PAGE TWO THEEcANADiAN STATESMAX, BOWMANVILL THURSDAY, JULY 5th, 1934 neutral nations, f urnished part of the food and eqIl "THE MAN WITH TH-E SCYTHE"P On a green in a pretty English village stands a gun. ~ "- Establlshed 1854 A brass plate inforrns the onlooker that the gun was A WveekIy Newspaper devoted t the interests of the town captured f rom the Germans during the Great War. al BowmavliI n urudfg country, isaued at King on another portion of the gun ;<aete"bas lt Street, BowmanVillIlevr Thursday, by M. A. ae bearing the rni !teEgis imwihmnuf ac- :ons, owflers and publishers. The Canadian Statesmnan le tured the guns. in the Dardeflelis the Turkish Army__ ameniber of the Canadian Weekly Newpapers Association, moedonBiihtop thEgharler ilythereclanaai20aya;l h J, Sae, Fac eeatce te ar byeppielisorto aise th CIass A" Weekies ai anada.Germnan soldiers were trappedi bybaed ir odt SUBSCRIPTION RATES France by Germantautrers, and England and *2.0 syea, ayable in adaync. Single copies, 5 cent. h Fr e nc im a u pid te auT.fU .1, THURSAY. ULY th, 934f the havoc of war-of the killing and rnaiming of THURDAY.JULY5th,1934millions of our youth. of the shattering o! homes, of the famine and pestilenceilegtoinainad Brngn Eucton Up To Date de-to.uePomenlt and depression which are7 BriningEducti eflaion unepIo its aftermfath.-it should not be necessary to speak, s0 Dr.Frak . BllU, upeinendntof Public closely is it upon us. Canadians want no more of war SehOl inth Dstrcto!Columbia, in the course and yet they remnairi as patrioitiC as ever. True patriot- o!anadIes vr ttin C as.ng0, n ism is that quality o! thought and action which seeksZ 1 Qi1I June 241h gave some interestiflg f ats COMparing the to promnote and maintain the wellbeing o! one's coun- With acknowledgerneflt to the famous pcue nee o eluatontoaYwith that o! years gone by. try. War is the worst possible state of beiflg. The real -Strube, in The Dail Express, London. In view of the of t repeated assumption that much traitor therefore is he who contributes to it, directiy of our modern education is needless and useless, we or indireçtly, by seeking to inclease ils itmplements. quot frm D. Bllous adres. hichhe as ind The move to have armamient manufacturiflg taken qnug o efosre alo' drs.whC ewsknd us!romi private corporations and made onîy a govern I H I 4a d I T N I S in part Dr. BaIIou says: *A century ago it was the ment inlustl'y in case of war. should recelTEve andDITA T Ae piaypurpose o! education to teach everybody to heartiesi o! support f rom Canadians. Privatemn___________________________________ ria ndlarYih esnbe ereo roi- fcue fammns rvd--er onr it WN FVEYASAFIFIY YEARS AGO lency. To a very large extent that verl desirable pur- those cilizens who will at al l imes endeavour to pro- TE EK G pose has been realized. if education today were limited mt a nentoa feeling, to increase the out- Frm The Statesnf, July st, 1909 From The Statesmian, iuly 4th, 1881 As* to the three R's. it woulcl be as inadeqUate f or the put of their industries. The marriage o! Miss Gertrude Much sympahyi expressed for a ANre you satished to edsof~nercan ii eat th preent inieas moebadnteriatlnal acompishilenl by yle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John local young couple ho lef t theirh t B I rom c n ene e? betecovered wagon,th horse car, h t oc, which il will be singled out in bistory, should be its Lyle, to Mr. Robert H. Elliott. Tor- Parental roof to establish themselves th pinfl helan oite al otte ,ie efforts towai'ds world peace. Let