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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1934, p. 1

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d4nr11ban %t4te mn sýilc With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 19th, 1934 NUMBER 29 Public Utilities Commission Replies To Ratepayers' Association Letter Waterworks System under Utilities Management Costing Less Than Under Town Management - Competent Engineering Authorities Support View of Commission in Installation of Water Meters to Conserve Water Supply. ReplyinÈ ta a tisesis presented i.y acity of the source practically witis- tise Ratepayers' Associatio~n some oui exception are mneteresi. ime ago containing tise cogxteuiion 3. Quali.fied engineers bave re- tisaitthe present systein of manage- ported that upon investigatioçn they ment af tise waterworks system finsi no avallable sprlugs tisai would woui in a f ew years become ex- augment aur present system suff ic- cessively expensive, tise Public Util- iently to warrant the necessary ex- ities Commission, after isaving glv- penditure. Thse only aiher source là en extensive study to the matter the location o! wells and thse have issues tise following siate- Up 0f a pumping system tiai wauld ment to tise Association. It is un- seriously increase nat only aur de- derst-osi tisai every angle of thse benture debi but aur yearly cost of qUO.tion isas been studiesi andi that maintenance. Such a plan under re- ,.1tmpetent autiorities have inormed cognzed practise of goosi waterwrks ftise commission tisaitiseir plan of managem".ni would still require operatiffl i iu tise best interests of meters. tise system and the town. 4. As is pointed outi n a former Tisis siatement, wiich ia publiis- statement tisai per capita consump- ed iserewith, la now lu tise bauds of tion of meter users is very mucis thse Ratepayera Association for their lower than tisatis te non-meteresi study. It reveals tisai while tise thes- services. Witis the asiditional 200 la subutittesi by tise association meters now instaliesi the daily cou- cores ta tise only ultinsate conclus- sumption for, 1934 as con,- ion, tise basic argumOnts are only pared witis June, 1933 bas f allen off suppositions, andi tierefore Use approximately 8000 gallons per day. ultmmate conclusion, as outlinesi by Tise Commission feel tisai a f ully tise Association muai o! necessity meteresi system will se conserve aur only be supposition. Tise Commias- waier supply tisai we wilI bave an ion's statement on tise otiser baud adecjuate amontnt for ail normal de- la based on actual !acts o! operation, mands and tisai even sisouls tise sud tisus tise conclusion is reasonably iwo abnarmal demsnds of proloug- expected ta be actual faci. Tise fulil ed dry spell andi cannlng f actary statement of thse Commission fol- 24 isour shifts coincide, by careful lows and sisoulsi be carefully read supervision andi coutrol of pressure by every water user iu thse town: valves over the system, tisere sisoulsi With referexjce to tise reporiesi be no serious sisortage tisat wauld percentage o! increase e! water rates jusify tise expenditure of large sums meniioned in your letier perisaps it of money to overcome a situation of should be saisi tsaitishe Commission sucishsiort duratisin andi very oc- were referring ta tise increase in- casianal occurrence. volvesi over tise wisole system while Wisen tise water services are ail your .Associatsu;n base your estimates meteresi it shoulsi be possible ta el- upon domesiic service only andi ience imiinate minimum consumpiion tise dfference In thbe percentage. charge and eacis customer will pay Tise plan adopied by tise Com- for tise actual amount o! water used mission to meter all water services wiiis a minimum bll wiich wili as funsis are available f rom year te work ta tise asivantage of tiese mal year la predicatesi upon four