THE CANADIAN STATESMAiA, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JULY 19t.h. 1934 PAGE flnfln Facts About Eyes And Vision m vis- in- bhat ta tIt sion aent this that sual was er- the =it eing und and .de àat thse ons. nZd ng mr- only ing 'y,-i CANADA«S PACIFIC COAST FLEET ON DISPLAY Here are two destroyers, photo-jt the Canadian navy by Brit.ain in long, carrying three four-inch guns. graphe<J at Vancouver, which form 1928 and will eventually be replaceci The Skeena was buuît in England, the Pacifie secttion o! Canada's jby a destroyer built by Canada and at the order o! the Canadian govern- navy, Hm.M.C Skenna a.nd H.M.C. named Vancouver. She was former- mient. She 2, 321 f eet long and has S. Vancouver. The latter wus loaned ly HM.S. Toreador and is 275 feet a speed of 36 kMsots By C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Speclalist Pay for Viàon Not BIindnçM Pay for healtb, flot sickness,v ion not blindness, efficiency noti effciency. We accept thse fact tr thse survival of the fittest is an tisai would be the measure used determixie wbo sbould f11l cent positions replacirig tisose less fit, cannot lie ovelooked tisai the visi of tbe individual pîsys. a promine part in bis efilciency. Pursuing tl thought ta the end I must add th 1 have in mind that case of visu imperfection wbere the defectw so great as ta 14fiuence the supe ficual examinxatian ta show that i vision was sucis as would not peri Of eMPIQymnent. T'his case hav:l been previously refracted was foui tisrough the value of chseck tests ai follow Up examnatons when mag by one f amiliar wiih thse case, ti vision could be improved beyond Ij record of ail previous examinatian 'Wien these resulis were shown ae comPared with tise records existir when this Patient was usefully eiK ployed, it was tise means of not ouf glving an unemployed persan en ploymnent, but of iaklng a wlllin workP;r off relief and givlng hdm eur Plç.- nent. He believed li payi:n f'.* vision not blindxiess for isealt not sickxiess, for efflcîency flot ir efficiency. (To lie coninued) There s always a vacant place fc tbe man wbo works well. Persiaru Balm is magical in creat ing alluriing complexions. A liiil genile rubbing and your skin uinvigorated anid touched with th true beauty o! youth. Cbarmingl fragrant. Dellglytful to uàe. Cck aid caresses the skin. Relieves a raughnt-ss and cbafing caused b, weather conditions. Tanes and stin ulaies. Ln.hances anid protecis ti lovellest complexion. Unrivalleda a perfect aid ta beauty and chari Ch,»Lfng&andjSkinE Irritations quid<ly reliev.d hy WE DELI VER Pure .... Clean PASTEURIZED Fresh Milk - TO - Bownianville Bowmanville Beach Hampton Enniakillen Burketon Blackstock Caesarea Newcastle Newcastle Beach Newtonville In ail these centres Bowman.- ville Daby MIlk Ls recognlzed as thse cleanest. purest, and richest mllk available. If you baven't tried lt yet Phone 446 and we "I lcali. Bowmanviile Dairy W. H. Betties, Prop. Phone 446 Season'. Diggest Value le Kellogg'o Corn FtiMces are boday's outstanding buy in eereais. Many servings for only a fcw cents. The finest quality -with a lavor and crispness no other corn flakes can equal. Your grocer ie featuring Kellogg's Corn Flakes - a greater value than ever! Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. BUY NOW! -Native of Cartwright LTownship for 71 Years j' A Staunch Orangeman Charles G. Devltt of Owen Sound lintiated Into Order iShack e on fathers farmni in art- wright Twp. e Three score years and tén is thse -acknowledged lot of maxi, according eteo the Scriptures, but Mr. Charles -G. Devutt, a! Meaford, Ont., a native -of Cartwriht Township arid a cous- in o! J. H. Devitt, Ex.