PAGE Six TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 19th, 1934 sion the meeting was turned over to a later date. During a short business jTYRONE the band, when a very enjoyable NESTLETON metnpînseepataylide *programn was given by the children - have a flower show, the date of Church Service withdraw-n ai ter which the ladies served supper j r.Br culnvstdMs which will be announced later. Sunay Snda Shcl a 1.3 in cafeteria style with about seventy Mr.BtMMulavsedM. Montlily meeting of the Hampton Sudy udySho t1.0in attendance. Robert Dick'e. Women's Institute held on July 12tli am. Lodiinrsetawek ____________ Mrs. Marshall, Toronto, is guest at the home1,e0f Mrs. T. Sykes, was Mr. loy Sknnerspet aweek3- ofMrs. John Dickie. largely attended, some sevepty per- wlth his grandparents, Mr. and ENNISKILLENI Mr. and Mrs. L. Corner and fam- sons being present. It was "Grand- Mis. W. Lake, Newcastle. ily were guests in Pembroke. mother's Day" and the meeting Mrs. Edgar Scott, Jessie and Additional Nestleton news crowd- ckpaeothsacusawti Bruce, Nakina, Ontario, :are visitmng Mrs. H. Stevens spent Sunday toplconhesaoulwte ed out last week is on page 5. verandah being f ittig setting for the Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott. w,,ith her sister, Mrs. F. W. Smith. : Miss Louise Bruce, Toronto, 15gadoheswosplidtepo During the severe electric storms Mrs. E. C. Ashton, visited at Mi.S. visiting Mr-. and Mis. Saim Bruce. rniohr h upidtepo last week Mr. R. Davey and Mr. R. Lyla Qoodmnan's, Port Hope, on; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hulbrt gram. Mrs. C. Johns, President, was Hodgson each had a cow kiied. July 12t.h. mtrdt oot o h eki h hi.Tepori hc Mr. and Mrs. Norman Woodley Miss Olga Sanderson visited ber eood. to orotoifr te wek î e of Mrs. Rundie, re- and Mr-. and Mrs. Levi Skinner vis- grandmother, Mrs. C. Sanderson, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Sheffeld and poentith g asnt ers or thalei itedf rend atOakoodrecntl. Brkeon.Mrs. Robert Jackson visited at Mr. contribution, which was as foilows: Mr. Carson Taylor and Mr. Mr. John Byers, Toronto, is bol- Bruce's. Short chorus followed by a reading William Haynes, Dixie, visited the idaying wth bis nephew, Mr. W. E. Mrs. Herman Sainelîs and Miss b i.J un;PaoslMs former's brother, Mr. Wesley Taylor. Sanderson. Gwen Wilson visited at Mrs. John Jbson Mrs. A.urs;Panersoave an i. Mrs. Barrabell, Mr-. Lorne Barra- Congratulations to Miss Blanche Hooey's. teestng ts.A.on Te r aeanRin- bail and Miss Mary Smith, Orono, Beech on passing her entrance ex- Mr-. and Mrs. Tom Perrgo nd ing riroug "Theniptre ad Int- visited the former's daughter, Mrs. aminations. P ir n ies carrion YeHarstonago;"nvocal Viola Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradley spent family visited Mr. and Mrs. Thos. iscrido er g; oa Congratulations to Mr. Levi Annis Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. WMr.iand etb Mrs. B.r ontoC Jhsa C ryaýidrana Mrs.E on passing bis Normal School ex- Henry, Blackstock. BMr. and Mrvs. en t ry yMs .E anùatns H isno tkinga Misses Maiion Griffin and Mae âlÏsok vstda Ms n.Bllett; reading by Mrs. E. Ludkin aiais Hei o aigMountjoy's. followed by another vocal duet by course at O.A.C., Guelph. Adams, Burketon, spent Sunday MiadMr.Cs.BggadMs.APersad rsT.Strac Mis. A. W. Clemens, Mrs. A. W. wit.h Mrs. Wm. Griffin.Mran r.C s.BigadMs APer nd r.T.Slra- Annis, Mrs. Luther Hooper and Dr. and Mis. Ferguson, Allan