main consumer. principles. With regards te tise figures you 1. The financés of tise Town submit as to tise ultimate coat of shoulsi not be burdenesi by issuing ineters. As a maiter o! matisematics o! furtiser debentures. In fact it iL mias be an tnteresting study ta would be very difficulita obtain compile estimaies upon a hypatheti- tise sanction o! tise Municipal Board cal basis sucis as you have employai ta a furtiser debenture issue, but in actual practise the cosi a! 2. Waierworks authorities whom meters and their maintenance will we have consuliesi are unanimous net be a greai amount sud willI be fis stating tisai where a water supply taken care o! out of renewals reserve la limitai thtia meters are a neeasity wiiisout any asidesi cost to tise con-1 ta control tise supply: Bowmauvllle sumer.1 Wfl alwaYs have a limitesi supply a! Wise.itise Commission took aver2 water unless a large sum, out o! ail tise water sysien f rom Use 'Towni proportion ta tise neesis o! thse Town, tiere wa"s already $6060 investesi1 Is expendesi. Municipalities wisoaetin meters. The Commission propose2 water supply ia limitesi by tise cap- tCnniiueci on page 7) 'FLYING BISHOP' ALBERTA PREMIER CREATES RECORD lat. 1ev. A. IL Fleming fVoyers 1,301t Miles la Aretic In One Dayt To Reach Here Snday. Rt. Rev. A. L. Fleming. Aniglicani bisisep of tise Arctic diosese. is enc route to Tarante witis a new fly- f ing record ta iis credit. Populariy J known as tise "Flying Bisisop," Dr.j Flemig arrivai in Winnipeg fourr sisys af ter conducting services in tise Arctie twiligist. Bisbop Fleming bas been for 25 years a sumrmer resident of Bowmanville Beach.t He createsi a record wisen he made a total of 1,301 mile s o! Arciic flying in one day. Pilotesi byP W. R. May, o! Canadian Airways,r andi accompanied by R. J. Cromie, cf Vancouver, tise bisisop lef t Akla- vik andi flew nonsh 100 Miles over Garry Islan inlutise Arctic Ocean ansi turnedsi suts ta Fort Norman.t Tisen tisey returnesi easiward, fly-1 lng over Great Bear Lake ta Cain-î eron ans i fnally landesi at Copper- Hon. R. G. Rei, new premier oft mine, ,where Bishop Fleming con- Aberta, wiso succeedesi Hon. JohnÉ ductesi a service. E. Browiee after bis resignation 1 To complete tise record ffigisi tise olowing tise sensational seductionF party returnesi ta Cameron Bay, trial. The new premier was born Inln Great Bear Lake, arriving sisortly Scotlsusi ansi came te Canada in suter mid.nigbt. 11903. Biisbop FlemLoig preachesi ai Fort _____ McMurray, about 800 Miles sauts o!f __ Cameron Bay, Sunday evening ansi Ladies Inspect Bale lefitishere ai 3.30 a.m. Monday, with Pilai Archie McMullen, Ca an At Regular Meeting Alrways, to make train connectictas StPalsEeigAx at Edmonton.StPal&EeigA x Bishop Fleming wiUl preacis ai then morning service in St. John's Angli- Ams neetn eua et cenChuchon o! tise Evening Auxliary was iselsit a t tise home a! Mrs. Alan Williams0 BOW1ANVILLE LEADING recenilY. Miss M. Hutchison, Pres-P IN FOTBAL LEG 1ident, presidesi ansi was Ln charge o! IN OOTALLLEAUE tise devotional perlosi whichin l-n cludesitise usual hymn ansi scrip-P Bowmanville la leadlng tise Dar- ture reading. Misa Helen YellowleesP lingion-Clarke Football League by ansi Mm. Frank Williams reasitiseb "ne pont as.a.resli o!_f +1-1. Srdcisptero!-ise. ook"Tis _ - AN UNIQUE RECORD An unique record in con- neciion with tise Entrance Examiniatlom results, wici are publishe inlutisis issue, is ihat o! Principal J. H. Joisnstan classata Central Public Scisool, Bawnanvilie. Every candidate wiso iriesi tise examinaticxns passesi, while Use remainder a! Use ciass passes on their year's record. Ihis ofa!furtiser lu- teresi tisai o! those who di! try tiseir examinations no less tisan 25 passes i wh honors. To tisis number coulsi easily be asidesi ibose wiso passesi oni heir regular departmental examnations. Scores oF Students Qual ify for Higher Education as Entrance Exams Passeci Resuits of Entrance Examinations tu Bowmanville, Bow. manville Centre, Blackstock Centre, Solîna Centre, Boys' Training School, Orono Centre, Newcastle Centre and Janetville Centre Are Announced. 