THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY l9th, 1934 Specials at "BIG 20" NECRLACES New and different. Travellers' samples at hait price 15e - 59e BOOKS For Cblidren and Grown-ups. Picture Books fur Kiddies. Lendlng Library, new fiction. 3c per day. GIFTS For showers, weddings and birthdays . - Glass, China Stationery. .Neele Work. Pic- tures and Decorated Pottery. WOOL For Infants' Wear, Sweaters, Cushions, Afghans and Hats. High Grade Wool ln Many Attractive Shades. 15e per ball Ulp. J. W., Jewell BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS Big 20" Bowmanville WEEK-END SPECUAS Women's White Kid Pumps and Ties, Cuban or Louis Heels R«g. $5.00 & $6.00 at Men's Black Cal! Oxford, Goodyear Welt Soles, Priced at $3,50 Women's Black Kid, One Strap, Low Rubber Herl at $1.25 KNOX Shoe Store Phone 120 Bownianville, Ont. LOCAL & PERS ONAL Bowmanville True Blues attendeti the Orange Walk at Trento!-i on Juiy 12th. Mms. Wilfrid Atidinall, St. Thomas, bas been visiting her sisier, Mms. Gus. Bounsall. Mr. andi Mrs. Jas. Ross anti tai- ily, Rossmoîe, spent Fîitiay wiih., Mr. amd Mrs. C. F. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. Herschel Darcb anti famîly, New York City, are holiday- ing at Bowmanville Beach. Mr. andi Mm. Perrin Rocke and son Jackie, and Mrs. Francis Rocke, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewin's. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnston Bert andi Eleanor are holidaying wiih ber father, Mr. Oeo. Lunney, Colling- Wood. Mrs. Mary Stratch and Miss Is- abel St. John, Simsbury, Con., are visiiing the f ormer's cousin, Mis. M. A. Neal. Mr. andi Mrs. W. C. T. Jenkins, Kingston, spenit te weekend witb ber uncle and aunt, Mr. andi Mrs. J. H. Weîry. Mr. andi Mr. Dudley Oliver, Toi- onto, spent the weekend with ber parents, Rev. and Mrs. C. R. Spen- cer ai the Rectory. Magistrate and Mis. R. M. Cotton anti Helen are holidaying ai their 1 summer cottage near Burni River, Haliburton District. Mr. anti Mrs. H. L. Cîabb and chiltiren are speiding a ten day vacatic(,n with relatives in Simncoe and Buffalo, N. Y. John and Junior Neal, Donald Mason anti Keiih Slemon are en- joying bolidays ai Kilcoo Boc"' Camp on Guil Lake, Haliburton County. Mis. Beggs, Mms. R. E. Dtnmiwell i andi daughters, Moira, Patsy and Lois and Miss Ruth James are enjoying holxclays at View Lake Park, Lake Scugog. Mr. R A. McLeod, a former mem- ber of the staff of Central Public Scbool here, bas been appoinieti Assistant Principal of a large public scbool in Niagara Falls Mr. F. B. Herman, 4 Carlisle Ave., anti Mr. John Tabb, King St., won the chairs in the draw ai J. W. Jew- ell's store recently in conneciion with the special demonstiation o! FIo-Glaze enarneis. Miss Ada Wight, Edmnonton, Alla., and ber neices, Misses Pearl =nd Helen Tiff in, Lethbridge, Alla., are visiting ber f aiber, Mr. Alex. Wight. Tbey motoret f rom the West anti hati a most enjoyable tnip. Mr. andi Mis. W. A. Bain, Toronto, Misses Florence and Rose Hawkes, Oshawa, are visitors at Mi. and Mis.. Wm. Trewln's. Mr. anti m. Bain are leaving ibis week for a month's 'bolidays ai Port Carling, Muskoka. Mr. J. 13. Horn, forznerly of HaxmP- ion, who bas lived in Peterboro) for a number o! yeams, bas moved to Dution, Cnxt., where be is super- inlendent o! the Duto<n Flour Mills wbo manufacture Swan's Down Cake Flour. congratulations to the following former Bowmanville Hlgb Scbool Studritswhowere successful in writing the Ontario Normal Scbool IExamfOations: First Class Certif i- cales: Levi M. Annis, Glaclys M. Cann. Interimn Firsi Class Certif 1- cate: Helen A. Smale. Interim Sec- Jond Clams Certificate: Annie M. Wilkins. Kerslake's Everyday Prices Our Price Are Low Our Quality Is High 50e Kolynos Faste & Spoon Vacuum Bots. 39e - 43c - 49e .43e Eng. Health Salt, lb.