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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1934, p. 3

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- -, ~ - ~ ~ THIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nid, 1934 PAGE THREE Plan to Attend Rotary Carnival Next Wednesday and Aid the Crippled Children A spirit of adventure is quite the er, minerais and vitamins of the proper one for cooking with spices. outer wheat coatings. The story of spices is a romantie Bran Gingerbread one. The Bible and early histories tell 1 _I cul, irtxitg 12 t>,,). sait us that spices were the wealth of , cul) brown sugar il, tsps. ginger t kings. Medieval inerchants Who leg 1 w n batn !i.tsi). eCmutiOfl deait in spices, became the 1 cul)rnoIass,. i toýp. iaking powderf of trade. Man over the en- LX(.upi bran 12 tsi). soda tire surface o! the earth searching ul. cuis noir l2 cul) butterrnil for spice-groviing lands and new - or sour niik routes to the old markets. Cream shortening and sugar. Add If suddenly ahl our spices were egg, molasses and bran. Si! t dry in-t taken away from us, we should miss gredients and add alternately with them and find our plain foods rather the milk. Bake in a moderate oveni uninteresting. We could then better (375' P.) for about 30 to 40 min-i appreciate the zeal of ancient kings utes. Yield: 12 servings (1 cake 8t Who went so f ar as to wage wars ft by 8 inclies).1 control the spîce tracte routes. Instead of salted nuts for your luncheon or dinner party, However, many cooks overlook en- serve Hindu rice krispies. The recipe tlrely the possibilities o! spices in cornes f rom the homne of spîces. everyday cooking. A dasb of ground Hindu ice Krispies cioves in rarebit or cheese sauces tî,sî,s. btter 1 ltoi). cinnhanol does something that is difficult te 1i top. nustari secl~iwe k of i)eppier describe but pleasant to taste. Some 12 ttsp curry pownîcr 12 Ibox rieé brispies people like a trace of sage, mace il toIlsi.icifu rs or nutmeg with cheese. The child, salted peanuts and also tbe aduit, Who dislikes Meit butter, add inustard seeds milk will fmnd it transformed in fiav-, and cook until they begin to POP.1 or and appearance if a littie ground Add the other seasonings, the ricei nutmeg or cînnamon is sprinkied'krispies and peanuts. Stir constant-1 on it. iy until the rice krispies and peanuts1 A few well-cbosen seecis or sprigs are throughiy heated. o! berbs in salads give the magic Spices are good in many fruit and1 touch wbich bas made chefs famous. milk beverages. Cloves or a littie1 Recipes are difficuit to give because ginger in tea is not new, but bave seasoning is a delicate matter The tried spices in coffee? If! caffeine-i mueie late proceed with cautioni, but f ~ree coffee is used. the beverage Is1 to experiment. Try combinations of wholesome for young and old alike.I seasonings whetber or not you have Spced Iced Coff e ever heard of them. Always remem- 6 CtIi)s double etrength decaffenated ber that it is usually the trace that c0ft' e can hardly be detected that is the 2o wholo clovvs miot interesting and effective. There 5-nr ticJî of cinnalliotl are exceptions to this rule. For in- 1 ctt) lw)Viere)l sugar stance ceiery seed or slaw improves To bot f reshly made coffee add the flavor for most people. Taste is cloves and cinnamon. Hold just un- the test.I der boling for about f ive minutes. Strain and add powdered sugar. So often spices are associated in Ciladsrewt rse ýî our minds with bot fonds that we are'Dust with powdered cinnamon an apt to use tbem only for cold wea- top with çvhipped creamn if desired. ther cookery. However, flot ail spices _____________ are "peppery." Even spicy ginger- bread bas an after-cooling e!!ect. The cheapest way to seil anything Try this recipe te prove it. It is not a is througb a 25e classi.fied ad in The ricb cake. Bran is used to improve Statesman. Cash with order at this color and flavor and te add the f îb- price. Better Bowmanville Days at Edmondstone$s Meat Markcet A Cash Prize Coupon with every Dollar Purchase WORTHWHILE SAVINGS FOR THE WEEK-END Corn Flakes, package.........8c Shredded Wheat ............. 