1 HUGE CONVENTION AT DETROIT IS RELATED AT ROTARY MEETING President Fred Cryderman, Ac- credites! Delegate o! Local Club, Outilues Highlighte of Gath- ering Attended by 8000 Delegates A review o! tise Roary Interna- tion convention ut Detroit, by Presi- dent Fred Crydermian, accredited delegate f rom tise local Club, Was iseard ai Friday's luxicheon meeting e! tise Rotary Club. Tise speaker gave a runuing starY o! tise *eai gatisering ai wisich. nc lesa thisas7400 Rotarians registeredi wisile many aihers Whso attendesi ta a private capaciiy was asides te tis number. Fo)riy-tisree countries were representoesinlutise gatberiug. The main sessions were isels inl tise isuge Masonic Temple, erectei a few yeaxs ago ai a cost a! $7,- 000,000, wiiis the main ball seating 5500 persans. The speaker divisiesitise convent- ion activities inta tbtee parts. Pirst was tise administration, in wbich was siescribesi tise manner lu wisich, tise cominittees aud executive cou- ductes tise business ansi brougisi In tiseir reports. Mexico City was a- daptesi as tise Câ6pventian ciy in 1935. Education waa anotiser feature of tise convention, wisen one was en- ablesi ta get an enlargesi vision on tise greai work o! Rotary was ac- complishing. John Nelson o! Mont- real, presideni reportesi 85- 00 new members during his term o! f ice ansi numerous new clubs îll over tise warld. Tise final impression was tise fel- lowship ansi personal contacts one made wiiis otiser Rotarians f rom ail over tise world. An imupressive mno- ment relatesi was wisen Frencis ansi Qermnan Rotarians asidresses tise convention ansi afterwards sisoak isansis bei are tise gathering ansi plesiges tisemselves ta do everyting in their power te brng about fri- endli!aeas between tisese two nations. Of interest tao was tise f aci tisai Detroit automobile manufacturera placesi 700 cars at tise disposai of tise Rotaria!ns for use free day or nigisi iirougisoui tise convention. Anotiser enlightening aide trip was tisaitat Forsi's aid time village ai Dearborn. Mn. Cryderman brie! ly spoke of tise great asisresses deliveresi by pramin- men ansitise tisemes tisey dis- cussesi. Tise varions breakfasts ansi djn'mers fer tise Britishs Empire, for Districts andi 1lor Preadmtts were alsa mentionesi. Of a particuiarly impressive na- ture was tise opening ceremony in tise iuge auditorium. The gigantic stage hasi a backgroundi o! ever- greens wiii tise Lips a! flaga o! ail nations poiniing oui above. At tise zero isaur all ligists were extingusses ansi gradually tise stage llghts came on, ansi a iiden air system unfuri- esi tise f laga ansi blew tisem ta tise winsi. As tise ligisis came fully on tise Internaional ansi hast club officiais isas taken tiseir seais on tise plat- forre ta open one o! tise largesi Ro- tary gatheringa ever iselsi. mhe speaker in conclusion statesi tisai whiie ise gatiseresi tremendous inspiration f rom tise gatisenlng, it woulci be impossible in a shoert Lime te conyey tisat inspiration to tise club. He iseaniily tisankes tise club fer appointing isim off icial delegate ansi urgesi every member at some f u- ture time ta attend a Rotary Inter- national Convention. Tise speaker was introducesi by Pasi President Tommy Rasa ansi Retarian Oea. W. James expressesi tise club's tisanks ta tise speaker. Pasi Presient Jim Devitt made tise presentation o! Past Presisieni's pins t e O. Cisase ansi Prank Mor- ris, ansi Tom Holgate waa later pre- sentesi witis bis ai isis home, where he is ill. Ainiur Hardy andi 'im Garton were presentesi with boxes o!f flowers to mark tiseir blntisdays, andi Oea. Hart o! tise Oshawa Club was an inieresting