THE CANADIAN STATESMA1'i, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1934 PAGE FIVE part. The minutes o! last year's meigwere read and approved. Iýf!icers for 1935 are :-Presidcnt, ammuy Re - Unions Mi. P'reci Moore; Vice Peiet Ir. Lorne Williams; Sec-Treas., Miss lara Belîman; Sports Comm- Lamb amil Re-nion tee, Miss Doris Collacutt. Mel- Lab _____ReUno boumne Wight, Lorne Williams andi Tise fîrst re-union'o! the Lamb i udrey Tbompson. s Next yea's picnic wil be helci the f ami]ly was ielci on Safurday at third week in July on Wednesday Cae.çarea, Lake cUgog; Over 150 a! lernoon. niembers were present f rom Toronto. At er tea everyone joined in the Guelph. Saskatchewan, Fenelon sports. The greateat attraction bcing Falls, Bobcaygcon, Lindsay, Sea- tee Bride and Groom race-three grave and many other centres. 1ev. couples entering. The winners were Morland Lamb, Toronto, was chair- Mrs. R. H. Cellacutt and Mr. Fred man for the af ternoon, and gave a Thompson. Oshawa. Af ter the races splendid addrpss. The off icers e- the men and some o! the ladies lecteci for 1935 are :-Pressdent, Mrs. en.ioyed a game o! soffball wlile the Hetiserington; Secret'y-Treas., Miss aIder folks enjoyeci themselves with Mae Lamb; Assistant Sec'y., Miss games ,having a very social time. Margaret Lamb, Penelon Falls. A Many were there tramn a distance bountiful supper brought te a close that baci not attencted for some time. the f irst successful re-union o! the Lamsb fanilly. It was decided to hold the next picnic the last Saturday The Mountjoy Picnic o! July. 1935 at Fenelon Falls. --Th'e lli annual re-union a! the Wilkins Family Picnic The Wilkinls family held their annual reunion at the Cream a! Barley Camp on Friday, July 2tb, when about 40 were present. The a! ternoon was spent in conversation and a real picnic supper was served by the ladies at f ive 'clack so that the sports could be helci in the cool- er f ime o! the day The commit.tee able prises were presenfed to the o! races. games, etc.. for which suit- isad arrangeci a very fine prograrn winners. Ater an exciting game o! bail and a peanut and candy scram- ble the family were treated ta gen- erous servings o! watermelon. Mrs. Morley Wilkins then called thee gafhering ta order and the usua! business was conducted. The off1cers for nexf year wcre elected as fol- lows:- President-Mrs. E. W. Fol- ey; Treas-Miss Helen Wilkins; Secy.-Mrs. Lexi Richards. Com- mittees for sports and general man- agement werc also electeci. As darkness crept over flic groundis the memnbers dcparted, looking forward f0 next year's picnic whicb will be belci early li July. Tise Collacutt Re-Union Tise fentb annual re-union o! the Cllacutf f anilies was helci at H-arnpt)n Memorial Park, July lSth when between 75 or 80 were pre- sent. lIflic afernoon bath young and old enjoyeci a game o! basebail.1 Towards 5.30 o'clock cveryone sat down to a bountiful tea. Mr. Nor- maxi Collacuft, President. calleci flic guests te order for the business at Cream of Barley Camp, Bow- manvlile. Weathcr was ideal and wifh over one hundreci relatives pre- sent a very pleasant a!ternoon and evening were apent. The afternoon's programa included sports and races. The oldest persan present was Mr. John Pereman, East Whitby, in his eightieth year. The youngest child was Howard McCormick. Those win- ning in tee races were: Girls 9 and under-Margaret Hepburn; boys 9 and under-Keith Mountjoy; boys 10 and under-LloYd Slemon; girls 10 and under- Velma Gilbert; boys 16 and under-Maurice Samells; girls 16 and under-Velma Gilbert; married women's race-Mrs. Russel Gilbert; marriecl mens race-Mr. Harvey Passcoe; clothes pin race- Velma Gilbert, Pearl Gilbert, and Eileen Pereinan; Peanut cantet- Mrs. Merlin Hepburn. The family members were present f romn Bow- manville, Hampton, Enniskillefi, Haydon, Kedron. East Whitby. Col- umbus, Oshawa, Toronto, Uxbridge, Bux'keton, BlaciMtock, Cadmus, Nesteton and Caesarea. At six o'- dlock ahl sat clown f0o well filled tables. Af ter supper fthc election o! off icers for 1935 took place: Pres- idext-Mrs. Russell Mountjoy; Sec. -Treas.