and sons, Tom and Bill, Toronto, visited companied by Mrs. Jebson; Mrs. B. Mrs. James Soi pn usa Donald, visited ber parents, Mr. and at Mr. Lorenzo Mountoy's. Crydermnan gave a descriptive talk afternoon with Mrs. David Hooper, Mrs. Newton at Tavistock. Mr:n r.H cagln on *Gc'ing to tl'4e Little Cburch Oroo.Mr-. and Mrs. R. Day and f anily, Mrs. S. McLaughlin, Mr. Wm. Around the Corner in New York;" a Mi. and Mis. William Little and Daîrymple, visited Mrs. Days par- ronsndTrt.G.Pla viie vocal solo by Mrs. C. W. Souch with babe, Oshawa, accompanied by Mi-. ents. Rev. and Mrs. Pai-ker.rinsTrnt. Miss N. Horn at the piano, brought William Little are visiting the lat- Mr. G. Howe, Jimmuie and Mae A number f rom here attended the the program to, a close. By special ter's son. Mr. Wesley Làttle, Howe.Mr .A. Wearn, TarcYto, spent Orange service at Blackstock. Mrs. request the only great-grandmother Cardinal. S unday with the latter's family. Percy Edgerton and Mrs. Arthur present, Mrs. E. Stevens, wa.s called Rev. S. G. Brown, Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Stainto-n and Hulbert gave a splendid duet. upon to describe lier wedding trip of Que., Mr. T. A. Brown, Ottawa. and Bernice attended the Oshawa Times Congratulations to Irene Watson 57 years ago, which was very amus- Mrs. E. Stevens, Hampton, were Ipicnic held at Cobourg on Saturday. (H), Madeline Marlow (H). Alfred ing. The national anthem was sung guests of Mr. and Mrs. Beit Steve ns Mr. and Mrs.- E. Rayment and1 Sçmells, Mary Wilson (H), Johnana 0eruadtsylncws ady . Rbr ugsdo us faywith r. andlffs spent Sun- Nesbitt (H), and Marie Marlow on served. dand Mrs. Hugh Annis. passîng the Zntrance Exams. Al Mr. and Mms. Clarence Brooks, M.adMs F. McGill. Mr. and are pupils of Miss Florence M. eoaand Ronald Clarkson, Mi ir n fe, oato, visited with the ai.i HAYDON and Mrs. Charles Brooks and Cli - fonner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Mr. and Mrs. J. Hooey, Mr. Scatt (e---- f ord, St. Catharines, Mr. and Mms Brunt. Hutchiiscui, Toronto, Miss Maie Fred Brooks and babe, Cobourg, Miss Dalt£tn is holida3ying at ber Lamb, Mr. Burney Hooey, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Crossinan is visiting vlsited their Parents, Mr. and Mm'. home near Ottawa and will attend Mis. Ceci Wilson and f amily, Mr. friends in Montreal George Brooks. the wedding of ber brother, Mr. Kenneth Lamnb, Miss Bernice Stain-. Mr. and Mis. A. McNeil and Arch- _________________Bert Dalton, B. S. E., on July l2tb. ton, Enfliskllen, were visitors at Mr. ie visited in Toronto. SRegular monthly meeting of Wo- H. Sa.ixels'. Mr. F. Cowling and son Fred, EBENEZERI men's Association was held in the The sympathy of the comminity Purple Hill, visited at Mr. R. Mc- > .asmn o hucJuy4.M s extended to the famnily of the Neil's. Mi. Jack Pickell, Detroit, la visit- Harvey McGill, President, openedlaeMsJs.Frr.Ntolwil issMyteC lngndLlan ing bis father, Mr. Dean Pickell. the meeti'7ng which took the f oru her loss be felt ta immediate f îiends Spratt and fiends, Oshawa, Sun- Miss Mona Moriow, Winnipeg, is of a Dominion Day program. Mms. but also ta a hast of adinirers who dayed at Mr. T. Cowling's. holldaying with ber xnany relatives Shackelton gave a short paper based corne withxindnthe ochaid her S.YoungLa ies olad Yioun Men' here. on the Passage f from the scriptuîe: numerable kndees a llbldapnionat Mr. Gordon Osborne, ,Queerts "His Dominion sball be f rom sea knew something of ber lovable per- urday at Lakeview Park, Oshawa. University, Kingston, was witb his to Sea." Mrs. Ferguson led n pray- sonality-' A number f rom bere attended the parents. er. Tue following program was given: Mi. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson and play given din Monday evening at Mr. and Mis.. Ross Bennett, Recitation by Myrtie Page; paper by Miss Gwen and Bunice, Mi. and Mrs. Enniskillen by Hampton Dramatic Oshawa, are holidaying at Mr-. W. Mrs. T. M. Siemon; vocal solo, Mrs. John Hooey and Mi-. Burney, Mi. Club. H. Maîsball's. Lloyd Ashton; readtng, Mms. J. A. Scott Hutchison, Toronto; Mr. Mr. and Mms. N. Welsh and <Gor- Mr-. and Mis. Ira Peace, Bawman- Werry. Frank Dorland and Miss Audrey, don.,'I1oonjo, Mrs. M. N. Welsh, ville, were Sunday guests vith Mi. Monthly meeting of the Womnen's Miss Berniece Stainton and Mi. Sandi-idge, Man., vlsited at Mr-. C. and Mis. <3eo. Pearce. Missionary Society was held at the Kenneth and Miss Mac Lamb, En- Avery's. Misses Joyce and Evelyn Readei-, home of Mis. L. Ashton, when a large niskillen, visited at Mi-. Herman Mi-. and Mi-s. J. Montgomery and Scugog, are holidaying with their attcrndance of members and visitai-sj Samell's. Miss Lillian Montgomer-y, Maple, sister, Mrs. Roy Fowleî.1 were present. Mrs. R. Gilbei-tin The morning service, July 22 in Rev. Laverty. Gshawa, visited at Mi-. Miss Aura Osborne was a guest charge. Prayer led by Mrs. H. Werry, the Piesbyterian church wiil be in H. Asbton's. with Mrs. C. A. Wight, Providence, Mi-s. C. Crossman f avored with a the foi-m of a song service. Several A number of boys went f ta and at Mi. Walton Annis', Dunbar- guitai lelection, Mis. A. S. Kerr, numbers will be sung by the church Lake Scugog when Mr. Eai-l Tbomp- tcýn. Bowmanville; took up a chapter in chair and a special del.ight will be in son was the lucky catcher af a ten Mr. and Mis. Maxwell and child- "Living Issues in China" one or twa the singing of Mi-. and Mis. R. E. pound muskelunge. ren and Misses Evelyn and Eliza- thoughts wei-e stressed, it is the Pipher, and Miss Maijarie Pipher Mn. and Mis. E. Bradley, Misses betb Pipier are at Mi-. Frank missianary with a heant that can ai Trenton, N.J. Mn. Pipher is a dis- Fi-eda and Viola Bradley. Mr-. and Rundle's. win others ta Christ, in Anierica the tinguished soloist of that city. Mrs. Pied Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. H. Misses Veinia and Louise Pearce church is aver ai-gaiized, America Tue death accuired on Friday, Ashton, Louis and Bert Ashton, Mi-. are holidaylng with their grand- needs China as much as China needs July 13 of Tuas. Reynolds in his 77tîi and Mis. W. Thompson. Earl and parents, Mr. and Mms. J. W. Lang- America, the Chinesis women are yeai-. Deceased was bain and lived Rod Tuompsan motored to Burleîgh maid, Oshawa. taking their stand in helping ta bis whole lufe on a faim east af Falls on Satuîday. Congratulations to Misses June evangelize their people. Aniie Oke Nestleton. The funeral service was ____________ Marshall, Eleanos- Vinson, Doris favored with a pian1o solo in conducted at bis home by Rev. H.s Wilkins and Ralpb Found on pass- much enjoyed. Miss Annie Mount- J. Bell. and at St. John's Anglica~n IOLINAI ing their entrance, Ralph taking joy of Victor Home in Toronto, gave cemetery by Rev. Dr. C. E. Whit- SI honors. an outline of the rescue woîk in their taker Tue paîl bearers were Messrs. Mr,. SUas Thomas, Toronto, la Mis. Ross