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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1934, p. 4

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PAGE POUR Better Rate payers' Plan (Continued f romn page 1) Bowmanville gave no approximate idea of the cost, but the retaining walls alone would cost several thousands of dollars, the bridge $4000 at least. D ays and the dredging several thousand more. In addition the approacheS and a new suggested road along the river bank on the west side would SPECIA LS e d. MUfl. apominent west aide Diinea -sdnstated that those at the DIAMOND RINGS beach had failed to get much f romi White gold, hand engraved, the tWn, and he as-ked that the SpecialRatepayers Association take up theý Specialcudgels and battie for them. Some- $1i7.50 thing has to, be done, he added, for _____________________ somnetimes we have to wait an hour IVEDDING RINGS te, get over on the ferry. PlainyeUo gnld- Spcial Guernsey Mcçlellan, representiflg Plai yelow old Speial the Harbour Company, spoke brief- $4.95 ly on the subi ect and stronglY sup- ported the scheme. Fred W. Bowen, M. P. stated that Girls' Bracelet te, build a bridge one would have W A T C Hl E S to, secure permission f rom the fed-1 Assorted shapes, reliable eral goverrument. He was williflg. movements, Special, each lie said. to do anything to helP the situation tbat was possible. $3.95Mr. William Street, secretary o! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ th e B e a c h A s s o c ia t io n . s t a t e d t h a t Boys' Strap those at the east end of the west. side beach must not be ail that are! WATCHE S to be considered. It had tobe re- Reliable movements, strongly membered that those at the west1 built, reg. $6.00 - Special end badly needed proper access andi Afl ~ everyone should work for the whole. $4t.95q Mr. Street suggested t.hat reason bei used in the plans. because the Leather Bracelet beach was only in use for about two WATC STAPSmonths in the year. He suggested WATCH TRAPSthat a resolution be forwarded to' Special - Only the Railway Board asking for the Q. re-opening o! the station crossing 49CI. Each as a temporary relief to the west - 1side residents. Ladies' Chromium The plaii as suggested by the WATCH STRAFS ratepayers was endorsed by thel Special - Each meeting. and a strong conunittee was appointed te further the pro- 3 9c ject. One suggestion as to financ- ___________________ ing was matie that a company be Sterling Silver f ormed te seil stock in the bridge, which would mean the erection of LADIES' RINGS a bridge under the toîl gate sys- Assorted colors, only, eaeh tem. Mr. Pawson, owner o! consider- 49c able beach property, favored the 49c bridge and stated that there would These and mnany other specials be no difficulty in going over lis are Moore's contribution to property te the western end, anti Better Bowmanville Days. he believed also that Mrs. Fox would A Coupon with every Dolar be gladt t co-opei'ate. Purchase or paid on accowxt. A committee composed o! Guy R. Reoach, Dr. Milne and Mr. Leslie was ____________________ -appointedti t interview railway au- thorities and a resolution was pass- ed te, urge the federal government J. R .M oor to enti an engineer to look over J. R. M ore ~the proWet. J EWELLER The committee to further the project included: G. McClellan anti B Phone 463 - BowmanvilIe F. Depew. representing the Har- rr Expert Wateh Repairing bou Commission; T. A. Dustan andti ____________________ Dr. Mi ne. representing the Beach is Association; Win. Brock andi G. B. ic ________________________ Bickle, representng the Ratepayers; v, -Messrs Patte anti Dyer. represent- CONSCIENCE ing the East Side, Mrs. Fnox, Mr. il IRoadli. and Mr. Pawson represent- I "A good conscience is a continuai ing private property. Reeve R. .O b Christmas."