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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Aug 1934, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT I ORONO LEGALvisited at ber summer home bere. LEGAL - Mrs. Roy Penfound, Lind.say, vis- ited Mrs. M. H Staples M. G. 47. GOULD, B.A. LL B. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jackson and Barrister. Solicitor,* Notary friends visited Mr. A. J. Staples. Phone 351 Mr. Kenneth Hall is in Kingston Royal Bank Building, Bomavletaking a course of military instruct- _________ion. W. R. STRIKE Miss M. A. Taylor visited ber sis- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary ter, Mrs. Almond Blewett, New. Tor- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal onto. Money to Loan. Phone 91 Miss Louise C'owan, Toronto.. is Bowmanville, Ontario holidaying at her f ather's, Mr. Geo. Cowan. L. C. MASON, B. A. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wilson, Ott- Barrister - Solicitor awa, visited his mother, Mrs. C. G. Notary Public - Etc. Armstrong Law in ail its branches. Miss olive Cowan, Bowmanville, Office immediately east of Royal visited ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theatre. W. J. Cowan. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. Mrs. Alex Lang, Chicago, Ill., is visiting her daugbters and sister, DENTAL utwhobas been visiting DR. J1. C. DEVITT ber aunt, Mrs James Brown, lef t Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Sunday for Muskoka. Gradateof oya Detalcoîege Dr. R. H. Breslin and Dr. W. W. Gradate f Roal enta ColegeBresin and wif e. Toronto, visited Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg their sister, Mrs M. Cowafl. Bowmanville. Office bours 9 a. mi Mr. and Mrs. Watson anld Mr. and te 6 p. m. daily except Sunday Mrs. Stevens, Port Hope. spent Mon- Phone 90. House phone 283. tMrR.SCrfth. X-Ry Eauimen inOffce. Misses Mary KuCox and Marion Dicksofl are examiniflg papers at the FUNERAL DIRECTOR Departnent of Education at Tor- onto. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Young People's League canipf ire Service, any hour, any day service will be held on Monday. Aug. F. F.MORRI C t, games in charge of Miss Betty Modern Motor Equipment Mrs. C. G. Armstrong and two Ambulance and Invalid Car daughters, Mrs. Kari Katz and Mrs. Cail Phone 10 or 34, Wallacet Jamieson, motored to Wilb Assistant, 573liamsburg. BOWMANVILLE Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Cbapman and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Ellerby, Hamilton, NORTHCUTT & SMITH were guests wth Rev J. H. and Mrs. Gomplete Funeral Service Osterbout. Modem Equipnient - Ambulance Mrs. James Brown, wbo Tuesday last celebrated her 95th birthday, is A. W. G. Northcutt - Aubrey Smith receiving congratulations of ber Pbone Days 58 numerous f riends. Nlghts, Sundays or Holidays Mr. and Mrs. George Stanton of Phone 523 or 276 Toronto - were visitors at bis step- mother's, Mrs Stan ton, who con- Repairs tinues in poor bealth. R. PA W SON Mrs. N. G. Madge and faxnily, B001 AND SHOE REPAIRING Providence, R. I., and Mrs. Tbomp- Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitchlng smn, New York, are occupying the Machine. Prices reasonabie. late Mrs. Hunter residence. King Street East - Bowmanvilll. Opposite Gartons Bus Station 9-tf Miss Eleen Riddell. League dele- gate, and Miss Betty Rowe, and Messrs Milton Green and Bill Brown are attending summer SCbool at Oak WE DEI VER Lake. WE DEIVERMr. and Mrs. C. E. Crease, Toron-- Pure C ean to, visited ber Parents. Mr. and Mrs Pur .. Fn red Cowan. Miss Ethel Ruther- ford accomipanied tbem and remain- PASTEURIZED ed for a visit. lhe John Thcmpson faim, 110 Fresh NI il k acres, south of Leskard. againchn ged oççnersbip. three brothers. Messrs. John. Cbarley and Everett -TO - Stapleton, lecoming the new own- Bowmavilleers. BowmavilleDr. and Mrs. McCIlUand and Mr. Bowmanville Beach and Mrs. R. R Foster, Toronto, Mr. HamptonL. T. Foster. manager of the Bank Hamptolln of Commerce at Mt Hope, and wtfe, Enniaillenspent Sunday at tbeir f ather's Mr. Burketon Robert Foster Messrs Charley Cowan, Jack No- Blackstock den and Harry Morris took their Caesarea speedY herses te Tborncliffe race Newcstletrack. Toronto, wbere tbey are en- Newcstîetered in the events of the Grand Newcastle Beach Circuit trotting races. NewtovilleOn Saturday evening Orono was Newtovilef avored by an unusual entertainiment In ail these centres Bowan- in the ferm of a band concert by a. vile Dafry MUlk h recognlzed real flute band, the Sons of Ulster as the cleanest. purest, and Bnrd of Oshawa. under leadership rlehest nilk available. If you of Mr. Humphrey Carvell. haven't tried It yet Phone 446 Mr Sid Hugbson and son Gien of and we wlhl