PAGE SD~ '1'IiE CA ADIAN STATESMAN, B0WMANVTLLp~, THURSDAY. AUGUST 2nd. 1934 HAMPON $ 1934 MARKS DIAMONI Mir. and \Irs. raîiî.rTo rontoa;re vii11t i . FI. Clayioni Nu-- 1Hclena Xhit. B roto, iO g-iut i f Ni r-. R lx' ;otcr-uit. MIr. K. Ca(V-rv , iToronto, spent the w eek-end wii hi- w if,. and fainiilv Mis,-.But lvKi-,..x -ptrii a fcw~ day- wih lier iunclc, NIr. jami. Knox, ai Funella. Nir-. Banil, Whou !a-,ht tri .tav'n 9 ,ith MiNIr-.\sîîi. lia-.reîurncd to OshI awa. Rut. and Nîr-. \V. Rackhin, Rugi- nail anid Ediili, a-rt huIlay ing ai NIio-- -cliian- *Lake. M r,. F. Rogcr-. andis u...Helen spctita weL vewih ~.W. XV. FIorn ai lîcinont Lakc Next SSunday .vnnkte s rjeu ttill lie a tur..iip and I'.ieS iin Story and Song. .Nis-.RtRlbv Clatworliv.. R.N., i, au; ig nîglit _tupcrvi -r ai lu in i iot.pial for a tint. .Nir. anîd Nr-.î. (asbv andl -tii. Jinîîiit(, 'Torotoî, terc Siutîdax t i-iiîr- i Nr. .Arthuîr -li. M Ir. T. C. Enînvi (>îiawoa, andI RcA. The first telephone was invented S. G. kit ii, Rîliîl,(1,i.jiîtlc, vi-- in Brantford, Ont-ario. by Dr. Alex- îîcd tiîcir .i-îu2r, Nî\r-. L'îtuh Stevens-. ander Graham Bell, just sixty years Nîrs. Clara Jetircy iti; la-.becui ago. Thus, among its many anni- vi-iting îiheNI iss-t Hornilias rturntidvraiteya 94as ak 10 Tt>rotiîir, aecoiaiiid î b NIl--.L. rarete ea134aomrk Horîî. vi-itiîig lier grandparct-, Nir. an Mrs.. L. S. Caurnîx, Trî, i'rENFIELDI lurni eilhi omu. NIr. anîd NI r-. A. E. junniîig-, O.hi- M rs. Guo. Oriit(,i i.. tinider thc d zc awa. Nvcre Siîdav t -sitorý inithe %il- ]bige Mrs S. illias isviýiitr carc. I~ig. Nr-. S. Vîlian-. i, t-iiiig Nis-. Burrîje Siin..oi, Hatriiion\, lia-. r and i rt. Garn Cînan îhcun vi '.iitig ai NIrs. .1. Stinsoti's. 1 1r ad Mr. aric Capna ad Niss-. Nerle and Wîîî ti-i famîily, Oshîawa, acconpanicd Iiy NIr. Dunx Ivfc aret isiting rclatiîx e-. u. Chapmnan'-. nothtr, ai-j ruaude a >hortnliM usNI albcl anîd Bert Virîîîe, Tti- vist ai lit r home on Fritiay-. rýt, arc viiting ai NI r. las.. P arr',. .Nr-. L. 1). svku-. ant i Einor -.peit NI r. andNrs. ÇGordon .Le-a-k anid a picasant Nveck-end in WXarkworthî. f,îmiv i-ited at '.\r. Frank Uibert'-. Mrs. Sykus, afler ..peiîding scycrai M r. and NIrs. Aif. Prescoti and fani- weekslhure, rctiurnuîîg 1lit-r hoint il,, Ili' bu iiiga îîci-î thiere witli tierni. on't fiirgct thie nîîicailc ant ilîanjo Sympatlîv 1- exiundedtd 1 M Nrt. rucitai ai Mrs. G. Bowmiian-. on 'irý-- Frank Rogers. in the duaili of lier day on Aug. 8 ai 2.30 pin. mothur, Nîr-s..'NcLeod (of Vhîîby). Nr. and Mrs. T. Henry and Cliarlie Also ici N\rs. NiIII-.wlîo recix cii iril and Mr. Cecil Hulibard, hiave bceîî t, Mfle nhr*.XV W Iemaind XVallc. Mr.iting relatives i Peterboro. Nir, \. N. ornandWalac, -r. The reaping of the Ijarvest lias Jackson rav and Doiuglas. Rackîîam startcd. Thic prospect-. artud urt îre are occupying a cottage ai Beiniontarfoabonflhac-t Lake. N.Ir. W. W. Hoirn and Ausýtin Nr Gordon Sizer, Havulon, Mr. andî Barron ai-o spcnt a pîta-ani w ck Ni.r. usiOri.iEîikl r.Wlae1ere, ù vis'iîed aI NIr. E. Ormiston'-.. r.nd Nîr. WlCvril lffrev Tod, Mr. and NIrs. Ettruit and Nis-.