visitar. Otiser committees announcesi for tise Rotary Carnival on Augusi lai. by Manager Oea. Chsase were as f ol- lows: Purcbusing, Oea. Cisase ansi F'red Cryderman. Grounds, Ted Flax- man ansi 'rm Gartaon. Proceeds Are $13.13 At Lucky Trea Held Friday, JuIy l3th The home o! Mra. H. D. Wighti- man, Elgin Street, glowed with sweei pes, roses, ferns ansi delphinium, for tise musical and afternoon tes iselsi on Prlday, July iStis, under the aus- pices o! tise Womeu's Association o! TrlnitY Churcis, Group 9, Mrs. Jack- man Convener. A splendid musical prograin was mucis enJoyesi by ail PNOM, Mr. and Mrls. M. Mayer Mark Golden Wedding One of Bowmanville's most be- loved couples, Mr. aud Mrs. Markus *Mayer, on July Diii, celebrated tise t th anuiversary o! tiseir marriage. Tise Statesma.n of July 25th, 1884, carnies tise following notice: Mayer - Humphrey - In Ennis- *killen, on thse 9ih day o! July, by Rev. Chsarles Taylor, Mr. Maricus, *Mayer, Jr., and Miss Martisa Hum- *pisrey, eldest daugister of thse late T. G. Humphrey, ail of Bawman- ville. * The celebration recently was very quiet due ta thisl1 healtis of Mr. Mayer. Among thse relatives who attended to extend congratulations were their daugister Mrs. J. A. Brown and sons of Toronto, andi tiseir granddaugister Mrs. Maxwelll of Vancouver wha was accomipauied by iser hisbansi. Mrs. FrankLeno Of Torcdnto was also pret ta gether witis bis sister, M.T.H Knigist of Bawmanvllle. A brother Mr. Otto Mayer, andi a sister, Mrs. E. Roblin of Hamilton were unable to be present at the celebration. The litile company enJayed a special wedding tes, andi the bride >sud groom were presentesi with a purse of gold andi other money. Mr. Mayer for many years car- riesi on tise harneas andi implement business on the corner of King and Silver Sireets. Ill health brougisi about his restraitnt f rom active business some. years ago. Bowmanville Bowlers Win First Round 0f Chasw1âonship Tilt Bowmanville bowlers defeated Wisitby in thse first round of the Dis- trict Championships, in rmnk, double and -<iùgle games on Monday night at Oshsawa. Tise local bowlers are now an the way ta Ontario pionship honars. In the single sec- tion Rev. W. G. Blake, Bowmanville, defeatesi U. Pringle. Wisitby, 21-7. In the Doubles A. H. Moore andi W. 0. Avery, de!eated A.. Sturgessa and W. Cooke, 23-15, and ln thse rlnk di- vision J. D. Carrutisers rink. cam- posedaf hlmself, P. O. McIlveen, J. J. Mason, andi W., J. Dudley defeatesi N. Thomas' rink, composed of J. M. Hicks, L. DudieY and C. Barton, July 30tis. This will produce tise 25-18. Bowmnville now advances te tise semi-finals wisicis wîll be play- esi on July 23rd, with tise finals on champions of the 14th District. Family Re-Unions Osbarne Family Picnic Tise Osborne f amily picnic, wisich includesi the familles of the laie Richard Osborne, cildren, grand- cidren and great grandcildren, was isels aitishe Cream of Barley Camp on Saturday, July 7tis. There were 65 presgnt f rom Toronto, St. Marys, Oshawa, Port Hope, Mill- brook, Newcastle, Orono and Bow- manville. The newly electesi off icers are:- Presîdent, Mr. Russell Osborne, New- castle; Vice-President, Mr. Lloyd Crago, Bowmanville, Sec'y. Treas.,i Mrs. Leslie Guy, Oshawa; Ass't, Mrs. Jim Brown, Bowsuanville Sparts committee, Jim Brown, Bowmanville; Tom MeNeil, Orano. Table Co«nvener,j Mrs. Earl Osborne, Bewmanvllle., Annual picnic wlll be iseld July ist,1 1935, ai Creain of Barley Camp. 9 Speeches were made by Mr. E. P.4 R. Osborne, W. H Allin, Miss Oracee Bragg andi Mrs Earl Osborne. A bal game andi aVier sports were engaged1 in. Supper was served a.nd aitithe( close o! the day a slng sang was en-t ioyed closing witb "Blest be thse 'ie1 thai liinds." Swaln Family Be-Union 1 Thse famiîy picnic of the Swain( connecton was iseld in Blackstockt Memoral Park on July l4th. Seventy1 people were present for dinnier