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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1934, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News i-%Xm Tr iTT!TPQnT VA ATT'TT.IT 'J,-.A 1Û9MNUMBER 31 VOLUME 80 D 1 Better Bowmanville Shoppn Dymria Saturday ival Scugog Regatta Will Stage Set For Great Rotary CarnivalctHgeCrw For Crippled Children on '*ednesday .O ii oia Lake Scugog Regatta Associ- __________________________tion's bg annual meet is scheduled Entie Co muniy Ured t' ffor Monday at Caesarea when a Entir Com unityUrge to'program of events lastmng through- Cooeaein Great Work lout thie day should attract a caPac- Co-oprateMONDAY, AUGUST 6th ity crowd. Çomxnenciflg in the Sponsored by Local Rot- IS CIVIC HOLIDAY. morflifg at 9.30 with the boys' swiin ayClub - New Chevro- vns h prograin continues ary through the day until after 5 o'clock. let Car Is Lucky Prize By proclamation in this wmig motor boat, rowboat, sea Thestgeisailse fr owman- or Ross Strike announcies together with novelty events such viUe stary C lbs get anuoreB Monday, August 6th as as thie tilting, greasy pole pillow fort on behalf of crippled childrefl, Civic Holiday. The f irst f Sh.etc. aual rpie ilb the Rotary Carnival on WednesdaY Monday in August bas for Someedral auadetroedisibutinbe next, August 8th The new Crippled s(me years been a civic bol- cmee o n h itiuino Chidre's lu ôficili cae ito iday in Bowmanville. With prizes will take place at Frayer's being on Friday last wben, by reso- thie big Lawn B4owli4ýg Camp at seenitheeng Te lutin 0 th clb, he ew rgaiz- Tournament here, the Scu- day's events should provide one of ation was f ormed, thie f irst Board cf tg Regatta at Caesarea, thbetaysnerinetinae Dirctos bingtheCriple Chld- and the big Veterans R.e- district on Civic Holiday. Dre's Comitgtee oCRtry, edCmpos- Union in Toronto in con- The president cf thie Association ed of Messrs C H. Mason. Dr. C. W. juflctiofl witb the Centen- thisB.yearis DraioflTo oyo.Dr. Slemnon and Dr. J. C. Devitt, ta- nmal Celebration, there LWB Wlliams of ne T oronato. Dater. gehrwith the Board of directors, should be littie trouble Willigas is andn ousiSaatur gher dbyPeidn Fe ryder- I f inding something ta do on nphtogp h and on satuwrdoy madeny. . ...- rdthe holiday. Watch for a tin it ug.lofthe lienwllsow Mo- Membership in the Club is limited late news item, there might tinptuscfhevntonM - be a playof f baseball game day, as well as outstanding places ta those who subscribe through the onta yo. and personalities of Caesarea. This miediium of Crippled Chjirenzs o htdy attraction should prove of great in- tickets at the Rotaryr Fair. These1 terest te the large number of sum- tickets give every member the op- mer resdents at this popular resrt. portunity of purchasing a beautiful ______________ 1934 Chevrolet Coach for $1.00. To correct an impression that one bas WOMEN'S INSTITUTE POPULAR MEMBER 0F to purchase a ticket ta gain entranceCH I O RE ta thie Fair. it is stated on the au- MEMBERS ENJOYCH I HO O D thority cf the Rotary Club that ad-AN U LPC I AT PRESENTATION by mission ta thie carnival is absolutelY A N A INCEnc free, the middle stub of the ticket Members of St Paul's Choir Presentfo purchased, being a membership tick- Program of Sports Is a Feature - WifrdCaruther With Electric - et in the club. To comply with tic Ontario District President Pas adLm law this ticket bears the words that Waa a visitorLam it admits one to, the f air, but that aaVite doesnotbar nyoe wihou a tck-A very pleasant event took place et fromgaîng amisson. held the July meeting in the f orm cof1 the choir of St. Paul's Chtirch pre- Under the chairmanshiP of man- a plcnic at the Creaim Of Barley sented Mr. Wilfrid Carruthers witb ager Gea. Chase, final arrangements Camp on Friday, when about 30 a beautiful electric percolator and a for the f air were brougbt ta the members and their f riends were pre- lap hIolwn drs a atninof the Club on Friday. sent and enjoyed a delightful a mp. Thb M. e