-Juîlia ronto. Ir. andNr.CriTcrean Oriî>oi-n, Ii.wnianville., NIr-.. J. Stori,, Bobbie. Port Pcrrv, acutnniparîiîîe )law ndb%.-e Eerorad>îr Mr-.. ufrx rotlîîr. i r- ,iiilaîîlnIdcîî islted ai Nr.XV NuisEdria C;uîld. Noîntal. w i nc rt - ~Ormîitiî's. cent gnie-.î-. f the N-e--Horio. \I ranîi-Alexander, Northi O-hî- M r. an I NIr-,. îrî ua.,nd awa, Nir. anid Nlr,. lusse Ami iii andî son M ii-- iernite .-rnîîiî, Ni ax\ulî- .\Ir. and -i PMrfl.NY . randI Nr- ý iu nand NI-- I reneLua.kant I r. Elnter Bovîl. NI r. andi Ni r- ix-n. T- XN i.NcI eol, Xviekxi-.idai NMr. L. C. rontu. , \vrt! i -ai il;t honme iof i i';o:. Mrs.E .Stcvný thuif you 're iooking for real values, Rcv. Mîr. Crafira reiru-unhiing th read the advts. thîs week. You may Ontario Teuîîçîraict Fcderaîj on ocenl- be a w-inner of one of the valuabie pied the pîlpiît ery accPtab1-,ly ý cash prizes. Corne o Bowmanville Sundav iiis'it, anid gai t a \ery 'tir- ipreiared o spend on Friday and ring addru-.s on tlie Temnpuraîice niove Saturday. menii. Nr- K. Ca(-.' rly ~riîîiered '.erv- pleasiiiglx a fittiig t. (dtl it bltng a 4 -_________________________ "Temperaiîe Pr.ave.r." 1 HAYDONI îr- . F.Carnagîaîî, N 1. l.'aîlier- ,<& - Nsscî esi.N u .Ai -rmstronîg, Mis- J esic Martin, Niss.-.Annie Gil,-.tiii* Mrs. W. Ricge, Toirintox isitîed îa Agicoîri ~. va icîlie, Ii ,. Mr. J. Wright's. Vera Ficîcher, I-.aamazoii; \Ir. cGo. M1r. andI Mrs. J. Grahaini, Oshiawa, Hogarthi,Nis- Lanira p., -ci, NI i --. visited at Mr. D .rhiîs Mari' 1-ogarthi. NI r-. IR H. Rcvnilil,- Mm. J. Gilbank's lias been visiting iii antI NMis.Lunirr, Totîo, *i>iîtl Nis-.-Mn. E. Larîners, Blacksîock. Edîia Rvod Miss Mary Thonîpson, Bîîwiaanviiie, On Stndav evening, Jîîiv 22nî1, the is ioidaying witis Miss Laura Philip. Miss Ruth MeNeil has returneul honte puiîîtit a- occuiped i)v Rev. S. Gor- fe hniangaMrA. rn's lev Brown of Rîchmnond. Qiiec, whlo atrhldyn i r .Gats prcaclied a splendid sermoun Lin the Trno word-. - 'XVhat Think Ve <f Christ?~" Miss Grace Trewin bas retiirnetl A wci-rcndered diet-"Comen to NIle" home after holidaying at Mr. NV. bv N.Ir. C. W. Sotîch and N.irs. Smith's, Whitby. ly addcd inspiration totie service. Miss Myrtie Cowing, Misses Liliian .Nr. T. Itrown. Ottawa, luîglt the andu Helen Spratt, Oshawa, visiteil ai Aduli Bible Cia-s aithie Snndav Mr. T. Cowling's. Scîojol-c-si(-,n in tile mcrniîi, 1 to lie Mr. Lloyd Thnrnpson. Cadmnus, Mr. lca-ti>iru of îlîî'î-e prueunt. andîl ;l-o Roiliand Thompson, Oshawaî, visiteil ai took charge of thie levotional cxi r- Mr'. W. Tlinmpson's. cises. Tlîey rctiirned lui flîir bornies Mrs. S.. Vanstone, Toronto, Mi-. ini on Tliir-day lasi, afler a pleasant %Mrs. R. Vanstone and !faiiy, Xliiîhy, vis wii relativeus antI old friend-.. ist ied ai Il R. McNeil's. Mr. Cecil Slenitin, Miss Vernai Trp- Win, Mr. ;nq Mis. C. Avery tehîl a .Nr. .I Muitnjty's, Nestletiîn. mr. ani] Nrs, T. NMotitjoy, NMr. antI1 Xiis. Milton Slinion antI fîiiîly attend- - Il the \Iountjuîy picnie (in Sî îd The annual Comnnitinil x Pieniie will he lhel as is ual ai Pine Grove Park fin NondaY, Aligîist 611î. Everyboduy 2 5 wel core.1 .NI. J MffatMrs. A. Bradiley, Mrs. WILL BUY ANY 0F I Orino, visted ai Mi'E.