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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1934, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMA4, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 26th, 1934 PAGE BEVN THET TELL A crackling good STORY IN MILKC or cream Kellogg's Rice Krispies actually crackle their story of extra-crispness. Fascinating to children. They lovetohearaswell as eatthem. Wholesome too. Ail the nourishment of rice. Plus irre- sistible flavor, sealed in the patented WAXTITs bag. For breakfast, lunch, or children's supper. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario Listen!- What School ? Declsions are always In order. Our catalog may help you. We send t on requeut. We train for Business Pos- itions and help ta place our Gradu- ates. Enter any time. No forc.d výacations. Write ta Shaw Business Schools Dept. K-3- Bay & charles Ste.. Toronto. IT'S LIVER THAT MAKES YOU FEEL SO WRETCHED Wake Up Your Liver Bile and Get A New Lease of Life. No Calomel Is Necessary. For you to teed healthy and happy, your live mut pour two pounda of liquid pileinoayour bwlevery day of your flie. Wit.hout thst bile, trouble etsrts prompt»y. Tour f ood ju.t wont digest the way it 8houid and your bowela are luggish. Fond deoays inside youuand your entire systein w uadermined by thi os nwets niatter. You bave Indige- tin-te icomfort of gas, bloating, hearibura and sourness. You are prey ta headaches. Have a angue ike cotton-wool. a nasty teste in your lnutS, bad breatb and ugly skia. You haven't anythint lke the pe.p a healthY persan sbould have, ln fact you are generally wretched. How can you epct to lear uw condition like this completely by taking inere bwel-movers like sate, minerai water, oit. laxative candy or ebewing gum. or rougha,? They cant wake op your liver bite! Avoid enlomel <mrcruc). Buy yourself a box of old reliable Carter e Little . ver Pisa.Al vegetable. sure. gentie. safe, Tbey'll wake up YOur iver without upsetting you. Bring back the feeling, once more. Don't wste your maney on subtitutea. B definitc. Ask for Cartrs by narme and get themn. Look for the namne, Carters, on the red label. 24cet Il druggista. 47 10e WHY PAY MORE Dest of ali fly killers. Clean, qulck, sure, cheap. Ask your Drug- glt, Grocer or General Store. THE WILSON FLY PA» CO.. HAMILTON, ONT. Toronto Optometrists 2143 DANFORTH AVENUE Phane Graver 7078 G. M* BOSNELL, PORT HOPE Wedneeday - 9 a. M. ta 9 P. M. Oppos ite Jo hn Street Phione 248 or 525J G. E. GARNETT. COBOURG Saturday - 9 s. m. ta 9 p. m. over A. & P. Store 1A TEACHING RECORD1 News for the Busy Farmer I Value of Orchards JThat gcod fruit farms are worth owning, is thc advice o! a weli- known agricultural autlority. Own- ers should make every effort 10 keep ihemn in the future as in the pasi. themn in the f uure as ini the past. Furthen, he points oui that grow- ers who sell nearest home gel the best prices. CuIts scld in the home mnarkets ofteýi net more Ihan fancy fruit shippcd tb distant cilies. But selling culs anywhere is very poon policy as il brings down the price badly, and'lessens tle desire o! the buyer for the fruit. Expensive Marketing The carrying over cf cattle fromn crne market to another is an cx- pensive busi,'ie--s. dletrnimenlal to the interest.s of both producer and radte. It is the opinion o! the departmenti Ihat livestock markets wvould show1 a înuch more even trend if the habit' o! lcading Up every Monday with the week's supffly xere dizconlinucd. Bett2r distribution o! deliveries to the stockyards would srem 10 be the 'iswver. In the Province o! Ontario, motot' trutck deliveries have reached a very hecavy volumec. At Toronto aIme ,t haîf the supplY of caille,1 duing the inonth o! May. was re- ceived off trucks. and a large per- crntage arrivedi at the market with- oti pre-notice. iGood Outlook for the Poultry Business Mr. F. C. Elford, Dominion Poul- try