2 pkgs. 23c Soda Biscuits, package............... 10c Jelly Powders ................. 5 for 25c Cocoa, 1 IL tins .................... 25c Rose Brand Baking Powder, tin... ....i17c Sausage ........................10c IL Minute Steaks ................... 20c lb. Roasting Beef.................. 12c IL Tomato Catsup ............. 2 botties 25c Corn Syrup, 5 IL tin. .. .. ........... 37c Cooked Meats of Ail Kinds for your Civic Holiday Picnic. Edmnondstone's Meat Markcet Phone 221 or 492 King Street Arcade Parade of Values FOR BETTER BOWMANVILLE DAYS In every department of the store we are featuring speclal outstanding values for Friday and Saturday. In addi- tion te thse spectacular savlngs on everthàng you buy ai the Arcade, yeu will receive a Cash Prise Coupon wlth every dollar purchase. ALWAYS LEADING IN VALUE Arcade Chain Stores King Street flowinanville Goldfish and Bowl FREE FridayanfSatrdayv nly No. 8 schoohhouse was entered re- cently and the First . Aid Kit ran- sacked. Miss Margaret Pollock le! t on July 28tb, for Ireland, where she wil visit ber sister. Mr. George Lowe was bitten by bis dog, but constant medicai care bas prevented any complications. Dpn't forget the Rotary Fair at Bowmanville, Aug. 8th. Be sure te be there in time to see the parade. Mrs. Lloyd Courtice la staylng in Oshawa at the home o! ber motner, Mrs. P. Knight, wbo broke ber armu Master Mùrray Langmnaid, Thorn- tons Corners, spent a week witb bis cousins, Doreen and Audrey Phair. Miss Hazel Lott, Oshawa, la vis- iting witb Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gear- ing. Her m*otlter, Mrs. Wm. Lott spent Sunday witb ber. Mr. and Mrs. RobirLson also were Sunday guests o! Mrs. Gearing. Every year secs damage donc to livestock o! varlous kinds by stray dogs. Last week a black dog. with- out a tag, was chaslng cbickens and geese on several properties in west Courtice. This animal is o! the po- lice-dog type. Taîbert Geaing arrived home !rom Bowmanvllle Hospital on Sat- urday, and in the evening accoun- panled Robert Courtice to Leakard wbene a football game was played, Courtice vs Leskard. The score was 1-0 in f avor o! the latter. Mrs. S. Welsb entered Bowman- vile Hospital iast week te have ber arm ex-rayed. While washlng, a needle ran Into ber wrlat, thougb at the time she dld not know what it was. On Sunday mornlng tbe needie was extracted by operation. Mr. Frank Everson cntered Bow- manville Hospital Saturday nlght. Dr. Slemon la in attendance. Spas- modic attacks o! delirium made it necessa.ry for Mr. Everson te be under constant care. Inablhty o! the heart to pusnp the blood te the brain qulckly enough is reported as the cause o! the delirium. Harvestlng la !ollowlng rlght on the heels o! haying ibis year, barley Art School in Rockies I WEDDINGS 1 Carruthers-Hughes A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday, July 25th, in Western United Church, Ottawa, when Mar- garet Alice, younger daughter of Rev. J. I. Hughes of Russell, and the late Mrs. Hughes, and Wilfrid Dawson Carrutbers, son o! Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Carruthers of Bowman- ville, were united in marriage. The oeremony was performed by Rev. J. A. Waddell, pastor of the church, assisted by the bride's f ather, Rev. J. I. Hugbes. The bride was at- tractively gowned in ber travelling suit of navy blue silk crepe with a felt bat and accessories to match. Af ter the ceremony the bridai party had luncbeon at Tyndale Inn, fol- lowing which Mr. and Mrs. Car- ruthers lef t for a motor trip tbrough the province of Quebec. Both tbe bride and groom are graduates of Kemptville Agriculturai Scbool and the bride completed her training as a registered nurFe in the Kingston Qeneral Hospital last year. On their return they will re- side in Bowmanviile. Mr. Carruthers hax ing purcbased the residence and lands on Scugog Street f rom Mr. Robt. H. Murray. Hooper-Lyle A pretty wedding was ceiebrated on Saturday a! ternoon, Juiy 28th, at St. Paul's Church Parsonage, Bowmanvilie, wben Miss Myrtle Mil- dred, youngest daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lyle, and Mr. Orville L. Hooper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lucius Hooper, were united in marriage by Rev. A. S. Kerr, M. A. The bride looked loveiy in a gown o! white crepe with matcbing access- cries, carrying sweetheart roses and baby's breatb, and tbe groom's gif t, a pretty white purse. Miss Dorotby Canning, Belleville, was bridesmaid, and wore a dress o! mauve crepe witb hat and matcbing accessories and carried mauve sweet peas and baby's breath The groom was sup- ported by Mr David Tordif!. Tbe grooms gif t to the bridesmaid was an onyx ring and to the gromsman, a camera cigarette ligbter. A re- ception was afterwards held at the home o! the bride~s parents on Scu- gog Street. when about 351 guests sat down to a delicious wedding sup- per. the table being prettily decor- ated in pink and white, while tbe bouse had a great quantity o! varied cut flowers. ferns and plants. The bride', going away costume was a green crepe suit with white bat and sboes. The bride and groom le!t on P. boneymoon trip te Orillia, Was- aga Beach and Midland and on their return will reside on Scugog St. Relatives and friends were pre- sent from Toronto. Oshawa, Belle- ville and town. Previous to tbe wedding a mis- cellaneous shower was given in hon- or o! the bride-to-be by ber sister, Mns. J. 'Vhompson and Mrs. 'Young, Osbawa, wben some very useful gifts were received. NE WTON VILLE Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa, was guest o! Miss Bertha Thompson. Mrs. J. Pearce and Lorna visited ber daugbter, Mrs. Harvey Osborne, Morrish. Mrs. George Campbell, who is taking a course in music in Toronto, was home for the weekend. Mn. John Couch is suffering sev- I erely witb an abscess in bis face caused f rom an infected tooth. Mr. and Mrs. George Wallace and t.hree childnen, Tillbury, visited the formeras brother. Rev. Thos. Wal- lace. Mr. and Mrs. McNally, Black- stock, attended divine service Sun- day evening and called on Rev. Tbo.i. Wallace. Miss Marguerite Bell, Kendal, Mrs. Thos. Stapleton, Mr. anhd Mrs. George Stapieten, Jr. and family, were Sunday guests at Mr. W. W. Henderson's, Bowmanvllle. i COURTICE connection with the University of Alberta. Some years ago through bis paintings of the old windmilla o! Kent and Sussex he was lar- geiy responsible for the move- ment to retain and restore theso historic landmarks. The Kana- naskis Dude Ranch operated by Mrs. Bihl Brewster, is wehh known tbroughout Canada and the United States and la situated in the beau- tiful vailey of the Bow River, and la surrounded by the most magni- ficent of Canadian Rocky Mouu.- tain scenery. 