-LradIey's. If you're looking for reai values. THESE AT OUR read the advts. this week. You may be a winner of one of the valuabie STORE ONcash prizes. Corne o BowýmanviIIe STO E O preparel o spend on Friday and I~I~T'iA7 ..... CA1Itfl~AVSaturciay. rKLA a~j~ nd ZIAI LAI 1 ',- lb. pkg. Red Rose Tes 3 boxes Matches 3 boxes Corn Flakes 3 tins Sardines 3 Ibs. Rice l4 lb. Keen's Mustard 3 roils Interlake Toilet Paper 2 Shredded Wheat 5 cakes Palmoilve Soap 4 1-lb, bars London Soap 100 f t. Roll Wax Paper 2 tins Pink Sabnon, 1 lb. 2 V-b, box Golden Bar Cheese 20 oz. jar H. Horne Peanut Butter 2 tins Snap Ceanser Powder 2 hIs. Pure Coeoa 1 pkg. Creain of Barîey Pkg. La-.o Cereal These prices for the unit oniy. WV. C. Caverly RED & WHITE STORE phone 62 - BI>wmanvlle SOLINA NIr-. Thjo-. Baker scti tlici-xi ik- nti at 'Mr. I'lnem Xibin-, anitilî. NIr. and Nu\Ir-.. Franik I'a-. e;iand faiîily, Zin, t-u-i at NIr. H. E. Ni -s J îaî 'il h iii et--, ol1îînib l i , - been i -iting li-mcoul-lXi-. (ract, thli i'.ekeî tliM i u-. Ni rgaret ID JUBILEE 0F GREAT CANADIAN INVENTION 1the Diamond Jubilee of one of the layotut shows Dr. Alexandler Graham »greatest forces for the advancement Bell as he appeared in 1874 when of mn'scivliztio. T Caadathe first telephone was conceived. 0f mn's ivilzaton. o CaadaAt lef t is shown one of the eariiest goes the honor of having 1rdue telephone and one of the most mod- the genius and the instrumenTe ern. Rundle. Ebenezer, Miss Aura Rundie R.N., llowînaiviiîe, vi-.itcd ai Mnr. NI s-t-. Ata and I relie Pa-.euii I ut îîn l w i tIi Ni i-:s- NIarjo rv iîîni i ti hl'a s-ct, Hanmpitun, Ikfi NI ondiav- on a rn 'iontri p tiroiîgli Eastern (Oi- At tl ihîtinruli serice Rev. Grafîtoi o f Toronto, represcnting tiîcOnîtarito Terriperancu Federation duliglîteul alI %vithi lii'. excellent discouirse. Niss- Jes.-ie Yelloivlec-. sang a solo and tîte clîuîir gave a îiiber. At ilie close of tiie Sundav Scliool on Sîîntiav mtirning, a shiort tumnîer- anue prograin ta-. givun witli INIrs. J olîn Baker in ccharge. Shiort reauiings ivere given by ' Grace Yeliwlees and Katliheun B.aker and Mm. Francis XVoîtt un. Mn. A. Hillis, '.,Ir. and N.irs. Eliîr Wihbur, Hanmpton; Nirs. Ja-.. Sliax'., Lakeport, XMiss ,Lîcrcta I>uîall, lPuni Pcrrv; Nlr. Jas. Nîackenzie, Columbu-., antd Mr. Guernscy McCIchlan, Btitni,în- ville, vi-.ited ai N*I r. Tlio-.. Baker'-. Tlieru wcre îicarly tîvo iîîndred pre- senît aioju r coninunity lie nlu las-t W lnslyafiernoon on tiie commun - ity grouid-.. A vcrv eîjoyahîîe afue-r- n1on iiita. pt'li i xitIi macet.and il l gaule-., and a dcliciîîî s stîpper mxas .e'eIi v tuie ladies. .