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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1934, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE .ýlpýàrj&nirw RAMESM~A. B1VWTBANVLLE. THuRsDAY. JULY 26th, 1934 LOCAL & PiERONALi Send in your llst of visitors. Phone 53. Mr.' Morlafld An~dersonl has been holidayiflg in Bobeaygeofl. Mr. W. H-. Davey, Toronto, is vis- lting is sister, Mrs. W. J. Bagnell. Mrs. E. Welier, Toronto, bas beeni visiting mr. and Mrs. A. M. Hardy. miss Bernice Davisofi, Beleville, has been hoidaylng wlth friends here. Miss APfrcla LaBarg)e, Toronto, visted several friends in town on Mond8aY. Mr. George Lunfley, Collingwood, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. J. H. johmstofl. sThrifty-It IQualityi Maple Leaf1 m ICORNI àILKS T ..w'rl Miss Greta M. Wickett is holiday- Mr. anid Mrs. Barry Osborne, De- Congratulations to Miss Dorothy ing with ber sister, Mrs R. T. Hos- troit, have been visting bis parents, Edgar on passing ber Grade 5 Exam- kins, Sinicoe. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Osborne. 1 lnation lu History at the Toronto Mrs. E. A. Abbott, Hamnilton, is Miss Vera Trirnbie whe bas hien Conservatory o! Music. vlslting her sister, Mrs. Ehi Wilson, holiday'ï'g at Mr. Cephas Staples', Mr. J. J. Mason met with an un- Liberty Place. Ballydluf!, bas returued home. fortunate accident last week wben Mrs. Chas. Massey, Port Hope, 1 Mr. Paul Bllkey, Editor o! The he slîpped on the green cf the Bow- was guest of her daughter, Mim Gazette, Montreal, gave The States- ling Club and dislocated bis bip. He Aubrey Snit.h. - man a friendly cali on Tuesday. is progressing .4favorably lu Bow- Mrs. E. Roblin and Master Biliy manville Hospital. Mrs. A. D. Carscalleii, Winnipeg, Huznby, Hamilton, are holidaying Mr. and Mrs. George Domn and Man., is vlsitin , i4~ lter-in-law,wtb rsT.HKngt Miss Ruth o! Akron, Ohio, have re- Mrs. W. F. Dale' i'M.adMs . .Kih. tre oe fe pnighldy Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddy and i t r . hmadMr speAdlng Hady. Miss May James, Toronto, is visit- Jack, Toronto, sed Mrs. Roy Peu- wt r n r.A .Hry ing Mrs. B. M. Warnica, and other found, Lndsay, are vislting Mr. and Miss Ruth was successful lu iandiXig f rindsher. Ms. F A.Hadll.a very nice musklongile at Scugog f rinda ere.Mrs F. . Had~.Lake. Mrs. Harry Synder, Mrs. Pearl Mr. andI Mrs. T. H. Lockhart and mi. N. S. Wilson exid son Bruce, Rasnuisseu and daughter Eleen, Miss Lockbart returned Monday ev- who have been vlslting Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland, Ohio, are vsltiug their eniug from a most delgtful trip Irwin R. Bragg and other relatives cousip, Miss Frankie M-Jewefl, and te the Pacific coast here aud vlsiting Montreai, Quebec, their uncle, Mr. T, C. Jewell. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Kershaw, To- Ottawa, Kingston aud other eastern ronto, are hoiidayiug at Foster's cities, le! t today for their home lu Tourist Homne and renewing old ac- F.,mouton, Alta. quaizftances in towu. A M r. and Mrs. Albert Cole and son s W ilse - to DUY Donald, spept tbe weekend with Mr. pUBLIC LIBRAR! NOTES and Mm. L.H . Train at Byrnel Park, Cameron Lake. A nuniber o! new books sultabie Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E Meatb for holiday re9xding have just been ~ ~F o d s were cailed to Thorold last week received at the Public Llbrary, a- owing to the seijeus illnessaoo! ber mnoug thern are:-"ýSonebody Must" in F o o d s sister, Mrs C. S. Mason, who 15 stay- by tosman; "Tbree Men and Dian- ing with ber daughter. Mrs. Philip na" by Norris; "The Case of the ......... 