PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAX, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1934 LOCAL & PERSONAL Send in your list of vistors. Phone, 53. Miss Doris Thompson is visiting Mrs. T. Naylor, Deseronto. Miss Eleanor Berry, Wolf e Island, is vsiting at ber uncle's, Mr. E. H. Brown. Mr. M. Rixen, accountant, Bank of Montreal, is holidaying at bis home in Deseronto. Mms. Clarence Hayes, Columbus, vsted ber uncle, Mr. M. A. James: and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. H Brown and daughter Hilda bave been holiday- ing with his sister at Wol.fe Island. Mrs. Frank Cryderman in comp- any witb Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Higgin- botham of Nelson, B C , spent the weekend with friends in Toronto. Under 50 Years Ago in last issue the paragraph should read: Blrtbs. Graham, InI Enniskillen, July lStb, to the wife of Mr. D. Graham, a daugbter. If you're looking for real values. read the advts. this week. Y ou may be a winner of one of the valuable cash prizes. Corne to Bowmanville prepared to spend on Friday and SaturdaY. Mrs. Chas. Bagneli has returned f rom a holiday at Wasaga Beach Master Donald and Miss Lorna San- ders returned with ber for a visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Bickell. Great Values FOR BETTER BOWMANVILLE DAYS Items for August 2 - 3 - 4 Pure Cane Granulated S Keilogg's Cern Flakes Duff's Pure Lard, 1Ilb. pi Post's Bran Flakes. Hilicrest Shortening, per Aybner Pork & Beans, 19 Fancy Mixed Biscuits Choice Assortedl Biscuits Tes.,, good quality, per Il Preserving Suppv Gem Jars, small Gemn Jars, medium Rubber Rings.. 2 Certe, per bottle Parowax ....4 Zinc Rings... Soap Chips. . Laundry Soap, unw-rappe Tiger Cat.sup, qi. bottle Kipper Snacks, per tin Brunswiek Sardines, per Canadian New Cheese, p( Preserved Cherry, 32 oz.i with pectin added, per orange Marmalade, 32 o2 Aylmer Tomato Juice, pe Baker's Cocos., 'lb. Jelly Powders, assorted flavors, per pkg. Coupons Given Witi Dollar Purehai F. S. Cot SUPERIOR STI King and Ontario Phone 354 - Bown, Sugar, 10 lbs. 55C 3 pkgs. 20e )rints. 10e 2 pkgs. 21c clb.. . 10e Phone 74 Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart, Manchester, visited f riends here. Mrs. Il. G. Martyn, Stratford, vis- ited ber mother, Mrs. Jas. G. Ric- 'kard Mr. and Mss. F. C. Vanstone are bolidaying neas Elgin House. Mus- koka. Mrs, Oco. P. Freeland. oono bias been visiting ber sister. Mviss M. Jarvis. Miss Marjorie Robins, Toronto, was recent guesi of Miss Marion G. B. Warder. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolmn Galbraith, Kalamazoo, Micb., have been bol- idaying bere. Miss Florence Sprung, Toronto, was a recent guesi of Mrs. Glen Dunn, Westmnount. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Purdy, Margar- et and Clifford, Castleton, recently visited friends ber. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cox, New York City, recently visited bis motb- er, Mrs. Cbris. Cox. Miss Gladys Chapmap, University of Western Ontario, London is guest of bier aunt, Miss W. B. Morris. IThese will be no Baby Conference until August 24tb as Miss Graham, Public Healtb Nurse. is on bolidays. Congratulations te Miss Florence Bennett upon obtainlng ber f irst class certificate at Peterboro Normal. Mr. and Mss. A. Hoid and family, Toronto, bave been visiting ber par- ents, Mr. and Mss. Geo. A. McTag- gart. Mr. Harry Lossiman, Chatham, was bere recently calling on old fr1- ends and visiting the baunts of bis youtb. Mr. Wm. Leavins and f amily and Miss Sylvania, Cleveland, Ohio, bave been vîsitmng their sistes, Mrs. W. A. Bunner. Mr. Joseph Webber, Greenway, Man., spent last week at bis nephew, Mr. S. H. Webber, Clifford.