-M.P.P.. and jDr. J. C. Deviti o! Bowmanville, bas, r riot only exceeded bis allotment by a number o! years, but be has ex- ceeded tîxat lerigtb o! tiine as a. member o! the Loyal Orange As-J sociatiOn. He bas a remarkablel "record as an Orangeman, baving "beeri tnitiated inta thse Order on the l2th o! July exacily 71 years ago. It was nat surprisixig therefore, tbat he was awarded the prize for being the oldest Orangemar ini LOwen Sound on July l2tb, and he bore bis honors wiih becoming grace, and marcbed proudly with bis ladge f rom tise stant to tbe finish. In conversation, Mr. Devitt ialk- ed freely o! bis early days as an Orarigeman. "There was a small building, wblch you migbt caîl a sback in those days. located on a small plot o! grouxid an my !ather's f arm tri Cartwrighst townsbip, i the couxity o! Durham, and i was in tisai place on thse l2tb of July. 1863. tisai I was initisted as a memben o! the Orange Order, and I cari remember that morxiing Just as ihough it were yes- terday. I waiked that day Mi the parade and have nat missed a single l2tb o! July walk from tisai day to this," said Mr. Devitt witb consider- able pride. He isas been a resident of Mea- fard for the pasi 15 years. but pre- vious to tisai lived ini St. Vincent township a great mariy years, whene be is beld in the bigisest esteem.1 Mr. Deviti is a Past County Master positions lh tise county lodges. andj is a member of tise Royal Black Kxilgbts o! Ireland. He is in bis 88tis year, and wiile ise usually camres a cane when be "walks" on the Glor- tous l2tb. he is in excellent bealth 1 at tise present trne, 1s riag Hoskin FamlJy Picnic in- The annual f axily ne-union o! tsi Hosisin clan was held on Wednesday July 4th, ai Bnookside Park, Kedron tise populan picnic grounds o! Mn -Horward W. Hoskixi. Some o! tlu for yaungen members found great en. joymexit paddliin tise creek wisilt a others enJoyed a visit. About six- tle tbirty a real picnic suppen was serv- ised te wisich aIl did full justice. IcE esmm and waien melon were tiser îly served as generously as usual. Afti ils wisich thse peanut and ca.ndy scram- a,, ble was enjoyed by old as well as >y young. A business meeting was held m- and was presided over by Miss Ruby àe Bragg o! Bowmaxiville. Foflowing are ise commutiee appointed to arrange M. fon the 1935 picnic: 'Mns. J. F. An- derson, Mns. Ernest Ruxdle, Oshawa; Mr. and Mms. Lorne Hoskin, Col- umbus; and Mn Edgar Hoskin, Han- mony. Those preseni wene f nom Bowmanvflle, Darlington. Hanmony, Oshawa, Bunketori, Toronto, Wil- louhby, Ohio and Kedrori. TansMlyn FamlIy Reunion About two isundrd and fifty at- tended tise sixtis znnual Tamblyxi reunion. which was held ai Long Beach, on Sturgeon Lake, Saturday, July 7tis.a Members o! tise family were pres- ent f rom. Michigan, Iowa, NoPtth- West Territory, Toronto, Oshawa, Port Hope. Belleville, Orono, Bow- manville. Little Brit- ain, Lindsay and Cambray. The weaihen was mosi favorable for tise occasion. The a! ternoon was spent by Use older membeinrseiew¶lng relatïoQr»- sisips and excba.iging neminiscerices and watching tise sofiball game, and a good line o! sports, participated li by tise younger generatiori. The lat-~ ter were ably conducted by Gordon Werry. o! Enniskillen, =rd bis comn-j mittee. Long Beach proved ta lie an ideal spot for a picnic, witb tise level green for sparts and uts saridy beach for baihing, whicis was well pst-' ronized by the younger fol1k. The tables, Wjhicb were spread in tise pavillion, over-looking tise lake were prettily decorated wiih fiowers, a.lnd laid witis good tbixigs ta est. Mrs. G. Weetern and daugisters enientaixied tise company durlng the tes bour with music. New officers are: John Bigelow, iKirby, President; Ed. Rodman, Oak- wood, Vice-President: Mrs. Russell Orntisiton, o! En:'niskillen. Secreiary- Treasuren. It was decided to, bave tise 1935 picnic amrd reunian ai Long Beach. Remove aIl callouses snd elarge- ments f rom your stock wiis Douglas' 'E-piian Liniment, a wonderful il 9 ti f si l1 fij I OBITUARY Il Mis, Lias Berry, orono. Mrs Lias Berry, Orono~ died Isudo:,enly f rom a paralytiho strake On Sunday, June 10, at the resid- ence o! ber youngest son, John W. Berry. She Was born in Cornwall, England, 