~amban ~t4temafl With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUIJY 26th, 1934 NUMBER 30 West Side Beach Resident ta Claim Damages From Town oF Bowmanville Margaret Roach, Through OUTSTANDING MEN Her Husband Will Claim WILL PREACH AT $150 for Closing of Lib. CHURCH CENTENARY erty Street - Claim Can- als - flot Rent Cottage. St. Pu' United Church to Mark Hundredth Anniversary in Sep- In an effort to force the town int tember-Spedal Services and providing a raad to the West Side Events Will Mark Occasion. Beach, Margaret Roach, through ber husband, Guy R. Roach, Ton- An impressive program af special onto, aud West Side Cottager. bas services, featuning outstanding served notice on tbe town of his speakers is planned for St. Paul's intention to dlaim $150 damages for United Cburch. when it celebrates closing Liberty Street without mak- its centenary in September. The ing proper legal provisions ta sub- speciai services already arranged for stitute another bighway. are as follows: This communication wus read at Sept. 23d-1l a.m. - Rev. Sid- a special session o! the Town Coun- ,ney Lambert, Chaplain o! Christie cil on Monday night, wben the mers- St Hospital, Toronto. This service bers sbowed a keen sympathy witb celebrates the depasiting o! the col- the west ide esideuts, but to ail ors o! the 2nd Battaion C. E. F. ini Ittents are unable at this time to St Paul's Churcb. do much to aid. Sept. 30th - il a.m. - Rev. Dr. The town wiil, bowever. endeavoun D. W. Best, Toronto, former pastor ta gain the co-operation o! the Dan- o! St. Paul's. An Oid Time Service liigton Tow~nship Council in having wilI be f eatured such as was held 100 a road put thraugh f nom the west1 years ago. ide, near Camp Scholfield, giving Oct. 7th - Il a.m. & 7 p.n.-Rev. access ta the whoie west ide beach. Dr. C. W. Gardon (Ralpb Connor) A road would then be coustructed wiil preacb. Dr. Gordo;i wiil also. right along the beach for -the bene- it is expected, deliver a lecture in fit o! ail. As this entrance bowever, tbe church. Oct. 5th. ls in the towniship and not in the Other features likely ta take place town, the town can do uothing un- ou the prograni are an old-fash.ioned less they have permission o! Darling- tea meeting - a concert by the ton Council. choir - A young people's evening- Mayor Strike toid o! severai meet- The program heing give1 by Sunday ings that had been beid ta try anxd School and Young Peopie's Guiid. reach an understandlug, and appar- Definite announcemeuts as ta these eutiy an understandiug was reached week night eveuts will be made later. untii Mr. Roac's gutrance was bar- Rev. G. C. Pidgeon bas bee;n obliged red, wben a bridge erected on théeton account o! a nenvous breakdown, woct.èlpn înn-to caucel bis engagement to take BRITISH FLIERS READY FOR LONG FLIGHI 'ru BAGDVAD As soon as weather conditions per- Mrs. MoUlinson iast year. The aero- 1 taken two weeks in preparing for mit, two intrepid British ffiers will plane has been re-chnistened and is the flight. The aeropl-ane (showfl hop off from Wasaga Beach, Ont., now know;n as I'Trail of the Cari- at top) is of sturdy construction. It on a fight ta Bagdud. The two bou." Everything is in readiness for is also shown below, being ioaded fliera are L. G. Reid (LEFT, the ffight except weather and latest wlth 600 gallons o! gasoline to be ABOVE), and J. R. Ayling (RIGHT) reports were that it would clear up carried on the trip. It is expected who are flying thc aeropiene to to permit the flight. The fliera have the flight will keep them in the air have been used by Capt. James and . within the next day