-Franklin. Jones representing the town, and0 "Conscience is the voice o! God." Mr. J. H. H. Jury It was suggest- -Aughey. ed also that the Rotary Club ap- e) "Qed has endowed man with in- point a member of this committee. e alienable rights, among which are cc self -governmient, reason, and con- The value of the land, buildings P( science."-Mary Baker Eddy. andi plant equipment o! the Canad-U "I feel within me a pence above ian National Exh.ibition is estim- ail earthly dignities, a stili and ated at $2 1,000,00 and that is a bt quiet conscience."-Shakespeare. conservative estimate. in "No outward change neeti trouble i Radio broadcasting stations will th him who is inwardly serene."-Hosea beh seen in operation in the Electri- ac Ballou. cal and Engineering Building at the Y "Conscience is the sentinel o! vir- ICanadian National Exhibition this vi( tue."-Johnson. year. 1t] El For Better Bowmanville Days Friday & Saturday Bathing Suits, la f inest quality ail Wsoo], to clear at lowest prices, ail sîzes and colors in the lot: Regular SI.95 for Regular S2.95 for Regular S3.95 for Bathing Shoes, Kiienerts make, reg-ular $1.50 and $1.25 for, per pair $1*39 $229 $2*95 9se Bathing Caps, Klienerts make, reg. to, 75c, for each 39?c Now is the time to buy your Faîl Knit Suit. Every Suit reduced in price for this sale. These are Ballantyne's, and other makes. Every Sumimer Dress in the store to clear regardless of price. Good choice le! t to choose fromn and the prices will meet your pu-se. 4 Only Tweed Suits, short jacket style, regular S29,to clear for$7 5 Chiffon and Printeti Crepe Afternoon and Evening Dresses, regular te S18.00 for Embroidereti organdie, mousoline-de-soje printed chiffons anti crepe, regular to $12.95 for Balance of the better Chiffon and Crepe Suits, regular to S18.50 for $l0.95 $6e95 $10095 Half size heavy washable Crepe Suits, in white and pastel shades, sizes 18 1j to 22ý' , reg. $15.00 for 8 9 Misses' Crepe Suits, in good quality material, sizes 16-18-20 in the lot, reg. te $13.50 for $7.95 Chiffon and light service Hase, regular 79c, aIl fii-st quality. no seconds in the lot, per pair. Every pair Beach Shorts and Skirts in the store, regular to $1,00 pair, to clear for......... 69e 69o I AUIdLiSPECIALTY j Phno 54 Rng Street leDABII prf grc thE 1 tho tiir cer itq agg Bu, isti die usa te wi inti tht on)3 Can way this al'm penq niti oase 0No Wou and THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVHMLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1934 Just Plain Happy Honorable George St. Lawrence Neuflize Ponsonby, son of His HExccllency the Governor-General of Canada anti Lady Bess- borougli, and 'Master William Herridge, son of Honorable W. D. Herridge and Mrs. Herridge, andi nephew of Right Honorable R. B. Bennett, lndulging in a fraternal hantishake before going on with the business of the meeting-a littIe heavy sand-dlgging, on the glorious Katy's Cove Beach of the Algonquin Hotel, St. Antirewc-by- the Sea. know that in no other way can these lives ho preserved. Questions concerning Health, ad- dresseti to the Canadian Medical Association, 184 College Street, Tor- onto, will ho answereti personally by letter. VILALTH SERVICE F J1ôk ADVICE ON PERSONAL HABITS THE CANADIAN _k[AL___ ASSOCIATION AND L11190 (Fromn The Sherbrooke Record) INSURANCE COMPANIESsy atysnc- IN CANAIA \ 5 There is more yptsicr ity, anti spirit o! sacrifice in the MORE PREVALENT? world than ever before. Many