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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1934, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THURSDAY, AUGt~T 2nd, 1934 «The Spotliglut on Sport» Bowmanville Snatches Spectacular 9-8 Victory From Port Hope in 9th Innings Score Five Rima in Final Frame to Overcome Big Handicap in Fast Ragged Game in Port Hope on Saturday (By Nelson Osborne) "And so," concluded the learned statesmnan, "history neyer epeats itself." "Baloncy" says we witli empliaSiS on the f irst syliable. Maybe some of you fans will ne- eaul third playoff game between the Bowmnanville - Orono - Newcastle aggregation and Bailieboro at Porti Hope two yeans ago, when the com-1 bines after trailing for most of the game and looking about as much1 like a baîl team as Fatty Arbuckle does Janet Gaynor. scored f ive i-uns in the iùnth inninga and then held their opponents sconeless to win. Well, seven playens who played for the winners on that memorable day were still piaying for Bowmanviiie then they once more scored f ive runs in the nintli innings te defeat Port Hope Ontarios 9-8 on1 the saine diamond on Saturday. For eight innings the locals acted like and were a beaten teamn. Iîn the field they made errons, ight to be exact, and the pitcher was always' in the hoic. At bat tley swung at Bnockenshires noundhouse like a hainmer on a hook. Frankly it was just one of those games in which no- body could do anything ight. f Meanwhile Port Hope piaying at fair brand of bal. used a few- lits1 well mixed with errons and walksf to lead 7--2 at the eighth. By riusc turne Port Hope f igured that the game was ready for delivery, post-t paid and acting accordingly they gotr careless and booted a couple, andc these atong with singles by Corden and Large scored twvo runs. But wlen Port Hope came riglit back in their haîf of the eighth te score one run on two hits and an error te iead 8-4 it made Bowmanvil's tivo nun plun!Je look ike a drowning man and the straw episode. But the ninth was another story. Bates piaying thiîd base for the day, singled, Cameron flied out to lef t and the lads began packing Up. AI Osborne hit to Hudson wlio fumbled and Al reached first on the error.t Packing activities ceased. Bert Col-% weli, who had been popping up to the infield ahl after-noon, came toE bat and popped anether, only this one came to reat in the gravel pit in iglt f ield for a home run scor- ing Bates and Osborne. Unpacking commences. Corden, always danger-c ous in the pinches, singled te right fer his fourth hit and when Large followcd %with another single un-E packing was completed and Brock- enshire was dernicked and Wakely moved on te the mound. But it was no use. Bowmanvilie was nDw *thec bail team and Port Hope the mnake-I PETERDORO'1 EXHII1TION The first major Exhi- bition of the season. Large prize ist. Horse AUge aces- Special feat- ures for Children. O orseshoe Pitching 20 Ch arn pionship for C entrai Ontario; and the finest Junior Far-a to mers: Show ini thel1 En tries close Aug. Il. l 25 Write for prize ist. i 25 ~COME TO THEt ELECTRIC CITY i THIS VEAR. believes. Moore singled to, score Cor- den wit4 the tying winning run. Eleven men went to bat for the win- ners in this innings and six hits. one walk and an e: ror were respon- sibie for the runs. Right now Bowmanville has one of the best. if flot the best team, in the league and if a few of the tem- permental players wîi forget them- selves and realize they are not too good to sit on the bench, the team will really go places in the approach- ing playoff s. Time and again this season there hasnt been a man on the bench. If the pitchen had an off day it was just too, bad because there was ne one to relieve him. And then when a regular had te work, the manager was forced to go out and beg somebody to take his place in- stead of knowing that there would be four or f ive players in uni.form, at the gaine cagen for the chance te play. It sure is a f unny world!' Those who would give their shirt to play can't, adtoeho can