0 being cut and mixed grain started. Bread took a one cent jumnp to Raspberry crop is also being bar- nine cents in town on Monday. It is vested making an extra busy time. unclerstood that every bakery has or Road grading and gravelling -is un- is raising the price one cent. Flour der way. The road north west of went up $2.00 a barrel some months Prestonville has been gracled, and ago, but bakers have exhausted pre- graveling started and others are un- sent stocks and are forced to raise der contemplation. the prices.1 Better Bowmanville Days FoodSpecials Welc's rap Juce,16 oz. bottie .........25 Ideal Brand, Sweet Mixed and Sweet Mustard Pickle, bottle............ 10c Aylmer Tomato Juice, il oz. tins ........... 5c 'Hellman's Salad Dressing, jar ............ 13c Clubhouse Stuf fed Olives, jar............. 13c Junket Powders, ail flavors......... 2 pkgs. 25c Kellogg's or Quaker Corn Flakes .... 3 pkgs. 25c Canned Lobster, ½/- lb. tins ............... 21c Heinz White Wine Vinegar, gallon......... 60rc Clark's Pork and Beans, large tin........... 15c Fine Old Cheese, lb................. .... 20c Rinso, large package, with 1 bar of Lifebuoy Soap Free, at................. 23c Zinc Rings f or gems...............215c doz. Rubber Rings .................... 4 doz. 25e Coupons Given with Every $1.00 Purchase Fresh Fish for Thursday and Friday. IHarry Alliai, GrocerI Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville I The average age of the memlbers flan, 59; Hon. Dr. J. A. Faulkner, 56; Hon. Paul Lsedue, 45; Hon. of the new, Hepburn cabinet is 491/2 David A. Cro11, 34. It will be seen years. Hon. M. F. Hepburn is 37; that Hon. Duncan MarsqhaII with Hon. A. W. Roebuck, 56; Hon. H. C. many years' legisiative service to his Nixon, 43; Hon. L. J. Simpson, 52; credit, is the oldest, and Hon. D. A. Crol11, Mayor of Windsor, the young- Hon. Duncan Marsball, 61: Hon. T. est. The total age of the ten cab- B. McQuesten, 52; Hon. Peter Hee-1 net ministers is 495 years. HARVE STOL VALU ES FRI1DA Y AND.«Ç4-'U*D&4V Clearance Sale oflail Summer Ready m to m Wear This is a genuine clearance of all Ladies' Sumnier Ready-to-Wear Coats, Millinery, and Dresses. No restrictions, aIl must be cleared ALL COATS CLEARING AT EXACTLY HALF PRICE including one White in swagger style. DRESSES Dresses are grouped ini four groups for easy selling: NO. 1 GROUF - includes Voiles and Fancy Prints, sinart styles, women's and misses' sizes, ail guaranteed washable, regular prlce $1.95, Clearing at ........$ 1.29 NO. 2 GROUF - Includes Pastel Crepes, Striped Shirtmaker patterns, and Voiles. wornen'a and misses' sizes, exceptional value, regular price to $3.95, Clearing at ........ $2.69 NO. 3 GROUP - includes ail dresses reg- ularly prlced to $5.95; Pastel Crepes in ail colors, and Shlrtmaker Stripes; short sleeve, cape leeve, and some with Jackets, sizes 14 to 20 only; one only size 46 ln- cluded in this lot. Clearing at ... . $3.59 NO. 4 GROUP - includes ail dresses reg- ularly priced to S$12.95; plain and printcd Crepes, navy and black wlth white dots; wlde variety of styles, lncluding Jacket frocks; short siceve and cape sîceve; wo- men's and misses' ises, includmng hlaI sizes, Clearing at $5.95 ALL SUMMER MILLINERY Includlng White Crepes, White Felts, Pastel shades lu Waffle Cloth aud dark- ci straws, reg. prices to $2.95, Clearing at, each . ....... 7 5c GIRLS WAS HABLE DRESSES A splendid opportunlty t. stock up ln Chlldren's Summer Dresses at greatly re- duced prîce. Materials include Voiles, Prints, Piques, and Sllk Crepes. We have dlvlded these Into 3 Price Groupa: No. 1 Group, regular prices to $1.69 - Clearing at . -ý--$ 1 .19 No. 2 Group, regular prices to $2.25 - Clearing at .,.