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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1934, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BO0WMANVIL. THuRSDAY, JULY 12tis, 1934 PAGE THRLEH ,seon ias numesous prizea and medals f. COURTICE a souvenirs of isis efflciency. O - ~ ICourt ice Communlty Picnic was held Juiy 7tis at Ms. A. Muir's f ield. Miss Josepisine Courtice entertain- Tisere were fous softball games play- ed a few fsiends to a birtisday party ed and one football game,tielts On ul 5Vs.being a Darlingten League game be- Mss. A. F. Rundle accompanied her Vween Clarke and Coustice. Tise score visitor, Mss. Gardner, o Cleveland, was 2-O in favor o! Clarke. In tise Ohio, on Saturday. softbali. Jack Gay's team won witis a Ms, Norman Walter, Weston, visit- big majority. Tisere were races for ed bis gsandmotiser, Mss. Rob. Ad- old and Young and mucis amuse- ams and varlous relatives last week. ment was caused by some. Misses Mss. A. E. Phair visited wîtis Mrs. Louise Courtice and Ada Annis de- Wm. Crossey, Bowmanvilie, for sev- livered Vise prizes to tise winners a!- eral days. During ises absence Miss t er eacis event. Rougisiy counted Dosothy Devenisis took charge of tise iere wese around 200 present on home. Itiesepaciaus lawn o!fVise Muir farm Ms. Homes SibbiVV and Ms. Wm. for ea. Lemonade and orangeade Milles. Toronto, spent tise weekend were served Vo tise children as drinks wiVis Messrs Thos. Adams and G. P: and tea for tise aduits. A bootis was Reynolds on a f ishing trip o Indian on Vise grounds te supply candy and River. ice cseam. Collections were taken Ms. Hugis Short nassowiy escaped for expenses pertaining Vo Vise pic- serious injury wiie working on tise nic, for tise football team. and for Goverriment road job wisen a truck Talbest Gearing wiso broke his ieg forcedi him against a post, aking in one o! tisis year's games. Eben- a large piece of 5kin from isis aide ezer's new minister, Rev. W. C. in its progreas. Smith,. with Mss. Smith were on the Courice Salvation Amy iseld an grounds and were tisus able to meet, open ais meeting at Courtice Cornes tise majority of tise communîty at, and Pidducks Cornes on Thursday one ime. evening. Tise date set for tise picnic o! this Sunday Scisool is July 18Vis at Bowmanville Beach. ENNISKILLEN "Happy Hollow" the summner home o! Mr. and Mss. Ed. Edmondson. Toronto, was tise scene o! an in- Mss. Gosley, Toronto, visited ber teresting gafhering about a week sistei', Mss. Wesley Oke. ago wisen around 45 pessons per- Miss Reva McGill ief t for a trip taining o Vise Sisuf fle Board Club, o tise coast on Friday. froni the Dan! ortis United Cisusci, Miss Jean Workman, Toronto, Toronto, motered down to spend tise vsited Miss Muriel Weasn. day and o present to Ms. Edmond- Ms. Fred Mountjoy is seriously ili, son a soiid hickory chais as a trib- nurse E. Bigelow is in attendance. uVe o bis skill at tise game o! Ms. and Mss. R. Raisi and Don- Sisuffle Board. otisy, Oshawa, spent Sunday at Ms. Once waste land, Happy Hollow J. ShackIeton's. bas been fransformed into as beau- Miss M. Dalton la spending Vwo tifu a lac asther isbeteenweeks in Toronto before going Vo ber tifula plae as her i es <e- home in Ottawa. Kingston and Toronte, and MslaiesssW ooOJak-n posite tise popuar surnier camp run Mran s.WMoeJcad by Ms. R. Prest on, known best as Je, Tornt.o.ose.iefse' "Prestonvale." Its veîvety îawn moies ss J ooe beside tise stretcis of cement wiicis We weicome Rev. and Mss Pasker fosms tise Shuf fle Board where in- and daugister Eiieen, formerly o! tesesting gamea are played. Ex- Stella, Vo our community. Mayor Hilts o! Toronte presented Ms. and Mss. Benson Tyesman Vise chair o bis îast