c~ 4*, 'v T.A. Garton, 8ONRPUL SABlE AS ON S. Kerrwho is taking Anniversary services in one of the Orono charges. Mrs. McMurtry. Mrs. ilson and daughter, Toronto, and Miss Steph- e.ns, Town, were Friday visitors witb. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Scuair. Mrs. Gili- son and daughter remaining «ver the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. G Cornisfl motored to Janetville e» Frlday to visit their daughter, Mrs_.1. Fitze, where build- ing operaticis are in full swing, masons being at work Cote veneer- ing their fine new house. MAPLE GROVE Mn, and Mrs. W. H. Harper, Cooksville. Miss Greta Wilkins, Ebenezer, vis- ited her aunt. Miss Jean Coyne bas returned home froin Toronto. Mrs. W. P. Coync attended the f uneral o! a f riend ip Toronto on Tuesday. Mr. R. L. Penkins and bride, New Lcskard, callcd to see his grand- mortt.her r~. J. .1RWorden, on Sun-1 HAYDON . Mns. S. Trewin has retunned home frcm Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coulter, Bow- me,nville, visited ai Mr. E. Bradley's. Misses Mabel and Ada Becch Sun- dayed ai Mr. Austin Larmer's, Burk- e ion. Mr. and Mrs * T. Wagg and daugh- ters, New Toronto, visited at Mr. L. Gra.ham's. Misses Bernice and Lillian Aun- ger, Rimbey, Alta., are visiti.flg theix uncle, Mr. R. Aungen. Mrs. A. Macdonald and Mr. A- fred Macdonald, Bowmanville. visit- cd ai Mr. W. Thompsofl's. Mr. E. ingels and son Murray, Mr. and Mns. Wm. Broad and Vio- let, Toronto, visiied ai Mrs. S. Tre- win's. The Youýng Ladies and Young Mens S. S. Class held a veny en- joyable picnic on Satunday ai Lake- view Park, Oshawa. Mr. C. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. A Grant, Mns. A Stowe and son Billy, Miss Ruth McNeil, Toronto, visited ai Mr. A. McN4eil's. EBENEZER Miss Fanny Yates, Toronto, is hol- idaying with Miss Sadie Muir. Mr. and Mns. W. H. Marshall and family arc holidaying ai Geongian Bay. Mr, Herb. Potier and Mr. John Stainton. Zion, were Sunday guesis o! Mr. Gus Grills. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bickle and Mau- riec and Mr . and Mrs. Cecil Found and Fay are enjoying a mnotor trip to Belleville. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink apnd family were guesi with the latier's sister, Mrs. Harold Jebson and Mr. Jebson, Thonnhill. Mr. and Mrs Cecil Worden, BY- ron and Sidney were guesis with thein cousins, Mr. ,nd Mrs. Len. Harrison, Newmanket. The faniilics o! L J. and Blake Courtice were in atteridance ai the Everson-Colintice picnic ai Crea.m of Barley Camp on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Oke, Ruth, Wil- ton aed Murion, Toronto, were ne- cent guests of Mrs. A. J. Oke and in company with Mrs. Oke and Wes- ley had a pleasant trip to Lake Scugog. The Progressive Tea which was sponsered by the Ladies' Benean Class on Thunsday afternoon proved a real succes. alihough the ramn and wind storin made it a Uitile in- convenient for getting f rom the cars ta the house. About one hundred were served. guesis being pilesent froin Oshawa, Columbus, Bowman- ville, Hanmony, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Toronto and surrounding district i SALEM <i. Mrs. A. Wilkins is visiting frîends in Bowmanville Congratulations to Miss Margaret Trewin on passing her Entrance Examinations. Congratulations ta Miss Doris Collacoit on winning the $25 prize ai the Legion Dance. Master Neil Moffat, Orono, is hol- idaying with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair. Master Douglas Cator, Toronto, is holidaying wiih -his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cator. Church service was withdnawn last Sunday owing to the absence of Rev. A. M. Wootten who is away on vacation. Miss Bigelow, Tyrone, Mr. and Mrs. Len. Richards and Mn. Nelson, Wilkins are having a vacation In a cottage ai Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Pollard, Tor-I evto, who are both taking summer' courses in Toronto, were weekend visitons with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Pollard. Messrs F. L. Scaair and K. Squain, Mr. and Mrs. Welsh and family at- tended anniversary services ai Les- kard Sunday where Mr. J. J. Mellor was the speaker. Next Sunday, July 29th, Rev. J. H. Osterhout o! Orono wili occupy the pulpit in the absence of Rev'. A. Garton's Cg HEAD OFFICE - BOWMANVILLE Week-End Bus OSHAWA - BO' LINDSAY - B STAUVRTING SQATU1? ENNISKILLEN -------... - __________________&. Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Pickard, Miss Marion Foley, Mrs. H. G. Freeman, Mr. Allan Wearn is vsiting ficnds visited Mrs. L. Twist ai Malvcrn on in Toronto. Sundýay. Mrs. Wmn. Giffin visited friends The many fiends of Mr. R. R. in Peterboro. Stevens are giad ta know that he Mr. L. Wearn and Miss Muriel is able to be Up around again after Wearn speni Sunday in Ashburn. his receni iliness. miss June Ashton is visiting bier Monihly meeting of the W. M. S.1 ister, Mrs. Stanley May, Toronto. will be held on Wedxiesday afternoon1 Mn. Reddick and Mn. C. Farringer, Augusi lai ai Mrs. H. I. Meicaife's1 Toronto, visited ai Mn. H. Afl.fis. to take tbe fonin of a picnic. Mrs. T. Spry and family, Hamp- Mn. and Mrs. A .Trenouth, Hamp- ton, visited her mothen, Mns. Win. ton, Mn. Rosa Trenouih. Miss Reta Oke. Sinilie. n. and ns. L. J. Pascoe, Mn. Miss M. E. Vitue. Toronto, spent Toronto, spent Sunday with Mns. the weekened ai Mns. P. Mount- and ns. Herb Pascoe and son Grant, joy's. Jim Meicalfe. Mrs. R. SadIen, Geo. and Vivian ______________ Sadien, Blackstock, visited at Mns. SOLINA M.Wn's.J.CriHmtn M. A. J.ear i, atoar.I Mn.and Mns. John KeviU visited Harny Pye, Bowmanville, visited ai jLeskard friends recently. Mrs. J. Pyes. Mn. Vern McLaughiin, Oshawa, is Mis--es Bernice and Lillian Aunger, . Rimbey, Ata., vlsited their aunt. visiting at Mn. Harold Pascoe's. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Bush, Column- Mrs. P. Mounijoy. bus, visited bis mothen, Mns. Sain Congratulations to Velmia Gilbert and John Oke on passing iheir En- Bush. trance Exaininations. Mir. and Mrs. Chas. Howsamn and Miss Maud Ashton, Toronto,. s Mary spent a week ai Port Sydney, holidaying with hen parents, Mn. Muakoka. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton. Mns. Chas. Scott and Miss Jean Masters Alian and Donald Fer- o! Southampton, are visiiing ai Mn. guson arc bolidaying witb friends R. C. Scoii's. ai Zepher and Uxbridge. Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Tink and Our boys played sofibaîl ai Zion family, Ebenezen, visited ai Mn. on Monday nighi whic2h resulted Walter Vice's. 2-1 in f avor of Enniskillen. Mn. