MWk JA AnTTAN TAT~7EMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THUR-SDAY, JUJLY 5th, 1934 PAGE MOUR TECNLII l«mn£L,£%vmiv ý 1 - - - . r r TUY cracklo lu CRENM THERE'S no other cereal like Kellogg's Rice Kris- pies. Bubbles of rice so crisp they crackle and pop in milk or creamn. Children, especially, like this fascinatiflg cereal. Wholesome, too -let themn eat ail they want. Fine for breakfast, lunch, or the kiddies' supper. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Listen!- This world that we're a livin' li, la mlghty bard to beat, For you get a thorn with every rose, But ain't the roses sweet? Ask Mother- She Knows Mother took thLis medicine be- fore and after the babies came. It gave ber more strength and e eg hen she was nerv- ousa:d rundown . .. kept ber on the job ail troughthe Change. No wonder she rec- ornmends it. LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND, " dbeCKAC hm à Liver andi Kidneys e. uoused b, fl w' you're on a h youre havin, a a à and yc is the childre' Bowmanville Public Sckool Promotions1 The foUlowing ta the list Of pupils SI promoted to higher classes. A great m many pupils had sufficiently high standing durmng the year to be pro- A moted without trying the final ex- sc aminatiolis. 0f those who had to write, many take honors. Ali nainesA in alphabetical order. L D Junior IV to Senior IV 0 Promoted on Year's Work - Clar- J ice Aider, Dorothy Biekell, Gien j Bruinmell, Florence Calver, Madeline r Calver, Charles Cartwright, HaroldV Casbourfl. Byron Crawford, Mary B Childs, Harold Crook. Audrey Com-F stock, Leslie Darch, Blain Efliott, tj Lois Emmett, Evelyn Harnden,1T Charles Hoar, Beatrice Kembring, M Marion Knox, Lillian Koren, Georg- 1t ina Lambros, Jean Logan, Arthur 1 Living, John Matthews, Marlon Mc- Donald, Donald Mcflveen, Carol Martyn, Marjorie Morris, Bill Minns,a Doris Moses, Irene Murray, KyE O'Neill, Elva Potter. Tom Rehder,k Norma Searle, Dorothiy Sm.ale, Kitty b Storey, Kenneth Suinmersford, orme 1 Sutton, Roy Swindells, Cela Tait,1 Alan Tamblyn, Eleen ThompsOn, Doris Virtue, Ruth Virtue, ErnestE Ward. Alvie Welsh, Lewis WisemnI,g Eva Welsh, Diana Wheeler, Keith l Yeo.E Pass on Examinatiofla - Isobellb Bickell, Bob Bird, Gerald Bird, Rus- sel Halîman. Mabel Harris, RonaldC Hooper, Joyce Large, Mary Lemon,r Florence Matthews, Cuthbert Mc- I jDonald, Milford McDonald, George1 SMcFeeters, Tolbert McLaughlin, Ivy Passant, Allan Prout, Douglas Nich-1 olJack Rowe, Eleen Ruiter, Hildas Tighe. Harold Woodward, Robertr Woodward, Charlie Welsh, Roy Wil- kins, Coulson Woolner. Senior HI to Junior IV Promoted on Year's Work - Ha-1 zel Aider, Donald Allun. Betty Bet- tles, Joan Buttonshaw. Kenneth Cole, Vera Clapp, Jimmie Clarke, Geraldine Coulter, Donnie Creasser, Frances Crook, Tom Depew. Ethel Donoghue, Marlon Dudley, Patsy Dustan. Patricia Emmett, Jack Hare. Rachel Hilderley. Douglas Jackrnan. Ruth James. Oscar Jessen, James Knox, Mark Lambourne. Viola Lar- -kmn, Jack Lenhardt, Marion Mahood, Gilbert Mcllveen, Grigg Morden, Peggy Moses, Jean Pattinson, Robert >Purdy, Frances Rowe, Hellen Robert- ,son, Barbara Rehder, Sidney Rundle, - Mary Spencer, Arhie Smale. Keith Slemon, Margaret Storey. Harold Schlievert. Isobel Thompson. Helen Tighe, George Underhill, Donald Venton, Doris Valliant, Richard Wesýtaway, Henry Wightmafl, Laura Wilson, Louise Wilson, Winnifred Wood, Jean Woodward. Pass on Examinatioris - Murton Alison, George Belîman, Dorothy Buttonshaw, Marion Challis. HlarrY Conners. Dorothy Connors, Glenn Cole, Moira Dinniwell, Marion Gib- son. Kenneth Hamnm. James Ken- nedy. Jack King, Bob Lambourne, Edith Mason, Velina McKnight, Margaret Osborne, Jean Rice, Irene 1Shotter, Kelvin Symons, Bud Weekes. Junior 111 to Senior Hl Promoted on Year's Work - How- ard Corden, Scott Densem, Florence Densem. Dorothy Downey, Ada Dus- enbur-e. Nora Pagan, Raymnond Fice. Murray Grant, Irla Jackman. Jean Johnson, Ernest