play won't. Bowmanville Football Club Fined by League Executive As a result of the fracas in the Bowmanville-Courtice football game here recentiy, when McKniglit is aliegcd to have kirked a Courtice. player when the latter was on the ground, McKnight has been sus- pended for three gaines by the lea- gue executive at a special meeting. In addition Bow;ýmanville Club is fincd $15.00 for failing te, have its tcam members registercd by June lSth. Several other clubs were also flined on the same basis of 50c a day and for the same reason. As regards the McKnight affair there seenis to bc somne disagree- ment. Jenkins of Oshawa, refere of the gaie. stated that he did not Sec Mcknight kick the Courtice player. and therefore did nct award a penalty. He also stated that Muir, who was the complainant player. had been warned thrce times dur- ing the game for rough play. and lie would have put him off. but for -aining the ill will of the Courtice tcam. BowýmanvîlIle Club i.s leading the league and refusal te pay the fine wvould mean its suspen-jon from the league this year. Tis would gîve thc other teams an opportun ityý of winning the trophy. In any event it secms unfair that the icague cx- ecutive would flot acccpt the state-l ment of the referce who handlcdi the game. Jenkins did not sech alleged kicking. and if lie v,-as fol- lus ing the game at aIl closcly he could not have mised it. In any event, wliether the kick- ing happened or not, it is te be hop- cd7 that this illwill will flot be car- ried into the finals, which have been featured on many occasions witli a type of football that is no credit to the league here in WestI Durham. Witli the fine type of men on the lineups of the various teams it's a shame te man the game and the reputation of the players by horse-piay t.actics. Over enthusias- tic rooters on the side uines might be more discreet in their words and actions duning the games. Bowmanville Ties With Port Perry in Exhibition Game at Nestleton Monday In an exhibition hard baîl game at Nestleton on Monday night, Bow- manville Intermediates played te a 3-3 draw with Port Perry. Port Perry led the way through most of the 8 innîngs game but a two run raliy in the 7tli brought the game to a cimze in a tic. The game was played in connect- ion wvith the Nestieton Presbytenian Church Anniversary and served as an encouragement to the youth of the commun.ity who are 'keenly in- terested in baseball. Bowmanville's teami consisted of: Bowman, P; Bates, C; Corden, lb; ColweIl 2b, H. Osborne 3b; Os- borne. ss; Luxton, If; Large, cf; Bag- neil, rf. Port Perry: Clarke, p: Philp, c; O. Beare, lb; S. Beare, 2b; C. McGill. 3b; Wiliams. ss; Gerron, If; Gibson, cf; G. McGiil, rf. Umpires: Lansing and Kenning. SPORT NEWS In another column, Nelson Os- borne with enthusiastic ability tells sorne of the boys just where th-ey gel off, and having foliowed the teami around considerably this year, find ourselves in entire agreement. When some of the players realize that the team cornes f irst, before personal ambitions, the sooner Bow- manville will produce a basebaîl team of real menit. And ilt might be added as long as the team Jacks the support that it does, the longer it will be getting into, its rightful stride. There are far tco many tight- wads hanging over the east fence and running away with every new bail that goes over, ratlier than pay- ing their legitimate entry into the game. Perhaps the time wUll corne when we'll have a closed park, where one will have to pay the shot to see the f un. **** A seven run innings in the 8th, cinched an easy 13-8 victory for Jim Bon-man's High School Students when they engaged Peterllono Schol- ans in a smart exhibitiob engage- ment here on Friday night. Lead- ing most of the way Bowmanville nearly let the Petes away when the latter crcpt Up to tie the score at six ail in the 7th innings. Two runs in the f irst of the eight gave the Ltftlock City boys a neat advantage which the locais stole away in a spectaculan seven run innings which included a snappy home runIl over