-Han- over Post. Miss Audrey Elllott bias retusned borne citer spending a week wlth ber cousin. Miss Doreen Sherman, Sand Hil. Mms. (Rev.) C. C. Washington and daugbters Joyce and Anna, Master Rodney Hammell, Toronte, recently visited Mrs. W. C. Washington. Miss Marjorie McCullough and Miss Catberine Ormiston, Columbus, Two days only - Statesman will be sent balance of 1934 for 50c Miss Clo Anderson is bolidaying with ber cousin at Potsdam, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. T. Pritchard visited relatives in Toronto last week. Mrs. EL. Margerrison. Sudbury, recently visited ber sister, Mrs. Nor- man Pingle. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Swindells. Eric and Roy are holidaying at Sharbot Lake. Mr. Alex Lockhart, Toronto ,spent the weekend wth bis brother, Mr. T. H. Lockbart. Mr. and Mrs. Otho Brown and daughter, Beverly Ann of Detroit, were guests of bis aunt, Mrs. W. G. Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fletcher Staples and daughter, Toronto, spent the weekend with ber mother, Mrs. W. H. Spargo. Mm. Neil McPberson, Springfield, Mass., is visiting hèr sister-in-law, Mrs J. N. Lawrie. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Wagar, New York City, N. Y., are holidaying witb bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wa- gar, Centre Street. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brint, Tor- onto, Miss Florence Kersey, North Bay, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hughes. Mrs. Crossey, Toronto, has been visiting ber daughter, Mm. W. J. Cul- ley, Wellington Street. Dr. and Mrs. V. H. Storey, Kitty and Margaret le! t Wednesday for a montb's holiday at Nippising Land- ing on Lake Nippisin.g. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Elford, Buf- *f alo, Mr. and Mis. Percy Elford, Toronto, have been visiting bis mother, Mrs. Anna EIford. Mr. and Mrs. Seward Dowson, Bowmanville, and ber sister, Mms. Albert Stinson were guests of Miss Mabel Lytle at Victoria Road. Ex-Mayor and Mrs. Milton Elliott and Mr. and Mrs. R. K. Bragg, took in the enjoyable train and boat trip te Sault Ste. Marie over the weekend. Mr. W. J. Bagnell was in Toront9 on Monday, attendmng Rogers-Majes- tic, and DeForest Crossley joint radio dealers convention in the Royal York. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Moore, Bow- manville and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Alin, Newcastle. bave returned f rom a pleasant visit at Port Carling and Muskoka. g tin I10 e r' i sV teI flUiiU.511Wt tIi L'Io e. M iss M ildred Downey, M iss B r- er' siter Mr. Wlto Pa.sce. nice Bagnell and Ms. Ernie Brw 23e lb. Chie! S. Venton, Mrs. Venten, are taking a motos trip through Que- 15e M. Donald a;nd Audrey Venten, Ms. bec Province, New York State, and John Hellyar are bolidaying ai Sal- other States. b. 39e1 mon Trout Lake, North Hastings. Ms. Ernest Brown of the CRCT lies Trinity Chois members are askedI radio station staff bas returned te attend service in their churcb on ifsom an enjoyable canoe trip S1.05 deZ. Sunday. Augusi 5th. Choir practice tbrougb the encbanting lakes o! S1.20 doz. will be cancelled on Augusi 3 apd 10.I Algonqauin National Park. 2doz. 15e Fsiends of Miss Helen Lyons gatb- Miss Elizabeth M. Seper, Toronto, ....29e ered aitbe residence of Mss, W. H. has been appointed by the Higb cakes 14e Roenigk, and presented ber witb a Scbool Board as the new teacher of 25 ~beautiful miscellanous showý,er-1 lower -school subjects and office ams- lbs. 15z Lindsay Wasder. istant at the Higb Scbool, duties te c b. 5 From nov on no necd to borrow commence with the faîl termn. 