Morris, Lorna Mur- ray, Marion Mutton, Kenneth Nich- ois, Donald Oke, Doris Piper, Joyce Richards. Ray Richards, Winifred Smith, Catherine Spencer, Donald HIEM olilay .. . and g a good time )Ur only worry n ale home . .aa Teisphone home ... a Long Distance cl every night will velieve your mind. OAt home or away, Long Distance takes you places quickly, easily, economicaily. You cari talk with someone 100 miles or 80 distant for as little as 30 cents. Sec the list of rates in the front of your directory. !18-510 RETURN CHICAGO AGI juIy 113 from BOWMANVILLE Se. the WORLD'S FAIR duing CANADIAN WEEK 49th Highlanders of Toronto in attondance CANADIAN CANADIAN NATIONAL PACIFIC Spencer, Sally Southey, Helen Suin- riersford, Rex Ward, Lut.her Welsh. Honors on Examinations - Miles tlison, Herbert Cole, Jean Hender- ;on, H-elen Lambros, Eileen Stephens. Pass on Examiflations - Sidney Aider, Violet Barrett. Frank Barreil, .enna Brooks, Elba Caverly, Ada )adson, George Downey. Marguerite Gibson, Myrtle Hall, Effie Harris, Jack Hately, Nora Hayden. Ernest jacobs, Betty Latimer, Charlie Le- mon, Alan Mahood. Wesley Martin, Violet McAllister, Et! ie McFeeters, HIorace Moses. Kenneth Nickerson, Frank Osmond. Helen Pmngle, DoGro- hy Sellers. Marion Stephens, Helen lait, Margaret Westawa.y, Ross Wright, Arthur Sheehan (absent due o sickness) . Senior IIl W Junior HI promoted on Year's Work - Don-' ald Anderson, Ronald Barton, Helen Bird, Roberta Callum., George Caw- ker, Doris ClaPP, Mary Cowan, Al- bert Darch. Edith DavidsOii. Eric Densem, Patricia Dinniwell, Billy Edger, Mary jean Emmett, Harvey Jones. Bernice Kimble, Rita Lapiien, Douglas Larkin, Morgan Mack, Mar- garet McDonald, James Nokes, Nor- een Olver, Bud Pingle, Jack Roberts, Billy Seymour, Raymond Welsh, Norma Wilcox, Hazel Wood. Honors on Examinations - Patsy Clarke, Eileen Crockett,George Ken- nedy, Vivian NichoUls, Dorothy Ping- le. Howard Ouinney. Alden Wheeler, Wit be t Toi lishi yeai Libt pre Ben Can Fa' wor Nor Gol Hlt and BON wit Douglas Wiseman. No wonder he's smiling with Llb- Pass on ExaminationS - Leonard eral victories in British Columbia, AIder, Donald Brooks. Joyce Buttoxi- Nova Scotia. Saskatchewan and On- shaw. Yvonne Challis, Marlon Con- tario under hLq belt. The gentleman- nors. Joyce Cowan, George Dadson, is, of course, none other than Rt. Georgina Gibson, Mildred Luxton. Hon. W. L. M. King, leader of the Audrey Marsden, Allan Mason, Rus- Liberal party o! Canada, and bis sell Moffatt. Isabelle Naylor, Bruce majestys loyal opposition in the Oke, Donald Rowe, Ruth Seymoulr. House of Commons. Tnie pictures Billy Stephens, Frank Symons. Jim were snapped f rom a recefit movie. Thickson. Junior Il to Senior Il Promoted on Year's Work - DR. L. B. WILLIAMS Frank Burns, Jack Childs. Mildred Coulter. Vera Coutu, Helen Hooper, DESCRIBES MOTOR Jean Kennedy. Ruth Steverns. Willa TRIP THROUGH WEST Wr.Senior I to Juor Il Ras Travelled 15,000 miues By Car Promnoted to Jr. il in March - and Also 1,500 Miles hY Boat Ted.dy Clark, Ronald Cole, Dorothy t, lak Crook, Billy Duncan, George Faulk- ner, Kenneth Fletcher. Russell Jac- raveSsJU 1,93 obs, Kenneth Lemon. John Lyle. Braieas.Jue3,14 Frances Morris, Junior Neal, Marg- Dear Editor George:- aret Nîchols. Billy Potter. Margaret We were forced in here tonight by Rowe, George Roberts, James Stutt, the continualice of a very heavy Russell Vesna, Judy Whalen. Jack rain after travelling f rom Regina Welsh, Donald Wright. George Web- some 1()0 miles in il. Our quartera ber. are not so hot and both distance and Piomoted on Year's Work - Loui- the elements were in cohorts on me- ise Cole, Sally Cole, Jean Cochran, this time for I want to reach bro- Helen Devitt, Louise Hircock, Eunice ther Cecil's at Souris early tomor- Jackman, Eleanor Johnston, Eiei row. Just thought The Statesman MeIlveen. Margaret Minas, Howard might like a line on somethirig e- Nelle.z. Buddy