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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1934, p. 1

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'14 - I ~With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville NewsNMBR2 VOLIJIE 80 BOWMANVrLLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 5th, 1934 NI________ !FEDERATED MALAY ISHPUNO ica aoi PASHRMDY PIZ WINNERS AT $800i FrdCrdrmnSTTS OARA 1yPUBLIC SCHOOLS i ae Fred CryPrsderm n STATESROARIA IFor Bragg us 268 ARE ANNOUNCED i olce ic Insalld resden .LD. GTO asPCeA 15,00R ilesn uIim Co nOutstanding Pupils WiilR.eeve stnsa e tDu at Rotary M eeting- nD rh mC wad o Exceptionjl Srvce Address Local ClubPatYr Retiring President Tommy ]Bowmanville Rtr Club i ex- Officiai Count Made At Or- Wrnners of prizes in the various Citizens Respond pedd Ross Reviews Work of ceptionally fortunate this week in ono - Total Vote In Dur- ** rooms of Bowmaflville Public Sehools Iy to Triennial Cleto Past Year - Rotary Car- cheon on Friday. Rotarian L. D. ham Was 13,621 plis inach room.esWinners in the - More Thanr hrdo Gamrnans of the Federal Malay Etac ls ilb ulse ers Txs Nw I nival Postponed to Wed- States, who came no less than 15,000 Acodngt heofciicun o ae Class, high et at thed- Tw Accurdinm oteofil ontyfr m sTxesr miles to attend the Rotary Internat- E* tiie Provincial a th En neda, uus 8htonal Conference in Detroit laS lcin .J rgLbrl as trance Tests-Olive Ward, Russel week. Mr. Gammans came the great siveoatm.rdatoe,6 over M$t48Sift Lrao;tMiss Jennings' Room-Kayi ' T ae vr$800bsbe The PreSident's gavel. yblos dsaci!ayRoaino h . Elliott, Coriservative. The finllNii in îeîr collected by Tax Colleto rdF- the highest office in the Rotary Club 8000 attending that vast gathermng. counit was recorded at Orono with Miss Collacott's Roomi-B yr on tinson on the 1934 taxe~ h r u was fonnally handed to Elect Pres- Rotarian L. D. Gamxnans is a the County Returning Officer. Char- Cafr.CalsHa.salnn !wuhcm u nJn ident Fred Cryderman at Frîday's charter member of the Rotary Club les McNeil, presiding. Miss orChrs Rom-H az lmth.ohisi apprnteytea luncheon O! the Club .Presidenit o! Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay MetoainmesosotscatmMo ris'ey (m-azelAier as wah s eceived n:efrtisal TOMMY Ross, retiring head o! the States. and has been honorary sec- 1ra a 1,2,adweediu-Missr ickudeyt's Rom-Keitsl enast ear, odn Q.atws h club, presided at the opening. retary o! that club since it was or- eurhamflwas-,61,and .22,Elluott mon, k Nora Fagan. f ir- ent st y tw o nalmet ndt Roaran er Vrgnand Fred gnzd' 98 ehsis eetY5,964, and Cotton 1,425. Miss Bragg's Room-Jean Pattin- is the f irst o! tliree.Asantero Vanstone were honored on the oc- resigned f rom the Malayan civil ser- ~Wf entdta nfiilr-sn ahrn pne.fatteaoesi ersnscn casin o burhda ceebraion, eah vce.Hon. Peter Helenann compiled by The Stae1a Miss Bunner's Room-H o wa rd siderably more than atido h receiving bouquets o! !lowers. Rotarian Gammans was born in ttattataxtono!te on hehi Chue amog th ites o!busnessshowd th Libralcandidate to zsi____________ odn. Douglas Harnden. Che mn h tm fbsns1895. He joined the army in 1914 a asghint.esrvceo te!t-oaeta25adaltge isaxatisoonHave ons,$257o.fw thtedet so transacted was the changing of h ecn itnn theheRoaliilderlgvernMeterifor the at en Beoedth LbealC mî htmn iieshv ae d date o! Rotary Fair !rom August îst Atlr ni one ttebti eran fovrnmerly mor ter ai>. The officiai returns for the various IBern Gman issoe '1seRoOm-Fre ns-bant ae o tevns mdeos.l to Wednesday, August the 8th. 0w- ArsOilleunin 1916. earte t e to rsundrering goverment, Hon.polling division are as f ollows: o KuaL.npu FD ratedMan - rissJdy hal e quoa-r sr al)btayenftho! fuil axswhn h ing o te Witb Clu's arnvaldu instructuctror ain ffan rsPo!!icersnis ePeter E is. rfKtaarLmpugFtoraepro--risB.uC.WhlE.