year's pastner and Miss Addie Tyerman, Seafortis, at tise game when they each won a 'were caliing on aid fniends. silver cup as a trophy. Ms. Edmond- Ms. and Mrs. J. Spry and Ms. Jim Spry spent Sunday witis Vieir daugis- tes, Mss. E. Lingard, Cobourg. Ms. Hill, Woodville, Miss Nora A4 Werry, Kedron. and Mss W. Rowing, London, visited aV Ms. J. A. Werry's. fMs. and Mss. Roy Webber, Bw A manvilie. Mss. Annie ClU! ord and péieve fîiend, Osisawa, visited Ms. Wnal. In ot weatber, tomnaci disorders r.RC.WloOhw an adindigestion occur more fre- quently. Also chiidren may pay Eleanor Stainten. Toronto, isited too bard. Mrs. Mary Mason, 53 Vie !ormer's parents, Ms ndMs Atlantic St., Halifax, N.S>, aye, H. Stevens. -Wben the children are overtired Mr. and Mss. W. Trewin and Dr. and restîs in warm weather 1 C. W. Siemon. Bowxnanville. visitedi give them Iiahy's Own Tablets bc- witis Ms. J. Siemnon and Ms. and Mss. fore retiring and i the morniaz i h nns they are happy, contented ch il 1ui ms dren". Sale even for the tinifes Ms. and Mss. J. Sanbrook, Ms.j baby,thesesweetlittletabietseffec- and Mss. C. Harres, Rochester, apent tively reiieve colie, sumnner coon- tise weekend witistise fosmer's uncle,< plaint, simple fever and ail minor Ms. and Mss. D. Burgmaster. n disorders. Price 25e package. z10 Ms. and Mss. Stewart Rodman Dr.Wiliami' miss Milles and Ms. Collacott, Port o . j Persy. Mss. E. C. Asiton attended 1tefunesal o! tise laVe Ms. I.- Tsav- ehl in Oshsawa on Tuesday. Ms. and Mss. Ed. Bradley, Ms. Chas. A. Bradley. Whitby, Ms. and MATIiRITY-MATERNITY Mss. H. Bird and Margaret, Hamil- ten, Mss. S. Mountjoy. Mrs. F. Spsy, M IDDLE AGE and famiiy, Hampton, Master Mur- ray Sanderson recentiy visited witis At these three critic:s periods Mrss.WM. Oke. awomnan oceds a medticine Tise Induction Service o! aur new Lhe can depend on. Thaî's pastos. Rev. Ms. Parker was held on why seniany taire Lydia E. Friday night, Rev. Juil o! Brooklil, pinkhamn's Vegetabie Corn- acted as cisairman. Rev. Elford o! Pound. 98 out of 100 say, "It Scugog Island delivered a very fine helps me!"' Let it help you, too. address on "Tise Value of Man" and RvDr. Smitis o! Columbus deliver- LYDIA E. PINKHAMI'S ed the address to Vise pastos and con- grega flan on l'Haw tise Congregation VEGEIABLE COMPOUND can Double tiseir Ministes's Power." A reception service was then iseld and lunch was served. * Executive Committee of w bVIt~pOshaw rsyterial o! Vis ExecutIve Committee of Oshawa 0Ithe ntari Ladies' College. WbitbY, à on1~U Wednesday. July 4Vb. Tise ar- iJu.~dé> I ~rangements for tise scisool for leaders ta be iseld !rom August 27tb te 30tis W wese presented by tise President, Mss. W C. R. Caracallen and enthusiasticallY AT TV KJTJ endorsed by tise cormmlttee. BME AL K ITise reri'gnatlon on account O! poor Ornepad ihisfils ai dayand healtis. o! Mss. Hunter, Secretary o! ()n pd kll Me al dY ndevery Chisitian Stewardship was regret- day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 pade ina ch Uf uliy accepted and tise nominatIng paciret. No spraying, noestiekiness, committee asked to f ii tise vacancy. no bad odor. Ask yoUr Drugglt, Mss. w. C. Ives and Mss. G. L. Wa- Grocery or General Store. gar o! this town attended tise meet- 10 CENTS PER PÂCKET ing. --------- ____ IH ISNY PA O R aiE? OnaITise way te a successfui sale la MU wLSO FL PA CO, -lcot, nt h.ougis a Statesman ciasslfied ad. ;1Many Families HoId Re-Union Picnics~ King Fanmily ieunion of age and the oldest member pre- - -- ý ent, gave in lus usuai mariner a The annuai reunion and picnic of very interest;ing address. His wif e th-e King familles was held Wednes- now, eight-three years of age was aiso 7day, Juiy 4th, at