cati. Toronto visited his father's, Mr. C. J. Hughson. Sid, Whio is a leading Bowmanville bandsman, witb the 48th Highland- time 0f bis ie when the band re- Dairy ýcPntlv visited the World's Pair at Cbicago. W'. H. Betties, Prop. On July 18tb aI the parsonage, Phone 446 Rev. J. H. Osterhout. B. A.. B. D., uniled in marriage Jobn David Flet- cher and Catherine Gilmour. both of Toronto. The witnesses were H. A. Brown cf Newcastle and Florence yy arreli of Bowmanville. The happy C. H. TuckOpt. cul ilrsd nTrno Robert, McGrath. a native rof Eyesigt Speiali , Clarke township, born on theod Author of: Sixth Lifle. dit'd at Richmond Hill. OPtometry Feature Service r July 21s1 from tbe effect of a stroke. The Child and lit Interment at Richmond Hill Cerne- Development tery~. Orono relatives attending the Speciaîizing exclusiveîy In funeral ivere Mrs. F. J. Hatll and muscle anomalies, eyesgbt Mir and Mrs. Ed Morton: Mrs. and lases.Morur andI other relatives f rom the Phone iSxh1ie for appointment 151 Mr. T.A. Browu of Ottawa and Dlsney Bidg. Opp. P. 0. Rev Sam G Brown, Richmond, Qýue., called on friends bere recently. Tomn Osha wa, Ont. vas a one-time popular teacher bere and many of bis oId pupils retain pleaan.ritnmmries 0df the yeanrs 1R- King st. E.- BowmanvUlle Jq.tý Camdian National Exhibition wW e hld n Trono, u&ut 2thLEAS ------ IE te september 8th. Liver troubles and lieadaches ds- SOtE PEOPLE - -- -- awpear when you take Klpp's Un- APE âuÇT POPN equalled Herb Tablets. Sold by Mc- - o PO k. Gregor'ag Drug Store. Phone 92. T 1OPE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAIqVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2nd, 1934 RO ADCRAFT TIRES GUM CUSHUONED MADE BY GIJTTA PERCHA EVERY RQADCRAFT TIRE IS 4atEt?4'/ 7 e The Roadcraft Tire - made by Gutta Percha- is a guaranteed medium- priced tire. The Guarantee is backed by the maker's 50 year reputation for square- dealing. No other tire in this price class is protected by the ~ISNOCK ABSORDERS moulded int the Road- craft Tire. GUTTA PERCHA & RUBBER. LIMITED Hesd Office: TORONTO, Canada. Branches from Coast to Coast. GUTTA PERCHA TIRES SOLD BY Dean Hodgsonm WHITE ROSE CARS WASHED SERVICE STATION AND POLISHED KING & LIBERTY STS. BOWMANVILLE Beneath the roof of the combined tonal Exhibition, in reality one unit Coliseum, Horse Palace and Live because they are joined, Ihere are Stock Pavilion at the Canadian Na- 241/2~ acres of floor space. Tline:. Du ring the full moon of August. Place: Lake William, Lunenburg County, Nova Scotia, Canada. Seene: A beautitul woodland lake with aloplng banks clothcd with evergreens and silver birches. Perforînirs: The licensed guides of Nova Scotia, true sports- Men, celebrated for their skill ln the varlous arts of hunting and woodcraft. L ake William, Nova Scotia, bas become well known in recent Years as the scene of the Sports Tournament of the Nova Scotia Guides. These men stage a full week's program unique on tbis continent in atmosphere and ap- Peal. Hundr'eds of tents are set amid majestic pines and bircbes, and at night the scene bas irre- sistible charm. Numberless camp fires light up the surrounding forest and lake and the moon- beams strike the water and stray through the trees. Crowds gather around the camp fires and bearty communitY einglng is a pleaslng feature. The days are gfven over to a varied and Interesting program.g 200 yard ranges are provided for . heavy rifle contesta and separate« ranges for the .22 rifle and re- volver contests. The Trap Shoot- ing Association of the Maritime Provinces of Canada bold their annual shoot in connection with these sports. A sholtered coveE affords a fine oetting for fly-cast- ing from a float along a line of markers to show distance. Last Year Bill Edson, champion fly-f caster of New England, broke thef worlds record for distance at ibis Meet., Exciting canoo races and burlesque and spectacular con- tests furnisb fun and varlety. Tub races, greased pole contests, canoe tiltlng, kettle bolling and landing the human fish are amongst the regular stunts. The latter Is a strenuous contest between the best fly caster and a powerful swimmer with a special harnesa over bis ehoulders. The Nova Scotia Governmenî exhibits ai this Meet native wlld animais Includ- ing moose, deer, bear, raccoon and others, also native birds. M'any who attend the Nova Sc- tia Guides Tournament bring lent and blankets and rough il among the big trees. Others find abun- dant hotel accommodation ln nearby hotels, countl-y Inns or farmhouses. 0f course the besi cf fare ta served on the grounda. The dates for the 1934 Meet are Augusi 20-,25. ROY NICHOLS BOWMANVILLE COURTICE Nova Scotia Guides Provide Real Thrills 4 1~ L t,.-.

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