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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1934, p. 8

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TSr. 11-Rowîand Burtey, Erie 1 .L11J. HATELY Burley. Keith Burhey, Isabelle Bruce, PHONE 110OW ()C Best of al l fy killers, Stewart MacDonald,'A mny MacDon- O M N IJ E WI li Clean, qulck, sûre, ald. BOWMANVILLE PHONE 44 ~r.y cheap. Ask >oar rg- To Jr. 1n-Bruce Denault (Hon>, BW AVL gis, Grocer or General Russell Sanders (Hon>. June Ware. CARRUTHERS' GARAGE & SERVICE STATION PAY Sore.To Jr. 1-EvehYn Wheeler (Hon), PA Y SîrtGordon McKay Hon), Dorothy ~1RETHE WILSON FLY PAD MacDonald <Hon>, Billy Couch. MO ECO. HAMILTON, ONT PHONE 54 O MNIL Lau rence Savery, teacher. 'I ~il t 'i PAE IGTTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLET THURSDAY, JULY 5th, 1934 ALCOOL ND ELFCONROLthe four or five million microscopiceflot functioning properly. Rest in R u ra l P u b lic S c lio o l E x a m in atio n R e su lts ALCh OL An D SEof LFCO NTic li urOL idi'e, o v in ilrti n pl n ta il inflm maon h ace asd noM filters which are to be found in the bed, usually for several months, un- endangers the finer and most impor- th ain a SHA 's CHOL . . N. 8 CURTCE tant things of life by destroying the impurities present in the blood- feel, together with a suitable diet, 's SA* COLSS.N.8 ORIE powers of self criticismn andt self stream as it reaches the kidney. the basis of treatment. Jr. IV - Sr. IV-Bermice Wight. June PooinEaiainN. We hs r etoe ecn Because of large number of Chronic nephritis in individuals Sr. III - Jr. IV--Jean Prout (Hon), 8, Courtice; names in order of menit;fltep ourselves in check or con- %Q. Prom tio Ex minaion, N . c(ýtrroeA th se re estryed we an-filters. the kidneys ave a tremen- under thirty-five years of age as us- MAnd eers n oss oledick. l(H)Re Re omnded:nploep os.W eoedne-HSRVCLOri fe hrt-ie sms i Jndrson, Rosr. 11-Doadic CCIX S Reoenr oomous perso'0.When self criticism and 'HE cA NADIAN MEOICAL îy a heavy load when required. Each -.Atrtit-ivi sms ie JrHon), Gordon Alun, oxf tno reabsent the bdy ASSOCIAINADLF asaeflee Sno omselfcnt1 aeAsi AOur . day, many gallon r ileebut ly an evidence of thickening and (Hnr don r.11a rgrlHrrs J.litnr I-oohySu-mm nbou r lnardad' 1RACE COMI.ANIj6 Of this quantity. only a smaIlîper- hardening of the arteries through- Sr. I - J. A1-McentagearrsaJrpeVarsSrasV urine.Sndbecausend sultaethe body.nd enand aso itas usnessociatetdth bod, an sa t isassoiaDe (Hon>, Arthur Clemnence (Hon), den 81 (Hi, Marie Salt 80 (H), Mary e Vii creeps in. Alcoholjc beverages FITAIOUh kde astecaaiytoI-N haIicesd lo-pesr Helen Cox (Hon>, Jean Hanna. Riznek 80 (H), Nellie Husband 77 by making our nerves sleepy and in- abILTbATfrN the file hstered flidaterand h angesin heeart. Thpeskîd- Sr. I - Jr. Il-Lorne Price (Hon), HI, Prudence Young 76 (Hi, John active, by t.aking away our self con- Tenn ri h ilee liwtr n hne nte er.Tekd Is L vigorous exercu.Oîa Douglas Haris (Hon). Walter 75 (H i, Bill Varcoe 74, t roi and self criticism, prevent us Underneath the lower ribs nd n f h .ssle mnrI nycnito na eo cmaa Jr. Pr.