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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1934, p. 12

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN,% BOWMANVILLE. THtTRSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1934 PAGE TWELVE .5 IThe Newcastle M~Iiss Duîiith iiyIikurdi irIIi eit fri I ber holiday at leax ertuif. his brother. 'Mr. %Vn. Henry. Miss 'Margaiet O' rend, Torotio. was guest of 'Mis's Betty Lake. Mgrs. Cumîberlanld, Torontot, is v.isit- lng lier daughter, Mrs. Geo' Farniiilh IIiwrit nt i ilru.e ( m Troin- to. have heen canmpinlg at C,tir'-s Point. Mrs. John Hall, Galt, lias been tsi t ing Mrt. J. A. Smithl and Mrs. IL. J. Tomts. Misses 1-elen ,înît BeSsip lb nter. Toironto,,visited thlei r aunt. Mrs ('tas Coul tert. Mrs. E. 1,.. Marjerrison. Sudbhury, bas been visiting hF'r ittîer, Mis. Roht. Gray. M.r, and Mrs. Herb. Babciick, Bliw- manx 11e. were Sunday guevsts îif Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Lake. Mrs. A. H. Fishier. fBelleville, isited her mother, Mrs. Geo. P. Riekard, andl attendeti the Rickard picnic. Mrs. Heasîit and children, Miss Clara Caswell, Toronto, visited ILîteir parents, Mr. and MNrs. Johtn Caswell. Major and Mrs. H. W. Dudley and Mr. and M.%rs. L. Dudley and childrefl xotored tri Kingstonî and Colln's Bay. Mrs. W. H. Cooke entertaiited at atternoon tea Friday in honor of her sister-in-law, Miss Elizabeth Citoke, of Pittshurg. Penn. Congratulations to Mr. and MIrs. J. L. Crydermnari on the irth of a little daughter in Bowmianville Hospital on, MondaY, July 3th. Mr, and Mis. Babs, Toronto, were guests of NMr. andi( Mrs. W. Neil with whoin Ilcit' neice, Miss May 'Marshall. Toronto, is hiolidaying. Tîhe crow<Is aitte lake Sîînday af- ternoon appreciated and enjoyed the splendid programi of music rendered by lDurhanm Reginiental lBand. Mr. Chas. Mtose, wireless operator, Bell Teleph<m0P Co., Toronto, and Mrs. Moise, spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. andi Mis. Beni. Moise. Mrs. Harold Toms and <aughters Frances and Kathleen, St. Lambert, Que., are visiting Mrs. Geo. P. Rick- ard and attended the Rickard familY plcnic. Mrs. Stella Anderson and Mrs. Me- Naînara. Toronto. have concludeil thei enjoyable holidays at Mr. Fred Wood's cottages. "Tuckahoe" and "ýWoodt holme" respectively. Mr. Merkley Clark went ta Toronto on Monday to undergo an operatiot at the Toronto General Hospital. Hi bas been incapacitated from an injury received over a year ago. Mrs. George Swaisland, Windsor daughter (if the late Mrs. Jua Met calte. and famtly. are summering ai Newcastle-ofl'the-Lake in one oif Mrs Geo. H. Carveth's cottages. The Dahlias, aIl in full bloom somewhiat in the lead oif Most other! in the village, are at present tIi chief attractioîn and glory of Mr. anc Mrs4. J. R. Fisher's garîlens, "Sunny side." If you're looking- for real value.s read the advts. this week. You ma3 be a winner of one of .the valuabi4 prizes. Corne to Bowmanvilli prepared to spend on Fridiay an( Saturday. Mrs. W. H. Anderson andl Mis Eleanor are visiting te former' ither. Mis. E. Barrett. Windsor. lie Lo4rne Thomas, acrornpantied hy Mi H-ubert Anderson who returned later xnotiired them up. Recent visitors Wfn h Mr. andI Mrý Nornman Allin were: Mrt- anîl Mrý Brecken, Burlingtiin; Mr. andI Mr> Bray and dlaughteî, 'Miss Ethel an, frienîl and Mr. anid Mrs. Lawrenc