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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jul 1934, p. 4

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PAe~R ~oim THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY l9til, 1934 jCo-operative Housekeeping If you have a verY congenial it wifl seem woiderful Vo botil neighbor, of similar taste and in- housemothers o have hall time free findman advn- o go With their husbands, play coule, you may wldmn avn -th their cilhdren or do sorne of ages in cooperative housebeepiflg the personal things they like o do. for a montil or two in thle SUU- You may even become so enamored mer. Together you mnay hire a cook, of the plan tilat you may occas- or you may take turns ai. getting jonali hire a nursemaid to take thle the meals yourselves, meal about., children of botil familles away for day ab>out, or week about.I an outino in thle Park or a hike in Wth sucil a plan. Vthe food and 1 the country. fuel expense wil be les.s and it will1 Whetn you have company, you noV ake twice as long o cook the 1 will have Vthe two womeaino work two meals, aV one tinie. as Vo cook! at it, and ogether may entertain one. You will have a variety of foods1 your niutual friends. Af er a joint and many pleasant surprises, as you experiment of this kind, you can go vil draw upon Vthe knowledge, ima- back wlVh a f resil relisil Vo your agination and food habits of Vthe own private housekeeping and home oher f amily; anyone will be able o l! e, feeling that you have had an utilize thle f ood materials Vo better inexpensive vacation; or "~'u can advantage. conatinue the scilere. flu and f ry in bac4on fat. Re- move Vthe omaVoes, and make a Sujnmer Curtains gravy Vo which you add hree table- spoons of peanut butter. Place Vthe ried tomatoes on hot toast and pour In hot weatiler, heavy draperies he gravy over both. should be replaced by cool ging- Neyer tilrow away sour milk. Some1 ham, glazed chintzes, flowered cre- people go to great pains to make1 tonnes, printed linens, unbleaciled sour milk because it is sucil a wilole- mnusllns or cheeseclotil. some f ood. 8erve Vthe curds with Dainty glass curtains are made sweet cream, or top milk, and sugar, of cellophane, which is inexpensive or wtil jam or fruit. aý:d s, gssaer hatit uggsts Sour milk may be made inVo cot- aold sâ.o goser tat fi sggettage cheese, which znay be served coollefer.eOx.hher e arfl with lettuce, grated carrots, strips o! avallablse oabdromsereairu te gileen pepper, shredded cabbage, curtinsgivea hmeyair.In he lices of omato. cucumber, pickie or living rooxn, glass curtains may be jelly. Sour creamn may be added o omitted for Vile summer and otly ilorseradisil for a meat sauce or Vo a thle flower chintzes, neural burlaps gravy just before iV s taken f rom he or solid one rayons may hang in fire. For horseradisil sauce, whip atraight lines. Vthe creain. add sait, and sugar and Cotton voiles, net and dotted Swiss gradualiy Vile horseradisil. are off ered this year in colors: blue, red, peacil, yellow, green Tile dots Travel Health may be large or sinali or the cur- tains may have bands o! contrast- An overioaded stomnacil. consti- lng colors. Unlined draperies, as hey pation or nervous exhaustion are Vile swing li the breeze, look cooler than usual causes o! train and sea sick- those with lining. ness. A week or so before a trip, Unbleaciled muslxi makes a cool one may prepare by aklng a good1 Iooking curtain, is easily laundered, rest, with plenty of sleep, keepig Inexpensive, and softerxs the light Vthe system weii purged. building up as3 it eners Vthe room. Muslin cur- by outdooi' exercise, eating lighVly« ains may have a band across thle and avoiding excesses o! ail kinds. bottom or up Vthe sides, o! some To avoid sickness en boat travel, color Which