2lbs. for 25c Nid Howling Deg" by Gardner; "lue- Corn Flakes «3 pics. 25C Red Rock Pumpkin..... .. ..-.Large Tin 10c Wonderful Laundry Soap.......... 8 bars 25r, Hawe's Floor Wax .................. lb. 43c Red Rose Tea ...................... lb. 50c Corned Beef, two 12 oz. tins.............. 25c Lipton's Teapots, filled with tea bags . . 50c each Redpath Sugar .............100 lb. bag, $5.70 Gem Jars .... pints $1.10 doz., quarts $1.25 doz. Kkovah JelIy Maker, pure fruit pectin ...pi. 15e Whitefish for Thursclay Barry AllUn, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville A record well worthy o! special mention is that o! three pupils O! Mr. Douglas Bartcm'n, teacher cf the Union Scboel, north west o! Enris- killen. These tbree passed their entrauce exa.mnations after only 35 scbool miontbs cf attendance. The pupils are Blanche Beech, Eunice Knapp and MausI Simpson. Fred Griffip auothpr pupil cf this scbool passed with high standing. A very pujoyable evening was speut at the home o! Mrs. M. Moore, Churcb st. Wednesday, July l8th when Mises Helen Argue and Kate Moore were hostessea for a "Kit- chen" shower givep lu i honor cf Miss Milda Moore, bride-to-be. The roomas were prettily decorated with plnk and white fiowers. The g!ts whlch were nurnerous were ail in crearn and green. Gaines andI dainty re- freshinents comnbined to furulsh a very happy social bour a the close. With the approvai o! the Domin- i,ri Railway Beard the Wîg-wag Sig- nais on Scugeg Street are now be- ing operated and the lnccivenience o! getting tickets aind express crnes te, an end as the operators' return te, the station froan the tower. The station wlli now be open at ail tiines spnd tickets and express wil be avail- able there. The unsightlY signal tewer has been removed. Residenta lu the vlcinlty of the C. P. R. Stat- ion are graduaUly getting used to the ringing o! the wig-Wag bell. ROTARYS EFFORT For The- Commualty THE 1934 ( ROTARY FAIR AT ROTARY PARK ON Wednesday, Auae 81h EACH YEAR, FOR TEN YEARS, THE ROTARY CLUB lIAS RAISED AND SPENT THOUSANDS 0F DOLLARS FOR THE BENEFIT 0F THE COMMUNITY, A14D PAR- TICULARLY FOR ITS NEEDY AND HANDICAPPED CHILDREN. Many Crippled Children Helped The Rotary Club's Major Activity is the care, treatment and cure of crippled children in Bowmanville and district. Scores of children have had their disabilities and handicaps removed as a resuit of what has been done for them by the Bowrnan- ville Rotary Club. Calithumpian Parade A huge parade starting at 7 p. sharp will be a feature of the even- ing. Already scores of entries are pouring in. If your entry has flot been sent in, send it in now to Geo. W. James, chairman of the Parade Comniittee. Valuable cash prizes off ered. 3 DANDS IN ATTENDANCE -3 Chevrolet Car for $1.00 Booths Galore On the nkight of Rotary Fair every Rotary Park will be attractively ticket purchased in the Crippied laid out with numerous bootha on CIildren's Club will be placed in a FarNgtTh nemnwilb huge churn and a proininent citizen FirNhtTeinrmawilb will draw the lucky ticket, The cared for with Hot Dos and Coffee, owner of this ticket will be privileg- Ice Cresin and Sof t Drinks, while ed to purchase a Brand New 1934 tiiose who care to try their luck wili Chevrolet Coach for $1.00. Two other lucky tickets will have the op- have