Stephenson'LX oin, preent. Mr. Arthur Hardy. manager Scugog Island. The day mas ideal o0f the Goodyear plant at Bowman- which added greatly to the pleasure 1vAl1e aise gave an address, Miss Lela of ail who came f rom far and near1 E. Kiiight of Oshawa, the secret.ary, bringing the number up to 125. The gave her report and read severa l1et- course of the forenoon was renewing ters fromn relatives who were flot able acquaintances, wayside chats, and to) be present on the occasion, onle preparing dinmer. The afternoon letter f rom an only biind relative was spent in bail gamnes, races, and forrnery Miss Minnie Davicison, of many interezting sports. At six Meaford who had the honor of be- o'cock a very happy gathering took mng the first blind person in Canada ea. As the sun sank to rest the to successfully operate a typewriter. ioyful crowd. wended their way IV was moved by Mr. Russell Rob- hunieward, looking forward in great bins and seconded by Gordon Hardy hopes that ail would be spared o that the following officers be eiected meet agamn the f irst Wednesday in for 1935: Hon. Presicents-Mr. A. M. July. 1935. at Stephensons Point, Hardy. Mr. F. S. Blackburn; Presi- Scugog Island. dent-Mr. Henry Alliri; lst Vice Pres.-Mr. Chas. E. Knight; 2nd The Beacock Eeuio Vice Pres.-Mr. Wilbert GiaspelI; ___Sec.-Treas .-Miss Lela E. Knight. Tihe tentis annual reunion of the Members passed to the Great Be- Beacock clan was held in the com- yond during the year: Mrs. Geo. munity park, Blackstock, on Satur- Dow, Mrs. Jno. Davison, Messrs. day, July 7th. About eighty guests W. C. Blackburn, Byron Blackburn, arrived around the noon hour and John E. Allun and Richard Ailin. enjoyed a dainty dininer served by Letters of regret were received five Blackstock ladies in Vthe com- from Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Allun, Mrs. munity hall. F. Walkey, Mr. J. H. Earle and Mrs. After dinner the f riends retired to Ira Knapp. the park wisere tisey enjoyeci a fuîl Invitations for next year's picnic afternoon of races and bal ares were received f rom Mr. and Mrs. Ed. durng hic tme rizs wrepre- Grant, Bracebridge, and Mr. Mark sented o tise winners. Mr. Abram Bakun rn.I a eie Beacock o! Bowmanville received to hold next picnic at Mr. and Mss. f irst prize for being the oidest gen- Mark Blackburn's, Orono. tleman present, and Mrs. Jane Nichs- Relatives were present from Osh- oison of Pontypool for the oldest awa. Bowmanville, Newcastle, Orono, lady. Hampton, Ida. Fenelon Falls. Lind- About f ive o'ciock the supper caîl say, Cambray. Peterboro. Balsam was heard and everyone journeyed Lrine re nk atPer n back to the hall where they were Prince ____Albert.__ greeted by the sight of tables ladeni te their utmost capacity prepared by Crydeiinan-Ruse Famfly Reunion tise waitresses in their capable man- ner. About one hundred and sev- Thse regular picnic o! the Cry- enty-five took supper, af er which derinan and Ruse Family took place the president caUled on Rev. George at Elliott Memnorial Park, Hampton, Beacock, Mr. W. C. Ferguson, Rev. on Saturday afternoon, Juiy th. Lee Beacock, Ms. Wm. Beacock, and Representatives of some branches Mss. Hockridge for a few remarks. Of thse f amilies joined us for tise A business meeting was then held f irst timne while others who isad been and tise sane officers were re-elect- with us othes years were missed. ed: Mr. W. B. Ferguson. President; Tise afternoon was spent in gaines Mss. M. E. Wilson, Secsetary; and and senewing acquaintances and Mrs. Cecil Hill, Treasurer. It was meeting oid friends. decided te isold the next reunion at About 120 sat down Vo a suznptuous Biackstock, Juiy 6th. 1935. repast prepared by the ladies. Thse Fsiends f