you wish Vo empilasize eat lightly, spend as much i ule as in Vile room; or Vile bands may be' possble on deck and keep Vthe mind of black or gray. happily occupied.t Mostof hesecoton urtans ose If somethlng you have eaten dis-t Mos o!Vilse ottn crtans oseagrees witil you. take a dose o! cas-1 tileir charm after a season o! hang- tor oi, and f or a day, eat nothmngt ing at a window, but their cost was but a little ea and toast, ciloose amaîl and hey can always be put pienty of fruits, vegetables and clark o some other ilousehold use when breads in yVour meals and drink Vieir day as curtains is past. plenty of water. Fashionuý, Fada, Folbles. Oiled Paç>er. Jackets and capes o! en accom- . Have you learned Vile conven- ience o! oiled paper? It comes in pany a sunback f rock Vo transforni containers which may be f astened It into a street dress. A newer stuflt Vo Vile wall and which have a cut- is o have a dickey-like piece wich ter edge so tilat Vile desired amount Is f astened with snaps o tVil 1w may be easiiy tom off. Oiled paper cut back and whicil gives iV a higil is useful o wrap a piece o! f isil back, on demand. before putting iV into Vile ice box. Another device o make a Vwo- The paper prevents Vile odor of Vilet way dress is our friend, Vile guimpe. f isilf rom con.aminating other f oods.1 This under blouse whlcil was form- Wrapped arounld butter, it keeps outc erly worn wth Vile jumper suit may odors. IV keeps bread sof t. prevents1 be worn wlil Viose higil front, srap cheese or dates f rom crying out,1 back dressles so popular oday. The or tile 5ki of chicken from gettingt guimpe is nmade o!f net, voile, geor- hard and dry. Wrapped about headî ette or some very soft and Vhin mat- lettuce. carrots or celery, iV keepsî eial. so Viat its addition oVile dress hem molst and f resil. IV preserves wiil noV be oo bulky for too warm. the flavor in cut orange, grape-t The guimpe off ens a fasionable f ruit or lemxon. If you haven't Vile1 way o utilise two inaterials in mak- oiled-paper-ilabit, it is a good one Vo ing oven a dress, and o make a cultiva te.2 garment of heavier goods ligil er VaainEhuh and cooler, with its Vhin top. V cto huh Hot Weather Fooda. O for a lodge li some vast Cucumbers rnay be f ied. Pare; Some boundless contiguity o! cut lengthwise in hick sices; wjPe shade; dry season with sait and pepper; Where rumors o! oppression andi dip f ist in crumbs, Vilen in egg. deceit, adscesu the i n crunabs again. and fry until Ofunscesfadsuccessfu tender and browned on botil sides. wars, ,A nw cobinaion s: ~~<>, MigilV neyer reacil me more! matoes and eggs. Fry onions until -Cw 1r almnost tender; add the solid partsc o! canned Vomatoes or fresil tomata Slces, season witil sait, pepper and .SE a bay leaf; simmer until most of Viel SALIXI ALLIES s lilquid ilas evaporated. lZn a separ- E-YO aVe pan, fry eggs in butter and serve E \OJLÛi z on Vile Onion-tamato mixture. ýOOD) MIN 1I Use shrimpa as a atuffing for 0 green peppers. Cut Vile peppers inc hall; remove stem end and seeds; lj parboil for five minutes i salted ' water, f iii wiVil a stuffing made o! cup and a haîf o! bread crunabs, v"*-, half teaspoon mustard, pepper and sait to aste and ce-fourtil cup Miik. Bake hall an hour.I Peanut butter gives a new flavor o tomatoes. Roil tomate slces in Forget the Washing It's too hot anyway and we'II make a good job of it at very littie cost. W. Mdarjoram WE CALL AND DELIVER Phone 478 King St. B. - Bowmanville ef lepiook bad, they probably are; il diey Iodc! good, iey may be. HOW TO KEEP COOL Take an effervescing glass of pleasant- tasting Andrews Liver Sat when you begin te ledl the heat. At once you will feel cooler-anci you'll stay cooder. Andrews flot only quenches thirst, but cools your llood. Taken occasonally- say twice each %wck-Andirews wi1 kcp you it h puifying your gystem and insuring regular andi complete cuimina-1 tion. At ail druggists. In tins, 35c and 60c. New, large bottle, 75c. Sole Agents: John A. Huston Ce., Ltd., Toronto. 