Pearce, Mms. Clar-ke, mission. In the collection Mrs. Edith Elmer Nesbitt. Clark Wiliams, visiting at Mi. Petuer Leask's. Mis. McCutcheon, Misses Lila and Ormiston very klndly made Miss David Wilson, Oscar McQuade, E. Miss Lillan Hoar, Taronto, visit- Aura Osborne enjoyed church ser- Edith Marie Ashton a lii e member Gibson and Harald Stinsan. ManY ed ber sister, Mis. E. R. Taylor. vices in Toronto d.n Sunday moi-n- of the Mission Band. A vote cil friends a,-,d acquaintances attended Misses Dora and Veina Cowling, lng and were pleasantly entertained thanks was tendered ta the bas- the funeral. He was predeceased by Hampton, visiteci at Mi. Sid. Hock- by Mis. McCutcheon later. tess and ail those who had helped two sisteis, Letitia and Eliza Jane. aday's. Mission Band enioyed their in the sple.ndid pîagîam, moved by and by two brothers, John and, Mis. Ed. Wilcox, Peterboro, is vis- picnic at Mr. Ross Pearce's on Wed- Mms. E. Weni-y and seconded by Mis. Josepli. Two sisteis, Mis. Robt. MC- iting ber cousins, Mr. and Mis. II. ne-sday afternoon. Gaines of variaus Ferguson. Dainty refi-esbnients were Kee, Nestleton, and Miss Maitha E. Tink. kinds were lndulged in aiter wbich, served. Reynolds at home; a.nd one brother, 'Messrs Bruce Tink etnd Percy th.iity-eiajht childien and mothers _______ _Mi-. John Reynolds, Blackstock, sur- Dewell spent Sunday with Peter- sat down ta, a well laclen picnic vv hm boro fiiends. supper. fri SCHOOL REPORTS vv i.- Mr. Jolliffe and Mrs. Jeff- Several brm ere attended the er- 1IALindsay, ~ were guests atMr. inspectiotn of the grounds and gar- BKRSSHO A PO sa ads dens at the beautiful borne of Mr-. BKR COLMr. and Mis. Alon.zo Wiliams and Mms. R. S. McLaughlin, Park- Entrance - Velnia Gilbert, (H), Miss Dorothy Adamscn is visiting and faxnîly, Port Perry, were visît- wood, Oshawa, an Thursday even- Eber Milîson. Toronto relatives,.ai-s at Mr. Chas. Howsam's. ed tahean hiittist s ndfind-Sr. IfI - Jr. IV-Ella Millson (H), Soi-iy to leain of Mis. Ida Smale Miss Mary Hogarth, Mis. R. Pas- edt i otiutrssan reisHarvey Yellowlees (H). being ill at Blackstock. coe and Mi. Gea. Hogarth visited in the city. Jr. III - Si. III-Mathew Milîs, Mr. Glen Scwell, Toronto, la visit- at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's, Enfield. On Thuisday afternoon the Beinice Moîîey (Rec.). ing at Mis. Win. Smales. Miss Hazel Ross, Cleveland, Ohio, W.M.S. ladies were hostesses ta the Sr III - Jr. III - Jerry Millson Mrs. Clara E. Jeffney, Toronto, Mi-. Knox Ross, New York City, weîe Baby Band and superintendent Miss (H>, James Mils (H), Jin Harris. is guest af the Misses Hoi-n. guests ai Miss Vera Baker, R. N. Auia Osbor-ne. Af ter the usual ses- Si. 1 - Jr. fl-Margaret Hills (H). Mrs. Harry Holwell and daughter Mis. Sain Rundile, Ebenezer, Miss jSi. Pr. - Jr. I-Muriel Smth (H), Dorothy, visited Toronto friends. Aura Rundîs, R. N., Bowinanvillc. CAD US orohy oory.Mr. C. .H. Bunrow's residence la wei-e guests at Mr-. J. T. Rundlc's. ___________________ Jr. Pr. - Si. Pr.-Joyce Rilîs. being unproved by a coat o aint. M r. and Mis. Frank DeweUl and Miss Helen Fowler la a guest of Ada Allun, teacher. Mr. and Mis. Frank Vîrtue and amily, Pickering, visited bis bro- Mis. Gordon Stîong. f amily, Grimsby, visited at Mi. A. E.' Ihers, Messrs Sam and Pcrcy De- Mis. M. Mauntjoy visited her DARLNOON Billett's Weil. mother. Mms. C. MeGill. Miss Laura Virtue, Toronto, la Mis. Boston, Vancouver, B. C., Mr. Mi. and Mis. Merwin MountjoY Promotion Examination Results holidaying with Mr. and Mis. A. and Mis Russell Stamnton and famn-, were Sunday guests at Leith Byer's. of S. S. 3, Darington:- E. Billett. ily. Zion, visited at Mr-. A. J. Bal- Mr. and Mis. M. Fallis and farnily, Entance:-*Louise ley, 'Mai- Mr. 