those who live now onto, was quietly celebrated on Wed- in housekeepiflg and returned next doJ: &u ahoo o v nin e plac. cadies bow andarrWs, ellsand UmP5 ope Upthe bride's parents. Queen Street. attention to a stanza written in 1837 And without up-to-date ktchen facilities orotemde unte Ifbugsmolat e whn i bedanle. equiemets tateunnng wteronatr omeeiU nstntl th e fl il an th e o g ca in . u til a last tha f rcasst theeeforceseeko! ptheR efeJohwhorbseekf te Mpro-isReor.tJohng idan c:ultq io!m ethethMethodistw a erfory otheirn eguidance:n t "Today we have advatnced f ar beyond that imited fit by' the orlds despair are routed, andi peace and Church officiated. imabge availaeble ton >oulie purpose o! educat.ion, and are confronled with the security will have becorne our common lot. "Bbessed St. John's Anglican Churcis was Should. I quit m.y bed? No, not I. aeaalbetyu fundamental necessity o! developing a higher level are the Peacernakers: for they shail be calfled the the scene o! a pretty .,,edding on Id rout the vermin: every bug de- Prices have never been lower for Canadian-made Emco o! character among the young people o! our country. childref of God. ng a eertd0 isEa" New~ make my bed, and aIl ils sweets qult bathroolm equipment and Duro Automatic Pumping Inipnil ste rmstr ftetreR's is - Luttrell and Mr. John Cory Hodge enjo3'. Systems. ndlen ber ate ae ma ser of eucthr. h Worth While Family Reunions of Toronto. Rev. W. E. Carroll. rec- John Squair, B. A.. has gone on ay nolnetefundamental purpose o ! education . TheiIiet.N fundamental pruirse o tiontaisepl eaeTefficientf cil- y --unHitî home o! Mrs. Levi Çîa r iho hs been suf fering f rom to rea and wite, bt tha they lso bewell nformt. read severl hav beenaecorde in TeoSnatsman hppy evnoronJune 2rd. onths quiety passd awa eti in ideals o! social justice, which shoulti be ob- corin many more. They are real news. We want to Annie Beatrice, was united in mnar- Last Sabbath Rev. J. Dyke preaci-jTh DuoSeilP png ysmalCadnmde avna 1 h t w e c a n 10 p a y tr b u te 10 th e m e n a n d w o mn e n r a g e w th M . L u th e r T . C o u rt c e , T hee d a t o u c h i n g a n d effe ctiv e fare w elln a d e , a v in served and practised in democratic society. The es- do h1 Ebenezer. The bilde was given aw1ýay ~ermaouhan d efecivefarvMehisI capacity of 250 gais. Per l'Our, copete with 30 ga. Gavanizd Tank, tablisism ent o i h r i e l f s c a u t c e f t e p s .Lv her brother. M r. G eo. F. Annis. Chr o ! i th e iis t ive 25 or 60 cycle, 110 volt notor, costs only $85.00. pends on jncubcating in the hearts and mninds o! Canada has a history extending back over four while Rev. Thos. Brown, Lindsay, .rhOn Sa tuc,watemowedb peolethe * deas ! cndct hih untrei yar ani n.tri sfirst settlements were brCther-in-law o!flise groom. On M wsîery, ea o awrigisî Write for frce ilustrated bookiets o yotlng compebling . ~~~~~iated, assisted by Rev. Jos. Bamnes o!f t ef o i ps ntsenrh Bathroofli EqupmCflt or Plumbing Suppie young eople he co pellin ideas of c nductwhich uande Baahrond O taFixtulr's WnsleyDeen oarCangrigh s al control their though s and actions. This is t se plante ti around th e village o ! Sandwich about one South Dar ingto fl circuit. bren pro ! i o t i the to n nd rn awa cobndtask o! the home, the church and the hundred and eigisty yeams ago. In thse seventeen- Tise WarrenfOtgan .iusaninstableti smashingitese democrat 10 pieces metomniedEpieîneti ad h Pn Js Ehiga le a yho m uesnts b oarnps school as well as ail other instrumentabities and con- iei. heUie1mir oaiî adtePn in St. Johns Cisurch was formally The isorses were unisurt.