the. choice of bingo, bains, portunity of buying a Lady's or Ge- ........4Osraces, sweaters, free money, tlemnan's Gold Watch for 25c, and -aofut his ihpn n an AIl Weather Goodyear Tire for baofutchis shpdad 215c. others. IN CASE 0F RAIN FAIR WILL BE I-ELD FOLLOWING iNiIHT COME TIO THE ROTARY FVa R1ELP C1UPPLED CHILDRWC --Years are so long" by J. Lawrence; '"Bacheier of Arts" by Viskine; "Rock of Virtue, Betty" by Widde- mer; "Starlight Rider" by Haycox; "When Love Compels" by Cooper; "Rîvers Glide On" by H. Gibbs; The Llbrary wil be closed for holidays f roui August 2nd te Aug- ust l6th, Inclusive. --4b Two Bowmanville Rinks To Play In District Finals Monday Night Bowmanville's represesitatives ln the district bowling championships have reached the finials and two rinks will play on Monday nigbt. probably at Oshawa for the district honors. At Wbitby on Monday night the Bowmanville rink composed of A. H. Moore a;nd W. G. Avery defeat- ed the Oshawa rink of Thos. Johns and W. L. Wilson 24-17. At Port Perry in the singles, Rev. W. G. Blake met defeat at the hapds of H. Norton of Lindsay, by 22-20 score. The four man rYpnk drew a bye into the finals on Monday and the local club will therefore be repre- sented in the doubles and four- man rink finals. The four-man rink consists of J. D. Carruthers, skip J. J. Mason, W. J Dudley, S. M. Scott. COURTICE Hospital, is expected weekeud. Mrs. Win. H-obbS, OS daughter, Mrs JackB family visited Mrs. Georg On July l7th a footbsl played betweeu Zion axi aid o! Talbert Geariîîg. was collected. Score 2-1 Zion. Mr. Ruttleford, Man., through this communitY f riends and scenes. sP witb Mrs. Robt. Adams. Mr. Thomas Adams is ONTARIO NEEDS TO GET BACK cabin on the Adam's hoi TO THE SIMPLE LIFE bis nephew NormanV -. bas three months leav4 (Hanover Post) Weston Hospital. Wea With conditions what they are, it have Norman with us would appear that Ontario needs to congratulate hlm upon1 get back to "simple 1f e" as f ar as fortitude and recovery. public expenditures are concerued. Ou Saturday, July 21s We have advanced a long way f romvilpayiCorcel the principle that the legislature was vlepae oriei to be "a glorified county council" euded rather uupieasar and with a new governinent about1 Muir and one of the opl to assume the reins cf power it is 1 camne together lu furiows an opportune trne to, get away from several turnes, resultingi the expensive habits of living which Muir's ankle receiving we have deveioped and returu to a sprain. A hot time epE iess complex system cof goveruimeut bystanders clainied that --one that la more withln the ability was dowu -the other kick cf the ratepayers to support. Jenkins, referee, was fo It may have corne as somewhat cf bail and did not see a shock to Ontario citizenis to read sequel to the body chec that there are about seventeen gov- ing so he was unable ernment-appointed commissions op- thing about it, and Coi erating ln Ontario, with menibers the gamne off. Bownil drawing around $200.000 lu salaries a f ree kik"soea per year. Sone of them are not f uil- ganwick, t sred time employees but are aiiowed $15 a gain e hc t is u day for meetings, but among thebenpostd permanent boards and commissions Last Wednesday Cour we find the following: Minlimxumf School held its annus Wage Board, R. A. Stapeils $3,()00 Bowmsanville Beach. Go (part time): Margaret Stephen $1.; ber' Co. lent a truck, as 515, 1-. G. Fester $5,780; Mothers' years, te help trauspo: Aliowance