Husbandman, and Mr. George Rcbertson, chie! assistant. who have just completed a tour among farmers syud poultrymen throughout Ontario, report a tendency among the fanm- ers to increase their poultry flocks. due chie! ly ta the faci thai ileir poultny las been their chief source o! ready revenue in the pasi two or three years. However, due to poor hatching resulta tlýîs spring t.hey report a shortage o! early pullets and ini many cases a lack o! u.n- iformity throughout, which leads t hern tb belleve that there âIli be a ge,neral shortage o! fail and early winter pullet eggs. Trade Is ReciProcal The rade in apples is neciprocal, Canada sending f reali crop apples te New Zealand in Octoben, Novem- ber and December, and New Zea- land sends supplies f rom lier new crop by direct steamer to Halifax for distribuiion and sale in May, June and July when domestlc groWn competing varieties are practically o!ff the market and new Canadian apples are flot ready for marketing until August or September. Advices 10, the deparbment indi- cate that New Zealand desires te increase her punclases o! Canadlian goods annually and the credits es- tablished by the sale o! apples help Caanadian expori rade. The value o! sudh trade is invariably in f avon o! Canada-for île fiscal year e.,id- ing March, 1933, Canada sold 10 New Zealand goods to the value o! $4,- 480,000 and New Zealand sold to Canada for the same periodi goods to a value o! $2.575.000. Ontario Cattie R-isers Organize for Exportlng County orgo.nization meetings o! bec! catile raisens are now being held iliroughout the interested dis- tricts in western Ontario, Middlesex and Wellington led of! a short time ago. while within the lasi foninight Keni, Lambton. Huron and Bruce. cach have held meetings. The re- rnaining intercsted counties are or- ganizing shortly. The meetings are being held to f orm county organ- izations to be laier co-ordiated mbnt an Ontario Caille Expont Asçsociat- ion. Dairy catile raisers inieresbed ia exponi will also be nepresented in tle Association. The cbject o! île Association is to restore confide.nce and stability in île exponi market amng bec! and dairy cattle raisers o! both pure breds and commercial gradies. Facilities; for providing means wiiil the Asociation for direct export o! caille alonxg lines followed so, successfully by Ontario apple and loney producers are aIso being carefully oonrldered. Toothacle and neuralgia are 1,n- stantly relieved with Douglas' Egyptian Liniment. A quick, sure remedy. Also necommended for buras. sprains, sores and inflamma- tion. (From Thr, News, July 20th,) Lieut. W. T. Bigelow, Woolesley Barracks. London, ta now in camp at Petawawa. Mrs J. R. Chapman, Hamiton. is visîting her sisier, Mrs, J. H. Osier- hout. Mns. F. L. Souch las reiurned from visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. Weatherilt, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordlon Ftndiay. Coîbourne. visited Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Osierlout. Mrs. J. Noden and daughier Miss Viola, are visiting her mother, Mrs. A. Lang, and broiher, Dr. Ross Lang, in Chicago, Ill. Mrs. H. J. Reid, Lindsay, and Mrs. Joînson and son, Calgary, are visit- ing their sister, Mrs. R. H. Brown, BowmanvilleIjegion Band have given an entry in Class C compe- tition at the Canadian National Ex- hibition. Mrs. Erwin Harris, Niagara Falls, and daughters. Mrs. Dan Howartl o! California and Mns. Sheldon Slater o! Niagara Falls, N. Y., are guesis ab Mn. Isaac Cobbliedick's. Mrs. McCruer and son Mac o! Desford, Man., were visitons at thein cousin's, Mrs. I. Winber. Mrs. Kani Katz and son, Seattle, Wash., Mrs. Wallace Jamieson and daughter. Tlmmi;is, and Mrs. Earl Grady, Hamilton. are enjoying a visit at their mother's, Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. A roop o! elghteen Boy Scouts attended evensong at St. Saviour's Churdli on Sunday. These boys are cennected wiih île Chundli o! tle Incarnation Toironto, and are in camp at the Comînunity Park. Mrs. Roy and daughter, Miss Mar- garet, are vlsiting friends i.n Port Hope. Mrs. Downing, Toronto is visiting 1er nieces at Mn. Len GanisbY'a. Mr. and Mns. D. A. McDonald a.nd daughten o! Calgary, Alta.. visited thecr uncle's, Mr. Robent Poster. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moat. Oak- ville. Miss Bertha Gilman. Toronto, were visitons ai 1er brotler's, Mn. R. Z. Hall. Mn. and Mrs. Charles Mowat and daughier, Miss June, Toronto' and sister, Mrs. Wilfred Du!!y, and chil- dren o! Newmarket. speat Sund a th1cm !ather's, Mnr. J. E. Richrs C. N. R. station agent. Mn. P. C.I Brown, las eturned f rom on' en- joyable holiday ai Weller's Bay and Wellingtoni. Services at Park Street United Chunch held on île cdurch lawn Suaday evening were largely attend- ed. Durham Regiment band furnish- cd music and the interesiing sermon by the pastor, Rev. J. H. Ostenhout, was greatly enjoyed. A nepetition o! blese outdoor evening services would, no doubt. be appreciated by a lange majority o! tle congregation durlng tle lot seasoxi., Mrs. Robent Fowler and Mn. and Mns. James Eagleson atended the funeral o! James D. Fowlen, Peter- e boro. r Mn. and Mrs. Percy Lawrite, De- troit, Mich.., and 1er sister. Mrs. B. Barstead. Toronto, who are holiday- ing at Janelville. Scugog Lake. spent a !ew louns in the home town. * Mn. Orville L. Drummond. Port Coîbourne, las been engaged as prin- cipal o! Orono Continuation School. Mn. Drummond comes well recom- mended, and wibl Mns. Drummond will take up residence here. Thirty or more applications for tle posit- ion were recelved. Mn. Ai! MeKeown, Peterboro, lead- er o! the Orono Cornet band o! the eanly igîties, visited lis cousin, Mrs. Haw. On lis nexi trip le looks for- wand te a visit 10 Bowmanvllle where le spext a few years a! ler leaving Orono, and wll look up Dave Mon- ison, Sr. Mns. A. C. Campbell and chlldren J are spendig the summer with Mrs Qeo. H. Canveth at Newcastle-on-the -Lake. Mrs. Campbeli1 entertained Wednesday. ai tea ihonon of Mrs Jol'.n Garvîn (Katharine Hale). A- mong the nut-of-town guesis were Mrs. Armstrong. Montreal: Mrs. Mary Joeephine Benson, Port Hope: Mrs. A. W. O'Connien and Mrs. Stella Anderson, Toronto: Miss Lloyd- Jonies, Brantford* Mrs. C. B. Sis- sons and Mns. J. B. Tucker of Orono Young People's League held thelt f inst campflre meeting ln Commun- lty Pa k on July 1t1. The progranx conClted of slng-songs. scripturE readlng by Miss Lillian Allen. pray- ers. minutes. and short talks bv Ro. bert Slerwin and Rev. Osterhoul An alphabet contest was conducteÈ The president reported $17.17 as nel proceeds of the banquet. $7 of whlcl was given te the W. A.! or their work The next campflre meeting will bq on August th~e sixîl. An 011 wthout Alcohl.-Some o11 and many medicines have alcoht as a promlnet ingredient. A Judi clous mlngllng o! six essential oil compose Dr. Thomas' glectric 0f and there is no alcohol In It, 80 tha Its effectsa»arelaating. SUMM1ER GARE 0F ROSES cut the blooms in the bud stage 'wlen thp:y are jusi beginning; to Dy W. E. Groves, Bowmiativille. show colon; then to be particularly careful not te, bruise them and te The obWeci b keefa in mind when avoid getting moisture on île petals. growing roses is to produce all île The blooms have to be ia good con- bloom p<ssible righi thxËough îhe dition on a certain date. If tliey are1 su.mmen season. During the montl likely te open up tee soon it is poss-1 o! June and early July thene is us- ible te bold tlem for a few days if ually an abundance o! bloom but in cut in the bud stage and kept cool1 Augusst île lob days and not tee cool in deep water. Ia taking blooms te nights seem te check the preducimon tle exhibition hall, a box is tle o! flowers. Quite frequenily 100 île mosi saiisfactony a,nd it should be constant spninkling o! the soil las lange