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe vlsiied Mn. and Mrs. A. Bruni and f amily, ai Mr. Will Mouniioy's and Mn. R. Mrs. Levi Bruni and Mn. Stan. Hod- J. Luke's, Kedron. son spent Sunday in Toronto. Mn. Richard Cutting and daugh- The Young Peoples League beid ter Iys, Uxbridge, visited bis ssten, their pienie ai Oshawa Lakeview Mrs. Geo. Howsam. Park, ail report a very enjoyable r M. and Mns. O. Cruickshanks, time. ~~~Mn. Frank Lynch, Ptroo iie Mn. Orville and Miss Alice Ashton, ai Mr. H. E. Tink's. Mn. Gordon Beecb and Mn. Gordon MnadM.TosBke ad Stevens visted ait Mn. Austin Lar- Miss Vers. visited ai Mn. O. Wil- mcn's, Blackatock. liamson's, Bailieboro. Mn. and Mrs. Philpott, Mn. and mn. and Mrs. Don Vandenhoof, Al- Mrs. Fred Gounlie, Misses Helen mira. U. S. A., spent tbe weekend Gourlie and Elsie Oke. Toronto, ai Mn. E. R. Taylor's I visited ai Mn Wesley Oke's. Mn. and Mns. Wiii Brummell, Col- Mrs. H. Wenny, Mn. and Mrs. L. umbus, Mns. Chnis Cook, Toronto, Ashton and familY. Mrs Roy McGill vlsted ai Mn. Walter Panranden s. and Keiih were Sundsy guests to Mn. and Mrs. Walter Parranden, dinnen ai Mn. Thos. McGill's. Mary and Eveiyn apeni Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. M. Stainton, Mn. ber parents, Mn. and Mrs. Bnummel, W J.Stainton. Mn. Jas. Siainton Columbus. fS.,adMrs. H. Stevens attended Miss Lena Taylor accompanicd the Clemence picnic ai Creain o! Mr. and Mrs. Vandenhoof to Detroit Barley Camp. on Monday wbere ihey wil visit Mr. and Mrs. W. Hambleton and their daughien. family. Mn and Mns. Leslie Rob- Mn. and Mrs. Kenneih Jeniks, Mn. bis and James, Mrs. Burke and and Mrs. Howard Wounacoti snd Ruth. Mrs. Roach, Rochester, ai Rosa visited Mrs. John Wconacott Mn. Frank Robbins. ai Halibunton on Sundsy. Miss Reva McGili bas been enjoy- Mn. and Mms. Nelson Reynolds, ing the beautiful scepeny ai Jasper, Howard and Barbara, Mn. and Mrs. Banff, Vancouver, Victoria and Se- Chas. Carnick. Toronto, visited Mn attle and is now visiting frienda in and Mns. W. J. R.eynolds. Alta., Sask., and Manitoba. Mn. Waliers, Mn. James Waliers, On Wednesday, Augustitlai a 8 Peterboro, Mif. and Mrs. Spencer p.m. the Solinla Dnamaiic Club wilU Woods, Bownfville, were receni preseni thein lay "Here Comes guests of Mn. Jack Kivel s. Charlie" in Enniskilien Church shed Mns. Eva Fletcher and Miss Vena under auspices o! W. A. Admission Fletcher, Kalamazoo, Mich., are hoi- 25c and 10c. League football1 çaie idaying with their sisters. Miss Mary ai 6.30 p.r. Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoc. On Monday, Juiy 3Oih at 8 pin. Mn. and Mra. Chas. Werry, Mn. there wiil be an open meeting in and Mrs. Meredith Moffat, Miss the chunch sbed unden auspices of Ruth Wadswonth, Oshawa, Mn. and the Loyal Orange Lodge te, be ad- Mrs. Ivan Law and f aiiy, Whitby, dressed by Mn. Graham, Kingston, visiied ai Mn. S. E. Werry's. Grand Organizer of the Orange As- C. G. I. T. group held ihein annual soclation. Good musical prognain. picnic at the conmunnty grounde Everyone welcome. last Wecinesday afiennoon wben they Mrs. (Dr.) C. P Johns, Miss Nora entetsined ibeir mothers and the Johns, Thornhiil, Miss Winnifred M. ex-members o! the group. A short Cole and Mn. W. G. Gilbert, Toronto, prograin was given and sports were. Misses Bernice Aluin and Grace enjoyed. A dainty supper was senved Wery, Bowmanville. Misses Oda by the girls and ail had a joliy time. and Ethel Cole, Messrs Blake and ~- Douglas Cole. Beinesda, Mn. Gordon1 BLAC S§TOCK 1 Brent. Tyrone; were Sunday guesis î>--<. of Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Wenry. Miss Mn. Dougal MacDougal, Toronto, Nora Johns ren'aining for a week wsageta r Ed. Darcy's. withher ousi. Mr. Wery.Mn. Bruce Woods, Toronto, is bol- - idsying wth Mn. George Carter. Mns. John Fonder visitcd frienda in Toronto ibis week. Miss Florence Nash, Trenton, was if a guesi of Miss Hazel Mountjoy. oacbl Mnu U. and Mrs. J. Kincaid, Tyrone, were weekcnd guesis o! Mn. A. ONT. PHONES 412W and 346 Woodard's. Mrs. A. Deviii and daugbten Hel- Sc ed le Onyen, Bomaville, are gucats