Courtice, Pickering. Newcast le Girls' sifthall teuninwîl an easy victorytîigainst Cioourg in tli c<unty's capital Friilay evening. an, on Monday ex ening onth le loca':l di; inonîl Newcast le boys' h arnI all i cal defeated thle Oshîawa itiiiiirs. M rs. lerr y tiaire ,,il ilrainat le rea iilf and entertaifler, acconipanie<l Ni. Honte antd Sch<uîl ('ltî's rast of '"L.oni Iy LitileLUsa liii'ti IINestlttin II MondIay whlen iii y h resen i eîltht' play in eiinne<t iîn wit i a ctitirili anti versary. Prize winners iii ui, tiins an wtimen's botwlinîg iiti ny <oni Jîly 15 were Mrs. Wnî. Jaiiiêsin, Mrs. (Dr. J. A. Butler, 'Miss tat twt Mastîn ai Mr. Batty. andl ln Jtîly 231 h, Mrs J. 1 Fisher. Miss Masimn, *%fir Bat ty ai Dr. Builer. Mr. an<l Mus. A. E. Melliiw undiowi vîsi ted dIown N'ainoc wav h li dayi r wl 1h t he ir paretts. M asté(r 'l a ' M(, 10w is mak ing a niiire' f'tendcd vis witl i ls granîlîaic-rits Mcoltiw aui Dean and hielîing ttfiîi xxilli te lia. lng and hlarxest. Mrs. (Rexv.) J. Sctt. sliwî i ters, one fivtnî Tornto anîl <tnp fri Pennsylvinia, art' f'ni(iyitii. a 'vis witht lier anîl revelli ng iiithi lit ti fiitil:u tjif l;t ttitonCn ic criî .Jtily v acatitti, arîivetl in N ca4île on " s yatt i ofît week antid t'e 'l tniti i tai ned ;a iîle t, araimage îy t ie LWt o)f lite W.A. panstînagé<ctuu Mesdames W. J. S. Ricl<arîl, W. ,~-' OBITUAkRY -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Ind pen entI ~ mis Ida Washington, Cobourg There pasacit to reat at Coboutîrg on it.1.. A. t bith ' \. 1).Cosike anti Monday, July 30, Miss iIa Wasl ni. J. W. Glenney. 1tîn. ageit 68tIyeara. Deceaseil a st. Ge,,i .,f Chut RxF. H. bora in I)arlington and was theftut M îsin, M.A.,i cetor sriday Augutît daughiter of te te Robert and Mar tit. 943 rn.SuniiyScîttol. 11 a.mi. Argue Washingtoni. The emains xx îl -Miirning lrayer. 7,t1.ui.-Eveîîsît)ng hrtiuglît here for-honnIalte service aînd scuttt taking pltace at F. F. Morrris Ct's ton- 1.iieltiîretî Rex*. Santuel Mac- cmra htel on Wetlnesday. August 1. BIRTHS uiB a .lstoir, xill îîreiîch. Sun- Rex'. W.- A. Bonnet' conilucted the j- tlay, Augutst ,jtli. 10.45 t.n.-.Sun(lay serxvire inthîe lresence o! a tew relu- seititi. 11.30 a.tit.-MtNu(Iititg woIshihî. rixes antI itîr friends. Floiral tributes ALLIN-In Bawmaniule Hospital, S u)ni.-Eening sertire. in îuernory of deceascd were receiveti on Saturday, July 2lst, 1934. 10 nr. Arthtutr N. Hoyek. Osawxa a, sfrnt.n lier sisters. antd lter niece. Mia. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Allin, a daugh- xacattonii<g xitlî lus xife andl faiily R. G. Dickinson, Los Angeles, Cal., 1tr at Ni. Freil Wood's cottage, "Tuck- wlîo were unahle t0 he preseal. MARTYN-In Bowmanville Hospital, '<1<e" antINlc. anti Mrs. WV. C. àMcKee Surx iving are four sisters, Mrs. on Saturday, July 21st. 1934, to anti family, Gaît, are holidayittg in Nt. Jttsephine Mfouoît.y, Torointo, Miss L. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn L. Martyn, Wood's cottage "oo1ome"I. Wahingtotn, Bethttty. Mrs. Ettié, a son1. On Fritîay exeiting. Atgost 73rt, au Parrett. Seattle, Washington,. anti 'IFHOMPSON-At Ross Memonial 9 t'clîîrk, Rcv. Saititel MacLean xxill Mrs. Etîtel Hentîn, Wentchee. W'ashi- Hospital, Lindsay, on June 22nd. he inîiorted as rîîiîîiter ofthile New- ingttin. Three sisters anti a brother 10 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson, castîe pasttoral charge. 