enough so that ihere will le attnacted île roots to île surface, no crowding. AUl blooms slould be whene île sua heat has much more placed in vases thai are net likely te effeci upon tlem. It is well 10 ne- topple over and île variety name memben that île soil becomes veny slould be distinctly shown. Il is wise lot and does not cool off as quickly to cut eacl stem as it is being placed as does the aimosphere. For these ta île container for the exhibition reasons some o! tle mosi successful table. rose gnower's use a muIdh, espectilly I- if constant cultîvation is not easîly possible. Peat is pnobably the best1 TOWNSHIP COUNCIL 1 material for this purpose. It is dlean (e and tidy in appeanance, wil keep CAK ONI weeds down, and aîîow moisture to CAK ONI finddius way down to île noots quie readily. Il can be nemoved in île Council met in the Town Hall. On- f aIl if necessary. ono. July 3rd, with membens ail present and Reeve Lovekin presid- FEEDING ROSESI ing. It may be that fan too mucl strngj A communication received f nom fertilizer is given to île roses. Wlen E. L. MacNachtan, Counties Clenk, the bushes are planted the soil is ne residence o! indigent patients. usually made very rich and as sooni Treasunen submiited staiemeat as growth commences extra !eeding showing cash neceipts and disbunse- begins. Continued injudiciously tis ments !rom Jan. isite June 30th, stimulates an abundance o! sof t 1934. Filed. growtl that suffers badly during the, Bills ordered paid: ensuiag winter. This does not imply T. J. A. Carscadden, slieep ihai no feeding ta wtse; it is smiPly damages ý$ 6.00 a warning againsi too much o! it. Robinson Bros. sheep da'ges 36.00 During the summner weeks, any gea. Norman Allan, sheep inspect. 7.50 enal purpose fertilizer might be used. E. L. MacNacltan, Treas. Lesstha th quntit prscrbedi50% Maintenance: Les ha 1e uatiy recnbe ~ Jno. H. Pethic 23.25 much safer than use ai gneater L Baldwin.---- .. 23.25 strengil. The feeding should fortif y A. Locklart ...... 27.13 rather than unduly stintulate for in Mns. E. J. Randall, monthly th1s way île plants wilU be built up. payment R vs F 1 . 40.00 10 carry betien blooms during the R. H. Wood, canetaker. 8.501 balance o! the season. Ail this feed- A. J. Staples, 2nd qir. salany 125-00 lng should cease by tle middle o! C.' G. Arnmstrong, relief O. Augusite give île laie growth a Kn~app.......... -......3.53 9chance to landen up before winter. C. J. MeDonougl. Elecbion CIJTTING THE BLOOMS Board expenses ... 121.87 Jno. Henry, Road Supi. Roses are chie! ly grown for one Voucher No. 6 ........78.70 purpose, iheir wonderful f lowens. jno. Henry, road mie.,. . 1956.40 Because the blooms do not last 1,n Hydro Coin. lighi; for hall - .7 de! inltely on tle plants many o! Coundil adjourned to mneet or tlemn are cut 10 be used in mafly Tuesday, Aug. 7th, 10 a. m. for gen- forms o! decoration. Because île eral business and stnlklng the rates e hybrld tea vanieties are île mosi for the current year. use! ul for this purpose tle following X..j. Stai4es F. B. Lovekin, hnts apply only te that section. Clenk. Reeve. aThe time to cut is when the Ilorlsts _____ stilîl tigît whicl simply means Moiler Graves' Worm Etçrmna- lIai none o! îhe petals have begun ton wîîî drive worms f nom the sys- te, u.n!old. In île evenlng or earlY tm ihu nuyt h hlb r morning is île besi ilme to, galer mwloulnuytîechdb île blooms. The stems should le cause is action, whlle f ully effec- taken as long as possible, about two tive, is illd. nleaf-buds belng le! t below where h ___ ________ -is eut. Prom ihese bud.s two new shoots wlll star n mb growth wlth a tresulting bloom on eacl. Msany of the ýdvarleties wlll slow a few-side buds u py N r e ?tin addition 1t te main central bud. J m y N r e h faspeclally good bloom is expected Yacld ta the sooehlng action k. hi is well te remove ail the extra of isMedicine. You Wil eu >ebuds. bette ... slcep