of Ms n.M& 'triMn. and Mns. Rus-cel Lansing, Mn. IVIA N viL LE Bert Hooey Toronto, visited Mn. WMAN ILLEGeorge Hooey. Mr.Dernpsey and Miss Dempsey, OBCYGONwere rccnt guesta of Dr and Ms ýOBCA GEONJ. MAnihun. RLDAY, JULY 28th Miss Agpes Wittaker bas retunn- iii n t Gnenhrst t a exra d to Oshawa Hospital whene she villrunto Geenurs at n etra is in training. of 15c..1 W A. of United Church wiil meet Northbound-Read Up 'ai Mrs. S. Swain's on Tucsday ev- >1 ýening, July 31st. 0 t Mn. and Mns Claude Hillman and CL Cl family, Toronto, were guesta of Mn. 0 v ~Thos Venning's. 0)m c m Mn. and Mrs. O. Wright, and daughten Edith wcne Sunday guests n 1 11.45 5.20 12.00 o! Mn. A. Rahin. o1 1 11.35 5.10 11.50 Mrs. Jas. Marlow has nturned ýne 3 11.25 5.00 11.40 home afien spcndîng the winter a.nd 4 11.10 4.45 11.25J spring in Toronto. Pt. 5 11,00 4.35 11.15 1_Mn. snd Mrs. S. Swaain. Mn. and I1Miss Vers Hobbs bas been visiting inToronto. Mn. L. andi Mns. G. Cochrane bave been visiting ai Dunnviilc. Mn. J. Scptic, Toronto, visited ibis ncighborhood reccntly. Mrs. L. C., Misses Helen andc E. J. Pascoe visited ai Blsckwaten. Miss Velma Stinson, Durnville, bas been vîsiting relatives bere. Mn. W. Pascoe. Misses Helen and E. J. Pascoe recently visited in Bru- ssells. Masters Chai-lie and Ray Henry visitec ai Mn. W. Bradbunn's, Cari- wright. Congratulations ta Walter Onnis- ton on passing Entrance Examin- suions. Miss Venna Ormniston, Oshawa, speni Sunday wiib Mn. Edwin On- miston. Mn. andi Mrs. Laverne Stinson and family visited bis moihen, Mrs. John Stinison. Miss Evelyn Stinson, Toronto, is hcliclaying ai bier moihcr's. Mns. H. Stinson. Mn. and Mns. Fred Robbins- Zion, Mn. M. Robbins, Oshawa. visited at Mn. Fred Smth's. Mn. G. H. Hogarth. Regina. Miss Mary Hogarth and Mrs. R. Pascoe, Solina, visited Mn. L. C. Psscoc. M.n and Mrs. Rolson Bowman, Pont Arthur, Mn. and Mns. Wcin and family. Owen Sound, have been vis- iii,ng ai Mn. T. Bowxnsn's. Mr. and Mrs. Alf and Mn. Elmner Prescoti and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Prescoti wenita Uphili on Sstundsy and pickeci sevenal pais o! blue- bernies. Mr. and Mrs. W. Avery, Raglan, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Mason, Mrs.. M. Mason. Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Craie. Mounit Dennis; Miss Fions Bramble, MesmrsAlbert and J. Gough, Tonopto, Mms. Fred, Miss Florence and Eric Densem, Mn. and Mns. Evereti Ommlistc'mn, and Julia, Bowmanvllle vislted ai Mr. W. J. Ormniston's. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. ~Frank Stinson, Blackstock, wlsh to express ibeir sineere ibanka Wo Dr. C. W. Slemoýp, Mms. F. Sinythe, Matron, snd tie ~pS. o o.winanvlUe Hospital for 'tlmny klndnesses to Mrs. i3tn- son de'ýurlng ber meent lllnees. I HAMPTON I Mrs. S. W. Roach, Mrs. Ada Burk and Miss Ruth Burk, Rochester, N. Y,. have been visiting the formen's brother. Mr. Jas. Moorey. Miss Ileen Cook, Myntie, has also been visiiing ai Mr. Moorey's. TYRONE 1 were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. S. Sanderson. Miss Hazel Mountjoy and Miss Susie VanCamp arc attenclrng sum- mer school at Oak La~ke. Mr. Alvin Bell, B. A., wl-o js taking a summer course at the UniversitY of Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Graham and f amily have moved f rom Osh- awa, and will occupy the house lately vacated by Mr. and Mrs. McGuire. Ross Bailey and Harold Crawford have returned for Pifosh Boy Scout Camp, ai the camp they were ac- claimed excellent scouts, and were successful in the tests. Miss Leona Weatherilt. Mr. Percy