Nichols, Aura Prout, ally known and arn enclosing a few Gerald Purdy, Jim Southiey, John notes. Virgin. Sheila Wilson. MurraY We are having a very wonderful Woods. extended trip in order to get my own Honors on Examitiatiofis - Ray impression of outlook, peoples, con- Abernethy, Jean Allison, Shirley ditions, progress and realities in Challis, Roy Conners, Ronald John- general. The speedometer will soon son WlfedKnox, Stewart Kerr, register1,00mls ron this Nellie Parker, Lyns py om quadrangle of U. S. apart f rom a lit- Ward. itie boaît trp o! 1500 miles up to Passed on Examinations - Jimmsy Alska to straighten out my legs. I Martin, Betty Sisson, Betty Trimble,I dont want to start anything in this Gordon Wilcox. letter but aIl in aIl the kindest word Promoted through Illnes - Doug- i can now say for this 20th centurY las Lemnon. Eva Sheehan. modern civilization is that it's just Senior Pr. te I ingeniotis madness. Promoted on Year's Work - Ruth sunday morning, June 10th. at Abernethy, Barbara Aii, rîeBanff after hob-nobbiflg with the Brown, Dorothy Bedford, Eugene buffaloes and their offspring, the Cole, Florence Chartraxi, Char les deer, mountain goats, etc., observing Fletcher, D:oris Goulah. Audrey thse white hair o! Mt. Rundle, Mt. Grant, Orville Hammn, Doreen Hill, Edith and The Three Sisters, pro- Betty Kilpatrick, Audrey Martin, duced I think niether by age nor de- Jimi Martyn, Lewis McFeeters, RO pression, we journeyed Up to the McMullîrn, Dorothy Morris, Grace C.P.R.'s palatial hotel where the Ox- Potter. Donald Quick, Mariorie R un- ford Group. some 850 strong, were dle. Betty Stevens, Donald Wol- in the midst of their house Party. f raim. We were privileged te attend their Honora on Examinations - Ai Ian eleven o'clock general mass meeting. Clayton, Lloyd Forsey, George For- af ter which squeezing our way down sey. Bernice Goulais, Billy Kilpat- the valley, we sought the exit o! rick, Jean Living, Bobby Rogers, Canada's great National Park out to Betty Spencer. Margaret Stacey, thse famous widenlng foothilîs o! the Marlon Webber, Marion Welsh, Jun- Rockies wherein the boundiesa ex- ior Welsh. panse toward Calgary our wlde higis- Pass un Examinations - Lois Dmn- way became but a tortuous thread niwell, Aibert Graham. Ellen Kerr,i on the unending treeless horizon. Dons Tkiompson. 1 wondered what slant a f resh re- Junior Pr. to Senior Pr. cruit froni the British tales would Honora on Examînations - Win- 1 et on this larger life. rm used to ona Clarke, Fay Fry, Dorothy Faulk- it on this trip but il juat made me ner, Bernice Welsh.1 ya-whn. Pass - Billy Cooper, Audrey Hum- Monday morning we journeyed phrey. Gwen Hooper, Jack Hayes, . outi f rom Calgary, some 60 miles Bert Perfect, Jack Samis, Betty j t Nanton and visited the three Weish. Kathleen Vesna. Trull boys, Jesse, Louis and Earl, SOUTH WARD sons of Mrs. and thse late Louis TrulI Senior 1 to Junior H of the old Base Line, Darlington. Promtedon Yar' Wor - ve-The f irst two named are married I Pr G ooted oon e ar's Wok AlEe-t and their prairie wives were charm- Mason, Irene Mitchell. Billy Spen- ing hostesses. Beyond this section, cer.Rei Virue.which i&, wheat belt. the land be- Honors on Examination5 - Lois cmsRnhn Io-il.I BugsEileen Cooper, Tommy were as big a golf houiqd as some of Bura, il disoeJenGl you Easterners I would come out Cowa, Blly dinnstne, eanGil here on a ranch and golf all over lies. Marjorie Kilpatrick, Lillian h, paewiehedn.Othr Lambert, Helen Large. Muriel Mc- h lc hl edn.Othr ý Doald ArineNortcut, Gorg 1I beleve I could make a hole in one Sellers, Myrle Virtue, Evelyn Young. yefvr tn ocnsdig Pass on Examinations - Leo Bird, the nuinber o! gopher holes. Tommy Bird, Lois Branch, Clarence The Trulîs have rather extensive 1Brooks, Willie Mitchell, Bessie Ste- f arm holdings and the neighborhood phens. Evelyn Woodward. seemas to recognize these West Dur- Absent through ilînesa, promoted