SE lfa1 tate an With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmnanville News VOLUME 80 BOWMANVLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1934 NUMBER 32 Calithumpian Parade, HaiF Mile Long Tkrilling Preliminary to Rotary Carnival Fi've Bands from Bowmanville, Orono, and Oshawa Interspersed Magnif icent Showing of Floats - Cow- boy A. D. Kean on Famous High Jumper and Polo Pony Marahalis Parade - nounced Described by many oleokers as .ý one o! the f ineat parades staged lu k: Bowrnanville, te Rotary Calithuin-C pian procession ou Wednesdsy uighta titrilled a crowd which packed each 0 ide o! the street the entire length b o! te parade. I The parade !ormed up at Centraln Public Schoal, and with !ive baudsC distributed throughout the parade s nuniber o! spectacular !loats sda fine displays proved a big attract.I The parade was led by Cowboy A.I D. Kean, noted Toronto Star Week-p ly writer, sud for te greater part o! bis ie a cowboy o! the westernC prairies. He was dressed lu ail the colorful trapplugsansd regalia o! a$ cowboy froni tee wild sud woollyi West, witit a maguificeut saddle sud equiprnut, aud mouuted upon itisc famous higit jumper, Platinin, well known throughout Canada noV ouly as a jumper but as a polo pouy. This magnificent beast is uow a broadd mare on Mr. Kea's f arm east o! town.$ The Ontario Regimeut Bugle Baudc paraded with the Oshawa Rotar- ians, the latter carrying Japanese1 parasols andi bannera o!fteir club.U Then followed te floats in the var- ious classes. iuterspersed vth te i Orono Regliental Baud, te Ulster Plute Baud o! Oshawa, the Bow- utanville Legion Baud, sud the Pur- pIe Guards Pife sud Druin Baud o! Bowmauvihle. The display o! uew automobiles was exceptioually large, sud while entries lu some classes did not ma- terialize they were exceptioualhy heavy lu mauy classes. In te class for te best float o represent f irm's products or goods, Brookdale-KiunKsway LVd. bad two very fiue floats, while S. J. Jack- man & Sens, Mason & Dale, sud J. lu! antine, aIl had single floats which bespoke of mucit thought sud labor sud were a credit o these eu- erprising business men. Iun te Panmer's section te On- tario Training Scitool made a very fine Iudian tableau, wiile Roy Sta- cey o! Burketon with bis lively team o! goats sud wagon, sud Oea. B. Bickle & Sou, wit a magnificent display o! fruit sud vegetables, wene also in this casas. And so te par- ade weut ou with uo lesa titan s dozen entries lunte delivery class. The participauts in te parade made a very fine job o! titeir floats and are deserving o! great credit. One o!fte big attractions was s urnout o! nine poules owued by Mn. Huge Crowd Seesj at Scugog's Sever Many Oshawa and Bow- manville Entrants Win Prizes - Motor Boat and Sea Flea Races Provided Thrills - Prominent Citi- zens Attend Prize Pre- sentations With hundreds of people lining the entire length of the course, the seventh annual Lake Scugog Regatta provided a program o! real thrills on Civic Holiday at Casearea. At the conclusion o! a program. last- lng f rom early morning until sup- per trne, Barbara Smith, 15 year old Oshawa girl, was awarded the Harran Trophy, the grand aggregate prize for women at the Regatta. She outdlstanced ail entries in the 16 and under, 18 and under and the women's open swims. She was ar Exhibition wlnner last year. The Shady Acres Trophy, grand aggregate prize for men was taker by Richard Reeves o! Lindsay who placed f irst in the men's single can- oe race, the meI's double canoe race, the tilting event andi was sec- ond in the mixed doubles canoe race. Outboard motor races, sea f lea raocis, mter boat races, together wth the swims and novelty numn bers provided an ail round prograrn whlch was enJoyed by the largest crowd ever to witness this popular event. Summer cottagers f rom WiI- liamis Point, Pine Point, Armstrong's Point, Washburn Island and the Janetville district turned out in large numbers, and pledged thel: support to the regatta for the future >'bellevlug Caesarea to lie the