lorig adallssn washe Every effort is being put forth ta ternoon, A brief business meeting gif ts were presented by Mrs. Chas. make it an success and was held presided over by the Presi- P. Rce to assure everyone attending a fine dent, Mrs. Fred Baker. A program of Dear Mr. Carruthers: eveniflg's entertainifent. t ns ports was particlpated in, result- It is wlth great pleasure that we, The Carnival will get away oa ing as f olows:- Cofltest, British the members of St. Paul's United early start at 7 o'clock, daylight Possessions-No. 3 Group, m abCuc hihv ere fyu saving time, when thie parade will M, al.Ms uryadMisa- apphrchChinmr age e Wedcongyor leave the Central School Ground&s. ra l t.Pryan isHy ppocigmriae ecnrt Full particulars cf the parade will cat ulate you and take this opportunity be found elsewhere on this page. Htting the mark-Mrs. John of extending te you and your be- Following the parade, the fair it- Challis, Mrs. J. T. Hooper. trothed aur sincere wishes for a self will get unâder way in Rotary Carrying Peanuts-Mrs. M. Clarke, long and happy wedded 11e. We Park, at the foot cf Temperance Mrs. W. Hall. are glad that you are going te still Street where a score of gally decor- Throwing Peanuts-Mrs. Harry make Bowmanville your home and ated booths, each equipped with a Allin. Mrs. Spencer Wod. we are spared the sad necessity of "Borker'" of no mean ability. will bîdding you good-bye on account of ta ttrct he Kicking Shoe-Mrs. M. Clarke, your removal elsewhere. Yeu have vie with each other t trc h Mrs. Sid. Morris. given your musical talent gladly and crowd, which is expected te be be- tween four and f ive thousand people. Contest Unsailed Seas-Mrs. Hoo- f aithfully te, the service of St. Paul's Everyone has been ta a Rotary per and ber group. over a period of years and we trust Carnival before. and most of us have Contest - Names o! Institute that it will be possible for you ta come away with a pair of pyjamas. mernbers-Mrs. M. Clarke, Mrs. L. continue this fine service as in the some dainty lingerie, a bam or a, Roach. past. This will be maintaining a basket cf fruit. We aIl know the Dropping Peanuts in Jar-Mrs. B. family tradition. thrill of taking a chance on the M. Warnica, Mrs. Clmer . We aise, remember ýwith deep an wees ! orun.and Tie aeMs gratitude the other fine services you games an heso otn. im aeMs Harry Allin, have rendered te this church, in - the pleasure o! each thrill is en- Mrs. Frank Jackman. the Sunday Schcol and the boys'- chanced by the knowledge that one I A hearty vote of thanks moved work, as well as the giving of your ittl eping ith a thy au lse. by Mrs. F. C. Clmner and seconded talents se willmngly and cheerfullyI L tteie saira thear eis com b Mrs. F. G. Purdy was accorded te the community in general. andi ef te fne orktha isaccin-Mrs Ross Grant and Mrs W. L. we sinoerely hope that you will bel pihdfor crippled children, and IButtery and their group for the permanently located in thls con- even at a tinte like this, when public splendid program provided. A munity and continue indeflnitely al l support is being solicited, club mem- peddspe a noe. tç fesrvcsouherne- bers are loathe ta have the fine ac- peddspewaenoe. teefesrvcsouherne- complishments given more than nec- The Branch was pleased te have ed in the past. essary publicity. a visit from Mrs. F. Roberts, Wiit- And on the eve o! your leaving It matters little if you live in by. President o! Ontario District, the ranks of the Bachelors te join al' Cartwriglht, Darllngtan. or Clarke during the afternoon. the ranks cf the Benedicts, we ask W, Tonhpor Bowmanville, you know Next meeting wiUl be held at the you to accept these gif ts as a taken Pa ownshri cssocitl hlrn om fMs on hliLf our congratulations and best wE o!deevigcae 0 itl cidrn hm 0 ca oh halsLberty wishes. St crlppled through no fault of their St.. on FXiday, August 31st, in charge St. Paul's Church Choir Members. Tl own, wha have been given a helping of Mrs. W. B. Pollard and Mrs. Geo. MrCautesepid hnkn1 