m f~' THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR.SDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1934 PAGE FJLEVEN Toronto Optometrists 2143 DANFORTH- AVENUE Phone Graver 7078 G. M. BOSNELL, PORT HOPE Wednesday- 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Opposite John Street Phone 248 or 525J G. E. GARNETT, COBOURG Saturday - 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. over A. & P. Store What School ? Decisions are always In order. Our catalog miay help you. We send it on request. We train for Business Pos- tions and help to place aur Gradu- ates. Enter any time. No forced vacations. Write to Shaw Business Schools Oept. K-3- Bay & Charles Sts. Toronto. POUR milk or creain on a bowlful of Kellogg's Rice Krispies. Thon listen as they snap and crackle theïr story of deliciaus crispness. You've nover tasted any- thing so good. Serve for breakfast or lunch. An ideal food for cbjîdren. Light and easy to digest. Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Listn IT'S YOUR MER VE LRelief cornes soon Br.CHASE'S SOURED ON THE WORLD?-THAT'S LIVER Wake up your Liver Bile -No Calomel necessary Many peple wlîo ed sur. slggih ..d eoerally retýe' .iuke the ,utke uftaking Zita, oi. uîuîveriud aster, lam"ittîve candy or ,ohewiog gu. orj ro..ghagewjc only niove th. bowlsud iuuur tg. ivr. What you riteein to wake up yotr liver bile. tSurt vuur lu ver pouru.ug tiie iaily two poundâ of lquud ble i ooi u3or buwel. Cet your etoniarlu and lintentes workig as they âhoulul, oncre more. Carerm Litle Lu> er 1'uî is llru nfix you Up i'urely vegeu,,lle S;fe. Sure. Quick. Akfor theni byin ,,e. Refuse aubtituts. 25. et . Il dugg, . s51 Do't Read This Unlea you are snterested ini a medicine which bas belped over 700,000 women and girls. Take it before and afer childbirtb, at the Change or whenever you are nervous and rundown. 98 out of 100 ssy, "It helps me!" LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S VEGETADME COMPOUND A WILSON'S REALLY KILL One pad kili. files ail day and evex-y day for 2 or 3 weeks. 3 padis in ech paeket. No spraying, no stlcklncss, no bad odor. Ask your Druggist, Grocery or General Store, 10 CENTS PER PACKET WHY PAY MOI.E? THEi WILSON PLY PAO CO .HmIlto. Ont. News for the Busy Farmer Value of Cooling M.ilk It as a simple matter to cont-rol bacterial growth in milk. At 40 de- grees F. there is practicaily no change in the number of bacteria at the end of 24 hours; at 50 degrees the number mncreases four f oid and at 60 deg-rees neariy a hundred times as many as at the start. Milk should be cooled as promptly as possible. .Freshiy drawn malk contains a sub- stance known as lactenin wh.ich is able to, restrain bacteria for a cer- tain peraod. If the cooling is deiayed the effect soon passes off; by prompt coOling the lactenin effect may be extended even to 24 hours or longer. Pig Feedfing Methods Although there are several me- thods of preparing meal mixtures for feeding pigs, the following rules are recommended as saf e practices in producing hogs of the desix-ed type: (1) Grind all grain. Fine gxind.ing is recommended especiaiiy for young pigs. (2) Soak meal mix- ture between feeds: do flot use too much watex- but f eed as a fairly thick slop. (3) Hand feeding is the best method for securing hogs of a desirable type. (4) If necessary, a seif-feeder may be used after pigs have reached the growing stage of developinent. (5) Keep pails, trougbs and other feeding equipment clean. Mouldy or decaying matter will cause feedting troubles, and (6) Supply dlean drinking water. Fresh Water Important When ai classes of live stock do not have accea-s to fresh water, they suffer considex-abiy during the hot Iweather. The owner in turn suffers, ms the animais. deprived of the re- quired amount of water, do not put on flesh or produce milit as they otherwise might. A good water sup- ply is a necessity on every live stock far-m. and provision shouid be macle to make it availabie to the animais. Pasture for Pigs Pasture for pigs may undoubt- edly be made good use of on the average fax-m. This method of