better ... fouI Allowlng tle blooms te, set seed bettr . .. look better. Lif. is not advlsed. If any blooms are not Will seca Worth living agan. requlred for cutting tley should le o t 557 » longer. Begin istaken away wlen faded and in deig tws Y Dlihis île stems should le shortened tln ttdy i_ back as previously descrlbed. LYDIAL IK A ' ls IEXHIDiTINO ROSES E IK A ' i, No grower of roses xieed be afratd VEGETABLE COMPOUND Thne points to keep In mmnd re teJ N THE DIM ad DISTANT PAST1 TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO barn raisimug was a biîg aif air. Foot- ball closed a lively afternoon. About From the Statesman, JuIy 25th, 1884. 200 were present. Mr. Gilbert, who lost his arms a year ago by a reap- EnniÉkillen. The teacher of our er accident, preached at Eldad Sun- public schcol, Mr. R. A. Lee, has re- day evenmng. signed and has taken a situation Courtice. The lost cow advertised with the Federal Lif e Assurance in last week's Statesman by Mr. Wm. Company. Courtice was found dead on his own,% Leskard Division officers installed f arm. The animal fell imo a ditch Friday are: W . P-J. J. Gibson; W. and was unable to extricate itself. A. - Sister J. Morris; R. S. - W. Mr. William Salter is engaged in Simpson; Ass. R. S.-Sister B. erecting a new frame residence for S&ocker; Treas.-W. Tighe; Chaplain Mr. Lewis Gimblett. -Geo. Lewis: Cond-W. Mercer: Asst. Cond.--Sister W. A. Morris; IT YER AG 1. S.-G. Nelson; 0. S.-A. W. Car- ~ II~ ER G veth, P.W.P. Enfleld. Counilor Dyer met From the Staf.esmian, Juiy 22, 1909.1 with a very serious accident but by, latest advices is convalescent. Rev. The Hotel Bovman has been re- 1 W. Pattersnof' o Epsom and Miss opened by a company knom-n as Maggie Dyer of Enfield plighted "The Bowmian Limited". The of - their troth at the Hymeneal altar on ficers are:-President - John Mc- July l4th. Enfleld choir suffered a Murtry; Vice-Pres. - M. A. James, heavy loss through the departure of Secy-Treas. - F. A. Haddy; Direc- ML-,s Maggie Dyer and if Dame tors-C. Rehder, W. B. Pinch, F; Rumor may be believed another cf- C Vanstone. D. Allan Moon, for- ficient member is abou, to leave. mer proprietor o! the Moon House While Mr., Aaron Buckler, Bow- ai Stirling. has been engaged as! mainville jeweller, was cleaning his manager. Over $4000 has been spent windcws the steps on which he stood on improving the hotel. electric slipped aiid he fell against the lights and new furniture being in- window. breakmng two large pane, o: stalled throughout the hotel. glass and darnaging considerably a Lieut. Frank H. Morris, 46th Dur- large dlock. He thought at flrst his hani Regiment âau.d member of the lett was broken but he ivas not ser- Bowmnanville Rifle Association. has icusly injured. so f ar made an excellent record at Mr. J. B. Martyn ha.s sold his Bisley, Eflgla,'id, and his name hasý grocery, meat and provisions and1 several honorable mentions in des- wl-olesale liquor busi..ness to Mr. patches. John Lyle. The general store and contentsý Mrs. Jonathan Stephens fell and belonging- to Mr. J. E. Beacock. broke her arm. Myrtie Station, *as destroyed by Mr. George Haines, Police Magis- fire. Loss heavy. trate, has been very ili but is con- Bowlers J. H. McMurtry. Jas. DeY-I valescing. man and Major W. C. King took' Messrs W. W. Tamblyn, M.A., A. part hin the bowling turnament at Barker. and Miss J. R. Thomas are Niagara-on-the-Lake and went down attending the Ontario School of Art, in the third round. Toro,ne. Mr. D. B. Simpson. K.C.. member Births. Graham, In Enniskillen, of the Board of General Purposes, July 15th. to the wife of Mrs. B. Mr. Frank Kydd. W.M., and Mr. Graham, a daughter. Frank F. Morris, S.W., are repre- Married. Dickie-VanCamp. At the seniting Jeriisalemn Lodge A. F. & residence of the bride's father, Dar- A. M. at Grand Lodge at I.ondon. lington. on June 24th, by Rev. C. H. Born. Stainton. In Darlington