\ugiî-t XV. i. meet inîg on iTi-.tlav af- iernîooîî, ..\ig. 7îlî., iîî-.îcad ýf \îg. 901l, mi acc iiii tof i ron o Hi mi ltiraI So- ciutiy î'.trSliout'v. M'eetinig xi hI lc lield ai NIr-.. Noirmîan Leauli-s, T,îîii- ton, and w ilIlibe iii ciarge of (.rouî 4. .\Il îiiîîtr-.liai iig exiiit-tir ()Il aîta fair, plea-c blniî lium ti lii-. ilc inig. If you're looking for reai values, read the advts. this week. You niaY be a winner o! one of the valuabie cash prizes. Corne 10 Bowrnanviile prepaied 10 spend on Friday and Satuîday. TYRONE .Nîr. jolin Nobîle spcîîîSauiiav xti Oruîîo frîclîis. Iastur Jiniîii ic XW'odlex j-. t-iiîo frienî Hampîton. .NIr. TIioni a-. letiiuy 'i.1iia tcri '.cakencd ci.idtion aittnc of xvritiiîg. Clitiruli Service Siinday ai7pn Suntlay Sclmiiatai2.30 î.nî.as iîj. Mr. aiid Nlr-.. C. XV. Wood]eEtil aînd Joye', qslitite îvcek-e 1 a Tliuniia 1Park. Ni-.-.irene Caiuieroui and NIi,-.Ma îc ('amuron, T irînti, arc liolld.îtin gai Tlîuir-.tîîia Park. NIr-.. RobenrH-t iNli- Nina HIlug'.ouiaîîd NI r-. James-.Storex-Yl- iteil ai Nin. Ed]. I ohdgc-., Siiîî. .Nîr. andî NIr-. .\V. .Xuîii, NIr. andîî N\Ir r-. Il. Brlrtîît, iteii,î ic fîîuîî ral tif tht ir eu-Iin, Ni r. \V. i Xîî- tr Nir n.îd Nir, t- Lii le liii t ni-tîitl(tu (Cardinial afier î-utiîîg Ili,- gran,îiiitlîer, Nlr-. XV. Lutheatid lii- fthen(-, Ni r. XW. Little. NIr. anîd NI r-. Ti oi n Ii ii ar, liIiljx îg wtlli NI r. anid Ni r- l ta HliI.îîî, Eîinn-. n ;d Rit ,iand N\I r-. .îiîî iNiI.aiigliiiiai (Oak- I.akt- Ni;-.- Viola Sljortt, Ni r andlXr. XW. h'r-(titt anîd f.iiîilv ;andi (,tliL.r, frind, i-.eîîjiix ila mluitrmip anti xi-- iteti fritîîj-,îî l'almeir-.tonî ,îaind ii F i re t. Nîr. Gii-.-ie 1Ru-ex i .îr aiind ir. Igili J,,ne-., îîccoîîîaîîîîîl lixNi r.,îîd '.Ir-. IIlîrry Ju-,ii 'l'Trtomîîu, >-liit Stiiîil;j wttu NIrn îd Nr. .h;i - r, lint lbupt. N\i-.,îniiJ lu-. î,îii lit hr ifingý r n uIliillo tii u i cifrk-, ct iiîîi u it , b illv il xî.î-it - x i h; .t tuec finger rnie Iiiî -iinIl xx - If you're iooking for real values. îead the advts. thîs week. You may be a winner o! one of the valuabi-e cash prizes. Corne to Bowmanville prepaied Vo spend on Fiiday and Satuidai'. i SALEM Mr. and Mis. Leonard Richards returned home f rom Muskoka iast week. Miss Sybil Hocken, Toronto, was a weekend visitor with her sister. Mis. C. Pollard. Mis. R. Hodgson, Miss Nina, and Mis. Jas. Storie, Tyrone, visited at "mhe Maples" on Friday. Mr. R. H. Colacott has soid his faim to Mr. Bartiett, who with his family bas taken possession. Mr. and Mis. A. Richards, Miss Hilda and Mr. George, motored to Muskoka on Sunday to spend the, day with Mr. G. Richards and fam- ily, Toronto, who are holidaying tbiere. Rev. J. H. Osteihout, Orono. oc- cupied the pulpit here at theS- day a! temnoon ser-vice, deiiveringuan excellent sermon f rom th'e text deai- ing with the decision of Moses.] Mis. Osterhout also attended thé service. 