26 Pickering. Watcil for Vie program uiubUI uuIIL11 adlisV of speakers later. Diiring Vile summer, Vilere are few- md ir coîcis and se fewer cougis andI Fnoezes; people are eut o! doons Special News Flasil-Cress Cern more, whicil means they run And Ci-ess Bunion Salves togetier less chance o! belng near these who banlsil eigilt conuamon foot ailments. cougil and sneeze or Valk at close At Jury & Loveli. range. The resuit is tilat Visnman- G reat Humanitarian Activity Has Been Carried on by Rotary 20 Years Thousands of Crippled1 RETIRINýG GOVERLNOR Children Have Been Aid- ed by Rotary Clubs in Ail Parts of the World since 1913. By Dr. Grant L. Bird (Retining Governon 27Vh District, Rotary International) The cnippled child is one whose activities are se estricted by acci- dent or diseaseci muscle, borie, skmn or nerve, that uis normal capacity for education on self-support is a!- fected. Aithougil accidents are responsible for an increasing nuxnber o! cnip- pies, congenital anomalies or defic- iences, which are errons i develop- ment, prior Vo bintil, contnibute a large number. Even stili a larger m numxber are, however, due Vo dis- ease. Tilese diseases include ciliefiy Antenior Poliornyeli is, (Inf antile Panalysis) and Tuberculosis. Inl anViie panalysis, duning Vile Grant L[. Bird, Oshawa past, Vhree or four years iad ilad a Retiring Govemrnof otVie 27tVi Dis- relatively higil incidence in Vie pro- trict Rotary International, whin xa vince o! Ontario. During Vile past special message Vo Vile local Rotary year, howeven, tilere have been fort- Club, outlined Vile us tory o!fVile unately very few cases. - Crippied Cildren's work as now The reatment o!fVilese disabilities sponsored by Rotary International. frequently requires. long periodiso! sometimes montha and even years. IV is for tis reason an expensive U H U A D ML procedune and very often beyoncl Vie F0U H U A D M L neach o! the average parent. TRIP IS MADE BY BUS Treated Children Since 1913 The f irst R.otary Club Vo intenest MmrgT. A. Gartm and Daughter itself iVile cure o! tilese cripples Suifer Prom Intense Heat in was Vile Club at Sy'racuse, N. Y., in rosing Notorlous Arizona 1913. Next, Vile club at Toledo, O.. undertook Vile work i 1916. From Desert. tilese endeavors Vile Ohio State Soc- iety for Crippled Children and sina- A four thousand mile trip, macle ilan societies in tVie United States entirely by bus, ilas been Vile exper- originated. lI Ontario we have Vie ienoe of Mrs. T.. A. Ganloal, wife o! Ontario Society for Cippled Cillc- the ewner of Vile Ganton Bus Lines ren, wiici is coing an excellent of Bowmaiiville, Mrs. raî'ton ilas piece o! work unden Vile administra- gone on a visit Vo, hen sister, Mrs. tion o! R. W. Hopper, a memben o! Oliver Dawson at Fullerton, Cali- Vile Toronto Rotary Club, formùa, nean Los Angeles. lI 1920 Vile Order o!fVile Mystic Tile e'ventful trip started f rom. Silmine entered upon a program o! Toronto, wheli Mrs. Qarton and hiem building ilospitais for crippled chlld- daugilter, Mavis, boarded a Grey- men. l is tViey have clone, a won- bus for Vihe long tnip. The bus dem! ul piece o! work. 100k them Vo, Toronto, on Vo Detroit, In 1922 Rotary International, at on Vo Chicago, soutil through tVie the convention at Los Angeles ad- noVorious Arizona clesent Vo Lo3 An- opted Vile following resolution: 'geles and Fullerton. Thle itinerary does noV convey mucil, non does it "Whereas Rotanians have evinced suggst Vile iardships on sucil a trip, an intemest in crippled cilîdren, aespite Vile comf ont o! modemn trans- pilysical corrections, surgical relief, portation. and aducation, in cases where sucil Thleileat cnossing Vile Arizonxa treatment wiil be o! benefit. desent was terrif ie, neaciling 120 "Now therefore, be it resolved tilat dt~gree i Vie silade at Vumes. Ice Vile 13ti A.nnual Convention o! Ro- and ice Vowels were constant- tany International commands this ly in use Viroughout Vile trip. but humanitanian activity on Vile part o! despite tuis sevenal passengers su!