Hainer, Mr. L. J. Dickie, of Oshawa on July 9th, te Mr. and Mrs. Chas. to Miss Fan.'iie VanCamp. Stainton, a son. daughter of Levi VanCamp. Esq., Solina. Messrs T. Baker and A. L. Deputy Reeve o! Darlington Town- Pascoe have returned fromn a pleas- ship. aynt boat trip through New York and $23 will purchase a ticket froma Massachusetts. Prof. J. B. Reynolds, Bowmanville to the Old Country. wife and family o! O. A. C., Guelph, Soîna. Rev. G. Brovn. our new are summering at Roselandvale. He pastor, preached an excellent ser- lias consented te address the Eldad mon on Sunday. Mr. Thos. Pascoe's congregation on Sunday afiernoon. ure K Glen Rae. DafryI PHONE 408J R. K. STEVENS & SON, Proprietoeu Talk of the To%-n-Every user Persian Balm mivests every woman praises Cress Corn or Bunion Salves. with subtle charmn. Delicately frag- Recommended by Jury & Loveli. rant. Cooling and healing. Dispels For a good spring tonio take ail rougliness or cliafing. Makes Kipp's Unequalled Herb Tablets. skins delightfully soft-textured. Ev- Sold by Alex. McGregor, Telephone- ery woman should use this peerless 92. bcildjt requsjte. Datiess&-beftutY -refinement - Persian Balim 'What w'itoatt have My m achieves these in every instance. brella senti homeIby telegrapli?" "Wly. madam, it can't be done." Softens and whiten-S the hands. 'Don't try any of your smartness Promotes dlear and youthful loveli- on me, young màn, if you can send Ail women who care for ad- flowers and money by wire-why ditional charm unhesitatinglY can't you send my umbrella?" choose Persian Balmn. Yoiillalways be Mioudo fZtisRoof Do You Know That there were approximately 2700 Roof Fires in Canada last year? And in nearly every case the buildings were destroyed. TORONTO ASPHALT SHINGLES Are Fire Safe - Why Run Needleas Risks ? Estimates Cheerfully Given. Roof Inspection Service Free-No Obligation Sheppard & CiiiLumber Co. Ltd. Builders' Supplies and Fuel Bownianville The Helping Hand of SOUND INSURANCE For any modern and thrifty family the services of a good insurance agent provides the one reliable as- sistance in the managing of ordinary and extra- ordinary financial affairs. Learn more about the ýnany ways insurance can be of help and how sound insurance means sounder living for you. We'U be mcre than glad to explain the many features of ail branches of dependable insurance. J. J. MASON & SON Phone 50 Insurance Agents Bowmanville CENT A MILE BARGAIN FARES From BOWMANVILLE August 3-4 August 3 To MONTREAL T StBe nn eC eup NiagraFalla Midland _______M upr Buflo Penetang A..u.a 4london Meaford Ags4Chatham Huntaville To TORONTO and Sarnia North Bay HA4MILTON Kincardifle azo ail Townu in _____Sou__NEW__ONTARIO Attractions -Toronto OwenSomd on lines of Auguet 4.56 Wiarton Temiakamng and Centennial Celebradons (Godeic Northern Ontario Canadien Corpe M'nion Stratford Rly., Kapuakaaing Ask Agents for prograin. PSIWOrtOf etc. Roturu up te MOMDAY NIGHT 01M DAY LATER FROM POINTSNORTE OF N140M My Tic " tf q d In or fio (r u . '#nt CANADIAN CANADIAN NATIONAL PACIFIC . Beti Parker of Edmonton, Aberta, has just comipleted hîs 59th year as a sohool teacher. Dur-ing the whole cf hi.s professionai career the vet- eran pedagogue missed only three %vceks w),ith a broken nib and four days. He says the ,schools o! to- da N are not teaching the children te thtnk for themselves. ORONO Tiee' Wealth Of HP-alt I. ln~~5 s OurPl MIL This summer make your f amlly a 11millk" family. Make it a habit to serve beth aduits and children with f resh Glen Rae pasteurlzed germ-proof milk - the quwck, easy, appetlzlng way te see tbat they get ail the proper vitamins in onie, necessary te fore- staîl summer complaints and hot weather sickness. Milk, say scientists, is the only item contalnlng ail the vitamixis neeessary to human lfe - but te get good, proper nouishing milk sec that yen get the right dairy.

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