1BAKER'S SCHOOL Loweî School Results: Veina Mison-Art, Br. Hist.. Grammar, Agric. 1. Isobel Yelowlees-Art I Br. Hist., Grammnar. MAPLE GROVEI .%liss,-es .'.îarjtirx îî tCi ' ' I-- taVs i l(îlîîiH, , L.îîîi-,îx \ i l Iclcî-.I,, ii.ed au tlicir M rîil' . i jack l;k-'.lier iittu, Nr-\'iutir X l-.ii Nir. and Nîr-.. i.liarltýehn NclBnitie El'cgni eii u i- fhî-.l,î f- ant I l>irtomi, I'tclîirt iti-il aiNr. Nur -itjlSt' uj i ii .Nir ,îa d Nir-.. Likliart .auîîl fa ii l , 'cii i lt- w t - iid i i hi- liart ii- RialOak, h)i-rit i-ît, ltNî il Niir-...(i 1. iin-îi H Tarv' rt,îîî, NIî-.-. l îî Vil-.oti,Nu-. i r -A~.ltla R'- ivriilii-.and iNarnýar- anid .-lliîî \, Liiilav.îî-îîSni- ci Pa'-.e, Hamptouin, %tirc i tli NI r-. litt tiîrI.liNr.\er RJ. \ICKi(.,ok"X\ i-. ti Miss EîlîilXeîloii, îtu-.v r Nun Tliîi-. l,îkvr andlNIî.V.\îr; 1- îîKiigii, Prnce A.'Xl. -mt, w,re' I.îkur, Siliia, \li,,-.-. C.(.. uitii, gîîe-.t-. iNMr. I saac i îarîy's. ruNI i-.-.c-.Ilttu,, NIilri- l, Nr. 1lil, Nîr. 'fluos. Baker and Nu--. X't a qp-ii, ti lt Sîîîîîl';N, uithi IDr. anid vi siteil Dr. and NI r. Lxi. Villiani-. . . L. WXVianîiî-..;il lîtlr ctitt;îgt- Iltî-îr cotlage' i Cuiearea on undîitay. amt Lîku t-.;n- NI r. aîd Ni r-..Jin RýynIld s, Mm. Nr. 'atid Niîr-.. Vs IlScatti rgot,,ý andi Nir-.. Jîe Rex tiîld-. andilR'onald Ni- NaY ;niwllatd NI r-..1'. MNI Ti oont, vil-i tedidlauNir. j ack 1 i- lil.I)orini, (>'dî i ,vî,iiii td iNiMr, -.. Miss Lois Roîvu, Syu(ietui;îni, NIr. X- Ftlcv's andIl. R F(le'Y'> cii SUii- NImr. Ernu-.i Lariner ani fi; 1n i lY, iai. Nir,. J] îîîu etiaiiîeI for ;a llIaCks.îick, vi iit etial Ni..'A. 1j Bal- î W-i vili lier is-ter, Ni r-s. . . H son .îey Ouîr yoiîng pecople ;are presenhting If you're looking for real values, tlium ir oîimlar plaîy, ']litre (oinus îead the advts. this week. You may Charlie" ai Ennhskillen on XVdnusý,davt be a wnner of one o! the valuable ci'unhng. cash prizes. Corne o Bowvmanvllle .Mn. Jas. NMac'kenzie, Colnumbus, Nîijs.s prepared to jpn on Frlday and Liicea ciI'tiaii, Port Penny, Mrs. Sam SaturdaY. .... .. .... Base Linie S.S. No. 3 Piciîic %va-. lieli Satiirday' ;ftcnnon at u irks lcci. xvlicihpnovud tu l iai idc;îl-potifior a piîu h i. B oai iii g, radin g an d li- la Nîcu hile cliief anîi-xiun-. ant iii nî- lier of hrize-. xi cru git eii. Alit0(.30 a iîxul iuic -iipt'r v. i.(iJtx cd ixN al . 00i r , amutii illiig. .NIîs- Norîii;îScx-nîiiiii;iiiiîlîîg in couliiii., 1-<- Its-it anîd CI.în.î t. The Statearnan 50c for ib bal- ance of the year. ENNISKILLEN Mrs. E. Rundie and Mrs. C. Bran- on visited at Mr S. Page's. Miss Alice Ashton visited her sis- ter, Mrs. Stanley May, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffin spent Sunday at Mr. D. Burgnasters. Mr. and Mrs. A. McLeod and David. Toronto, are hoiidaying at Mr. N. Byers'. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stainton and Clifford, Toronto, are holidaying among friends. Mr. and Mis. L. Kerr and son Wesley, Toronto, visited thei aunt, Mrs. W. Herring. Mr. and Mrs. Bradley visited with Mi. and Mrs. Soper and other friends in Kendai. Mr. and Mis. F. McGill, 'toronto, are hoiidaying with lier parents, Mi. and Mrs. Levi Brunt. Mr. and Mis. Garnet Chapmn and famiiy, Mrs. J. Chapman. Osh- awa, were around calling on oid f riends. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ashton and Harold spent Sunday with their daughter, Mis. S. Rodnian, Port Perry. Mr. T. A. Browýn, Ottawa, Rev. S. G. Brown, Montreal, Mrs. E. Sev- ens, Hampton, recently visited Mr-. H. Stevens. Mi. Jos. Webber, who has been visiting his sister, Mis. Wm. Herr- ing, has ieturned to bis home in Greenway, Man. Miss Alice Ashton, accompanied by her cousins, Misses Bernice and Lillian Aunger, spent Frtday at Mr. A. Stainton's. Zion. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oke, Mr. and Mrs. mhos. Robbins. Pickering, visited their brother, Mr. Geo. Rob- bins, Maîvein, on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson. Mr. and Mis. J. A. Stainton and Clifford, Mis J. Pye and Miss Eva Souch en- joyed Friday ai ternoon at Lake Simcoe. Misses Bernice and Lillian Aung- er Of Rimnbey, Alta., who hiave been viSiting friends here, îeturned to Toronto on Tuesday and are ieav-1 ing for their home On August 8th. e-1 IBASE LUNE $u Best Quality Biggest Values Superior Service COUPONS GIVEN WITH EVERY DOLLAR PURCHASE ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 3 tubes Squibb's 25e Paste. 50e 2 tubes Dr. West's Paste. 39c 60c Hleavy Mineral il11 49e 1 lb. tin H-eaith Sait.s .... 39c 25c Cashmere Bouquet 10 cakes Castile Soap ...>25c Soap .. . ..l0c Kolynos T. Paste and 3 cakes Woo>dbury's Soap, 25e Spoon ............... 43c 4 Rosarie Soap .. 19e Heavy Metai Lunch Kit...69e 4 Jergen's Rose Soap . 19e Extra Strong Outing Jug $1.39 3 Paimoiive Soap 14e 1 gai. Stonewall Jug... $1.89 2 Lge. Colgate's Pat Regular Size Ely Fume 1 Aduit Brush 50e 50e Sprayer BOTH 49c BOTH 33e 5 Gillette Blue Blades R Iaban Balm 1 Gillette Razor ad Case 1 Dreskin (Astring.) BOTH 49e BOTH 35e Our PICKLE MIXTURE is easy to use and most economnical. Kerslake'S Drug Store Phone 49 P. R. Cowling, Phm.B. We Deliver Eyes Tested Free-- Trusses Fitted Binder Twine Specials Extra Manila, 500 ft., per lb... 9OC Superior, 600 ft., per 1b.... 92C Gold Medal, 650 ft., per lb.. IO Be st Twine made at the Lowest Prices. RICE & CO. Hardware - Heating - Plumbing Est. 1900 Opposite Post Office Bowmanville, Ont. If you're looking for reai values, Miss Marjorie Pascoe, Hlampton, read the advts. this week. You may and Mr. A. Blanchard, Soiina, were be a winner of one of the valal uss of Mr. and Mrs. Ariey North- cash prizes. Corne Vo Bowrmanville cutt at the Ontario Funerai Direct- prepared Vo spend on Friclay and ors Banquet and Dance at the Royal Saturday. York Hotel, Toronto, on Thursday. PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP-SDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1934