rom Califormia. Seattle, results of the sports are as foiiows:- Michigan, Kitchener, Toronto, Mid- Races: ciltdren under 7-Ross Cry- land, Trenton, Nortisport, Grand- derman: Girls wsder 13-Margaret view, Bsockvilie, Peterboso, Mouiding; Boys under 13-Eari ville. Lindsay, and Pontypool, wese Wrightman: Shoe-kicking contest- present. Ladies, Doris Cryderman; Men, Gar- Werry Fa.mily PLeunion les and gents- Lewis Crydesmian and daugister; Clotisespin race- Thse annual Werry Picnic was held. Lewis Cryderinan and daugister; on Saturday. Juiy 7th at the Cream Patch race-Mrs. C. Wrightman; of Bariey Camp, Bowrnanville. Thse Girls' bail throwing contest--Jean day was ail tisat couid be wished for CrydeSinan; Throwing Football- and Vise people turned out i goodly Mary Nobes; Fat man race-Alan numbers to celebsate. Over 100 did Crydesman; Oldest lady present- justice te dinner and over 250 took Mrs. Mary Mason, Oshawa; Oldest tea. gent-Mr. J. H. Cryderman, Bow- In thse afternoon sports were en- matnvile; Came the f arthest-Mr. gaged in and prizes were given to and Mrs. J. J. Cryderman. Ribstone, thse %inners. At tea tirne tise oldest Aita.; Youngest baby-Mr. and Mrs. member present, who is 92 years of Harod Pascoe; Largest family pre- age, was Mrs. George Vice of Osh- sent.-Mr. and Mrsj Eveliett Cry- awa. The latest bride present wxs derman and 5 children. Mss. Postes, (nee Editis Peardon> Attes supper Ms. Frank L. Mason, Bowmanville. The youngest baby Oshawa, Psesident, cailed on Mrs. present was Ernest Clarke Werry, a Wm. Cryderman of Toronto for a son of E. A. Werry, Enniskilieni. Tisey sol() which pieased evesyone very wese also given remnembrances. niuch and sise replied wlth an en- Thse officers eiected for thse next core. Mr. Geo. A. Kingsten, Toronto, year were: Pres.-Mr. J. A. Werry, gave a short tais also Dr. Fred Cry- Enniskillen; Secy.-Miss Elva Orcis- derman f rom Detroit. ard, Enniskilien; Treas.-Miss Vera Officers elected were President-- Werry, Bowmanviile; Commnittees- Mr. Lewis Crydesman, Hampten; Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Wright, Black- Vice-President-Mr. Frank R. Kers- stock; M.and Mss. Fred Phiip, NesV- lake. Bowmanville; Sec-Treas.-Mrs. leton; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Werry, Frank M. Cryderman, Bowmanvllle; Bethesda. Convener of Sports Commttee- Tisere were members of th,,e f am- Ms. Clarence Cryderman of Toronto; ily present frorn Boissevain, Grand Convenes of Management Committee View, Ridgevilie, St. Catharines, Tor- -Mrs. A. Benson Cryderinan, Hamp- onto, Islay. Lindsay, Montreai. Sun- ton. derland, Cameson, Cannington, Be- Frlends f rom as f ar west as Rib- hany, Cadmus. Nestleton. Solina. stone. Alta., and as far east as Ott- Bethesda, Saiern, Providence and awa, Ont.. were there and spent a Bowinanville. most enjoyable afternoon. Much credit h, due te the Presi- dent, Executive and otherco itHO SENB ED R tees for tise work clone prevouat- O LSENB E D thse picnic in tiseir planning and for TO DEMONSTRATE the carsying thsough o!fVieir ar- rangements se splend.idly especially AT BOWMANVILLE in the entertainment of tise younger members. Appreciation must ialso be County Club Co-operating given to thse management of theise pca vn a onSees Camp In providing for Vthe comfort IiSica vnta onSees and convenience o! tise clan in every Farni, July 2th way. A few of those noticed from a dis- Breedess o! Holstein cattie, in fact. tance were: Ms. and Mss. Howard ail f asiners engaged in dairylng, wWl Philp, Montreal; Mr. and Mrs. Jas. undoubtedly be lnterested in attend- Philp, Detroit; Ms. T. F. Wrighsting a Herd Sire Demonstration. Miss Efa Wright, Mr. and Mrs. N. which, accordlng te arrangements