1ou0nibarss Satsma wenMr. C. M. Anslie, Toronîto, bas been 10 ars25eyou can get it for balance o! 1934 engaged by the High Scbool Board 16e for 50c. This offer is only good for as teacher of Commercial subjects, 5e Bettes Bowmanville Days. succeeding Ms. Alex Shearer. He is tin 5c Messrs Jas. Williams, Geo. Tordf!, P, specialist. er lb. 17e Geo. Veale, Newton Hàckney and if you're looking for seal values, ja. James Jenmangs composed a party read the advts. this week. You may jar. that recently visited the World s be a winnes o! one o! the valuable ýr jas 27e Fais at Cbicago and had a jolly cash prizes. Corne te BoQtmanviile DZ. jas 28e trip. psepared te spend on Friday and )er tin._5c Ms. and Mss C. N. Ruse were li Saturday. lit4e Toronto oves the weekend wbere Messrs W E Groves and J Lasmour they celebrated their Golden Wedd- were in Oshiawa on Wednesday nlght 5e ng anjîiversasy on Monday, July 231 acting as judges in the garden con- - cat the residence o! their daughter. test sponsored by the Oshawa Hort- th Eaeh Mi's.J. K. Stoutt. icultural Society This is the second Rev. W. W. Jones, a former pas- time these men bave been bonored tes o! Hampton United Churcb. but with ibis appointment. for tbe past six years, pastor of St. Ms. J. L. Morden, genlal proprieter Andrew's Churcb, Mllbrook, witb of the Cream of Barley Camp, bas A tler Mis. Jones was presented with an forwarded a check for $25 te Ms. address and dinner wago;n and cab- Gilbert Jones, secsetary o! the Band, mnet of silves. to belp defray the cost o! the band Ms. nd ss.?erc Laie, entering the Canadian National Ex- ORES Mrbn r.PryLwisf ibition contests. The Band would be Harry and daugbter Margaret, De- grateful for other donations towards Streets troit, Micb., and Mrs. M. Barstead, tii cause, a special band concert for Toronto, who bave been bolidaying which is being beld on August 25th ranville at Lake Scugog, called on the. form- in the opera House. Cash prises are er's aunt, Mss. J. N. Lawrle, Satur-1 being awasded to bolders o! lucky day week enroute home, tickets. Dustan's Cash HardwareI ~ GREAT VALUES FORI Bowman ville Days ALUMINUM PRESERVING KETTLES Qusrt-Special Qusrt-Special Quart-Special Guaranteed CROCKS 1 gallon to 6 gallons 250 per Gai. 1 Gallon THERMIC PICNIC JUG $IL.99 TWO BURNER ELECTRIC HlOT PLATES Special $2e98 Pure Hiouse Paint, gai. $3,035. Ppm- CATTLE SPRAY, gallon ... $1*00 Ail Wool Motor Rugs, 54 x 78, Special $2,95 Lawn Mowers, 4 blade, 14"-Special. $50,95 Lawn Mowers, 3 blade, 16"-Special. $50409 HAY FORKS - HAY FORK ROPE FISHING TACKLE - AT LOWEST PRICES Bowmanville Mss. Agnes Burner, Toronto, bas been visltlng Mrs. T. H. Lockhart. Mr. and Mrs. M. G. V. Gould are holidaying at Camp Le Nid near Picton. Mr. and Mrs. Angus McLean, Tor- onte, called on Mms. J. N. Lawrrie recently. Miss Marguerite Milligan. Nortb Bay, is visiting her uncle, Mr. L. S. Dumas. Miss Ida Weekes, Toronto, is vis- iting ber brother and sisters at "Kal- mar Villa." Mrs. Geo. Jackson. and Allan, Toronto, are visiting ber sister, Mrs. Roland Bate. Miss Elsie Alun bas returned f rom visiting ber father, Dr. Norman Alun, Edmonton, Alta. Master Ronald Richards is boli- da>ing with is fiend, Charliie Churchill, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Souch recently visited ber sister, Mrs. A. J. Wad- bams, Owen Sound. Ms. Fred Wakein, Sundierland, was weekend guest of bis cousin, Miss Eva J. Wakelin. Miss Ina Pethick, Toronto, is bol- idaying wtb ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Pethick., Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raven,St. Thomas, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Knight. Miss Viola Gilfillan, B. A., Kin- cardine, is visiting ber mother. Mrs. Jas. Gilfillan at Kalmar Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Elliot and three sons, St. John, N. B., are vis- iting ber sister, Mss. R. E. Logan. Mr. Bud Pethick bas returned te Dutton after spending bis holidays at Bowmanville Beach and French River. Misses Phyllis, Jean and Sbirley George of Smithfield., are vsiting tbeir grandmotbes, Mss. B. M. War- nica. Messrs. Bradley Honeyman and Wilfrid Ramsden, Toronto, spent Sunday wth Mr. and Mrs. A. Hon- eyman. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Creepes, Tor- onto, spent the weekend with bis parents, Mr. and Mms. H. B. Creeper and other relatives. Màsses Ethel and Hallie Emeir- son and Miss Margaret Poster, Tor- onto, wbo are on a holiday trip te Ottawa called on Mss. J. N. Lawrie, on Tuesday. Town Clerk A. J. Lyle is holiday- ing with Magistrate and Mrs. R. M. Cotton at their summer cottage at Burnt River. Mr. and Mms. B. E. Ingham. and sons Mac and George bave returned f rom an enjoyable motos trip tbrougb Quebec province. Mrs. Leonard Richards, Salem, and Miss E. Bigelow, Tyrone, spent a pleasant week camping with Mrs. Garnet Richards and frîends, Mus- koka. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith and daugbter Margaret, Windsor, were recent guests of Mr. and Mss John Challis. It is 31 years si;nce Mr. Smitb le! t Bowmanville. Mr. and Mss. Richard E. Brown, Cannington, Mr. and Mrs. McKague, and others. motored te Bowmanville and visited the former's brother, Mr. Jas. T. Brown,.Kingston Rd. E. If you're looldhefôr real values, read the advts. this week. You may be a winner o! one o! the valuable cash prizes. Corne te Bownianvlille prepared to spend on Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Benison, London, England, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ben- son, Montreal, Que., Capt. Yorke- Hardy, Sudbury, were recent guests o! the formner's cousin, Mrs. A. Hon- eyman. Mss. H. Ashlee, Church St. was bostess te a large number o! ladies at a raspberry social on Frlday ai- ternoon wben a nice aniount o! money was ra'lsed for St. John's Cburcb funds. Mr. and Mss. L. S. Dumas and children visited bis sister, Mm. Jam- es Milligaiî, North Bay. Mrs. Ro- mane Dumas returned home with them, and is visiting Mrs. G. W. Grant, Toronto. Mrs. Harry Foster, Mss. Norman Hamnley and daughter Jean, Misses Margaret Treblicock and Greta Wic- kett have returned f rom a moter trip teo tto4wa and -tbe Signiory Club, Lucerne, Quebec. A mesry party composed of Misses Jean and Eileen Wight, Annie Allin, Mary Jewell ,Helen Smale, Beryl and Helen Tiff in, Margaret Wight- man and Miss Vera Power are en- joying a week at Ca.esarea, Lake Scugog. The Evening Auxiliary of Trnity W. M. S. entertained tbe membems o! tbe Baby Band on the churcb lawn on Tuesday afternoon when a nice crowd was present te enjoy the garnes and the eats whicb were geai- erously served at the close. Miss Jessie Louise (Betty) Gar- land, daugbter of Mr. and Mrs. Nichois Garland whose engagement to Mr. Alex W. Mitchell, son of Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. Geo. G. Mit- cheil, aIl o! Toronto, is announced, the marriage to take place in Sep- tember. COMING EVENTS Madam Nevada, Palmist will be at the Bowxnan House. Bowmanville, on Frlday, Aug. 3rd, from 3 to 10 p. m. Reserve Civic HWiday, bMJondy, August 6tb for St. Joseph's Garden Party, on White Rose Service Stat- ion lot, corner King and Liberty Streets. Games, Amusements, re- freshxnents. Draw for cash prises. OFFICE CLOSED Dr. Storey's office will be closed, July 3th to Sept. lat. 30-4 OFFICE CLOSED Dr. Bell's Office will b. closed f rom June 28th until August lSth. OFFiMCE CLOSE» Dr. Bcnmycastle's office wll b. cloeed f rom Thursday, August 2nd unt.ll Monday, August l3th. 13-2w Mdusic FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Ba. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. Pupis vreuared for aul examninations. Privatead cla lemons at moderato rates. eowmanvtiII. Ont. 40-lyr KENDAL Miss Mabel Seans, Bewdley, visit- ed at Mr. Wes. Elliott's. Miss Ethel Boyd, Newcastle, was home on Wednesday. Mr. Clarence Bell visited at Mr. C. K. Philip's, Port Hope. V'Il be weing you at Bowmanville Rotary Fair, Wednesday night. Mrs. Hansuk and family, Oshawa, are bolidaymng at Mr. John Patton's. Miss Marguerite Bell is vlsiting lier aunt, Mrs. Thomas Stapleton, Newtonville. Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson and granddaughter,: Port Hope, visited at Mr. Milton Robinson's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. W Baxnsey, Mrs. Jos. Austin and Mr. Lawrenoe Bam- sey, Welcome, visited at Mr. L. D. Bell's. The annual field day at the Har- vey Jackson Memorial Park was a great success. There were large crowds both afternoon and evening. The basebail games were of great in- terest and the cup was won by Gar- dien Hill.1 One of the oldest residents, Mrs. Cooper, f ell and broke her ankie. Recently ber son, Mr. Chas. A. Cooper, was kîcked by a horse and had his arm broken. Her daughter, Mrs. J. R. Hancock, Colbourne, re- cently fell off a step ladder and was seriously hurt. The congregation was deligbted on Sunday morning to hear again their owýn pastor, Rev. Thos. Wal- lace. Taking for bis subjeet '"Jesus Exactly Suits Me", he delivered a wonderful sermon. On account of the absence of the organist, Mr. Neil Stewart. who is in Toronto taking a course in music, Mr. Wallace played. Mr. Mellor also took part of thie ser- vice. 11 Mr. C. J. Howard, wbo bas been for soine years at Nestleton, bas taicen up residence ai Bloomnfield. Mr. Howard was in charge of tbe forestry plantation at the Sand- banks when it was established. Rheumatism LUMBAGO qulekiy relleved by thnew treatment- FuIUy Guaranteod 1 RU MACAPSi Prime Steer Deef RAISED AND SLAUGHTERED IN DURHAM COUNTY Cawker's Contribution ta Better Bowmanville Days ROUND STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK lac lb. 2 Lbs.35C These Prices Good Only between 9.30 a. m. and 11.30 a. m. on Friday, and between 9.30 a. m. and 11.30 a. m. and between 7.30 p. m. and 10 p. m. on Saturday. Cash and Carry only at these prices. Ce* M. Cawker & Son Phone 64 Bowmanville I 'i - EVELYN HOWARD THEATRICAL COLD CREAMI . 58lb Other Evelyn Howard Produets Face Powder .... 43e Perf urne ........5oc Vanlsblng Cream ...43o Brliantlne .... 34o Skin Food ...... 59o FOR THE HOLIDAY Films - Complete Stock Bathlng Cape 9c, 150, 250, 390 Plenlo Plates....... 10e doz. Pionle Cuve......10e doe. Paper Napklnm, 50 .... 150 SPECIAL PRICES Thompson's Shavlng Creain 5 Lucky Stroke Blades ..35o iM ebuoy Soap.... 3 fer 19o 50c Zarnbuk ......... 29o ICE CREAM 80F? DRINKS ALE#'"X McGREGOR, Drugs SPHONE 92 PIRESCRIPTONS A SPECALTY WR DELVER 16e lb. 2 Lb.30C BOILING BEEF Per Lb. se CHUCK ROAST 0F BEEF Per Lb. I10e - t - The Statesman Special Off or 50e, Statesman will be sent to a new subscriber in Canada ta, end of 1934 - 5 months - for 50c. This off er good only on Better Bowmanville Days. Coupons given with every dollar paid on new, renewal or arrears subscriptions paid on Friday or Saturday. Big HaIF Price OFFer ýuaIity to the -Fore Again This week we feature Evelyn Howard Quality Tellet Article.. Eacb article Io the best of lis type obtainable. Specli ric. Feature: I Dustan's Cash Hardware LIMITED SUPPLY - BUY NOW f