86 Yealrs ago anud as an infant was brought by ber parents te Bawmanviile. Her maiden name was Mary A. Prior. January lst, 1867, she was mai- ried te Lias Berry by Rev. Wmn. 1Lomas, and shortly afterwards bath iunited with the Primitive Methodist 1Churcis in Bowmanville. She contmn- ued to be a member of the Methodia Church and later tise United jChurcb until her deatb. Her hus- band died Oct, lst, 1915. Mrs. Berry lived a very active life and was ever more ready ta help than to be helped, and this con-_ tinued until the day o! her deatis. She is survived by one brother, Richard Pric>r of Arthur, O:ntario, and one sister, Mm-. Wm. Hobbs of EOwmIanville and by a fainily o!f five children: James P.,a minister of thse United Church at Coronation, Ata., Rosetta, Widow of Colin Snith; Mary G.. widow o! Robert Morton; Samn- uel L_ and John W., ail but the first niamed living near the old home.j John W. has been a close and con-1 stant companion Of bis mother. 1 The funeral was conducted at her1 late home by her pastar, Rev. j . H.1 Osterhout,and was largely attended.1 The paîl bearers were six imxned- iaie neighbors, Messrs, R. Raiýney, G. Cain, M. Chatterton. S. D. Souch, M. Sherwin and O. D. Sandercock. Beautiful flowers expressed the sym- pathy o! the many f riends and re- latives. Her brother Richard was present f rom Arthsur, but ber sister, Mis Hobbs was unable to be present ai thse funeral on account o! sickness. Several relatives f rom Toronte were present includtng Mr. and Mis. James Jolliffe, Mr. and Mrs. William8 Jolliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Joli- t if fe, Mr. and Mrs. Glover, and Mr.1 John Jolliffe, Mr. Norman Jol-t liffe, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brown,t Detroit.; Mr. WiII Berry and Mr. c Horace Hobbs of Bowm.anvllled Many old friends were there ta psy p a last iribute of respect ta deceased. 1 makes is appearance, it sbould be clealt with prompily. Axiy o! tl~e standard insecticides wiUli e of val- ue, tisoughisnl some cases tise plants may bave ta be wasised by band wiih soap and water. However, Most o! tise pests may be kepi away by tise matntenance o! a proper aimos- pisere as described. A long lisi o! varieties suitable for tise home would be uselesa, but we give jusi a few for tise benefit of any readers wbo are seeking tise in- formation. Kentias la varlous vanlet- les are wtboui doulit the most pop- ular palais and perisaps tise mosi use! ul. The vanleties belmoreana and f orst.eriana are bots well wortis growîng, beixig graceful la habit anid not di!! icult to manage. Latania borbonica is a sturdy variety with fsn-sisaped leaves. i is isandsome ia appeanance, iboughis takes up a good deal o! noom. Cocos weddell- lana ls a partîcuiarly dalaty var- leiy, ligisi, graceful and compact la habit. Tisane are scores a! aithen kinda but these are by far tise most use! ul. Otiser foliage plants are se num- erous tisatit it l ot easy ta select tise besi. Dracacrias o! sevenal kinds are avallable. we advise two aurtisree o! tise red-leaved enid varkfflted leaved vaotides as well as s=ea green-leaved. Crotons offer a very wlde choie anid we can only sug- gesitishe selectiola o! coloningsa ta moat appeal ta tise grawer. Pandan- us la an old standby in foliage plants, by no means bard ta grow. ila Just abotasesyt row as a Boston fasnd eually as use! ul for isouse decoration. Rubber plants and arn.1- las are aomewisat similar in habit anid requirements. To produce vlg- onous leavea tisene must le fia check o! grawthIn laeltier case. Aspidistra la almosi too well know.h ta mention. Healiby cleafh leaves, isowever are only pnoduced by gaad culture. Ricis .011 and a mahst atmospl*mr are essenuial. Tisere are s nuxuber of otisen baad- SOMe follage plants tisat mnay be grawn la tise home. Some demand a little dlfferetnt treataient to that we have been describhng, and we wlll deal wlitistem at anotiier timue. News for the Busy Farmer Sle. of