or twa or so for 65 hours. Mathews property ws talVii UUw.n tbe owner nlot havmng given permiss-, part in the celebratiQn. The pub- ionforit erctin.lic is invited te join witb St. Pau's DIRECTOR 0F PEACE ROTARIAN FLAXMAN r Ion ~or IL erection.in these commemnorative services. A GA D N1 PC LWH ISOD TSEA S NDFIC T Mayor Strke aptiy expressedi the historic survey o! the caugnegation GA D NI PC LVM ISO ETSE K NDFIU T fa view o! the council wben be said la beiug pnepaned and will be ready SPEAKER B. T. S. CAMP PERSON IN TOWN? SUBJECT AT ROTARY "We do net want ta f ight these about Sept. lat.Th tesaiwudb people, for that wili not get us an.Y- intenattatesman wouid beiscu where, and we would like ta eip - 'W. E. Groves TeUs Bloys at Camp gladta have panticulars o!f nentoa ealnbp îcs hei upbyanyne hobasanaxeFLYNGBISOPSelfield o! Huge Gardon Pro- the oldest people in Bow- sed Froin Malny Angles In Weil the.m.We sholt net hadEan LebegfomNGBanHOPmauville. We are constant- tal gnind." wohs nae «--uaia £onBn ly requested ta name the Thoughtout Address, EridaY. An ginviain a xtne b h Preseaits Pregrain. oldest persan In Bowman- Ainiasociwaetiondeta emeswel una vnpgvlesu r nbl ad ?ternational Reiatiouships, was Ratepayer soito emmers The we udyee4gVs sa with a reasonabie degree the topic a! an address delivered on3 oftan cnct meg tntedned aynigpor-Per Service at Camp Schol!ieid, o! accunacy. We would Friday at the regulan meeting of ther Oun mtsinegdaynMyor Rsd Stnlke summxen home o! the boys o! the greatiy appreciate baving Rotary Club at the Balmoral Ho1tel. Ond Rhe sre R. O MaJoue repssSretOntario Training Scbool, was o! the names o! -ail Persoas Rotarian Ted Flaxmnan, ChairmnanI ant ee R. i 0.aJaomet ig orMarestparticular interest thia week, when aven 90 yeanX-oLage, pbQned o! the International Service Cam- theecCanadian LagiontBaudoprovlded or sent te ?he Statesman mittee, deiivered an unusualy weli sudth Relief officiaisinBane office o andReie ofiias i te ffceOfthe music for the sang service, and Oftice, toge iber wlthb thr, t.bougbt out addiress. theHo. avd . rolMiiserofMn. W. E. Graves o! the Kiugsway date and place o! blrth. We As a club he considered Rotary Public Wellare. iu the uew Provin- Flower Shap, amod Eastern Cauadasa uuderstand that thene la one lacked interuatic.nal uuderatandmng1 cilGoennet n oono orteonly ietroth Inrainl lady in town who la now 96, despite its titie. IL 15 net sunprising,t purpose o! discussing relie! mea- Peace Garden, was the speaker. and that there are several he said, that Rotary bas failed to sue.A large number o! visitars were others aven 90.bigaouanutrtialnd- sures.t ninenaina ndr ______present ai the camp for the service, standing, because the greatest mmnds wbich followed a delightful prognarn in the wonid have failed te do the RLEADER NOTICES o! music by the baud in the open j ame thing. BIG IMPROVEMENTS air. At the conclusion o! this pro-P U T Y SECA IT i was amaziug he coutinued, gran Sueninendnt A R.virin P ULT Y SPCIA IST that we ail bave example.s o! what Tbe Editor o! The Statesman invited the visitons ta join the P OVES EXCELLENT understaudinig sbould mean, tbrougb Bowmanvileboys at the Vesper service lu the P the teachings a! Buddha and Christ Dean Sir: Ater exteuding a weicome te the JUDGE 0F CATTLE wba both Put forth the principies I beg tea n!orm you that mny visitons aud the baud, Mn. Virgin of_ Ia this desirable Situation. addiress bas been changed !from 647 . . turned the service aven te Lloyd There are efforts, being made, Mn. Bnoadview, Taranto, ta my home at Batn b ce scarnad oseaDmntaîu Hî tFiaxman said, ta brmng about world R. R. 1, Burketan. I certaiinly en- anucdtehyu1Anme o oea on tvn e- uuderstandiug. The Imperial Con- joyed reading your paper and espec- aid familiar hymns fraxu Sankey's feec !toyasaoi taa ially duing my illnes in the city. Rt. Rev. A. L. Fleming, D.D. hym book wene sung, witb the band castie Man Wins Honors. the World Caulere;nce asat year lu I always iaoked !orwand ta Friday * copuix oga adaLandau, aud the League o! Nations monn o i h oenw.