feed- ing, howevex-, has disadvantages, particularly wlth the active bacon hog. owing to the oppoxtunity for exercise f rom the standpoint of f ast fmnishing and the liability of littie pigs to stunting through sunburn and the combined effects of sun- burn and dew. With plenty of skim milk or buttermilk, both the ex- perimental evidence and that of practicai feeders would indicate that growing bacon hogs may be fed for market more economically indoors or in well shaded pens, sup- plied with racks for green feed, pre- fex-ably in the fox-m of alfaifa or dlo- ver. Racks are essential to the pre- venton of waste. Weekly Crop Report Haying is nearing completion in Central, Western and Eastern sect- ions and about 50 per cent. coin- pleted in Northexrn Ontario. The crop as reported to average about 50 per cent. normal. The wheat harvest Is nearly completed in Southem- On- tario and weli underway in West- ern Ontario. Yields reported are from. 8 to 45 busheis per acre, with the higher figure being the excep- tion rather than the rule. In South Simcoe potatoes kire yielding as much as 120 bags per acre with prices offered of around 75c. In Dufferin, gx-owers are hold- ing for $1.00 per bag, but sales are x-epoxted considerably below that figure. Second crop alfaif a is being hax-vested in Lambton and is a vex-y Iight crop. R.aspberries have been r e- tailing there at 25c a box. Durham County reports the appie crop as likely to be oniy 20 pex- cenil normal. The quality of peas i, gw3 in Hastings, with the yield 11/2 to 2 tons per acre. In Frontenac, iambs are coming on the mar-ket in goýod numbers at $5.50 to $6.00 per head. The blueberry harvest is now under way in Temiskaming with the crop below average in quality. and prices are little above cost of harvesting and transportation. "STUDY TO BE QUIET" That there is a deep longing to- day for such peace of mind and tran- quillity as will enable individuals to face the tasks of each new day with confidence and trust, is apparent to aI thinking men and women. Yet in many instances this longing would appear to remain unfuifi.lled, per- haps for the reason that men in general have neither known the tx-ue source of tranquillity nor been ready to pay the price asked of tho6e who wouid enjoy it. To those who are earnestiy seek- ing for peace of mind, the command cf Paul to the Thessalonians rings down the centuries Vith startling c7arity and f reshness, "Study to be Quict." Tranquillity and peace of Women axlQ dlvided 'into two main ciasses-those who don't be- lieve ev.ryth.lng their husbands tell them and those who haven't any husbands. The Lure of the Lakes M usic, moonlight, glorlous lake breezes with six hun- dred miles o! sailing on the Canadian Pac'lfic's Great Lakes vessels S.S. Assinibola. Keewatin and Manitoba are at tise disposai of passengers on the company's * unes travelling from eastern to western Canadian points or as a pleasant diversion on the xeturn- lng journey for tise small added cost of ten dollars for bertis and meals cacis way. This delightful prospect fol- lows the announcement by thse OBITUARY Richard Wight, D1onside, Sask. Richard Wight, weli-knowisn res- ident of Doonside, Sask., pas5ed away on the afternoon of Juiy l8tis, after a week's illness. Mr. Wight. thse son of Mr-. and Mrs. Wm. Wighst, one of thse early pioneers of Canada, was box-n Sept. 15th,. 1852, andci lved i4 Dur-ham County on the f armn now owned and cperated by Mx-. Melbour-ne Wight. After his marriage lie farmed near St. Mary's until August 1927 when lie went west to live with bis son Wesiey at Dconsidký, Sesk. About two, months ago he went te spend thse summier with his son Elgin at whose homne he died recently. Thse remairis of the late Mr. Wighst wex-e brought to and interred in Waltioie Cemetery at Doonside. Sask Sux-vivlflg are two sons. Leslie of Doonside, Sask., Elgin, o! Suriigst. Sask.. a sister, Mrs. Annie Hoar of Toronto and a brother, Mx-. Alex Wight of Bowmanville. Ontario. Albert S. Touriee, Orono In oron-3 on Sunday, Juiy lSth, deatis claimed Albert S. Tourjee, a mucis esteerned resident. Deceased