(eMal) oncing . eteWib lbsCria dtyraingsch at St. John's Wood. vincial politieis ta aid Ontario Prein.-Cak 876 134 694- 182B ay States. who cm 15,000 miles to Miss Sargent's Room--Sheila Wil- f!irstinsitallinent becam de conlit Pin i Dvit traininglaresahendlte-RcameItrainlsnDnl ofam chatresidtenmtJingadvitrokIn 1918-20 he was conmected with ier-elect Mitchell Hepburn. Heenan Newcastle 242 20 153 - 89B atten teroit aIt eat s ional SOfl. D onlWol!am.-Do TLh c ai stuton musbe get n dcarge -idCouncoslwwhodpasveeddthe -b504E pro- ducd reidntRos wo elveedada at Kingston, Ontario, as gun- lands and !orest in the Hepburn Darl'ngton 1171 206 609 - 562B oadesBwanil oayCub Quick, Audrey Martin. vuig fo oeta n pa yment o bis valedictory address. nery instructor and riding master. cabinet. Bowmanville 768 213 1156 - 388E on Friday. South Ward School vidxes eacbmyea.ten tha t h Mhttr. ossepreed tethog itIn 1920 lhe was appoxnted to the Port__Hope__1219__366_811__-_408B_____Miss Pickard's Room-H-azel Wood, town bas somie $48,00bcryo 1htt itegraettigi Malayan civil service. He was dis- $~P Hope 1219 366 811 - 3418B A GROVE 1 Billy Spencer. with through the yerutlni iotary vas the local club, and ini the trict off icer at Port Dickson for two TYRONE Hopewrig 46 1290 575 - 262EMALE local club were three important eaduîandainwrig6tl212 90 474 - 262E e - --0, Miss Barton's Roomn-Muriel Me- lustalment on Septme 2h tb aearnepoga s and n196he was n avl on aertish Cavan 411 117 522 - 81E 'Donald, Frank Piper. whlch wiJ.l not necesiaeborwn !ellowsi In the year past tea- Empire Exhibition at Wembley. Mr. Floyd Dudley attended Mil- Millbrook 143 32 222 - 79E Miss Ruth Fogg, Town, has beenI Men's Canadian Club Prize for atthena ndale uiiiItr tednehad been excellent, with a Prom 1927 until just recently lhe iayCamp atPort H-pe-4>--- visitingi Miss Audrey Cowlainnsidrabl -ecord of 93.39% for the year, which bas been in the Malayan co-opera- Messrs Harry and Frank Hath- FINE ELOCUTIONIST ed thea mpton Aier aryed-on ry at the Final Tests--Olive Ward. nhes.mthoIo!clea tngtaesra sto be a record for the club. Under tv oitesdprmn.erly. Dixie, spent the weekend at .Sudthaydmpo nesronna.Wme' anda1lu rze o nauguie.thofleqtw a ebr ..h gudacguidancetrkeGo!ge RosscieiStrikenen. uGeorge ondy____________Clu______fo home.atdthete lamsmaes Go.Chae te pogamsMisasoetytWhee. Troto,2 Te PtebMriExminr ! Jne r Jcke LngmidOsawaohuoentsandngMnrCnauanHis- rw 0 met ts ees utiltheDe bAveprovn exellet an badunub a ew dys wth M. Jaes st contains the !ollowing reference spýet a !ew days visiting his cousin,1 ory during the ter- (1) Russel cember collection becaede.Tu haepae xelptadhdiuhenta edyswtMrJms to the daugbter o! a former Bow- Master Bobbie Stevenis. Short, (2) Ruth Cryderunan. it was paying out thouad !dl cernet a inerfeelng ad a rJa em pe Strie.nee Irene M. Holand, who was on- Thelma and Lyra Freeman are t- 1 by Mrs. J. H. H. Jury-Hazel Flint. the bank, whieb are nwsvd h As a club Bomanvifle was noted quilting and sewing bee in the vestry sidered one o! the best amateur el- tending the C.G.I.T. Camp north o!f - wonel response totefrtol !or its f ellowship and under the 19- i on Thursday.. ocutionists in Ibis district, some !ew eonletnisaoasgu!iprvg Delvers Is iiq Mse Bert Findley. Thornhill. i ern eto sas i 1334 committee this reputation *~ "' atr 1i years ago. The article says:-At the Misses Nellie Snowden and Susie Q *itimes. 