and Old Age Pensions,denttepincan Dr. David Jamnieson $6000; Civil Ser- rntthpiicad vice Commission, Dr. J. M. McCut- was procured by. the l cheon $6,000; Board of Examiners of sehool, Mrs. J. Aldwort] Operating Engineers, James M. mothers and chidren Brown $3.500, Win. J. Scott $2,400, Pidduck's Corner. After Sidney G. Rose $2,400; Ontario Mar- beach the Goodyear tri keting Board, W. B. -Sdmerest $5,400; to Bowmanville to pick Agricultural D)evelopmeiit Board, W. Salvation Arniy childrer B. Rooadhouse $6,000; Ontario Mun- arrived provisions were icipal Board, C. R. McKeowii $8,- dinner served. Not 10r 000, J. A. Euls $7,000, H. L. Cumlin-i-the lake took on a very ings $1.000; Ontario Securities Com- pearance. Races took pl mission, Coi. Geo. A. Drew, $10,000; eveýnts being staged fin Liquor Control Board, Stewart Mc- Tray ciassran f irst, Cienagban and J. M. McNamara;ButwnigfrtJ T. & N. O. Raiiway Commission, Butwnd ag iort o George W. Lee, $7.500; Board o! ond, adalohrlt Censors of Moving Pictures, J. C. solation prizes o! popoo Baylen $3.300, Mrs. E. Philiips $2,-9--Chris. Tooley, Gord( 500, Edward J. Byrne $211000, Mrs. Boys 10 te, 13-Jaii Pearl E. Thornioe $1,900, Mrs. Eva Thomas Barber; Boys Moran $1.900, J. B. Hardwicke $1,- Ernest Gearing, John 800; Workmen's Compensation 9 and 11-Ruth Smu Board, V. A. Sinclair $14.000, Henry Scorgie; Girls 12 and J. Talford $10,000, George Kingston Reynolds Catherine $10.000; Cominissioner o! Ontario Bible Class-Oladys M Police. Gen. V. A. S. Williams $6000; othy Snuddeu; Married Natural Gas Commissioner, Robert Ralph Tooiey; Men's rs B. Harkness $4.400; Settlers' Loan Bowers. The Bowmnan Commissioner, F. Dane, $5.000; Hy prize winners: Small dro-Eiectric Power Comnmisqsion,,Hon. J. R. Cooke $18.000, C. A. Maguire Mutton, Alice Sumuý $8.000, Hou. Arthur Meighen ore- boys- Kenneth Summ signed) $8000; Teachers' and Iu- Nokes; Larger girls-I spectors' Superannuation, oue mem- Helen Summerford. M- ber at $800, four at $650. supper a scramble of When one considers that these caudy kisses was erj boards and commissions, costiug kiddies. about $200.000 a year lu salaries, in addition te other costs o! mainten- ance, are a part cf the expense o! carrying on the work cf the province. lit brings a realization that we are over-governed. A glance at the sai- would lead one to believe that tbey are fair from being pittances, and I± there may be reason te suppose that a good deal o! the work could be carried on just as e!fectively as a branch o! the governinent. Reports are that the office and - expense cf the lieutenant- governor are te be abolisbed. Whiie this offic- iai is appointed by the federai gov- errument, which pays bis salary, the province has te maintain Goveru- meut House, and its cost is f ar lu excess o! the salary pald the incum- bent. It las this latter expense to wbich a great deal o! exception is taken. The general feeling is that Ontario maintains an expensive cas- tie at Toronto whlch serves no use- NW f ui purpose te, the province except as O a fouutaln-head for "the upper crust." There bave been some 55e mlghty fine men hoid this office, in- cluding the preseut official. Dr. Bruce, and many people would have no objection te the continuance of this post as the officiai head of the governielit. But, especlally lu these times, there la littie reason to speud many thousands o! dollars iu the maintenance o! a governor's palace. We confess we would be tgreeabiy surprised