1ev. Tliis. predeceaseil ber. The ittternient tttîk Nesleton. a son. (Stillbrn). W~allace, Nextinville, vill pîcaide and place in tite tmLyputa o-nn-. intîuct, Rev. Jas. Eîfuuntt Scogog, wilI villte Cenetery. MARRIAGES ctînduct public xx'îrsltil and preacît______________________ anti Rev. Geit. Mason, Bowntanx ille, Mrs. Annie Evans Hartney, Toronto TODD-WILLIAMS - On Wednes- wiII ailtres lIhe ininialer andllte con- gregatiait. day, July 25th, by Rev. F. W. Deatit suddenly entened tlhe honte o! Newell at the Parsonage, Hastings, An enjoyable fanîiily gatheriitg was (ne of iur sunimer residents early Iniez Anita, eldest daughter o! Mrs. lield aithtîe beach lat week-end wlien Saturday and claimed the lite <f Mca. Williams and the late Richard Mrs. Geri. Eilbeck, lier atn, i-. W. J- Annie Evans Hartney. of Biscarth Rd., Williams, Nesîleton, and Freder- anti Mrs. Eilbeck anti Jack, lien uaugli- Toronto,. wbo was enjoying a huliday îck William Todd. son of Mr. and ter, MIrs. Ita Sliitson anti Misa Frances wtîlc'duîtr Mrs. Wallace, Ms ila od lre Stinson, aIl of Toroto, antI nîtx'suint- wiilow ofthtîe late Captain Jantes W'aI- CRUHR UHS-O neing aithrIe lake, anti lier lultcs lace, of W'ctdhidge, and a vetetan of 1des.y July 251h, 1934, at Mrs. Bradftord Kay, 'Mns. (Di.) Hoiff- tîe Great WVai. Mns. Hartney suc WedsnUntd hrcOta ne n Ms. R. Turner. andi Mn. cumbeti to a heurt attack. The sorroxç Margre tîed yougr dOtaghte :Turner, of New Ytork City, îicnickeîl mb w-liclî Mrs. Wallace waa ai)oun- of Rgae lcyges, M.A B. D ai tîte Eiîbcck Westsitie Retreai. expectedly pîunged stirned the syni- f ev J. S. HugeMA.BD, "Pioncer Cottage." ahe of th te une ei fRusseil, Onitatri. and the late pattie oftheotîen omncr esi Mrs. Hughes. ta Wilfrid Dawson, i Paying their final league game (lents. many of wbîîm attended the son o! Mr. and Mns. W. H- Car- ato the season at Cobourg. Friday ev- funeral services in St. George's ruthers o! Bowmianville ening, Cobourg girls bast ta New- Chorcît, cttnducted hby Rev. F. H. -castle by a score of 11-2. A series a! Mason on July 31st, and later' ttllow- - ernors on the part of Cobourg in the cd tîte crrtege ta St. George's Cente- DEATHS 1second innings danated seven ruils tery xxlere intennient w'as ntadle. Tlt ý lu thie visitors Ruby Shaw, the star choir, witb Mrs. Alfredt Farncoit, at 1pitcher for Newcastle, whose hurI- tte oriçan, ledi la tie cîtoral service LOCKHAR.T-At Port Hope Hospit- 1ing is on a par with city league pit- Tîhe tearers were D. J Gihsiîn How al. on Monday, July 30th. 1394. Sching. accounted for 12 stikeouts anti Gibson, Reeve J. H. Gibson and Roger Bates Lockharl. and Cobourg had difficulty in hitting Il.R. Pearce and two tniends of the ANNIS-At his residence, Scarboro, Shroffeings safely when they did W&allace tamiîy tnnun outsitte points. William David Annis. belaved bus- s cond, trNeewcnsthesforthd n e Mrs. Hartney'a late hoshanri wafor ban d of Elizabeth Har'ding, in his i-scnd threixth thCoour' ond nemany years Agent Genenaltfor lte 67th year. Interment Washington ithesxh oor' nyr Province of Manitoba and fountîed lte Cemietery. ycame in the f ifth and sixth. Austin town o! Hartney. Ma., which wa TRAVELLE-If Oshawa, on Sunday, >and Riley doing the sconing. nantetl aften hini. Among tîte telatives1 Juîy 29th. 1934, Dinah Branton, M Nembers of the