and one hundresi and twenty-five sat down ta supper. After diner many who had come f rom a distance visit- ed aId friensis and spots of interesi in the village. Sports were engagesif in. Prize winners were:-Potato race, Wilma VanCamp: Peanut Scramble, Ernie Werry and Jack Mark; Girls under 18. Grace Houton; You,'ng mens race, Haroldi Swain. A ball game, married men vs single men wau 1"-8ln favor o! tise marriesi men. After supper speech" wviere given by Rev. H. J. Bell, Rev. C. E. Wiittaker and Dr Birchard of Mont- real. An interesiing feature was the tracing back four generations a! thse Swain ancestry. Famlly members1 were present f rom Cavanville, Peter-1 boro, Mariposa, Lndsay, Toronta,1 Montreal. 'hase comlng Use longesti distance were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swaln andi Mr. and MMm. Herb Swalu o! Grand Vlew, Man., lu whose han-1 or Use gathering was rrng 1 GENEROUS PRIZES ARE OFFERED FOR CARNIVAL PARADE Huge Parade Wil Precede Carnivai on Augu;-4 8th-Valuable Fnac.s Offere! in Events for Children and Grown-Ups. A isuge parade in whicis several banda will paticipate with special events for Use citdren wlU be one o! tise main attractions a! tise Roi- ary Carnival, lu bebal! o! cripplesi cisildren's work on Wednesday, Aug- usi 8th. Tise pragrsm, now com- pletesi by tise parade committee pro- vides a dulversiflesi liai o! classes lu eacis o! wiich, fine cash awards are offeresi. Every chilsi taking part lu tise parade wili receive a f ree hce Cream Cane wisen Usey arrive ai Use Ro>- tary Park carnivai grounds. Entries for Use parade will remain open unr- til 5 p.m. Daylighi Saving 'rime, tise day a! tise f air, ansi these sisouisi be ruade wiististe cisairman o! tise 5commiitee, Oea. W. James. Otiser emembers o! Use committee are 'r. Wesley Cawker ansi Frank Williams. In the open section a! tise parade are classes for tise besi float repre- sentiug flrm's producta or goods for wisicis a $5 prize la off eresi; besi f armera novelty float or group, prises, $3, $2, $1; Besi Jazz Baud uaL less tisan 6 pieces, $3,$2, $1; Besï representation a! any comic strip personality $2, $1; Besi coric float, $3, $2; Besi siecoratesi car, $3, $2; Best delivery truck or wagon, $3, $2; Oldesi auto under it own power, $3, $2; Besi clown, maie or female, $2, $1. Zn tise special events for cisilsiren 1are tise following classes: Beys' besi 1decoratecl bicycle, $1, 5Oc, 25c; Beai costumesi boy or girl on pony, $!, 5Oc, 25c; Beat turnout o! boys' pets, $1, 50c. 25c; Girls' beat decoratesi doîl and carniage, $1, 50c, 25c. Full particulars o! tise parade are containesi in a special advert.isemeui in ibis Issue. Tise parade will start off sharp ai 7 p.m.., D.T.S. from Use Public Scisool grounssamnd will pro- ceed down Silver ta King, es on King ta Ontari, nortb ta Cisurcis. wesitat Temperance ansi Souths ta Rotary Park. Roemember, Lise prige liai isas been, iargely increasesi. GeL ready now for tisis big event, ansi win oeeoa tise generons pnizes offeresi. TBRITY EVENI1NG AUXILIAEY ENJOYED FINE PROGRAM AT QUARTERLY MEET. The Evening Auxillary of tise W. M. S. a! Triniiy Unitedi Churcis belsi Use July meetng on Tuesday nigisi wben a goodly number were present. A very tasty ansi subsiautial supper was servesi on tise Cisurcis Tawn ansi after a- social ci aitishe memibers gatseres Iin tise çchool roam wiere Mrs. Murmel Symons took charge o! Use devotionai e,.ercises, Mrs. D. R. Morrison aitishe piano leadtujg in Use singlng o! tise bymns. Mms. h. R. Bragg reasi the acripture ansi Miss Margaret Grant gave a suitabie reasi- ing. Mrs. W. A. Shane, Presideut, presided, aver tise business session, Mrs. W. C. Ives, secretary, reasitise minutes ansi after rail cail, it was am- nouncesitise Baby Bandi would be entertainesi on 'ruesday, July 3 lai, wisen tise members are asked ta be preseni ansi assist aitishe tea heur. A summer school