E. Wrighst, Mss. J. A. Rowdon, Miss just completed by tise Extension isobel gowdon, Miss Henrietta Fee, Department of tise Hoîstein-Friesian Mss. N. E. Wright and daugisters, Association of Canada, co-operat- St. Catharines; Ms. and Mss. L. H. mng wth tise Durisam County Hol- Clarke, Ms. Howard and Miss Helen stein Breeders' Club, is sciseduled te, Clarke, Brampton; Ms. and Mrs. take place at John Stevens' f an, Andrew Power. Lindsay; Messrs. one mile west o! Bowmanvilie, Fri- Ambrose and Chas. Misses Mary and day evening, Juiy 2OVis. commencing Addie El! ord, Islay; Mrs. Stuart Wil- at 7 p. m. 0f speciai interest in kinson, Miss olive Wiinlson, Mr. isornection with tise programa wili Stuart Wilkinson Jr., and Ms. Miller, be an address by Dr. Gzeorge Hilton, A very temapting suppler was after- igbtsieii n yemust be wards served by an Uxbsidge lady apparent Vo ail breeders. Farmers witistise aid o! severai iselpers. Five therefore, ouglit Vo take advantage gallons of ice creami was served as5a o! tise splendid opportun.ity this dessert. Holstein Herd Sire Demontration In tise evening a meeting was caît- affords ln.iselping themVo make a ed Vo order by tise Preaident, Ms. caseful study o! ways and means Isaac Hardy o! Hamipton. Thse main wisicis mlght be adopted in piaclng speaker, Ms. Richard Webster O! tiseir herds on a more profitable Fenelon Fails, now eght-elght years basis. L Don't Miss Thmis Sale of Sanîples Furniture for Verandah, Sunroom, Lawn or Summer Cottage at Prices that mean Big Savings t. You OAA I II itp£ra 1 1 1rg@@ni-A Of With swing mirrors, walnut f in- ish, 3 deep drawers, Sjecial ...........95 Chest of Drawers Fui! size, with 4 deep drawers, hardwood walnut f in- ish, Special ........ $9095 Bed Outfit In standard sizes, bed in 2-inch continuous post, spr i ng an d mattress, 6 29 Kitchen Cabinet Suite Kitchen Cabinet, with sliding porcelain top, 40" porcelain top table and four windsor chairs, 9 ft. x 9 ft. Gold Seal Congol- eum Rug, Complete .........659*75 Studio Couches Covered in fine cretonne, choice of styles. Eacli can be convert- ed into double bed. Special ..........$14,75 Kitchen Chairs Strongly made, golden finish with square back, Special ...............79e Axminster Rugs Famous Barrymore quality, 9 x 12 size, latest de- signs, Special...... $32.b50 mu F. F. MORRIS CO. Phone 10 Bo-;manville C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Autisor of: Optoanetry Featuire Serviee The Chld andi ts Development Specilizlng excluslveiy ini muscle anomalies, eyeslght and glasses. phone for appolntment 1516 Dimney Bidg. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, Ont. Orange Peko. T UEA Freah front 1Blend the Gardena r £oun %,utK %4J ~julriL Spring, mattresa and pillow, Special...... $5,095 Chester Swing Comfort at a reaI low price, dur. able green duck covering, Special... $13e95 Folding Deck Chairs Assorted Chairs and Settees, Special......... 990 Chesterfield. Fuil web construction in fine im- ported silk repp,'with three re- versible spring cush- ions, Special .... 29050 Fibre Chairs & Rockers With loose spring seats, limited quantityr, Special ............$6,95 Kitchen Tables Porcelain or basswood tops, 40 inch and 48 inch, Special ............$4o95 3 pce Fibre Suites Tha t close loom weave that wears 80 well, large settee and arm chair and rocker, cretonne removable seats, Special ..........624.9)5 Congoleum Rugs Get our prices on the famous Gold Seal Rugs. ONE WEEK ONLY - JULY16, 1934 FEATRER PILLOWS WASHED SOFT AND FLUFFY 40c EACH 2 FOR 6«c Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagne!!, Agent. - - Phone 152 s,- y-. 'ki ILL J*--ný.>ýý

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