î thefbokin't ou.shD.tor o!Mic aeanogn eialncws helt in M. James Leask's jFOR SALE BY wîldmne5 ad thn bganbeautifulgoe one mile east o! d . i t i o n w h i c h a f e t t i e a t i t d s n i c t o s !n s f l a d t i s s o u g h t h e s o i n tis e U r sC a n a d a o p eo e oon i a v n on g ow h e r o f 1 . a J n e 2 0 h . a U n o n S c o o P c "If characler is to be one o! tise oucomes cf hundi'eds o! tisousands f rom the British Isles and o! great mert. Te choir o! tise Braciley's scisool. Six schols were u~ 1 of education, il imust il encompassed in the scope and Continental Europe. mhey have mnutiplied like sands church.' assisted by' înembers o! the representeti. Solina. En.fili, Brad- de! inition o! the purpose o! education. Heretofore on the sea shore. They have scattereti f ar n ie coro î te oa iuces es iceî o'eS nwl5 i the results achieved by pupils in the scisools may have anti huntiretis o! thousantis o Mm. Johwrei sn svra nthebysrJ. hagnei n Sumny mmeso!Wbig been too largely recorde ti term s o ! ac iievem fent in dents o ! the Am erican Republic. c mp n w t hs br t e inan St n de No. 19. S s o ! WE lnga ti subject m a ter represented by grades earned in the These re-unio fs serve to keep the mn in touch w ith c v. S. T. B rleth i , ,ottend i se l - 'o arad gd fo .di9ineS ervice n a theub in public schools and by grades anti quantitative units eac other anti enables them to maintain pritie in a tenational Epwvortis League Cn Primitive Metisodist Church where HEATING TINSMýITHI'.G in thse higis schools. Somnehow the results o! the pur- common ancestry. But they do more. They f urnisis an vention at Seattle. Wash. they xere addressed by Rev. J. Dyke. 1I t .Bwav su it o ! su b ject m atter an d of o th er ac iv ities in th e o p p o rtu n ity fo r u s 1 p ay trib u te 10 th e m en an d w o - m M r. an d Mliv e .Rick ard isa be eno id aren e f t e - Vbrt e f th e D r lîn- P o e 96 i school shoult i f d their way into tise activities, be- men o! the past who settbed this country, set UP apointeti teacher at Norths Toronto. ton, on July st. by Rev. W. R. Bar- EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO- LIMITED haviour anti conduct o! young people. The purpose homes in the wildemness anti le! t us a heritage wihich Seventy applicants wei'e in tise race Iker, Mr. R. A. Lee. teacher, anti Miss of education shoulti be redefinedtiVinclude the ideals .we shoulti ever che-isis because il came o us at te ttiseem RD r m agil oJ o ut.f! ha e- tu . Es. n a g tro .V r-D loS E TLL n o T rno W n ie a cu tu r re tfrom ,N ew Y rk C tJurth on :29 h, b tise wi e o J C. V an o! social justice. co-operative living, anti the priv- . price o! great sacrif!ie. Mr. R. NormanY ok itf o ar -t e ,B a st n -IsTy o e n3 ileges anti responsibiities o! good citizenship, in ad- aurne obo5Fibam rfiiny John Maynamd oth isisf h antn-y dto opeetintelectual achievementsandmn odA vc o ot Prizes awarded atishe high school stone. a son. ual skilbs." -Prizes-Clark Taylor. Edna Staples: crusheti by the cars on Monday Keep your stock f ree f rom libees bruises aprain ds. st05se- Dr. Ballou in these memamks ably mefutes any Atidressing tise students o! Tminity Coîbege Scisool. Miss E. M. Henry PieRt qarngt with Douglas' Egyptian Liniment. inga. contraction o! crs tîfnS statement that thse neeti o! education ta no greater Peterboro. a few days ago, Mm. E. W. Beatty. heati o! anti Elsie Bragg; Chairman Couch'5 S,~. Paulls S. S. hebti an