Ideal spot for such an event on Lake Scu- gog. conclue~ng the day's progran the prizes were presented at a large- iy attencbedi gatherlng at Frayer's Tourist Camp. Dr. L. B. Williams, President o! the Association, con- gratulated the winners o! the var- bous events and cornmented that thià 4Wi ns Car at Rotary Carnival Hugh Short, Courtuce, ANNAPOLIS CELEBRATES LANDING 0F CHAMPLAIN - Judges' Awards Are An- J. L. Morden o! the internationaily known Cream. of Barley Tourist Camp. Four o! these were drivenJ abreast lu a little buggy, while thel other f ive were ridden by costumed boys. hu every class. tee entnies were as lnteresting, aud this f act was especialiy commented on by Col. Frank Chappeil, Osbawa, re- presenting General Motors o! Can- ada, who was the chief judige. Prises were awarded as f ollows: B*st Float Vo represent f irm's products or goods-lst, Broekdale- EKingsway LLd., J. Jessen driver, $5. Best Parmer's Ploat or NoveltY Eroup-lst. Boys' Training School, $3.00; 2ud, R.oy Stacey Burketon, $200; 3rd, Geo. B. Bickie & Son, Best representation o! comic strip character-lat, Mavis Garton and Lorna Sanders, as Jiggs and Maggie. $200. Best cornAc float-lst, J. L. Mor- den, $300; 2nd. Fred W. Nelles. $2.00. Best decorated car-lst. Miss Le- ola Miller, $3.00. Best Delivery Truck or Wagon- lst, Dominion Stores Ltd., $3.00; Special Extra! Champlain lands uevertheless, the li 2nd, Sheppard & Gill Ltd., $2.00. in Canada! Famous French explor- ed the coming o! Best clown or comic grup-Mar- rccssvs ca n ad this year durlug1 ion and Yvonne Challis sud Ruth oug strange people at Port Royale! replica o! the shiP Ling, lst, $3.00. Boys' Best Decorated Bicycle-lst. Though the actual happening ook lain landed thre John Stutt, $1.00; 2nd, Harold place back in 1605, and Port Royale ago, and the cou' Darch, 50c; 3rd, Arthur Darch, 25c. is uow knowfl as Anniapolis Royal, jof Samiuel de Chs Best costumed boy or girl on pony -lst, Leslie Darch, $1.00, 2nd, . 0 T O EH G R E Cawker, 50c.ST O EH G R N Best urnot, boY' MONDAYt, JA Big Shop, L. Morden, $1.00; 2nd, Jack Rice, PARTY BigYWA 50c; 3rd, Roy Swindells, 25c. H LD Y A T A TO Girls' best decorated doîl and H LD Y A T A TO Friday arn carniage - lst, Eleanor Johnston, $1.00; 2nd, Joan Mortlock, 50c; 3rd, Tor~onto Lady Wins $50.00 Cs Jean Living, 25c; honorary mention. Prize - Oreno and BowmanvMle A e G r Dorothy Bickell. People Winners of Other A eG e The conuittee responsible for thePrm- parade consisted of Rotarians Oeo. W. James, chairman, T. Wesley Despite nuinerous counter at- Co-operating Cawker and Frank Williams. tractions, b.uudreds o! citizens o! ail port Busy The judges o! the main events creeds attended St. Joseph's Roman Rbis were Col. Frank Chappell and W. H. Catholic Church big aunual Gar- Rbis James. of General Motors Head Of- de, Party on the White Rose Gas Gili, Bowl f ice. Oshawa. who were assisted lu Station grounds on Civic Holiday. the events for children by Mrs. Geo. Promi eaily in te eveniug until Clinton Li W. James, Mrs. T. W. Cawker and midnight when the main cash prises Mrs. F. Williams. were drawn, a steady crowd o! pat- manville, V~ The veteran circus man, Charles rous kept the various bootit atten- Eddy o! Newcastle, lu silk bat and dants busy. Better Bowman Prince Albert coat, aud mountedi ou Owen Fagan, Joe Sheehan, Bill day and Saturde his chestnut mare. was te oldeat Clarke, sud Joe Laphen had charge standing success man in the parade, being well over o! the Grocery, Gi! t, Free Money, and mercithant, the 70 mark. while littie Joan Mort- sud Horse Raclug Booths respective- night when the lock, aged 2 years sud 8 moiiths. ly. While Mrs. Frances Clarke di- lected, several thc was the youngest in the parade. rected the busy operations in the presenting purch bot dog sud refreshint stand, more each were Miss Lillisu Clarke, the Ice Creain draw made by1 and Soft Drinks,, and Miss Vera at il pan. A quatic Sports Brown, the Fiait Pond. All these In addition tc booths did a fine business. several merchi A IThe