~ Bishop o! the Anglican Diocese o! copng DulsWrrw gathenings, are ail stepa taward morthe ArcticailudhknhomethnaughIut one o! the boys read the scripture Commander A. B. Maiuwaring, this international understanding. ment lu youranconnespondeuce.o lesson ad Lloyd Bastine ledi in Newcastle, a poultry specialit pnov- Yet noue are a succes,adte bave noticed wonder!ul imprave- Canada as the "Fiying Bisbap" wbo prayer. Betweeu the byms the ed bixusel! au exceIIet judge of neason ia that the wonldi undenstand- men i yur orYsons truî preached an irupressive sermon on1 band playedi short selections unden Hoisteins whèu at a lecture aud 'ing is iseif net understood. Yours rulY bis wark in the Arctic. lu St. John's the direction o! Baudmnaster R. demostratian at Mn. John Stevens' To get a true understandiug o! Eliza Malaw Church on Suwxday. Fountai,. farm, Maple Grov'e, en Fiday ev- other races and other nations o«ei Mn. Vngn îutroduced Mr. Groves eniug, July 2tb he was the f irt atosrcivtgtenddu te te bos. Te seake in he oea! seven a! twýo bundred men cate thexuselves. Que bas ta go f ar- cors e! vr fly odeam- and womeu present who at a youug, ther than knowing merely the ba- Flying ishop D scribesG reattWat dr s bec olngof ae eatty u thesire .îudging trial placed the f ive 1bits and customs o! other countries. A SIteatinal eiaeadeyn. Ahebulis in a class exactly as they were They must fEnd the neason for hs In \rcicta t ohn ersnagioalac Gao! en.Ao! W laten placed by R. M H.oltby o! Pt. habits sud custorns, a,-nd f ranithe he was one, dreamed o! this greatPen.oeote ednauhitbckgudorlsry! project, cominemoratiug 100 years les on Holstein Fiesian cattie sud toms one wlll fInd the uuderstaud- BefDre a large congregation in St. modern haspîtal in the middle o! o! peaceful reiatioinsbips betweeu one o! the best judges a! the bneed in ing a! why ather nations do dil - JonsAnglica7mn Church on SundaY avs xdrns. H ado h aaaadteUie tts a Canada. The demronstratian was at- ferently and tbink differeutly ta us. Jobn's ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cda 00acr te o!itd 150ate su- tne o uyly ayo o- The traditions, the customs, the morin. te igh Rv. rcibad ospta hain 15paeut wenada and 1500 in the United States, stein breeders snd dairymz:rlîof Dur- history, the mode o! educaticin sud1 Lang Fleming D.D., Bisbop o! the, one o! the nurses took iii. sud baw with the international bonder their bars by men interested in Hol- the ambitions o! a country makes1 Arctic. and popularly knawn the wamen af the little town tunned aî illgin a endd-senctl n udiyu rx its people see life lu perbapa a to-1 thogou aad s'he Flying in ta help. The Hudson's Bay f ac- cated ta this cause, and thousands Northumberland, Ontario and York taily different way te wblcb we aee BisbaP" delivered an impressive ad- tor's wl!e helped with the irniug o! dollars were being spent on this Counties. No moi£> stitable place it. Thein envirnmeut sud needs dress ou bis necet ffyi;ng trip te tbe frtehsia hl gvrietcueadffrn oI ftog westrn ncti reion. Bihapfan he asptal bil gavrnieutgigantic garden, te f urtber the 'could be fou,4nd anywbere