-Mrs. E. Ellioft: Comxittee -for Cartwright. L. E. Mauntjoy, for Darlington. Theron MounfjOY; for Whitby, Harold Mounfjoy. Mrs. Firances Mountjoy andi Miss Elva Pereman will be on tee sports coni- mittee. A peanut scramblc was en- joyeci by Young andi olci. and as nlght came on ail wended their way borne. If was decided te meet in Hampton Park i 1935 on the asat Saturday in July Garton's Coach LUnes HEAD OFFICE - BOWMANVILLE. ONT. PHONERS 412W and 346 Week-End Bus Schedule OnIy OSHAWA - BOWMANVILLE LINDSAY - BOBCAYGEON STAETING SATURDAY, JULY 28th Note-Standard Tlme-Afl busses wtll run to Greenhurst at an extra charge of 15c.. Bobcaygeon Red School Scott's Line Dunsf ord Pleasant Pt. Opa Sehool Lindsay Janetville Yelverton Nestîcton Blackstock Burketon Enniskillc.n Hampton Bominanville Oshawa Northbound-Read Up x- è : i- C U I 0n 10 Oz 10 5.20 5.10 5.00 4.45 4.35 4.25 4.20 3.40 3.30 3.20 3.10 3.00 2.50 2.40 2.30 2.00 P.M. 11.45 11.35 11.25 11.10 1h00o 10.50 10.45 10.10 10.00 9.50 9.40 9.30 9.20 9.10 9.00 8.30 A.M. 12.00 11.50 11.40 11.25 11.15 11.05 11.00 10.30 10.20 10.10 10.00 9.50 9.40 9.30 9.20 9.20 P.M. OSHAWA WAITING ROOM - 6 PRINCE STREET - PHONE 2283 Good connectiobxs at Oshawa for Toronto Special busses for ail occasions. Reasonable rates and careful drivers. Connections are flot guaranteed and are subject to change at thse dis- cretion of the company in thse lnterests of thse public. We endeavour to strictly maintain scisedules on this card. Te A. Garton, Proprietor SCHEDULE SAME AS ON LAST YEAB'S CARDS. PROCLAMATION Civic Holiday Mionday, àAug. 6th 1934 1 hereby proclaim Monday, August 6th, 1934, a Public Holiday f or the town of Bowmnanville and request alI citizens to observe the same as such, and govern themselves accord ingly. Signed, W. ROSS STRIKE, Mayor. God Save The King Bowrmanville, July 26, 1934 The Porch eALLNS SALLIES 'w Cottons, Linens This la outsfandingly a wash- fabric season. Tiscre is ne reason xiow why we should not be always spic antd span, wlth tubbing practi- cal. Bales andi bales and bales of cot- ton wlll fhls ycar be fransformeci ixto dresses, suifs, coats,hats, bags, even shoes--everything but- hase, where If would useful above ail. Next fa cotaon. lxi popularify cames lixien. Linen swagger coafs are the newest f ashion announicement. They are worn wlth silk dresses and given the ensemble effecf by a big ailk fie under the chin, whicb matches flic dress. Most o! us thlink o! linen as an extreniely wrlnkle-able f abric, wh.lcb demanda constant pressing te keep Presen.table. Naf saefthc linens o! this year. Tbey have been freafed, with that very defect lnxind. They have a new finish whlch keeps them crisp, smoofli and f resh, on the or- der of tee nan-crease fabrlcs s0 pop- ular for travelling. For the Picnic Steak sniothei'ed i onions, es- cailoped potatoos and hot caf tee, served ouf doors besîde a camp! ire! If that sn't enougb ta stir your credit?' Clerk: "I dldi, they said she owed eveiy florist in town, and I thouglif if ber credit was that gooci, tbat you would like f0 have ber open an ac- count here." 1 "-ZIZI' WOPK IC A PPIVILCriE REÇT APPPECIAIEP py 1ýiO9E WHO0 MEEP If M'OST. MacLARENS PEANUT BUTTIER Jaro23 Icing Sugar --2 lbs. 17it d -__ __ __ __.1_ The day is past of sirnply hanging fLI Up a porch swing and drawing out -iL the living room chairs. Special IL furniture, with water-resisting fin- ish, is offered for the modemn porch.- It is macle in graceful, light weigbt styles, painted outdoor colors and - upholstered in water proof fabrics. The ise of the porch should de- - termine the size of the furniture. Do flot get over-large pieces for a smail porch. The porch f loor may be painted with water-proof paint./ There is a special paint for cernent fîzors. Grass and f iber rugs Wear 4, i well, do flot show the dust. and give a home-like appearance It is a pity t to curtain the windows of the glass- ed-in porch. A cooler ef fect is ob- or slat curtains.I Baby In Sumimer ' Many mothers dread the summer A friend in need us a fnend indeed; but a f or the baby. It lsn't the heat which friend who is flot in need '13 even better makes babies