hamn men as very successful farinera, on year's work-Wallace Ruiter. if there is such a possibility these Senior Pr. to 1 times. The heavy rains o! last week Promoted on Years Work - Mar- have greatly heartened dirooping ion Calver, Josephine Conners, Don- spirits. The Prince o! Wales "E. P. aId GilhooIy, Helen Jones, Raymnond Ranch" is quite near and I suppose Larkin, Frank Piru.r, Irene Piper, some o! these days the Prince wlll Ada uineyLoue Slles, or-be conng over to see one o! the raine Somerscalea, Betty Spencer. rl' ikcw utnihol Honors on Examinations - How- sympathy you know. ard King, Emma Luxton, Freddie His f ields, I noticed in passing, Luxton, Rae Rundie. have some mustard in bloom whlch Pass on Examinations _ KarI somebody ought te tell the Prince Bickell. Betty Cowan, Florence about. I don't sec that Royal blood Heath, Doris Jackman. Leonard makes the grain any greener than Lambert, Herbie Smith. that o! the neighbor o! forelgn ex- Jr. Pr. We Sr. Pr. traction across the road to, whom I Honors on Examinations - Nor- was talking. Thc Ranch buildings man Barnes, Fred Quinney, Austi are recessed a long way in f rom the Stephens.I highway. In tact, the drlveway Pass on Examination.s - Jun Mc- crosses thse railway tracks, but it ap- Knight. Walter Morris. ManeeMul- pears to me that Preaident Beatty holland, Norman Mulholland. has used better paint on this cross- ilng fence or soute o! the whltewash Stengraper: I cn tae a un-the C.P.R. is credited with using on te n orap el: a m n t ake."hu -ialGovernments or suipin' because drd or s "Tat'minut." 1 of te t e white is 50 distinct. Since the tae or t"ha'nothig-I roften Oxford Group were te be guesta and m r ta ta -fro 1 think broadcast at the Ranch next wi! e"'day. the Williams' group did not in- A Household Medicine.-They that'tie are acquainted with the sterling The hxghway in this Aberta sec- properties o! Dr. Thomas' Eclectnlc lion bas not a very delicate apprec- 011 in the treatment o! many ail- iation of the difference between inents would not be without ilt i the atones and gravel, but you must re- bouse. It is truly a housebold medi- member that "out West" they have cine and as it la effective i dealing big acreage, big inountaîns, "Big Iwith many ordnary complaints it la Chie.' and I suppose big gravel. an inexpensive medicine. So, keep The Trull's leaving Darlington as it at hand, as the calI for it mSy mere boys ame now after about twen- Icorne most uncscpectedly. ty years, the real weil kniown stal- ta of Nanton and probably if isperings 1 heard are well found- the naine Truil may yet be sttll er known "out West." L. E. WÙlhiams Dronto's Most Popular I Books Are Available In Public Libr-ary1 The "Narrator" a book guide pub- îed in Toronto tells us that the towing list of books publishecl this ar are said by the Toronto Public brary to be the mnost asked for at 'sent: ['hree Cities - Scholem Asch. A Modern Tragedy - Phyllis F o The Sycamore Tree - Elizabeth!o inbridge. A. Nest of Sinmple Folk - Leon O'- T'he Oppermous - Lion Feucht- Stirong Bodies nrger. he Ridge of White Waters- rman Giles. Hard summer pay uses up a lot of energY which F'ive Silver Daughters - Louis must be replaced if those youngsters are to be oding. healthy. Thats where pure mIIk doeasucho a bg 'The Uniforgotten Prisoner - R. C. health job. It encourages wholesomle energy and ute ginstteSa- odo activity while keeping bodies cool and cooefoit- , Me Aganst he ea -Nordoffable. With meals, and between mneals, niilk will d Hall. rv noalan ersign at w t Yellow Briar - Patrick Siater.preenoblanrfrhig-OmLe w t rhese may aU be found in the 70111'ae. owmanville Public Library along ith the following just received: TePoeye- Susan Ertz.- The Singer Passes - Maud Diver. Glea aRae uaury Turnip Tops - E. Boileau. Jonathan's Daughter - Larrimore' PHONE 408J R. R. STEVENS & SON, ProprIetors Clear The Trail - Seltzer. No Other Namne - Hocking. IAT