enjoyable Removes inflamm.ation, quîckly me- o ons n oen to a ha twa af a ce tur go th of t, prizes for -iting-Neble Guy anti pinic at Erpingiam on Do mninion ____________________________________ totay hanilwasha enuy go.Yol O 0- tise C. P. R., gae the bos some excellent atiice. Queenie L.ay. Day. day is growing in a worbd totally different f rom that -Think for yourself.' he saiti. Follow thse things ______-- of tiseir fathers anti grand! atisers. anti those who which your own consciensce tells you are right-have- I n ot thatan h eo- go anr.Stiffen your spine anti wabk sm.artby. ïirI hert atiwh rco- ooi aaernd- - wealth. Healtis, 1. I%~t~ U ~ R.) ~. wisiis a me ely tise stae o! beîg hae, r wioleI uF-1 bave the interst i Y.U' a ---... nize in this intemeat a duty to their com.munity anti country, wibb agree with Dr. Ballouth iat tisis greater need o! education mnust have thse sympathy and aid o! tise comnmunity as a whobe. Caution in Civic Financing Bank boans 10 Canadian municipalities in April ast amnoufted o $138.842.143 as compareti with $142.- 419.136 a year ago anti a peak o! $154.014.947 in April, 1932. This is due 10 tise fart that Canadian munici- palîties are finiiflg a market for bieir bonds anti are usîng tise proceetis 10 reduce their indebtedfless 10 the banks; also that current tax collections have increaseti anti, coupleti with tise paymnent o! more money in arrears o! taxes, is enablîng muniripalities 10 reduce the amnou-nt o! their bank boans. One authority declai'es that muniripalities "must steel then"sebves 10 resisitishe temptation- to enter into new comirmrents before tiseir obd obligations have been mnet.' Indeethtie lesson o! tise past few years wibl have been misseti, municipally speaking u.nless there is a f ull realization tisatishe assuroption o! new undertakings shoulti be considereti onby in tise lîgist o! tise ability o! taxpayers to meet tise cost. Tisere have been many authomitative utteranres to tise effect tisaI municipaities shoulti operate only on a pay-as-yougo policy. Mr. Archibabti McPherson, presitient o! tise Ontario Loan anti Debenttiie Com- pany o! Lontion, is entiorsing sîich a policy. stateti that under sucis a plan mnunicipalities coulti go aiseati witis important capital expenditures anti pay for them aI a time wien citizens are prosperolls enougis 10 carry tise atiditioflal tax burden involved. Then. when business tendedti o decline anti peopie's in- comes were reduceti, tise gover'fing bodies wnulti be in a position 10 reduce their tax rates ant i gve e- lief. Sacrificing the Heritage of Humanity Toronto newsipapers a !ew weeks ago publisiseti iun- dreds o! gruesomne pictures o! tise Great War. One picture showeti a seven year olt ciilti, destitte o! clotises, raugist by tise camneraman as se a run- ning o rover lisougis tise umbledown doorway tisat 1-ati once been hem home. From hem scarreti anti wasteti body tise skin isangs in wtisereti fuits. Hem abdomen is disended by starvation. Hem enormnots heati ta out of ail proportion 10 tise rest o! hem bodiy, anti hem lbunteti eyes look out lisougis swollen lids. f rom a face as wîzeneti as an olti crone. That pirture migist be sald o represent war. The present campaigfl being Introduced.ti isotîgi ChUrOhes anti amiong ail tise better tiinkirig people for thse abolition o! war has brougisb to ligist many amaziSi situations. incongru~ousa as il mnay se-nm a true story is tbld o! Sir Basil Zaharoff o! Englanti, beW, 1g a subixiarine 10 Greece 10 protect ilsel! againsl the aggression o! tise Turks, ant i imediately cross- lng the Boahorus te sell one o Turkey 10 balance t1se scale. Durlng tise great war. Britisis industries, througrh "Y" zrl, anti Denmnark, bots weal:,h, wich is onby tise tate o!fisaving tings webb with you. Under Providence you can do a bot to mnake yoursebveS botis healthy and wealthy-no one can do more for you tisan you yourselves." Tisan you sourselves." Cant we aIl take a 1e.son froni Mm. Beattys words to tise boys? isere ta an oltisaeing, 'Frorn shirtisleeves to shirt- sleeves in three generations." 