ý..$1 .39 No. 3 Group, regular prices t. $2.95 - Clearing at .... $1.95 CUSHIONS A good aise cotton f iiledl Cushion covered with good quality chintz, variety of bright coiored patterns, ail ln square shape, regular 25c value, speciai 18c 2 for 35c Heavy CRETONNE CUSHION An extra large size cushion lu oblong or round shapes, filled with kapok and cot- ton, covered wlth heavy cretonne lu a variety o! attractive patterns. A real special, regular 59e value, Specîi at . .. 39c 2 for 75c .SHORTS In girls' and misses' izes, made of heavy quaiity denlm, middy twil aud seer- sucker; white, navy and strlped; regular values to 31.35, Clearing at ....89C KIDDIES' HALF LENGTH SOX Here la a iSuper Speclal, a fine quality rayon and cotton s, wiil stand hard wear, iu colora of rose, pluk, green, maize, orchld, white and sand, aiso wblite witih stripes. These are dlscontlnued lines and represent values Up to 29c. They wlli flot last long, go corne early, o Clearing, per pair...... 0 WHITE FLANNEL SKIRTS A real Sklr made of beat quailty pre- sluuk flannel, lu two styles, izes 14 te 20. Wouid bc extra value at $2.95. Ciearlng for two daya oniy at............. 2 .1 9 DIXIE WAX CUPS Just the thlng for plcniics or the cottage. Assorted colors; 1 dozen to the package; regular 10e a dozen; Specl at.. 2 D)OZ. for 1 5c PAPER NAPKINS A good quallty Serviette for everyday use in aasortedl colours, 60 to the packtage, regular 15c package, Clearing, per package ........ Oc including Spring and Summer at great sacrifice. ANGELSKIN SLIPS A good quality slip, fltted Style, lu white, peacli and pink, al ises 14 ta 44. Would be splendid value at 98c. Special for two days only, escli . .79c PIQUES A heavy quallty pique, 36 luches wlde, lu plain or f igured patternis, colora of yellow, red, green, blue, peacli, Pink. andl white; reguiar 39e value, Speclal, per yard .........29c VOILES A large range of Voiles lu floral and mod- ernistie designs, ail colora, lucludiug black and white, guaranteed f ast colora, full 36 luches wide: Reg. 59e value, Specdal Per yard ..45c Reg. 49e value, Special per yard.. 39C Reg. 39e value, Special per yard.. 29c Reg. 29e value, Special per yard . .19C LINEN SERVIETTES Iu cubher crash or damaalc finish, large size, lu white or natural, wlth contrast- ing coored bordera, Scat a ... ...2 for 5c GINGHAMS & CHAMBRAYS A good quaiity 32 Inchli ngham snd Chambray, assorteal colora, a cl'earing lot, regular 25e value, Special. per yard........ . 15e DRESS LINENS An exceptional quallty o! dresa Unen, flue and smooth, 36 luches wlde, lu coof. green, blue, malse, plnk and white, reg- ular 45c value - Speclal for two days ouly, per yard...29c BUOY-O-BOY WATER JOY A splendid article to help one learn ta swlm, absolutely saf e, n0 air to leak out, and are made lu three aises. Specla clearance pricea for Frlday and Saturday: Children', aise, reg. 98c, Speclal... 75c 'Youths' aise, reg. $1.48, Special..1.19 Adults' aise, reg. 31.98, Speei 1.49 WALKER STORES Your Favorite Shopping Centre Phono 164 Bowmanville A. C. Leighton, R.B.A., presi- dent of the Government Art Coi- lego at Calgary, who wiil again1 this year hold bis summer art achool for selected students from the province o! Aberta ati the Kananaskls Dude Ranch near1 Panf f . Mn. Leighton, who isi a grand nephew of the late Lord ' Lelghton, presîdent o! the British1 Acadetny from 1878 to 1896, bas been painting for years at Banf! and through the Canadian Rock- les. He is also head o! the In-i atitute o! Technology and Art in i

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