'T. R. Sykes bas returned to son's. Precevlle Ssk. ar viitng n-gaietHeny; a.zl ruli am Dupaîquet, Quebec, aiter holidaying Our Young people have recelved ends here. Vi Camp; Maurice Maîphy. at his home, an invitation to present their play, Jim Fallis and Lucile Hyland pass- l'a Sr. IV-*Arthur Forsythe, 77; The Young People's Union of Osh- 'Here Cames Charlie" at Leskard cd their exams. They are the pupils Eddie Forsythe, 76; Vera Gibson, awa enjayeci a picnic in the park on on July 23rd. of Miss Gladys Cobbled.ick. 68;. Me'nday ai ternoon. Mrs. and Miss Rowdc~n and Miss Mrs. Clarence Pari- motared to To Jr. IV-'Billy Henry 83P; Jean Miss Naomi Horn, Peterboro, and Fee, St. Catharines, Master Donald Lindsay on Tuesday with Mi-. and Metcal.i, 81P; *Norma Sexsmith, Mis D. Sidy, Bewdley. visited the Quick, Bowmanville, visited at Mi. Mis. George McLaughlin. 78P; *Peggy Finnigaan, 75P; 'Rai-- Misses Hor-n, on Tuesday. S. E. Weriy's. Mr-. anîd Mms. Cecil Tuornpson, i-y Feather 75; Betty Henry, 68; Miss Giace Cunninghamn, Fenelon Mi-. F. C. Jenrming's, Toronto, Toronto, and the latteî's father, Mi. Jae Waînakaski, 61. Falls, is holidaying with her grand- Inspectai ai Public Libraries, visit- McRoberts, visited Mi-. G. Fowlei-. To Si-. III-Madeline Metcali. mother, Mis. J. Clatworth y ed oui library on Friday and was Congratulations ta Miss Bessie 79; GenMtaf,7;Gidn Mi-. and Mrs. E. E. Etaples ac- quite pleased with it. Fee ppi a MssMaelArue wA 1Metcali, 74;- John Noble. 73: Eveline iompiijiied Mi. and Mis. C. E. Horn. Oui- annual commOgnity picnic la Walter Willard clc-1 Si-. Pr. ta Ist-Lenoie Collacutt, the Reforestiation plant, Orona, on IJuy meeting of Solina Women'r, wedding , =vercltI H.; Audrey Greenham, R.; Stewart Tuesday ai teinotn. The Rose garden Institute wa held on Thui-sday ai- d the popular member Jarvie, Norman Tabb. and general beauty of the gr-ounds teiflon at Mis Chasa. Howsarns e were the recipients of jJr. Pi. ta Si-. Pr.-John Maitan. sa inteîested the Company that fui- 1wtb about 75 members and visitons congrtulations and good IWmn. Lycett. ther plan.9 0f visiti:ng ather gardens present. Mis. Chas. Smth lat Vice- -WUt e Tonto Weekly. teacher ini that district were pastponed ta IPresîdent, piesided. Apn invitation H[ CAP FREE!j who buys $1.00 worth of mer- store. A limited number only. 3was accepted f rom Nestîcton Branch )ta visit thcrn on Sept. Sth. Ai teî 1the business session Mis. Chas. How- sam, leader af group 3, took charge 3 & E aio the Progiam, Rail caîl "current *x 1events in Canada." Readings on Can- II I. To every customier 3adian Subjects wene given b y Mis. hndL*ini Ouri Arthur Staintan and Mis. Lloyd Wil- u now. liarns; piano solo, Miss Helen Baker; 1Mns. S. E. Weîîy gave a paper afrid1 >Mis. Harold Hancy, Port Periy, f av- .- ored with a vocal sala. Greetings werc brougbt by ladies af Stoufiville KOL N(2 W. I. A short cantest was enjoyed DENTAL CREAM - and a heaîty vote of thanks was L tendered Mis. Howsarn for ber kind Smalî Size . 32e hospitality. A dainty lunch was Large Size, with sPoon 43e seried by Mis. Itowsarn and ber ____________ graup. August roll cal-An ahl Ca;n E 1adian pioduct manufactuied i LAM E BACK Canada. iFnrr lii 1TIl Il (II'«. 