- 39e iWestsTooth FP*astie 2 'for 39rNoa at . 8 0 40e Castoria N...a..Sat.... -25e Par Shave Ci. Ig. tube 39c Wamfpole Grape Sat 50e - $1. 27c Noxema Cream 15e Adrews Liver Salt 29c - 49e 15 Modess Fads 12 Kotex Fads 1 Bot. Italian Balm 25c 119C l1Bt Dreski35c Kersiakes Pickle Mixture does not require heat.. wlll preserve beets indefinitly, and la very economica- 3 gai. 25e. Kerslake's Drug store Phone 49 P. R. Cowling, Phm.B. We DeUiver Peak of SeasQn Sale SUTMMER ENSEMBLES. Jacket frocks in white and pastel shades. Summer sheer prints andI bettes' quality printed sllk crepes, weil made ln quality materlals and decldedly distinc- tive, wth geod iooklng trinmliù.gs. Sizes 16 to 42. Reg. $15.00 and $17.95 ON SALE $10.95 and $12.75 LINENE BEACH SLACKS, i copeli and white, 14 to 20 Reg. $1.25 ON SALE 98c. JERSEY SLACKS, I red, green, royal and blue, Sizes 14 te 20. Reg. $2.95 ON SALE $2.25 Bathlng Caps and Shoes te Match at REfluced Prices. The Evlyn LADIES' Sho)p SPECIALTY Phone 594 King Street Bc anile When It's Hot Cool off at Corbett's Ice Creani Farlour wlth a delielous ce. Cream Sundae, a Tasty Soda, or a Plain Dlsh of Ice Creani. Tfhere are numerous Speeil Combinations to choose from, and oui prices are iower than most. A"D T'S NEILSON'S ICE CREAM WE'LL DO YOUR WORK FOR YOU Deh't bother about baldng In sumnier Umne. Not. only la It un- conifortable but it's an expensive proposition when you eau buy ail the best baked goods at oui store as cheaply as you ean make them. The reason la that we make thern In large quantities. We have a wagon on your street every mornibig. lZ you want anything speelal, phone the store a". we'l1deliver it for you. Corbett's Balkery PHONE 3 BOWMANVILLE Mms. Nellie Gaîbutl is spending a f ew weeks at Sycamore, Iii. Mr. Harry Carpenler bas been visiting Mr. Wilmoi Mark, Valentia Mis. Lillian Pynke, Belleville, speni the weekend with Mis H. N. Rice. Misses Ethel and Dorothy Hoar are holidaying ai Pine Tree Point, Rire Lake. Mrs. D. Adoif, Bowmansvile, N.Y., is visiiing Mrs. Mehbourne Wight, Providence. Miss Leah Bell bas returned home f rom Port Artbur where she bas been visiing frientis. Mrs. W. G. Rice, Siraifoîti, spent lasi week with Mr. and Mms. C. F. Rice and other f rientis. Dr. and Mrs. W. J. Hall snd scïn Barry, Mimico, weîe recent guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Devit Miss Ella MeIntyre is enjoying a veîy pleasaMt holiday wilh frientis la Straiford and St. Marys. Dr. and Mms. H. E. Cauffleld and Mr. and Mms. F. L. Arnold, Dayton, Obio, are guests of Mrs. John Percy. Mr. and Mrs. Ray J. Dilling bave been enjoying a week's holiday in Ottawa, Toronto and other places. Mr. Howard Lapp of the Bank of Commerce. Ottawa, bas been bol- idaying with Mr. and Mis. E. V. Hoar. Misses Ruth and Jean Logan and Misses Patrica andi Louise Wilson are ersjoying a holiday at Glemnoîe, Lake Simcoe. Miss Mabel Silîs and Mrs. Edite Ross, wbo have been here visillag Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Rice bave return- eci 10 Torontà. Mi. Bert Siapleton. Mi. andi Mm. Mac Staplelon and faxnily spent Sunday witb ibeir cousins, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Hendemson at tee Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Browwn, and sons, Toronto, and Mr. anti Mrs. Maxwell, Vancouver, visiled theil' aunt, Mis T. H. Knigbt on Monday. Hon. Dr. J. A. Faulkner, Minister of Healhli n the new Hepburn Cab- inet, anti Mr. Faulkner calleti on Mr. anti Mm. T. S. Holgate on Thurs- day. Mis. Hayball and son, Abert, andi Miss McKeown anti Miss Edite Plat! orci. Toronto, speni Sunday with Mi. and Mis. J. J. Bell, Base Une. Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock, Miss Mar- garet Treblicock, Mis. Norman Hamn- ley and Jean of Peterboro are visit- ing relatives in Brantford, anti Tor- onto. iMi. Franois Suittonl, mus. Bacý,' organisi of Trinity Unitedi Chuîch, andi Mis. Suiton, are in Kingsicta, taking a summer course ai Queess University. Misses Grace We]sb, Doris Con- ners, Betty Rice anti Jean Rice speni a mosi pleasant week ai the T. W. C. A. Camp ai Eagle Mount, Stoney Lake. Mis. N. S. Washingtopn, Mi. Ralpb Wasbington, Windsor, anti Miss Ruth Noitbcoti, B. A., Toronto, visiteti the formeî's auni, Mrs. W. C. Wash- ington on TuesdlAy. Mr. anti Mis. Rayrnonti Kelly, New1 York City, Miss Doroihy Atidinall, St. Thomas, Mi. Jack Addinall, Hamilton, bave been visiting Mi. anti Mis. Herbert Godidard. An interesting bi.stoiy o! the orange Order was deliveied ieeently by Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, foimerly o! Courtice. ai bis new charge in Janeiville. A large congreation heard the adtiress. Miss Hariiet Burk, Lindsay, anti Miss Nellie Buik, Belleville, are joining a paity in Montreal on Frn- day 10 take a boat trip down tee St Lawrence anti along the Alantic coasi to New York City. Mr. H. G. Matbews, General Car Foieman, C.N.R., Niagara District, aud Mis. Matbews, Niagara Falls, have been spending a few tiays witb bis brother, Mr. AI. Mathews, man- ager of tee Naboihooti Stores. Pupils of Mms. E. Smith Ferguson, A. T. C. M.. who weîe successful Iu Toronto Conservatory o! Music Exams are: Junior Piano--Geitrutie Wagar, pass; 2nd Grade Theoy- Ruth Crytiermian. lat clas honor. Ail candidates successful. Rev. S. Gorley Brown, Richmond, Que., anti Mn. T. A. Brown, Ottawa, were lu town Tuesday callUng on o>Id f rientis. They are guests of ih.elr sister, Mis. E. Stevens, Hamapton, andi othe¶ relatives while visilng tee scenes of their youte. Mis. H. H. Todgham anti daugh- ter, Mary anti son, Albert., of WalkervUlle, who are hoid.sYing in Osbawa, speni the week end with Mi. anti Mr. F. R. Kensiake. Con- cession St. Mn. John W. Cherry, Victoria, B.C., anti grantison, Mr. S. J. Cher- ry, Detroi, Mich., who have been on a trip to Philadelphla, Ps., ai other Amerlcan cilles visillng meni- bers of the Cherry f amlly, calleti on olti frientis here Saturday en route 10 visit bis sisier, Miss Carnie Cherry aI Dunbarton. The ashes of t late Talbot Court- uey Scobell, brother of Mn. A. Hl. Scobell an4 Mis. W. .J Hoar o! Bow- manville, wbo dieti recenily In Chicago, ]al., were bnoughi to Bow- manville ant i nterret inl the famlly plot, o= Sunday. Rev. C. R. Spencer o! St. John's Cbuich, conductedth ie funeral servioe IThe Siatesman Joins wihbIts many friends ln Cartwright Town- ship and elsewbere in extending besi wisbes anti hearty congratulat- ions 1e Mn. James Hall, LlndsaY. wbo will ceebiate bis 87thb bute- day on Fîiday, July 20th. As f ai as we know Mi. Hall is the oldest liv- ing -native o! Cartwright Township, being the only survlving member of George anti Jane Hall, Cartwrlgbi's firsi seitlei's. The St. Maryls Journal, Argus, says :-"Mercer Den.holm, publishen o! th.e Blenbeimr, Ont. News-Tri- bugae, is peîhaps the mosi wlieiy tnaveliêd o! Canadian newspapeî eti- itons. Mercer bas penhaps expioreti most o! the f aithesi reaches o! ibis continent. Hie la