for such cueadfeetfr !tagt wetr rtcrgSs ihpofficiais devated their spare time teOa aln a hs on Fleming. wbo for 25 years bas been 'paîtxuga wnd. e asoesokeo!gpeas thes ou-au event sud gatberîng than Mn. IL wiil net be, the speaker said, un-1 a summer resideut o! Bowmanviile, atiislndid wonkd.H o by r. Un tries bondered each other they wauld1 John Stevens' premnises wltb the tii we are able ta see tbrough tbese1 wspreaching in St. John's for the qat h ed ove net meDr.alUo- nat taice Up arma agaîust eacb othen. spacious lawn wbene evenyoue sat a- facts, sud study the psycbalogical Was tm nehs Slvto eteqat heGvrmn eia f o much i mpnessed were other round on tbe green grass whlle Dr reasous bebi;,nd their actions that fnaLc Liea sit eabis eea foarth f icer in charge o! the District aud countnies thnougb the worid that Oea. Hilton o! Ottawa, Veterlnary true jilternational understauding mall wecome bytheRectn. ev.o! the lives that have beeu saved many had asked for the privilege of Dinecton Genenal for Canada, gave Ril ory ept L .ne luoute C. R. Spencer. seuhbssildsrer n h edn aubi tc ab uid , authorative aud moat informa- past te f ully recognize this fact bas Dr. Flemi;ng based bis nemanics on devotian o! the nurses. Becau£e o! ed lu the vast Garden o! Eden tbat tive address an "The Controansdseastsuiae tenioiR- St. Math. 10:27. 'With men it la im-. the rising tide o! patients the Bis- is being made. Mn. Graves outlined Eliminàtion o! Infectuais AobtionI laUiousiip. possible. but uat with Qed; for with hop is sending a third nurse ta the wbat bad already been accomplisb- or Bang's DL-ease lu Cattle" sud In cenclusion, Mn. Flaxman ap- God ail tbings are possible."~ Christ- hospital as well as a capable bouse ed, wbat wss being accomplished witb the adjacent f arm yard elec-. peaîe. tthte club members ta realile Jan 11e. the bisbop said, is an ad- matron. sud wbat was expected ta be doue lu tricaily lighted fan tbe Occasion that bere was a Job that ueeded do- venture o! man with God, sud yet Bishop Fleming toid o! the won- the future. ,wbere the exhibition sud deman- iug. sud be boped that every mexu- man does uat recognize the possi- denful changes that have came ta At the conclusio«n o! Mn. Grave's strations a! berd sires sud yOuug ber wauld do bis ahane tboraugbly. bilities o! the power o! Cod, te white men who have gone te the address Mn. Virgin expressed thanks ostkplc.Pei- rdCyema ex wbom ail thinga are possible. uortb bitterly apposed the chunch te the speaker. the Baud, sud tae the ok1lc. rsdetFedCyera x A few years ago it taok mnths sud ts work, sud wha lu sickuess visiters, sud the boys ioiued lu the1 Mr. R. B. Faitb, Brntford, Dmr- pressed the Club's thauka ta the o! arduous travel ta caver a smaîî have been cared for in the Christ- felicitatlons wth hearty applause. ector of Exteunsian, Hoistein-Fnies- s peaker for bis fine addrescs. portion o! the huge Arct.Ic missio api n bospîtal. sud bave become The Boys' Prayer sud the Lord's ian Association o! Canada with On F'iday eveuing President Cny- fields, but oday God bas made pos-euengetic Christian workers. Yeans Frayer brougbt the quiet evenlug whom tbe Durbam County Breeders derman. accompenied by Rotanians sîie tbrougb the sciences airplanes ago these things would have been te a close. co-operated. waa in charge o! tbe J. W. Jeweli, T. W. Cawken, Oea. W. whlch reoeutly took hlm 4000 miles impossible lu the North, but with Many o! the visitons took the op- prognam wbich was quite an ln- James, Gea. E. Chase, sud T. A. In a very short time across the west- Qed aIl things are possible. Portunîty