principal attraction o! the many customers( RotaGarden Party was the draw for the te coupons, hl nth nnua Reg tta generous cash prises about mid- in the rush. Th( ________________________ ight. The draw was conducted by hundreds o! trans Owen Pagan, with little Miss Mary $1.00 each. year's regatta surpassed that o! any Pagan drawin'g the wnning tickets. True to bhis cu: previouis year. First prise of $50,00 went Vo Mrs. Mayor Ross SVri Reeve Norman Green, W. J. Bragg 1 Jas. Coulter, Torouto; 2nd. $25.00 Vo Post Office shar M. L. A., and Russell Nesbitt K. C., A. Quiiiiiey, Onono; 3rd, $15.00, Vo il o'clock sud ai M. L. A., Toronto aIl spoke brie! ly Robt. Keunett, Bowmanville; sud tbousands o! co on the question o!fte higitway ex- 4t, $10,00 to Miss Horsey. King St., f or te lucky p tension froin Port Perry, west Vo Bowmianville. In other draws Jack sue: Nestleton and Vo Peterboro. Mr.I Brough got a real raszing when he $10,00- Art Bragg stated that already a depu- won the baby set o! sweater sud $5,00- Mrs. .tation o titis end had met cordial bonnet, while îittle Miss Helen manville. consideration f!rom the Hepburn Joues, daughter o! Gilbert Joues, $3,00 - Mr. C Groverimnt. Reeve Green stressed manager of the Dominion Stores, mauville. tite importance o! titis highway be- won a itaudsome patchwork quilt. Merchants in ,cause o! the growing importance o! Rev. Fathai' J. P. McGuire, pas-titan pleasedi wit] the tourist colony along the shores tor of st. Jo)seph's, was more titan two big days' t ,o! Lake Scugog. This tourist section pleasedi with the result o! the party, the general opir 1was good for business, be saidi, sud sud stated YesterdaY that the re- was by f ar the b greatly eased fartnera o! their ax ceipts were in excess o! those o! a pite te betweei *burdens. year ago. Titrougit these colurnns wearing apparel - Russell Nesbitt stated that while Father McGuire wlshes to express ported splendic rhe was noV uow a member o!fte bis appreciation Vo the members sud grueery store t, B party in power te promoe the higb- aditereuts o! ail churches WhO SO Better Bov.'maul Eway extension, he was stili aroundi generously supportedi his congrega- also report excep L. o prod them on. The tourist pois-. ion in their annual appeal. ness. Many merc] 5ibiities aV Lake Scugog, at the iteae à- sirilar shop e O! the Kawartha Lakes was empha- staged early iu asised by all speakers. MAYOR ROSS STRIKE How it The comutittee in charge o! the WINS MIXED DOUBL.ES Pollowing are 1regatta was greatly pleasedi wititIhATEN rMIO cerniug Better rbotit entries sud success o! the Osh- INESTR OV mde by zame 0 awa sud Bownuanville entrants, aud participating c'! - appreciatien was expressedi o! The Mayor Rosa Strike. with Miss urday. 1Statesmau's interest lunte regatta Ruth Fishleigit, both members o! Miss T. MurP suad ts editor's presence at tee meet. tee Oshawa Tennis Club, won the arn well please Those responsible for te success- Eastern iOntario Mixed Doubles title We itad au ex< f ul affair were: Past Presîdeuts. J. iu a tauruarnent helM at the Oshawa, on Saturday." aStacey, F. Whyte. J. Caster; presi- Tennis Club courts on Civic Holiday. Mr. C. A. Joh rdent, Dr. L. B. Williams: vice-preai- They de! eated A. W. (Arry) AnTi- ston & Cryden -dents, R. J. Sheppard, J. T . Hodg- strong sud Miss Harriet Swail, botit was much bett nson, N. Robinson; secretary, Harry o! Oshawa. 6-4, 6-3. Matyor Strike' diys. We coi: ýt Sears; treasurer, George Yeo. itehd tee Eastern Ontaio Singles some o! our dre rResuits of Events tile hast year. add Vo tee numi Water Sports--Swim, boys il sud o -l. 's under, 20 yards. L. Wseman, G. Mr, Çrabb, >e Slosu, H. Peu! ound. Swim-Girls, 11 LOW PRICE FOR BINDER TWINE "Better BowmsI * sud under, 20 yards, Owen DeGuerre, aatisf actory. M~ * B. Smth, dnx1" Brown. Swim- In Rice & Co.'s advt ast week te tioually good d .e Boys, 13 and ifier, 30 yards, Peter pnice o!Iltitat f amous Plymnouth Bmn-favrbywt iBurke, D. Brownbridge, George dr Twine should have read "Extra had titis year." L- Rahph. Swirn-Glrls, 13 and, under, Manila. 