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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1934, p. 6

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* a.~. ~t.y -,.....-. ,.-.- -, =IH CANADIAN STATESMArI, BOWMANVILLE, THURBSDAY, JULY 12th, 1934 MAPLE GROVE Miss Jean Clemence, Shaw's, vis- lted Miss Mildned Snowden over the weekend. Mrs. L. C. Snowden spent a couple of days this week with Mrs .Ewart Everson at Caesanea. A good turnout on Sunday greeted the new paston and his wife, Rev. and Mrs. W. C. Smith. Mrs. Clarence Tink and daughter Marion visited ber sister, Mrs. Char- leton MeBride, Peterboro. Mrs. H. G. Freeman and Mrs. J. D. Pickard visited Mrs. F. C. David- son, Oshawa, on Tuesday. Misses Kathleen and Margaret Tink visited their grandparents, Mn. and Mrs. H. E. Tink, Solina. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Everson, Mrs. E. Bale, Miss B. Harris, Mrs. Geo. Bray and daughter Mary, Miss Iva Evenson. Mn. Stanley Everson. Osh- awa. Miss 'Evelyýn Everson, Stratford, were recent visitons witb Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden. Mrs. Ross Stevens. Misses Betty and Muriel, Master Bobby Stevens. and Miss Marion Foley spent Tues- day with the former's sister. Mrs. Wes. Langrnaid, at Caesarea. Mas- ter Bobby Stevens rcmained for aj f ew days' visit ,with his cousins, Mas- ters Douglas and Jackie Langmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Snowden and daughter Greta had a vcry enjoy- able motor trip Vo Ottawa and Mon- treal. On their way down they cail- cd to see Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Delve, Lyn. and had a very enjoyable visit with their former paston and wife. Tbey also visited Albin Cownan, Winchester. and had a pleasant visit there, then on to Ottawa and Mon- treal where they visited various places of intenest. On their way home they stopped at Gananoque and took in the boat trip Up to thea Thousand Islands.e Miss Leah Bell is holidaying with ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phillips. Port Athur. Mr. Will Phillips. Iowa, Mr. FrankP Phillips, Port Arthur, Mr. Oco. Phil- l lips. and Miss E. Platfond, Toronto,e visited the latter's sister, Mrs. j. j.b Bell, on Wednesday, also Mrs. Ar- i thur Cole and famnily, Bowmanville. s HAMPTON T Mis. Frank Rogers is holidaying at Beirnoni Lake. Miss Launa Wickett £5 convalesc- ing ai Mrs. Niddery's. Mns. George Barnon and son. Aus- tin, visited Toronto !iends. Mr. and Mrs. Poster Hoidge wene recerit visitons with relatives. Dr. Albert Allin, Toronto, was a weekend and boUiday visiior at borne. Mis. W. W. Horn and son, Wal- lace are holidaying ai Belinoni Lake. Mn. and Mns. E. L. Williarrmson visited Toronto ancd Port Penny re- latives. Mn. and Mrs Ellis Pascoe, Brook-, lin, visited f iends and relatives on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, Ton- onto, visited ber mothen, Mns. E. Stevens. Principal E. E. Staples presided oven Entrance Examinations ai Blackstock. Mrs. K. Cavely and son. Bruce, visiiecd Mr. and Mns. J. A. Cole, Bowrnenville. Mn. and Mns. W. Sprackling, Ton- onto, visited with Mrs. John Col- will on Monday. Mn. and Mrs. Herbent Smale and daugbicr, Detroit, visited bis moiher, Mrs. Ida Smale. Miss Gwendolyn Caverly £5 visiting ber grandparenis, Mn. and Mrs. L. S. Caverly, Toronto. Mn. and Mrs. G. Wilkinson and son, Douglas, Toronto, wÈre Sunday visitons ai Mn. L. Trull's. Misses Helena and Molly Hynds, Toronto, visitcd