a! viewlnq the iJterlor o! novation lu the way a! publlcitv Gartan Journeyed ta Huntsville Le cru Arctlc. The speaker's diocese,, covering su the well kept cottages. ehe boys and extension service fan the black attend the Chanter Nigbt a! that It was once said, he coutlnued, ares o! aven 2 million square miles vielng wtb esch other lu pneseutiug sud wbites. Taklng a ieadîng part club. Bowmanville Club, thnough iLs that the northeru Indian could net costs $80,000 annually ta operate. the tldiést cottage, bath inside sud lu lecturng sud demonstnating were Presideut prcseuted a bandisomnely be ca«nerted te Chrlstlanlty, 1ut te- sud the Missiouary Socety provides out. __________ Prof. 0. E. Raitbiey O.A.C., Guel- leather bouud Vistor's Book, gold day tbey are ambing the most an- only $20,000 o! tis. To meni It p u .M oty otPny lettered. ta the new Club. dent sud true Christians a! Canada, ouldeem$60,0-40, bte rh oa.islheEDITOR'S MAILMn. 1. A. Lummersg AàM'cutural 9ud saine white people o! thc SouthU intb re $60,000, but wthe Go al Representative, Port Hope, aisa gave may well take f rom thexu a lesson tis ae psl.~dtemoe Dean Mn, James:- valuable assistance. Aanang those Abolition o! the seco4nd year nor- lu orliys vrte heIndan dldIn closing Bisbop Fiem «d' "de an .Yaur kiud rex»anks Iu ast week's who se freely sud wilinlgy braught mal scbool course for teachers wil uat at one ime paossess. earnest pies for members o! he Fel- 'Family Journal" about the Bow- thein animnais, some f nom quite a ho made the subcot o! an Order-in- Blsbop Fleming reiated mauy o! iowshlp of the Arctic, that ever mauvîlle Entrance Class may be distance, for thc desnonstnatlou vere Council o! the Hepburn Governmexit the inpiing happenings lu bis grawlng bady o! Christian men sud somnewhat misieading te readens. It Art. Stainon, Zion; John Tamblyn, this week. Dr. L. J. Sixipaon, Min- great iocese. the i argest lu the womren wbo are wonkl;ng out CFd, should be explained that these pu- Orona; Neil Muttan nowmnville; lister o! Education, la expected ta dburcb. lHe tLd o! the magnificent posslbilities lu couuectlou wlhthe Uiclis wenc f rom twa roomsansd sanie sud Jobu Stevens & Sou, on the place befone Cabinet Council s sub- work belug canied ou In tbe bospital diocese and tbe Indian sud Eskimo. o! Part II subjecta vere taugbt by f arm. Votes o! thanks sud spprcc- stitute eystan whîch vwiii h frnee st Aklsvik, the most northeriy Bîshop Fleming le! t f nom Bow- Mr. A. B. Clark lu boUi these roomus ltion wene tendored te these as weil of the features which se flaiiY tea- hosPîtal lu the Empire, wberc two manville ou Wednesdsy La visit thse very satisfactanily. as ta thse demouatratorsa ond speakc- chers f ad undesirable lu the systeni mufes carry on among the slok ln a BaSteru setIOn o! the Arctic. -J. H. Johjgtoi. . r. ta hé scrapped. Hundreds Malce Merry to Music of Cornhuskers at Legion Street Dance N. 0. HipelI The man who wins niay ave ben contedot, sevenalUimes but be Selected as the uew Speaker a! didn't heartbe neferce. tbe Outario Hause, Norman O. Hipel Mr. sud Mrs. F. A. Fitchétte, bas sccepted the post providing Bllly alad Sheila. Montreal. speu.t there are ta be no social functiaus 'the wezxdwlth ber parents, Mn. sud parties that bave been tradit-i and W. Wm. Palutan, Westmount ionally a Speaker's custom. Mn. Mrs. IFiette sud f amily nomalued Hipel gives as bis neasc.u that no0 sud are enjaying 111e at Port Baw- big parties sbauld be held while mauville with Misses 'Elizabeth and there laso much bunger lu the laud. Carnie Paintan. Valuable Cash Prizes For SImoppçrs in Better Bowmanville Shopping Event Bowmauviile menchants vill co- ail coupons will be collected sud a openate au FYiday a.nd Saturday, prominent citizen wIll dnaw tbnee August 3rd sud 4th. In one o! the cc1UpcuS. The uis coupon drawn blggest shopping events staged lunviii entîtie the holden -ta a cash this Lao;n lu receut years. 