550 f . per lb. 9c," which la Alex McGre 30 yards, B. Cooper, H. CIi-rO1i; A. a mighty 10w price for good binder campaîgu wasi n Love. Swini-Bays, 16 sud under, twine. We did a splenc -50 yards, D. Joues, A. Hewitt, G. coupons made u 's Spencer. Swim-Olrhsa, 16 sud under, L. W. Nelsc , Barbara Smith, Helen Carroll, Betty In te Live Stock Pavilion aVtee "Business was 1r- ooper.S ln-s,1R and iunder, Canadisu National Exhibition there expected IVTli BOWMANVILLE FIRE H uge Crowd Supporl ATIGRSLME Aid of Crippled Kig L5ocal Firemen and Canadian Legion Band Attract Much Attention at W. A. Dixon, Oshawa, Wins Annual Fire Fighters' Con- B e s o m n il , T r vention on Ulvie Holiday Bes omnîlTr Bowmanville Pire Brigade and the 5000 Sees Mayor Ross Stri Leglon Band attended the firemen's - President 'red Crydern demonstration held at Ingersoll on Monday, August 6th, and recéived a jation hearty welcome when they arrived. Leavig townm at 5.20 a. m., stopn Hugh Short of Courtice, with tic- an at Cookville and Paris enroute, they ket No. 4361, was the fortunate wlu- arrived at Ingersoll at 9.40 a. .ieron. 94Ceroe oca e They paraded from the schoL ner o! the R1934 CrvletCacat ce-ly grounds with the band, through theBomnieRtayarvaato-y main streets to flire hall where they tary Park on Wednesday night. ke dispersed till 1 p. m. when a parade Shortly bel ore rnidnight, Mayor ro o! ail brigades and bands was f orm- william Ross Strike brought a most thi ed and marched to the park, a dis- successful fair to a f itting climax tance of two miles. Forty seven bri- as he drew f rom the huge shaker ta gades and ten bands in ail took part the three winning tickets. The sec- tri Pancy drilling by the Burlington ond prise o! a gent's gold watch, ha and Thorold brigades was a treat went to W. A. Dixon, 90 Bond St., JPc to ail. and the rest o! the afternoon Oshawa, with ticket No. 6537, wblle W was spent in sports until 6.30 p. m. the third prize, a Goodyear automo- ar when they started for home, ai:riv. bile tire, went to Jos. H. Byers, Lib-a ing in town about 12.30 a. m. The erty Street, Bowmanvllle. with No. p Legion Band and the f iremen f rom 1849. iea Bowmanville got a great hand f rom The draw concluded one o! the in the crowd as tbey marched past the most successful Rotary Pairs held( judges' stand. A lot o! thanks goe by the local club. While it is net Of to the Legion Baud for the music possible to even estimate the pro- 0 they rendered and also the driver ceeds at this time. the huge crowd, yi o! the bus, Mr. William Walmsley, conservatively estimated at 5000, re- le a former Bowrnanville boy who did mained in the iark until a late'hour fc his duty to the satisfaction o! ah. ptronizing the man booths. H Saine booths sold out quite earlY BR in the evening, while the 5c and 10c I-% FUNCTIONS 0F PRESS bootbs seemed te do a land office Idi business f romi the turne the f air op-IR SUBJECT 0F ADDRESS ened followlug the parade until it & AT ROTARY MEETING closed with the draw. The 25e M booths f ailedf secure as much sup- M port as usual, this probably being - Member O! Statesinan Staff Leaves due te, the recent holiday and its G Reportorial Chair *te la!orm uecessary expenditures. L Rotarians on Activities of a The booths were gaily decorated T Weely Newspaper and well lighted, and the whole park C presented a gala appearance that (Contributed) attracted the huge crowd and kept oa *The meeting o! the Bowmanville it there till midnight. Noticeable in 'w Rotary Club on Friday took on a the crowd aud aiding lu every way t] somnewhat unusual aspect by reason possible were many Rotarians f rom. m of the f act that the speaker Was the Oshawa, Whitby and Port Hlope. si "chiel axnang ye takin' notes" at the Be! ore the draw for the car, Geo.F regular weekly gatherings. Mr. B. W. James, Chairman o! the Parade a H. Mortlock, well known as a valued Committee, aunounced the judges' il imember of the staff of Canadian verdict in the parade which is giv- b