associationt, visittîrs at tîhe funeral were Mrs. Hantney s widow o! the late Ira A. Trav' SantI neighhors of Mn. and Mrs. Cooke brother, Mn. Hantney anti two chihdren. elle. aged 80 years. Sister of Mrs. 1broughtl the attentiance a lite LUnited Mns. Hantney and sisten troni Longi W. W. Short, Bowmnafville. Chuncit W.A. ut Mrs. Howardl Cooke'sllaî.NY ATN1,ni vasC-lbr 0on Thursday atternoon. JuIy l9thu. up anNYHATE - niEvsCuhet 1 tl ffty-two. Mrs. W. J. S. Rickartt. passed peacefully and a- ePresident, condocted lté meeting oni Roy Everett McManus, Newcastle way at Newcastle-by-the-Lake, lte witie verundah oveilooking te Saturday, July 28th, 1934, widow y' trim lawn and bordering flower beds.1 The homte of Mn. and Mrs. Wilson o! the late James HartneY. 13 .Fullowing te devotionul and husiness McManus w'as saddened Satunday Binscarth Rd.. Toronto, aged 78 t- criod te ladties of Airs. R. T. Rutth- when word came frotm Oshawa Hospi- years. Beloved mother o! Russell erford's grcîuîî uesented te following taI that thein little thnee and a haIt Hartney, Saskatoon,. Harold E. iententuinintg îrogramn: nea<ing by Mt'a. nîonth huhe. Roy Exerett. lîad paFseti New York, Mrs. L. E. Bliss, Port SP. Brown, votcal solots hy Mns. T. Frank uway. 1ev. Tîtus. W~allace, New'ton- Arthur, and Mrs. James H. Gý iBranton anti Miss Winnifretl Rickantl, ville, conductei the tomeraI service on Wallace, Toronto. 'S Mrs. E. C. Fishter, acrtnpanist; reati- Monday uftennotîn in tîte presence of ___________________ Singa hy Mrs. A. W. Gleîîney and Miss relatives. fienris anti neigihors antir IN M ORA le Hilda Rotwlandt. Tîte group leaders tieliveneti a conftrting nmessage. IN______MEMORIAM__________ A serveti etresltiientis on te back law'n Amiong thte relatives un uttendance yaway front tlîe itoise aniti tust of thte was te hahes grandftllen, Mir. P REYNOLDS- In tond and loving itigltway anud wicre aIl xx-s Ioxely antI Ciller. Newtonville. Tîte heaurr memlory a! a dean husband and SI serene. weue Reggie anti Roige'iMeatiows, Jolit fathen, Samuel H. Reynolds, who n( .hi.i.Gra. Th9' iti tle. nassed away three years ago, July ey le ld fil r,- is. s 'fo ut Io' litl l- 'ie y . CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Wilson McMan.LS and family, Newcastle, wisb 10 l.hank thdir neighbor's and relativesl'or their kindness and for the beauti- fol flowers sent, on the deatit o! their infant son. botiy w-a laid tut rest in Biîwmuitx illel 'eîîteteîy betie lte gî'avea tif bis grantiparentiailie laie i'. andl Mus. Jutîta McManoa. Cannington Presbyterian and Un- ited Churches bave withdrawn their Sunday evening service for the pres- ent Loved un life remembered in death( Treasured in memnory as one o! the best. Sadly missed by wife and f amily. miss Helen Pritch-ard is visiting relatives at West Hill. "SEA CHANGE" Captaîn R. G. Latta (laft) andI Captain R. N. Stuart- Contre photo shows a portion of the hure crowd that &semie t Wolfe'* cove. Quebec, Saturday, June 30, ta wave farewllt the popular "JocW" Latta. Afamous Atlantic skipper sev- ered bis connecîltinw'itlte sea aI te complellîin f voyage 44 of te Canadian Pacifie flag- sitip, Empress of Brntain. Captaîn Robent Gilmtoun Latta. final Commodotre of Canadas tbig paictenger fleet, finastit nander of lte Empires lutest luxtirY liner, and tnlemd of Princes, Prime Minisicra, andt îtcus;an& otf otiter travellera frtrnu al parts of te worid, bas heca retired under the pension plan (f te('anadian t'a- cifie atter 30 years in passeogen &ervice between Canada and lte Old Country. E. W. Beatty K.