the east f ence by Bill Bagnel. Dave Osborne pitchecl for the locais, while Boyd Siemon, f resh f rom, a month at Kilcoo Camp piayed at the night outfield Ncxt Monclay is the day of the Big B3awling Spree on the locali greens. Capt. Meath lias rounded up the smartest rinks in Central Ont ario to compete for the hand- some GDcdyear Tîophy. A Port Hope rink iast year emerged from 27 entries the winners of perhaps the finest piece of bDwl'ng silver- ware in Ontario. If you've nothing better to do on Civic Holiday cail around and see the games. There's more kick to it than most of the younger f olks think. Ask Bob Kent, he is the clubs. baby member, but no mean bowler just the sanie. Students - Goodyear Tie Iii a game featured by two dozen strikeouts, fairiy evenly divided be- tween Allan Osborne and Boyd Sie- mnon, Goodyear and Hligh School played to a 2-ail tic on Tuesday night. Goodyear opened the scor- ing in the firat with the schoiars tying it up in the third. Goodyear led away again in the last of the third. but High School came back to tle it again the sixth. Boyd Sle- mon had 11 strikeouts, and Osborne 13. Fred Jackman and P. CancilIa handled the gaie. The Junior Team There seems to be considerable misunderstanding with regard to the Junior Teamn which wiil enter the Lakeshore Junior playoff s next week. The teamn will be known as the Orono Juniors, although it willi be composed of miostly Bow.,manvilie players. The reason for this is that iii the spring Bow,ýmanviile f ailed to enter a teami when it was approach- ed. A meeting of the Business Men turned down the oppartunity of running the two teams, and the matter was lef t in abeyance until Orme Gamsby came on the scene. Orme is a great admirer of our High School team and considered it in it-self a splendid junior team. Rather than have the locals miss an opportunity of playing Junior ba.sebaîl this year, Orme made ap- plication to the O.B.A.A. for per- mission to enter a team in the Jun- ior playdowns. Permission was granted under the naine of Orono. but the majority of players wiil of course corne f romi the High School team. Those students wlio have al- ready played Intermediate bail this ummer will not be eligible to play Junior basebali. MANY RINKS TO COMPETE HERE MONDAY The Goodyear Trophy One of the finest trophi,2s in On- Holiday Tournamnent. it ta expccted; tarie Lawn Bowling- circies is the that about thirty rinks wil conipete Goodyear Trophy pictured above. hir this handsomne silver cup. On Monday, at the Cîi îc O utch Osborne hOB.A.A. into a reasonable gov- fo Trn nbdy oy te wI eoable iulcsancorn nyt effect Tesonber S uspended for thestotcng. lunct-Theg and dîn th pesten g lneJ, n yn R estt orA.A eSeatvesone Restof S ason way te a nes- and cnlightcned board cf directors. the sooner Canadian sport will return to the traditionLs Bowmanville is penalizcd te the of 'Playing the Game." and the in- extent of te-o games. and the ioss ýcreasing smattering of questionabie of Harry <Dutchi Osbornes ser- Amrian t n s ivilb oee e 'ices for the rest of the season as aj result of the Lakeshoro League Ex-i ecutive's decision regarding the Poît Hope protest on Tuesday nigît. Osborne. who played in the Ota'a I Valley League, which happens te be outside the junisdiction of the higli and mighty O.B.A.A. meguls, re- turned te his home town. snd ag- ainst thc rules of the O.B.A.A. play- cd for the town te whicl le caime as a littie tacker in short pants. wherc le was educated, learnedtepa bail, and where le las livedfoth greater portion of lis if e. It's ag- ainst the rules, we know, but ruies like this cry out te high leaven for amendment and common sense. And so BorNmanville's victonies over Newcastle and Port Hope, in whicl Dutch played a part, arc turned te basses, and Cobourgan Port Hope cinel firat and second places in thc league. But witl al the kicking, tliey cant keep the bo- cals eut of the playoffs, and the fans lere will pull al thc harder for playoff success. Whilc we agree that the Lake- shore League executive could do lit- tIc