't is prooftatteela had oeen well naintained. During1 holidayung __ hs rnfahr r. joint County Convention o! the W. and Annie Laird are enjoying well u t rs a n new confidence in tefuue n the yeme the club had lost three TI. ~ L Edward Virtue. ... C T. U. for the counties o! Peter- earned hoîidays witb their respective Q une uude t tat those who are iong r il mmesadhad gained three new 1 *aiiks lHamptojn i Mr. Mackenzie, Toronto, is vistung boro and Northumnberland held at parents. in, and ready to, meetetabls ones. so th.ý* !le membersbip re- his sister, Miss G. Mackenzie at Mr. Lake!ield in the oratorical contest Mr. and Mrs. Charleton MeBrude te oe due. exrese ee stsfcto Wiltelisllvll PsoStewhe M. art'Ms. Ens . ise adwith f ive young girls competing, Miss and son Burton, Peterboro, vsited G rasthey eometaxes il lb ewi ineressed keetnsticin i had e llvlePatrPeahd MamSndeMra. Ernt AksendyVirginia Shearer, daughter o! Mrs. ber sister, Mrs. Clarence Tink on t compare Bowmanvlewtohr hentedr-intheigshe hand pcal tbmesr eenice a r.lySneBrooksd. setSud D. W. Shearer, Lakefield. The local Monday.H centres in the amourto aîo thelond din te yar toan espcaly t- 13fnlsra tMr. Iandie ros. odDdlyadhaving two silver medallats in their r à Sodnspn h wi a aydon S, a bas te pay. F.speeiaya eeto RRev.DrDr. PR. owP. dBowles dondeliveredMre oneh e r familytenatte he"durerthecn'cbrurc of hePienL.ere.frfunae inenearsh o! ctsinthate Btue ttownhiIs moreta o! the most impressive addresses o!; Gef adMn at Whitevale on Monday. group in the persens of aruei Hogarth, Hampton, andi attendled erofnth h the year.Sunday Anubendombeeon-n An.Earnsbaw. who won the local con- the annlversary. Lares. A recent f act publlshed iii theha thMr. ois brierlyrrevieedethe clb's IAn-.test last autumn and Virginia Mr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and finances which were in excellent daHrgasnvaryto Servicey st adon nd. 1 Shearer, winner o! the twin coulaI- baby Greta, have been enjoyrng a ing Sermons by Rev. G. Toronto Press showedtatte e codiio. s reidntli atede Mapo n r J.isIad2d. Ddle les contest. The two girls are eligible motor trip te Ottawa slghtseeing and R. C. McQýade and At- capita taxation in thatcI a ls cdth ein s'prend entbete Cn-e ilatdushMr.d anciyan FodMrshw, J . radDd Itecompete in the Provincial Gold enjoyed it very mucb. te $550. The per eas atxainl tePresi tdnaN S .,cretarys Con rillaintsunahind e nd caaiy anBm d, okilswa. Mr. Gald Medal contest in October. Mr. Bert Harburn, Miss Bertha tend Prograin of Sports reacheci by dividingtenubro Leene t rdoia NCYthae s- cRoreAin retdstelSnaY Br. ad, Brockie, spet onayatarburn and Mr. John Searson. the population into thettlaon ri onfrence at St. Caharnefordol AfflivlnsY SthelOfortMr.Jame Dudy's andlcti International Con*erencle Hampton on Sunday, and gloriaus Mr. and Mrs. Ca. H. Staples, Mr. 1 rnfrvstd h omrsbo and Concert on Monday o!ftaxes collecte; she gji