men have come te realize the power anti In a recent issue of the Quarterly desirability of kindness, unselfish- Bulletin distributed by the Dopart- ness, and integrity. In business and. rent of Healtli o! New York City, social life these and simnilar quali- there is an article which ties are being applieti witli con- is written as an answer te the ques- stantly increasing sucoess. The >n: "Is cancer becoming more pre- world is gradually becoming bet- alent?" niar, largely because of~ the self-de- naheroism, and nobility o! thou- It is pointed out, first of ail, that santis of mon anti women. The i is to be expecteti that there will çworld is steaily growing more in- be an tucrease in the total number teresting, beautiful, and inspiring, Df deaths f rom cases such as cancer, chiefly because o! these consecrat- ihich occur in the older age groups.1ed lives. It is your privilege anti .s is genorally known, the average opportunity te take a place in this Bcpectancy o! life bas increased1 brotherhood o! earnest andi willing ,nsitierably, se that today, a larger workers, and thereby te contribute ýercentage o! the populati>n are in your share to the world's better- ;e age groups attacked by cancer. ment. No one has questioned this f act, Habits that become deeply rotteti 3ut manY have said that after malt- in your if e are of ten di!! icult to ng ue lloanc fe ths aingofchange. Ortimary resolutions are g doulaionc f th is aging o! net usually affective. Sudh faults as îe opuatin, her lis brm an wcrry, anger, impulsiveness, resent- t.tual increase in cancer. The New ment, anti impatience, can ho elim- ?rk figures do net support this mnateti only by earnest persistent, ew, anti the conclusion is reached repeateti effort. The first step is to lihat cancer is probably no more recognize the special defects in your revalent ;now, in any gîven age cliaracter, and next to take every Toup, than it was a generation ago." available means to eradicate them. Wc do not think that this endis If You have been thinking the .e controiversy, but we do believe wrong kind of thoughts-thoughts hat this note o! comparative op- Ofciscouragement, poverty, riisim shoulti ho heard. The can- ity, limita tion-be gin at once to r Problem is serious enough that substitute the riglit kinti o! thoughts doentreurthsigttex - thouglits o! encour a g em e n t, ggeato. t fousattntin uen t.Plenty, confidence anti opportunity. 'geatn t fcusatentonupo i. The proceas o! substituting riglit it it is equally desirable that we thouglit habits for wrong ones will houlti not become unduly pessîm- gradually bring about the desireti ;tic. transformation. These New York figures woulti in- Donot let trilles disturb your iate that, in se far as the POP- traýnquilty o! mind. The little pin- ltion o! that city is concernied, pricks of daily life when dwelt up- are is no new force or condition on anti magnifieti, may do great- hlch lia arisen, in recent years, damage, but if ignoreti or dismisseti cause an increase in cancer. Tr1r f.rmthouglit will disappear f rom, nothing to indicate that the foois lnnitio.Motmon have worried ie or methods of cookng employec about 'thingsowhicli neyer happen- eti, anti more men have been killed îcivilizoti people tetiay are leadsng by worry than by liard work. Life is an increase o! cancer. se great in its opportunities and WVhetlier or not cancer is on the Possibilities. that You shoulti rise rease in the population is o! little conf!icWent1l' above the ilievitable terest to the person who deveîops trifles incident to daily contact with ýdisease. To him, the one anti the worlti. Lif e is too precious te 1Y question