for leaders will be iseis aitishe Ontario Ladies' Coilege, Whiiby, Augusi 27tis ta 3Oth. Mrs. Symons a.nd Mrs. Gordon Morris presentesi an unique dialogue, "A Chinese VisiVt" ta was very pleas- ing ansi instructive; Mrs. (Dr.) C. B. Kelly, Port Hope, was tise guesi speaker. Siese pent seventeen yeara as a missionary in China under tise Metisodisi Churcis, ansi gave a very informative asisress drawrng s very real picture e! tise exteut o! Use country, tise political situation, Use poventy ansi riches a! tise differeni classes, the ignorance ansi superstit- ious o! tise people, comparing con- ditions o!fisospital ansi medical pro- vision for 470,000,000 o! people wiiis tisose o! aur Dominton. she also spoke of tise great asivance being made in education and agriculture. Speaking a! tise lasi cisapter o! aur stusiy bock "Sharing -tise Unfinisses Task," ase sbewed plainly tisai we muai give ta atisers if we are to receive ourselves ansi Usatif !we wiiisislci until seUla l satisfiesi, we lose. Selflshness neyer pays. Tise cisurci tisai is going ta live 15 tise churci tisai serves. She mentionesi same things we migisi learu f romn tise Cisinese. She palsi higis tribute ta tiseir politeness, couriesy, patien- ce ansi reverence. A bearty vote of tisanks f rom tise members was voicesi by Miss E. E. Hayerafi andi Mr. W. 1 C. Ives ta Mrs. Kelly for ber IDi- 1 terestlng address. Ai tbe cloue o!fiRe meeting she exisibitesi m.any pretty 3 Chinese curies tisai siowed thse r th rifit ansi skull a! tise Cisinese 1 MILK BOARD CHAIRbLAN MANY BOWMANVILLE WORKERS LAID OFF FROM HIGHWAY WORK Temporary RoM !Up of Woek q Provinci Hghway Throws Abiout Ninety Bowmanvlle Men Out 0f Work. Approxlrnately ninety Bow avill mien, scores from Darlgo an Clarkce Townships and several fromn Newcastle are out of work as a re- suit of!-the holdup ln the highway program, by the new Hepburn Government. Just llow 1«ng the layoff will last 15 flot known, as f oremen on the Jobs were lnformed of the layoff without any definite informiation aÀs to the possible date of the work re- Prom Governnient headquartera at Queen's Park cornes the report that the work is held Up pending an investigation o!f is necessity. It John . MeFetersseems certain however that the work JoinsA MeFeterswill proceed in a f ew weeks. The John A. McFeeters, Durham Coun- Minister of HlghWaYs bas stated ty boy, and brother of Mrs. W. W. tilat, he, believes that an inveati- HIenderson, Bowmauvifle, and Mrs. A.! gatios will reveal that some of the W. Annis, Tyrc&ne, who has been ditches that have been fiiled in Winl appointed Chairman of the Ontarioj have ta be dug out again ta permit M5ilk Board by Hon. Duncan Mar- proper drainage. It is stated that shall, Minister of Agriculture lp the improper drainage will undermine new Liberal Qoverninent. Mr. Me- the highway with possible serious P'eeters is Presidient of McPeeters' consequnoes. Creamery, Toronta, and a recognized In the meantime thse local mers eadlng dairyman of thse province, are endeavouring ta ifi in wherever He operated the f irst large United a job is available. Only last week 'armers' Creamery in Ontario. we announced that Boiwmanvilils unemploymemnt problenis were tem- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Robinson, porarily solved with thse biglhway s!r an Mr. C P Atinsn andwork, but unless thse work ias mon Mr. nd Ms. . P.Atknsonandrestarted the town wiil be subi ected famlly, Ottawa, have been visiting to considerable expense in providlng Mrs. Oea. Bartan. It Is over 43 n rears since Mr. Robinson le! hi relief. Many other works suspend- satie twn nd h ba ony ~ ed by, the goverument do flot effeot back a couple of times since then. ibis. sud neighboring municipai- Rev. Gardon Jury, D.D., son ofte. Mr J. H. H. Jury, Bawmanville, was recently awarded bis Doctor cf ST. !rAUL'S W.M.LS. MET Philosopby degree f rom. Yale Uni- AT CREAM oIP aAm"Y CAbSo versity. Dr. Jury attended Yale whlle on f urlough fram, Burma and Thse St. Paul's Auxiliiary of the Just before returixng to that W.M.S. met ut the Cream o! Barley country wrote his thesis for tbis Park on Tuesday afteinaon. Meet- Legree.