Branded Beef Show Decided Increase Consumer appreciation of top quality beef is indicate<l by the st.eadily ncreasing demand for branded beef. Sales for May, 1934, amounted to some 4,286,360 paunds as compared with 2,754,678 pounds for May, 1933. The increase in sales of branded beef for the first five moýnths of 1934 as compared with those of the sanie perxod last year, ainounts to ap- proxanately th.lrty4bree per cent. Such figures, of course, apply to do- mestlc sales only. Garden Poison Mixture Young seedllngs ni gardens are frequently destroyed by cut-worms* wb.ich eat through the stem, just at the surface of the soli. A good poisoned bran mixture for their con- trol is made as f ollows: Mix thor- oughly 1/ lb. Paria gree2n with 20 lbs. bran while both are dry. Dis- solve one quart of molasses in 2 gal- lons or more of water, then pour this into the polsoned bran and stir un- til ail thse bran is mia4stened thoroughly. In &-aller quantities, use one part of brai, 1 teaspoonful of Paris green, and one tablespoon- f ui of molasses wlth enougis water to moisten thse poisoned bran. Spread on the surface 0f thse ground near the plants as soon as they are set out. Thse cut-worms corne out at nlght, eat the poisoned bran, and Danger la Poison Balts Timely warnixig has been given o! dangers attendant on tise use o! poisoned grassisopper baits. It la daasgerous ta leave mixlng utensils wbere live stock can reacis ihein and ougisi to be cane! uliy guarded agaixisi. Thsis also applies ta, bags in *wiich. bait la t*ansparted. Poisoning o! live stock is also Pos- sible wheri paisoned beit la Put Out in lumps instead a! belng spnead finely. If catile are well supPlied witis sali they wiii be less apt ta lie attracted ta bau tri wici sait is present. Tisere ta also danger ta the farmer hirasel! o! getihng the poison dustin lais mouih anid nose when mîxing tise bat. Tis masi danger cari lie obvlated by tYlng a clots av- en tise nose a=d mouts, or by wear- ing s protective mask. Improving Ontario Bacon Thse departinent bas been mak- ing strenuous efforts ta get better prices for its bacon hogs on tise Britishs market. About thse firsi move in this direction was made lasi sumnier wh=n the department. punchased a carlot o! tise Canadian ,National Exhibition prise cariai bogs o! the proper type ta make up a sipment o! higisesi grade Wlt- shire aides for tise Britishs market. The isoga were kiiled, cured and shlpped overseas uxiden goverument supervision ai every point and tise speclal co-operation o! Ontario House in London. Tise Ontario Marketing Board bas been studyixig tise situation and several meetings o! packers have re- sulied in tise suggestion of forming an Ontario Bacon Export Associa- tion wlth thse ides of creatig in England a dexnand for Ontario bacon o! the best type as dis- lixiguhshed f rom tise OrdinarY run of Canadian bacon. As Ontario isas lone wltis apples aud isoney, the province plans to, establlsh and coc- trol a super grade o! bacon wici wili place Ontario bac= n ia price range css equal ta the highest now on tise Britishs markets. This wl meian many thousands ct dollars addiiiorial ta tise hog raisers who6e n-bce ra.nges are fIxed by tise lower export prices now unfairly applied againsi the betten type o! bacon be- cause there h no way o! distinguis- ng t f ram tise ordixiary Canadian bacon. A second expenh.mental car- oad o! bacon, tisis trne asiPped un- der the super qualiiy Big "0" Brand, sa ta be sent over ta Great Britaln isortly. The DOnMinion Deparirnent o! Agriculture bas announced a future policy o! bacc*s gradlng and lnspc-- tin for export wisich wll chseck tise present iendency o! tise manufac- tuers ta spol aur British markets wits low grade ahipments. Whatever grades may be establlshed ai Ot- tawa tise Ontario brand will have t.ugher grade nequiremenis and it l tie atm ta, place Ontario bacon ai a remiumn and only license tise use ef ibis bnand ta packers fully meet- ug is