hand on the road te recovery by the Pritchard conveners. (Group 3. M. tahesrpid hnigp Rotary Club. Surely this work is one --tle chair for their good wlsbes and t that Êhould touch the responsive the beautiful gits which he assured s< heart strings and purse o! everycue.CO UR H T themn would be greatly appreciated ir There ta a certain jey te giving t O BO R H T by himself and bis f uture wtfe. It t worthy causes, even if it does hurt a O UT NEWCASTLE was ail a most delightful and com- P littIe, but long the pain ef plete surprise. The choir then sang o giving bas been forgotten there re- Cobourg Intemedae shut-out "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow"' and fu mains that pleasant recollection cf Nwateb cr f1 eoi gave three hearty cheers. A delle- P havlng contributed te a need that Lakeshore basebaîl game played lou alnchejy-besclhu was sevdbeteld is one of thie first caîls of the cern- Saturday at Cobourg. Archie Camp- ie nd neiybesoilhu.a munity. bell. seuthpaw pitcher, on the mowid ------__________ Ci On Wednesday evening next your for Cobourg, allowed only three bits G opportunity wll bc presented to take Newcastle 000 000 0- 0 3 7' HOME ON WHEELS til part in a great bumanitarian work. Cobourg 261 401 0-14 9 1 If you do your share the work will Newcastle- Brunt, Jones and PAS SED THROUGH N go on. If you do net, its benefits Rickard; Cobourg-Archie Camp- TOWN ON MONDAY t mlghtlie ccurtailed. There's the bell and Dick Mitchell.V challenge. Will you accept it? Umpires-Kennefick and Gordon. Frencbmen Visit Town on Monday On Jr Way Acrosa Continent to di Vancouver jý R atepayers' A$ssn. Behind A6mbitious En ronte to Vancouiver, pulling tlieir ri Piere Cronarrvedin 1Bownanvilcy, S cheme to Improve Bowmanville Beach on Mou9ay anudfafter spndingfew journcy. \Viule in lBownianville, de An ambitlous project at Bowman- sistance. travelling alîparatus was inspected I)y vllle's popular lakeshore resort, cost- The plans drawn eut at the meet- a ntim-ber of citi.'cns.P ing many thousands o! dollars was ing previded for a new road ta eut Tie lhomie ik quiipiped on ,hicy-cle discussed at a speclal meeting of the aa rmteWafRa just whecels and is being hauled froîn Non- Ratepayers' Association, in con- noy rtb 0feeW'hr ous, it treal to Vancouiver for a large wager. l junction with members o! the Beach bridge across the creek at this point, Tie pair started f rom Miotrcl Association in the town hall. apolaey50 et h rdeJuîe 24tl, but were delayed for tour President Geo. B. Blckle preslded woud ross ateth0 eemarh ebrdgby teen daY. becanse of wvlueel trouble, tue i and lntrcduced a plan, made up by the Pocrotorlntn arb.our ern- smlall ten-incli whieels not being largec the anagmen comltte o! the P.o r a ridge cHoud be ____ er1-Ceoîgttacar te oa o _50 Ibs Wif e of Skipper Takes The WJieel_ T. O. m. Sopw'Ith, owner, takes the wheel of the Endeavor, assisted his wif e, durlng a reent trial spin off Torbay, England. where thie ideavor f lnished her trials wlth thie VeIIsheda, prior to her departure rthe U. S. ta take part in thie America's Cup races . Local Merchants Olfer Cash Prize s in Big Twin Day Shopping Event The foUlowing merchants are co-a operatiing in "Better Bowmanvilled Days"l on Frida.y a.nd Saturday, and i provlded the prize money of-f fered for Iucky coupons. Buy youre needs f romt these merchants andc you may be the lucky winner of a1N $10.00, $5.00 or $3.00 cash award onlE Saturday nmghtt The Evlyn Shop, Ladies' Wear W. E. Groves, Florlst Couch, Jobnston & Crydermafi, Departmental Store Aiex MeGregor, Drugs/ Kerslake's Drug Store, Drugs Walker Stores, Dry Goods, ResdY- to-Wear1 Nelson's Store, Dry Goods and 1 Ready-to-Wear1 Naborhood Shoe Stores, Shoes 1 Dominion Stores, Groceries F. S. Coulter, Grocerles Canadian Statesnian, Subscriptions Jury & Loveil, Drugs Coupons Will Be Given with Every Dollar Purchase - Lucky Coupons on Sabir- day Night Twenty-four Bowmanvllle mner- chants join ths Priday and Satur- a challenge ta leadership in the