(!., Prealutent of te ('antdian Pacifie, sakl in ana- nouiing lui4 retinentent: 'tuis de- partorefninsu the ana wiII ho a lauts that la baliinced only hy te gain wblcb xii act'rue1<> te land ln wlulcb be lakea Up bis resîdence. w1tlIe Il Is with regret titat lita trienda talte Comnpany say tarewetI tt Com- modore Latta, antItatis close association wltîîus oinîîîes tban end, ail, I arn sure, jou witb me in feictatlng him upon hein.- atili young onougi totaanticipale many ears0f uefuiservce t bisy comtu 0'tui ul srvie t At lte age of 62 Commodore Latta completes 38 years as a seainan. He slarled as an ap- prentice ln the salling sip "Ar- decraig" in 1896. and joined lte <'atatilai service elgitt years later as a Fourth it &tcer. He was ap- pointed 10 command in 1923, and itecame lte tîrst Captain of lte 42.500 ton E,'mpresa of Enitain ton ber malden voyage la May, 19M1. trtm whicb date te big limer bas notl known te hand of any ter comnmander ln te course of tra- velling 320,000 miles. y. c. ('aptalu I'romoted. Co-inciuient with te annouu- cernent of Captain I.atta's retire- ment was lte appointmeoîtî f Cap- tain R. N. Stuart, V.C.. D.S.O., U.S.N.C., R. D.. R.N.R., saste sec- ond <'ommantier of tlle big white limer, and t e cii omnmodorei of te (anatiian Pacifie tisel. ('aptain Stuart also conimemced bis associatiomn witb lte sea. in a saillng alulp, and his appointntenit at te age tof 47 as te Youngest Commodtore lithlie Merchant Ser- vice culnulnatwS 32 years o! sea a hait years in lte navy duning te war. His war service is well known, and as a commander of 'Myslery, Shlps'" and Destroyers ho wari awarded lte Victoria Cross, Dis- tlngulshed Service Order and Bar. and the Navy Cross 0f thte United Stales9. O! hlm Mnr Beatty said, "Captain Stuart'a record for bis Country le ane of te out- standing war atonies of lte seu, and bts record wltb the Comnpany ls equaily brîlliant. "('ommand of te Enîpresq of Britain wîtb ber itigit speed and almoat continuous service ceale for men of very bigit calibre. and I know ltaI in appoinling ('aptaîn Stuar ' 1o the Empresa of Brîlaîn, and narnlng hlm lte second Com- modore of te Canadian Pacifila fleet, wo bave chosen a wortby successor 10 Captaîn Latta." Thete ransfer of command took place aI Southampton July 7, when Caplain Stuart 100k aven his new commnand, and lte gental "Jock" Latta swallowed the~ ancitar. Bs t g d3 ýy ie WAntds WANTED- FURNISHED APART- ment. Two or thnee room a. Phone during the day, 325. 31-1.. I'WO FURNISHED SLEEPING rooms wanted. Newcastle Send panliculars, Box D, staiesman, Bow-manville. 31-1w. WANTED- DWELLING HOUSE ta rent, Newcas-tle or vicinity for small adult f amily, address, K. W. Edge, Box 6. Statesman. Bow- manville. 31-1w. HEMSTITCHING AND PICOT ED- ging. Orders taken for Pleating. Prices reasonable .Work guarante-j ed. Out o! tawn orders promptly attended 10. Mns. R. Hobbs, Li- berty Street, Bowrnanville. Phone 561. 30-tf. For Sale HAY FOR SALE - UNCUT, GOOD milk eow hay, in f ield, thick grass with millet; will seil cheap. D. McOoinachiie, phone 213, Baw- manville. 31- Live Stock For Sale FOR SALE-YORKSHIRE PIGS, 6 weeks old. Apply R. Clapp, Tyrone. 