of importance is- be sacrificeti for the non-essential in anything ho tiono for me in the anti transient. Stand Up in the su- IY o! treatment? The answer te Premacy o! piour manhooi, daim ýs question romains the same as il Your birtliriglit, tiare te go !orward, wayswas.The hanc of ur gnore the inconsequential, make pas ve a Telychaneao! cure de- every day counit for progress, anti iti vey lrgly poneary ecog- so will You proisper. tion o! the presence o! the dis- Make a practical plan for your se, followed by proper treatment. sPiritual culture. Put it in writing, )one can say just how many lives anti once you have decideti it is uld be saveti by early diagonsis the best plan you can make, adhere id proper treatment, but we do strictly te it. Care!ully analyse Your OF ARIZONA 15 4111M FFOM A PAPA<01 INDIA14 WOP.D,*AP.IlomA op. *AR5IZON AcAr, MEAXIS4 PlAci:CF 'ta ÇMALI. 5PRiNCÇ * -4"tlu, oT.-IÇ..'i~~ N~'P H. l@~ LARGE, RIPE, VE! LOW BANANAS ILEMONS FOR TIIIE HOLIDAY CANADA DRY 'b 70 Doz. 25e FIvagesr2d 30-oz. Bei cases Bots. (Commins only) 250 LIBBY'S CHATEAI) COND EF2 Ti 210 CHEESE Plaill or 2 No 122« CONE EE anlimento ks. OUR OVN IENCORE GOLD ARROW .Sandwich Spread 170 PEANUT BUTTER .,:21 CHRlSTIk'S-SINCE 1853 Bt' LKI FIG ROLLS lb. 14o SOAP CHIPS 5Bfi-3 SAVE TEUEoPON~S C!IRISTIE'S-SINCE 1853 Comnfort Soap 10 BARS 33e 'R' Soda Waters 2 P KGs. 21 OLIVES Stuffed 8"a'r0Z1JaPa r 8,o.15e 'le i3c A C& P COFFEE SALE ...Served Iced or Bot BOKAR Vigoîous and Winey III. 35C 9 O'CLOCK Mild and Mellow ILh31C RED CIRCLE Rich and Full Bodiod lb. 27c SMOKED PICNIC STYLE PORK SHOULDERS A & P QUAL1TY SELECTED BEEF ROASTS Mb. 190 IRUanP SR«IunS:e'lb. 15e 1Shoulder Mlb. 1Prime]Rib lib. jupe GENUINE SOFT.MEATED SPING LAMB Loins CORNED BEEF CA'sGW SLICED>COE MACARONI and CREESE LOAF BACON, Sliced Breakfast RKAM and TONGUE 3IIAPLE LEAF BACON MlAPLE LEAF Jellied Sliced FR) 5HC LtT WITEFISH lb. 220 Sliced Mb. IL5è lb. 200 Pkg. lb. 380 Pk.240 Lb d4c Better Bowmanville Dayài Coupons wiII be given away Friday and Saturday at A. & P. Stores. BELOVED STAR PASSES 1 1 marie ;). essi, i Cobourg born Screen Star, who passeti away Saturday at Santa Bar- bra, Cal. MZlilons thloughiout the worlti mourn the death o! tho fam- ous character who attaineti the groatest heights o! succoss when nearly sixty years o! age. motives ant iImpulses, te determine which restraineti. A de!inite plan whldh shoulti be encourageti anti wlll enable you te reslst undesir-1 able tendencles anti to pursue in- telligently the essential o! spiritual development. The làighest purpose of your life ls to grow ln spiritual grace, strength and ýsynmetry. There are noble powers wlthln you which give assurance of immense- ly larger things than you have yet realizeti. Goodness, righteousness, anti truth are fruits of the spirit, and as you cultivate these supreme qualities you wlll grow lIn ikenes to 00<1. ,- AUGUST 6th, 1934 il ]DRESSIES PRESSED - REFINISHED 75c eachs Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneil, Agent.-- Phone 152 Get Your Coupons at Knox's Skoe Store BETTER BOWMANVILLE DAYS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Meîm's blac'k glaiin bluc'her, î'ubbeî' heel and( leatheî' sole, Iprkieçlat ..........$2025 Meni's black c'alf oxford, leatheî' sole, rubbeî' heA, medlium toe, at.......... $3*50 Women's black kid tie, cubaîî heel, buit-in ai-eh, l)riced at ............. and nmen's, î'educed to . o95 and $395 KNOXso $3e50 lb * 1c Fronts lb. 1501 Legs ONE WEEK ONLY LADIES' DRY CLEANED - P ESTABLIS ED 155 TEA'i GREATATLANTIC & PACIFIC CO.' LI Pý4 1 TE 0 ý 1 r m seý_ -à--

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