day in an outstandiflg merchanldis- ing event, Botter Bowmanville Days, f ield a! profitable buylng. Each and everyone o! these twenty-feur mer- chants, wbose names appear else- w'here on titis Page, are offering exceptionally appealing valules for this weekend. Fior every dollar spent with these mrchants an oPPortuntY is presented f winntng one f the cash prizes. Here are the details: Every 00- operating stores la this big shopp- ing event will be reoognized bY the "Better Bowmanville Days" window signs. In) these stores, and theSe only, wïth everyr dollar purchage, the merchant will give you a cou- pon, on which you sign your naine and address. This coupon lis tien de- posited in a box ln the store, Pro- vided by eacb merchant, and. on Saturday evenlng, between 10.30 and il oclock, dayllght saving time, these coupons will be cllectedl froni every one of the 24 store. They will then be placed in a butter e.u a he.Post Office Corners. * ___ 'rine and when thie coupons have be ~m~é 1 ~ ~ a ~well mîxed, Mayor Rossatiewl * uge Parade 1:0 .O penu Rotjary Fair C. M. Cawker & Son, Butchers draw tbree tickets. The flirt ticket F. W. Neiles, Grocer out entities the one wbose namne It Bowmanville Bakery. Baker and bears ta a cash prize 0f $10-00, the Cash Prizes O flered For Best Entries Cnetoe second one, a prise o! $5.00; and the Harry Allan, Grocer third ta a prise of $3.00. Mayor 6 Strike will personally present thie __________________Dustan's Cash Hardware, Hard- casht awards as the draw la made. Special Events for Children "'me There are one or two important WARNING ISSUE» lncluded on Entry List- Fred Knox, Shoes details te rexriember. Flrst, coupons BEACH SPEEDERS Lae J. R. Moore, Jeweiler 'are only avallable in the Better Bow- ParadéeLae Edmnondstone's Market, Grocerles manville Days Stores, whicb wili be Nuineraus complaints have School Grounds 7 p. m. and Meats ldentifled by thbe sigûs on the wln- been received by Chie! of!. . .Jewell, Variety, Periodic"is dows. Police Sydney Venton with on Wednesday Alrcadie Chain Store, Departmental Secondiy, coupons will be given regard to speeding in the Store only on Frlday and Saturday. If sny coenfines o! rW'%ast sCi'e chancie -a inerchant should f orget beach. Scores <11 lîttle Pif ty dollars in cash prizes la of- A. & P. Stores. Groceries andi ta give you your coupon ta sigu and children play in this section fered by the Rotary Club) for its Meats depesit in the box, lie sure te ask and this constitutes a ser Grand Parade, which willibe thie W. C. Caverly, Grocerles for them. Ho will appreciate it. ious danger. A sign. lirait- big opening feature o! the Rotary_______________ arpylg naccnt igtespeed e! automo- Carnival next Wednesday evening, If_____are________an________ biles te 10 miles per heur Aug. 8tb. Thepaadeproniises topanfoe ery do wllar pald, the ancoe has been erected at the be the biggest feature the Rotary asniforey o lar pbulg for cash. Fred Depew residence and Club bas staged here, and many PROVINCIL WEED 'as irforeyour dlla i oncah- thie limit will lie in oper- lotrcalvflir s . erpeetdwt INSPECTOR PLEASED count this weekend is as valuable ation f rom. this point south. as a dollar spent on new merchan- Drivers are warned that un- Special events have been added for Provincial Weed Inspec- dise. lessi this speed lirit ta the chldren wltb tbree cash prises tor McLeod o! Toronto was Lastly, it should be remembered mainained prasecut î.o n s in eacb class. Every child in the town In towýn this week, m.aking that the merchants bave macle a wil f llp radeomniunitymayte rtin the r a tour of inspection with special efSort to proKde unusual pade. Each ecile enteigte cpar- Chie! of Police S. Venton, values for this event. We suggest ao wloncerrivei Fre a c re an Municipal Weed Inspector that you read every advertlsement can evoeracildat tse Prlst and Road Superintendent A. in The Statesman tIis week. Da not coerseecal cbilenegmised gthei H. Bickell. Mr. McLeod ex- miss one. You wll see advertle- cnes ecasety