- Vile Rotary Clubs so engaged and f ered f rom.Vile ileat. One lady was directs Vilereto Vile attention o!fVile sick fIon an entire day and ilad Vo delegates present at Vis convention, have hier head covered witil ice Vow- that their own clubs may take cog- els for many hours. Mavis aise su!- nizance of Vile zovement as offer- eefrm ilhetadeayke- ing an oppotunity for service in ed over on one occasion. Hem nose Lilein respective communities."1 bled for hall an heur and a stop in IV is new estimated that neanrly an air cooled bus station f or some 2,000 clubs in Rotary Vhrougilout Vile time revived . hpr.,Mrs. Garton des- wonld are interested in Vil work.. In ci ibes Vile wind on Vile desert as many communities. staVe, province -'like hot air fnom. a f urnace-" or otilen Political sub-divisions iegis- And fer nine ilundned miles Vile latioî' ias been given wilicil provides huge bus ravelled Virougil ils broil- state cane for cnipples. lI Ontario e ghautlth ortiswr we have noV as yet rac that ra.'a iedantrlie maninshewee state o! efficiency and Vile cane o! reacoeolanreief ae il a Vile cnippled remains - a financial o olbezs burden upon Service Clubs or other Albuquerque, Mexico, was onae o! charitable onganizations. In ti th ie stc>pping places where Vile litVle Rotary has Played a magnificent Party were able Vo secune a goo I part, noV only making surveys for nigilt's rest. Vile detection o! tilese cripples, but Wilen Vile bus arrived in Los An- aLso in providing ilospital mainten- geles it was actually cool enougilVo, ance, a! ter supervision and care. wear a coat, despite ils close prox- IV should be pointed eut VilaLin imity Vo Vie ileat o!fVile desert. Mrs. Vile hospital maintenance, thie pro- Ganton's sister has a ver3' beautiful vision o! splints and appliances and home witi palms and wa.lnut trees Vile transportation is Vie only fi- *ile garden. A pomegnanate ree ancial cost in reatment. Aul sung- stands i.n front o!fVile iluse and ery is provîcled wit.hout charge by orange trees grow along Vile boule- Vile surgeons. In this regard Vile vard. Mavis is enjoying hile Vo Vile province is greatly inclebted Vo Vile extreme and wilen she wants axn Orthopaedic surgeons wilo have se orange sile can go ama pick one f nom !reely given o! tileir skill and tîme a Vnee close VoVile ilouse. Vo Vi work. Mucil o! their holiday will be spent aleng Vile shlores o!fVile Pacific Asks Loyal Support Ocean at Long Beach. The weatiler Te provide f unds for Vile hospital 1 ini this section is beautiful, noV Voo maintenance, etc., Vile Rotary Clubs 1iot. The sun cees noV comne eut uiitil maust appeal in sorte manner Vo Vile noon e~nd evenyone gets a chance Vo zitizens o!fVile commuunities in which geV Vileir work done in Vile cool o! they operate. The Rotary Club o!fVile moflhilg. Bowmanville has done and wisiles Vo Swimming in Vile ocean, and rest- continue te de a splendid work in ing in Vile cool sea breezes will belI thle care o! crippies in Vile Vown and enjoyed by Mrs Garton and Mavis surounding district. Tiley arno for some weeks befone Vilein retumn. appealing Vo you in tileir Rtr But Vhey have made up Vileir mincla F'air Vo, help them in thia fine comt- IVo onet Viing, thiat Vile neturn trip' nunity encleavor. The people o!fVile, will not be macle by Vile saine route province have genenousiy assisted as Vile outgoing trip. Mrs. Garton, other clubs in many ways. 1 am: !rom