31-V*. FOR SALFE-ONE 00W RENEWED witb cal! by ber aide. W. E. Stev- ens. R. R. 6, Bowmianville. Phone -308-11. 31-1w*. FOR SALE-PAIR WHITE ANGO- ra Goats with harness, Colin Col- ville, R. R. 4, Bawmnanville. Phone 1-r-17 Orono. 31-V*. FOR SALE-TWO YOUNG COWS, Durham & Jersey Cross, about ta, renew. W. R. Robbins, Hampton or Phone 1648r3-2 Oshawa. 31-1w* Loat or Found LOST-ON AUGUST Ist ON NO. 2 Highway. between Toronto and ColUourg, a brown leather suit- case. Finder phone Randolph 5121 Toronto. 31-V* STRAYED-OT0OTHE PREM- ises, Lot 25, Con. 9, Darlington. yearly Bull. owner mnay hav ae by proving poet and paying expenses. W. W. Adams, Burketon. 3t*. Salvatian Army: il a.m.-Honesa, i. FOR SALE OR RENT-THE HOUSE recently occupied by Robt Hall on Concession St. bas been improved and a new heating plant instaUl- ied. The grounds are being beaut if led by Brookdale-Kingsway. If you want a comfortable home and 2 acres of land see this property. Jury and Lovell. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE-FARM 0F 157 ACRES. 1/4 miles north of Columbus, !-2 mile west. Good buildings. Run- ning stream. Full possession, April 1, 1935. G. D. Conant, K. C., Osh- awa. 29-7w. FOR SALE-FARM WITH CROP, comprising 25 acres, not f ar from Oshawa or Wrhitby, near school, frame bouse and small barn, pos- session at once. Apply L. C. Pas- coe. Burketon. 28 t! To Let FARMS TO RENT OR WORK ON shares. Apply - Messrs. S. & E. Webb, Pontypool, R. R. 3,. Ont. HOUSE TO RENT-ALL CONVEN- iences, central location. immediate possession. Sheppard and Gi Ltd., Bowma.nville. 29-t. TO RENT--QUEEN STREET, FOR- merly occupied by Mr. L. W. Dip- pell. aIl conveniences. Apply J. J. Mason &- Son, Bowmanville. 21-tf FOR RENT - SUMMER COT- tage at Williams Point, Lake Seu- gog. for month of July. A. W. pickard, Bowmaxuville, Phone 185. 26-tf TO LET - FIVE ROOMED. HEAT- ed Apartment, separate entrance. hardwood floors, gas stove, gar- den suace. Phone 488. Apply to Mrs. Norman Taylor. 31- Personal MADAM NEVADA PALMIST, WILL be at the Bownan HooLse. Bow- manvîlle, Friday. Aug. 3rd tram 3 to 10 p. mn., 31-1*. Notice to Creditors In tbe Estate of Willam Henry Brown Take Notice that aIl persons hav- i ng claimis against the Estate of William Henry Brown, late of the Township of Darlington. in the County of Durham, Farmer. de- ".aFed, wlio died on or about the 27th day of May, 1934, at the Town- ship of Darlingtofl. in the CountY of Durham, intestate, arc hereby notified to send ta the under- signed on or before the 3rd day of Septem.Lber, 1934. full particulars and proof of their dlaims. iately after the said 3rd day of Sept- ember, 1934, the assets of the said Estate will be distribted arong the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claim-s of which the IAdministratar shaîl at that lime have notice. Dated at Bowmanville Ibis 26t.h day of July. 1934. Lancelot Plain. of the Township of Darlingtofl, in the County of Durham, Admnistrator by his Solicitor, Lawrence C. Mason, Bowmanvllle, Ontarlo. 31-3. F. Bower. Ail are welcome. ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH Rev. Falther McGuire, Pastor Sunday, August 5th: Mass at 9 i. mi. iD. S. Ti.. ST. ANDRFIV'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. G. Blake. Minister Sunclay Services at il a. m. and 7p. m.; Sunday School 12.15 P. m. ST. JOHN'S ALNGLICAN CHURCH Rýev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector Mns. J. A. Gunn. Organist Sunday. August 5th: lOth Sun-I day a! 1er Tninity, Haly Communion, 1l a. m.; Sunday School. 