negke c mte Pet- pessed himself as weli mnts o! amazing reductions In wo- S lg thi nrytcktfei hePr pleased witb the manner man's wear, tremendous values in F amni I Re - Unions i hehctizensandte fodaoucs xe inlofeig Iclude Boys' best deoae iyl, Up the weods around the. In drug stores; unusual off eringa In Best costumed boy or girl an pony, town. A few odd lots how- hardware. footwear, Jewelry, etc. Courtice and Everson Picnic Best turnout o! Beys' pets, Girls' ever were found in bad, con- Subseri-ption price o! The Statesman best decorated doîl and carniage. A dition and Chie! Venten la eut alniost in hall for these two The annual picnic o! the Ceurtice total o! $7.00 is offored in cash a- bas been authonlzed te have days, at 50e for balance o! 1934. jid Everson families was held on wards in these classes. those lots cleaned up im Read themn care!ully for tbey may 'edinesday, July 25th, at Hampton In the other classes pnizes are mediately. Unleas owners o! mean savings in somee Une you are lark. A splendid prograiii o! sports provided for the f ollowing : Be5t theso lots taise immedilate specally lnterested ln. One merchant vas enjoyed under the leadersbip o! fleat to, repreEent f irm's preducts j action ta bave this nuisance offers a gold f ish and bowl free, ,an. Everson and Louise Ceurtice. or goods: Best farinons novelty abatedî the work wiII lie and others have exceptianally in- rhe teain captained by the retirfig float or group; Best Jazz band e! not done by the town and made terestitig announcenients. Real ev- )esident, Lawrence Mason. proved less than 6 pieces: Best represent- changeable tao taxes. 017 advt; and then shop wisely, slicp hemselves ahead o! Ewart Ever- ation e! any comnie stnip personal- on's team when it came te balane- ity: Best ceic lobat: Best decorated ______________ often, and shop Fnlday and Saturday ng a pie plate and an apple on car: Best delivery truck or wagon; during "Better Bowmanville Days."1 ,hom beads. The weather, the sup- Oldest auto. undier its ow power; )er and the company le! t nGthing Best clown, male an femal9e. ,oie desired and the pienie was That list should provide aclass ro d l iK n s a u s re ully enjoyed by ail present for everyone who wishes t artie- The oflicers for the next yeac are. ipate in the Parade. Entries must'B o k aea d K n s a us re ?resident, Mrs. Eben Snowden; Vice be made by 5 P. M. an the day o!f. ' ' .rsdnMn. Blake Countice; Sec-thie Pair, wltb mexnbers e! the Coin- A naie .J a a e etary, Misa Evelyn Gay: Sports mnittee: Gee. W. James, chairman; A ag m tE J.W0ood M na e loxmittee, Misa Jean Wigbt, Miss T. Wes. Cawken and Frank Williams. :;iadys Jackson, Mc. Douglas Cour- Don't wait tilI Wednesday ta niake Anocmntlmaenthsa-aeabu70 mpaesinudn c.your entny. Do it now. Anucmn smd nti s r bu 0epoes nldn The winners o! the races were: The route o! the parade will be as sue e! The Statesman of tbe amal- the sales staff, blanoeting the qeedle and thread-Floreice Cour- !ollows: Parade starts f romn Central gaination of the Brookdale and entine province. In the busy seaison. ce and Robert Courtico, Jean Public School at 7 p. m. Dayllght K4ngsway sursenies o! Bownianville tahe additlonal local lielp would Wtight and Donald Courtice; Plate Saving 'rime. Sh ru.Itwill >o brlng this nuniben up te 100. rae-F. Courtice and R. Courtice, ceed clown Silver Street ta King, udrtenm aeBokae The new company will maintain JWigbt and Donald Courtice: Nail east on King to Ontario, north onKlngsway Liniited. Bath Nurseries its sales station at Scarbero on thie riving. ladies-Flonence Countice. Ontario to Church, west on Cbureh have been among the outstandlng Provincial Hlghway, and the gen- ean Wight: Nail drlvtng, mon-Bob teT~Hl n at n'eh nurseries o! taie Province of On- eral personnel of the two nurseries ~outie, oula Contce;Chld erance ta Rotary Park. taio and their combined plants. now is being netalned in the new mi- on's race, ne 10 As cRoer onslsting o! 130 acres make Brook- pany. uner yersAser a final warnlng. If you are dale-KngswaY. Mfd.. the largiest Ib la lnterestlng te note that Mn. Everson; Chlldren's race, over 10 goîng to blinluthe panade or just a nurseory between Toronto and the J. H. .Jry-omrIrpieino yrs.