largo siz,' nmarque n goo.i condition; bargain for quick sile. Frank -Willihanms, siuî'er St ,, Bow- nianvilie. 25-4 FOR RENT-Stimnuer cottage at Whl- i ams Point, Lake Scugog, for month of .1 il y. A. W. Pickarîl. Boivmanvilhii. P'hone 185. 26-tf FOR SALE-Tvo good i iik cowNs. one frcsiienvid 2 nioiiths, omne (tue in Octoiter. Apîîiy U.Il.lerron, % >milieiwost cf Court- ce omi Kingston> RUQd. 27-P* HAY FOR SALE - 40 acres staniidng Tu ouothy hiiy. Wul libe sl ho lots of 5 ace r nmore'. Terni., cash. 1). Mclon. îuuchie. iiowmanille. Phone 213. 27-tf FaR 5ALE-Te'um heavy liorses; set Iu.':vy t, an> hari'es-s.,2 agons. set cf slýighs, cmi lbo X. grav.'i bx. Apply i 1ý roi> a curu', R. R. a,. ownmalii i le. 27-P* FOR SALE-10) acres, 7 room liouse. diouble 'giarage amidi hem> hiuse, or willi exohango ffor bous>' in towii wlthout murtgag,'. Alipi1y J. W. Aiiernethy, R. R. 2, flowmanviihe, or J. H. Albrrnetlîy,l C'oncessioin Street, i2owmanmvii,-. 2- To Let FOR RENT-Apartmnent. 3 rooms and bathrooni, shed, ground floor, separate >'itrance. Phone 685. 27-2* Music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A. T.C.M. etc. Pupis preiiared for aIl examinations. Private and ciass lessoris at moderate rates. Bowma nville, Ont. 40-lyr OFFICE CLOSED Dr. Bell's Office will be closeti tram June 28tb until Augusb 131h. KAWARTHA BOYS' CAMP $5.00 per week 21 miles north of Peterborough at Stoney Lake. Under supervision of D. A. Loomis, Physical Director, Y.M.C.A. For folder, C. P. Borland, Bank of Toronto, Peterborough, Ontario. C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Authar of: Optometry Feature Service The Child and Its Development Specializing exclusively in muscle anomalies, eyeslgbt anti glasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Disney BIdg. Opp. P. 0. Osha wa, Ont. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN Friday and Saturday - JuIy 6th and 7th 3 On a Honeymoon Witb SalIy Eilers Zasu Pitt&, Henrietta Crossman. Chapter 3 - "CLANCY 0F THE MOUNTED" - and Comedy Matlnee Saturday at 2.30 p. mi. Mondas> and Tuesday - July 9th and 1Oth The Lady- for a Day becomes Queen ai Wall Street May Robson in another magnificent performance ln You Can't Bguy Everything Fox News - - Comedy Matince Monday at 2.30 p. m. Wednesday and Thuraday - July 1llth and l2th - .- Claudette Colbert,, Herbert Marshalila Four Frightened Peo pie Comedy - - Novelties Matlnee Wedneday at 2.30 p. m. la Cla'ss"l*fied Ads Thank You Mr. Oea. James & Staff, Statesman Office. Bowmianville, Ont. Dear Sirs:- A unamiaus resolution was passed by the Centenial committee of The Township of Cartwriglht exprersm.g their most hearty Vhanks for your great kmndness and support in helpmng ta make CartWrighlt Centennial a success. Youî's very truly Wm. Beacack, Sec. of Committee. CANADIAN LEGION STREET DANCIE BOWMANVILLE Thurs., July 19 9 P. m. to 1 a. mi. (D.S.T.) Musc by GEORGE WADE and bis Corn Huskers with The Red River VaBey Cow Boy ONE ADMISSION CHARGE f25C - ONLY - 25C Cash Prizes for Lucky Ticket Number. GAMES AND REFRESHMENT BOOTHS 1