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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1934, p. 6

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PaCr l TTH ANDINSTTSMNBWMNILE. TURDYJUY26 13 Business Directoryl THE SPOTLIGHT ON SPORT LEGAL LOCALS TAKE THIRD SCUGOG'S BIGGEST M. . V GULD B~ ~STRAIGHT DEFEAT REGATTA PLANNED Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY FROM COBOURG PONIES FOR CIVIC HOLIDAY Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanviiie Fra.yed Tempers Spoil Lakeshore Ambitious Program of Aquatic and L.eague FUture - Bowrnainville Land Sports Annonced for W. R. STE R1aly Cornes Too Late. Monday, August 6th. Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY - Solicitor for Bank of Montreal In a hectic battle, featured by The Lake Scugog Regatta Assoc- Money Vo, Loan. Phone 91 un.necessary displays of iii temper ition wll hold its elghth annual re- Bowmanville, Ontario> Cobourg Ponies took their third gatta at Caesarea. Monday August straight victory from Bill Corden's 6th. With the interest already shown L. C. MASON. B. A. locals by a 6-2 score at the High in this year's event, it is expeced Barrister - Solicitor Sohool Campus on Saturday. The that it wil exceed ail former regat- Notary Publie - Etc. electric tension, started when Umn- tas. The executive. of which Dr. L. Law in ail its branches. pire Ted Large ordered Cobourg's B. Williams, of Toronto, is Presi- Office immediately east o! Royal third baseman Elliett off the field dent, have drawn up a program o! Theatre. before the gaine started, lasted 35 events, of swimming, Phones. Office 688; Home 553. throughout the gamne, and gave the water sports, motor boat, sail boat.......... DE T Lplayers little chance of settliflg and sea flea racing .Land sports are ........ DE T Ldown o serious baseball. also being arranged for the younger Rotarian Geo. E. Chase Large quite rightly ordered Elliott people. DR. J. C. DEVITT off for insulting remarks, and had The feature of this year's regatta Who will again be Manager of the Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson ever3y right to order McFadden off will be the motor boat races. Several Bowmativille Rotary Fair on Wed- Graduate o! Royal Dental College, later for the saine thing. But the speed boats from the Kawartha and fors in the ast r hav e se f-t Toroto.Offce:Jury Jubilee Bld.g whole thing was carried 100 far on' Lake Scugog districts wilb en in gort succtesadt havemet the Bowmaflville. office hours 9 a. ni both sides, when constant razzing action. The regatta exists for the elmag u ani ear ano thec to 6 p. mi. dailY except Sundl was direted at Large both f rom the sole purpose of promoting aquatic cesfl fair tis assrd. te sc Phone 90. House phone 283. dugouts and from the bleachers, and sports a.nd providing entertainent.i X-Ray Equipmeflt in Office. Large tock notice cf it. It was no- It is support.ed by voiuntary con- ticeable that seasoned players like tribution, and is in no way commer-M NSCL B0 ST FUNERAL DIRECTOR Hoot Gibson and Arch:e Campbell ciai. Al events are open ta anyone __________________________of Ccbourg- did not take part in the registering with the secret.ary.JH ' H R H JI F ERLD ECOS rumpus. but sat back and kept. quiet. A rule set forth by the executive J H ' H R HJ I FUNERL DIRCTORS The more youthful lement in the is tha.t itny participant. finish-irTg IN DEANERY PICNIC Service, any hour. any day team might well take notice of this first in more than one event. wilbe- - F. F. MORRIS CO. and gover.n themselves accrrdinglyý aliowved one f irst prize and not more Newcastle, Cobourg, Port Hope and Moc;rn Motor Equipment -wýhen these teams meet next time. than two seccnd prizes. Th-,e sports, Cobourg Clubs Staged Enjoyable Ambulance and Invalid Car The game gct away t0 a s:art with! commiittee wi]i have final decision as! Pogram at WilIow Beach Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Cobourg suwatting Eowmian fcr fourito classification of boats and Sinray Assistant, 573 .h't. in thc firSt innirigs. bringinge handicappirg. At least three en- Saudy BOWMANVILLE hcme 3 runs. One run in each Of trants mnust comipete in each race. Aotfit ebr.iied n _______________________ thre 4th. 5th ar.d 6th inn£ngs coin A fa~p-,ileth ime schedulechdrn fSt o ;MesCu NOR HC TT & MIH leedCuboug's scor. Boývmal~~e, ýi1lbc a PBi d dhle executive iur.