Statesman, was called on at short en in another column. President notice te, address the meeting and Fred Cryderman o! the Rotary Club f inely demonstrated the versatility then briefly thanked the assembly of a newspaper reporter by acquit- for its co-operation and support and ting himsel! well. His subject was Prornised that Rotary would show t "~The Place of the Newspaper in the its appreciation by carrying on ta nl Community." the full the work which the public 2 Mr. Mortlock gave a very lucid de- bad so wholeheartedly supported di scription of the details entering into the making o! a newspaper, and clauned at tee outset that the week- lyoress fcte conty anan - Bowmanville Rinlc ý thy public opiion on matters a!- fecting the developinent of the commnunities served. He traced the Trop ky as Permanq news f rom tee time o! its happening tbrough the reporter's and the edi- tor's bauds, on te the typesettiug, READY TO RULE proof reading, make-up, printing raud circulation. The many ,details ---- ewere a surprise to mauy of the aud- ,. 4 eience, their chie! contact with the paper being when iL relâches their homes for reading. The saine me- chanical processes were followed in the advertising matter, tbough part o! the newspaper service was to as- esist advertisers in the preparation nO! copy that would lie profitable in sales promotion. y Next Vo the church. the newspaper ewas the greatest moral force in the ,. . ,fworld. the speaker said, and per- ,haps greater because it was gener-1 ýally non-secretarian, non-denomin- -ational. and non-poitical, seeking to, u4 c serve all interests in the commnmunity, rather than any particular section. - Speakiug of Bowmauville lu par-i ticular, Mr. Mortlock reminded bis1 hearers that church, lodige and ser- vice club work of every kind had .the interested co-operation o! the îd lishers being Vo do everything pos- ýy (Continued on page 3) ____________ - Archduke Otto Miss Marie Law, Toronto, aud .yMrs. C. Durham, Brantford, are vis- Son o! Austrla-Hungary's last Liting Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Dilllug. emperor, is awaiting the caîl to ýn M. an Mr. Chrle Pipr ud Austria's throne as monarchistis at- i- son Bert, Mr. Everett Gibson, Mr. eptouehersn dvl- at and Mrs. O. V. Mitchell, Ruth Jackie enta as a means o! restoriug Haps- >e and Allan, Miss Thelina Gildërs, Mr. burg rule. Norman Black, Toronto, spent civic Holiday vith Mr. and Mrs. A. E. TIITW .S ER i- Gilders. TIIYW .S ER s The Rev. and Mrs. Clareuce Regi- 0F MISSION IN CHINA ts nald Spencer o! Bewmanville an- t- nounice the engagement o! their rinity W. M. S. met In the school daughter. Margaret Ruth, to Mr. room Tuesday afternoon, August 7, I John Sylvester Ellis, elder son O! Mrs. G. L. Wagar, president, lu the s. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H-arvey Ellis chair. Meeting opened with hymn, ây cf Toronto. the marriage Vo, take Mrs. H. W. Foster at the piano, fol-1 place the latter part of September. lowed by the Lord's prayer lu uni-' -son. Af ter a short business session, 1 s teemeetng wa put Lcarge of i M Stores., 'We were exceptionally busy Mrs. E. Strike and ber group d Of Friday and Saturday. W e were well the f ollowlng prograin was g-- -AivSrD u e es n r .H enr. . MM" 'If ¶ :s Rotary Fair in ddies Wednesday GoId- Watch, and J. H. e- Crowd Estimated at ike Draw Winning Tickets man Voices Club'. Apprec- âd made possible at the Fair. Af ter the huge shaker had re- ived enough mixing to have near- rubbed the nunibers off the tic- Lis, Mayor Strike took off his coat, )lied Up his siseves, and drew the iree tickets as announced above. One of the blggest features and Lsks of the evening was the ex- .mely heavy traffic which was ndled magnifcently by Chie! of olice Syd. Venton and Constable ïalter Hall wlthout an accident of y kind. The RotaryClub is very ppreciative of the efforts of the oice in handling one of the heav- ýst traffic jarns seen in this towu ayears. Chairmen o! the Booth Committees fthe Fair, .who were aided through- ut