Hamilton, and Mr. Cecil Hyde were Sunday guests of Mr. Sandy Dawson at Wasaga Beach, Georgian Bay. Miss Mabel Argue returned with The~ marriage took place on July 17 by Rev. Thos. Wallace at New- tonville of Miss L. Fincson and Mr. H. Carter, Pontypool. The bride's brother and his wife were the at- tendants. Those of the normalites successful in aitaning positions as teachers are: Miss Susie VanCamp at Long Sault school; Miss Lela Mountjoy ai Mount Carmel; anid Mr. Percy Hamilton ai Janetville. Mr. and Mrs J..Hooey and Mr. Burney Hooey motored. to Lakefield, Peterboro and Bewdley. Miss Pearl Hutchison of Peterboro returned with thesu to visit friends in Cart- wright. Miss Margaret Swaixi and her clarss of girls held a picnic in Mr. Earl Wright's woods on Thursday, Pro- gramn in afternoon included sports and races; and lunch was sers'ed in evening ai Mr. Wright's home. August meeting of United Church League was held on Saturday night ai Mr. W. A. VanCamp's The youx'g people enjoyed a bailgame f ollowedi by games both on the lawns and ini the house. A delightful lunch con- sisting of cookies and lemoenade was served. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rutherford, Miss Florenice Rutherford, Omemee; Miss Carnie Valfour, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Finney and children Evelyn and Murray, Fleetwood; Mr. W. J. K. j1enderson Bethany; Mr. Howard W. Ruiherflord, Toronto; Mrs. W. W. Patterson, Toronto, and Mr. John Elliot, Durisford. were Sunday guesis ai Mr. Robert Bell's. Field Day was held ai Black- stock in the Fair grounds on Fni- day afternoon. Bail games results are as f ollows: Girls se! tball- Blackstock vs Port Perry, 22-5; in favor of Port Perry; Port Perry vs Honcydale, 16-9, Port Perry victor- ious; boy's basebail gaines, Caesarea vs. Providence. 16-3, Providence win- ning; Pt. Perry vs Blackstock 10-9, Blackstock winning; Scugog vs Ty- rone 8-8; The booth was in charge of the Victorian Women's Institute, and in the evening Wilson's Merry- malcer's orchestra of Oshawa pro- vided music for dancing in the con- munity Hall. The Women's Auxillary of St. John's Church was held at Mrs. S. McLaughlin's on Thursday evening. Miss Florence Pair read the scripture and prayer was taken by Rev. Dr. C. E. Whittaker. Proceeds f rom July 2nd anniversary tea and concert a- mountcd to $97.00. The roll caîl for the next meeti*ng wll be answered by articles for the bale. Two quilts will also be made and ready to send away. Plans were made regarding the church and Sunday School pic- nic for Thursday, July 26th, ai Creain of Barley Camp. Readings were given by Mrs. Robi. Hamilton, "Mother is Our Best Fiend" read by Mrs. Harry McLaughlin; "No Simple Answer'! by Mrs, Howard Bailey, and "Homemaking in Distant China" by Miss Ethel Thompson. Lunch was served to the twenty- three people presenit by the hostess and her assistants. i ENFIELD 2 2 ING 2 iNo. 2 Tins No. %4. Tins LGE. PKGS. 19C: 35C 31C LB. lSc Jo r 53c lb. 9~c lb. I2 lb. O lb. 1 2c lb. 25c: lb. 20o lb. 15e 3 lb.. 23o SIbo. 25c D«z. 21. HE TE * [TRET A T A N T I & P C IFI Co l 1%111 1 ('l(ýN I)l Sunday School ai 10.30 ar. Church service withdrawn Mr. Elgin Joncs visited his f ather, Mr. Harry Jones, Toronto. Miss Doreen Byam has retunned f rom holidaying in Canningion Mrs. Brenton McCullough Toron- to, speni the weekcnd ai home. Mn. and Mns. W. J. Bradd and family, Oshawa, spent Sunday ai Mr. James Dudiey's. M.and Mrs. John Congdon, Duh- Mrs. Albert Hawkey. W. M. S. wiiî meet in the school rom on Thursday, Augusi 2 ai 2.30 p.m. Ail ladies invited. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Little, Car- dinal, are holidaying wiih his grand- mother. Mrs. Wm. Little. Messrs Harry and Frank Hather- ly, Dixie. visited their parents, Mn. and Mrs. Richard H-atherl3'. Master Arthur and Beverley Ste- phens. Toronto, are holidaying with Hampton and Tyrone frienda. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Prescoti. Miss Ruth and Master Herbert, En! ield, visited ber sister, Miss Viola Shorti. Mrs. Floyd Du.dley, Billie, Donal.d and Jean are visiting ber parents,. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Turner, Green River Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Smith and family, Reglan spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mns. Thos. Scott. Mrs. Ada Burk. Miss Ruth Burk and Mrs Roach, Rochester, N. Y.. speni Friday with Mrs. James Stonie. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur H. Brent have returned f rom visiti4ng their daughten, Mrs. Lorne Phare, Glid- den Sask. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gibbs are spending a week wih Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gibbs at Crystal Beach, on Lake Erie. Mrs. B. H. Mortlock. Joan and Kathleen, Bowmanville. are holi- daying ai her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Gibbs. Messrs Harry and Fra.nk Hathenly, Dixie, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hath- erly and Mrs. John Haiherly spent' PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 1934 989lM. Dag $2,939 NAVY BRAND S~,I'R TOILET PAPER 3 ROLLS I19C PINEAPPLE MARMALADE 25c TUNA FisH 31ADE FROM MALT AND flOPS FOR -ILL. FI-NIE LAIJADERII Grapenut Flakes 2 PKGS. 19C LUX Pode CIIRISTIE'S-SINCE 1853(IIIF-I C 1853 Butter Waters 2 PKGGS. 27c ASS'D CREAMiS ENCORE MAYONNAISE S½ 1/2'7c I16 o-31c 3 OUR OWN MAKE-FRESH DAILY VALENCIA CAKIE C.FNLINE SPRIN'G LAMB FRONTS If nesir LAMB CHfOPS cLon or b.o2 FRESH GOLDE~N JWEST F OWL For Boilijni or reoe A & P QUALITY SELEC TED BEEF SHEOULDER or CHUCK BLADE or SHORTRIB SLICED SICED DEEF ROLOGNA 2 LBIS. 25c 1 JELLIE»D EEF MACARONI and CHEESE Loaf FRI-, .iH CAU <HT (.LORCIAN RAY WHITEFISH _____ LARGE. RIPE, I'ELLOWV* DANANAS " AI STRALIAN-COOKING. ONIONS CA.LIFORNIA VALENCIA ORANGES. Sx Mrs. Enoch Stevens, Hampton, who celcbrated ber 79ih birtbdlay. Women's Institute and Ladies' Aid met ai Mns. Russell Wright's on July lBtb. This prognain was givep:pa- pers, Mms. Warren and Mns. R. Wright; neoding, Mms R.. Hodgson; Victrols music. Lunch was served and a social turne spent. Finer Shoes For Men Who Appreciate Comfort at Low Cost Cadilkzc Custom Buit Shoes for Men With steel arch support, in genuine caif. Eýach pair made to fit at the factory to your own specifications. Priced at $3.50 $4.95 $5.50 $6. 75 $ 7.50 Ladies' Straw Hats In black, brown and navy. Special values up to $1.50 each. On Sale.............. 79e Ail Summer Dresses at Greatly Reduced Prices Summer Voiles by the Yard Regular 35c yd. On Sale ...20C Yard Couch, Johnston & Crydermian IPhone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville Fniday with Mn. Hathenly's brother, Peterboro. Sunday Sebool picnic will be held ai Hampton Memonial Park on Wcd- nesday, Augustisla. Everybody wel- corne. Corne and bring your basket and enjoy a good tune. Mns. Robt. Burgess and Mn. and Mns. Wesýley Taylor, Allyn and Manie attended a birthday party on Fni- --- 1 a THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 1934 TI-IE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVI=, PAGE POUR - ~ ~ - AMuPb.