ý wenf scnýrlesthrcughoefl the ramie reqtie-ts the ce-operation of al i ý Pour ee. turdav rs tBahe pari Compiete Funeral Service 1I unti the r.:nth frame. klknp'fln rtls. 1Pr oe aud epr n Mode Eqîpmm - mbuanc Campbell for oiiy three hits prc- The officers of th(, ReLalta Ass- tefrtanulpýicsaeib A. W. G. Norheut - Auhrey Smith ;:: to this infieS ociation are: Hon. Pr"1ient-Fred the Deanery Carpet Bail L'"arue. Phone Days 58 In the 9th. with two mer. cowýn Whyte: Presidcnt-Dr. L. B. Will- i Th'ere- they were joiried by mnembers Nights. Sundays or Hoiiday5 I-Buck-Large caretot c ue i.ims: irstVre-Pr';idnt- R. John'St. Por e'Hope:astl eorSt. Phone 523 or 276 of the local. s with a home rurn to Sheppard: second Vice -Pres ident - John'surt He:flnooSt. eterin left fied. a beautiful bit. uxeli xorth i J. T Hoirgson: ssretr7- H. T. mn osse ftosfbl ae Repairs feur bases. Bates foiiowed with a! Sears: treasurer-George Yeo: coin-btenNeateatiPrHo. R. F A WS O N wo bagger, and Piper. batting for; mitee chairmen-Finance. J. Dow.n- antiwn Nwasle and CPorgo. B001 AND SHOE REPAIRING Bowman. a single te bring Batea» es; Course. J. T. Hod1gson: Publicity, ad Bowt uvia ndsartCl orgmstr Soess.wn on 1)y f]oobyear Stitchlng lOmne. Osborne batted a sngle 10 Fredi Frayer: Sperts. F. Whyte. iu r X u ew~fuc n Macin, r cïs rcasonable. drive Piper to second and the gaine'__ionsMr.__X__but____e____________in- Kin Sre t s owalfI side of fif teen minutes. opposite Gartons Bus Station 9-tt cicsed when Moore flied tobo .0 .m arsa dwn1 ______________ With Bowman registerin., nine bu 53pm alstdono strîeous ad AchieCamOei te %./~DT NI~XIS supper. and from the rnvigoratingý the pitcbing honorS were fairly weîîll ~ V ~ ar htWio echsplefl WE DELI VER di%-ided. Bowmianville seemed to lack justice was done by the 300 people Dbatt.rîg- power. registering only 7 bits present. P ure . ... Cle n , t Cooug« 13. PORT HOPE IINS i After supper. t.he racestueredrun The ox Sorefor the cbiidren and aiso tlealades. PAST URIED Ccburg AB R H F0 A E SB Port Hope Intermediates took c- Miss Evelyn Roberts won the single Rollins s 5 0 3 2 1 G 0 casion to fatten their batting av- ladies race and Mrs. Bert Parker Fresh Iilk Hie 3b 4 2 1 1 2 0 1 erages and poundeti the offering o! wo the marrieti ladies race, both Fr s i k Ibey lb 4 1 O 6 O 0 0 lbree Newcastle burlers ail over the , Of Bowmanvilie. McFadtien 2b 4 1 2 2 2 0 0 lot wth the resul that they scored A guessing contest took place o! - TO - Mitchell c 4 0 3 il 0 0 1 a one-sideti victory over Newcastle the nunber o! stofles in a milk bottle. BowmavilleGcotiy cf 4 1 1 0 0O0O() Intermediates in a scheduied Lake- Ninety-one stones were in the botîle Bw a ileT. Brooks rf 4 0 0 1 0 0 O shore League fixture at Port Hope andi no competitor guesssed the rigbt Bowmanville Beach Campbell p 4 1 2 1 0 0 O on Saturday a!ternoon. Twenty- amnount, Rev. T S. Boyle, Mrs. Bert Hampton A. Brooks I 4 0 1 3 0O0O() five base bits rattled off the bats o! Freeman and Mr. John Goodball be- Hamptolln I-- --------the Ontarios, who matie sure o! the ing the nearest wth one point out. EnkilnTolals 37 6 13 27 5 () 2 tilt in the flrst inning by scoring no Aler draw,.ng for the prize Mr. John Burketon Bowmanlville iess than ten runs. Goodhall of Bowmanvllle was declar- Blackstock A. Osborne ss 4 O 1 3 2 0 O0 ed wlnner. The evenîng ciosedtia1er Moore r! 5 0 0 1 0 0<>0 PONIES ARE DEFEATED the final softbaîl