--Gerald Cox (Hon). Blanche Taylor 73, Kathleen Pid- from being the best we can be, as either side of the back-bone,' are and sugar which the body needs. It tiveîy smaîî importance, as compar- dInel wiUl "catch" ~u're Dorth 73, George Pidduck 71, Thomas God bas plane.tobn-aed rgsaoute is only waste products and undesired ed with the changes in other organs. where. Rub in Minard'sParad -------E-- Barber 71. Lawrence Courtice 69. NEOLA SKALING, size of the fist, the kidneys. The ecs fmnrI n ua hc h is tpi ramn ~t uns aih EBENEZER Ethel Wilkins 68. 17 years. Regina. function of the kidneys is to rid the are got rid of, in the urine. by the assess the condition as it affects the iad wlbe rtýso S.IItJr VAneHsadbody of waste products and to reg- normal kidney. different parts o! the body. A quiet -oIJnd or hum. a eet 0! Sr. III to Jr. IV-Annie Husband ulate the chemical balance o ! the The proper unctioning o th e kid- 3ie b scly a d m nal, lg t 0 yea by Minard'a Li,,meiC.,Le. Report o S. S. No. 4, Darlington, 81 (H), Rex Tooley 77 (H),' Alan 11ev. J.W. Bunner, Bowmanville. blood Adsubne0 inynyi ust n.psilds-y but nourishing diet, and the avoid- Yarmouth, N.S. for the year 1933-34:' Trevail 76 (H), Mary Konopacki 74 former minister on the Greenwood function Ands thrante o kidney ored tlsoseet nt, by umer ne0fsri r nugnes r s Sr. II o Jr I V E al e n P c k e l J o n R z n e 68. H er a n A lin 65. circ it. w as in to w n . ac co m p a n ied o n e re a so n o r a n o th e r, a re u n a b le t o c o n d itio n s w h ich a ffec t th e kid n e y , se tia l. T h e w e a k e n ed sta te o f th e I I . . R t h . & C . L d , o o t Muriel Found*. Flora Marshall. ' Raymond Balson 61. Douglas Brock by bis son. and called on f riends. His do their part in the excretion of notably nepbnitisor gs s- kidneys s met be demanding less Sarldl.sAgche o.: Jr. III to Sr. IIRbr de 60. Pauline Antil 58 'Fi). Marshall r Bihts '1 -Robrt Rndle. ýbrother, 11ev. W. A. Bunner, who, a waste. aîîowing materials to pass ease. whîch occurs in an acute and fo the iand throughapregucation o! Louise Pearce. Shirley Field. Vetzal 58 (Fi, Carl Adams 8 .f ew years ago. had charge of the which should be retained. thus up- chronic formi.thditadesndpruconf Sr ItaJ.II-Lucille Wade, Jr. III ta Sr. III-Catherine Minteckrn Methodist Cîiurcb, is also body wastes f romn physical activities. Petr. il Vo, tJr. [ih o.70PicyW lknserincgVrc 1 setting the chemical balance o! the Acute nephrits is usually associa- Que so s c ne ig H ath a- P e . Ite r K i h k St - e i h k 0, M ar WJa c k 4. J athVrc e 1, a s td e n t e ro! nB o ra n io . u t s e n t b d . r u t h id e s te d w ith sa i me in fe c tio n , s u c h a &We d t th e C a n a d ia n M e d ic a l r . Il ton r. A n n die i e tt a ck erH .Wlt R obson,> th e pas wner. i o t ic . w e e B lood is r u h ta he k d ys b scarlet fever or tonsilitis.. w ere th e 84 C o lege S treet. T or- f I L . r m Peacean AnieKihkoeqal C. H.Rbisnta her is daughter Gladys, is married to one of the large arteries. In the germs that are responsible for the ""KIiNGbeanweedFeronlltb a Unitedbtatns.jIl ta PickeIIng kidnyythis a5erNewsvies into many infection cause an inflammation of 1letter. Gwe Osore. r.Il o r. IIWeseyOke85New.,mail branches. and then further the kidneys. There is pallon and Beg. ta Jr. Pr.