110w often we see it exemplif jet! Thse pioneer who. starling with no as- sets save iis own brawri anti courage, matie for him- self a place in tise comnmunity anti a conifortable living for hîs family, anti who at is deatis le!t is sons witis enougis te give tisem a faim start in ife. Thse son wiso, scisooleti as a boy in tise scisool o! com- parative poverty, carried on tise work o! tise !atisei anti matie tise sinaîl fortune grow into a great one. Then tise grantison, reared in tise lap o! luxury. witis no necessity urging isim o work, itiing anti spendîng until tise fortune fountieti by grantfathei' anti in- creazed by father ta fînally tiissipated, leavîng tise fourtis generation to start again at tise bottoni. How mnany bigist Youn.g men we a1l have known. spoiled by too mucis money. Those! Mr. Beatty rannot be given 100 mnucis empliasis. "No one can do more for you than s'ou youselves.' Support Your Own Merchants This da rtng wa e na eryisantiiiginsa massed whoare10tetietrînle nd tiercmandiernglocamrcsant Mo t o tse eienr fe sas eenloake ats s ftheinuiy sa isownhtiaise anufactrer atn'tise rourehave suffetiasathemmauftu!tie gadthebarain sae pu on. o-aslei a rgisu have crasti srginsavariuton.S orkell' homeais hand factoes. feI hasnbeeî ontetioutrepeeil tomsmougd aties olIt na sbe oied oat 10et iiedtiron i byes givin tise lonercatnd hom o ndiwinci w im youe calrutyorbuness arnti bradenIf yod suport cnrs, y alm r usnss a r o! tie co sunpot yobîfoanti mercaY oneo! yopartowf entis you are buildindgeUP all mne uf iyoprt aniemmu îy arfe.builing uha. tise nitsairio!andlomm! u it ie. YTisou dotheîntiliosisofr ratloto f oui 10 ties. e aganou fntersebigieareifent stores o toite froin istntemailofderisoues tey buyorean finti tisat istyarnot aîi ied. uets.Teysame me( indisate' cae hat atisoned.o! tise ma stori iyour commtnily at tise samne price. You will findth I local meicisant wîll tell you just tise true value an tise worth o! the merchatidise. He knows anti want you to get f ull value for your dollar. Wisy pabroniz tisose wiso are nol part o! tise comitsnity life anti wl are riot building up lise cominunity spirit? Peop] o! Bowmnanxille remember tisat bise local mnercisani are iseie'e you anti are wiliing 10 gve yc values. Do flot pass by tise store o! 1505e wiso ha' been paying business taxes, store ents, hiring loc help anti are an active part o! tise communlty lif Think bwice before you senti youm mnoney 10 clty stor who are responsible for sweat shop wages. ~h~k ~4~lnt J.> - ANSWERS number o~ gardens thL-, season. It QUESTIONS A~D 1 ~ sisowiflg itself on roses anti some ByW E roves, ilowmanvilie perenniaba. Our ativice ita 10 use tise Foblwtfl ar som o!sisepie reînedy. sulpistr. It is easy à . Fý'1ýýiEgr on ftequest- ~m at iientai.n ui ions we have been aketi mecently. 