game between Caesarea Cameron cf 4 0 1 1 1 0 0 Newcastle and Bowmanville and Newcastle Colweil 2b 3 0 O 4 2 0 0 Wben Le.n Wakely, smart south- everyon),1 expm&mea t;heir pleamiure N wateBah Corden lb 4 0 1 3 0 O 1 pw etitn CbugPne o! the success O! the f irst venture H. 3b 3 0 0 2 4 0 0 intrestricting Cobourg PfonieDean Newtonville Lrel four hits, Port Hope de!eated their m une ciiiso h en IaltheceteBora- Bates c 4 1 2 12 1 0 0 old rivals 4-3 in a Lakeshore eague eyCre oIr.Teofcr e In aUthesecentes Boman-twolght flxture VWednp-sday night. ceived many congratulations with vleDiyMl recognuzed Bowman p 3 0 O O 1 0O O otstwscoefrmfrtt such sure support the future success asth ceaet.puesand x Piper 11 0 0 0 0o o t andcore aslcthe mrks ftheVofo!the clubs engaged is assured. richst lil avilabe. f yu -- - - ken rvalr whch xiss b te A very unforlunate accident took haven't tried It yet Phone 446 Totals 34 2 7 27 12 0 1 the two clubs, place when Mrs M. Thompson, Port, and we will eal. x Piper batted for Bowman in the ___________ Hope. sustained a broken nose. She 91h. __________ JUVENILES 'ATTENTION was struck in the face with a so!t- _________________bail and after medic-al attention, -- nvle owas removed* 1 her horne. Bowma ville NEWCASTLE BOWS Bwsnanvile de!eated Port H-ope____ Juveniies in a snappy bail game in Dairy TO BOWMANVILLE town on Friday night, when, Bld Banisb Stomach Trouble. Gel W. H. Betties, Prop. IN LAKESHORE GAME Lîtle's youngsters handed the boys quick relief with Kirk'. Stomaika. Efrom the east side their second trim- McGregor's Drug Store. Phone 446 ming. The score was 8-4. Mr. Little "Dutch" Osborne Strikes Out Ten is interested in brInging out the Worms in chiidren work havoc. In Duli Twilight Game Last very best of Bowma.nvilie's juvenihe.s These pests attack the tender lining _____________________Wednesday. in a Lakeshore Midget League with of the intestines andi, if le! t to pur- £~ I I V a 61 iNewcastle, Port Hope anti Cobourg, sue their ravages undusturbeti, will C. H.T c ,0HrigBwalet - and évery boy interesteti in base- ult.unatehy perforate the wali, I be- Tu k . victory over Newcastle ast Wed- [baIl, who is sti11 under 16 years o! cause these worms are o! the hook i,,Iwr% (-b,.tch1-.r ~~age is nsked to get in touch with variety that dling to and feed upon Eyesight Specialiat Autior o!: Optornetry Feature Service The Child and its Development Specializing exchusively li muscle anomalies, eyeslght anti glasses. Phone for appointment 1516 Disney Bldg. Opp. P. O. Oshawa, Ont. Forget the Washing It's too hot anyway and we'I1 make a good job of it at very littie cost. IW. Marjoram WE CALL AND DEUVER Phone 478 KJng St. E. - Bowmranville ffi JURNERVES Ituf coemas »O me of nesciay nignc Hry LY '.'".'.." - r, ---- - - .- - - - - -- - borne struck out no less than ten in Mr. Little right iiway. Every boy isi interior surfaces. Miler's Worm araîber slow seven innings game. as2ureti of a chance to show wbat Powders wil l ot only exterminate, 'Newcastle suffered. f romn one o! their he can do, anti when the best are these Wo!rmaeervaiy mootiy ights, anti failedt 10Play as selecteti the boys will go rigbt out i but will serve Vo repair the injury classy basebali as they have played after the district honors. they have done. in their asat few games. Bowman- --- -- ville likewise put up a listiess dis- SOCCER GAME CALLED play. Newcastle opened the scoriflg in the first innings, wilh Bowrman- Without a.niy score. the Bowman- l ville equali.zing in the second ant ivile-Courlice Soccer Fixture in taking a two rurl leati in the 4th, town on Saturday night came sud- two more in the Sth anti one more in denîy o a close witb pienty o! batiT H r th 6t. Erorswer faily re-feelings when Courtice refusedti o quent, with Bowmanvilhe registering play furtber a! 1er they declareti one lbree and Newcastle four. o hi e a rnkceib The Box Scoreoftermnhdbe