-Wilma Marshall*. iS, Donald Jackson 81 1(H), Chris. - ----- subdvds until the smanlletsz puffiness of the face, with swelling -oor.Tooley 75 (Hl, Ruth Penf ound 67, Phone your visitons and personal artery, or capillary is reache.Thof the ankles. An examination of We oenw s 'bihd h Gordon E. Osborne, teacher. Robert Muir 63. Joyce Salt 62. James news each week ta The Statesman. blood is then passed tbrough one of the urine shows that the kidneys are Stae menwi pub lish eTh SALEM '58 'Rec). Jr. II to Sr. II-Herman Robinson Report of S. S. No. 9. Darlington,' 52 'Reci, Myrtle Scorgie 49 (Hec>. Promotion Examinations: Sr. I to Jr. II-Doreen Phair 86 Sr. III ta Jr. 1V-Ronald Hall 84*. (Hi, Hanny Wolfraim 85 (H), Ray- Byron Foster 81'. Hilda Thompson mond Wiggans 81 (H), Johnnie Gra- 77.6', Gladys Thompson 77', Bren- velle 79 (Hi, Wilma Scorgie 75 (H), ton Darch 69, Nina Danch 68.6, Peter Gravelle 72. Greta Wilkins 71. Kathleen Cowvling 68. Jr. I ta Sr. I--Joan Antil 69. Hilda Jr. 111 to S. 11-Lily Cowling 62. Scongie 68. Simon Penfound 66.NO D L Y- R U1 E II to Jr. 111-Margaret Foster and Sr. Pr. to Jr. I-Harold Wilkins Douglas Pollard 77* (equali. Arvilla 76 (H), Josephine Courtice 75 (Hi. N E A S N R U L Smith 71, Bill Conlmn 49 (F), Irene Jr. Pr. to Sr. P.-Allan Cochrane Drivie in, buy your tires, and Cowling 39 (P), Wes. Conlin 35 (Fi. 69, Gordon Robinson 61, Horace drive out Nvith them on your I to II-Murray Cowling 79'. Vetzal 60. Helen Snudden 48 (Reci, Jr. Pr. ta Sr. Pr.-Hilda Darch. Winnie Walter 43 (Reci. hesTat heb tan __Honours; (Fi-Failure. To Intermediate Primer-Audrey nost economnical way to u Farewell Blackburn, teacher. Phaîn, Jean Antil, Stanley «- - To Jr. Primer-Reta Storns, Junetie. Sv$yuiman S. S. NO .3, DARLINGTON Young, Helen Wolfraim. Elsie Vet- m foney. zal. Glenn Reynolds, Lorne Pen- trs..Svsyutm n Report 0f S. S. 3, Darlington, for found, Frank SaIt, Mary Walter. June: Doiothy B. Wimnan, teacher. Honors (*); Failure (t); Figures denote Percentage. Sr. IV *Margaret Henry 85; 'Lou- LAKE SHORE, CLARKE I Ise Foley 75: 'Hazel Truli 75; Samn Van Camp 66; tMaurice Morpb.y 1Promotion. reports Lake Shore 59. Publicecol No. 2 Clarke: Jr. IV *Arthur Forsythe 80; Eddie 1 Etrance Candidates - Maurice Forsythe 74; Vera Gibson 70. Powel, udrey Jaynes, Jean Holmes. Sr. III 'Billy Henry 88; 'Norma 1-Jr. 4th - Sr. 4th - Editb Hendry Sexsmnith 81; 'Peggy Finnigan 80; 716, Laura Clement 74, Julia Clem- *Jean Metcalfe 79; Harry Feather ent 56-. 71; Joe Wojnakoski 70; Betty Sr. 3rd - Jr. 4th - Evelyn Brown Hen.ry 63. 84, St.anley Brown 74, Jr. III Madeline Metcalf e 73; Gor- Sr. 2nd - Jr. 3rd - Hazel Powell don Metcalf 71; Eveline Gibson 68; 1 80, Audrey Adams 79, Mildred Brown John Noble 68; Glenn Metcalf 67; 69. Donald Powell 57'. Gordon Truli 64; Louise Forsythe Sr. lst - Jr. 2nd - Olive Brown' 64. 