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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jul 1934, p. 8

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THE CANADIJAN STATESmAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JUJLY 26th, 1934. PAGE EIGH-T wrestiing match at CaesaLrea Sat. night. Wrestliirg matches are unUsu- ai in Cartwright and many specta- The N wcasle Idepe denttors turned out to watch the bout which was staged on Frayer's lawn. 1 - 1 Friends were notlfied of the death Durham Regiment Band will play Patricia and Margaret Pearce of this of Dr. Charles 0. Fallis. Toronto, st te bachnex SudaY Jul 29vilageand Mrs. E. H. Joli and sonf who died on Saturday, July 2lst, in at the beach GlexteSudaSask.,yh29pvillagehis 54th year. Dr. Falls was born ait 3 p.m.BiieoClddfSs. le t in Cartwright and graduated in 1904 Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cooke, swell the attendance at U14flemeflcefro th OnaoDntlClg. Kjigstonl, visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Family annual picnicý,4i!à1 saine oHe nahren fthl e Unie H. Cooke. popular resort. H a nahrn fteUie Mrs. W. Deline and daughter Pau- Sorry -L report the serlous ilness church and was a member of Al- linehav beeH. ibso inpha Lodge A. F & A. M. Three unehav ben visiting relatives at of Mr. H.Gisfii Bowmanville children, Mrs. F. O alahr0Tr Beachburg. hospita. alahrTr Miss Marioni Fisher, Belleville. is Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLeod and hno: Mater, nd Cha M.resatl visiting hier grandmother. Mrs. Geo. daughters, Audrey and Dorothy, To- hi, oronit,'isonM.brotherErrl P. Rickard. ronto. spent the week end at their Pallia, Valentia. Ont., survive. Dr. Mr. and Mrs. L. Dudley, Mac and cottage. Newca2le-on-the-Lake. Failis is a cousin o! Mr. Lewis Fal- Rosemary are holjdayiflg with Major Services in the United Church on fhSvlae and Mrs. H. W. Dudley.Sudyichre fth Young Those who attended the mnorning Rickard Faniily picniC wiil be held People's League were bright and at- sn evc fNsitnPebtr at Orc'.fo Commuflity Park on Tues- tractive with a robust spiritual ap- iangChrch ofnesndy eto resbdelih- day afternon July 31st. peai to youth in particular. Adults ed with the music. Three special Miss Ray Clark, graduate nurse of also found in the services much o! numbers were suflg by the church Oshawa Hospital., vas home a! ter help and inspiration. Miss Winnifred choir: and music o! a very high1 hiaving her tonsil.s removed. Rickard Y. P. L. President conduct- qualitv was interpreted by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allin and daughter ed the services with manifest abil- Mrs. R. E. Pipher and daughter. enioyed a ten days holiday early in ity and a fine sense of the values Miss Marjorie o! Trenton, N. J., Mr. July at hier uncle's cottage at Chem- of divine worship in the sacred edi- Leonard Milis sang an interesting ong Lake. fice on a sabbath day. Mr. Chas. sladtePpe aiysn Miss Aresta Martin concluded her Glne.Y .L atPeiet "The City Fours4luare" in delight!ul vacation with lier parents. Mr. and assisted in the morning. Mrs. Ro- harmeny. Miss Marjorie Pipher Mrs. Parnally Martin and returned berts of Bowmaflville, Festival Gold 1 hose Young voice shows great talent to Toronto. Medalilt, in the alto section. stirred sang a solo. and the service, after & Joseph Hockin is in charge of Mr. each heart with hier solo 'Nearer My short address by the pastor, Rev. A. 0. Parker's fruit sales depart- God To Thee."While Mr. Raymond Victor Walker, was closedi by Mr. mient this season ai his f arm, west Chapman, Orono, a young man who Pipher who