e and ùleeahe and another large erowd en- . .tber-iua-law, Mr. Leslie Colacott, an mucla every man, womnac cidl last week in Detroit. The year about . Howard and Miss Gertie Staples, CNDA EINSna.reurc 0pylitxs te close, had in many ways, been the 3ioyed the fine prograun: sports. sup- Anigusville, Man., are visiting bis CNDA EINSna.rlurd opyi happiest ini the l1e, hie said. and he per andi concert on Monday, Damin- brother. Mr. Wm. Staples andi calling BAND 18 POPULAR Mr. Frank Foley, Victoria, B. C., Sunday and Monday witb ideal In Bowmanville Iîl lfrn expesedsicee ppecitin f heio Dy.on old f riends. AT MA4NY FUNCTIONS spent the weekerld wltb bis cousin, weather Haydon anniversau'y ser- story. The total ta:ainla$2, exrvelssd sier pcation o! hdbenThe on Day.wà cmfrtbl Mr. Howard Foley. They also visit- Mues were well attended. The ser- 741.68, whlch when dvddb h privileged to receive from every filled on Sunday uorning for the Sas. Rirîvda r. H MtetnS omnilesCnda ed Mr. and Mrs. Mark Blackburn, vices as usual were held in the en- population. 4080, aI thel ess member f the Cub. In oncludig servce whie was coducte Ssk., ariOroneMronJ.Haturday.B closedle'sheddibeautl!uonllaudday.rlosed geveseatiperlcapîtaaedtaxationpee!aponl membr o theClu. I conludng ervie wichwas ondcted by 1ev. on Monday and will visit ber daugh- Legion Band la fast gainlng Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Moifo andi for the occasion. Rev. G. C. R. Mc- $30.82. In other wrsIdvda Mr. Ross prorniseci o-operation and Walter Rackbam. the pastor. The ter, Mrs. Garnet McCoy, Cobourg, a popuîarity that la gettmng daughter Marlon, Mrs. Witt Orlon, Quade. B. A., B. D., e! Oshawa was oavectesarpylgny suportta heineomlng president, school choir numbering about 100 and other f riencis. krabohsvi I Bwnnilectzs who had beefl a lifelong member. renderued sevéral fine selections. with Mr. Arthur Brooks anci daugr.terd j I. John Trimbthe Essexoanev.cQuaes, ach bout 60% o! what Trnectz At the conclusion o! bis address Miss Nora Hern capably presiding st Evelyn. North Battleford, Sask., are the Band under Bandrnas- R. D. Trunable, on Monday. ed a moit lnpin sermon onl When Ibis f acî s igstetef the entire membersbip rose and sang the piano, and Mr. T. 'Salter direct- visiting bis parents Mr. and Mrs. ter Fountain bas playeci aI Mr. Ray Snowden, Toronto, spentFal" that our hydre ratesadwterts "For Hes a Jolly Good Fellow," and ing. The special preacher for the day George Brooks, Mr. Brooks bas net nurnerous engagements, the holiday with bis parents here. IY. Belle! in God, Secondly, Belle! are hlgber than in thectde e thred.rouasng ceers nat m ifolwSrev Dr.nJes Suc eplevo!lBridne been home for 23 years. each and everyone wtb 'Mrs. Snowden and daughters, who in Goc as interested ina us. Thirdly, selen bad after aIl tiien presented Mr. Ross with the o! the outstanding preachers o! the W. M. S. wll holci an afternaen tes great credit. The series spent a f ew days here vislting hier He does tbings in an orderly way and ___ PLst Preident's Badge. Bay o! Quinte Conference. At the on Wednesday, July 111h at 3 p.m. starteci witb the Cartwright parents andi other relatives, return- lastly, Complete abandonnient o! --MNET The nw president. Fred Cryder- rnorning service Dr. Semple preached in the S. S. room. Good prograira is Centennial, and was follow- cd borne with bina. our facilities and powers te the ob-PR MN N UTLTE iuln, !crmaily toik over is duties a brillant sermon from the text: being prepared after wb.ich tea wUll ed by the Decoration Day Quarterly service and Communion servance o! His wlll and purpose. A MANAGERINus . vr4en Mr. Rois vacated the chair Zechariah 8. 