83, Jack Brown 72. Lloyd Clement Jr. II 'Kenneth Power 83; 'Alvin 59- DIV Metcal! 76; Donald Metcalf 69; Sr. Pr. - Jr. lst - Jean Brown 85,' Mike Bonk 63; tSammy Bonk 49. Bernice Brown 70. Pr. Daisy Gibson; Mildred Met- Figures denote percent: 75%7 or calf; Alfred Feather; Joyce Power: over, Honouns; *-Recommended. Winnie Power. HlaJ olnteaher Ruby M. Bragg HlaJ olnece teacher. LOCKHART'S SCHOOL No. 9 Promotion Examinations: FactsJr. IV to Sr. IV - Robent Math- Facts ews. Reg. Gibson. Sr. III to Jr. IV - Noel Middleton'D & About 'Hi. Ernest Blake 'Hi, Margaret. Bowen. __ son iH i, Vernon Graham . Eyes ~Jr. II t Sr. II - l areib nce G(-Hu a)n n A.d iBily 1.n ClvrtSr.hrdr"Homid a Vision Sr. I to Jr. II - Patsy Fenton (Hi,f d a Betty Osborne <H), Etsie Geddes,; Mary Gîbson. Leslhe Gibson. o c nm Sr. Pr. ta Jr. I - Gwen Gibson BY C. H. Tuck, Opt. ('Hi. Laura Blake (H). o c n m Eyesight Specialist Names in onder o! menit; <Hi knew an old man who had met Hoor.7. or Fvr --ailed,__ _GOYA with much adversity. He had pion- below 60,1. GOYA eered in Panry Sound, wonked with S. J. W. Rckard teachen. Dan Mann in building the ralway in --- Western Canada. Homesteaded in the Pembina Valley in North Da- BETHESDAT I E kota. nean Crystal. Trailed thnough the Red River Valley ta0 Winnipe Promotions and report of S. S. No.! and bomesteaded oven again ing 10.' Darlington; naines in order of; Manitoba west o! Winnipeg. I met menit; ' indicate.z honouns: hirn in Cartwright, Manitoba. the Jr. IV - June Swee. home o! Robent J. C. Stead. back Sr. III to Jr. IV - *Eileen Couch about 1907. He looked like a patri- and 'Helen Werry 'equal>. Junior arch with a long beard but I always Collacott. Trhere'.s a Goodyear Deailer right ere liked his smile. He could only sm.ile Jr. III to Sr. III - 'Bennice War- ~with bis eyes, the ret o! the smiîe rnCanieRnhe was flot visible. He left for Saska- Sr. II ta Jr. III - *Edith White' toon with me and we travelled by Sr.II - Wesley Sweet, Clifford freight train, stock and furniture, oni Sweet. ,h c ml t t cký e i y t e v o in other words, lock, stock and banr-:;Sr.Vot Jr. II - 'Alvin w ih cop etrrolene dy, s r e o rel. The hast I remember seeing hbm Florence Rundle. T eo was happîly settled in anotben sinahi Jr. I to Sr- I - Thelma Sweet. l hometeader's shack and still he .0 aSr. Pr. - 'Betb ilr.T e coflvCfl1nc e fflCCrD alrsevc siled with his eyes. This mani was iJr. Pr. - Bertie Stire. ~L r D ae evc bealthy and migbt be considered a Tena Fergs.son, teacher.' child o! nature, born for the out of ---- t- i ~added to Canada's most famnous tires! More doors. Perhaps tbat is why he had . IG o 'er bealthy eyes. Our modlern life was S. S. NO. 7 CARTWRIGHT lp o l ie o o d e r h n o n te not for him and if mentioned be would samile with bis eyes. Final report o! S. S. No. 7, Cart- 1,d n h y ae e on m c ltrs on e wnight: figures indicate per cent: tkn .A d te r c n m c ltr s on e S r. III ta Jr. IV-Eîleen Gilde 78,R...1~ L m~

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