sang a beautiful solo, of the village. speaks with easy fluency and a which revealed the unusual power Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Warren_ his mmid attuned to the ideals of true and expression of voice which are so mother, Mrs. Geo « Warren and Missireligion. delivered a fine address on naturally his. Mrs. Pipher is a sis- Marioni Bonathafi, Swif t Current, Christianity as it is lived and prac- ter of Rev. Victor Walker. Bask.. are on a vîsit. tised and as it really ought to be Dr. and Mrs. Errol Hancock, Mont- lived and exempli!ied by people o! real, have concluded a pleasant vis- this and other so calied Christian CADMUS It with his brother-ifl-law and sister, nations. Mr. Chapman took for the e Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Allin. background of his address a book on Mr. Robert Bruce is gradually re- Mr. John Tuff and daughter Sy- Ini by Stanley Jcnes and mnade covering his health. bil, Mrs. John Tuf Sr., Misses Plor- it clear to his iisteners that the rea- Miss Mary Sanderson is guest of ence, Mary and Hilda Tuf, Toronto, son 80 rnany so cailed heathen or Miss Marjorie Galbraith. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. non-Christian peoples do flot em- Ms ee olri tedn T. F. Branton. baeCrsint summer school at Oak Lake. A. A. Colwill, P. P. of Newcastle ed Christiani peopies do not live UP Mr. and Mrs. George Devitt have Lodge S. O. E. B. S. bas been ap- to their professions. In the evening a lef t for their home in Arnaud, Man. pointed the lodge's delegate to the chorus, Stanley Graham, Chas. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson, Supreme Grand Lodge meeting at Glenny, Garnet Rickards, W. . S Toronto, were guests at Mr. C. Fer- Port Arhur, Aug. l4th. Riokard, leader, basses; Wilbur Bas- guson's. Mr. John Rowlanld. Manager o! kerville and Jas. Hancock. tenars, W. A. of Cadnnis United Church the Canadian Bank of Commerce, anld John HolinTes, Win. Rowlanld Sfld was held on Tuesday at Mrs. Cecil Durham, Ont, with son David. has Abert Pearce singing the air, sang~ Ferguson's. been holidaying on the old f armn "Is He" whiie Jas Hanc&kC Mrs. Victor Haxicock and daughter with bis brother, Mr. Howell Row- Courtice. gave the congregation a iand.spiritual thrilli with is solo "Spirit of Orono were guesis at M~rs. H. .Durham Lodge A. F. and A. M. was Divine." In place o! an address or Mabistb'5. yan s oid represented at Masonic Grand Lod- sermoni a beautful set of lantein igwt e rdohr r.R geofo Canada held in Toronto, by slides illustrating many wel k Ed igerâtonlestr,it to r R Percy Hare, W. M., W. F-. Rickard. bible stories, was shown. with Miss Mdgrs. C elFeguonadsnsd P. W. M., P D D and J A. Smith Hilda Rowlaxidl reading the accom- Ms ei egsnadsnSd Waren.panying descriptive sketch. There ney were in Montreal for the week- Warden.end. Sydney la remaining for twc Misses Aura and Lila Osborne and was a large sumimer attendance at weeks. Mrs. Clark. Eberlezer, rnotored to both services of worsbip, including Newcastle Sunday morning and at- many visitors. Mrs. Fred Graham Mr. Levi McGil became iii while tended service at the United Church provided the flowers that brightened in Toronto iast week. and was rush- wit Mis innfrd Rckrd ndthe pulpit for the day. ed to the General Hospital. He is MrithaMis innedi char andable to be home, but wili be con- Mr Cas leney in carg. ________'-~f ined to his bed for several days. Miss Elizabeth Cooke, Pittsburg, NyyTrvrrcI Penn.. la visiting hier brother, Mr. W.ILI.