with Misses FIon- ence and Bessie Sirnpson. Mns. W. G. Robbins, Bowmanville, visited ai S. T. Mountjoy's recenily while visiting oihcr village relatives. Several of oui men are exnployed on che work of Washingion's bih] wliich is being widened and cut downm. Mrs. Chas Kcrslake was in Hamn- ilton on T7hursday attending the funenal of ber cousin, Mn. Henry J. Lawny. Mn. and Mrs. C. E. Horn and tdaughter, Acy. Mrs. T. Wray and daughter, Eileen. wene in Toronto on Wednesday. Quarterly Board met on Monday night in the chunch, owing to ne- pairs being made to the furnace, in the baserneni. Mn. Levi Niddery, Mn. and Mrs. j Norman Faulkncn and son, Billie, Toronto, visited Mrs. Georgina Nid- dery on Bunday. Sunday School was held in thec morning on Sunday, wbich will be the trne 0f meeting until funihen announcement. ý Mns. McMaster, Miss Annie and' Mn. James McMaster, Zion, and Mn. 1 Get Your Lawn Mower In Shape We bave Just received a new IDEAL LAWN MOWER GRINDER wlth aIl the latest isuprove- ments whlch leave-, no guess work now. It ginds cuttîng blade and upper knives to, fit. $ 1.00 per mower Repa fraare extra. Our 20 yearV experlence assures you of satlsfactory JOb. ACETYLENE WELDNG of ail kinds done. D. R. Alldread r gE St. E. BowbuU5Vmie IV A. Barrie, Midland, were necent visitons 0f the Misses Horn. Miss Helen Armour. Oshawa, and Miss Allie Wood, Orono, Mn. and Mrs. Bert Staples. Zion, were ne- cent visitrs at Mr. G. Annour's. Rev. W. Rackham, administcred Sacrament to a goodly numben at the church service in the evening. Miss Helen Knox assisted in the music by the choir with a vocal solo. Mrs. Robent Bamlett and daugh- ter, Calgary, Alta.. Mrs. Braund. Mrs. Walter Pair and daughten, Osh- awa, verc guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Colwill. Mn. and Mrs. Bam- Ictt and daughten sailed on FridaY 10 spend their holidays ini Durham City, England. Mn. Joseph Ashton, Detroit, Mich., Mn. Levi Niddeny. Mn. and Mns. Faulkner, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. E. Pascoe, Brooklin, Mn. and Mrs. Oco. Ormiston, Mn. Harold Ormiston, En- f ield, Miss Nora Wcnny, Kedron, vis- ited with Mns. S. G.. Niddeny and Mrs. J. Colwill on Sunday. Mný Gordon Elliott, ,Winnipeg, Man.. Mn. J. H. Baulocb. Mns. Albenta Hanisman, Mis. B. Reaves and Ruth, Port Hope, Clans Page, Enniskillen. Miss Pearl Leach. Tauntion, Miss Mac Westlake, Solina, Mn. Otto Nad -sen, Bowmanville, Miss Nora Kens- lake. Oshawa, Dr. J. H. Elliott, Mis M. Melody. R. N. , Toronto: wene necent visitons witb Mn. and Mrs.- C. J. Kenslake. CADMUS Mrs. S. McQuade bas been visit- lning friends in Port Hope. miss Gladys Cobbled.ick is holiday- ing with ber parents at Kendal. Congratulations to, Mn. and Mrs. George Johnston on tbe arrivai o! Miss Grace Goody spent the week- a baby girl on July ist. end with Miss Leona Devitt. Miss Gladys Cobbledick, teacher of Muinhead sehool, and her pupils en- tertaiined Miss Helen F'owlen and the pupils of Cadmus school to a picnic last F'niday. A lange number attend- ed, and ail the Cbilâren enjoyed bail gaines and other sports. A bootb in change osf Russel Brown and a splend.ld supplY of re!resbiments were special attractions. The pienie was voted a great success. We are sorny Vo report that Misses Grace Goody and Maisie Guyton are ,eaving ourcoinmuity. Mn. and Mrs. Jame:s Thoxupson and Miss Penn, are occpYing Riddell Inn. Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Fallis and Miss Bird.le Faflis vislted Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Fallis. Mn. and Mis. James Fleti, Mr. Russel Nesbitt and Mn. Murray Nes- bitt, Toronto, were Sunday guests o! Mrs. James Nesbitt. Cburch servIces on Sunday in thej morning were in change of Rev. H. J. Bell.j Mn. George Wilson, Dranvel, Mn. Lamb, Bowmanviile, Miss Margaret Joh.nton, Miss Gladys Cobbledick. iss Elva White, Mn. Earl Gray, Mn. and Mrs. Russel Mountjoy, Miss S A~. Shorttridge, Bowmanville, wene guests laut week of Mn. and Mrs. C. F'erguson. Over thirty men and several lad- les wene present on Monday aften- noon at a barn-raising on the fanm xccupied by Mrs. Southern. Miss Ethel Thompson, Bowman- ville, is visiting Mn. and Mrs. F. rnompson. Mrs. N. Philp and baby son, Ton- onto, are visiting ber parents, Mn.1 and Mrs. C. F'allis. Ms.C. Ferguson. and4 na-ster Sydney, vislted Mn. and Mns. L. White and Mr. and Mrs. A. Pen- round of Oshawa SOLINA Miss Ruth. Rey-noldLs is visiting T'oronto friends. Miss Jessie Yellowlees £5 visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. N. C. Yellowlees bas been visiting Brampton friends. Miss Evelyn Milîson, Janetville, < is visiting Mrs. Sainuel Bush. Miss Helen Baker bas been visit- rig Miss Ada Allun, Providence,. vsMiss Dorothy Williamns, Port Perry,c visiiing ber sisten, Mrs. Cbas. How-V sarn.1 Miss Gwen Brooks, Beihesda. is holidaying ai ber uncle's, Mn. S. E. Werry's. Master Ralpb Larmer. Black- stock, is visiting bis cousin, Master Bruce Taylor. Misses Evelyn Tink and Muriel Baker are visitlng Petierboro and Hastings friends. Sevenal froin bere attended the deconation serviCes at Zion lasi Sun- day af ternoon. Mns. John Penfound, Oshawa, is spending the summer with bier daughten, Mrs.W. T. Baker. Mn. and Mns. Arthur Taylor, Chennywood, Mrs. Samuel Tink, New Jersey. at Mr. H. E. Tink's. Mn. Nor-man Willson and son Bruce, Edmonton, Alta.. spent the weekend ai Mn. Jack Baker's. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Wbite and family. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Rolson, Oshawa. visited at Mn. Oco. Whiie's. Misses Kathleen and Margaret Tink, Maple Grove, spent last weck w ibteir grandipanents, Mn. and Mrs. H-. E. Tink. Mr and Mrs. Thos, Boag, Doris and Lois and Miss Ada Burleigb, Tor onto, were neceni guests of -,.e&srs N. C. and J .W. Yellowlees. Our young people bcld their ann- ual picnic at Lakeview Park, Osh- awa, last Friday afiernoon witb a- bout 50 present and aIl had a jolly turne. Mn. and Mrs. Jos. Langmaid, Mrs.' Foster Bnowden and famlly. Osbawa, Mn. and Mis. Geo. Stephens, Salem, Mrs. Chas. Scboll and family, Char- lotte, North Carolina, visited at Mn. Roy Langmaid's. A enjoyable tume was speni ai thej ice cream social under the auspices of the Young Peoples on the coniunity grounda s .Saturday evcning. A league gaine of football was played between Solina and Bow- inanville resulting in a score of 2- 0 for the visitons. Afier aIl had Par- Laken of!ice creamn and cake, a short prognamn was given. Rev. Walter Rackham made an efficient chair- mnari and kepi evenyone in goocl rxumor with bis witty stories. Piano solos were given by Miss Maîganet M<cKessock and Mn. George Wenny, vocal dues. by Misses Ada and Nan Pllin. Providence, readlngs by Miss Pearl Leach, Taunton, and several selections by the Balson Quartette of Zion. Mn. and Mrs.' Norman and Jean, M(ontreal, Que., are vislting with Mn. Gard.on Wight. HAYDON Miss Grace Trewin is