10.30 a. m.; Evening Prayer. 7 p. m. UNION SERVICES During the month o! August union, services o! Trinlty and St. Paul's United Church will be held in Trin- ity United Church.1 Sunday, August 5th. Rev. E. F. Armstron g, Preacher 11 a.m.-",What Men Are Asking;" (1) Can I Know God?; 7 p.m.- "Links that Lift" (l1t Confidence., You are cordially invited to, these union services. Bning your visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Cowan cnti buted a floral tribute for the late William Mitchell, Port Hope. REXALL Health and Beauty Sale JusIt three more days to take advantage of this Special Event to salie you money. Bayers Asirin22c,39c,9 phMlps Magnesia Dodds Kidney Pils Dextri Ma.toee Listerine, lge. Enos Sats, lge. Black Band Nipples Eclectrie Ofi Pabluni, Chase's Nerve Food 100 A.S.A. 5 grs. Carter's L. L. Pilis Paimolive Shaving Cream 3 Blades Free OdoronO 35c, 59e, 25e 3.9 soc 89C 69C 29C 45e 49c 49c 22C 25e 32C 89C Better Bowman ville 1 Both for 35c Cara Nome Perfunie Both for 33c jonteel Face Powder Cholce of aMy two Jonteel Creams Ail three for $1.00 3 Minute Relief for Indigestion 4 oz. 75c - 16 oz. $1.50 50e Mi 31 Tooth Paste Unbreakable Jointed Dcli Both for 55c When in Need of Dnigs Quickly - Phone 78 Jury & Loveli THE REXALL STORtE Druggists and Opticians Eight Hour Sern4ce Developing and Printlng Every Summer Shoe MUST GO!' Sale Starts, Thur,, Aug. 2114 A& Womens White $ 89 Satuple Shoes pai Ties - Straps - Pumps pi High or 10w heels, V values to $4.00 Coupon with Every $1.010 Purchufts NABORROOD SHOZ STORES ToQur Many Friends and Customers We have pleasure in announcing the amalgamation of BROOKDALE and KINGSWAY NURSERIES of Baw- manvîlle under the trade name of BROOKDALE-KINGS- WAY LTD. We are confident that this joining of forces will result in an increused abilit-3 on our part to meet the re- quirements of Bowmanville and victnity for Fruit 'Prees and Ornamiental Nursery Stock. Alread.y we have a very coon- plete as'ortment of the newer Rock Plants. Perennials and Shrubs in addition to the best of all the old favorites. Visitors are always welcame at our Nurseries wbere garden problems, may, be talked over wlth grawers o! lite- long experience. Phone us and one o! our Landscape mien, well qualified in garden planning, will caîl wthout obligation on your part. Brookdale-Kingsway, Ltd. Phone: Office 7; Greenhouses 144 Bowmanville We have already booked large orders for Apple, Pear, Plum and Cherry Trees, aise smail fruits for next Sprlng. We woild advlse that yen cover your require- ments at once as there ls every evidence that there wilI bc a serions shortage in these limes. AT "Dig20"p FRIDAY MND SATURDAY ONLY CHINA Cups and Saucera, 15e to 81.25 Cake Plates 25e to S1.50 English Chintz Pie0es. 39e to $1.35 Clover Lest Cops and Saucers 3 for 25c 6 for 49e Berry Sets 98C GLASS Drinking Glasses. 6 for 25e Water Sets 89e Fruit Sets 89e Sherbets and Plates, 10e ea FRA31ED PICTURES Priced at 19e to $2.25 Swing Frames 29e to 98e ENGLISH POTTERY Decorated Vases and Candleslicks S5ceto 51.19 TOILET PAPER 3 for 13e; 6 for 25e J. W. Jewell BOOKS & STATtONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS "Big 20" Bowmanffule i

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