had been in f aiiing healtis fox- a year or more, but to3k his regular daily 1 waiks until a day or two before tise end came. He was in his 78th year. Albert, as a young man. was fox- years associated in the tinsm.ith business with thse late Lewis Tour- jee, and at thse latter's deatis, suc- ceeded hlm in thse business which latex- was sold. He then resided for somne yeax-s in Toronto, finaiiy corn- ing te Ox-ono where he had iived a retired life. Dux-ing his young manisood in 1 Orono ise was assoclated with the church as local preacher, an active worker in varions church organiz- 1 ations. choix- leader and Sunday1 scisool teacher. He was also, a prom- mnent tempex-ance advocate, and a pronounced chamion o! aIl moral issues. Albert received his education on old College Hill here. in thse class of his year few now are lef t. He was twice married. To his f lrst wife, Aggie Henry, daughter of the late William Henry, two daughters were born, Mis-ces Aima and Vida. Who, with one sister, Mrs. McPher- s.,mourn his loss. His second wl! e. Cather-ine Vinson, predeceased hlm severa! years. Funeral services at thse farnily re- sidence. Churcis St.. were held Tues- daY, 1'Tti. conducted by his pastox-. Rev. J. H. Ostex-hout. Interment took place at Orono Cemetery. Pail bearers wex-e: Howard Walsh, R. Sherwin. A. J. Knox, R. R. Wad- deil, James Dickson, and J. E. Ri- chards, Thse funeral was lax-gely attended by business mnen and citizens gen- eraliy. Among thse frlends f rom a distance wex-e Messr-s R. Hairi and H. Bolger of Sllks Ltd. o! Toroxto: Miss B. Gilîman, Mx-. and Mrs. Wal- lace Maas. Toronto, and Mr-. and Mx-s. J. B. Moat of Oakville Asthma Overcome. T'Me triumph over asthsma has assuredly corne. Dr. J. D. Keliogg's Astisma Remedy has px-oved tise Most Positive biess- ing the victim of asthmatlc attacks lias even kno, Letters recelved from thousands Who have tried it fox-m a testinional whlch leaves no room, fox- doubt that here is a real remedY. G'et it today from Your deal- er. SA ickl ippm à te Liverand Kidny èreie EUd bv Y ' Canadian Pacifie that four-piece orchestras wlll, for a period of aine weeks, dispense mxusic on thse Assiniboia and Keewatin en route whlle the vessels pass ibrougis Georgian Bay, acrosa tise northern part of Lake Hu- ron, tisrough the Sault Ste. Marie locks and thence to Foxt William on Laike Superior, a pleasant, lazy a.nd rest!ul. journey o! 39 hours froin Port McNicoll or Owen Sound. To ail those whci are planning a trip to or !rom tise west, this economical optional trip em- bracing dancing, cozy cabins. pienty of decit space and luxuri- ously-appointed dlning saloons; with glimpses of ever-cisanging scenery or bracing stretches o! blue watex-, la one that cannot be overlooked. It Is at tise dis- posai o! every vacationlst and tisis season promises to be in- mensely popular flot only with Canadians but with visitons tq this country as well. 15 generaliy formai tise pool could WATER GARDENS be right in tise centre. The shape -- o! thse pool must be decided accord- By W. E. Groves, Bownianville ing to tise surroundings But whetiser Whilst it is easily possible te grow fox-mal tise size should be propox-t- water liles in a bax-rel of water, it ionate to tise garden area, or at loast it is wise for tise sake o! permanence to tise particular part of tise garden to start right and make a pool of where it is. te be constructod spncrete. It is rather' too, late to get The actual construction is not dif- inuci f rom lily plants this season ficult. Thore is some differenceofo unless tliey are already on tsex opinion as te whetiser the sides way in growtis. But it is not tco late should be square, or curved like a te inake tise pool and have it in saucer. Tise latter shape takes less good shape for next year and if the matorial te const.ruct thougis it is more hardy lily plants are avail- not qulte so convenient for placing able tisey may even now be started tise tubs contalning tise lily plants. so as to, make some growth before Twonty-two to twenty-four incises winte-. Tise making of the pool how- deep is correct and if