holidaying at Mr. Wm. Smith's, Whitby. Mn. and Mrs. E. Bradley visitedl at Mr. L. Ferguson's, Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hobbs are visit- ing the formner's mothen, Mns. Hobbs, Enfield. Mr. A. Beech and Miss Mabel Beech Sundayed at Mr. Everett Beech's. Port Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Erie Stainton and son, Bowmnanville, visited at Mr. A. McNeil's. Messrs. Lloyd Thonipson and Olen Gibson, Cadmus, Mrs. Macdonlald and Mr. A. Macdonald, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. W. ThomPson's. Mrs. E. Bradley, Misses Freda and Viola Bradley visited at Mrs. W. Edgerton's and Mr. W. McLean's, Pcntypool. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy visited at Mr. Wm. Challs', Bow- manville. Rev. A. M. Inwin, Oshawa, will have charge of the church service on Sunday aftennoon and will speak on Missions. î-5 TYRONE Mn. Eanl Goodman, Toronto, Sun- dayed ai home. Mn. and Mrs. F. L. Byam, Doneen and Yvonne visited ber parents. Mn. and Mrs. J. Lillicnapp, Cann- inglon, Doreen rennained for a hol- iday. Miss Marjonie Rowe, Bowrnanville, visitcd ber cousin, Mrs. Fred Good- man. Miss Viola Shonit wbo, bas taught tbe past three years ai Plevna, is ai home bere. Rey. A. M. Irwln wlll take charge of the cburch service lere Sunday, It 10.30 ar. Miss Irene Riddell, Orono, is bol- idaymng with her grandiparents, Mn. and Mns. Wm. Virtue. Mns. Wm. MacDonald, Catherine and Bruce, Cobourg, are visiting -her father, Mn. Willis Stewart. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Brooks and babe, Cobourg, visited bis parents. Mn. and Mrs. George Brooks, on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. W. Cochrane and Ray, Orono, Mrs. J. BaIl, Leskard, visited Mn. and Mns. Wm Virtue on Sunday. Our pastor, Rev. A. M. Wootton. M!rs. Wooton and Master John are holidaying at their cottage ai Lake Baptiste. Congrabulations te Mn. and Mis. Walter Jones and Mr. and, Mrs. Hlerbert Burgess on the arrivai at each borne of a baby girl. Mn. Luther Goodman, Mn. and Mr s. Fred Goodman, Columbus, motoned to Wasaga Beach and Coll- ingwood over the weekend holiday. Mn. and Mrs. Taîbent Findley, rhornhill, spent Sunday witb ber fther, Mr. Edward Virtue, Master Bert Fmndliey neturned home witb them. Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid -ilmcci ai the home of Mrs. Rus- sell Wright on Wednesday, Jsily l8th, at 2.30 p.m. A good prograsu (s being prcpared. Mn. and Mrs. Tycrman. Mn. and Msrs. Fairservice and Miss Melville, Seaforth, Mrs. Clara Byam, Bow- manville, necently visited ai Mn. Lu- ther Hoopen's. Mn. and Mrs. Milton Werry, Osh- awa, Mrs. H-. MeConnell, Ray and Isobel. and Miss Hazel Werny, Ton- onto, visited Mn. and Mrs. H. HUIS and other old friends. Mn. and Mis. Harny Joncs, Ton- onto, accoînpanied by Mn. Elgin Jones and Mn. Gussie Rosevear spent Sunday with the latten's parents, Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Rosevear, Port Hope. Mrs. Euretta Woodley, Mn. and Mr s. C. W. Woodley, Ed.itb. Joyce and Jimmy, and Miss Irene Camer- on, necently visited the fonxner's sister, Misa Annie Penrose, Oakwood, and Mn. and Mis. J. Shorti, Litile 3nitain. On Tbursday afiernoon the W. M. S. beld iheir meeting in the forn if a picnic. Afien opening exercises ashort prograrn was given, in charge of Mrs. T. Hloar's gnoup. Devoional vas taken by Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Wenny; readings, lor. Clemens and VIns. S. Hoar; favorite