Vile letters rceived by hem son, certain that Vile people e! Bowman- Clarence and by Mr. Garton. is de- ville and district will prove ne ex- 'termined tliat one trip across Vile hot! ception. As Gxovernor o!fVile 27Vh' desent is ciough for anyone. IV was District o! Rotary I bespeak for Vile a long Vo, be remembereci expenience, 3owvmanville Club your loyal sup- but not cone Vo be repeated. port. i ner o! spread o! disease germs is not f ound so frequently i summen as iV is in wmnter. Anotier easy way for disease germs Vo be passed amound is by tile use of unstenilized eating untensils. This happens even in Vile home, se it can be readily imagined how it can occun more easily in restrauants or at soda fountains where Vile same utensils are used by a number o! patrons within a short space of time. Wilat happens clepencla upon what is dane Vo Vile eating utensils a!- Ver eacil Vùrne Vhey are used. If, a! Ver having been washed, tiley are p.aced in water tilat is hlot enougil Vo kill germs, Viley are perfectiY saf e. If noV, tilen Vile second user receives Vile secretions o!fVile f irst wilch may contain disease germas. Papen cups and dishes whicil are used only once are, o! course, safe. You can be satisfied as Vo your own safety if Vile estrauant ancl Vie soda fouýatain whioil you patronize are regulariy inspected by a healtil department whicil ias Vile autilor- ity Vo require this sterilizaVion o! ail and Vile sanitary preparation o! foods. The Vask o! healtil depantments wouid be macle easier and Vile results would be bet- ted if Vile public would assist by de- manding cieanliness o! their eating- places. Thene is noV Vile same amount o! danger in Vile home because disiles are flot used by large numbers o! people and there is usually ime f or many o!fVile germis Vo be destroyed by dmying. between meals. Tilere is real danger in Vile common drinking-cup in Vthe home, wiletier iV be found in Vile batiroom or at Vile kitchen-sink. Look anound your home. Is Vilere a commo.fl drinking-glass in Vile bath-room? If Viere is, ilow many colds do you Vilink it ilas spreacl amrong the f amily? Questions concemning Health. d dresec Vo Vile Canaclian Med.icaLds soeciation, 184 College Street, Ton- onto wiil be answered personally by letter. Kirk's Stomaîka relieves Acid Stomacil and other u.'ncomfortable Stomaci Con.ditior.. McGregor's Drug Store. to protect the corda from the jolts of uneven roads, atones and ruts. No other tire has this safety constrflctioii-yet it conts no more to have Gutta Percha's. Every tire guaranteed. GUTTrA PERCHA & RUBBER. Head Otice: TORONTO, Canadla Branches from Coast to Coast. WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION DEAN HODGSON KINGC & IEETY STS. B4»VMANVILLE pli O ut standing Quality TEA the701' T EAFresh from teGardehs SARDINES WESTONS CHOCOLATE CREAM ROL Fresh c5 ac SPECIAL VALUES in DOMINION STORES Fresh Ground COFFEES RICHMELLO Mild and Mellow lb. 35C EARLY MORNING Full bodied ic and Zestful tb29 BRUNSWICK BRAND DOM~ Shortenji Pure and Swee 1-1lb. pkg surprse Soap 10 ".ar45 Icing Sugar - 21lb.. 17c Lobster - ýù's in 31C JELLY POWDERS- Shirrifý's pkg. 5 CRARMEAT - Fancy %'s in 35ge CORN STARCH Durham pkg. Iole 6Tins 25C SOAP CHIPS DOMINO 5-lb. BRAND Carton 35 GINGER SPECIAL VALUE SNAPS 3 lb,.25c CARBOLIC KARBOLLBRN Brown Label %-lb pkg. 3 c SALADATE A Molasses Kisses %I EoeC A real candy treat 2 lbs2 Sc nu et Christe$s Fis Roll g. lb. JS AYLMER h TOMATO JUICE No. 1i5C I M in INFANTS DELflHT SOAIM CHIPSO For Quick Suds1 One Mled. Pkg. theclagC FRE package Purchased 1 t' GUTTA PERCHA TIRES GUM CUSHIONED BUILT FOR se Every Gutta Percha Tire has 63 ý--î"SHGCK ABSORIERS"P m m THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. TRURSDAY, JULY 19th, 1934 PAGE POUR

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