~ '" Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Ferguson anc H. Cooke. Priends were pleased to other members o! the Ferguson fam- see hier so weil recovered f romt the Miss Kate Deacon visited Mrs. B. ily; Mrs. M. Henders ad Miss Ruth serious xinjuries she sustaîned in a Nesbtt. Henders, Janeiville enjoyed a picnhc railway accident asat summner. Mr. Gordon Pollan le! t for his at Stephenson's Point, Lake Scu- St. George's Church, Rev. P. H. home in Winnipeg. 90g. Mason, M. A.. rector: Sund9ay July Miss Marie Proutt is hoiidaying Congratulations are also due to 29th, 9th Sunday after Trinity, 8 a. at Kawartha Camp, Balsam Lake, Miss Malsie Guyton who passed hier m.-Holy Communion;l 9.45 a.m.- MiSs Ruth Proutt spent a few days Entrance Exams. Miss Guyton is Sund.ay School; il a.m.-Morning last week with Mr. and Mrs. RoY one o! the eight successful pupils Prayer;, 7 p.m.-EverI5oIg and ser- McGiil. tutored by Miss Helen Powler. who mon. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and f an passed their Entrance. Ratepayers Association of New-iily visited f riends near Cannington Mr. A. McGill who has been quit. castle-M~-the-Lake held another im- on Sunday. ili. la able to be Up again. Miss portant and well attended meeting Mr. Jos Forder is spending a few Collette Ferguson, Bowmianville. is ai Lake View Inn on July 2lst with days with bis daughter, Mrs. H. Tin- remaining wlfb ber grandpai>ents Dr. W. H. Walton-Ball in the chair ney ai Cavanvilie. while bier parents. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Austin C. Campbell pre- Mi. and Mrs. Ceciu Wilson and Smith Perguson are holidaying in sent as Sec.-Treas. daughter Eunice, were Sunday guests Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meadows,Mr. o! Mr. W. Lamb, Enniskillen. _______________ and Mrs. Martin 9,yid Misses Aresta, Mrs. Ed. Kiipatrick, Toronto, and C- Lois and ora Martin, Messrs Al! Mrs. John McLaughlin, Oshawa OBITUARY Gordon and Miss M. Briertc',f.. mo- were guests of Mrs. Wesley Camp- <ý- tored to Presquile Point Sunday to, bell. Ms oehFreNsltn visit Rev. F. H. Mason and the Miss Jean Campbell accompanied Ma oehFreNsltn scouts at their camp. by hier aunt, Mrs. Stanley Gray has The death occurred on Saturday, Miss Mary Aikinson, Marengo, been spending a few days ai Tor- July 14 ai Private Patients' Pavil- Sask., visited hier grandfather. Mr. onito. lion. Generai Hospital, Toronto, cf Thos. Moff at and hier aunt, Mrs. W. Miss Marjorie Nesbitt, Miss lor- Mary P. Giaspell, wif e o! Joseph H. Pearce. She was enroute to Ott- ence Proutt, and Mrs, Doak, Tor- Forder, Nestletc,,. She was born in awa with a lady f riend. They trav- onto, were weekeyid guesis of Mrs. Darlington in 1869, and later moved elled to Port Arthur by train thep B. Nesbitt. to Cartwright u1iere she mnarried to Sarnia by steamship and the resi Mrs. C. MeGili. Mr. and Mrs. Mer- Jos. Porder on March 6. 1889. She o! the way by motor. win Mountioy and Arthur Stapie- was a devoted member o! thi The f ive leading bowlers, wirining ton enjoyed a picnic ai Lake Scu- Nestleton Presbyterian Church, ar thle hightesi number o! points anîd gog on Sunday. earnest helper in the organization i wbo received prizes ai the f irst jit- Nestleton Womnen's Institute Gr- the church, and a beloved friend ir ney o! the season held under the andniother's Day Will be heid ai the the community. One o! bier hobbie. auspices o! both the Men's and Lad- home o! Mrs John Watson, Caes- was ffowers. and the continuai blool. ie's Bowling Clubs were Major H. W. area, on WedniesdaY, August lsi. around the lovely home was an evi Dudley, Mesdames Percy Hare, E. W. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Samelis and dence of ber interesi in themi. Hi P.hiip, C. R. Carveth and T. A. Rod- Miss Owen Wilson accompanied Mr. bouquets and planqts were f requertl ger. These games will be f eatured l and Mrs. John Hooey to Lakef ield. brought to the church, and to th, every Wednesday evening. I Peterboro and BewdleY oni Sunday. sick roomi. She was a mnembero Rev. Samuel MacLean ,.1B. A., Mr. and Mrs. Knapp, Hamniltoxi. the Women's Auxiliary o! the Pres formnerly of Tara, OQt., wili be in- are Mr. Andrew Malcolm byterian Church, a kind neighbou ducted as minister of the United and Miss Mary Malcolm. They will and a sympathetic f riend. Church ai Newcastle and Clarke on visit ther relatives in the vicinitY. Rev. Victor Walker, lier pasti Friday evening. Aug. 3rd ai 8 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. H. meLauJglin. Mr. who conducted the funerai servie( at the Newcastle church. Rev. Tho%. Gordon Pollan. and Mrs. S. Mc- stressed the kindly influenice whic: Wallace will preside and induci: Laughlin' were guests o! Mr. and she bad exerted over bis life.I Rev. Jos. El! ord will condîlci public Mrs. George Spencer o! BethaXiY on mnany walks o! the commutnitys lh worship and preach and Rev. George Sunday. Mrs. Forder will be mnourned an Mason will addres.s the minister and The Lamb famiiy are expectiiig missedi. Rev. H. J. Bell o! Black congregatiori. two hundred memnbers o! the con- stock assisted Mr Walker in the seI Mastr Nel Bitto thew oe o!necion n Jly 2th when they vill vice. Many exqiiisite floral tribut( ;ýcOut-S* camp at 1reFqu'ile Point. -~-brlfllng Mrs. Mason andi ber mother .. and sister fror Brighton. Mrs. ]f. C. Alli,,i and daughterý Ruth, acconipaflled by Mr. Jos. Web- ber, oreelwiaY, Man- aiiended the Webber-.W0Ctteflplcnic ai the Cr00131Of Barley Park, Wednesday whef a, theaam Ure, Mr. and Mw. A.sttW. Oalen Mrs. W. D. ]Eragg, Mrs. j. hM. CobblOdiCk, Misses Md ic roerirfieYj EU Wanted WANTED~SINGLE MAN BY MON- th. Apply S. Morion. Maple Grove.b 30-1w.1 HOME -BUILDING TRADESMAN wanied to build ,small !aniuly dwelling. Kindly commnficate with 'Advertiser" Drawer B., Statesan i.30-1.- SMALL FARM OR ACREAGE wanted to purchase. Bowmanville. Newcastle district, with or with- oui dwelling. Write Home Seeker, Drawer B., Statesman. 30-1. WANTED-BUSINESS MAN AND wi!e want bouse to rent, town. vil- lage or country, with or with- out producing land, possible pur- chasers, Buisiness Man, Drawer B., Siatesmnan. 30-1*. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOT ED- ýi anr n t an fonr Pleating., BIRTHSI NICHOLAS-At ~wavleHs pital on Sunday, July 22nd, 1934, to Mr. and Mrs, Owen Nicholas, tnee Dorothy Plumer) Bow- ma,nville, a daughter. Glenys Es- MARRIAGE< RICHARDS - MORDEN-At St. John's Anglican Church July 20, by Rev. C. R. Spencer M. A.. Char- les Richards, son0flo Mr and Mrs. Geo. Richards and Miss Lillian Maud, daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Morden. aIl o! Bowmanville. DEATHS Hope. widow o! the laie B. A. aieddt.MsR.HbL- Mckenzie, aged 18 years, sno the laie Fred Mekefizie and Jessie For Sale L. Mckenzie, Columbus. Interment ai Oshawa. FOR SALE - PRAIRIE MAPLE Trees, 75e each. Phone 208. ________30-1w. IN MEMORIAM Live Stock For Sale BERRY-Inl loving mnemory o! a dear wife and mother, Truby E. cow FOR SALE-ONE COW RE- Berry, who departed ibis lUe, Au newed. Apply to Hosken Smith, gusi is, 1932. Ennlamikillen. Phone 197-14. 30-1w. She bade no one a lasi f arewell, - She said goodbye to nonre, COW FOR SALE-ONE COW A- The beavenly gates were opened bout to renew. Apply te Hosken wide, Smith. Enniskillen. Phfole 197-14. A loving voice said "Come.' 29-1w*. Sadly missed by Husband and Son. JERSEY BULL FOR SALE OR SER- vice. also renewed cows and springers, J, Metcalf e. Phone 183- OFFICE CLOSED 5. 