hysuns were ung. A table was set on the lawn wbene a delicious picnic supper was served. Atiendance 34. The misslonary pnogram ai Sun- Iay Bcbool was in charge of the as- istant leader. Mrs. R. J. Hodgs-ri, and was as follows:-Scbool sang, Listen 10 the Voice o! Jesus:"' Mrs. Sidney Hoar gave an Interest4ng rading "From Brewer Vo, Dairyman;"' Mns. Hodgson gave the m.issionary study dealing with medical missions in Canada and aftenwards told a story to the childien; programn clos- ed with prayer by Mrs. Albert Hilîs. IENFIELDI Mrs. T. Bowman is visiting ai Mount Forest. Mn. Nelson Hudson,' Peterboro, visiied Mn. Tal. Henry. Mn. and Mns. John McCullocb and Miss Ida McCulloch, visitcd at On- ono. Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Lcask and family, Taunton, visited at Mn. F. Gilbert's. Mrs. Jas. Starks £5 nursing Miss Kat-e Starks who is clangenously iii near McKenzie's school. Messrs. Gordon Sizer, Mat. Mur- ray and Fred Cork visited Niagara Falls over the weekend. Miss Margaret Pnescott, Solina, Miss Helen Smith, Oshawa. are vis- iting at Mn. Ail. Prescotts' Mn. and Mns. Wm. Smith and Miss Wilina, Oshawa, and Miss G. Trewin, Haydon, visited at Mn. L. C. Pascoe's. Mn. Walter Cochrane, Bownnan- ville, and Mn. J. Knapp, Calgary, visited at Mns. G. Cochnane's and J. Avery's. Mn. and Mns. Robson Bowînan, Port A.rthur, Mn. Lyle Nicholson, Miss Elsie Bowman and f niend, Owen Sound, visîted at Mn. T. Bow- man's. Mn. M. Robbins, Oshawa, Mis. Percy Langmaid and Miss Bernice, Oshawa, Mn. and Mrs. W. Smith, Miss Wilma, Oshawa, and Miss G. Trewmn, Haydon, have been visitons at Mn. Fred Smith's. Women's Association beld the July meeting ai the home o! Mrs. P. Mornison, Coîborne Street, Osh- awa. Tbe prognam consisted of an excellent paper by Mrs. R. Ormis- ton, a violin solo by Mrs. G. Bow- man. a humorous reading by Mrs. E. Ormiston, and a vocal duet by Hel- en and Elizabeth Pascoe. Mter the meeting a very substantial lunchwa served and thoroughly enjoyed. Thel hospitality o! our hostess was great- ly appreciated.1 j SALEM Miss M. Barrett, Newcastle, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. Honey. Mrs. J. Hutcheson, Toronto, who has been visiting her niece, Mrs. P. Honey, has retunned home. Glad to report Mrs. A. Wilkins ne- covered sufficiently f rom lier serious iilness to visit, out among us again. The two lîttle sons of Mr. and Mns. Savery, Newtonville, are visit- ing their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wclsh. Mr. and Mns. W. Moffat and f ar- ily, Orono, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Squair, on Sunday and attended service here. Master Jack remnained for a holiday. Miss Gladys Cann is holidaying with her parents after completing a year~s course at Normal in Tor- onto. Glad to know she bas been successful in obtaining a Toronto school for the coming termn. Miss B. Cator has returned home after a pleasant holiday spent in Toronto witbh ler sister. Mrs. H. Hobbs. Mr. Alex Heard and Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs and son accompan- ied ber borne. Mrs. Hobbs and son Donald are remainlng for a vaca- tion with ber parents. Cburch service on Sunday was conducted by Rev. A. M. Wootton, his tcxt being "Lord to wbom shail we go? Thou hast the wonds of et- ernal lîfe." At the close of the ser- vice a congregational meeting was held to decide matters regarding a Harvest Homne and resulted in a de- cision in favor of special Sunday services on the usual date wlth an entertainiment Monday evening min- us a supper. Thanks;giving Day this year will be on Monday, October 8th. Mrs. Anchie Tait. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Samis and Jack, Mn. and Mrs. Sid. Little, Mrs. J. I-iglfield, Miss P. A. Smith wene among the Bow- manville visitors at Port Hope Cen- tennial on Dominion Day. At a meeting of the Durbam C. C. F. Constituency OCuncil beld ne- cently in Bowmanville. Dr. itorna Cotton was unanimously selected as the delegate Vo represent Durham at the Annual Convention of the C. C. F. te be held in Winnipeg, July 17, 18 and 19th. Royal Theatre BOWMANVI LLE THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN Friday and Saturday - JuIy l3th and I4th WALLACE BEERY in Viva Villa Trhe picture that was too big to niake in Hollywood, Entire production was produced in Mexico. "CLAINCY 0F TH-E MOUNTED" Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. mi. Monday and Tuesday - JuIy l6th and l7th JANET GAYNOR and CHARLES FARRELL in their greatest triumph Change of Heart Fox News - - Charlie Chase Coxnedy Matinee Monday at 2.30 p. rn. Wednesday and Thursday - JuIy I8th and 19th SPENCER TRACEY and CLAIRE TREVOR in Mad Game AIl Star Comedy "RoOAMjJN' VAN1JALS" Matinee Wednesday at 2.30 p. m. SCHOOL REPORTS CADMIUS School report of S. S. No. 5, Cad- n'us; (Hi-Honons; (Pi-Pass; (F) -Failure: Entrance Pupils - Elmer Archer, Dorotby Brown, Lloyd Brown, Mar- jonce Galbraith, Maisie Guyton, Keith Johnston, Muriel Lansing, Lois Veale. Jr. IV - Sn. IV-jack Marlow (P), Eileen Jobnston (Pi, Clara Mount- joY (Pi, Mildned Archer (P). Sr. III - Jr. IV-Maurice SameIls Jr. III - Sn. II-Maion Beacock (P), Guelda Johnston (F), Neil Jobnston (Pi. Jr. fl-Doris Mou;ntjoy (H), Don- ald Jobnston (F). Sn. I - Jr. IIl-Sara Marlow (H). Helen Fowler, (cacher. S. S. NO. 6 CARTWRIGHT June report o! S. S. No. 6, Cart.- wright: Entrance Ptipils-jim Fallis, Luc- uce Hyland. Jr. IV - Sn. IV-Keitb Bjrown 73, Jack Hanna 81, Billy Hanna 9. Sn. III - Jr. IV-Bessie Edgerton 83, Isobel Hanna 82, Ilene Hyland 81. Sr.fI - Jr. III-Helen Sanderson 89, Audrey McQuade 88. Marjorie Hanna 83, Noreen Argue 80, Evelyn Ph.Lilp absent. Sn. I - Jr. II-Muriel Hyland 81. Primen--Gordon Hanna, Noreen Dickey. Figures stand for per cent. Gladys Cobbledlck, teacher. BLACKSTOCK June promotions for Blackstock school, S. S. No. 2: Jr. IV - Sn. IV-Harold Crawýford, Kathleen Taylor, Roger Dornell, Roy Werry. Sn. III - Jr. IV-Ralpb Lanîner <Honours), Pearl Wrigbt, John Wer-j rny, Ross Bailey (necomniended). Jr. III - Sn. III-Gwenyth Manlow, Kathleen Wright, Helen VanCamp, Manion Hill, Roy Stinson, Marion Moore (failed). Sn. II - Jr. III-Verna McNally (honours), Maretta Graham, Dalton Dorrell. Lola Stinson (failed). Sr. I - Jr. fl-Lois Larmer (hon- ours), Wilma VanCamp. Jr. I - Sn. 1-Jessie VanCamp1 (honouns), Helen Moore, Jim Mar- low, Howard Fonder, Mernill Van- Camp. Jr. Pr. - Sr. Pr.