ik ya Newcastle AB R. H F0O A E SB Bowmanville man when he was on Brunt ss 4 1 1 2 3 0 o the grounti. The referee appar- Wallon p 4 O 1 3 2 O 1 ently titi not see the affair anti ose2b 3 (O O 1 3 () 1 wouid not alhow a penalty for il, Couch 3b 3 0 02 020 aniso the gameended in anup- Graham cf 3 () ()i1() o)i roar, as featured the basebahl game Quantraîl If 3 O 0 1 0 1 () earlier i.' the day. Rickartic 20 01 00 0 Brereton r! 2 0 1 O 0 1 0 GOODYEAR WINS AGAIN Totais 26 1 3 18 8 4 3 Goodyear continueti its quest for Bowmanviile the Town League Tropby on Mon- A Osborne 3b 3 O 1 1 2 0 0 day .night wben Cli!! Samis' gang iMocre If 4 0 O 1 0 0 0 hantiet Front Street a 3-1 drubbing Cameron cf 3 1 1 1 0 2 i in a fast anti ragged game. Goozy Colwell 2b 3 2 i 2 0 0 0 Osborne was the star o! the game Cortien lb 3 1 0 5 0 0 O wiîh 15 strikeouts in 7 innings. E. Bagnel 55 3 2 2 1 0 1 0 Geerge Piper pltching for the boys Large If 1 () 1 0 0O() O from t:ýe Main Drag struck out Bqteý c 2 0 1 10 2 0 O seven. 'mree scattereti runs gave H. Osborne p 3 0 0 0 2 0 O Goodyear lhe win, when two smart - --- Front St. rallies faileti to produce Tatals 25 6 7 21 6 3 1 more than the one run toescape a Umpires, Keneflck anti Large. whitewitshing. Umpires were Fred _____- Jackmin anti Frank McIlveen. Bates "What are you in for?" anti Nelson Jackman with tbree bag- "I founti a geranium." 'Fourni a geraniuni? Nonsense 1 gers anti C. Osborne, Brougi anti They wouldn't jug you for !intilng a Hobbs with two baggers were the plant." big hitters in a game productive o! "Well. you see. 1 founti Il before cnly 4 bits for each teamn. the flo'Hst lostitl.',- Long Standing Asthma. Many have Millers Worm Powders prove theur sufereti so long f romn asthnia ,nti value. 'mev, do not cause any VIO- have tried so many so-calieti remie- lent disturbances in the stomnach, dies they tbink that there s no real 1 4 * s.ny pain or gripplng, but do thin help for them. They shouiti reati.. -sxork quiçtly anti palnlessly, 80 the letters receiveti by the manu- that thie destruction o! the worms hg facturers o! Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- impercantiblerom tthe rdoe therelima Remedy !rom bundreds o! C A I4Â D lA imperceptile. Yetthe aroe ther or- soc s eprte-e h s, improvement in the condition. of Eca Is ogncea eeted as tes irO th sffre ad n nfrecesaiM AOn (il mnanisf;estdtïons of lnter!!al tuis famous preparation brl;ngsT OA jtrouble. promp help. .4 RLADIO STATION C. R. C. T. TO CMANGE WAVE LENGTH. Radio Station C. R. C. T., with transmitter located at Bowmanville, will revert to its original wave leng- thi on September lst, according to a statement issued by the Canadian Radio Commission. AUl together 16 stations in Canada will be chang- ed. Station C. R. C. T. will change f rom 960 kilocycles to 840 kilocycles. The cha.nge should prove beneficial here, for scores of cornplamnts have been made since the station went on the 960 kilocycle banid. C. K. L. W.. Windsor, which is now on the 840 band will move up to 1420, and wi be the flrst Canadisri station to be located at that end of the dial. Other station changes will not affect reception in this -area. St. John's Sunday School 'Held Enjoyable Picnic At Bowmanville Beach Close ta two hundred scholars, leachers and parents spent an en- joyabie afternoon at Bowmanville Beach on Wednesday, July l8th, on the occasion o! the annuai picnic o! St. John's Anglican Church Sunday Scb(j). The schlolars were trans- portedt 1 the lake by Garlon Coach- es and the early part o! the a! ter- noon was spent in swimming and games on the beach. Under the direction o! Mrs. Ashlee and Mrs. Chas. Bounsali, th.e ýeachers and parents prepareti a bounteous supper untier the trees, to which three big siltings titi ample justice. After supper sports were carried out under the direction of Mr. E. S. Ntýyor, suiýcrintendent. 