saillng ibis week on bis tenth trip across the. Atlantic. The Senior Edior of The States- man wbo was aIse a gneat bellever ln traveling lin bis younger <laYa bas a couple o! laps on bis brother edtor f nom Western Ontario, he having crosseti the Atlantic thirteen trnes. He got deàthly sick each tume h. crosseth te ocean but lie diti love to visit bis "Dear Olti Devon." Mis. W. C. Cav'eily la visiting relatives ai Swan River, Man. Mr. and Mms. Richard Biow!b, Can.minglon. visited relatives here. Mr. and Mis. J. H. Rice, Toronto, spé,nt Sunday with Mi. and Mis. C. P. Rice. Miss Pearl Genereaux, Trenton, is holidaying with friends lan Bow- manville. Miss Leona McLaugblin, Burke- ton, spent tbe week enti with Miss Muriel Henderson. Mi. Chas. Quinn and sons, Bil and Edmund, Castleton, recently visiteti friends bere. Mr. Philip Nind, B. A. Tboiold, spent the week end with Capi. anti Mms. C. W E Meath. Mi. Jack Hutchinson, Flint, Micb., spent the weekenti with bis moiher, Mis. M. J. Hutchinson. Mi. andi Mis. Fred Baker spent Sunday afternoon pâth Dr. and Mis. McK*.,nney, Brookln. Mi. anti Mm. O. W. Reichard, Elmnira. have been visiting their daughteî, Mis. P. E. Beckett. Mis. W. B. Young anti family, To- routo, are guests of ber cousin, Mis. F'. H. Morris, and other relatiives bere. Mi. John H. Stewart, Springfield, Ont., gave the Statesman a fiiendly caîl on Saiurday wbile passing ibîough town. Miss Nelhie King, teacher, Con- tinuation school, Orono, bas accepteti a postion on the Collegiate Institute saf f ai Lindsay. PAGE SEVEN k ROTARY FAIR GRAND *PARADE Wednesday, Auge 8th Parade wiIl start sharp at 7 p. m. D.S.T. from Public Scimool Grounds March Down Silver St. to King to Ontario to Church to Temper- ance to Rotary Park on Queen St. HERE IS LIST 0F CLASSES Start now to take part in this Big Parade. Tell the chldren about it. Lots of fun and good prizes. Best Float to represent firm's products or goods ............ $5 Beat Farmers' Novelty Float or Group............... $3, $2, $1 Best Jazz Band, flot les than 6 pieces .............. $3, $2, $1 Beat Representation of any comic strip personality ....... $2, $1 Beat Comic Float .................................. $3, $2 Best Decorated Car ..................................$3",$2 Best Delivery Truck or Wagon..... ....................$3,' $2 Oldest Auto, under its own power ..................... $3, $2 Best Clown, maie or female ........................... $2, $1 EVENTS FOR THE CHILDREN *Boys' Best Decorated Bicycle ................... $1, 50c, 25c *Best Costumed Boy or Girl on Pony............... $1, 50c, 25c *Best Turnout of Boys' Pets...................... $1, 5Oc, 25c *Girls' Best Decorated Doli and Carrnage .......... $1, 50c, 25c Each cbild in the Parade will receive a Free Ice Cream Cone when they arrive at the grounds. Entries must be made by 5 p.m. day of Fair with Chairman of Parade Committee - Geo. W. James, T. Wea.* Cawker, Frank Williams. In case of Rain Parade wilI be held Thursday Night Mr. Nelsoin M(Marr and Miss Edythe Morley, Toronto, have been holidaying witb Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baker, Scugog St. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bartlett and daughter Selma, are holidaying ai their cottage at Salmon Trout Lake in North Hastings. Mrs. F J. Elis and family, Mon- treal, Que., are holidaying with ber sister, Mrs. C. E. Relider and her mother, Mrs. N. E. Gould. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cairns of the Boys Training Scbool Staff are en- joying their vacation at their suin- mer cottage on lake Scugog. Mr. and Mrs. Clif Caverly and famnily, Misses Dorotby Nichols and Dorothy Bracit are hoidayino at Loon Lake, Peterboro County. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Morrison, and famnily, Brantford, were mn 'town Monday eallhng on friends while on their way to Muskoka for bolidays. Mrs. H. B. Foster was the recipient of a lovely silver service f rom ladies of St. Paul's Church on Monday ev- ening when they called to offer con- gratulations on ber reoent marriage. A happy social heur was spent, KENDAL Mr. Allan Howe is visiting Mr. Evan Quantrill. Mr. Neil Stewart is in Toronto taking a course in music. Mrs. Pred Poster, Bowmanville, visited with her mothier, Mrs. C. Thompson. Mr. Chas. A. Cooper, who was kicked by a horse, has returned from the hospital. Mis. Milton Plunkett and Ss Toronto, are visiting ber mother, Mrs. George Quantrlill. Dr. and Mrs. Thoeau Tweedle and son, Mr. Edward Tweedie, Toronto, spent a week at the farm. Miss Georgina and Mr. Wm. Dar- lington, Messzrs Harold and Wilford Little are home for holldays. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Quantrili, Elizabethville, visited bis' parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Quailtrili. A nuniber frorn here took in the Twelfth of July celebration at Port Hope. Kendal iodge was in the par- ade. NEWTONVIÏIfI Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Rowe have moved into their new home opposite the Parsonage. Miss Helen Daîlington and Mr. Jack Glover speni Sunday at Mr. Philip Pollard's, Canton. Miss Marion Samis, Bowmanville Hospital, la holidaying wiih ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Samis. Mis. Morris (f oîmeîly Miss Muriel Wilson) and three children, Toron- to, were guesis of Mrs. Chas. Reid. Saturday. Mrs. John Stapleton, Newcastle, vlsited Mrs. Thomas Stapleton a.nd took in the Gloîlous Twelfth in Port Hope. Mi. James Nesbltt, Jr., Chicago, and Miss Allie Nesbiit, Toronto, are bolidaying with their father, Mr. James Nesbitt Si., a.nd sister, Miss Annie Nesbitt. misses Elsie and Rdfby Wallace accoinpanled by Mabel Wallace, Margaret andi Mary D)enauli and, Lorna Pearce are spending a week ai their cottage ai Rice Lake- Mrs. Wellie Lockhart passeti to, ber Eternal-Resi in Port Hope Hospital Sunday nigbt. The entire coni- munity extentis sympathY to ber soi- îowtn*g daughter andi son, Mis. ROY Nicholls and Mr. Sidney LOckhari. MAPLE GROVEI Mis. W. J. Snowden visiteti Mrs. Ernie Hart at Caesarea. Mr and Mrs. John Cator, Toronto. are vislting f riends here. Miss Laura Davey spent SundaY witb her parentis ai Tyrone. miss Greta Wilkins, Ebenezer, vislted ber cousin, Miss Doreen Jef- feîy Mis. John McGregor, East Whltby, visiteti ber cousin, Mrs. H. 0. Fiee- man. misses Betty and Mildred Snowdeni visiteti Mm. Ewart Everson, Caes- ares. Mis. Alex Wilkins, Mi. andi Mrs. Len. Richards, Salem; visited Mrs. E. W. Foley. Mise Jean Davey, Tyrone, visited ber ais ter, Miss Laura Davey, at Mr. Ross Sleve;ns'. r Congratulations to the auceessful Entrance pupils cf No. 3, and 6. anc their teachers. Mr. anti Mrs. Will Pavey anc daughter Melba, Peterboro, visitec their cousins. Mm. J. H. Munday and mi-S. E. W. Foley miss Vera Trimble. Itonabee, la holidaying with ber grandparents, 1Mr. and Mrs. John Snowden, and 8ber parents Mi. and Mrs. Trimbe. r Mi. Wllbur Bitton. Eston, Sask. 9and Mr. Noble Metealf, took a moto] trip over the weekend to Toronto eHamailton, Preston, Listowei and aMoorefleld. Misses Greta and Elsie Windover Mis. Inelanti, Messrs ]Lloyd anti Or- opinions anti plans between your rearing oui waterworks as