the evening by a small army of ,ung Bowxnanville boys and lad- s, and i wves f Rotarian, were as llows: Hot Dogs and Coffee- larry Allun: Hams-T. H. Knight; Lingo-Fred C. Hoar; 80! t Drinks- V. P. Corbett; Blanket.s-C. E. Reh- tr; Sweaters-Ross Stutt; Horse aces-Frank Wllams and Everett iiiith: Bacon-Wes. Cawker; Free Joney-Tim Garton; F'rut-Frank dorris; Chairs-A. R. Virgin; Sugar -Dave Momrson: Money Gaine-I. 1.He!key; Flsh Pond, Grocerles and Ingerie Booths - Rotary Ans; reasurer's Booth-F. . Mellveen; ar-A. M. Hardy and Len Elliott. Rotarian Geo. Chase as manager )f the Fair, had the prelimlxnary work well planned as was shown by ie smoothness and efficiency in rlich the a!!alr was carried to so stisfactory a conclusion. President red Cryderman was here, there ind everywhere, urging both Rotar- [ns and the crowd along in the i- trests of crippled children. ATTENTION B.H.S. STUDENTS Principal L. W. Dippeil wlll be at the High School from 9 a. mn. to 12 non, Monday and Tuesday, August 2th and 2st, to interview any stu- dents regarding their courses. ~Vins Goodyear ent Club Possession J. D. Carruthers' Rink De- feated L. B. Nichols' Rink Also of Bowmanville, In Major Event at Bowling Toù,nament -Gimblett's Peterboro Rink W i nsà Consolation The Goodyear Bowling Trophy, oe of the outstanding and baud- omest trophies in Ontaro, became he permanent possession o! the Bowmanville Bowling Club on Mon- ay, when J. D. Carruthers' rlnk lefeated another Bowmanvlle rlnk, kipped by Luther B. Nichols lu the Primary competition at the an- niual Civlc Holiday Lawn Bowling rournament. F o u r~ Bowmanvllle inks were present to, de! end the rophy, and two reached the finals af ter a series o! thrilling gamnes. Whlle the Club executive bas not yet djecided what te do about the Trophy it is likely that It will be put up !or competition !or anther ten years. The tournainent was attended by twenty rinks !romn Oshawa, Whlt- by, Toronto, Sunderland, Port Hope, Peterboro and Bowmanvllle, and but for blg celebrations would have been more frein Toronto, Cobourg and 1Port Perry. The weather was perfect and the greens lu splendid shape and the result was a dellghtful day'a sport. Some exceptlonally !ine bowl- ing was wltnessed. Wlnners in the trophy event re- celved as prizes handsome silver pudding dishes, and the runners Up, sterling silver lnlald vases. The win- ners o! the consolation event were presented wlth three piece silver tea services and the runners Up silver bread plates. The tournament waz a great suc- csdue in large measure to the Lg ltime town wituess- fChamplain agalu te Indian Carnii- sshow "Jouas", a p n which Champ- te itundired years .terpart (modern) iamplain. ping Days d Saturday et Success Merchants Re- Days - Art )rono, Mrs. H. rnanville, and .unney, Bow - Win Prizes nille Days on FYi- [y proved an out- f or te customers andi on Saturday coupons were col- iusaud coupons, re- îases o! $1,00 or turued in for the Mayar Rasa Strike to tliese purcliases auts stated tat did net bother with Le soute were missed ere were o! course iactions o! less titan istomary puuctuality rike arrived at te rp at te stroke. of Lter rnixiug well te >upons, drew titree prizes. The winiiers Robbins, Onono. .Harold Gi11, Bow- lilut Lunney, Bow- ,general wene mone th te results o! Vhe business. IL seemed inion taL Satunday better day, sud des- en season ef!ect in stores every oune e i business. Every taking part luntthe ville Days campaigr ptionally heavy busi- chauts requested Vhsi pping canipaign lx the f ail. Swent Over Vte remarks con- 7Bowmnvlle Day! Sof te merchant, ni Friday sud Sat- phy, Evlyn Shop; " ed with te results ;>eptionally busy daý hnston, Couch John. ,an Ltd., "Buslues Ler durng thie two ipleeew ysold eut a ,s hunes, suditad to sbers origiiially Placet Wahker Stores Lt iville Days were ver We had, two exceî Laya, whlch compar Lany tisys we hav certainhy wortbwiu idid business, sud th us many extra sales in, Nelson's Store ;certalily net es %e coupons f ailed 1 nucit." sNabortood Sit