'Tflod uicklY to j SAEM__..~~,,Q~Ask McGregor s Drug Store for Mis. R. Hadgson and Miss Nina, RUM AC P Tyrone, were cahiers at "The Maples', R M C P Thuumday. ____________ Mi. Jack Hutchinson, Flint, Mich, was a weekend visitai witb bis au>it A LAZY LIVER and uncle, Mi. and Mis. F. Honey, Cr as avAlet Rev. A. S. Kerr canducted the Pa as arkAiie's service Sunday and bis ftne dis- ak' course was a study ai what Jesus PRF LIVER bas ta, say about înaney. LIVR' Several SQalem ladies attended a IE TONE ucl e very enjoyable meeting ai the Hamp- storeil[ that cliver tan Women's Institute at thc home *.,1 to normal, heal. af Mis. Sykes, on Thursday. " thy action, re. iev ng constia Mr. and Mrs. Frank, Paît Penny, i tonbil OUsneSs, Mr n r.W. Fi__. <ev le headachels, e t C. Mn. nd Ms. itze Jaetvile,....;~. It aiso ads the and Mrs. Pool, Toronto, were Sun- stomach. A mon. day guests with Mi. and Mis. G. oth ratel Cornish. ~for Mi. and Mis. Mark Wood, New- $1.00 tonville, were dinner guests with Mr. ___________ and Mis. G. Coinisb and with thern attended the Woods-Johns picnic îJ. W. WORRALL, Optician at Ramnpton Park. AT aUR STORE Mrs. Waterberry, Oshawa, visited Wednesdays on Cail. ter- John Leard returned ore with ý thmatra holiday with bis uncleALXMG and aitnt. taspendthe week Mi. L. Savery, Newtonville, came PHONE 92 PRESCRIPTIONS f rom Toronta where be la taking a suirmer course, t pn h ek end with Mms. Savery and the chil- dren who are holidaying with her Parents, Mi. and Mis. A. Welsh. - MOUNTJOY PICNIC Mis. Nellie Jackson. Vancouver, B. C., and son Mi-. Berinard Jackson, The Mauntjoy Picnic will be held Osgoode Hall, Toronto, and Mi. and at the Ciearn ai Barley Camp an Mms. Jce Allin and daugbter. Black- Saturday, July 28th, ccaumencing water, Ont.. were guests af Mn. and at 3 o'clack, Standard Turne. This Mis. Hai-iy Allin, Scugog St. and Mi-. is the elevenil a;nnual i-e-union of and Mrs. S. Chas. Allin, Providence, the Mountjoys and a record at- on Monday. tendance la solicited. i EGOR, Drugs A SPECIALTY W DLVR HEADACH E EI INDIGESTION quickly veIieved by m 1171S[à FrontRollc. 1rlil 15c Loins O tS UDEs re ROAST'L BLADE ROAST ROIST VOUJN C-PORK SPARE RIBS rsnr POTATO lb. i 1fl CORNED nlo SALAD DEEF Si" SLICEDf MACARONI and CHEIESE La CAUGI<;4<(IIT- ORCIAN BA Whitefish mlb 1cTROUT FINE (;RA.NILATED OR YELLOWJ' SUGAR 100lOIb. for4, Cheese Kraf(t CndlbIfl . PiclesOLD TOWAE 28 oz. Sardines FS I Muffets QUAKER 2 PKGS. Bisui E jCHRISTIE'S lb. aItlodizcd Sal or Plain PK< Soap SLfujdry10 BR Health Biscuits p ~2 Im. Dog Food DR1. BALLARD'S n CAROLI V..-G(>OD SIZIE WATERMELO'N6l lb. 240 [blOc b. 120 b. 230 lb. 20e lb. 16L. $5*70 23e 23,e 120 17,c 270 39o 250 150 55 1 THE TEO FR E ýAT JATLANTIC & PACIFIC- Co. PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, Th-URSDAY, JULY 19th, 1934 m SPECIAL PRICES Thurs., Fi-i., and Sat. $125 Absorbine Jr. ..... 89e 12 oz. ralcum Powder ... 17c 25 Linen EnveloPes ..9c go Sheet Note Pad ..9c 16oz. I.D.A. Milk of Mag. 330 Big Five Toilet Tissue, 4 for 19e Meeca Ointment ...19c, 37e Pint Vaeuun Bottles ... 33C Special Bating Rat ...9c SPECIAL PRICES TANVA SUN CREAM Induces an even glldei tani withxout burninig fl.00 ADAM'S EXTRACTS Ginger & Root Beers. -One bottie makes 5 gallons of de- licious drink 25C STATIONERY SPECIAL 25e Picture Wîiting Tablet & 25 Envelapes, aUl for 25c DeveloPilig, rPie~ting and En- larging. - Prompt Service.- Films - Complete Stock. i.