we ame vil Wintiover, Fred Thonipson anti Assoclaticin andtihte Commission ahli nterestet inlutee welf are e! our Ted Parker, Lakehurst, attentied the will effectivehy clear up the situation Municlpaliy. Orange Walk la Port Hope anti visit- eti ai Mi. Chas. îSnowden's. The many friends of Mis. John Ellacott, who bas spent the pasi iwo sumnners ai Mr. Noble Metcalf 's ONE WEEK ONLY - JULY 23, 1934 anid was tiown again tels yeai, ex- tend synxpatby in ber sutiden be- reavemeni by the tieath of lher BLANKETS father, Mn. FYed Peteb, Toronto. 11 - WASHED, DRIED AND CARDED Public Utilities 400 EACH 2 FOR 600 <Continuet f rom page 1) to invest In rneterscout of esinings sa aL u dy& D y Cenn entrel, oer peiodofapprox- O h w au d y& D yCe nn imately foui years $5000 additlonah .J anl, gn hn 5 which will mean that appnoxiinateîyW.JBa eiA nt --Ph e12 $11000 wilU be invested in meters. The Commission théýn propose te set Up a renewal reserve accouni o! 7% ____________________________ fnom revenue Whicb sbould be flot ,more than $800 annually. This funti will adequatehy take care of ahi meterIrý ienewals andi malntetnsnce anti wil PO N be more than esîneti by the addit- lonal revenue !rom the meters. Iu practise meters lasi indefinite- hy. a recent survey o! wateî meters carrieti on by tbe Ainerican Water- I OD woiks Association In the UniedtiOD States shows an average li!. of 34 ' years. Metersarae subject te condit- ions untien which tbey are used anti aneal ti earani vaedrln.186 or 121 placeent h d oer eanirs nt rinr ?Xiteivais se tesat one cannot set up an arbltrax'y nimber of years for a Marshmallow Creme, for topping cakes, definite number o! meters te becomeetJai. ........... c,.. To augment thie watei suppîy ai Certo, fruit pectin, boti*e.........30c. tee presei Urne, sliould tee finane- Parawax, 2 lbs. for ...................... 25c lng be possible, would mean an atit-y itional annua.l earrytnig charge of Glass tops for Gems.................... 25c between thice anti four thousand HizWieWn ieafrpcln 1dollars andi a substantial increase HizW ieWn ieafrpcln la rates. PreSent plans will elimin- and table use, per gallon .............. 60c ste rate Increase andtinvolve no further Issuance of debentures with Chef Marmnalade, 40 oz. jar ... .....30c eveiy remsnable prospect of an ad- White Comb Honey .... 20c Da, 2 foxi 25c. equate supply of water. In 1942 s )ýý waterwoiks debenture lamue of ap- Clarke's Pork and Beans ..........10c and 15e pioximately $60,00D will be cccx- ymrSut ao vgabe pa pldtehy paiti. If in the meantime Ayme Sop toat, egtbe pa conditions diselose ibat more watei and others.................. 3 for 25e is a necesslty then at that tume sub- Flowerdale Tea, per lb .................. 75c stantial amot.nts may be expentiet c without eitenInciesing woter rates Baker's Cocoa, 1/9 lb. tin................ 14e or taxes.Sat.........50I.50;10bo9e ci The Commission do net contem- S i,........ 0l. O;10l 0 c plate lncreaalng eltber teeir steaf! or Toilet Paper, 8 rolis for ................ 25e d their salaries In order to take care Maxwell House Coffee, pei lb. .......... 43c of tee readtig anti maintenance of a ail waten meters. As was polateti eoui ln oui former stsiement ut Fresh Fish on Thursday dIt shoulti also b. nemembered that__________ desphte the cosi o! Installation o! .meters the ratepayeia are now pay- ing $1400 less annually for te Barry Allia, Grocer iwateiworks system than had been H d pali annually ince.the. system ws Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville constructed. r, We hope test the biterchange of 1