- ing was presided over by Mrs. J. T. The union service in St. Paul's Pee in thse absence a! thse President, Church on Sunday mornlng wos well Mrs. Kerr. It was moved andi car- attended, Rev. A. S. Kerr giving a ried that tse Auxiliary tender ta very helpful sermon based an tise ' Mr. Chase and Mrs. Lunuey Iamsin- wards I'Rencler therefare unto Caesar cere thanks for Liseur untir4ng efforts the thsings which are Caesar's and ln connection witis the Maple Leaf unto Gos the thinga whicis are Mission Baud. Thse Treasurer gave 3od's." Mati. 22:21. Mr. G. Davidge a repart for the six montbs of the sang a solo that was highly appreci- year, shawlng that the allocation ated and the choir rendered an out- foqr that perlod had been met. TS standing anthem. Mr. Kerr's even- was indeesi gratIfyIng. Tise gentle- ing theme was "Money"' and he gave men had been invited ta ibis muet- some very practical and helpful sug- ing and an their behaif 11ev. Bir. gestions ln iii use andi abuse. Thse Kerr expressesi their appreciation or y-oung men's quartette sang a num- the eniertainssent provide< for ber ln addition ta thse anthem by them. Thse meeting waa cloeed with thse chisor. the Mizpab Bemeit1. Pupils receivlng their centificates from tise Entrance Board on tise recommendation of tise principal. Ail names lu aiphabetical order. BOWMANVILLE PUBLIC SCROOL Marie Ailisan (Hons.> Ralpis Cole Jack Colville (lIons.) Helen Cotton (Hans.) Jim Crombie (Hans.) Ruts Crysierman (Hoý2s.) June Drew Risue Drew Terry Dustan (Hans.) Elsie FPini (Hans.) Dorotisy Harnsien (lIons.) Manjorie Hensiersan (Hans.) Louise Hobbs Theadore Lambros (Hans.) Lucy Lyle (Hons.) Marlou Martin (Hans.> Edward Millson George Morris (Hons.) Bernice Mutan, Bruce Mutton (Hans.> Doroiisy Nickeraon Kennetis Nurcombe (Hans.) Lionel Parker (Hanis.) Leslie Pisillipa Eileen Pursiy Veda Pursiy EdiUs Richards Ronald Richards (Hans.) Helen Runsile (Hans.) Esina Sheehan LeRoy Short (Hans.) Russel Short (lIons.) Cisarlie Somerscales (Hans.) Kathleen Sissians (Hems.) Paul Syma'.s (Hans.) Bill Tait Helen Virtue (Hems.) Olive Ward (Hans.) Helen Wiliams (Hons.) Patricia Wilson Velma Woodward Bowmnanviile Public Scisool pupils wiso passesi on regular Departmenial Exansinations. Richard Batbgate Alice Bennet Helen Brooking William Brown Lawrence Conners Leon Cannera Hasel FPini John Grahsam Edward Hooper Jack Honeymaxs Mary hrwin Pilip Latimer Arthsur Living Editis Lyle Louis Lyle Donald Mason Laura Pursiy Leanarsi Samerscaies George Whie Racisel Wright BOWMALNVILLE CENTRE Pupils f ram Rural Scisools who passesi Departmenial Examrinaions. Fred Adams Lorraine Antil Dereis Barneti Isabel Clemence Elforsi Cobbledick Ivan CochrIne Ruth Colwiii Dora Cowling Louise Cox Ronald Craga Hilda Devenisis (Hans.) Walter Devenlsh Florence Evans Louise Foley CHus.) Ralpis Paunsi (Hons.) Ernest Gearing Margaret Henry <Hm~s.) Margaret hrwlu Jean* Jarvie Doris Johns Catisarine Lowe Jure Marshal Maurice Morphey Sandy Muir Gertrudie Pettit (Hans.) Frances Reynolds (Hans.) Henry Sisemilt Pearl Smith (Aegrotai) Hazel Truil (Hans.> Sam Vtucamp Eleanor Vinson Marlon W.erry Douglas Wight Doris Wîlkna Irene Wrighst *Aegrotat- nli ai ime of Examin- ation. BLACKSTOCK CENTRE Archer Elmer Beecis Blanche Brown Dorotisy Carter Roy (Hans.) Palus Jim F'ee Bessle Galbraiths Mariorie (Hans.) Guyton Maisie Go!! Doris (HSna.) Orif! lu Fred Hylansi Lucille Jobuaton Keitis Knapp Eunioe Lansing Muriel Marlaw Marie Marlow Madeline (Hans.) Nesbltt John Sameils Ai!frai Simpson Mausi (Hons.) (Continueci from page 10) - 4ýbf

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