if the new premier carrnes ."v ,t% out his promise te reduce the costs OL, of administration by 50 per cent. But there la plenty of scope for the use cf a prunlng kulfe. Even a .25 per cent reduction would be quite a saving. The governinent must, o! Coure secure its revenue rom the ci=ens cf the-province, and it need hardly be sald that Ontario cannot afford te carry the tremendous over- head expens«. wblch have beep sc-- cumnulating durng the past decade. Thiis 1$ the 56th year of the Can- adian National Exhibition. The benefit of that experlenoe la gladly Thu provos botta extended te deputation flo expo- ctose i-r, sition officiais fronm the. United -»o Ot t bt States and many oier parts of the - orld who core t& aT<zMno '1or - i j- A I4EALTI4 SER VICE OF THE CANADIAN ktME ICM. ASSOCIATION AND JFE -- &NSURANCE COMPANICS , ctuCANADA frhe change wbich bas taken place luin elbile, thanks te ln- creasing knowledge, la weil illus- trated by recalling that not so logg ago, haemmorrhage !rem the lung was consdered to be a cause o! tuberculosis ad net, as we now know it te be, a result o! the dis- bTHE thi fe a anuihei.JAa1 byr knowln mfoe about he.bend- ginuings o! the dluease, lu order that those who show or who ex- perience the signs or symptonis as- sociated with the enset o! tuberctil- osis may not deiay lu finding Out the true cause o! these symPtomf lu their particular case, enud, when uecessary, secure the early treat- meut wblch la most effective. 0 - a b( t] e 18 The old belier was based upon. observation t.hat a progressive tuber- culosis foilowed, in many cases, uP- B on haemmorrhage. Reference is made to ths belief because it is the P purpose of this article to point out to our readers that as haenorrhage1 f rom the lung is so commoniy a r symptomn of tuberculoss, ail such I E bleedng should be considered as be- l mg due to tuberculosis until proved E otherwise. The appearance of blood ln theC mouth is the first evideuce of tuber- culosis lu many cases. Looldng- back, other symptosos may have preceded it, but it was the Iiaemor- rhage which first mnade the patient realize thi there was sonr4ethng amiss, and so sent hlm. to, bis doc- tor. It is likely unfortunate that ail cases o! tubercuiosis do not ex- perience a haemorrhage very eariY in the disease. Those who Ignore such symptoms as fatigue, loss of welght, or persistent coughs, are sufficiently frlhtened by finding biood in their znouths, or observing it ln their sputum. to seek medical care. Although the sight of blood frightens the patient, the haemor-I rhage itself is rarely dangerous.I Nearly ail haemorrhages subside without, lu themselvei, dong the patient any serous hrm.- Haemor- rhages whlch occur early in the dis- ease may do a great deai of good, ,iudirectly, because they bring the .patient under treatment iu that, early stage of the disease when la a much better chance for recovery, thus lessernig the required time for treatinent, and decreaslng the dan- ger of spreading the ilsease to others. Haemmorrhage f rom thie iungs may be caused by disease other than tuberculosis. A thorough medical sI examination and a study o! the pa- tient's condition are required to de- termltue the cause in each particular tcase. Practically, it means that the -appearance o! blood shouid always sbe regarded seriously, and that the -cause should be mmedatey ascer- etained. This ls the only xneans ewhereby proper, early treatment may be secured. i eal We are meeting with consieal esuccess in our war on tuberuoss dibut there la stlll much to __ do7e home this )sawa, and Barclay andI rge Reynolds. ail gaine was d Solina lu .Over $30. 