different f rom wlat tley did, under the circumistances, we again take our stand against the childisl practices cnforced by a se-called en- iightened sporting executive as thc O.B.A.A. This is an example which illustrates just how one of the best players in the league can be barned f rom taking part in sport because of an obsoiete rule that should have been sc-rqpped years ago. It might have been a differenti tliing lad Osborne's home net been here. It migît have been a differ- cnt thing too lad Bowmanville bast the two games tley have now botli won and lest. Wc would suggest tei the Lakeshore League executive, that if iin future any team in the league wants te protest thce igibil- ity 0f any player, that the protest must be made before the game. AI ruling of that kind would certainiy icave a better taste in thc moutî. Ag it now stands it smacks of thec unsavour of the sour grapes steryl in Aesops Fables. because wc test we'll protcst, but wlen wc win it doesn't matter. The time wili probably come wvhen executives witî common sense andt without prejudice wili reorganize r SCOITS SCRAPBOOK-- By R.J inoved from Canadian sporting life. IWatch Our Windows FOR BETTER DOWMANVILLE DAYS SPECIALS FRIDAY and SATURDAY BOWMANVILLE BAKERY C. W. JACOBS - PRIOPRIETOR Phone 97 Bowmanville Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN Friday and Saturday - August 3rd and 4th Above The Clouds Daredevils of the Camera - Laughing at Death for Love "CLANCY 0F THE MOUNTED" and Comedy Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Monday and Tuesday - August 6th and 7th JOAN CRAWFORD in Sadie McKee iith Franchot Tone. Fox News - - Comedy M1atinee Civie Holiday at 2.30 p. m. Wednesday and Thursday - August 8th and 9th CLARK GABLE, MYRNA LOY and WILLIAM POWELL in Manhattan Melodrmama Comedy and Cartoon. Matinee Wednesday at 2.30 p. m. The best value in town. Pif ty-two Read the news. Read the editon- issues of your own newspaper for isis. and don't forget te nead the $2.00 per year.1 advts--ciassified and display. FAIR GRAND S PARADE Wednesday, AuR. Bth Parade will start sharp at 7 p. m. D.S.T. from Public Sckool Grounds March Down Silver St. to King to Ontario to Church to Temper- ance to Rotary Park on Queen St. HERE IS LIST 0F CLASSES Start now to take part in this Big Parade. Tell the children about it. Lots of f un and good prizes. Best Float to represent firm's products or goods ........... $5 Best Farmers' Novelty Float or Group.............. $3, $2, $1 Best Jazz Band, not less than 6 pieces.............. $3, $2, $1 Best Representation of any comic strip personality....... $2, $1 Best Comic Float ................................ $3, $2 Beat Decorated Car................................ $3, $2 Best Delivery Truck or Wagon....................... $3, $2 Oldest Auto, under its own power .................... $3, $2 Best Clown, maie or f emale......................... $2, $1 EVENTS FOR THE CHILDREN *Boys' Best Decorated Bicycle .................. $1, 50c, 25c *Best Costumed Boy or Girl on Pony.............. $1, 5Oc, 25c *Best Turnout of Boys' Pets.................... $1, 5Oc, 25c *Girls' Best Decorated Doîl and Carniage.......... $1, 50c, 25c Each child in the Parade wiIl receive a Free Ice Cream Cone when they arrive at the grounds. I Entnies must be made by 5 p.m. day of Fair with Chairman of Parade Committee - Geo. W. James, T. Wes. Cawker, Frank Williams. JIn case of Rain Parade will beheld ThursdayNight ROTARY ,1~ DEMAND SEIRERLINGS For SAFETY For to-day's high speed travel - to meet the de- mands of tire users for greatest safety - and mileage economny, Sel- . berling has huâit for 1934 a complete Une of tires which are going to make a record on the market in performance Dont risk 3our life on old tires. Tt isn't worth the chance. Let us in- spet your tires to-day. Rtepairs to aU make-s of cars. Speclal prices on oit. SEIBERLING -Special Service TIRES C. A. Bartlett KING STREET EAST BOWMANVILLE TEIURSDAY, AUGUST 2ncl, 1934 PAGE TEN Il- - .. 1

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