4-5, "There shaîl yet i be served. Everyone la invited ta Ceremonies, a supper at SI. was observed Sunday andi Paster vocal solo by Mrs. C. Woelings ac- aüd banded over the gavel. Mr. Cry- old men and old women dweli in the 1 attend. George's, Newcastle, a sup- Wolfraim preacheci fareweil ser- oompanied by Miss Marion Orchard FORMER LO A B Y drman in a very brie! speech ex- .treets o! Jerusalem, and every man -- per at St. Andrew's churcla. mons. Sorry te lose 11ev. and Mrs. was enjoyed by everyone. The singing - pesdappeiain o! the honor with bis staff in bis band for very THREE NURSES OBTAIN REG. N. Hc ontsa thersr, C lream thunevr sucoe sbuthenw !leld Miss Gracerwlnoathe spolnaaihFred G. Prout.One Tm jea c ererred bythupon ndbie An tebyretthe clubt shllcandrs agtee.ea ofndrn the sccstreetsi nw fo! Misthec Tcitya th shaoan P dged himnsel! 10 the service o! the be f uli o! boys and girls playing in Atherenex iaiofrIe Barley Camp and in Mem- and we welcoine Rev. and Mrs. Smnith Mr. Authur BQech, violinistt, as 0f Electrie Llght latHr anization, and ased for the saune the streets thlrof"Rev. J.tM. eruonto Nes inibn ore r- aal Park. The bandsrnen o! Janetville te aur circuit. greatiy te be comaended and refl- Dies in MempiTnu e ________~- cets ucJ.cMedtRteiMitrMarlon r- BrureOseriTetheonPro- arty co-pirtve Ipirit as had Whyte, retiring minister o! the En- vneo naith olwn u- look snappy in their new csmhcrdtoMisainOrBdevr1 nic fOtro tefloignr blue and golci unifarurs and Mrs. J. J. Moriarty, and family, chard, aur traîner, During the off- acoorded the retiing president nisklllen Circuit, pronounced the ses who are graduates o! Bowman- wl e igM.A ec aoeiwt ayo h ie edr n i the past year. President Fred benediction. vleHsia riigSho o their prograins are wl e Spingfield. O., vlsited at Mr. David rnM.A.Behfvedwta Mnyoteél t n introduceci the new offieiers for A h ve'gsricvh h ilure Hspitlere aines S lfrfu elved every ime they make Davis and wlth other f riendsintw violin solo. especially those inaBwavlewl 34t h ae fieJl A t ganhenereninsenddvuice wich irss Anere uîey, owmnvile eapublic appeararice. on Tuesday. Mr. Moriarty walaTe gathering !llled the learn with regret o h elao n,.tfi E. iChase. Fred Cr'j- - ---~ -'-" -"c' ~ Ms lr.f ormer Superintendent o! theGod- shed. Rev. Mr. MeQuade gave an- Mr. Fred G. Proutt,Carmnete recto-s--'e Mr. Kermeth Cavrly's lovely oiceyMirs Tiree&ClubbeNeCaspaey.eaotTir splendid Cseanon, basr sgebisd citmoBoardi e!hWatery Coarissfon- rmaai, I. G. He!key, W. E. Groves, beard te fine advantage in a vocal Miss Darotby Caboon. Bloomfield. L. Elliott, T. H. Knight, C. T. solo, "Just as I am." Dr. Semple ________________________________reixuarks on "Jesus as the shadow o! ers, Memphis, Tenlscwopse ss, Frank Williams. Secy.-J. R. preached to, an evl langer congre-______________________________ a great rock ina a weary land. " The away recellu the ehditHs utt. r.