sick in hot weather, _________________ it is the bacteria, the germs of put- ref action, which attack bis milk, saliva and your dreains, you're flot which make lm il. If you protect red blooded, that's al the baby f rom flies; keep his bottles Escallop the potatoes at home. well sterilized; give hlm dlean, f resb, Have them ready to take out of the pasteurized n1iIký pleri'tY of f rash oven juat as you leave the house. air, and littie clothing, be should 'Set the pan in which you have bak- not mind summer at ail. ed them, inside a larger pan, with The air indoors doca flot move a thick layer of crushed newspaper enough. Baby wîll be cooler sur- between them. Cover ail tightly, -and rounded by air which is in motion. they will keep bot for two hours. Yes, this is a draft-and it la just Take along the wire rack from wbat the baby need.e, or anybody your oven. Let your husband hunt else. It is tee still air which stif- up some stones to hold up the cor- les us and makes us swelter. Keep ners of the rack over the caxnpfire. Baby outdoors every possible mo- If be can't find stones two parallel ment in the sumxner; in the shade, logs will do* o! course. On the rack set your fry-pan, and Give Baby plenty of cool water. fry the steak and on.lons. If you Evaporation f rom the body and want te be economical, buy ground lungs cools the body and enables us steak and you may form it into pat- to endure high temperatures with- ties at home and have it ail ready to ouf harm. f ry. Don't overfeed the baby when the Un-lax days are bot. Eatmng causes heat, Orbde-n evu ytm dieston case s an the odcuse0 -are like a bow which loses ifs wbic th bab pus te fod cuseelasticity if always kept strung. Un- more heat. Let Baby diet a bit a.nd string your nerves occasionally when do not worry if he does nof gain in you do not need to use them, and weigbt during midsummre. 0f course you will be better able te stand Up nobody would stint a baby on food- te a strain or important task when but do not overload bis stomacb. you have one. Overeating wlll give hlm indigest- Lying down for a f ew minutes, ion and bowel trouble. closing the eyes, taking a litfle walk Keep Baby in a Wel scalaened in the outdoors. playing a gaine, lis- place. The summer abounds in li- tening te music, sltting Wlth the sects which carry germs of dysen- bands folded and mnd vacant for a tery, fyphold, tuberculosis, mening- few moments, these are ail ways of itJs and infantile paralysis. lossing the tension 'on the body and Give the baby sponge baths every nerves. A bit of it now and then wMl few bours on bottest days. Let hlm make YOU stronger, happier, prettier Join the nudist clony, except for and longer-lived. bis diaper. Babies love heat and will ris sFo thfive in if, if you observe these Be uiwts Ameoadorne precauions.and aLlier fruits are waterY, we are The Refrigerator prone te think of them as mere no- The thrifty housewife dreilds te things, not realizlng thaf they have open the refrigerator door more a rlcb food value. As foods, we re- than necessary for fear of wasting quire in the body, more than fats, coolness. The resulf of this la that starches and proteins. We need min- wble she may be very cleanly about eral saits and vifamins. the rest of ber bouse se does flot Iron, calcium, phosphorus, lime keep the refrigerator dlean. It does an other minerai saîfs. as well as ralse the temperature of the refrig- the necessary vitamins A, B. and C, erator te hold the door open, but to are fa be found li the juices o! neglect this piece of furniture causes fruits and vegefables. Because these food spoilage and that la more ex- are liquid foods, and do not seem travgan in he ong un.hearty, do not despise them. Tbey travgantin ise ong un*are more valuable than many of the Every type of refrigerator needas slid foods we eat. to be completely emptied. wasbed and aired at least once a week. Oct Spinach Loaf your tools ready before you begin; Cook washed spinach inl melfed Have ready a table to hold the con- butter until it is wilted, flien add te tents of tee box, a pan o! bot soapy if chopped oflion, celery, mango, and 1water for