2.nd male members of the leaching staff. Win- ners in the races were: Mrs. Ashlee's class. J. Hayes. Jim Aider: Miss Mc- Feeters clars. Eýirbara Rogers, Marie Biir-is: Mi-ses Bates and Hewsvton's cla-ýe -. Margaret Nichoils. Doris Theim,scon,, Mr.I. Bo)unall"chlass,! Leon.ârd Aider. Jimmie Southey: Mr. Vine'- class. Geo. Dadse.n,,. Erir' Den- rem: Mi ' s Wa&lace's doasa, Hazel AI- der. Catherine Spencer: Mi.s Hay- uards class. Patsv Ditan. Helen Tait.: Mr. Evans' ciass. Bobby Evans,. Re,. Word: Miss Mitchels cia S, Dorothy Biekie. Mary Childa: Mris. Living's r*iass. Hele2n Virtue. Rachel Wright: Mrs. Casburn's class. John Living. Geo. McFeelers: Mrs. Spen- cei"s9 clacs. Irene Casboumn. Isabel Bickie: Messrs Spencer and Mort- lock's classes. Art Culiey. Jack Park- er. Bihl McFeeters: Girls' 3 iegged rap-, Dorothy Goode anti Rachel Wright. Isabel Bickie anti Dorothy Bickle; Boys' 3 leggeti race. Jack Parker anti Bill Tait. Chas. Spencer andi Bill McFeeters: Girls' sack race, Dorothy BTekle. Mary Chiltis: Boys' saek race, Bob Clark, Chas Spencer. At the conclusion of the races the school was taken on severai trips out int the lake on Mr. Fred Depew's fiFbing boat. an aoinual event which is much looketi !orward Vo by the chiltiren. KENDAL Miss Jean Stewart, Oshawa, was home over lhe week end. Miss Vema Staîker is visiting her cousin, Miss Kate Stewart. Mrs. Milton Dunbar, Perrytown. visited ber mother, Mrs. Wesley El- liott. Miss Margaret Pollard, Canton. is visiting ber cousin, Miss Georgina Darlingtlon. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Armstrong, Milibrook, visiteti her !ather's, Mr. S. Bryson. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peacock, EIiabe-thville, visiteti her moîher, Mrs. A. Jackson. Service Suntiay evening was in charge o! Mr. James Young o! Osh- awa, who gave a very inleresting anti helpfui address. Mr. L. D. Bell hati a pleasant visit f rom his first school master, Mr. Thos. Brown, who laught at Leskard anti aler laugbt in the Normal School at Ottawa for thirty years wbere he now resides. Mr. George Thompson was out for a horse back ride anti le!t his horse tiedt 1 a mail box post. The anina.l to0k fright anti taking the mail box anti post with it gallopeti down tbe roati, leaping gales andi fences in ils wihti career. PROTE CT YOUR FARM Whether your farm be large orsmail,it is wise ta protect it as for os you are able by keeping a Savings Account. Regular deposits soon grow at compound interest and your money is always ready, to meet an emergency or for necessary payments. T H E ROYA 0 F C AN AD A BOWMANVILLE &RANCH ' 1. G. PEFK--Y, ;- LIEST IN THE LANDIl City dweller and agriculturist alike delight in the unique displays and diversified presentations of Canada's greatest industry at the "Show Window of the Nations" where a.$100,000 agricultural prize list attracts "cthe finest in the land." The largest show building in the world is devoted to the display of farm products . .. Equine aristocracy of the Dominion. .. live-stock groomed to perfection. .. Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Show . .. prize-winning samples of the world's finest grains .. . fruit and vegetables that tempt the most fastidiaus appetite ... the very latest in agricultural machinery and equipmet ... gorgeous blooms, an arresting array of colour ... truly a most comprehensive preseritation of modern agriculture at its best. Sec ail of these arnd a thousand and one other attractions. Interest and education for everyone, that's your Exhibition. This is the big year. .Cntrai Manager R- 0N T- 0- CZ ,B EXHI BllO TLRONTO ýLEXIBITIMÀUG24-TrO-SEPT.8 B A N SPECIAL NEXT WEEK Suits £4 Light Coats CLEANED & PRESSED 75c eachl Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneil, Agent. - - Phone 152 COLONEL F. H. DEACON preil&n 1 A-1 10 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 1934 PAGE SIX a

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