-. W. Jewell. Sergt. gation Ihan in the mrigf rom the Balson Maie Quartette, Moen, f avored pital In that cltyalealogI- Arns-zarle Cunninghaml. Song text in Matthew: 18-2. "And Jesus ihtonmesadM.C.Wl-es Orfryya ader-A. R. Vingin. called a litIle chilci unto Him, and~ ings also sang a solo . leavlng Higb Seboolwredl h de schooes"deCommercial MorriRssuDts On Monday afternon, sports were Bell Telephone officewe Pau reidri p .Mori. D e i r hemdte hi. e .a îuc~.arnied ouI. Haydon boys vs En- Thomas B'nigbam wi; chre.H sersn io E naead t he pinatorm s tasfthe!u Lowe c o la d C m eca o s x m n to eut 1 ecg m w vrwsvr uhil Tnehmfcers attending f rom , 3w- playm -ee:John uraig, a busis aesseaipansy 1Hrper,.La--- - BineS ----Forma, . 16- - - ----,-1U mavulewee:Major G. C. Banny- man ,Merwyn Crydenman; Mrs aene Klxnble (Alg.) Donolhy Knox.aue Splng usupso!M.CH.DdyA. M.PutvsmaldanJI castie. Major C. R. spencer, Major Cralg. bis wife, Miss Rutb Johns*, Harvey King, Fred Laphan (Lat. Business Law, Rapici Calcuae x, INLIN ETC.M., F.C.C.M. : Prnffly Singlg- 15, 90ol Miss Laur aeYrod A. H. Buisaîl, Major E. Sith Fer- Miss Besnlît, 1itr cousin, Florence Fr.), Ruth Logan (LaI. Fr.), Mary Business correspondteuie, Office Ira tbe Slgnalllng Test recently Jas. Hanceck, honoasW B1emertary 1 dauglaoter o! Mrs. eo bbrd AHa. Pracbrthesch. hevey e- drmathMrieShanan becnicenl, Talor Beyllbomsan Brce ypenitnsArlhmelcRapd Cl- ennttSydaeyCasouraeDonld iif gusoxu, ieut. J. selby Spencer, andi Burn; Eugene Windsor, a stunnlng MAllisten, Charles Mellveen (Lt. Hi Pral nih iactice. b ei tedHg: olte!lowJ'gn-wnrdRo ard. as; WhIy, acait ae hp ben Capt. p oyd Dudley o! Tyrone. young man, Douglas Raekham, Jus- Fr.), Helen Merdera, Evelyla Roberts, Hlda HallB-sinessLa, Leraturhi, e, 'ng reed: cae -HrodElemenýtary..Plane - Ruth Jms aeoe h eehnh en in Hollins, a cross olci man, L. Cry- Jean Rundie (Alg.>, 1Ila Sutan, r- Spelllg, BusinssV', 1 an operater n Bovvill n h joyable andi profitable !lsblng trip Helen Knox; Olga Sundberg, a, real Yeo cllon uiesCoM.pdrae areoOwr agn o Gtl- ulsO! Mr. J. Abert CalteAiraWltb. Mioss îderavra avn l~ hliaywhn lay euuiy-flrt Einr yks;Mn MConaek ,.,~*,,,,,~ office Pi'actice. edU, William James, Bert Jahnston, C. ....:Irtkeit l n tehem issa n Porotwd ed awrv out somewhere north a! a business man, Norman Clemens; VnUte nss or, nsses; Law, PeUlflg. Bui hes MpenceEe Fredel, Chna- -da Anipaders; Elementary israorga calnetrI adte t Peterbor . Goilb var eer tell Kaîberine. the mali, Grace Caw- pises-Gairls, Helen Glan- Frm uiesLw eaa- e pneBi wnel, es t o-MaBena Dey.fighhraI clas or-MisMrge Proutt th ,a ocaîlfi. eranwyIatekr r FrLvrn mn; Witlng Prship, Rapici Calculation. Business Taylor, Claire Wakelin, James gt, ors, I lht. honor, Heln abu. Pyer o lle emn the0xor m o c ass lhA y brougin lthe Guar rd, Lyd WlbCox. sville; Boys, Owenl Pagan. Correspondence. Woodward.WghonrIaacanba-butaeaaoadIalascoo h0ormrdsSl1lak ed sthey preone tThe fan Loy ial sutaa!. n- Recommclded-Tom Gatéhell. Ruth Holne&-SpelllilK, Business Morse Certtfioates--Robei't Clark. ors; intreductory Piano--Eleaaor <ays was a constatcnnonf weighing 2 84 lbo snd measufflg over nlversary were mesî gratifying, totalî1M C M Il teoro MjoForma, Buskeeiness a0, e.uAnihSbi, CII JohnHall, R LwrIcfvene ja,asWgthoosIrrouaySholKna Mrlraow!Mebs 16 iixuesi. wile Howard's bet proceedsa amountlug te appreximate- ltGcandidatesOYCocBakeelg.8cog ph, rlh. isoJbnNal avec Rhcr iaoL wsTral hnra on .Glflan o Weighed ip 1b5. ly $35000. Betty Kni>. melia, RapidCalcultaien, 'Busines Harry Traylor. cniae ulesu.Ooe

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