the eux-yod ever is our concex-n just now arrangement is adopted this deptis The location is a natter for in- at tise centre should be providod. :lividual selection There is no stan- We do not propose to describe con- dard o! gax-den plannmng whicis de- struction at length. A mixture made cides tisat a pool should be in any o! one part cemont, two parts sand, one particular part o! tise area If and tliree parts gravel Is usually possible however it sliould fit in found te be satisfctory. For sinail or somewhere. Fox- instance if there is medium size pools tise concrete a xockery, a pool rather close te tise should be three incises thicit. Unloss foot o! it is quite in order. It need waste water can bo oaslly disposed not connect but could be so planned of tisere is no need for mucis plumb- that it wrould appear to be almost lng. Thse pool could be fillod with natux-ally a continuation o! the rock tise gardon hose and emptied by sy- garden. If running water is avalable phonling. and it 15 so desired tise pool could It is bost te grow tise lily plants connect wlth tise rockery and pro- in amaîl tubs, these to be placed in vision made for tise water te trickle the pool. Soul made up o! tisroo parts down over tise stenes right to te good boan and one part well decayed pool. In this case some arrangement manure is suitable. Thore are a for carring away tise overflow would Inumber o! varieties f rom wliicis to have te be madle. Some spot ln tise!select. An assortinent o! two or gardien near a shrubbery mates a'three different colors; istise most sice pool situation. Or if tise garden attractive. Best By Every Test/ Si LAWRENCE CORN STARCH Product of the St. L#wrence Sterch Co. Limited, port Credit Ont. The Helping Hand of SOUND INSURANCE For any modern and thrlfty family the services of a good insurance agent provhles the one reliable as- sistance in the managing of ordinary and extra- ordmnary financiliafairs. Learu more about the many ways Insurance can be of help and how souni insurance means sounder living for you. WeIU be mncre than glad to, explain thse mauy features of ail branches of dependable insurance. J. J. M«ASON & SON Phone 50 Insurance Agents Bownsanville Glen Rae Dahry PHONE 408J R. R. STEVENS & SON, ProprIetoem Worms sap tise strength aâd un- POLMTCAL TALK dermine thse vltality of i Mdre,,i. Hostess: "I've heard a lot about Strengthen theni by uslng Motsex you."1 Graves' Worm Extermlnatoir to Politician: "Possibly, but you drive out the parasites. can't prove it."1 0 **Of FUN Alhough prîmarily and.ba.sura,,y an industria. cultural and agraLulcura Exhibition, the "Show Window Of the Nations" is a rendezvous of merryniakers after sundown. I The colossal pageant, with a cast or 1500 costumed actors dcpicting the evolut ion of our Dominion from te wilderness Cartier discovered until to-day, is an arresting array of brilli- f ance and colour, a vivid portrayal *p of the development Of chis great Dominion. The mern ile-long inidway of chrilis, o trange sights and wcird soundcs, is a fun-fair for Voung and old; and as a grand finale, glittering donies. cowers and fiagstatTs of the - Exhibition's mnagnificent display .'i',.* palaces pierce a multi-colored àky afire with brilliant illuminations andZu crashing, booming, sparkling pyro- technics. E-ducation, recreation and fun for everyone, that's your Exhibi- tion. This is the big year. olonal F. H. D*ano,.. Eiwod A. Huche.,. Pe.idaî Q.n.v.iM--««e 1 13 4- TO0WO0N T.O0 1*CEN 'ïAE *NlR$Y CANÂIANLE YUl BIllONTIURONTO NATIONA I~III.24-TO-SEPT. 8 Tk er e's A Wealth 0F \ Health In Our Pure ý%%)%jâ"f ]M 1L This surmmer make your famiIy a "il"famlly. Miake it a habit to serve both aduits and chlldrený wlth fresh Glen Rtae pasteurjzed germ-proof miik- the qulck, easy, appetlzlng way to sec that they get ail the proper vîtamins ionie, necessary to fore- stail summer complaints and hot weather slckness. Mllk, say scientists, la tthe only Item containing anl the vltasnlns necessary te human lile - but to get good, propes, nourishing mIJk sec that you get thse right dalry. pi e7ýLY PADS.'l' 0 IÇý, ý