30-1. Dr. Storey's office wiil be ciosed, FOR SALE-JERSEY BULL 3 YRS July 3Oih to, Sept. isi. 30-4 old, T. B. Tested. Apply J. C Bur- -- --dcii, R R. 4, Bowmanviile. Phone OFFICE CLOSED 142-22. 30-1w. June 28tb unil August 131h. OÔFFICE CLOSED Dr. Bonnycastle's office wlll be closed f rom. Thursday, Augusi 2nd until Monday, Augusi 131h. 13-2w SLIGHTLY MIXED Ani old lady was visiiing a race- I course for the firsi time. -I want to put a dollar each way on Dixie Dean," she said to the bcokmaker. The man ai the window laughed good-naturedly. ,,i say, ma'm." be said, 'you've got tbtings wrong. baven't yu? Dixie Dean's a football player, net a hors e." "'Dear me," said the old lady.,"ithen I must have put my pin in the wrong part o the paper." FARM FOR SALE-49 ACRES, LOT 12, Con. 6, Dariington. crop in; exceptional. bargain for immediate sale. Apply owner, A. H. Hardy, R R. 6, Bowmranville Phone 237- r13. 29-2w. FOR SALE-FARM 0F 157 ACRES. 1U¼ miles nortb o! Columbus, 1/2 mile west. Good buildings. Run- ning stream. Pull possession, April 1, 1935. G. D>. Conant, K. C., Osh- awa. 29-7w. FOR SALE-FARM WITH CROP, comprising 25 acres, not f ar from Oshawa or Whitby, near school, frame bouse and small barn, pos- session ai once. Apply L. C. Pas- coe, Burketon. 28-t! To Let Mrs, Sadie Bowe, Miss Any Glas- 'FARMS TO RENT OR WORK ON peli, all o! Coopersiown, North Da- shrsApl-Mer.S.&E kota; Mrs. L. Elsey, Des Moines, U. Webb, Pontypool, R. R. 3, Ont. ~S. A., and one brother, Wm. Glas- HOUSE TO RENT-ALL CONVEN- pelI, Prescott, Wasb., survive. She iences, central location, immediate was predeceased by four sisiers and possession. Sheppard and Gill Ltd., oyne brother. Bowma.nville. 29-t. of FOR RENT-CO'ITAGE AT LAKE )h (east side) for remainder o! seas- in on. Phone 159, Mrs. A. Bing- d 11 ham, Bowmatw'ille. 28-tf ed U PASTURE AVAILABLE FOR A- Ie bout 10 caille, Con. 5.Loi 10, Dar- lie lington. Apply George James. R. in !1"C"IfI Ri, Hampton. 30-1. in SUGGESTJIONS~L TO RENT-QUEEN STREET, FOR- ies merly occupied by Mr. L. W. Dip- )m pell, al conveiences. Apply J. J. t- Mason & Son, Bow ianville. 21-tf SEVIGTRY FOR RENT - SUMMER COT- New Assortrnent - Very Or- tg tWlinsPit aeSu o! Ijmetl Ueu and Durable. i gog, for montb o! July. A. W. of Something Differelt-$ 1.00 UP Pickard, Bowmanville, Phone 185. es- 26-if mr GAMES HOUSE TO RENT- IN BOWMAN- or, The old favorites and many ville, '7 rooms wiih modeiri Con- :e new oUeS. Laripino, Volando, veniences, nice lot with fruit trees, ich "Tell Me" and many others. good location, immediate poas- In e-s;(on. W. F. Ward. Barrister. lieGLASS & CHINA Phone 102. 30-e.o.W. tnd k- In Separate Pieces aund Sets -.erna &-1 LENDING IBRARY PrIna tes New Fiction - 3cper day chl LANGLEY'S DRY CLEANING , MADAM NEVADA PALMIST, WILL ic be ai the Bowman~f House, Bow- aIl We Are Agents manville. Friday, July 27tb f romi )ck, Leave Your Orders Here. 3 10 10 p.m. 30-1w'. m. ________ in ý Je W. Jewell Notice in, BOOKS & STATION ERY TAKE NOTICE-IF CAR. LEFT IN ad PAINTS & WALLPAPE-R Percy's Garage la not called f or adCHINA & GLASS Fv, by Augusi lst, 1934. same will be ers, "Big 20" Bowmnalnl sold to pay for storage. Wes Per- orn. il_____________e___ y, Bawmiaiville. 30-1'. CHR.E Salvation Army: il a.m.-Holinessl Meeting; 2.30pi.-Stinday School;1 7 p. m.-Salvation meeting. Adi.' F . Bower. Ail are welcome. 11 Sunday, July 29th, Mass ai 10.30 a.m, D. S. T ST. ANDRFW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Sunday Services ai il a. m. and 7 p. m.; Sunday Scbool 12.15 p. m. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHUROR Rev. C.' R. Spencer, M. A., Rector Mrs. J. A. Gunfi, Organist Sundoy, Juiy 29th, 9ib Sunday a! ter Trinity; 8 a.m.-Hol0Y Com- munion; 10.30 amx.-Sunday Sehool; il a.m.-Morr'ing Prayer; 7 p.r.- Evening Prayer. UNION SERVICES During the monih o! July union services o! Trinity and St. Paul's United Churches will be held in St. Paul's Church. Sunday, July 29th. 1l am.-Rev . A. S. Kerr M. A., will preach "The Secret o! Renew- al." 7 p. - Rev. J. H. Osterbout B.D., Orono, will preach. A cordial welcome to, ail. RATES FOR Classified The Best is What YOD Want When making pickles you get best resuits by usbmg pure full, flavored spices. Our spices are gathered at proper times, cured under ideal conditions and stored in the most approved zaone. Thus you are assured of a full rich flavour, and our prices are right. Whole Cloves .. ... 5c. oz. Tumeric 5c. o«., 4 oz., 15c. lVhole AUispice . .. 5c. oz, Celery Seed ....... 2 oz. 15c. Cassia Buds.. .. 5c. oz. Crytal Alum ý... 2 oz. 5c. Ginger Root . . 5c. oz. Stick Cinnamon . 5c. oz. Mixed Whole Spice ..5c. oz. Sealing Wax. 15c. pkg. Kerslake's Picklo Mixture la Most Easy To Use. Kerslalke'S Drug Store Truss Fitting and Optical Work Phone 49 P. R. Cowling, Phni.B. Wo Deliver A Smart Collection of Slumnier Dresses at Midsummer Clearance Prices Dresses Smart in Their Styles and Colorings. A Charming Group of Rot Weather Dresses and Suits Sharply Reduced to Make Way for New Stock. SIZES UP TO 44. SPECIAL FROM 89e UP. Alterations Free 0f Charge. The EVlyn LADIES'^So Phono 594 King Street Bowma il[le- Apple Growers' Field Days Thursday, Aug. 2nd & Friday, Aug. 3rd. Sponsorod by The Northumberland and Durham Apple Growers' Assoc. Tour of Orchards in the Morning and Afternoon PICNIC LUNCH EACH DAY (Bring your basket) Hot Drinks and Cups Furnished to Alil Special Speakers-Prof. D. Kimball, Prof. L. Caesar, Mr. P. W. Hodgetts, and Andrew Fulton. NORTHUBERLAND FIELD DAY, AUG. 2nd 9.00 a.m. ( Standard Timo) Orchard Tour Commencing at Mr. Frank Hondricks 2',., miles west of Trenton. Picnlc Lunch at Melody lià, i1% miles east of Brighton. tDn'RHA½MilesELD f Prt opeAPinicLunh Community Hall Basemont, Newcastle. IN CASE 0F RAIN FULL DAY'S PROGRAMME IN LUNCHEON BUILDING. Everybody IVelcoine - Everybody Corne Growers' Asoc. Madam Nevada, PaimIst will be at the Bowinan House. Bowmanviile, on F'riday, July 27th from 3 to 10 pin. Meeting o! particular interest to ail Protestants will be held in St. John's Parish Hall on Trueqday, SJuIy 31 at 8 p.m. )Ieqaville WomenIs Institute w id July meeting in the forin o! a picnic on Priday, July 27th at the Creain o! Bar y Camp. Garion's bus will leave 1 ~ t elffol at 2.55 pin. Ail meniberS>Ùry te lbe present. E. A. Summers, Secretary Treasurer, N. & D. Apple Growers' Assoc. 1 m 1 r 1 1 1 Cent A Word CASH EACH INSERTION (Minimum Charge 25c) 25c extra if flot paid by Saturday !ollowîng the firsi insertion; also 10e extra wben replies are ad- dressed 10 The Statesman Office. Birth Notices, .. 50 cents Marriage Notices 50 cents Death Notices 50 cents in memoriam Notices 50 cents (lOc per line additional for poetry) - Cards of Thanks.. 50 cents LEGAL NOTICES 12ce per Une first insertion 8c per Une subsequent ina. COMING EVENTS 10c per UIne each insertion (minimum 50c per week) Music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M . etc. Pupis prepared for ail examinations. Private and ciaso lessons at moderato rates. BowmanvillO, Ont. 40-lyr In Your Own Town Wanted In Your Favorite Shop 1 -* à

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