'Better prize a! $10.00, -the second coupon, Bowmauvllle Days" wiil be long ne- a prize o! $5,00, sud the third coup- membered lu the district for on, a prize of $3.00. tbe galaxy o! tremendaus bargainsi lu addition ta the savinga made whicb wiul be presentcd tau th Boy- -lu the hundreds o! special bangalus manrille shopping ares by tbe co- lof fer by Better Bawmauvflie Mer- opcratiug merchauts. Coming as it ch~ts" eveny buyen wbo sponds one dues, immediately before thc August1 dollar wlll recolve a coupon for these Civic Holiday au unusal oppartun- cash prizes. ity wlll be preseinted La niake your A f ul i uaLoa co-operating mer- holiday mare enjoyable tbrough chants wili ho publisbed next weeC, thc savings whlhwll ho made pas- sud stores givlug coupons wl'tb dollar sible lu thiiW grest) cbibiuatlon, of punchases wlll hé provided witb sales. '< streamers for thein windows. Ouly 0f fer Cash Ptizes lu the "«Better Bowmanvilie Stores" j ia ~prizer il ho beoffered in a will coupons ho avalable, sud auly eàI~Yw spii5ared by thec mer- lu these stores wiii the special val- t'chants co-openhting lu "Betten Bow- ues ho obtaluable. Watcb Tbe States- -manville Days." With every dollar man next Thursday for the Mer- * punchase or pald on accau,!it Ini a chanta' Special offens for "Botter ,"Better Bawmsunville Store" a cou- Bovinauvllle Days." Be prepared ta epou vill hé gîvon the custoxuer. These 1came tu Bowmanvllle on Auguat ard -coupons must hé deposited lu boxes sud 4th, ta jain lu a festival o! bar- nsupplied at oach co-oporatlng store gatus that vill eclipse auything ovor at,10.30 pan, Saturday, Augut4tpreviously attomptod. 'v LOCAL SLUGGERS HIT OUT TO VICTORY IN CAME ON WEDNESDAY Port Hope Meets Def est i Fast Seven Innings Gaine Last Night -Large Scores Second Con- secutive Home Run. Outhitting the Port Hope Ontarios 10 bits to 4, Bawxuanville smashed :heir way to a smart 9-5 victory in a scheduied lakeshore fixture bere on Wednesday night. The game was fentured by plenty of smart fielding and while each pîtcher struck out only three men, batters o! both beains f ailed to send the bail out o! the î,nfield on rnany occasions. The locals showed tiiemselves to be a fighting tears, when Port Hope snatched the lead in the fi th in- nings. When Bowmanviile was lead- ing 2-0 Port Hope went to bat and caught Geo. Piper in an off mnnings. Three bits, two walks and a batter bit by a pitched bail brought in five runs. The locals. nothing daunted turned in the next innings with three runs to tie up the score. "Buck" Large. repeating bis fine perf<>rm- s,uce o! last Saturday, was respon- sible for ail three when he drove a beautifui bit to le! t field, out of the grounds to bning Bagneil and' Harry Osborne in, and ta award bimself a nice bomne run. Incidentai to the game, somne of the fans watching the gaine !rom the east fence, who lncidentally did flot pay ta get into the grounds, stole the bail and refused to return it. A pretty cheap trick for non-paying guests. Len Wakeiy, Port Hope hurler walked the flrst man in the at in- nings, hit the next with the bail, and then Bowmanville took four bits f rom hilm ta score a.notber four runs to finish the game with an undis- puted lead and an innings to spare. The teains were, Port Hope - L. Wakely p; Rowciiff