1to applyan hlnoadiguc Thse replie..; may iselP many reatiers t3 tise beauty o! a plant il soon of The Statcsinan.washes o!ff. We recomîinenti sulphiir v r Fo m f Why are mny roses mnaking. a gooti flour for tise purpose. lb can be tiust- j n>~hebusisesWerekil ed on iece a dretiger or' even tfh Ev ry For o Ifon Tise grunti vame iet1ner- fecteti parts muaI be covered anti N SaRN C lyt h roe st cibng rortiînary attack o! multew wîll quick- they outd not bloom thîs sea.soîlsb ietoyt itstii iml Tise growtih being mratie wll i>e next home remety. To tis.e who want to; year's f loweriilg wooti anti il shoult of Ysomeurtising new there isa fo b b norgdt rvan iefo! oul nwtr TetaenreL we can help you W e are agents for the f in.est fire, I varit pioe Ifteposiltis ae tise oo. Wettable Sulpisur.' If a large num- jtheft, automobile, accident, and lUfe Insurance -bock is imaLI;npotie gotianti ot ber o! plants have 10 be reate t ilcompanies in Canada. Thus, from our office YOU tis trevneis ayrsbuhea s poal sir1 pa hnd can soîve ail your insurance probems. Stop by and~ hae tbeen kietiesb ak vroseveey anti in tis case uwe %oulti recon- t.iss la i nter, tisougi i is quiteleusavi y. Tishis maybe tok ium only a few plants are involvedth ie________________s pos-ible tisat tise briar sok zob idustn p____sth iipestad vîve dT his Y c grow th n w o - - sti n r c al.~ tse sm l at a t .e!,ieà. 1' shoulti not be diffîcubb to mo-t J enomA SO N &* S'- decide as 10 wisetiser tise shoots are Laugis but bel tise Aorldi laugis wier is ln asbucitesIftissa sn îiabefrtsspg. Phone 50In ra eAg ts ow af li a r c ieng fo e ts p t wîth ou - when you 'see or lhears r n e g n s B la bise case tisey sisoulti be all taken potcr jt s away, but if theme is even a very lit- ps-adi ou tle bit o! h! e above tise buti it sisoulti be saveti anti encouragedti 10gmow. Beele re ruining rmy cucumnbers. Can anytistng bc done to save bsemn? tiatshuli econroetibfret Two Treads - One Beneath the Other. Tiatss s adestrutiveltle poeait get-s vemy murs o! ils teatily work coiie. lbhides away on tise untietasiteI io! tise leaf anti for tisaI reason s A t - k d t h a tM l s not always quickly locaei. Just as A t n k g o t â a t ? 1 6 soon as bthe insects are nobiceti a tiusting o! arsenate o! limne anti gyp- U umn is ativiseti. one-pat f arenat Sou nds Too Good To Be True îirne can betised if gypsuiinta But here it is in the SEIBERLING avaîlable. In dusting. both sitiea o! -tise leaeassoubti be covereti. Tlhis DUO TREAD AIR COOLED TIRE - Sei- Lr information ta given by tise Domin- brigPtne n hrfr aeb :k ion Entomological Deparlifent. antieln aetdan hrfr aeb wxibi murs other use! tsIatice on Seiberling OnIy. biste pests o! vegetables can be !ounti id un Bulletin 161. Copies may be isat We are very proud of this tire, and r-fmee by writing tise Deparîment o!fae orcm editt o oyu n Agriculture. Ottaw~a. egrt eomn tt o oyu ne Wisa will esroy tise in-ecîs on friends - to all who want a safe tire with Snowbail and somne otiser sisrubs. these remnarkable f eatures that cannot be i tisey look like Apisis. ataktan Lt Aphis in some aey tac bought a n price in any but SEIBER- e sisrubs anti for somne reason tisey are LING TIRES. partial to vibuinuffi. A nicotine so- o lut ion is usually effective in chseck-HghGaeM tr ilndG oie le inglthe peat. Any o! tise 401', nico- H At res Tt r e RiandGht.i it tine prepamatiions can be useti ar-tPiesTa reRg oucordirig to instructions given on tise botte, always adding a little soap ,ve to make tise solution stick. Evei'y ýa part o! tise shrub sisoulti be covereti c e A * D A R T LIET T fe. witi tise spray 10 do arîy real gooBOW ANVIL this includes tise untiersides o! tise O M N IL e leaves. Mildew appears to be botherlng a Ni