requirements. The Paon Man's Frlend- Put up I in small battles tisai are easlly part- 1 ble and sold for a veny sm Il suai, c JuIy Sale Brings Exciting Values in-. Little Tots' WASH SUITS and, Dresses 9Sc $29 :T Mothers with an eye to thrift won't miss this chance to save on enough of these suits and dress- es to keep their chexubs spic and span ail summer long. Adorable styles, sturdy fabries, good work- manship. Dresses of plain and printed batiste, dimity, percale, 'with cunning collars, crisp ruifles puif sleeves. Suits of bxoadcloth and suiting i~n button-on styles. Also Plain Pastel Crepes, Sizes 1 to, 14. BOYS' SUITS-49c-79c Phone 164 Bowmanvilîe I i WHEN you're going on atrp . .m.ed the hotel is apt t. b. cr@wd.d aaend your wif. expects y.. to look aft.r such things a a. Botter play safe... telephon. ahead for reservations. lSmooth yaur path at home as well as on y aur travels - by telephone. Long Distance ,os business ally: a social auset: quk clear dependable, inexpensive. Rates are' iite in thse front of yoaar directory. You caft telephone 100 miles for as little ai 30c. Dr. Thomsas' Electrlc Qil possesses whlchit can be put make It thse power lxi conoentrated f orm. Its paon man's friend. Na dealees stock .iseapness and the vanled uses to is complete wktisout it. Why DIdn't Sonteone Thlunk of This, Belote? That'a probably what you ",I a8k wh.n you ame the SEIBERLING DUO TREAD AIR COOLED TIR.-TWO TREADS--ONE BENEATH THE OTHER (SEIBERLING PATENTED) AND THE 1'. ONLY TIRE ON THE MARKET THAT NEVER WEARS SMOOTH. The Air Holes running through the tread of this tire is the solution of the great prol> lem in the tire industr.v-Overcoming The Internai Heat Which Tires in, Motion Gen- erate-Here we have it in the Seiberling Genuine Airi Cooled Tire-The Only Tire of lIs Kind-The Only Tire with Two Treads. A Joy to Have on Your Car. DRIVE YOUR CAR IN FOR TUNE UP. SPECAL PRICES ON MOTOR.OIL OR REPAIRS. C. A. DARTLETT, DowmanviUl WALKER S, TORESIVIMITELO --.i BOUSE PLANTS By W. E. Groves, Bowmaavflhe Palms and otisen follage plants anc found tin almosi every home. They deserve special attention and de- mand it, if tisey are to be kept in good condition. A f ew varieties will stand a sunxiy position, but for nearly ah tise plants generally kriowxi as foliage plants a lighily sisaded position is besi. Gerieral cultural requirements are an abundant supply o! water durLng t.he growing season. a f ainly bigis temperature anid a constaniiy moisi aimosphere. The abundant water supply nuplies tisai Use drainage o! aîl tise plants must be good, for wile plenty o! water must be used it must neyer be allowed ta become stagnant. Good Pottlng Soi] Soil for pottlag should consist o! good beain. a liitle les! soUl and a raiher generous addition o! Sharp sand witis a sprinkling o! cisarcoal tisrow!n la for good measure. Tiss kind o! mixture wiil cover tise soil ciceda o! palms, dracaenas, crotons, pandanus, and aspidistra. Tise palms will not requine repotihng as f ne- quently as most of tise athen klnds cuamed. i is surpnising isow f ine a plant cari be groçOn ti five-ih sPot if proper generai cane la given. Thi.s statement hs made by way o! sug- gestion to amateur gnowers ta ne- frain from over-pottig. Starved plants a! course are f allures, but a four-inchs plant li a six-lacis pot s neally an equal fallure., Palais and a11 follage plants sisould be potted firmnly. Plaints tisai nemain In the same pot for a long time are sarne- ies worrled by wornis in tise sol. ro clear iheai oui wster wltis dean lime waten made by placlig a atone of lime In a pail o!fwsten. Tise cean liquld orily sisould be uaed, and one watering whll drive tise worms out. Insect pesta bave to lie watched for. Spnaylng muai be kepi up ai lasi once a day la wlater ekd twlce aday in sumnier. Dlrected wlth rea- sonable farce ta botis sides of tise laves, tise spraylng sould keçp red ,pider In chseck. If sosie of any kinds 1»Aexll! mmtmvqLt Bowmanville