e c; F. Wakely lb, Brown 2h; Berry 3h; Hudson ss; Smnith lf; Phiiiip cf; McElroy r!. Bowmapviiie, G. Piper p; Bates c; Corden lb; Coiwell 2b; H. Osborne 3h; A. Osborne as; Large 1f; W. Bag- neil cf; Moore ri. Umpires, Henderson, Port Hope; Large, Bowmanviiie. Ontario Collége et Eduauo Congratulation to Miss Manjonie Robins, who has obtained ber In- terirs High Schaoi Assistants Certi- ficate. and t~o Miss Noveida Berry who has obtained the, Librarian's course. BUT NO PARTIES Threatening Weather Fails to Dampen Spirit of Car- nival Crowd--Cash Priz- es Go To Bowmanville People - Two in One Family. George Wade and bis Famaus Cornhuskers came ta town on »Murs- day and with t.hemn camne hundreds o! People f rom aIn the surrouding countryside with Oshawa, Whitby, Port Hlope, Blackstock, Cobourg and others wefl represented. The occas- ion was the Canad.ian Legion~s an- nuali4ee Dance, wloh despite unfavorable weather condition wu.s a success. A very heavy rain about six o'clock threate,nec itis abandonment, and It was flot until after seven o'clock, when the western sky began ta brigbten that a hasty meeting of the executive decided ta carry on. The next hour was about as busy an hour as King Street bas wltness- ed for some time, President W. P. Ward and his Legionaires together with many willing helpers erected booths and piaced barricades in an amazingly short tune. wlth the ne- suit that when George Wade and bis Boys mounâted the piatform, in the centre of the block f rom Teni- perance to Division Streets, ail was in neadiness. The thneatening weatber resulted in only a f air crowd being present at the atart but as soon as Wade's music carne tbrough the amplifiera the crowd thickened and soon King Street was a seething mass o! bu- manity. Free money booths, cocoa- nut shies, hot dogs, ice cream and other booths did a wonderful busi- ness for the Legion Band and lades Auxiliary. Meanwhiie the crawd a- round the orchestra plat! orm got so large that ia because increasingly difficult fan dancera ta get enough floor apiace. Between <lances the Red River Valley Cowboy sang and yo- delled, 9,nd our opinion- seemed to be about the saine as everyone else that tliis singer bas noue o! the abililty o! Pete the Mountain Boy who sang bere with Wade iast year. As the crowd coutlnued ta pour nto the enclosure a light rainstoni meny of the crowd went home, WhIle others Jamnmed in every available nook and cranny where it was dry. Ini less than half an hour It wau fine again and the da.ncing continued. Shortly after midnight the crowd began to gather anound thé platforni where the draw for the iucky cash prizes was ta take place. Just before 1 o'cock t.he truck carrying the stubs and churn was backed to the main plat! orm. President Ward expressed hearty appreciation toa ai present who had turned out ta aid thé Leg- ion in their dance. He then asked Mn. Wade ta make the draw for the lucky tickets. The prise winners were: $25.00, No. 1343, Miss Doris Colacott; $10.- 00, No. 466. Miss Edth Joint; $5.00, No. 1492, Miss L. Clarke, $5.00, No. 2691, Mrs . N. S. B. James; $5.00, No. 3172, Stuart R. James; ail of Bowmanville. A large portion of thé crowd made for home and a night's sleep alLer the d.raw, but severai hundred, con- tinued dancing until George Wade cailed a hait. anound 2. a.m. it was very unfontunate that the weather shouid be unfavorable for the event. but taý the executive mem- bers it seemed tJiàL postponiet meant expe'ise, much waste of Pro- ducts already purchased, together wlth the same chance o! bad wea- ther, and close proximity to other car,'ival events.