washing, of cool, clear diccd meat. Add sait and pepper for water for rinslng, dlean cloths for seasoning, dried bread crumbs to washing and rinsing and a dry disb- shape inte a loaf,with two eggs fa towel for wiping. bold iftagether. Bake as any meat Work fast. Remove everything. If 0ai. the shelves are o! wood, set them, in the sun te dry and air and sweet- en. Wash pipes with a brusb whlcli Mshoo o as f its tliem. Mr.Slmo as Put only dlean tbings back In-1 side. Wipe tise milk bottle, fhrow out Chulciren learn quickly wbaf fliey spoiled dabs of f cod-if any-scrub wanf to learn, andi slowly wliat la the vegetables and wrap them inai forced upon them. The Wise mother damp clotli or waxed paper and b makes attractive the lessons of ie sure tlic outside of every dlsb 's she would teach ber cbildren. Make dlean. a game of neatness, of getting into Covereci refrigerator dishes enable bcd PromPtly and of dressing with one to kecp, for a long time many dispatch. foods nct formerly kept in the re- -- frigeratcr. Do not wrap the ice In paper. It does keep the ice fromi Florist: "Did you give that Mrs. meltlng, but i' defeats its purpose.1 Smith credit?"~ as the meltlng makes the refrigera Clerk: "Sure. 1-" tor cool - lorisf: "Ddn't I tell you fa get a 1 Vrpnrtnn vovnnA QQ V.riZIg .f- 1Laundry Soai Corn Flakes, Kellogg's 2 pkgs. 5 p 6 bars 2U r L xToilet 3Cakesl5c MILD SMOKED BEEF Bologna 2 bs. 25 c CAMPBELL'S PORK «. BEANS SWEET MIXED Our Own Fresh Ground Coffee Fresh Ground in thse Store as you purchase. SPECIAL VALUE Richmello - Mfild and Mellow Early Morning Fullbodied and Zestful CHRISTIE'S ROYAL CREAM SODAS 2 M&25C. 2Large 11C 28 oz. Tin 28-oz. jar25 Shirriff's JELLY POWDERS Pkg. 5t Navy TOILET PAPER 3 roils 2U< Handy Ammonua Powder 2 tins 13< 35Sc if27c Royal Cash andi YEAST CAKES 2 pkgs.: Cari L 1 m ]1 T E COMFORT LAUNDRY SOAP - 6 Bars 25e (CASH PluZ COUPONS GIVEN WITH EVERT DOLLAR ir PURCHASE) FFI Distinctive Qua lity CANNIBAL PHILO SOPHY LIVES Sir Norman Angeil wrifing in fthe Rofarian Magazine raya: Nations will nof commit whaftbey belleve to be suicide, condemn their chilld- rexi ta tee miseries o! starvation, an behaîf o! the biglier morallty. If is as thaugh one cannibal were ta say f0 another: "If is plain that cither I must eaf you. or you must eaf me. Lef's corne ta a friendly agreement about Tbey won't corne fa a frlen.dly agreement about if; fhey wilI figlit. And teey will figlit even fhough as a matter a! !acf fliere is plenty a! foodi for both, if anc cannibal would stand on flie shoulders o!flice Cher ixi order te reacli the faf coca- nuts of the branches ouf a! reach of eiflier acting alone. Sa long as men bolci te thaf be- lief -as fhey do-effective Interna- tional cooperation will be Impossible, war andc chaos will continue until civiliation disannears. If la more pleasàýnft tobave a business fliaf yau can't get away S f rom -tean oxie you cax't keep. Heal your horse while if works. Apple' Douglas' Egyptian tLiniment ta sare necks and galîs. A sure *~speedy treafmexif Over - eatinrg or eatlig tee wrong foods will cause Indigestion. Take ~- K.rk's Stoanalka. McGregor's Drug Store. Phione 92. Persian BaIns-There is nothlng Uike If for creaflng and preservlng a lovely complexocp. Coolng, caresslng -it soothes and dispels ail rough- adds exqulsite charm to the, most A velvety amooth lotio~n. It makes fthe akin rose-leaf ln texture. Re- comznended aiso ta sot ten anti uit- en the hands. Truly a peerlem toil- et requlalte of every woman. - .~Top T EAFresh from the Gardens Buy 10W- GREAT TAKE advanlage of a real bargain!1 Kellogg's Cora Flakes are today's outslanding value in cereals. Many servings from the big package at a cool of ouly a few cents. Grocers are featurmng Keilogg's for a linalted lime only. Buy now!1 Made by Kellogg in London, Ont. Catelli's Coolced Spaghetti 33-os. Tins 2 Ts2 9c Southbound-Read Down 0 A.M. 7.40 7.50 7.55 8.10 8.20 8.30 8.45 9.15 9.25 9.35 9.45 9.55 1Q.05 10.15 10.30 11.00 j 'n j p THE CANADIAN STATESMA1%, BOWMANVMiLE, THUP.SDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1934 PAGE PM r w --- - ugwgo 1 PICNIC , PICKLES