-Margaret Everson. Owen Bray. %pctteae n h -~ ci har atAtlantic Cost. Kingsway Nurseries, who retains bais 7 . i., fast turne, for thie marshall The new company la conxposed o! Interest lu the new company, bas Prout Famiiy Re-union of thie Parade wlll lead off tbe gay aefreBnodlPoetyn-mretafryyashdtea- On Satrcay, July 2lst, the annuland batmv procepssion on the stroke tc rertîy accaîned by r ErJ Woad bitoe te nlngtaBowmanvllthem Prout picnic was held at the beautiful o! 7 e'clock. We'll be seelng you! franithe ck.redt MEstt Wod b tiote "TheFloral ow nv s -she home of Mr. Alex. Prout, south ori rm h cad sae n h il TeFoa on sOhw Kurv Inn. The weather was Ideal Ms ebn oes acetn.Klngsway property on the Highway, la now known as "The Motor City." and about 3 o'clock the relatives ho r.Hrbr oe, cetr. formerly the Baldwin Estate, Onte lI the amalgamation o! these two ganto ssebleto njo a leaantEngland is visiting ber sisters, Mca. o! the pnettiest spots li the Pro- nurseries, this ambition la being tane ho aenler ae ndo ampesant John Darch and Mrs. Clayton. vince nealized and Bownianville takes its ime oget nbr. aceand yug.Abotes wbyth insanPsteht The geneal management o! the place lu the fore ront o! tahe nursery sixu llgd tlu ebyold andyumbng About Wellsee nby the L isa yos Mthat new company wiîî be under the d- towns in Ontario. sat ocloatlt ompany n uîeinp e ll kn. uroiffBownanvmaaeo fn.rection of Mr. E. J. Wood, who as In announcing the amalgamation atike pie, eta a lunîp tc.,u pe . M ni!!, po ulahma ag r -a nanager for nany years a! Brook- the Company cordaUy invites cit- hieen iemea saad et., o wîic teDminion Stores ln that pros- dale, brlngs te this office a wide Izenis o! Bowmanville and the entire alI did ample Justice. After su penpr nortbern town, Is again a uranenens er nad f r x prize wlnner lu a businesa-getting expenience. Mn. Leo Raniell, f ormer- counâtryside te visit the two pro- 'arainge ceto be elmde trMn.T. contest. The Post ays: "A contest ly with Klngsway will have cane o!fprtes "t ny tlme. They wlU lie yA vote Non- wiich bas been unerrwayTfororwethe greenhouses. while Mn. J. Jes- 'maEde welcome and wlU be court- wons tneedt h LocuatandI. cftank weeks between a group of 66 De- sen, o! the Brookdale wlll be nursery1 eouaiy coducted on a tour o! the fors tee wredofta the he nd bstesaminion Stores as Just been con- manager.« propertes !octai wok o gvln thir istrscludocl. with the local manager, Mr. A we have pointed eut the coin- The Comaywllcnineti and brothens such a good time after C . Mnofwnlg scn bined nursery properties, are aniong linoso!busiess engaged in by bath whie therelaivesdepated a thi ze, whicli entitles hlm ta a week's the meat extensive lu Ontario. Be- n ries, iand in the union, a coin- vanou hoes Rlatve fom witb Pay and a cash prise sides the mnanr acres o! nursery s=deably lger sphereofo actlvlty tance weno Mn. and Mna. Walter Man- as weîî. The local store, unden Mn. stock under cultivation, there will be lai antlclpated. Expenlenoed growers ning, Oahawa; Mn. and Mns. T, G. Murcloîf. st.oad second lI volume of the adclltlonal 6000 foot o! glass on are lu charge o! the nurseries, a well Norton and tamily, Locuat Hill; Mr. regular business.") Mn. and Mrs. the Klgsway pnoperty. known !lowen expert af the growlng and Mca. Harvey Aikens and family, Murdo!! and daughten Borea . are In the busy season.taie two bus- under glass, and quall!ied laudacape Mlllbrook; Mns. Frank Anderson and now enjoylng holidlays et Bowm5fl- luessea have a salary iat of $800 gardenera are In charge of the gar- family, Wbitby. ville Bech. veekly. At taie prosent tinte there den planning service. Get Coupons From These Merchants uniumANVTTTE. ONT.. 'l'IlURbIJAI, Auuu;-) 1 zna, lýoù4

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