00 lui f avor cf L. i passing y visiting old eut SvndaY is building a ,omestead for WaAter, who ve from the are glasI te 3aga;n, and b is splendid ist, Bowniaii- a gaine that utly. HaroldI >posing team [body checks at length in ig a severe sued as the at af ter Muir cked hlm, Mr. followiung the the aiieged ecks This be- Ste do anY- rnrtice called ille was given ad won the ierstood, bas rtice Suuday uai picule ai kodyear Rub- s lJi previous >rt the chil- 1a second one leader o! the ,h. Over !ifty igathered ai * reachlug the ruck returned kup the town en. Wheu the3 re pooled and *ug af terwa'< -y agitated ap- lace, CourtiR Lrt. The SanÈ ,with Wesle3 au Antil sec- thle ones con- Doru. Boys 8 & doX Robinson es Snoudden iBible Clas- SWalter. Gir] dden, Wln Id 13-France Lowe; Girl Rey;nolds, Dor id LadIes-Mri ace-Adjutan mville childrei Il glrL,-Bett mer!crd; Sna: merford, JanE -Ruth Seyxnoui ter a bountifi ýfpesputs ar njoyed by th "The people's safety Is the iaw o! "Where law ends, there tyrannY 3egins."ý-Earl of Chathami. -Let us reassure ourselves wfk se law of Love. God neyer Puéa- >s man for dolng rlght, for honest Lbour, or for deeds o! kindneMs Lhough they expose hlmn to fatigue, zld, heat, contagion."-Mary Baker Eddy. "The good need fear no iaw-."- Ben Jonson. "Law is flot law, if it violates the principles o! eternal ,justloe."ý-Lydia Maria Chfld. "'There is but one iaw for ail; Lamely, that law whlch governsa ai law,-the law of our Creator, the law of humanity, justice, equity.ý-- Burke. "'There is a higher law than the constitution."--W. G. Seward. "Love is the fulfiliIng of the law." -The Bible. KAWARTHA BOYS' CAMP $5.00 per week 21 miles north of Peterborough at Stoney Lake. Under supervision o! D. A. Loomis, Physicai Dlrector, Y.M.C.A. Fmor folder, C. P. Borland, Bank o! Toronto, Peterborough, Ontario. Expert Floral Des ign ing Choice Blooms Artisticaliy Arranged Personal Service W. E. Groves KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP Phone 72 Day or Night Box 163 - BownMnville mernment and Municipal Bonds and sound Gold Stocks WE HAVE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING THAT Mr. W. J. Bradd wil reiiresest our Sm in fbowlflSviJO ad Disrict H. R. BAIN & CO. LlrWTE RAY ST. ADelaide 4274 TORONTO DING AWAY NEEDS AT ECONOMY PRICES FOR MANT YEARLS A FAVOUITE 250 25e Pabmolive Shave Cream 15e 3 Pal Blueblades ds- 40c Value for 1..250 C COLGATE'S OAhIPANA'S TWO one 5 to Pkg. 250 25e Tooth Paste 35e Itallan Balm One I one 50c Toothuh 35e Dreskin R heu matis m $1.00 70 LUBAG qckyCreledbi ValiseValueAsk McGregor'eDI'ug Store for GIILETTE SPECIAL RU MACAPS $1.00 Safety Rasor and .25-5 Blue Blades GET AWAY d49c F rom That Languid Tired Feel. $1.25 Value for... ing Caused by a Lazy Liver Mentholatum ..-19c - 39e Parke'sI 22 3e 9, LIVER 25c - 50c . & . Baby now 20c "Juil g remedi lot Corne. wa To. Halle. Wnta. led. Tot Dve lo...... rlnt-ldug-a 'Z Icn1arting - Prmpt service Films - Complete tock J1. WWOBÉ41LU , Oýtic" &..1P.m'. ip id M la Id a. 48 ALEX McGREGORI rg PHONE 9l PIRESCRPTONS A SPECKALT! WB DEUVE 'I - ", > UNEI quick ly ton$$ ~ aaylver and also a great ald n atomach di ., orders. A month e S treatment for - . -z-$1.00 1 ma - 1 Iu ,e G oi d Lai rt y ir, id 350 'e m ý A 1

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