-Harold Fonder (honoursi, Editb Wrigbt (honouns), Dorothy Wright (honoursi, Murray1 TH 6~ef4ifresh alA 19 GROUND BEIFORE YOUR ITyES 6ecause noone lbas eve nvented a fieshness-seal equal to tise F esblyoatdcFe an I Obaenever red FRESHLY GRQUND coffee, A&P is ts week offering Boa, Rd Crle and 8 O'Clocis blends at reduced prices, Tiese îlree blends differ only in Flavor; art dul in quality and outse11 dfly otber nine coffees BOKAR VIGOROUS AND WINEY ..:d u 35C 8 O'CLOCK MILD AND MELLOW flkmo31' R ED CIRCLE RKH ANDFBO Fou. aoDîEo 27 OUIR OIVN SILVERBROOK Butter Sunayfleld P. &G. Soap 10 BARS 29e AI LMER Tomato Julce ino. CHRISTIE'S M4erry WAjRS lb. 270 FANCY PACK ShrIaups lacL18 OUR OJVN A & P-E VAPORATED Ilk 3 Ta 23e 6 B"; 23c, SJPIFT'S GOLDEN JVEST-Wsgh up to 5 Iba. Freeb for B Fow l or Frie A&PSELECTED QUALITY BEEF Prime Rib K GEM INE SOFT-IIEATED SPRING Lamtb Legs LambFre 2 lbs- 43e 2 lbs. 45o Pest Bran Flakes 2PKCS. 210 A ILMER Pork & Beans 46z 9 CHRISTIE'S Flake Dutteas 2 PKGS. £90 CHiASE AND SAABORN Coffee lb. 390 DR. JAChSON'S Roman eal Pkg. 320 lb. floned and lb. RoUled if Desjred Ibo 1 70 OUIR OJVN COUJNTRY STYLE Sausage 2 4IAI'LE LEAF Porlk Delicacies .SLICED I FESH DAILY Beef Bologna 2 lbs. 250 Potato Salai FRESIL GEORGIAN BAY Trout «Jb S FRESIL CAUGHT WHITEFISH lb NATIVE CR0 JN New Potatoes Si UARGE, >'ELW, RIPE *AIVE GROWN BanamatS 3 'bu 20o IPe~s TE. Ib. ,200 190 25e lb. X7,c lb. £9 ;0 14C Ibo. 230 lb. 1 PAGE SIX Werry (honours), Kathleen Wood- EN SKL N ard, Arnold Taylor, Stuart Dorrell. Begmnner at Easter-JaCk Marlow. <i- Eldon Eckel, teacher. Plan to hear "Depend on Me" giv- DEVIT'S SHOOLen by Hampton Dramatic Club in DEVIT'S SHOOLthe church shed, Monday, Jul3' l6th, In oder0f mnt:at 8 p. in. Admission 25e and 10c. Jr. IV Sr. IV-Zetta McKee <H). Sr. III- Jr. IV-Roy Ashtonl (P), Annie Fee (P), Lewis Stinson (Rec), Horace Johnston (P), Violet Fowl- er (F). Sn. Il - Jr. In-Noble Johnstofl (P), Margaret Thompson (P) , Eldon 5p ecialS la Tbompson (P), Vera Strong (P), Lyda Ginn (Rec). Sr. I .- Jr. II-Orma McKee (P) Charles Fee (P, William Strong (P) Rena Fowler (P), Eldon Fee (F). W H T OE vil McKee (P), (absent) Rupert Gra- ham. Jr. Pr. - Sr. Pr.-David Strong (P), Jeffrey Giles (P), Ronald Ginfl (P). Mabel Argue, teacher. W mns Whe Te, S. S. NO. 4, CARTWRIGHT cu nhestiched June promotion examinations, S. pattern, Special $2.45 S. No. 4. Cartwnight:; (H)-Holours: (F)-Failed; Rec,-Recommended. Jr. IV - Sr. IV-Harold Demille: Men's White Caif and 75 (H), Norman Mahaffy 67. 1 White Buck Oxfords, Sr. III - Jr. IV-Eff le Henry 75 ý (Hi, Helen Wotten 74, Cecil Gibson1 leather sole, 65, Percy Swain 63, Mary Mvahaffyi 62. Rosie Siblock 57 (F), Special ........ $3.95 Ccwling 56 (F).f Sr. II - Jr. III-Ernie Swain 64, Stanley Taylor 64. Misses' White Kid One- Jr. II - Sr. II-Janet Swain 76 (H) Strap, leather sole, Billy Mahaffy 69. Verna Gibson 59,ît)...19 (Rec), Henry Wotten 48 (F). 1 (ulut .. 19 I - Jr. II-Doris Mahaffy 76 (H), Jean Toms 76 (H). 1 Sr. Pr. - I-Ross Steele, Dorot.hy j Wotten. Grant Mahaffy. Jr. Pr. - Sr. Pr-Jean Gibson,j Dorothy Siblock. Jr. Pr-Alita Steele, Roy Henry Merrili Henry. Merle Tbompson, teacher N Miss S. A. Shortridge has been vis- Sh e t r iting f riends i Cartwright. S o t r Sec the Softball game between Providence and Salem at Providence Phone 120 on Friday evening, July 13th. There BomnleOt will be a stand Where you can bu y Rwnni ,O t ice creamn and soft drinks. A card from ex-Reeve T. H. Lock- hart on Tuesday tells of the splen -_______________ did time he is enjoymng on the Pac- if ie Coast, having spent ten daysi in Vancouver and leing now in Vic- i BA CKACH ES toria. RCAHSGN fe Master Philip Ayliiig, Maple Grove, BRLM AP-HEy GONEfer usiC 1 1-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. F'n ue eif W ying.hsse the Jufion Ask McGregor's Drug Store for not, Oshawa.Cosr1try s RI U M ACAPS I I ýýe - %MOW

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